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After helping to stop the Storm King, Tempest Shadow decides to return home under the suggestion of Princess Twilight Sparkle. She returns home to try and make amends with her family and friends, but years of contempt and anger will block her from a flawless transition.

With a little faith, and a little support from an unlikely friend, Tempest will try her best to make up for the lost time.

“Have faith in family and friendship.” Twilight Sparkle

Now reviewed by the talented: PaulAsaran! Thank you for the input! :scootangel:

Edited by: Solitare and Spooky YuGiOh Brony! Thanks guys!:scootangel:

Made Popular Story List: 10/19/17! Thanks everyone!

Possible Spoilers for the MLP Movie!

Chapters (27)

Following the events of the movie, Tempest Shadow accepts responsibility for her actions and attempts to atone for her actions while serving under the Storm King.

Author's Note:

Chapters 11-15 were written at Canterlot KC 2017 in Kansas City, MO

Chapters 59-61 were written at CONglomeration 2018 in Louisville, KY

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (72)

Part of The Destiny of the Ancients

We all know how it went; Sunset turned into a demon, the Elements purified her and later on she became the lovable human that we know. Except that this time some outside force changed the outcome, this time Sunset did not survive the purification. Sunset Shimmer was killed and thrown into the dangerous realm of Dark Souls.

Finding herself in the Undead Asylum, Sunset must survive the gruesome tests in her way to either save the world, or doom the Age of Fire into darkness, but is it all so simple and who is this mysterious white robed figure that seems to be so focused on Sunset?

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the girls battle their own guilt and egos while the portal now closes and functions as a Scrying Mirror, being witnesses to the suffering and accomplishments of the redheaded undead. They will find themselves awed of what this lone figure can do by herself.

But who is moving all these strings? What is the purpose? Does it have bigger ramifications? Keep on reading to find out what will happen in Sunset's road to become the Princess of Lordran.

Previously part of The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer

Edited by: XIII Hearts (thank you buddy)

Also, if anyone could find or make a better cover for this tory I'll be forever grateful.

Chapters (39)

Octavia Melody is a young woman with an old chip on her shoulder. Turned into a vampire against her will, there’s no going back to her old life, only revenge.

Her partner is Vinyl Scratch, a carefree two hundred year-old werewolf.

They kill people.

Editing by 6samuelb

Chapters (13)

Why did I do it? It was so simple: just watch Rainbow Dash fly by, and be sent back to my own reality. I could have just waited, but I didn't. I could have convinced Starlight what the right thing was, but I didn't.

No. No, what I did was valid. I didn't trust her, so I did what I could to make sure Starlight didn't mess anything up for a hundredth time. I did what I felt was right.

But if I knew the cost, if I had known how unforgiving time would be, if I took a minute to think about what would have happened, I would never have gone through with it.

I bucked up.

Starts during the S5 finale. Rewatching the episode should not be required.
Help with editing done by Shadowghostalex.

Chapters (1)

A Juggernaut, one of the most deadly foot soldiers on Earth, wakes up from cryosleep to find his ship crash-landed in a foreign location. With seemingly nobody surviving but he, the Juggernaut dons his armour for a final time and prepares to go out guns blazing.

When he makes it outside, he is confronted with something that will shake his very foundations of life.

Written for a friend that has supported me since the beginning.
Cover image thoughtfully recommended to me by Ironwolves21.

Chapters (11)

Discord has failed to break the friendship between the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Desperate and with a rainbow of friendship blasting towards him, he teleports himself to a future where the Elements of Harmony are no more so that he could trade places with his future counterpart.

What he didn't know was that in this future, he has been reformed and the ponies there think he's somehow lost his memory and are determined to refriend him. Gag!

Meanwhile, the reformed Discord is teleported to the past, facing very hostile ponies and a world of Chaos his past counterpart had created. Chaos is a wonderful thing and he was all up for having some fun but what was the point if he had nopony to share it with?

Chapters (4)

Hello, my name is or was Beth. I say was, because something amazing happened to my daughter and me when we went to Everfree Northwest. You see we cosplayed as our OC's of our favorite character from MLP the lord of Chaos Discord. But then there was a flash of light and now we're in Equestria as mother and daughter Draconequus. I just hope we can prove to the ponies that we're not bad and show them sometimes a little chaos is a good thing.

Coverart by C-PUFF

Chapters (4)

As fall begins, Sunset Shimmer has just started her first year at Canterlot High School. While she has no trouble with the work, she finds the school far too restrictive. When a strange arrival gives her a chance at freedom, she jumps at the opportunity. But is there more to find from this stranger who shares her face?

Written for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons. Thanks to Starscribe for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bitter Sweet Tidings

Sour Sweet's schizophrenia has been in remission for many years. But with remission often comes a false sense of security. She hasn't taken her pills in weeks.

Her husband is leaving on a weekend trip. Sour and her daughter, Bitter Honey are excited for some quality time together. However, that quality time will be interrupted when erratic symptoms begin to resurface with a vengeance. Now a toddler must deal with being home alone with a mother who has lost her grip on reality.

Contains: mental health issues, the endangerment and brief verbal abuse of a toddler, conspiracy theories, a very smug Anon, nudity, language, magical yet violent hallucinations, the Antichrist, and suicide contemplation.

Chapters (4)