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After discovering a new planet, the Tenno, a race of warriors, master of gun and blade and the warframe, and Lotus, the adviser, travel to find a brand new world with a species they've never seen. Unfortunately, they were followed. The Grinner, a ruthless military organization hell bent on wiping out the Tenno, arrive to find their enemy and an ally to them.

Now the Tenno are not only fighting for their lives, but for the ones of Equestria as well.

Chapters (27)

Scootaloo wants to find out the truth about her origin, and the source is closer than she thinks.

((this story is a sequel to the comic strips "Sorry I couldn't be there for you". I did not make the comics, but the creator gave me permission to make a sequel to the comic. Enjoy!))

http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-pg1-407774639 ((this is the link to matty4z comic.))

Special thanks to TheMyth for proofreading the story

((My first story to ever be featured on the home page))

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Chaotic Love

[The sequel to Chaotic Love, reading it is advised.]

It's been ten years since Discord defeated his inner demons and married Fluttershy. Now the father of three children, Entropy, Pandemonium and Songflower, he lives his days in peace & quiet with his wife and their friends.

He couldn't be happier.

But when something from his past threatens to resurface and possible tear apart his whole world apart, he stands to lose the one thing he cherishes over all else.

His family.

Temporary Hiatus whilst plot gets slight re-vamp. Apologies!

Humanized ponies, cover art done by ManiacPaint, background from Google images. Edited version to come!

Chapters (2)

The newly coronated Princess Twilight suffers an abrupt tragedy. Having lost two loved ones, she begins to question her own mortality, and that of her friends.

AJ, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy. . . they are just the beginning. Twilight will live for thousands of years, so every pony she cares about—every pony she will ever care about, will die.

She could barely handle the pain of one funeral, let alone the thought of hundreds of them. Twilight finds a clever way to ensure all of her friends never die. They can’t all be ageless alicorns, but they can all move into Twilight’s Dollhouse. Then they can be best friends forever.

Sequel: Twilight's Dollhouse 2
Fanmade Song: Twilight's Dollhouse

Source: Dreampaw
Editor: Gage of Grandiloquence, Breath of Plagues
Pre-read & Idea pony: TypeWriterError,
v1.1 Revised chapters 1-10 on May 1st 2013
--Pending a few more revisions, including ch. 14
Now on TV Tropes.

Chapters (18)

Once again Spike is left alone at the library while Twilight is away. Bored and tired of always staying inside he decides to go to a night club with a friend. While there he meets a mare that shows him to loosen up and live life to the fullest.

Chapters (6)

Heroes are remembered. Those who give their lives are ingrained in our hearts for all eternity. However, it is often more beneficial, while perhaps more difficult, to continue living for one's family, community, or country. Death brings a simple end for the loyal soldier, while survival entails a complicated road ahead.

Those with power are by default the bearers of choice. The mighty cannot stand idle. The fate of whatever world the Spartan enters rests upon his shoulders.

Many believe that Noble Six gave his life. What they don't remember is that Spartans Never Die.

Chapters (15)

Twilight finally gives into Discord's whining, a being of chaos can't use the Elements, right? Especially all five at once!

Turns out he can... who knew?

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with sabotaging a reactor core on a Corpus ship, Sonic Boom and her team had to go into cryo to survive. Where did they wake up? You guessed it, a world of talking ponies. Sonic Boom, Sub Zero (original name right?), Nano Spark, and Rock Raider now have to prevent the Grineer, Corpus, and Infestation from wiping out the population and taking their power to use against each other and the Tenno

So, this is my 2nd try (1st try wasn't going anywhere). Judge me however you feel is appropriate. Constructive criticism, don't hate please, I know I have a bad sense of humor. Enjoy, or suffer, whichever one comes up 1st. Posting as teen for the whole killing thing. Likely will upgrade to mature later.

So, i was curious what would come up on google, and I found this:
Warfrane: weaponized wubs (chapter 1)
Good job to WaywardRadio on your first read.

Chapters (9)

A pegasus stallion by the name of Storm Chaser has landed a job as a weather pony alongside Rainbow Dash. At first he doesn't think much of the rainbow speed demon, but when the mare falls on hard times he will be there to help her in any way he can. But Rainbow is still suspicious of him, why does he hate the Wonderbolt's and what is he hiding behind a black metal door?

Rainbow Dash X O.C.

Chapters (8)

When an old threat emerges from the distant past, Rainbow Dash must team up with the world's strongest fighter to find the legendary Dragonballs. Along the way, their bond of friendship will have to guide them through the hells of war and the peace of love. Together, they must face against the darkness that lies in the heart of all men.

The critics

Neal Gaiman- Greatest thing I have ever seen
Greg Wiseman-I think after reading this, I'll go into retirement and have him write Gargoyles season 4
GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!-Lewis Lovehaug

God, I love this time of year!

Chapters (10)