• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,211 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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You're Never Alone

Chapter 38

Ditzy had a smile on her face as she walked home. After seeing AJ off, she went to go drop Dinky off at Sparkler’s house. Sparkler had come over the previous day and invited Ditzy, Dinky, Carrot, and AJ to go with her and her family to Disneigh World for a few days. While AJ, Ditzy, and Carrot had other plans, Dinky was more than happy to take her up on her offer. Ditzy knew Dinky was in good hooves, so she allowed Dinky to go with her.

As Ditzy walked through the door of their house, she heard the sound of the TV from the living room. As she walked into the room, she saw Carrot lying on the couch. Looking at the TV, she saw that Carrot was watching a movie.

The movie was about a middle aged pegasus mare named Puzzle Piece. She had a peach colored coat, with a curly, olive colored mane that had started going grey. Her dull plumb eyes looked tired. She had gone her entire life without having a single relationship. It had gotten to the point where, even when a stallion did show interest in her, she pushed them away. In her eyes, they were just being charitable to an old spinster.

Ditzy never found out how the movie ended. Everytime the movie got to the third act, Carrot would turn the movie off. Before, Ditzy always just thought Carrot just got bored with the movie. Now she knows the real reason Carrot watched the movie so much. Misery loves company.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” asked the older mare on the screen.

“What? Can’t a pony ask a lovely mare out,” asked a somewhat younger stallion.

A look of disgust crossed the mare’s features. “Alright, who put you up to this?”

“E-excuse me?”

“There are loads of other, younger, more beautiful mares you could chose from out there,” she said as she motioned towards her door. “I’m supposed to think you’d choose somepony like me? A dried up, old crone that doesn’t belong in society?”

“Amen sister,” Carrot said in a depressed voice. Ditzy rolled her eyes as she walked over to the TV; turning it off. “Hey, I was watching that!”

“Not any more. From this moment on, it’s only positive thoughts.”

Carrot sat up with a huff. Ditzy wasn’t even going to let her watch her favorite movie anymore. “Look, I know you said you were going to go on some crusade, or whatever, to find me somepony, but does that really mean I can’t even watch TV?”

“Oh, you can watch TV, just none of that stuff you usually watched. There will be no more sulking about being lonely in this house.”

Carrot let out a sigh. “How do you even know I’m not a lost cause? Or just too ugly to…” Carrot was silenced as a hoof was shoved in her mouth. She let out a frustrated growl as she glared at Ditzy.

Ditzy returned Carrot’s glare with a determined smile. “Nope! No more sulky, pouty Carrot.” She removed her hoof from Carrot’s mouth and put it around her withers. “Remember, I promised you I would help you find that very special somepony, and I’ll do it again! I, Ditzy Doo, promise you, to all of Ponyville, to Princess Celestia and Luna themselves, that I will not stop in my quest until I find you, Carrot Top, a very special somepony! I won’t stop until you get laid!” Ditzy had a triumphant look about her as she finished.

Carrot’s cheeks began to heat up. “D-do you really need to put it like that?”

“Yes, yes I do!” Ditzy’s ears twitched as the sound of somepony knocking on the door hit her. She let out a gasp. “They’re here! Yay!” Ditzy got up and trotted towards the door. “They’re earlier than I thought they would be.”

Carrot gulped nervously. “W-who’s here?” Ditzy said nothing; continuing to the door. “Ditzy, who’s here?!”

As she reached the door, she turned her head; smirking at Carrot. “I knew when undertaking this project that it would be more than a one pony job, so I sent for some help. I sent for the one pony that has always been there for me. The one pony that has never, and will never steer me wrong.” Without saying another word, she opened the door.

“Ditzy, honey! It’s soooo good to see you again!” Before Ditzy could react, she was quickly scooped up in a hug.

A big smile grew on Ditzy’s face as she returned the hug. “Maxie! I’m glad the two of you could make it!”

Maxie pushed Ditzy away so he could look her in the eyes. “You should have invited us sooner! We haven’t seen you since your visit a few months ago, and that was cut a bit short.”

“We’ve had to hear everything second hoof from your parents,” came a masculine voice from behind Maxie.

Ditzy’s smile grew wider as she pried herself away from Maxie’s grip. “Fresh Start!” Ditzy launched herself at full velocity at the sturdy stallion. “Ooooh, I missed you!”

Chuckling softly to himself, Star returned Ditzy’s hug. “I missed you too.” It didn’t take long befor Star’s paternal instincts began kicking in again. “Have you been taking care of yourself?” He rubbed Ditzy’s back soothingly.

Ditzy let out a comforting sigh. Star always knew how to calm her down. “Yes.”

“What about the little one? She seemed like quite the little firecracker when we finally met her.” He finally loosened the hug as he remembered back to a little over a month ago. While Dinky was staying with Nimbos and Amethyst, they invited him and Maxie over so they could meet their granddaughter.

