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This story is a sequel to Wanderings of a Non-Brony

After the six year journey around the planet in Wanderings of a Non-Brony, The human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in Equestria for good. He sees no choice but to settle down in Ponyville, ready to live the rest of his life as best as he can.

This is his life.

Edited by Marioland1 and Strike89

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity

I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund.

I suppose we got off to a good start, aside from being told that after all I'd done I'd never see Earth again. So long as I can look on the bright side of life, and not get arrested for running pranks on everypony with Dash, I might just survive long enough to find my purpose in Equestria. So help me, however, if I get any vegetable related cutie marks I will choke a Princess.

Cover Art by JinZahn
Sequel to Dash of Humanity
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron, Cassius Litner, Seven Fates,
Refro, BronyWriter

Chapters (17)

Twilight wakes up alone and scared on an unfamiliar ship with a group of unfamiliar humanoids. Things take a turn for the worst when the group find themselves trapped on a ship overrun with mutated damntations that will stop at nothing to kill the humans and the out of place pony.

Teaming up with fellow survivor Isaac Clarke, Twilight attempts to escape the abominations and find her way back home. But can she really trust Isaac's sanity?

(This is the reboot of I have a Jar of Dirt's popular story. For those of you who dont know, he passed it on to me to complete; which i was more than glad to accept.)

((proofread by Zaponator and Flutterguy_6996))

Chapters (7)

Sequel is now live!

Revenge. It has been the only thing on Chrysalis’s mind during the months of her exile. What should have been her greatest triumph turned out to be her ultimate downfall. After months of waiting, she has at last developed a plot to win back the support of the changelings and take over Equestria: Run a dating service.

Disguised as the lovely unicorn Cherub, she starts up her business, ready to reclaim what she had lost. However, she soon discovers that the dating world is not as simple as it appears. Realizing that she cannot do this alone, she is forced to seek help from the most unlikely of sources.

Cover image created and permitted by FeliXao.

Chapters (23)

NOTE: This story is now under the concern whether it should be taken down or not after. It has been a long time since I've looked through this, and the various opinions from all of you, and have found various things that betray what I am currently writing now (OOC, and certain other problems) and sadly, I have no intentions on working on it ever again (Please see blog for further info: Clutter Cleaning). As such, the story is cancelled, and maybe taken down for further notice. But if you found great interest in the story, then let me say thank you, and I hope you can find interest in other stories of mine.

Princess Celestia was performing a powerful spell: A portal to other worlds. Discord breaks free (again...) and tampers with Celestia's spell, causing it to go haywire. Celestia and the land of Equestria were unaffected as well as managing to open a portal, but the world of Earth Land begs to differ. There, the inhabitants have turned into... Ponies! The Earth Land inhabitants wondered what was going on. A certain guild from a certain town called Magnolia wanted to get to the bottom of this. That guild is none other, than Fairy Tail. With their known magic and new equestrian abilities, joined by the Mane 6. Fairy Tail decides to take down whoever is behind this chaos and change them back.
A Fairy Tail/My Little Pony crossover

For Fairy Tail: This happens after the Edolas Arc and before the Tenrou Island arc

Cover Art is created by AnkokuFang on DeviantART, special thanks to him and thanks to JakeTheBrony for suggesting his art.

Note:If you spot any spelling, grammar or literacy mistakes in the story, please let me know!

Chapters (9)

Deadpool randomly comes to Equestria and the ponies try to figure out how to send him back to his world, but two previous villains teaming up to take over Equestria is in the way. So, it's up to Twilight and her friends to stop and defeat them, along with the help of Deadpool.

Anthro tag: Pinkie Pie is the only anthro (Chapter 5) in the story, ...or is she! (Spoilers)

Credit goes to King of Kings for editing chapters 1 through 4.

((Second story to get featured. I'm on a roll. lol))

Chapters (9)

Throughout all of time, the species known as the vampire fruit bat has been ridiculed and put down as an ugly farmer's pest, or a rodent, or a piece of vermin that needed to be destroyed. Never have they been treated fairly, with kindness, and so never have they felt included, which eventually led to their downward spiral as a species in general. The fruit bats themselves believed they were never meant to be anything but rodents that ate fruit. It was just how life worked, and life wasn't fair.

However, when one group of vampire fruit bats is brainwashed to deny the reason they believe they exist, what will they do next? Is it possible they could become a civilized species as opposed to a mindless group of fruit-eating pests? And what - or who - could possibly help them achieve this goal?

Chapters (3)

When dragons threaten Equestria, some way of dealing with dragons is what is required. And that way was delivered in the form of a bipedal creature with more clothes than fur, and a flying, talking blue cat.

Natsu and Happy have been sent to Equestria after Natsu ate Etherion in order to try and defeat his toughest opponent yet. But something happened and he was hurled from one world to another. Right off the bat, he is faced with dragons, his specialty, and befriends a group of ponies who fall in love with the concept of Fairy Tail's ideals. Such a chance meeting seems to fit perfectly, but something is amiss in Equestria and Natsu may just be the key to unlocking the answer.

Commissioned from The Grimm Reaper, after he cancelled it yesterday.

Holy shit featured: 1/11/2014 (that's 1st of November to the Americans), 11:40PM (UTC + 09:30)

Dragonslayer OST

Chapters (3)

Magic, the most powerful of the Elements Of Harmony, it binds them together and helps keep stability over Equestria. Cut that off and what happens? What happens when the threads of friendship are severed, and the flames of chaos are rekindled? For Twilight, her existence's end is simply the beginning to something much bigger. How will she act in a world deprived of the harmony it once held as a creature that must thrive on the blood that Equestria has lost?

Chapters (6)

"You probably shouldn't even exist."
"You're only a clone, you don't HAVE any feelings!"

Who was she to believe? She was barely a day old, and already she'd seen the disappearance of her mirror images, all but her. Was she just a clone? A disposable unfeeling analog?
What would happen if she became her own pony? If she became real?

Is it possible for one of the Pinkie's, the only copy left behind, to develop? To become an entirely different pony to the one that she was modelled after?

Oh, and before I forget, thanks to the amazing WerewolfNobody for the (At one point) cover art!
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)