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Their pendants inactive, their magic gone, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata find themselves plonked undignified into a world of human beings who, despite their adulation for magic, fear it above all else. Yet despite their separation from their once world-dominating power, they retain the natural strengths of their species along with a mysterious longevity, and quickly learn that any hint of their extraordinary abilities can quickly land them in the deepest trouble.
Wishing to be left alone by these oat-brained primitives, the three agreed centuries ago that they should never remain in one place, and that they should keep their abilities a strict secret.
Well, most of the time.

After centuries of keeping their talents a secret from the world, the two great superpowers of their time are on the road to war, and the three sirens at risk of being caught between two of the ancient world's mightiest war machines.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Fall of Harmony

It is now March. Sunset has been excelling in her studies at Crystal Prep, running top marks in all of her classes and gaining the attention of the Academies Principal. She is going to have to rely on her friends to help with what is about to happen in her life.

This is an alternate take on the Friendship Games, and will incluse some personal changes to the happenings as well as the structure of the Games themselves.

Gore warning for aftermath of self harm as well as later events
Rated Teen for discussion of the aftermaths of self harm

Chapters (16)

After being purged of the darkness at the Fall Formal Sunset was hurt, and badly. She needed a home, and a place in someone's heart.

Luckily for her, Celestia has room for her in both.

Lovingly edited by RK

Chapters (10)

Anomaly: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Rule 34.2 of Alternate Dimensions: If you exist, there is another you in another dimension.
In every fiction, if you exist, another version of you exist as well. Maybe both of you have similar personalities, maybe slightly tweaked due to different surroundings. Yet the both of you could also be so different in personality. This is Rule 34.2.
But, somewhere in the universe, one defies this rule, someone that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

Then, what explains this irrational anomaly? There must be a logical explanation on why there was only one. Perhaps there has been some mistake.

This story can only be made possible by the minds of Finn the Traitor. Enjoy!

Featured in Fimfiction on 6 July 2017. Thank you very much for your support! :heart:

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, student pilot, gets drunk one night and finds herself shanghai'd into working for a mercenary company in Africa. She can leave...just as soon as she flies one hundred combat missions.

Civil war is well underway, and warlord factions fight to control the gold-rich country of Talongo. Both sides are well supplied, accelerating into an arms race. Rainbow wanted to be a fighter pilot, but not like this, not flying for her life against killers for hire on both sides of the war.

Going home is her goal, but first she has to survive.

Chapters (34)

Sisters being peaceable with horrors unspeakable.

(A collection of surreal and creepy little comedies about the Princesses. Collab with Pearple Prose).

As this is an anthology series, it will update periodically. The stories are largely unrelated, but within the same continuity.

Chinese translation by MLM.

Chapters (11)

Still reeling from their defeat at the Battle of the Bands, Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze are recruited by Abacus Cinch as her own magical ringers to use against Canterlot High in exchange for a chance to reclaim their lost magic.

But life at Crystal Prep isn't all sunshine and rainbows for the three newest Shadowbolts. Faced with looming deadlines, hostile classmates, and a crumbling partnership with her fellow Sirens, Adagio finds solace with a most unexpected ally.

But when Equestrian magic is on the line, will she follow her heart? Or will her she learn that old habits die hard?

Sirens don't make friends, after all, and they certainly don't fall in love.

Chapters (18)

Sunset Shimmer is a young mare who strives for power and doesn't care about anyone but herself.
Twilight Sparkle is a little filly with more scars than she lets on.
Now both of them have to make do, stuck in a world where their greatest talents are little more than a pretty mark on their clothes.

Cover art commissioned from GPizano, who draws a pretty awesome Sunset Shimmer.

Top of the Feature Box on 15/06/17, and an incredible 91:0 upvotes. Thank you all for your help in making that possible.

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer, the most antisocial student at Canterlot High School. No one would guess that she's actually the mysterious vigilante, Blacksun. But what happens when someone enters her life and flips her world upside down by asking to be her friend.

Will Sunset, A.K.A. Blacksun, be able to save who she needs to save with this wants-to-be-friend wasting her precious time? Or will Sunset learn that she's the one who needs saving?

Throughout their journeys, Sunset will fight threats both in school and out of school. And along the way, maybe the two will find that they like each other more than friends? Or Sunset's become delusional.

Chapters (6)

Something about Lightning Dust just seemed a little 'off'. Sometimes she didn't react the right way to the world around her, and sometimes the way she reacted was positively frightening... but it wasn't until she laughed off nearly killing a couple of ponies that anypony actually realized just how messed up she was.

Cover art is by the amazing and godlike Conicer.

*Not a gluefic.

Chapters (1)