This story is a sequel to Master Plan

More and more heralds of the Dark Lord are coming to their master's aid, and it's once again, up to Twilight and her friends to stop them from bringing unnecessary evil back to Equestria. And on the other side of things, an ancient legend of near unstoppable creatures with supernatural powers have come back to fit in the magical land.

Chapters (9)

A massive battle with Tirek's mom the main 6 was over but without of 5 elements out of 6 broken and Princess Celestia said that there were only 7 places each can reforge into newer ones but they may have to go to extreme places to do it.
the Magic element broken so bad that each half of the gem had to be reforged in two places 1 was on the dark side of the moon the other was in the sun's core. The Kindness element was lucky it was the one that did not break. The others had cracks in them so they only to be reforged in one location. Honesty was in changeling kingdom in the center of Queen Chrysalis' castle, Loyatity was in an active volcano near the griffon regen, Generosity was in diamond dog city, Laughter was in a dead-pan country where laughter was a crime.

other characters:
Queen Chrysalis
Princess Celestia
Tirek's mom
cranky doodle donkey

New = Old
1)bravery = Laughter
2)justice = Honesty
3)intergrity = magic
5)preseverance = magic
6)patience = generosty
7)determination = loyalty

Note: there should be 11 chapters mimum. Chapters 2-8 happen about the same time give or take. Also this only borrows Undertail's 7 types of hearts as elements. xKyly is my own character

Chapters (10)

A Dragon named Spike who asked a Unicorn named Rarity about being his buddy and going with him into the movie theater which is in the castle. During sunset, Spike noticed that he's running late, and tries to make it. He was stopped by two Pegasus ponies that are an Alicorns guards and that Alicorns name is Princess Celestia. They wouldn't let him in the movie theater and told him to leave which he did. He asked Princess Celestia if she can help and she accept to offer to help him but only if he first helps her which is to get the Magic Cup. Her and Spike go together to try to find the Magic Cup so that Spike can get pass the guards.

Chapters (3)

The Great and ‘Marvelous’ Trixie signs a contract, without reading the fine print, and is conscripted into assisting a reaper capture the demons that have escaped from hell. Her only difficulty in the mission remains with Trixie’s inability to exorcise the demons who have taken root their host’s souls, because she has to kiss them, which is further complicated when her first assignment is Shining Armor. A stud who is quite happily married and his bride who kind of likes the new Armor. Hindered only by the fact that she has negative presence and is almost universally scorned, after she completes her assignments the targets will have no memory of her, but their paramours certainly will.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Nightmare Conquest Starting

With Rarity as the new Queen of Darkness and Spike as the King they now plan on taking the Crystal Empire. And maybe there's some new recruits that the nightmare force will have.

This was requested by ChazMLPFIM.

Chapters (2)

Meet Dan. The Phone Guy from five nights at Freddy's. He got power from nowhere. He is unusual guy with phone instead of a head. He has powers of recall animatronics. Phone Guy is alone in other world with talking ponies. It's been fun.

Chapters (8)

Steven is a brony that retired from the military. The first armored devition, so he retired from the military to be a engineer. When one day a crazy man with a mishen gun came to town. Steve came out with an old riffile and began to fire in front of him he imeataly took billets to the chest. After firing 7 shots the man fell over dead and he soon fallows!

(a little bit of Comedy!)

Chapters (6)

Equestria is under siege by the Changeling Hordes once more, this time under the command of a dangerous and powerful new master. The Elements of Harmony are nowhere to be found, and Canterlot itself has been taken, the princesses of the sun and moon captured. Apollo Sparkle never asked to be a hero, but after stumbling across an alicorn mare by the name of Piper in the midst of a battle ravaging Manehattan and getting swept up in a world of changelings, challenges, and danger he just may end up as one. Teaming up with new friends and allies to face off against foes he's only heard of in storybooks, and being pushed to the limit time and time again, Apollo will learn more about trust and friendship than ever before, and even a little about himself along the way.

Chapters (8)

After reigning victorious in a war against the Griffin army, Celestia holds a celebration, however, it is interrupted by a sudden invasion from the Changelings. Twilight Sparkle, a leader of the magical unit, escapes the attack, and now struggles to pick herself back up after failing her dear princess, meeting ponies who will assist her and Equestria in the future. However, with all these new responsibilities placed on her, will she be able to overcome the pressure?

Art by Boomythemc
Source: Deviantart
Title of art: Princess At War.
Editor/Font: Me
App used: Phonto

Chapters (2)

After the war with Chrysalis a new ruler was needed that ruler is Twilight. The war with the changelings grows on ever more and with the threat of Chrysalis coming back the mecha ponies were created. But one mecha pony is different, she is the one who questions her kind, are they fake or are they something more and what is love and who is that voice... But what can Reina do isn't she just fake or is she something special.

'the beauty fake the danger real'

Chapters (1)