• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,211 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Carrot's Dilemma

Chapter 37

It was about 4:30 in the afternoon, and the sun was well on its way to disappearing behind the trees of the Everfree. As the sun got lower, its rays began pouring through the windows of the houses. A certain indigo unicorn began to stir as the soft rays pierced through the living room windows of Carrot Top’s house; shining onto his face.

“Mmmmhh?” AJ slowly cracked his good eye open. He let out a big yawn before trying to collect himself. He stretched his neck, causing a couple things to pop back into place. As he became more aware of the world around him, he noticed the warmth that was surrounding him. Looking back, he saw that there was a blanket covering him. It was the blanket from Ditzy’s bed. He could tell, not only from how it looked, but the scent coming from it.

With a soft smile, he took a big whiff of the familiar scent. As he was about to start getting up, he felt something squirming around next to him. “Ay luff you daddy.”

As he looked down, his smile doubled. Dinky was lying down next to him. Her head was the only thing exposed as she slept soundly. She must have been having a dream with him in it. A soft warmth slowly radiated through his chest as he watched the little filly sleep. He couldn’t explain it. The feeling was completely foreign to him. Despite the tinge of confusion running through his head, he hoped the feeling would never go away. He slowly bent his head down and kissed her on the forehead. “I love you too, my little angel.”


Ditzy quietly hummed to herself as she worked in the kitchen. She was wearing Carrot’s apron as she worked. She gently folded the ingredients in the bowl until she was sure the batter was ready. As she greased the next pan for use, she heard a ding come from the oven. With a smile, she opened the oven and grabbed the oven mitt in her mouth. She pulled out the tray of muffins and set them off to the side to cool.

While she usually just went to Sugarcube Corner for her muffin fix, sometimes Ditzy just like to stay at home and make her own. They didn’t always turn out as good as they could, but that never stopped her from enjoying the experience. It had always been a good way for her to relieve a bit of stress, and after what she had just been through, a bit of stress relief was just what she needed.

Before she could start pouring the batter into the second tray, she heard a knock on the door. “Who could that be?”

As she opened the door, she was greeted by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Hey you two.”

“Heya Ditzy,” Applejack said with a smile.

“Hi,” Rainbow said sheepishly.

“So, what’s up?” Ditzy asked, figuring the two of them weren’t just here to say hello.

“Before we get ta business, we’d like ta know how everythin’ went.” Applejack said with a smile.

“With what?”

“Between you and AJ,” said Rainbow.

“Oh…that.” Ditzy sheepishly rubbed her leg. “Why don’t you two come in.” Ditzy stepped to the side to let them in before closing the door. Applejack and Rainbow followed her into the kitchen. “Can I interest you in some muffins?”

“What flavor?”


“Awesome! I love blueberry muffins!” Without waiting for Ditzy to put them on a plate, Rainbow swooped over; grabbing two of the muffins out of the pan. As she plopped down into a chair, she took a big bite of the first muffin. When she opened her eyes, she noticed Applejack lightly glaring at her. “Whaa?” she said through the muffin in her mouth.

Applejack just rolled her eyes with a sigh.

“Whaa?! She saih Ah coulh!”

Applejack facehoofed with a groan. “Why don’t we get ta th’ reason we’re here. So, how did everythin’ go?”

Ditzy let out a deep sigh before answering. “We were able to talk things through. We’re going to make this work, even if we need help.”

“Dash greah!” Dash shouted with muffin in her mouth; spewing muffin bits everywhere.

Applejack noticed the sudden change in Ditzy’s demeanor. She was clearly uncomfortable with what she was going to say. “I…I think I might need some professional help with my…trust issues.”

“Oh sugarcube, Ah’m sure yer just blowin’ this outa proportion.” Ditzy slowly shook her head as she nervously rubbed her leg. Applejack’s smile began to waver. Ditzy was serious about this. She walked over and placed a supportive hoof on Ditzy’s shoulder; putting on a warm smile. “Well, if ya think ya need some help, we’ll be behind ya one hundred percent.”

“What if I can’t be helped Applejack? I’ll end up destroying our relationship.”