A warm smile grew on Ditzy’s face. “She’s with our friend Sparkler and her family right now. They went to Disneigh World. She’ll be gone for a few days.”

“Oh how fun!” Maxie said excitedly. “I haven’t been there since I was a foal.”

“Dinky’s fine though. Better than fine actually.”

A knowing smile graced Star’s lips. “So we’ve heard.” He noticed the confusion on Ditzy’s face. “When we met her, she mentioned a…’Daddy,’ on more than one occasion.”

Ditzy felt somepony nudging her from the side. When she turned, she saw that Maxie was now standing next to her with a sultry look on his face. “So when were you planning on telling us about your special somepony, hmmm?”

A light blush grew on Ditzy’s face. “I-I was going to tell you. I was just going to wait for him to get back is all. He’s going to be in Las Pegasus for the next week, I think.”

Ditzy noticed Maxie deflate slightly. “Awww. I was hoping we could have seen him again.” He let out a soft sigh.

“Now Maxie, we don’t know how long we’re going to be down here. Depending on our progress, we may very well be here for a week.”

“But I can’t leave Buttercup alone for too long! She could go into labor any moment now!”

Star rolled his eyes. “Maxie, she’s still got at least a month before it’s time. We got plenty of time.”

“But…but…” Star fixed Maxie with a deadpan stare. Maxie began to pout. “Oh, fine. But if I miss the birth because of you, no sex for a year,”

Star’s eyes got wide as his face began to heat up. “W-w-what?! B-but honey…”

“One! Year!” Maxie said defiantly. As Star began to sulk, Maxie put a leg around Ditzy’s withers. “Speaking of sex, I have to know. How is he in bed?”

Ditzy’s face turned crimson. “W-w-what?!”

“Come on, you can tell me. Oh, oh! I bet he’s wild! Or does he prefer to take it nice and slow?”

“Umm, excuse me?” came a timid voice from behind them.

Maxie blinked a few times before turning his head. He never even noticed the timid looking mare on the couch until now. “OH! I didn’t even see you there!” He let go of Ditzy, and walked further into the house. He took one last look at Ditzy, and gave her a wink. “I expect details later young lady.”

Ditzy continued to stare at Maxie, the embarrassment clear on her face. “Don’t worry.” She looked over as Star passed her; his and Maxie’s bags on his back. He had a smile on his face. “Maxie’s always been a bit more…open about that type of thing than I would have liked, but he means well.”

Ditzy took a moment to regain her composure before closing the door, and following Star and Maxie into the house. For the moment, Star just set their bags to the side. “Well, since you’re here, I suppose I should introduce the two of you to my best friend, Carrot Top.”

Star walked up with a smile on his face; extending his hoof in a gesture of friendship. “Ah Carrot Top. I’ve heard a lot about you over the years. I always hoped I would have been able to meet you at some point.”

Carrot tentatively extended her hoof. “Uhh, hi. You’re Fresh Start, right?” Star just nodded. “A-and this must be your wife then?” Carrot asked as she motioned to Maxie.


“Actually, Maxie is…” Ditzy was silenced as Maxie put a hoof to Ditzy’s lips. He just smiled; silently shaking his head.

Removing his hoof, he turned to Carrot. “I’m Star’s wife, Maxie.” He smiled warmly at Carrot.

“It’s, uh…It’s a pleasure to meet the two of you. Here, let me go get some refreshments for us.”

Carrot got up off the couch, and headed towards the kitchen. Once Carrot was out of earshot, Ditzy just had to ask. “Hey, uhhh Maxie?”

“Yes honey?”

“How come you didn’t tell Carrot that you’re a stallion?”

Star could be heard chuckling. “It’s a little game he likes to play. Sometimes Maxie likes to see how long it can take a pony to realize his actual gender.”

“The record is three months so far. You’re parents really were surprised once they found out.” Maxie let out a playful giggle as he remembered back to that day.

“Hey Ditzy, could you come in here and help me please?” came Carrot’s voice from the kitchen.

“Sure, be right there.” With a smile, Ditzy trotted into the kitchen.


Ditzy had a smile on her face as she reached the kitchen. It slowly dropped as she looked around. “Carrot? Where are you?”

As she continued to look around, she failed to notice the shadowy figure looming behind her with glowing eyes. For a moment it just sat there; watching the bluish grey mare’s every move. After a bit, it slowly raised an appendage, quickly striking out at Ditzy.


Ditzy went down as stars filled her vision. “OWWWWWW!!!” She brought her hooves up to rub the back of her head. Due to the pain, she couldn’t find the willpower to keep her eyes together at the moment. With tears in her eyes, she turned to look at her assailant. “Carrot?! What in Celestia’s name was that for?!”

