Applejack and Rarity go on a short trip away from home to Canterlot for whatever reason. Applejack being the orchard-bound pony she was couldn’t sleep in the fancy Canterlot hotel with its frilly additions or whatever. Rarity eventually comes to the rescue.
Dumb, short little story inspired by being jet-lagged as all hell. Was still jet-lagged while waiting. Don’t expect perfection. Or a well written ending. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (1)

Nurse Sweetheart has a tiny box in her house. It's not hers, but it's supposed to be empty. When it isn't, a trip through Ponyville's history may be needed.

The title is derived from this song. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sick Little Ponies (And One Dragon)

Everypony gets sick sometimes. A number will try to ignore it. Some fight through it, even when they shouldn't. Others make sure they succumb as quickly as possible, and that everypony around them knows it. One or two might refuse to admit anything's wrong at all. But eventually, everypony will fall ill.

Alicorns. Activists. Ordinary citizens. And possibly a minotaur.

It's time to bring in some new patients.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

(While this is listed as a sequel, the main connection to the original is in theme. No knowledge of the earlier stories is required.)

Chapters (4)

Towers from unknown origins have appeared in Equestria and only those who can enter it are chosen by the towers. Not even our heroes can enter it nor can Discord (Now there's a good thing about them). Twilight and her friends are doing their best to recruit those who can enter the tower to solve its purpose. While Twilight and her friends try to recruit awakened creatures, a centaur appeared in the tower and is growing his own food as the Tower Farmer.
Here is the link to my inspiration: https://mangakatana.com/manga/solo-farming-in-the-tower.26861

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle, 3000 years after "The Last Problem", battles with the solitude and emptiness of losing everypony dear to her. Overwhelmed and weary, will her desperation lead her to hasty choices she'll later regret?

Chapters (1)

I had bad friends once, a long time ago. It was okay that they were bad friends. I was bad, too.

They're long gone now, though.


Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the Horror category. Read the other entries here!

Inspired (vaguely) by the Mountain Goats song Unicorn Tolerance.

Preread by the ever-lovely Drowned Owl and ChudoJogurt!

Chapters (1)

Is it me? Am I the only one who doesn't think we're all alone here?

It's a beautiful night, and Applejack can't sleep.

Written for the thousand word competition in the slice of life category. Proof reading by metronome and RB. With love to SoGreatandPowerful.

Chapters (1)

Several hundred years after the fall of Equestria, Juniper and Cypress Evergreen are sisters who make their living as a pair of bounty hunters.

They've been hanging around the prosperous town of Bridlewood, building their fortune and their reputation. Their latest job, however, will change both of their lives forever.

Chapters (2)

When Rarity was invited to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor to design the wedding dress for the bride, and later to be a bridesmaid, she was absolutely ecstatic! But when Queen Chrysalis chose to crash the wedding, a deep dark secret is revealed about Rarity… a secret she hoped would never be revealed.

When Sweetie Belle was invited to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor along with her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders to be flower girls, she was absolutely excited! But when the bride is revealed to be a monster in disguise, a deep dark secret is revealed about Sweetie Belle… a secret she didn’t even know she was keeping.

How will the Element bearers react to their friend’s secret?… How will the CMCs react to their friend’s secret?… And now that their secrets are revealed, who will protect them?

Friendships and familial bonds will be tested as a divide is created from the confusion.

This fanfiction is protected under the fair use act. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all characters is the creation of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. The premise and any OCs were created by King Cocoon. Any references are credited to their respective sources.

Chapters (3)

(This story goes to all fanfiction writers out there.)

As a pony whose bakery compared to others has less fame, less recognition and even less passers-by who visit, this baker strives to make the most of it whilst making important reflections on what makes a bakery famous, what the customers want and what he wants to achieve as a baker himself. Only within those ponderings may he find solitude and growth, establishing new connections with a renewed appreciation for the help, support and views of his customers.

(A huge thank you for Eclipse for first reading, jgilley63 for second reading and alulabelfry for the cover)

Chapters (1)