Applejack drew Ditzy into a hug. “Nonsense. All ya need ta do is believe in yerself. If ya do that, ya can beat this.”

A smile slowly graced Ditzy’s features. She felt lucky to have such great friends. “Speaking of AJ, where is he anyway?” asked Rainbow. "Did he leave after the two of you talked things out?”

Ditzy shook her head as she released the hug. “No. He was taking a nap on the couch. He cried himself to sleep after we talked. He must have been really tired from working so hard.”

“Yea. We haven’t had much time ta rest lately. We’ve all been a bit tired,” Applejack said, confirming Ditzy’s thoughts.

“I think he’s still sleeping.”

“No he’s not,” came a voice from the living room entrance of the kitchen.

The three of them turned to see AJ walking into the room. He stopped as a big yawn escaped from him. “Did we wake ya?” asked Applejack.

AJ groggily shook his head as he walked to one of the chairs and sat down. “Been up for probably fifteen minutes now.”

“What took ya so long ta join us then?”

A warm smile grew on AJ’s features. “I didn’t want to wake Dinky.”

Ditzy giggled. “She climbed up onto the couch to snuggle with you while she watched cartoons. She didn’t even make it through one episode before falling asleep.”

The smile slowly fell from AJ’s face. “I love her Ditzy. She’s my little angel…and I almost let her slip away.” His let his head drop to the table with a thud. “I almost let both of you slip away. I’m such an idiot.”

“Hey, everypony makes mistakes. You can’t let one little thing like a misunderstanding get you down. So don’t go all depressed on us again.”

AJ raised his head to look at Rainbow before sighing. “I know. It’s just kinda depressing to know one simple mistake like that could almost ruin our relationship.” AJ felt somepony nuzzling into him; bringing a smile to his face. He turned his head to smile at Ditzy. Ditzy leaned her head forward; pressing her lips against his.

The room was silent for a moment. Rainbow began looking between the other ponies in the room. “So nopony’s going to ask? Nopony at all? Alright, guess it’s up to me. What happened to your eye?”

An audible facehoof could be heard. “Ya just had ta ruin th’ moment, didn’t ya?”

“What?! It’s a good question! It looks like somepony really laid into him!”

“You know, you never did tell me what actually happened to your eye,” added Ditzy.

AJ tentatively brought up a hoof to touch his swollen eye. “Well technically I did.”

“Yea, but why did Carrot hit you?”

“Wait, wait, wait…Carrot Top did that to you?” Rainbow asked. “Jeeze, she’s stronger than she looks.”

“That’s what I said,” AJ said with a chuckle.

“But why would she just go an’ hit ya?”

AJ shrugged. “Hell if I know. We were talking about things while I waited for Ditzy to get home, the conversation went to her relationship issues, and she punched me.”

“Relationship issues? Ah didn’t think Carrot Top was in a relationship.”

“She’s not; look it’s really not my place to say anything about it.”

“Well, what was all said?” asked Ditzy.

AJ put a hoof to his chin. “Well, we talked about you and me, the two of you when you were fillies and some of the…activities you did during your sleepovers…”

AJ paused to see what Ditzy’s reaction would be. “What activities?” questioned Ditzy.

“Oh, you know.” AJ puckered his lips and made kissing noises.

The realization slowly began to dawn on Ditzy. Her eyes slowly widened, as her face began to heat up. “O-oh…that stuff. She told you about that?!” she asked in a loud whisper.

“Yes, yes she did. After that I admitted that I find her attractive. That’s when she flipped out on me, and gave me this.” He motioned to his eye. “I tried asking her what it was I exactly did, I even apologized for doing whatever it was I did. She wants nothing to do with me.”

“That’s it? Sounds to me like she just has a bug up her butt,” Rainbow said as she started on her second muffin.

“Maybe I’ll be able to get some answers from her later,” Ditzy said as she looked towards the stairs.

“Probably have better luck than I did at least.” AJ looked back to Applejack and Rainbow. “So, what are the two of you doing here anyway?”

