• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 7 311 stories
  • Season 7 311 stories - 722 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 7 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2017
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Total Words: 1,370,284
Estimated Reading: 3 days



  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After the events of Secrets And Pies, you'd think everything would return to normal. But alas, Rainbow Dash's thoughtless actions are about to have huge ramifications for the health of the nation.

Possible follow-up to the most recent episode. Maybe.

Chapters (1)

Shortly after the events of 'A Health of Information,' Fluttershy ventures into the Everfree Forest and learns what makes the ancient woods so magical.

Chapters (1)

Why does Kettle Corn love painting circular shapes so much, as seen in the episode 'Marks And Recreation'? Here's my somewhat poignant take on the reasons behind her infatuation with all things circle-related. Don't forget to bring tissues...

Chapters (1)

Starlight’s life has had its ups and downs, mostly downs, though there has always been one particular thing she loved doing.

Flying a kite.

You might be asking yourself ‘why would one of the most powerful Unicorns in Equestria fly kites for a hobby?’ and... I couldn’t tell you, honestly. She just kinda does, alright? It’s her thing.

So what happens when, one day, she decides to take off and relax with her friends? What happens if those friends are Maud and Pinkie Pie? What happens when Pinkie Pie has to fly a kite?

Time to find out.

Chapters (1)

Pharynx. A changeling. Older brother of King Thorax of the changelings. He went through a dramatic shift in his life, from Queen Chrysalis's reign, to his brother's radical change of the entire swarm. Although he had been reformed as well, he used to be known as someone who hates the new hive, and used to be one of the few remaining renegade changelings in Thorax's rule.

An interviewer by the name of Vision Grey would like to know more about this changeling...

First 'big' fic I've written, so I expect lots of errors. Any kind of constructive and positive criticism is welcome.

Check out the other parts of the series:
The Grey Interview: Spitfire

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wanted nothing more than to see the Northern Stars on the Zeppelin Cruise with her family. But thanks to Iron Will, who was running the cruise, her dreams are smashed into pieces. Saddened by seeing Twilight's heart broken, her family does everything they can to try and console her.

Author’s Note: This story is to serve as how Twilight’s family SHOULD have approached the situation when Twilight started sobbing after missing out on the Northern Lights.

Chapters (1)

After over a month of trying and failing to acquire a cutie mark, Pipsqueak is antsy in trying anything to get to it while Rumble isn't too bothered. What both colts don't know is that there are some talents that are guided by fate rather than random tasks. And fate is about to hit them like a freight train.

Well maybe not that hard, but it's gonna hit.

Based loosely on episode 7.21. And by loosely I mean pretty much fully. Except maybe geographically.

Chapters (1)

Pancakes are like cake, except with slightly less cake and a bit more Pan. To Celestia, the almighty goddess of cake, pancakes are the very best kind of cake.

Unfortunately for Luna, she isn’t exactly that good at making cake, especially not pancakes. Now she will have to face the judging eyes of the cake goddess herself.

Will Luna survive Celestia’s onslaught? Will she be banished for making horrible, tasteless pancakes? Will I ever stop writing these random, retarded comedy stories?

We shall see.

I honestly have no clue anymore. Somebody shoot me.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna have made up and Starlight Glimmer's first friendship mission was a success! However, not everything has turned out okay. Despite her best efforts and Luna's reassuring, Princess Celestia was unable to defeat Daybreaker in Starlight's nightmare and Starlight's psyche was damaged as a result.

Twilight, who blames herself, works to undo the damage and in the process, her true feelings make themselves known.

This is based off Luna’s statement about Starlight’s nightmare potentially harming her psyche. No idea why I’m writing this since I really didn’t like seeing Starlight suffer like that, especially when she broke down crying. And yet despite that I’m using it as the cover image. …Welp.

Note: Out of character behavior.

Chapters (5)

Twilight goes through a lot of depression about not paying attention to Flurry Heart while she was at the hospital with the sick foals. So, Spike sends her Twilight's friends over to her and comforts her for her actions.

Chapters (3)