• Member Since 14th Jan, 2017


born in america raise in america love all anime and cartoons bookwarm adult and a mlp fan

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After browsing the magic books in the late afternoon Princess Twilight accidentally recites a spell that turns her back into a filly except with her new found ascension; she has now been turned into an Alicorn filly. Now the princesses of the sun and moon have to take care of her...for however long that is. Can they find a cure or will Twilight start her life over again?

I am sorry for any similarities to any other stories, I can assure you these are all my ideas.

Chapters (20)

This is a crossover with the 1986 Jim Henson film, Labyrinth. Yes, THAT Labyrinth, with David Bowie and goblins and glitter all over the place.

In general, it is a very SIMILAR plot to the film, but with many, many, MANY significant differences to keep consistent with the characters and their personalities.

Also, Twilight is a filly. I'm doing this as a take-off-ish-sort-of-thing of my roommate's (Chatterjoy) story, To Be Young Again, and I do have Filly Twilight's POV alternating every chapter or so, like she does, but I might add more than just 2 POVs.

Chapters (14)

Every day Celestia shares light and love with all the ponies of Equestria. In turn, they share their love with her. Still, the princess senses there is something missing. Something her heart longs for.

Something her responsibilities have denied her for all these years.

As luck would have it, she’s given a gift that will let her experience her deepest hearts desires and take her to a place she may never want to leave.


Inspired by the Alan Moore story, For the Man Who Has Everything.

Chapters (9)

It had been a while since Twilight had visited her friends through the mirror. Almost 2 years, in fact.
With this in mind, once she's finally able to clear her schedule, she ventures into the other world, eager to meet her friends once again, especially Sunset Shimmer.
The only problem is, when she goes through, she finds herself thrust into the middle of an unexpected conflict, involving her friends' country being invaded by another.
Caught up in the unexpected, Twilight will have to do her best to help her friends through this ordeal, or else they just might perish.

After all, the skies have no mercy.

Chapters (7)

Princess Celestia tasks Twilight Sparkle with uncovering the secrets of the ancient Sennen Puzzle, the most difficult game of intellect in the world. Upon completing the puzzle, she is granted a new type of dark magic, and by using its power, unleashes a new form of justice to those who would dare hurt her friends.

(No knowledge of the other show is needed to enjoy this story)

Chapters (3)

It was supposed to be a simple trip to visit an old teacher, Relic Hunter, at an archaeological dig. What it turns into, is another adventure.
When Relic Hunter passes away, Twilight tries to finish what her old archaeology teacher's monumental findings began: a puzzle that will take Twilight and her friends across Eqestria and beyond to solve.

Now beta read by: Bowow

Chapters (5)

When Spike is kidnapped by a gang of pirates, Twilight and her cavalcade of crazy characters venture the high seas in search of him.

Chapters (2)

A series of loosely related oneshots depicting different moments in Twilight's life where she relied on Celestia for comfort and advice, and those fewer yet no less important moments where she was able to return the favor.

I will be jumping back and forth along the timeline since I write the oneshots as they come to me. On that note, each oneshot will fit into one of three categories:

Filly - Stories depicting moments from before Twilight left for Ponyville.

Ponyville - Stories depicting moments from between the time Twilight left for Ponyville and the time she became an alicorn.

Alicorn - Stories depicting moments after Twilight ascended and became an alicorn.

Chapters (3)

After coming back from her adventure in the mirror world, Twilight is having trouble sleeping and is quickly approaching her breaking point.

Will contain spoilers for the movie. If you haven't seen it and are the type to be bothered by spoilers, do not venture further.

A little story that was supposed to be a oneshot, but was split in two. A bit of family fluff and comfort for Twilight after her adventure through the mirror.

Chapters (1)

'One thousand years ago, superstition, chaos and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness, it was a world of fear, it was the age of Ponygoyles!'

'Stone by day, flesh and friendship by night, we were betrayed by the Queen we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. Now, here in Manehattan, the spell is broken and we live again!'

'We are the defenders of harmony! We are Ponygoyles!'

Being Co-written With:
Lord Lycaon
Spirit Guide.

Cover Art by:

Chapters (10)