• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 7 311 stories
  • Season 7 311 stories - 722 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 7 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2017
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I was a pony, a fisher, a member of a village, and father. Then I found a flower that I had no idea would change our lives forever.

When I shared the lily with the town during the feast, it was meant as an act of kindness. The lily had another plan, it seemed.

Just something I thought of and typed up quickly.

Chapters (1)

Knowing that not everyone is as lucky as her, Rarity decides to go Punk again to donate some of her fabulous hair to a good cause. However despite learning to shine from the outside, there is one person's opinion that she's afraid of: Spike's.

However this new look, this new Identity of hers , may end up revealing a lot more about themselves than they ever thought possible.

Art done by cheezedoodle96

Chapters (2)

Episode tag/companion to "Discordant Harmony". Written in second person for some inexplicable reason. In the course of trying to make sure Fluttershy is impressed by his tea party, Discord discovers some things. Some of them are good things. Some of them are very much not.

Chapters (4)

It's Toola Roola's tenth birthday and her parents have a surprise in store for her, a very special gift they spent much of their money on in order to give her the gift of her dreams, the very expensive paint set she's always wanted.

Chapters (3)

In which Bulk Biceps enlists the help of Rarity to inspire badassery and abulosity onto others with the power of heavy metal for his now gym.

Miracles ensue.

Post Season 7, episode 19, "It Isn't the Mane Thing About You."

Chapters (1)

The Grand Galloping Gala is thoroughly boring and stale. Fortunately, Rarity's awesome and cutthroat enough to make a legitimate impression this year, and all it took was ditching her normal frou-frou affectations and adopting the bad-girl attitude she always deserved to have.

Unfortunately, the change doesn't sit well with everypony. But what matters is how you feel on the inside, right?


Yeah, this is Taylor Swift's fault. It's also Josh Haber's fault. I might as well blame unmitigated stupidity for enabling this sort of thing in multiple ways, and i also recommend blaming FlashGen for being a wonderful friend, and also for not telling me to not post this idea. Too late for that now, though.

Rated "Recommended" in a particularly nice way by Present Perfect. I'm glad you liked it, my guy.

Chapters (1)

Spoilers for "It Isn't the Mane Thing About You"
Also has a side of some previous episodes before this one.

Spike helps out Rarity and engages in a pleasant conversation with her. He also notices something different about the fashionista. More specifically...her changed mane.

Written for the Make Rarity Not Garbage contest from The Barcast group.

Not gonna win, but might as well enter to be polite.

Chapters (1)

After he saw first hoof of Rarity's bad mane day, Spike makes it his own personal quest to help the mare of his dream, restore her confidence.

Chapters (1)

Dragon Lord Ember, recently crowned, has taken her home of the Dragon Lands towards a new path: The path of friendship. And, who else to consult than a few ponies, known to be the purveyors and experts of friendship?—their whole society being founded and based on the tenets of friendship, after all.

Ember, however, also has a few issues and some matters in need of clarification. One of them being: How can she properly interact with ponies when they all look the same, have very similar names, and—in some cases—even have alike personalities?

She seeks her answers in the town of Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do, after she saves the town of Somnambula is greeted by the ghost of the town's namesake. Somnambula thanks her for her great services to her town and gives her a crown and necklace of shimmering Glopaz.

Chapters (7)