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When an old threat emerges from the distant past, Rainbow Dash must team up with the world's strongest fighter to find the legendary Dragonballs. Along the way, their bond of friendship will have to guide them through the hells of war and the peace of love. Together, they must face against the darkness that lies in the heart of all men.

The critics

Neal Gaiman- Greatest thing I have ever seen
Greg Wiseman-I think after reading this, I'll go into retirement and have him write Gargoyles season 4
GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!-Lewis Lovehaug

God, I love this time of year!

Chapters (10)

The war of the Changelings was brutal, and it wrought the city of Canterlot in chaotic destruction. Chrysalis could feel her victory coming to a close, but something clicked in her heart. Funny how it happened, she usually doesn't feel remorse. Time to pay a statue a visit.

Author's Notes
~This is my 60 minute challenge story, and by Luna's sexy flank I can write a lot in that amount of time!
~This story is my interpretation of what could of happened while Twilight and company went off to search for the Elements of Harmony.
~Since this is a one chapter story I might not edit it for future purposes because in my mind. It won't be worth it in the end. Sorry if I disappointed you with that bit of news. Just kidding. I've just edited today on 12/11/12.
~Also, this story is a fast response to this video.
~OC tag for Lauren Faust as her pony is technically an OC.
Hope you enjoy!

Cover Art Source:
Sad Chrysalis by mysticalpha

Chapters (1)

Rarity is married to Spike and eight months pregnant with their baby girl. And while she wouldn't have her life any other way, she was seriously contemplating murdering him!
Some fluffy pregnancy stuffs.
Featured on 4/15/14. Whoo-hoo!

Chapters (1)

A Legend of Dragoon Crossover Fic.

Dragoons, magical knights that harness the magic of ancient dragons. When the power of these dragons is set loose on the world once more, Spike experiences a startling transformation. With the power of the other ancient dragons being harnessed by enemies of Equestria, Princess Twilight decides to put her life on the line and become a Dragoon herself. Realizing that goal will not be easy though, and if she succeeds, she will have to find the other Dragoons and bring them over to her side in order to end the threat to their peaceful way of life. But the path won't be easy at all. Words don't sway every mind, and with war ready to erupt, it will become kill or be killed when the powers of the Dragoons clash. Innocence and purity aren't easy to hold onto in the face of war and death. Twilight, with Spike at her side, will need to bring herself to make the hard choices needed to save those she cares about, and she'll need the support of her friends, old and new, if she's to succeed.

(A very much appreciated fan, Dirty Bit has saw fit to include youtube links to pieces of Legend of Dragoon soundtrack that he thinks fits the scenes or chapters best. He is a totally awesome dude for doing this, and if you want a little extra feeling to the scenes, by all means, click on one as you're reading or re-reading.)

Just a few things to keep in mind when reading this fic:
- This is not a direct crossover fic. Characters from the game Legend of Dragoon will not have main storyline significance, at least as far as I have planned. If they do appear, it will be more in a cameo sense through history that shaped this world.
- While this holds Alternate Universe tags, all the events of the show have happened up to the end of Season 3. What changes have been made will affect only the history of the world and future events.
- The current title image is just a placeholder. Currently seeking special title art for the story.
-While this is a crossover fic, I intend to make it very friendly to people not familiar with the game Legend of Dragoon. So those not familiar with it should not feel alienated coming in.

Chapters (14)

It has been several months since the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle..

One night, after watching her sister raise the Moon and set the heavens alight, Princess Celestia begins to bed down for the night, only to be interrupted by portal forming in her room. From out of the portal comes none other than Twilight Sparkle, garbed in strange armor.

Princess Celestia, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, are overjoyed by the Element of Magic's return, but are justifiably curious as to where she had been and what she had been doing. And so, Twilight begins her tale. A tale of survival against impossible odds. A tale of a people fighting for the most basic right of all sentient beings. The right to exist.

Chapters (9)

King Sombra came from an old age, a time where darkness and evil were prevalent across the land. The Princesse's power and influence were weaker in those days, for the land of Equestria was divided amongst many kingdoms of lesser Princesses and Princes. But out of all their ruling neighbors, The Four Shepherds held the most power of all, even threatening Celestia and Luna's kingdom. However, all of that changed when they vanished for a thousand years, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity. Until that is, when the Crystal Kingdom reappeared, along with one of the Shepherds. King Sombra, however, was thankfully vanquished swiftly, but the following peace of his defeat would not last as long as anypony might think. A new force sets its eyes on the recently coronated Princess Twilight Sparkle, one that seeks to restore a lost heritage and remind the land of who is the true owner of the night. For when one evil is smitten, another appears in its place. And King Sombra was only the first in line.


Set before Season 4

Note: Dark tag is meant for Light Dark

Special thanks to my editor Ladrian for his diligent and superb work. I wish I had him when I first started this story because maybe then the early chapters would have been much better.

Special thanks to Stanku for revisions and prereading this story. It would be at a much worse state had it not been for his detailed opinions to each and every chapter, and letting me know where I can improve.

10/2/2014 : Woah... it's on the featured list... *cue squealing and fist pumping* THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Chapters (55)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

Who was I...
It doesn't matter. The mind was willing, but the flesh was weak.
And the Kraahkan... it changed me. Told me how to accomplish my goals... turned my weak flesh into strong, hard steel and antidermis.

I am Teridax, the Shadow of Equestria. Or, as the guards of Tartarus know me, Prisoner 0.

And I've served my sentence.

Chapters (20)

Twilight Sparkle has obtained the combined power of all four princesses of Equestria. Wielding this power, she confronts Lord Tirek, but the result of their fight is a tie. When he holds her friends hostage, she is forced to make a difficult choice.

All is not lost, however: one force remains in Equestria that could give her the edge she needs to defeat her foe, save her friends, and restore the world. She need only retrieve it from Zecora and place it around her neck...

Runner-up (one-shots category) in the Twyrant's Kingdom Competition.

Story inspiration: Corruption of a Desperate Mare, by Chris Wöhrer.

Edited by NightWolf289, AugieDog, and Prak. Thanks also to Pascoite for his WRITE review.

Rated teen for gore and dark themes.

Featured on:
Fimfiction.net Feature Box (05/12/14)
Equestria Daily!
The Royal Guard's Fic Spotlight #10.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Approved by Nonpareil Fiction!

Chapters (1)

They say war never changes...I'm inclined to believe them...

After the actions of The Stable Dweller the wasteland began the long road to recovering from the destruction set upon it 206 years ago. I left stable 13 looking for excitement in my life but ended up caught in a plot to destroy Equestria all over again with a deadly, yet dormant artifact of a paranoid age long past. I know I left the stable for excitement but I never expected what I got...

My names Dragonlily...here's my story...

Chapters (7)