• Member Since 8th Feb, 2017


A lazy person from Poland who loves changelings and likes to write from time to time, even though he's not the best at it.

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Princess Celestia orders the invasion of Earth. Things don't go as planned.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Never Dream

Daniel is finally getting a taste of the good life. He's got the girl-mare rather, a family, and the champion's crown to boot! All good things must come to an end though, as a new challenger steps forward to call his legacy into question, and plans to do everything in his power to destroy it.

Cover Art is by Steiner Palomino stamayosuke@gmail.com

Chapters (19)

A new stallion in the market place catches the eye of Daisy. However, when seen with a mare by his side, her fellow flower ponies, Lily and Rose take it upon themselves to intervene.

I've never read any fics about this trio, so their personalities are what I've come up with on my own. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Warning; This is not to be taken seriously, and the degree by which humans win (spoilers) has been amplified for the purpose of comedy.
Have you been reading a 'Human/Pony War' fic and been wondering how the ponies are putting up a fight with medieval level weapons and magic, while we have firearms, nuclear weapons, armies the size of their entire population and most importantly, years and years of perfecting the art of war. This is how an actual human/pony war would go.... with comedy.
9/11/14- FUGGIN A, I GOT FEATURED! Holy crap I go to sleep after sending it for submission, wake up, check it, pretty good support, I go to school, come back and I have hundreds of comments, favorites and 10 new people followed me
10/11/14- Christ, we're 3 likes away from 1,000.

Chapters (1)

Having been assigned a project about researching lost civilizations, and learning how friendship could have helped them survive, the Student Six try to find something unique. They find in the form of a sphere hologram projection, which tells about a different world that is plagued by ghouls, deathclaws, and super mutants. A world where various factions fight for survival, and to rebuild the human race in their image. A world that is both harsh and dangerous where friendship and decent kindness are a rarity.

A World Of Fallout.

Thanks to Chaotic Note, Titanium Dragon, Black Hailstorm, and Anonymous for helping with this.

The Storyteller series belongs to ShoddyCast who I recommend you follow. I also suggest watching the series of the Storyteller if you are a Fallout Fan or want to get into the Fallout series which belongs to Bethesda.

Chapters (23)

The mane six take shelter in a place that is, for now, safe from a disaster occurring outside.

This gruesome tale of violence and death is not recommended for colts, fillies, or the faint of heart.

Chapters (1)

Lily is hungry, but the only person around to feed her is her sleeping father. So, what does any child do when they're hungry? They wake their parent and ask for food.

My Patreon. Help support me if you like my stuff! :rainbowdetermined2:

Chapters (2)

Celestia finds an abandoned baby Pegasus colt and adopts him naming him Zodiac.

This is rated Teen for one bad word Nathan says, luckily, he gets warned.

Chapters (22)

Darth Vader is one of the most despicable forces in the galaxy. Once a powerful and respected Jedi Knight, he betrayed the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order for the dark side of the Force. The newly christened Sith Lord was apprenticed to Darth Sidious and quickly became a master of the dark side. Vader was soon the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge by slaughtering all remaining Jedi.

An extension of Emperor Palpatine's will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings and kill any surviving Jedi. This mission brings him to the edge of the Outer Rim into the Unknown Region of the galaxy, in an unknown star system. High above an unnamed planet he duels with one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy in a starship battle. But during the battle his ship is damaged, and he crash-lands on the mysterious planet.

With his connections to the Galactic Empire severed, Vader must find a way out the land known as Equestria, inhabited by the strange creatures known as ponies. That, or he could take it over.

Chapters (12)

It started off as another normal Guys Night at the Friendship Castle... Well, as normal as Guys Nights can get anyways. The party of brave ponies and changelings gathers around the table, with Dungeon Master Spike sitting at the head waiting behind his screen. And yet, tensions seem unusually high tonight. Might have something to do with Pharynx being one of those Changelings invited. Oh well, least it can't get any weirder or more awkward than that time Discord was invited... Right?

Huge thanks to PonyJosiah13, Milksnipe and LegoLassy13 for the help on this story. Ponyjosiah and Milksnipe for the proofreading, and LegoLassy for teaching me the ins and outs of Dungeons and Dragons.

Chapters (1)