Button Mash's mom was having a hard time, so he decides to affect her with happiness by nose bopping, belly rubbing, hoof massaging, belly tickling, ear scratching, mane stroking, and chin stroking.

Chapters (1)

While Studying in the Canterlot High library, Twilight and Sunset find a few students who are into history, and a tragic but important part of the human's history . The sinking of a ship once thought to be unsinkabke by God himself, The Titanic.

For Harm's way and Bronyheadbanger the two biggest titanic fans I know.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sun and her little Sparkle

It's been ten years since Twilight was adopted by Princess Celestia and the elements of harmony were put to use all too soon. Luna never awoke, though, and she remained a secret to most outside of the elements and those few servants who were tasked with keeping the sleeping princess alive and well.
Nightmare Moon returned, however, and was subsequently banished by the Elements of Harmony once again.
This is the story of what happens after. How the Night truly became what it was always meant to be.

Chapters (5)

The Ponyville jeweler, Lavender Brooch, is getting ready to pack up after a long day at work. It had been particularly busy, and she was more than eager to return home.

Her efforts came to a halt when a mare she remembered as Trixie walked through the doors, stepping tentatively up to the counter. With a red face, she requests to be shown the most beautiful necklace to buy for the most beautiful mare. Naturally, Lavender is inclined to help.

Spoilers for S7 Ep2: All Bottled Up.

Chapters (2)

Everyone knows Sugarcoat as being a stuck-up, smart-mouthing, hyper-intelligent, soon-to-be valedictorian with grades who surpassed everyone at Crystal Prep after Twilight left for Canterlot High.

But, much like everyone, Sugarcoat had a childhood. And when she tells her story to the other Crystal Preppers she finds to be her acquanitances, they'll find out that she was much, MUCH different as a kid.

Chapters (2)

Sunburst tries to calm down a seven year old Flurry with a fairy tale of the long forgotten past, which reveals how magic originally got to Equestria and the surrounding lands. The legend of Callidus, the pony who brought magic to all.

A story for the Monthly Contest Club's April 2017 challenge.

Proofread by themaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

The Solarian Empire, has stood against the bulwark of time for centuries, yet after the death of Solaris, the nation somewhat fractures- Forming itself into the Holy Solarian Empire- and instead simply grows more corrupt and fat every day. Its army unused, a mere show of force, than a rear leg capable of such bucking. To satisfy their labour needs- without having to do it themselves of course- humans were brought in, capable of a variety of tasks, and able to be hardy enough to withstand it.

Yet through all these years the whip has been used, and when something has been seen enough, and when the greatest wall of them all, fear, has collapsed. Solaris help you all.

Chapters (3)

Everyone knows the back stories of the mane six, but what if they were different,what if they were swapped?

(Hello my name is Polaris Solarmoon and this is my first story, I'm not very sure if this is going to be good but please enjoy,oh one more thing the story starts in chapter 2 so if you want to skip the bio chapter you can)

Chapters (7)

a strange creature appears in Sweet Apple Acres one day and starts a panic after casting what appears to be a spell that cause ponies to see hear things that aren't there with more to come unless they can catch it before it causes any harm but Fluttershy seems to have doubts about this creature intent to harm anypony

Chapters (10)

the purpose of stable 76 was to train young colts and fillies to survive and repopulate the surface once it became habitable. unknown to all but the overmare's and overstallion's of the stable the surface wouldn't be habitable for centuries. a young stallion by the name of shining justice was eager to go to the surface so he and his best friends jade moon and blits star worked up a plan to get there. through a lot of confusion sneaking and handy work they were able to get to the surface but were surprised at what they saw.
(credit for the artwork and help with some editing goes to rainbow10dash ( http://rainbow10dash.deviantart.com ) who helps make this story possible

Chapters (1)