Applejack stood there for a moment blinking before facehoofing. “Ah plumb forgot why we were here in th’ first place fer a moment there.” Applejack walked over and took the seat next to Rainbow. “How would you like ta go on vacation fer a little while?”

AJ looked at Applejack in confusion. “Scuse me?”

“Well, me an Rainbow have been talkin’ bout letting ya go with’er ta her little music thingy.”

“It’s a music FESTIVAL Applejack, and it’s only the biggest, most awesome music festival in all of Equestria!” Rainbow pulled the letter, a ticket, and a backstage pass from under her wing; passing them to AJ.

He took the items in his magic. He read through the letter first; taking longer than it should have due to trying to focus with only one good eye. When he was done with the letter, he looked at the ticket. He took note of the dates printed on the ticket. “Wait a minute, this is in a few days. During cider season. Aren’t you going to need my help? I mean, you made this sound like a pretty important thing for the farm.”

“It is. Th’ profits we make from cider season keep us goin’ through th’ winter. We don’t make enough from th’ milk we sell ta live off of, so we try ta sell as much cider as we can ta build up our savin’s.”

“Shouldn’t I be there too then? Not only am I an employee, but I live there. If something happens to the farm it’s going to affect me just as much as it would you guys.”

Applejack smiled as she shook her head. “You worked hard enough over th’ last few weeks. Ya technically hadn’t had a day off fer th’ last three weeks. How many times do ya think Ah’ve found ya passed out on th’ floor because ya were too tired ta make it ta bed? You've done yer part.”

“Besides, if they really need help, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity would be there to lend them a helping hoof.”

“What about Pinkie?”

“Oh, she’s going with us.” Rainbow said matter-of-factly. “After hearing that her favorite band was going to be there, she all but forced me to give her one of the tickets if I won.”

“How come you didn’t offer the other ticket to Braeburn?”

“I did, but he didn’t want it. He doesn’t like any of the music that’s going to be playing.” Rainbow stuffed the last of the muffin into her mouth. “Youh shoun lhikh youh donh whanna gho.”

AJ shook his head. “Nooo, it’s not that. I’m just surprised you decided to give me the last ticket, that’s all.”

Rainbow swallowed before speaking. “It was either you or Ditzy, and Ditzy didn’t have anymore days of vacation left. Both of you looked like you could use some time away from everything after what happened yesterday.”

“So, ya interested?” asked Applejack.

AJ put a hoof to his chin. “You sure you won’t need me here?”

“Absolutely! Would Ah lie ta you?” Applejack asked with an honest smile.

“Yea, good point. You are a terrible liar. I would have known if you were lying.” Applejack’s smile fell; turning into an unamused stare. “When would we be leaving?”

“In two days. We’ll board the train to Vanhoover, and transfer to Las Pegasus from there.”

AJ thought for a minute before nodding. “You know what, this actually sounds kinda fun. I think I’ll take you up on your offer Rainbow.”

Rainbow pumped her hoof. “Aww yeah! Pinkie’s going to be stoked when she hears this.” She unfurled her wings. “Thanks for the muffins Ditzy!” With that, Rainbow dashed out of the house.

Ditzy smiled as she removed the apron. “I think I’m going to go talk to Carrot. Excuse me.” She gave AJ a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room.

AJ watched her until she was out of sight. He turned back to Applejack with a sigh. “Guess I should be getting back to the farm soon.”


AJ looked at Applejack in confusion. “Buuuut I have work tomorrow.”

Applejack shook her head. “As of now, yer on vacation.”

AJ’s eye got wide. “Wha? I thought the festival wasn’t for a few days?”

“An’ Ah thought Ah was yer boss. Last time Ah checked, as a boss, Ah have th’ right ta give mah employees some vacation if Ah think they need it.” Applejack looked to the other room as she heard Dinky mumble something in her sleep. “An’ Ah think yer needed here more than ya are at th’ farm right now.”

A warm smile graced AJ’s features. “Thanks Applejack.”

“Now go on. Spend some quality time with them before ya go.” She turned towards the door. “Ah’ll pack yer stuff fer th’ trip. Come by an’ pick it up before ya leave.” With a smile, Applejack walked out of the building.

