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After being blacklisted by the CIA, what's a group of freelance intelligence operatives to do? Why, sell sentient pony holograms of course.

A Crossover with FX's Archer, taking place immediately after season six for both shows.

Chapters (3)

(11/17/17 Featured!)
(2/12/18 Featured again!)

The Lone Wanderer.

A young man who has seen so much in so little a time. He was only nineteen when he left his home, vault 101, in search of his missing father. He trekked the Capital Wasteland in search of him, gunning down raiders, super mutants and all other sorts of abominations to finish what his dad has started and bring back life giving water to the Capital Wasteland. Now, ten years later, he is thrown into a whole new world to explore. A world where humans are pets and horses can talk.

This is going to be a loooong day.

(I do not own Fallout or MLP)
(Part of the'Your Human and You-Verse')

Chapters (5)

While working on a spell to see if Pinkie and Applejack are related, Twilight discovers that she has a little sister: Scootaloo! But how is this possible? And, more importantly, how will this affect them?

Featured 11/6/17

Chapters (8)

From the stone age to the modern world, Celestia guides her little ponies into the future. And she needs to keep playing. Just one more turn.

Always one more turn.

Done as a speed-writing exercise in about three hours. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (2)

The fight against the Pony of Shadows didn’t go according to plan, and when Starlight comes to, she finds she’s been in a magically induced coma for two hundred years.

Nothing is as recognizable as the Equestria she knew, not even the landscape.

Lost in time, how will she cope?

Gift for Tilgoreth

Featured block 11-14-17

Chapters (13)

It was just a week before Christmas. Sunset Shimmer has finally broke. The anonymous cyberbully a.k.a. Anon-a-Miss has exposed the private secrets of her HuMane Six friends on MyStable, friendships have been broken and severed by these claims, lives have been ruined, and all the evidence that coincided with the HuMane Six's secrets are falsely pointed at Sunset Shimmer. What's worse is that everyone in the school, including her friends, have turned on her, leaving her alone and despondent. What's even more worse is that Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria hasn't opened the breach between both the equine world and the human world.

Feeling lower than her defeat during the Fall Formal Incident earlier that year, Sunset Shimmer has given up all hope of trying to talk things over with her former friends, and decided to end it by walking in the December blizzard alone, hoping that the cold would calmly put her out of her misery. Walking along the highway with nothing but her warm clothes and her dreams of friendship crushed, Sunset finally succumbs to hypothermia and sleeps. When she woke up, Sunset knew that she didn't perish. Instead, a kind and generous soul had saved her from salvation, a kind and generous soul who hides a dark past within his memories. When Sunset asks him why he couldn't have let her die in the blizzard, it only took a few sentences out of him to make her realize that he wasn't so different after all. That he was a kindred spirit much like her own.

That's when Sunset decided to spend her first Christmas with her savior, which unfolds into a tale of how two distant yet kindred souls could change their lives for the better. What can more be said for Canterlot High when the scandals of Anon-a-Miss continues to spread through the hallways like an infectious virus, or when some unsavory figures from Sunset's savior's past decided to rear their ugly heads?

Rated T for suicide attempts.

I do not own any of the characters.

All rights preserved to Hasbro, Inc. and Lauren Faust.

Cover art by DNKovic

Chapters (4)

I did some things I regret in my life, both as a pony and as a human. They're mistakes that will probably leave traces in some form for the rest of my life.

But that doesn't mean I won't try to change. Even if the past does follow me wherever I go...

(First person, Sunset's POV, set after the events of Rainbow Rocks)

EDIT: While this was initially started as just a quick thing I wrote for the Equestria Daily Friend Off that I threw together at the last minute, I have now decided to improve on and expand it.

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow had been surprised when Princess Twilight had offered her friendship. She had been even more surprised when Twilight stood up for her in her trial, helping her gain legal absolution from her past.

Now, she is trying to start with a clean slate, turning to the familiar military structure of Equestria's Night Guard. Upon arriving at the New Lunar Republic for her training, however, she finds that legal forgiveness does not mean Equestria has forgotten her past. Now, winning one instructor's good word is all that stands between her and moving forward with her life.

But why oh WHY did Princess Twilight have to send her to a pony so STUBBORN?

Chapters (10)

(humanization as plot)

Fairhaven. One of the major hotspots for the underground racing scene, both at night, away from prying eyes, and during the day, amidst the bright lights and sirens of police cars. Naturally, you grew to like this town, and you quickly became either a local legend or menace, depending on which side of the badge you ask. There is little you can't handle on the road.

Despite this, nothing could prepare you for the arrival of six very strange girls...

Chapters (11)

Tempest has been granted a room in Celestia's castle for the time being until other arrangements can be made, and to keep her from falling back into solitude. When Tempest admits to Twilight that she hasn't seen many of the things ponies have already seen in their lifetimes, Twilight wants to help change that, and more.

Chapters (1)