• Member Since 8th Feb, 2017


A lazy person from Poland who loves changelings and likes to write from time to time, even though he's not the best at it.

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Captain Alex "Blitz" Noah, the commander of the M1 Abrams "Retribution II", is accidentally teleported to another dimension with his crew and tank while testing experimental shielding devices. The crew unsure of what has happened find themselves in a colourful world full of ponies?! This is my first fic so if you find any errors please show me and I'll fix them.
Suggestions and any constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (14)

In a surprise visit, Dragon Lord Ember comes to Ponyville with important news to give to her good friend Spike. According to her words, a great gathering among dragons is soon to be upon them, and in it, every dragon of age must find another dragon to become mated to by its end -- for life -- or risk becoming mate-less and alone forever, as stated by dragon law.

With such a sudden and perturbing turn of events, Spike, who is of the proper maturity, finds himself thrust into a most dire situation. Being raised by ponies has left him unfamiliar with his kind's inherent customs and traditions, but he knows that if he fails to participate or act like a proper dragon at the gathering, he fears he could lose his chance to show Ember the feelings he's been keeping from her for the past few years.

Does Spike have the ability to behave like the rest of his kind? And even if he succeeds in relearning his dragon instincts with the help of his friends, will he still be able to win over Ember's affections before someone else does?

Chapters (9)

With his molt over, Spike can finally join his airborne friends in the sky, and he’s a natural! All of his friends are absolutely ecstatic for him.

Well… maybe not all of them…

Spoilers for S8E11 Molt Down

Cover art by Aperture-Styles

5/26/18 Woah, this got featured? Thanks, everyone!

Chapters (1)

For the penguins - Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private -this last day could have gone better. When testing Kowalski's Dimensionator (A device to find the user's ideal dimension) on Private, they found themselves warped not to the dimension of the Lunacorns (which would be bad enough), but in a dimension called "Equestria" which is full of pastel colors and female mammals. For the penguins, this would be bad enough, but they also lost their way to get home. And just because they can't get home, doesn't mean that other animals can come to them. Animals who's greatest desire is to destroy the penguins. At least the sudden cold snap is nice. (Note: this cross over is with the Penguins of Madagascar TV show which Word of God says exists in an Alternate Universe to the Madagascar movies.)

Chapters (4)

When several ponies find themselves taken far out of harm's way, when they would have been severely harmed or even dead otherwise,—and when other, more secretive and suspect ponies are found eviscerated, or go missing, it becomes evident that something strange and otherwordly has its watchful eye perched on Ponyville and the surrounding areas. . . .

And no one has the slightest clue who, what, where, when, why or how.

- - -

Note(s): This story was started a while ago and many things have changed. Some aspects of the story are hindered because of this; broken images, changes in formatting, etc. Let me know if you see anything and I will work to change it.

Also: no, he is not me, he is not Zee Captain, and he is most certainly not the Pyro.

Chapters (21)

This is a short little Silvellus story (Ocellus x Silverstream). I really love these two together and this was kinda just a random idea I had... It involves a headcanon I have about Changelings I suppose. Should be pretty easy to understand though.
Ocellus suddenly begins to hiss randomly at lunch, confusing her greatly. Since it's Spring break, she decides to ask King Thorax is he knows about what's going on.

The background changeling's name I used, "Lemony" is credited to DA user sketchmcreations. I think we should start giving background creatures names too...along with other new background ponies.

The ending of this is probably rushed and crappy, but it's sort of supposed to be left up in the air I guess. I've had writers block lately too, but I think this turned out ok. I really ship these two, haha.

Chapters (1)

When the Princess refused Sunset Shimmer the reward which was her right as a pony of talent and excellence, Sunset was determined. She would prove her mentor wrong, she would prove her worth, prove her worth as a pony and as a princess in her own right. The Mirror offered promises. It promised Sunset many things.

The Mirror lied.

The land that laid beyond the Mirror was barbaric beyond all her worst expectations. Ape-like beings strode through this world, arrogant, violent, vicious beyond anything in Sunset's experience. Slavers, savages, brutes, carnivores.

They put her in chains like cattle, and told her she was livestock. Then the brutes tried to give her as a gift to those whom even brutes feared, to the eastern savages. To a people who said there were only two things in this world: those that ride, and those that are ridden.

And so if she has any hope of ever proving herself worthy of being a person again, Sunset Shimmer would have to show that she could be one who rides - that she is...


Chapters (22)

Celestia has a dangerous creature held in the deepest of Canterlot's high-security dungeons. It can create ponies (with full backgrounds and histories) with it's strange and often-times prophetic powers. The Princess does her best to keep it under wraps, but its only a matter of time before it's "creativity" will get out of control.

Chapters (7)

Killing the undead. Those three words accurately summed Barry's life. After all, his plant army was practically built for it. The remaining weeks of the zombie apocalypse was a breeze. But now that it's all over, Barry finds himself to be unsatisfied with his life. That is, until he buys a magical amulet from Crazy Dave.

Now, Barry is trapped in a strange land where he makes unexpected enemies. Can Barry defend his pride and himself?

(A Plants vs Zombies Crossover)

Chapters (9)

Johnny is a human that has been living in Equestria for the last eight months and has become good friends with Twilight Sparkle, Spike, the rest of her friends and other ponies throughout Equestria. But Johnny suffers from severe depression after something terrible that happened earlier in his life changed him in a dramatic way and he doesn't want his new friends to know. But they suspect something isn't right with this new resident of Ponyville and come up with ways to find out and make him feel better.

Rated 'T' as there is some language in this story!
The gore is just blood from when Johnny has his accidents, and the Violence when Johnny gets into a fight!
And Suicidal and Self harm as Johnny has suicidal thoughts and attempts in this story.

Chapters (5)