AJ stood up from the chair and headed to the fridge. After getting some ice from the freezer, he made a makeshift icepack for his eye. He levitated the glasses off his head as he applied the pack to his eye. Knowing that Ditzy would probably need some time alone with Carrot, he decided to go rejoin Dinky on the couch. He wanted to be there when she woke up.


As Ditzy reached Carrot’s room, she heard some grumbling coming from the other side of the door. Unable to understand what it she was saying, Ditzy knocked on the door. Carrot let out an angry growl. “GO AWAY YOU STUPID BASTARD!!!”

Ditzy backed away from the door; stunned by the explosive response. What exactly happened to spur such a reaction from Carrot. “Uhh, I think there’s a bit of a misunderstanding here Carrot. Can I come in?”

All was silent in the room for a moment until Ditzy heard a sigh. “Just go away Ditzy. I don’t wanna talk about it.”

Not heeding her friends words, Ditzy tried the door. Much to her chagrin, it was locked. “Carrot, just let me in.”

“I said no! Now go away!”

“Carrot, stop being so stubborn!”

“I am not being stubborn! I’m being indignant! Now leave me alone dammit!”

“I…don’t even know what that means.” Ditzy let out a groan as she realized that Carrot wasn’t going to relent. As she thought of what to do, something caught her eye. She looked to the side as a smile began to cross her features.


Carrot let out an angry snort when she heard Ditzy getting further away from her door. “Why won’t anypony just let me brood in peace?” she asked herself. “Why won’t anypony give me some space, and leave me alone?”

The anger slowly dropped from Carrot’s face as she lowered her head. With a sad sigh she buried her head in her pillow. She took in a deep breath. “Why doesn’t anypony like me?”

“Is that what this is all about?”

“YAHH!!!” The unexpected voice caused Carrot to jump to the side. As she jumped, she got tangled in her bed sheets; unceremoniously collapsing off the side of her bed with a loud thud. “I’m okay!”

Carrot’s ears twitched as she heard somepony giggling. After untangling herself from the blanket, she lifted herself up just high enough to see where the giggling was coming from. “D-ditzy?! H-how the hell did you get in here?!”

Ditzy continued to giggle as she pointed her hoof. Carrot looked to see that her window was now open. “You told me yourself that you never lock your window. I just used it to my advantage.”

Carrot looked between Ditzy and the window for a moment before quickly turning away. “W-what do you want?”

“I want to know why you punched AJ in the face,” commanded Ditzy. “Not only did you break his glasses, you hurt his eye. It’s all swollen shut now.”

Carrot let out an angry snort. “Good. I hope it hurt.”

Ditzy looked at Carrot in disbelief. “What is wrong with you?! You’ve NEVER advocated violence before!” Carrot refused to look at her. “Carrot, why did you do it?!”

“BECAUSE HE’S A LYING PIECE OF SHIT!!!” Carrot shouted as she turned to look Ditzy in the eyes. Ditzy looked at Carrot with wide eyes. Now that she was finally getting a good look at her, she noticed some things she hadn’t before. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her cheeks were damp. Even now she could see tears threatening to fall from her angry eyes.

“I poured my heart out to him. I told him things about me that only the ponies closest to me know. I trusted him, and what does he do?! HE TREATS IT ALL LIKE A FUCKING JOKE!!!” Carrot took a deep, ragged breath. “Even after telling him everything, he still toyed with me, with my emotions.”

“What was he lying about? That he thinks you’re attractive?” questioned Ditzy. Carrot sniffled as she nodded her head. “How do you know he was lying? What if he does find you attractive?”

“I-if I’m so attractive, w-w-why am I so alone?” Carrot couldn’t hold back her tears any more. She turned back around; slumping against the bed as sobs wracked her body. “F-for months, I’ve had to sit on th-the sidelines while the two of you flaunted your relationship in my face. All the hugging, the kissing, the sex…you even made fun of me for being so lonely.”

Ditzy was confused. “We never made fun of you.”

Carrot turned to look at Ditzy; glaring at her through silted eyes.


