• Member Since 8th Feb, 2017


A lazy person from Poland who loves changelings and likes to write from time to time, even though he's not the best at it.

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A creature of old has been present in Equestria since the beginning of the rule of the alicorns, watching, waiting. He saw their fall and the sisters' rise to power. Now, for the first time in eons, he steps from watching and takes action.

Chapters (21)

It has been one of the closest guarded secrets of Canterlot's royalty. Deep in a specially constructed dungeon, surrounded by warding spells and powerful magic barriers, exists an enigma. Within a cage that could only be described as something out of a nightmare, it waits and watches all of Equestria. A creature that cannot age, is immune to disease, does not thirst nor hunger, and resists all injury. But, it also holds secrets and knowledge that could safeguard the kingdom. Its powers are frightening, but it is civil enough for debate when patience permits.

Princess Celestia has sought counsel with the creature before, enduring it making deal after deal for its services. The Princess walks a fine line when dealing with it, knowing full well anything could give it an advantage despite its imprisonment. She has had to go back on her word in these dealings, and from this a deep animosity between them has been born. It is a necessary evil as she is convinced this is a being capable of untold evil far and above anything Equestria has ever dreamed of. So long as it remains within the confines of its cell, her kingdom is made safe. So much magic has been woven to ensure that, there is little chance of escape.

So long as the magic holds, there is no danger. So long as the cage remains strong, the nameless creature stays enthralled in his cavernous dwelling. If that were to change--if the magic failed--not even the wisest could say. But one thing is assured, it does not bode well for Equestria.

Chapters (14)

Strange things happen in Ponyville. Foals start to disappear; their parents and siblings, struck by grief, will resort to every mean to find the cause. Some of them blame timberwolves; some blame the zebra living in the forest. Some of them even blame their fellow ponies. None of them, however, suspects a little filly suffering from insomnia...

Click here for sequels reading order, TVTropes page and other info.
Part of the New Fimfiction Starter Kit

Beware of spoilers in the comments!
Inspired by Bootsy Slickmane's Insomnia.
Preread by Bootsy Slickmane
Translated to Russian by repitter:
🇺🇦Ponyfiction.org link🇺🇦
🇺🇦Gdocs link🇺🇦
Chinese translation by MLM
Russian reading by Demicorn Masterrace

Chapters (12)

Stride has a terrible condition. He has only one more year to live. His parents brought him to Ponyville, where he could live the rest of his days in the calm and quiet.
Too late for a CMC meeting, Scootaloo hurries through the streets with her scooter. She bumps into Stride and shortly afterwards, she notices his blank flank. Stride has the opportunity to become a crusader and make new friends, but how will he tell them he's only got one more year to go?

Now also with a dramatic reading! Voiced by FluddyPirate (It's her first dramatic reading, so be sure to boost her like button!)
You can listen to the playlist here:
Or you can read the story with the audio linked to each chapter indiviually. (Right click to open in a new page)

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Never Wish

Daniel has been dwelling in Equestria for a while now. A lot has happened during this time and he has slowly started to grow familiar with pony customs and social structure. As new responsibilities are shouldered, it becomes clear he still has much to learn about the world he now calls home, and must now ask, how far would he chase a dream? Even if that dream was not his own?

Squeal is out An Imperfect Paradise
image edited by Nova225 on deviant art

Chapters (26)

Everypony in Ponyville is happy, carefree, and content with their life on the whole... except one. Rarity harbors a dark, murderous secret. She is Equestria's only active serial killer. She has to balance her fashion life, her friends, and her murderous urges as best as she can. This is the story of her mind.

Edited wonderfully by Kaidan and Kagji5

Now with a Tumblr!

Now with a TVTropes Page!!!

Chapters (29)

Sunset and her friends had no idea that Anon-a-Miss was a plot to break them up. They had no idea that it was targeting Sunset. When Apple Bloom was outed as Anon-a-Miss the account had leaked all of one secret, and everyone believed it was simply a younger sister having fun at her older sister's expense.

They certainly had no idea Apple Bloom would respond to Anon-a-Miss' failure by resorting to a Plan B that had all the subtlety of a Plinian eruption and all the precision of a hurricane.

