• Member Since 8th Feb, 2017


A lazy person from Poland who loves changelings and likes to write from time to time, even though he's not the best at it.

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Ponyville Confidential, you know the story and how the CMC were shunned by their friends and family until they apologized for their "misdeed" and were eventually forgiven. But what if the Crusaders didn't apologize? Instead, The crusaders decide that if everypony didn't want to talk to them or let them explain, then maybe they should just go away. When their siblings then do decide to talk to them reasonably, they find the crusaders have left Ponyville to Celestia knows where. Will everypony finally see the error of their ways? Will the three little fillies ever come home? And most important of all, will Diamond Tiara get her just deserts for her involvement in the whole Gabby Gums nightmare?

Chapters (7)

In a parallel world, Sunset Shimmer had escaped her studies in Equestria and aligned herself with the evil Rainbooms of the other side. They now stand the mightiest in Canterlot High School, and no one is able to stand up to them. Their deception and manipulation to the staff keeps them on top, along with another hidden power.

But three new students seem to have these Rainbooms invested, and something about them just seems a bit off...

A special thanks to Bricklayer, and all of you for supporting this story and keeping it going. :twilightsmile:

Artwork done by Gpizano. Go check her work out, she's amazing!

Chapters (33)

Sunset's had enough. All the hate aimed at her on a daily bases for a crime she never even committed finally pushed her to the breaking point. When she finally decides to end the pain, a former victim of her cruelty becomes her savior. Now the battle to gather what little remains of Sunset's heart has begun, and with her new friends at her sides, will she be victorious or will Anon-a-miss finally break what's left of her?

Chapters (12)

"Lyra Heartstrings; famous musician and avid believer in Humans. Some ponies call her crazy, but maybe she's seen too much to ignore the truth. The difference between belief and truth is a thin, opaque line that's easier to cross then most think.

My name is Fox Dulmer and I want to believe."

A/N: Inspired on the TV series "The X-Files". OC names are anagrams of the main characters (just felt natural). Marked Teen for possible suggestive matter later.

Chapters (2)

Jack Spicer and Wuya find themselves in a strange new land without Shen Gong Wu. Together, they must find out how the way of this new world works so they may be able to conquer it and enslave it's inhabitants.

Of course, this may prove difficult as Wuya is in spectral form and the "Evil Boy Genius" isn't too bright. Join this dynamic duo in their quest to rule the pony world!

I am reformatting this one myself. It is a reformat of a greentext I wrote around S4 based on Xiaolin Showdown

Chapters (32)

Stan, Kyle, Eric, and Kenny. Four boys from Colorado have taken an opportunity to go to school in Ponyville. Coincidentally their first day of school in Equestria is the day before the annual Apple One Derby. Can these young men put together a race-worthy cart in one day without killing themselves or any of the ponies? This story is a reimagining of the episode, “The Cart Before the Ponies.”

Chapters (2)

A prompt to see if you'd enjoy this sort of story.

Recreating spells that are long forgotten is risky, really risky, but Twilight's finally mastered the spell. Excited about her accomplishment, she goes to demonstrate to her friends of said spell. However, she makes an error when Pinkie Pie won't sit still enough and accidentally causes Twilight to make an error.
And now there's a wolf-pony-like-thing, who seems dead set on smoking.

It's one thing to be interrupted when solving a murder case, it's a completely new level of annoyance when you're sucked completely out of your world, but it's a real big problem on your hands when you're right back where you started before Fabletown.
An animal.

And All Bigby wants to do is go back to Fabletown, but until Twilight can revert her spell, Bigby's gotta bite the silver bullet on this one.

Chapters (1)

Disclaimer: This story is a rewrite of another story called "The Big One", which I started a couple years ago and never finished.

Everything in Canterlot has finally calmed down when it comes to magic, and the girls have learned how to use their powers properly. However, all the crazy stuff that's happened has drawn many dangerous people to the little band, and the Rainbooms might not be able to handle them all.

Luckily, the two groups that don't want to hurt them also happen to be the two most dangerous groups.

GTA 5/Online crossover, and maybe another game, too

And yes, I know that GTA Online is pretty much garbage now.

Chapters (3)

After being chased out of the Cul-de-sac the Eds find themselves somehow in Equestria. Not only are they stuck being with ponies but one of the kids from the cul-de-sac is tracking them down. Things just keep getting better and better don't they?

Collaboration with CluelessDetective and JakeTheBrony

Note: this takes place after the chase at the beginning of 'Big Picture show' and after the season 4 opener.

Recently featured on Jan 6/ 7 2018

Chapters (16)

The chase had been going on for an hour for Apple County Police Officers Spitfire and Soarin, and the chase has ended with them joining King County police officers in setting up a barricade on Highway 18 to stop not only the robbers from Canterlot, but other armed suspects from Linden County.

Hopefully they'll end this without any bloodshed.

Chapters (1)