“Really you two? You couldn’t even make it to the bedroom for that? Ugh.” Both of their eyes shot open. They looked over to see Carrot standing in the entry way to the living room. A blush quickly made its way to both of their faces. “At least you waited for Dinky to go to bed before you started your make out session.”

Ditzy looked down at AJ, smiled, and gave him one more quick kiss before climbing off of him. “Sorry, we didn’t know you’d be home yet.”

“It’s almost nine,” deadpanned Carrot. “How late did you think I was going to be out till?” Ditzy just shrugged. Carrot just sighed as she walked past them to the stairs.

Ditzy giggled before leaning close to AJ. “Don’t worry; she’s just mad because she can’t find anypony for herself.”

“I heard that Ditzy!” Carrot shouted as she poked her head out from upstairs.

AJ chuckled as Ditzy stuck her tongue out at Carrot. With a huff, Carrot pulled her head back from around the corner, stomping down the hall to her room. She slammed the door after passing the threshold of her room. Unable to hold herself up anymore, she collapsed to her haunches. She leaned back against the door as her tears fell to the floor.

Her ears twitched as she heard the front door open and close, followed by hoofsteps moving through the house. She heard Ditzy walk down the hall and into her room, closing the door behind her. She grit her teeth as images of the bluish grey pegasus ran through her head. ‘She’s just mad because she can’t find anypony for herself’ kept replaying in her head. “Fuck you…Derpy Hooves.” She slowly curled into a ball as her angry tears continued to fall.


Ditzy just stood there; staring at Carrot with wide eyes. The only sound in the room was Carrot’s sobs. “That’s why you randomly apologized that morning,” Ditzy said as she thought back. Carrot silently nodded.

Ditzy laid her ears back as Shame began washing over her. For a moment, she felt her anger begin to swell over the use of that terrible nickname. By Carrot of all ponies. She quickly snuffed out the feelings. Carrot’s words were driven by anger. They meant nothing in the end. Her words, on the other hoof, didn’t have that luxury. “Carrot, I’m sorry. I…I didn’t know.”

Carrot sniffled before turning to Ditzy. “D-d-do you realize how much those words stung w-when they came from you?”

Neither of them said anymore. They just continued to stare at each other. Without saying a word, Ditzy began moving through the room. She walked around the bed until she was standing in front of Carrot. Without saying a word, Ditzy wrapped Carrot in a comforting hug. Carrot sniffled before returning the hug.

Neither of them knew just how long they sat like that. As she comforted her friend, an idea slowly formed in her head. “Carrot?”


“I have an idea.”


The day had come for Rainbow, Pinkie, and AJ to leave for Las Pegasus. AJ had gotten up early so he could make a couple stops before going to the train station. His first stop was to the optometrist to pick up his glasses. He had taken them to be fixed first thing the previous day, and hadn’t gone to pick them up till then. His second stop was the farm. Not only did he have to pick up his bags, he also wanted to say his goodbyes. It took a bit, but they were finally able to convince Knight that AJ wasn’t leaving forever. It was about nine in the morning when the three of them met Rainbow at the station

At the moment, AJ, Rainbow, Ditzy, and Dinky were waiting for Pinkie to arrive at the station so they could board the train. “I still can’t believe Carrot Top of all ponies gave that to you,” Rainbow said with a chuckle as she pointed to AJ’s now bruised and bloodshot eye. It was no longer swollen, but it was still a nasty site to behold.

AJ waved Rainbow off. “Oh come on. It doesn’t look that bad, right Ditzy?”

Ditzy turned to AJ and took a nice, long look at his eye. A quick look of disgust momentarily crossed her features before she put on a fake smile. “Y-yea. Looks…great.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Ditzy,” AJ said with a deadpan look.

“Hey, I offered to cover it up with some makeup, but you said no.” Ditzy turned away with a mischievous smile. “And Dinky was looking forward to giving you a makeover.”

“I was going to make him look like a pretty princess too,” Dinky said with a look of disappointment.

Rainbow got a mischievous glint in her eye. “Aww, AJ won’t let you have any fun?” She walked over to Dinky. “It’s a shame. I think he’d make a very pretty princess.”

