• Member Since 8th Feb, 2017


A lazy person from Poland who loves changelings and likes to write from time to time, even though he's not the best at it.

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Two worlds, two peoples, two varying ways of life. For Equestria and its people, peace has been a staple of life for generations under the watchful eyes of their alicorn protectors. Resources and necessities for life are abundant, and the few times it has been threatened by external foes have ended in an Equestrian victory.

For mankind however, life is a brutal battle for survival in the war-torn hellscape of nuclear devastation. Violence and survival have been a mainstay for the last three decades, and only recently has a coalition tried to reestablish civilization. But the Earth is dying, and this last bastion of humanity only number around 50,000. For man, doom seems inevitable.

One day, two men accidentally discover something that will change the fates of both worlds forever. One man will discover Equestria and its prosperity, coming into contact with the very best Equestria has to offer. He will be shown kindness, and in turn, he will teach them understanding.

Regardless, the rest of Equestria will come to fear what they do not understand and after a tragedy costs humanity's good will, mankind will be left no choice but to invade in the name of survival. A sad tale, but one that history has repeated on numerous occasions. In the end, it will be up to a handful of individuals on both sides to find a solution and bring an end to the conflict. Will these two worlds come to terms and learn to coexist, or will one species be eradicated by the other?
First featured on 11/15/15

Chapters (40)

While Twilight Sparkle plans her grand Friendship Festival, Tempest Shadow diligently plans out her invasion of Equestria's capital city. While she is confident in her own abilities as well as those of her troops, she's taking no risks. Before departure, she requests one of the Storm King's most capable and devious units. Creatures, who like her, were promised something for their service.


Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Vader's New Empire

Darth Vader and Tempest Shadow hunt for the Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Main Six in Klugetown. And it is up to Twilight to prevent herself and her friends from getting captured.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image, and to Jehovaservant for proofreading and editing this story.

Note: This story series follows the story line of the movie, for the most part.

This Star Wars/MLP crossover is set during the MLP movie, as a "What If Darth Vader was in My Little Pony: The Movie". After success of "I Will Not Fail", people requested sequels, so I plan to make 5 sequels. This is the 2nd of the 5.

(My entry into Scribblefest 2018)

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow gets a visit from none other that the dark lord himself, Darth Vader.

This is another Star Wars/MLP crossover short-fic in celebration of the MLP movie soon to be released in theaters this October (or November in Australia).

Cover image made and used with permission by EJLightning007arts.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Will Not Fail

Darth Vader remembers how he joined with the Storm King while reporting to him after visiting Tempest Shadow in the recently enslaved city of Canterlot.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image for this story.

This Star Wars/MLP crossover is set during the MLP movie, as a "What If Darth Vader was in My Little Pony: The Movie". After success of "I Will Not Fail", people requested sequels, so I plan to make 5 sequels. This is the 1st of the 5.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Mare In Gold

When a Royal Guard of the Crystal Empire finds an abandoned changeling foal, she takes in the infant and raises it as her own daughter. It’s love at first sight, and the bond that forms between them gets the guard in a lot more trouble than she bargained for.


***Updated: 07-31-2019***

Up Next: Black Gold

Chapters (19)

Cover art courtesy of Taggerung

And yes that's Geralt in Equestria Girl style for infinite justice

Note: Familiarity with The Witcher series is probably not necessary for enjoyment of this fic. There are a lot of references to events from the books (Especially Sword of Destiny), but the important ones are explained anyway.

Geralt of Rivia had a complicated life on The Continent. Navigating difficult political situations, getting shorted by his clients, slaying monsters, and living as an outcast had made things challenging for the witcher.

But now, Geralt has found himself in a foreign land, with foreign customs and behavior. Seeking to do what he has always done – find witcher's work slaying monsters – Geralt is about to discover just how simple things can become. And how challenging the simplest of things can really be.

Friendship. I'm talking about friendship. It's simple, but it's challenging, get it? Don't overthink this. The comedy and random tags exist for a reason. Also, sex tag is for references to sex, not because of actual sex. Get your heads out of the gutter.

Chapters (11)

Pharynx is forced by his brother to take Ocellus to a carnival. He discovers that the experience is unbearable. Will he make it through the day?

Rated T for Pharynx mild swearing.
Cover belongs to someone on DeviantArt called FanaticPanda.

Chapters (1)

Midnight Storm, a Kirin who fled civilization after a lifetime of persecution, now lives in the Everfree Forest. She is content with living in the wild, the forest is filled with creatures to practice hunting and fighting with, and she doesn’t have to hide what she is for fear of ponies attacking her. She has made friends with Zecora, a zebra shaman and fellow outcast. But Midnight’s life takes an interesting turn when Zecora attempts to reintroduce her to pony society.

A cross between Past Sins by Pen Stroke and The Witching Hour by Chaotic Ink.
Co-Author/writer - Starscibe
Cover art by Zutcha
Front page - 12/23/17

Chapters (26)

Ocellus is tasked with getting only the finest of alcoholic beverages for her underage friends to indulge in. After all, who would suspect the only student to actually study?

Inspired entirely by a random conversation with Jack of a Few Trades. Go check that guy out, he's super cool!

Chapters (1)