
On July 3, 1943, Equestria declared war on the Axis Powers.

These are the stories of those times.

(Contains historical events, including warfare and atrocity, depicted in what I hope to be a genuine, accurate manner. For more explanation, please see the foreword.)

Chapters (27)

A human gets pulled into Equestria by a spell cast by Twilight. He has a lot to learn about this new world and all its inhabitants. Will he be able to cope and live among the ponies, or will he be treated as an outcast, forced to run and hide as he tries to find a way home?

This is an alternate universe.

This is my first attempt at a story, so be brutal. Don't be afraid to tell me if I messed up royally.

Edited by Lady-Kaeru

Cover pic by TheParagon

Chapters (53)

All I wanted was to do art. That's it! Now for some god forsaken reason, I'm slowly turning into a (rather annoying) pony that got stuck in my head after I had dreamed of it for awhile. Could someone please send me a memo or something? Cause I'm completely lost here about everything and keep getting flashes involving more ponies.

This story is a Canon part of the OTVerse.

Chapters (8)

An unexpected anomaly brings about a new and powerful weapon that inadvertently helped Nightmare defeat Celestia. Nightmare plans on exploiting this new weapon. Little does she know that when you play with fire, you get burned.

Not a Halo crossover.

Image Credit: Deviant Art xXMarkingXx
FIMFiction marking

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro

On hiatus until I can finish my other projects or find more time to continue writing this as well. Don't worry though, I do have the entire story board written out. I'm not abandoning any of my work.

Chapters (6)

One lonely night, Vinyl decides to use her old two-way radio to relieve the tedium. In doing so, she stumbles upon the voice of 'Adi,' who has a story so crazy Vinyl isn't willing to believe it.

But Adi is desperate, so desperate that Vinyl knows something really is wrong. Can her words help Adi overcome whatever is really happening? Even if she can instill hope in this stranger, is hope worth anything against seemingly insurmountable odds?

All Vinyl can do is sit before her radio and talk. Perhaps it will be enough.

Thanks to Mercury Gilado and Starlight Nova for pre-reading and editing.

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio! It came as quite the surprise.

Cover Art Credit: HolyShmow

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Emerald Gleaner: Viral Unicorn

[Prototype 2] X MLP:FiM crossover

Emerald Gleaner is now known to the world at large, seen as cruel and heartless at best for the slaughter of the Changelings, she has few true friends in the world indeed. And with every action she takes those few seem to shrink in number. Worse still in an honest effort to seek help Discord brings up an old savagery once thought buried and forgotten.

Can Emerald Gleaner overcome the stress and pressures of openly running a nation and being held accountable for her actions? Or will the darkness of her past rise up to consume both her and all that she holds dear?

NOTE:Thanks goes to Trondason and Nightmareknight for helping me with the planning and editing

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle goes to a party at Vinyl Scratch's with her best friends: Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Unfortunately for her, she spots her ex among the crowd. So quickly, with her friends nowhere in sight, Twilight stupidly decides to pretend to be dating the nearest person she could find. Who by the way, happens to be a very attractive fiery-haired woman. Now with this mysterious girl gone, Twilight decides to do nothing but to track her down. It would've been easy. If she had got her number...

What happened next? Twilight surely didn't know.

Written For PRIDE Month!

Au, takes place in college, no magic, humans only.

Story tags and character tags will make more sense as the story goes on.

Original cover art, here.

Check out My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Chapters (11)

"Howdy, it's Applejack. Sorry I missed your call, leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"

Why isn't Applejack answering her phone?

And why is her inbox so full?

A short story told through voicemails.

pre-read/edited by PegaSista101

Chapters (1)
by Zael

An Anon-a-Miss story.

As Anon-a-Miss turns Sunset's life a living hell, the girl endures it until something snaps inside her. She doesn't want revenge, but she wants to go out with a bang. And after a bit of thinking, she knows the perfect way to do that.

Warning: light profanity and thoughts of self deprecation and of violence

EDIT 11th July: wow, I didn't expect it to be in the popular stories. Thank you all guys! I had planned this as a one-shot fic, but I might write something as a sequel (or as a spin-off).

Chapters (1)

New cover-art by Majestickfire9.

Oh My God, I LOVE IT!

My day was going great at first. Work was over for the week and I was leaving with a few mates to go hang in the city before heading home.

My plans kinda got detrailed though, when I melted into one of the walls and found myself in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters from MLP. On top of that, I've, for whatever reason, turned into an anthropomorphic filly Alicorn.

Just what the hell is going on and how can I go home as a half pony?

In Popular Stories 9-14/8/2015. :yay:

Chapters (7)