“Rainbow,” AJ said in a slightly commanding tone; knowing where Rainbow was going.

A bright smile grew on Dinky’s face. “You do?!”

“Oh yea. In fact, I think that, when we get back from Las Pegasus…”


“You and me gang up on him…”


“And turn him into the prettiest princess this side of Equestria.”

Dinky let out a squeal of happiness as she began bouncing up and down. She bounced over to AJ and looked up with a look of excitement. “We’re going to make you look so pretty!”

AJ put on a fake, nervous smile. “Yeah…pretty.” As Dinky bounced away, AJ began glaring death towards Rainbow who was trying to contain her laughter.

After regaining her composure, Rainbow took a look around the platform. “Now where the hay is Pinkie? She should have been here by now.”

“I don’t know. I thought you were the one in charge here,” AJ said, still a bit miffed that Rainbow roped him into getting a makeover.

“Yea, where is Pinkie?” Everyone blinked before looking over to see Pinkie standing right next to them with a giant case, twice as big as she was, next to her. She had a hoof to her chin as she thought. “Oh wait, here I am!” She pointed to herself as she wore a big, Pinkie Pie smile.

“H-how did you…” questioned a shocked Ditzy as she pointed to Pinkie.

“How did I what?”

“There was nopony there a second ago. All of a sudden, POOF, there you are!”

AJ put a calming hoof on Ditzy’s shoulder, slowly shaking his head as he did. “Ditzy, it’s Pinkie Pie. You’re best off not questioning it. If you do, your brain may implode.”

“So what took you so long Pinkie?” asked Rainbow.

“I couldn’t find my favorite shirt!” Pinkie said as she sat on her haunches, and spread her forelegs wide; showing her shirt to everypony. “I searched EVERYWHERE for it! Little did I know that sneaky little Gummy took it under the bed.”

AJ’s eyes got wide as he eyed the shirt. It was a black T-shirt. On the front, there were caricatures of four griffons riding on top of a white elephant. The griffon in front had a stick in its talon. The elephant was running through a field of mushrooms with faces. A few of the mushrooms were jumping around on pogo sticks. Above the griffons was printed the name of the band depicted on the shirt. System of a Down.

“System of a Down? System of a Down?!” AJ rushed over; grabbing Pinkie by the head so she couldn’t look away. “You have System of a Down here in Equestria?!”

Pinkie’s smile returned even bigger than before. “Well, duh! They’re only the greatest, most bestest band in the whole world! When Dashie found out they were going to perform at The Sun and the Moon, she gratefully asked me to join her to bask in their awesomeness.”

Rainbow glared at Pinkie. “That’s not how it happened and you know it!” She turned to the rest of the group. “She wouldn’t leave me alone for a week after I told her. Everywhere I turned, there she was. She even popped out of my toilet once when I was trying to go to the bathroom. I couldn’t get any privacy.” Rainbow’s cheeks began to flush. “At all.”


Rainbow’s ears perked up when she heard somepony knocking on her door. She put her book down and glided through her the living room before opening the door. “Hey Ditzy. You’re early today.”

“I had some packages to deliver that I wanted to get out of the way first, so I decided to do my route in reverse.” With a smile, Ditzy reached into her mail bags and took out Rainbow’s mail. She handed it to the cyan pegasus. “I’m sure Boxxy won’t mind.”

Rainbow took the mail; stashing the letters beneath her wing. “Thanks Ditzy. I’ll see you later.” With a smile, Ditzy flew back towards the rest of Ponyville. Rainbow closed the door before pulling the letters out from under her wing. She flipped through them as she floated over to the couch; throwing the junk away as she did. “Junk. Bill. Subscription to the Equestria Daily. Letter from Braeburn. Ju...” Rainbow blinked a few times before grabbing the letter she had just thrown. “A letter from Braeburn?!”

She tore the envelope open and pulled out the letter. The smile on her face quickly dropped as she read through it.

‘Dear Rainbow

I’m awfully sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to Ponyville for your birthday. Things have just been too hectic around Appleloosa for me to even think about leaving. I know how much it meant to you for me to be there. Again, I’m awfully sorry.

