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This story is a sequel to No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria!

After leaving Ponyville, the human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in even stranger territory than the land of the ponies. Will he find his way home? Or will he find out that he should have stayed in Ponyville under the watchful eyes of the Royal Sisters after all?

Edited by the amazing Jack Kellar and Marioland1

Special thanks to MyHobby for the cover art!!

Chapters (28)

Gummy is the best pet in the world! He always listens to me, never moans or complains when I talk too much, and always comes along with me without any resistance. Sure, he isn't much of a talker, but he's a really swell listener. Every day I spend with him is super fantastic!

Yet, Mr. and Mrs. Cake always look sad every time I play with Gummy. Those sillies! Don't they know that Gummy couldn't hurt me even if he wanted to? He's all gums! Duh! Even my friends have been showing "concerns" about my relationship with Gummy.

I don't know why they're being such party poopers all of a sudden!

Edited by Bad_Seed_72 and pre-read by Skeeter the Lurker and Flint Sparks.

Polish translation can be found here

French translation over here

Fan sequel over there

Equestria Daily took this thing in too. It be right over yonder

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a peaceful land. Canterlot is one of places that is telling the same. However, sometimes, things can get very weird. If you visit this place and you are lucky, then you will say that it's absolutely normal. But if you are unlucky and accidently get in a wrong time on a wrong place, you will see the true face of this city.

If you are looking for a serious story with no grammatical or stylistic mistakes then don't read this one. But if you want to laugh (at least a little) and you don't mind things that are very crazy, then read it!

Chapters (4)

It's time for Pinkie Pie to get a manecut once again, that time when even her own gravity defying hairstyle can no longer support its own weight.

But, something goes wrong.

Chapters (6)

Everything changes for Twilight Sparkle and her friends when a mysterious extraterrestrial ship crash lands in Equestria. When Twilight messes around in the ship's systems with her magic, she ends up transported to an alien world unlike anything she imagined: a box canyon in the middle of nowhere.

To get home, Twilight must enlist the help of the eccentric Red and Blue soldiers that live there... if she can get them to stop bickering first! Additionally, she finds herself being pursued by the enigmatic military agency known only as Project Freelancer. Back in Equestria, all is not well for Twilight's friends as forces involved with the crashed ship make themselves known. Reds, Blues and ponies will all have to work together to discover the mysterious connection between Equestria and Project Freelancer.

A crossover with Red vs Blue. Written with the intention for the story to be followable without having watched the series. (just don't expect to get all the references).

Now with editors! BradtheBrony and Rough_Draft.

I made a blog post explaining things. You should read it.

TvTropes Page.

Chapters (38)

This story is a sequel to Chaotic Harmony

Summer break... It's a time for college students to unwind and have fun. For Razor Wind, his sister and his friends, this means a road trip across Equestria. Things go great... until their stop at the Crystal Caverns. In an attempt to escape a cave-in, Surprise uses a trick taught to her by her mother, Pinkie, but something goes wrong. The friends find themselves flung far into the future where things have taken a turn for the worse. Violence and crime are commonplace, Razor is called a demon, and the nation is ruled by a cruel dictator.

Can Razor keep his friends together long enough to find a way home? Will Snow learn to keep her violent urges under control? Will Surprise ever fully embrace her heritage? Will Blaze ever live up to his mother's greatness? Will Autumn ever see her parents again? Will Oak ever get use to the crazy that follows Ponyville ponies everywhere they go?

The long awaited sequel to Chaotic Harmony, Children of Chaos is the tale of love and hate, war and peace, and of a son finding the courage to follow in his father's footsteps.

Though I recommend you read Chaotic Harmony, the first chapter is a brief overview of the events for those of you who don't wish to read the whole thing (or if you just need a reminder of what happened).

Cover by 2135D

Chapters (15)

Shortly after the events of Daring Don't, master archeologist Daring Do remembers a legacy that she'd long forgotten in her studies as a young adventurer. Now, Rainbow Dash might hold the key to uncovering the greatest treasure Daring Do will likely ever find.

But will Rainbow Dash embrace her destiny?

Or will Daring Do's dream of finding the greatest treasure she's ever imagined end in failure?

Editing done by Cherry Frosting

Chapters (1)

The real Gilda comes to Ponyville... but she doesn't get the welcome she was expecting. For some reason, everypony seems to already hate her... Will she ever find a place where her and her half-pony daughter can live in peace?

Also read:
Last Impression by Typoglyphic -- A wonderfully dark and morally ambiguous short story about what happened to Changeling Gilda.

Chapters (1)

I, Fusion Fool the Third, as well as 4 accomplises, have discovered a way to enter Equestria, dood.

Lots of hard work later, and now we are here to stay so that Lady Sparkle will treat us better then the demons we once served under, dood.

I shall document this historic event with my own flippers, dood!

NEW as of April 11th 2012! Next Episode segments form the Disgaea games have been included to ALL chapters and any future chapters, If I get off my lazy butt.

Safe Warning: this was written for giggles, so the sentence structure may be lacking, dood.

Chapters (16)

In a world without bacon, five humans find themselves trapped... grazing on mother bucking dandelions. To get home, they'll need to learn that friendship is magic. Too bad none of these jerks are friends.

A Collaborative Story by Many Authors, Starring:
Breath of Plagues as Sweetie Belle
Derek (Daemon of Decay) as Apple Bloom
Kaidan as Scootaloo
Seven Fates as Berry Punch
TypewriterError as Prince Blueblood

Aided by Numerous Editors, Including:
Cerulean Starlight
Death the Kid
the parasprite
Rex Ivan

Chapters (5)