What they do know is that in one night the veil of secrecy around magic at CHS was obliterated when a video of Sunset Shimmer, with full demonic transformation, doing physically impossible things exploded across the internet.

Now they have to prepare for the fallout, even though they have no idea what form that will take.

[Everything that follows is real world stuff about where the story comes from.]
[Definitely not required reading.]

When you become unexpectedly popular for writing a story in a certain genre, you end up being exposed to more and more of what's in that genre, and your imagination runs away with ideas you encounter as a result, and suddenly what was meant to be a topic you touched for one or two stories at most instead becomes a mainstay of your corpus.

I was most definitely not looking for a new Anon-a-Miss fic. I've got two that have already been released and two in the oven, which makes four that I need to finish. I had no particular desire to start number five.

Then I encountered this idea. The idea in short:

Anon-a-Miss falls apart almost immediately with almost no damage done, which you would think is like dodging a bullet given how the genre tends to go, but because the underlying cause isn't dealt with it doesn't avoid the problem at all. It amplifies it by having Apple Bloom resort to releasing the one bombshell secret that was originally so far off the table it wasn't even considered.

Here's why it interested me enough to start up a new story:

The idea of the magic at CHS being exposed to the world presents seemingly infinite possibilities in itself, but there's also the fact that Anon-a-Miss occurs at a key juncture in the timeline. The human Twilight Sparkle is already on the case. If nothing major changes then you get The Friendship Games but changes could result in things that range from full blown apocalypse to her equipment never malfunctioning in the first place.

Credit must be given:

Uria came up with the idea at five AM with the help of fatigue and Pringles. Even now, as we speak I type this, a shadowy group of individuals are operating in a loose coalition in an attempt to bring that idea, kicking and screaming as it may be, into some form of reality and then unleash it upon the world.

This story is emphatically not the fruit of that particular labor. This is just me writing my version. That is, in part, why this isn't called "Your Past Is Here To Stay"; I wanted that title to be reserved for the official version created by the collaborating cabal.

None the less, this is inspired by Uria's idea, the first chapter extremely so, and credit must be given. Also, given my ties to the currently undisclosed syndicate working on the official realization of Uria's idea, there will probably be a fair amount of cross pollination between this story and the eventual "Your Past Is Here To Stay".

Chapters (2)

Anon likes his life to be simple. He wakes up, goes to work and sometimes gets himself a good book to read while he is home. It's a routine that he likes to follow, it makes him feel like he has a bit of normality with his life in Equestria. The fact that having Celestia come crashing into his home as part of his routine should prove that his life is anything but normal.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Not Just A Bug

So, here I am. Settling down in equestria, A place I can finally call home. Remember my last journal? Yes? Then you know Thorax, right? Well he turned out to be one of my best friends in that time period. At first, I trusted him as far as I could throw him, which probably would be kinda far, but I never tried. Now it's nice to have a friend who you can talk to without having to worry about him bitting your head off..

Well shit just got real again. After news comes to the Empire that there might be changelings like Thorax in the Everfree, Shingning, Me, and Thorax (after some presution) and some guards go out to see if it's true.

As you can guess, shit gets real. Real fast.

And now I'm lost in the damned Everfree. Again. With nothing but my rifle and pick.

This seems familiar...

100 Views - April 27th, 2017

Chapters (15)

Changelings are known to be heartless and suck the love from ponies. But not all changelings are like this and I can prove it. My name is David, and this is a story of how I found something that I thought was just a bug.

Thank you to BubbleLee for letting me use her art for the cover art for the past long while, but I've made some custom art for it now! Her link will remain as a tribute.

'Press F to pay respects.'


Special thanks to Bestiebest, princessfizzyheart and Raistlin Phantom for being my editors.

Holy Balls! I got featured! (briefly) 11-26-16
Holy Balls! Again! 100 likes! 2-18-17
All The Balls! Now has a YouTube reading by Lead Bread! It can be found here. 3-5-17
Want to see the next story in the series? Click Here!

Chapters (19)