I promise to get over there as soon as I can. I’ll make it up to you in any way I can. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll show you the time of your life, both in, and out of the bedroom ; )


“He’s…he’s going to miss my birthday tomorrow.” Rainbow let out a depressed sigh. She hasn’t seen Braeburn for a few months. They had kept in touch via letters, but that’s just not the same. She was looking forward to spending some quality time with Braeburn on her birthday. She has been missing him so much. Not to mention her other ‘needs.’

She bit her lip as she read through the last bit of the letter again. She had been feeling so pent up over the last couple days. She was hoping Braeburn could help her blow off some steam while he was visiting, but it looked like that wasn’t going to happen. Her face began to heat up as she looked around. “Nopony’s around. If Braeburn’s not here, I’ll have to take care of myself.”

Rainbow went around her house; covering all the windows to make sure nopony could peek in. Once all the windows were peek proof, Rainbow made a b-line for her bedroom. She flopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling for a moment before she closed her eyes. Images of Braeburn began running through her head as she began exploring her body. Her face grew hotter as her hooves moved lower and lower on her body. Her hind legs instinctively began to slowly spread open.

Her hooves stopped when she reached her lower belly. She opened her eyes and looked towards her closet as she remembered a certain box she had placed in there a little while back. “I haven’t had to do this since I got with Braeburn. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to do it right.”

She pulled her hoof away and flew over to her closet. Opening it, she dug around until she found said box. She pulled it out of the closet so she could get a better look. ‘I still can’t believe I kept this box,’ Rainbow thought to herself.

Rainbow began reaching out for the cover of the box. Just before she was about to open the box, it erupted open. Dildos of all shapes, sizes, and species flew all over her room. Rainbow was to shocked by the sudden explosion of phalluses to do much of anything. One shaped like a griffon’s tool ended up smacking her in the face.

Once she recovered from her close encounter of the silicone kind, Rainbow took another look at the box to see a very familiar face looking at her. “P-p-pinkie?!” Pinkie’s head was poking out of the box of dildos with her fore hooves hanging onto the side as if she was climbing out of it. She had a pleading look on her face. She either didn’t notice, or didn’t care that one of the dildos was stuck in her poofy mane.

“Pleeeeeeeeease Dashie! You HAVE to give me one of the tickets if you win!”

Rainbow smashed her legs together to try to hide her arousal as best as she could. “Pinkie, what the hell?! What are you doing in…there?!”

“Come ooooooooon Dashie! I promise I’ll do anything if you give me one of those tickets.” Pinkie reached into the box; pulling out one of the toys. “I’ll even give you a once over with this! Just pleeeeeeease give me one of the tickets!”

Rainbow’s face was crimson as she stared at the pink mare with an appalled look. “Pinkie, get out of here!”

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!” Pinkie thrust the toy forward; bumping the head against Rainbow’s snout.

Rainbow was at her wits end with Pinkie. She had been doing this all week. She should have known better than to do something so…private while Pinkie was doing this, but she was just so pent up. She needed her release, and there was only one way she was going to get it. “Uhhhhhhhhhh, fine! You can have one of the tickets! Just get out of my room, and let me have some privacy!”

A gasp filled the room as the rest of Pinkie’s body erupted from the box. She dashed forward and entrapped Rainbow in a bone crushing hug. “Oh thank you thank you thank you Dashie! You don’t know how happy this makes me!”

“Yea. Everypony…is happy,” grunted Dash as she struggled against Pinkie’s hug. “Just get…out of…here!”

A light blush grew on Pinkie’s face. “Oops, sorry Dashie.” She released the hug before jumping back into the box and disappearing.

Rainbow let out a frustrated sigh as she looked around the room. Her room was now decorated in dildos. She let out a groan knowing that she would have to clean the mess up. “Thanks a lot Pinkie.”

“You’re welcome!”

Not expecting the sudden voice, Rainbow leapt into the air. She looked back down to see Pinkie, once again, sticking out of the box. “Pinkie?! I thought I told you to get out of here!”

