• Member Since 8th Feb, 2017


A lazy person from Poland who loves changelings and likes to write from time to time, even though he's not the best at it.

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My Little Pony crossed with Breaking Bad:

Several years in the future, a middle-aged Twilight Sparkle is diagnosed with a terminal disease. Facing hospital bills and having severed all ties with Princess Celestia several years ago, and making a meager living as a magic kindergarten teacher, she realizes that she needs to make more money to be able to support Spike.

She sees her opportunity and teams up with Pinkie Pie to produce and sell the popular new illicit drug "Crystal Spark", but runs into difficulties keeping her activities secret, especially since Applejack and Rainbow Dash are leading the Ponyville unit of Princess Celestia's elite anti-drug task force.

Chapters (9)

Once upon a time, 17-year old Eric Colby was just your average high school senior. His father worked for TechnoCorp Enterprises, the world's most prosperous science and technology corporation, and Eric himself was doing pretty well in school, for the most part.

But one night, everything changed.

After a series of unexpected events, Eric is suddenly transported into Equestria and mutated into a unicorn by a mysterious genetic sample. Discovered by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Eric struggles to adapt to his new form, while also trying to uncover a plot that could destroy both humans and ponies alike, and put the whole Universe in danger...

Takes place a short time after the movie, and is canon up to that point. The events of Equestria Girls did not happen during this timeline.

Rated Teen and or some frightening scenes and/or concepts, especially for some moments during the later phases of the story. Feel free to interpret their severity for yourselves. Comments, opinions, and likes are very much appreciated!

(Cover art is a composite image made of a modified Mane Six vector by shadowhillhcr, art of Equestria from orbit by alterhouse, and a vector of my OC Jade Dawn that was modified from an adult Button Mash drawing, author unknown.)

Chapters (6)

I'm Griffin, not much else to it. I've been bullied most of my life, which left me bitter and sarcastic. I'm a closet brony. What? You think I'm just gonna go out and tell a world that hates me that I watch a cartoon intended for little girls? I don't feel like giving the punks at school any more ammo. That's when cosmic powers decide I need to take a trip to my favorite fantasy land. But all is not sunshine and rainbows and it certainly won't be after I'm done with it. Equestria from the point of view of an extremely pissed off teenager, with a twist. Rust, the author of 'The Ballad of Echo the Diamond dog' is awesomesauce enough to have a cross over between our stories. Carnelian is a boss when it comes to art. Part of the 'Chess Game of the Gods'.

Violence, gratuitous swearing, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (101)

This story is a sequel to Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

Chrysalis has been driven out of Canterlot, her invasion defeated. However, an old friend from her time before becoming queen is more than happy to help her succeed with her plans.

Will these two achieve their goals, conquering pony-kind and ruling over them with iron fist and hoof? Or will they be stopped in time, preserving the peace that Equestrian has known for as long as can be remembered? There is more than just dreams of world domination at work, though, this is personal for Chrysalis and her rediscovered assistance.

Hopefully, the line that 'Evil never triumphs' will prove to be correct, or else a drastic change is going to descend upon not just Equestria, but the entire world.

Thanks to Avatar of Madness for the coverart.

Chapters (11)

Back before you left your old school, you didn't take jack sh*t from nobody. You didn't start anything with anybody, but you weren't a pushover. When you transfer to Canterlot High however, you're left as the new kid and you meet your worst challenge yet.

This story is told in the 2nd person. So don't take any dialogue seriously. I realize that some bits of dialogue can be offensive or straight up mean.

Chapters (11)

Prison is no place for a pony like Twilight Sparkle, but after being convicted of murder, she's sent to live in one for the rest of her natural life. That prison is Sawflank; a funny kind of prison with corrupt guards, cruel punishments, and an unusually sadistic warden. Using all of her knowledge, Twilight finds a way to survive in Sawflank, and maybe even a way out.

Major thanks to ShadowCM for the cover art

Chapters (1)

Limestone Pie never thought that she would have a friend outside of her family. Then again, having a sour personality and the look of a very angry pony always made her hard to approach. But when she saves the life of a human named Chris, she ends up making a friend that could last a lifetime.

However, what she doesn’t realize is how possible it is for her strange friendship to develop into something more.

Chapters (5)

Following the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant, Twilight goes to Canterlot in order to research the historical events of Hearth's Warming Eve. However what she finds leads her on a journey across the sea and into uncharted northern lands. When she returns, she is visibly shaken and refuses to speak of what she saw to anypony. While over time she starts to recover, there are important questions left unanswered. What did she see on her journey and perhaps more importantly, what followed her back?

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor

(15/10/2015) Turned status back to incomplete pending an Epilouge and Alternate Endings chapter as per comment suggestions.

After being banished by Celestia for his misdeeds, the alien Emperor of the Crystal Empire is back... and out for revenge.

Emperor Chalmers is not a happy space man. After being stabbed in the back by Equestria, he was sent to the depths of the Underworld. Kicked out for causing too much trouble for the wardens, Nigel now has the chance to take back his empire and show Celestia just how disappointed he is with her.

This time things will be different. This time he has friends.

Chapters (15)

All Starlight wants to do is stew in her emotions. After all, nopony really understands her.

Of course, her dad won't leave well enough alone.

Preread by: Alex_ and Jack of a Few Trades

Chapters (1)