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I love to steal. The thrill of the theft, the shivers that go down my spine when I pilfer someone's valuable or rare object... it's an adrenaline rush.

Back on Earth, my job was damn difficult. Laser tripwires, security cameras, alarm systems, and armed guards were just some of the things I had to deal with on an almost-daily basis if I wanted to make ends meet. Here in Equestria, though... it's almost as if they want me to steal from them. It's a cakewalk. Even with Fence taking a portion of the value when he sells my stolen goods, I'm still practically rolling in bits.

Surely nothing bad could come of this at all... right?

Chapters (4)

Twilight calls for help. Unfortunately, it comes.

Note that this story deals heavily with depression and suicide. There's no shame in deciding not to read.
Thanks to Quill Scratch for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Anon-a-miss, the mysterious gossiper, plagues CHS. Caught as the perfect scapegoat, Sunset finds herself more shunned than ever before. While determined to clear her name, Sunset decides that first she needs a break. From everything. Back in the place she used to call home.

But as soon as Sunset leaves, her friends at CHS realize the depth of their mistake. Not just in accusing Sunset, but also in forgetting Sunset is not like any other human. As they try with all their might to earn back their friend's trust, they quickly come to learn that they know very little about Sunset and the world she hails from.

And worse for the girls, as Sunset begins to pick up the shards of her old life in Equestria, she begins to wonder whether she really wants to stay at CHS at all.

Chapters (11)

After the timeline goes awry for the eighth time, Twilight Sparkle convinces Starlight Glimmer to journey with her through the most recent world she created, using her alicorn magic potion to safely view one of the tragic timelines. As the world spirals farther and farther out of control, Twilight fears the vision may be doing more to strengthen Starlight's resolve than to bring her to an understanding of her mistakes.

Starlight Glimmer vector by itv-canterlot on Deviantart

A good portion of chapters 1-3 debuted in the Writeoff event "Forbidden Knowledge"

Red tags for mild gore and fantasy violence.

Chapters (10)

As Spike was left behind at the GGG, he decides to visit the parts of the castle he remembered from childhood. As he does so, he runs into Luna, who was making her way to the library not being interested in the party. Asking why Spike left the party, Spike tells Luna what happened. Luna decides to invite him to the library with her, seeing as she wouldn't mind having a friend to talk to. The conversation leads to Spike talking about how he felt used and hurt. Luna feeling sympathetic, asks Spike why he feels this way, causing Spike to tell his story, from the earliest moment he could remember to the present. Spike also mentions a secret to Luna (but you'll have to read to find out :P)

Picture from GameInformer
Link to picture. I do not own this picture.

Chapters (1)

Warning! This story is dark! Very dark! And it does NOT have a happy ending! If you are not into that kind of fic, DO NOT READ!!!!!!

Yet another Anon-A-Miss fic. This one is an alternate route to Dainn's "Anon-A-Miss," where instead of escaping her captors, Sunset gave into despair......and to her demons.

"I was stupid.....so stupid....."

Chapters (19)

Spike led Thorax into the throne room of the Crystal Castle confident he could convince the others that the changeling could be trusted. That he meant no harm, and instead wanted to be an ally and live peacefully with them. That he could make them see Thorax for what he really was. That they could befriend the changeling and accept him as one of their own.

They didn't.

And consequences followed.

First featured on 11/12/2016. -- Now with a TV Tropes page. -- Review by Arcanum Phantasy -- Review by PaulAsaran

Chapters (98)

Rarity thought that taking a temporary job as Canterlot Castle's royal seamstress would be easy. She was prepared for the glitz, the glam, the all-nighters, the intricate art of dealing with nobles, and even the string of suitors vying for her heart.

Admittedly, she hadn't counted on Princess Celestia being one of them.

Collection of drabbles and ficlets set in a RariLestia AU created by Misago and me.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer did many things in her life she wasn't proud of. Things that made her feel ashamed of her past and herself. She helped fight off the Sirens, "The Dazzlings", as they were known during the Battle of the Bands. Perhaps the former Unicorn could finally find happiness... right?

Anon-a-Miss happened. An unknown user of MyStable started posting secrets about every student at CHS. Sunset received the blame. Punished for a crime she didn't commit.

Nobody believed her, not even the Rainbooms. The group of friends she thought of as exactly that... her best friends. Her family. Princess Twilight couldn't be reached, either.

Was she destined to be alone? The Magic of Friendship nothing more than a mere lie?

It hurt; the pain of betrayal ran deep.

But, no matter how dark it is, there will always be a new dawn on the horizon.

This beautiful piece of art, also known as my story cover, was made by ChanceyB. You will find this picture on Deviantart.

Javarod is responsible for prereading, proofreading, editing, contributing, and especially everything that's wrong.

Chapters (20)