Pinkie held her smile. “You did! I just thought I’d nudge you in the right direction.” Pinkie reached into the box again, pulling out a multi colored phallus. She held the toy in one leg and pulled Rainbow close with the other to whisper in her ear. “Go with this one. It’s amazing, trust me.” Pinkie pushed the toy into Rainbow’s hooves before disappearing into the box once again.

Rainbow looked between the box, and the dildo in her hooves as the blush on her face grew even more intense. She threw the toy down and walked away from it, going to go pick up the mess in her room. As she got half way across her room, she looked back at the toy. She bit her lower lip as she nervously looked around the room. She walked back over to the toy, looking around once more before grabbing it up in her hooves; taking it over to her bed to help relieve some of her pent up frustrations.


Rainbow felt her face heat up as the memory ended. She turned away so nopony could see her blush. “Stupid Pinkie,” she said under her breath.

“Oh Dashie, stop being so silly,” Pinkie said with her usual smile.

Rainbow let out a frustrated groan. “Well, since Pinkie’s here I guess we should board then. Come on you two, let’s…” As Rainbow turned, she noticed that a certain indigo unicorn was missing from the group. Pinkie’s giant case was also missing. “Where’s AJ?”

The rest of the group looked over to the spot where AJ used to occupy. They all looked up as they heard a banging noise coming from the direction of the train. Looking over, they all saw AJ trying to force Pinkie’s giant case into the door of the train with his magic. He looked back to the group. “What are you all waiting for?! We have to hurry! We can’t keep System of a Down waiting any longer!”

Using his magic to hold the case to the door, he threw his entire body into it in a big, full body tackle; finally succeeding in pushing the case through the door. With a triumphant smile, he dashed back to the rest of the group. “What are you guys still doing here?! We should be gone already!”

“Uhh, aren’t you going to…”

Ditzy was cut off as AJ grabbed her up in his hooves. “Think I was going to forget to say good bye?” He leaned her back; pressing his lips against hers in a big, romantic kiss. While she was surprised by the kiss at first, it didn’t take her long to become lost in the pleasure of the kiss. She closed her eyes, and hugged him back as she felt his tongue enter her mouth.

“Woooooah,” said Dinky as she watched the two of them make out. Until, that is, her vision was blocked by two pink hooves. “Hey!”

“That’s not something a silly little filly like you needs to see,” Pinkie said matter of factly. Pinkie looked over to Dash who looked about ready to blow her chunks all over the platform. “Oh come on Dashie. They’re just making out. You and Braeburn probably do it all the time.”

Dash brought a hoof to her mouth as she began taking deep breaths. “It…it’s not that. I just, urp…” Dash sat there for a minute; hoping the sudden nausea would pass.

AJ finally let up on the kiss; lifting Ditzy up so she wouldn’t fall over. “Was that good bye worthy enough?”

“Hooooo yea,” Ditzy said, still in a daze. She had a dreamy smile on her face.

AJ looked over; noting the look of nausea on Rainbow’s face. “Oh come on Rainbow. It wasn’t anything you haven’t seen before.”

Rainbow tried her best to glare at AJ as she waited for her stomach to settle down. It took a couple minutes, but her nausea finally died down. She let out a sigh of relief. “Jeeze, what was that about?”

“Maybe it’s something you ate?” suggested Ditzy.

“I haven’t even eaten today. I was just gonna get something on the train.”

Ditzy put a hoof to her chin. “Hmm.”

A whistle suddenly blew from behind them. “All aboard! Last call for Vanhoover!”

Rainbow straightened herself out as she stood up. “I guess that’s our call to get on the train. At least we don’t need to worry about getting Pinkie’s stuff in.” She began walking towards the train; Pinkie followed right on her hooves.

AJ took one last look at Ditzy and Dinky. “Looks like we’re out. I’ll see you when we get back.” He gave Ditzy one last quick kiss before leaning down to give Dinky a kiss on the forehead. He ran to the train so it wouldn’t leave without him.


((Yea, Ah’m splittin’ th’ chapter. I figured you all waited long enough due to my writers block, I should finally give you something new to read.

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust))

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