Carrot was glaring down at Ditzy. “What do you mean what was that for?! Why in Equestria are THEY here!” she said in a loud whisper. She didn’t want Star and Maxie hear them.

“T-they’re here to help me find you a very special somepony,” Ditzy said; still wincing from the pain. “Jeeze. You really are stronger than you look.”

“What makes you think I want them butting into my sex life?!”

“They just want to help!”

“I don’t even know them! They’re strangers to me! Do you really think I want a complete stranger to know what has, or hasn’t, been stuffed into my snatch?!” To emphasize her words, she pointed a hoof at her rump.

“Oh come on, you know Fresh Start.”

“Noooo, I know OF him. I’ve never met him until today.”

“Oh…right.” Ditzy sat up; still rubbing her head. “Still, what’s wrong with them helping out a bit?”

“I’m just…not comfortable with everypony knowing that I’m a…” Carrot let out a depressed sigh. “A big dumb virgin.”

Ditzy put a comforting hoof on Carrot’s shoulder. “Now, now, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin at 23.”

“Says the mare that lost her virginity when she was 15,” Carrot said with a hint of venom in her voice. She felt Ditzy’s leg tense up at her words as a look of regret crossed her features. Carrot immediately felt terrible for what she had said. “Sorry.”

“No…it’s alright. It was stupid of me to give into him like that.” A soft smile grew on Ditzy’s face again. “Though I suppose I don’t have it in me to be too mad at him for that night. If it hadn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have been graced with my little muffin of happiness.”

A smile slowly grew on Carrot’s face. “Yea. I guess I’ve always been jealous of you. You had your first coltfriend at 13, and went all the way at 15, and I’ve been…well, you know.”

“There’s nothing to be jealous about.”

Carrot’s cheeks slowly started to heat up. “It…wasn’t just you I was jealous of. After hearing what happened, I couldn’t help but feel jealous that your first time was with him…instead of me. I spend countless nights dreaming about how things would have went.”


Carrot’s eyes became distant as she slowly became lost in her own thoughts. “We would be lying on the bed in my bedroom, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes.”


“We would then kiss intimately. Our tongues would dance with each other as we melted in each other embrace. You pull a hoof away. Instead, you would move it lower, and lower until you found your mark. I would be like putty in your hooves.”

“Uhh, Carrot?!”

“I would moan into your mouth. You would pull away; saliva connecting our lips. You would look at me with those beautiful, amber, gem-like eyes of yours. With a beautiful smile, you’d lower yourself down my body, replacing your hoof with your…”

Carrot was interrupted as a hoof was jammed into her mouth; jarring her thoughts back to the real world. She looked back at Ditzy who’s face was flushed. “As…thrilled…as I am to be part of some of your more…intimate dreams…I’d prefer if you didn’t tell me about them.”

Carrot stared at Ditzy for a moment before her face turned crimson. “Oh…sweet…Celestia.” She looked around the room to make sure nopony else was listening. “Did I really just say that all out loud.”

“Yyyyeaah.” Ditzy scratched the back of her head. “B-but no worries. If everything goes right, you won’t need dreams like that anymore.”

“But I like that dream,” Carrot said under her breath.

“Since you seem to be nervous about discussing this type of thing with Star and Maxie, why don’t we just spend the day talking, and getting to know them?”

“I-I guess we could do that.”

“Is everything alright in here?”

Ditzy and Carrot turned to see Maxie’s head poking in from the living room. Ditzy glanced at Carrot for a moment before smiling. “Yup! Everything’s fine. We were just discussing what everypony wanted.”

“Uhh, yea. That’s it. I can handle everything from here. Thanks Ditzy.” With a blush on her cheeks, Carrot walked over to the fridge.

Ditzy was smiling as she walked towards the living room. “Oh, this is going to be even more fun than I thought,” Maxie whispered as Ditzy passed.

Ditzy stopped dead in her tracks, and turned to Maxie. She continued to stare at him for a moment before it hit her. “You…were listening to us, weren’t you?”

“Heard every word,” Maxie said as he turned back into the living room. “You weren’t kidding when you said she needs to get laid.” Maxie giggled as he walked to the couch.

A light blush covered Ditzy’s cheeks as she remembered what she put in the letter to Star and Maxie. She had written it in the heat of the moment. Even so, she couldn’t help but giggle as she followed the light rose colored stallion.


AJ and Pinkie stared around in amazement. From the instant they stepped out of the train, they were bombarded with bright lights, fun sounds, and other excitement. Every chance they got, the two of them ran off to go explore, much to the annoyance of their rainbow maned leader.

In the past hour, Rainbow had to reign in the two of them at least fifteen times, three of those times she needed to help AJ get Pinkie out of some small hole she shouldn’t have been able to conceivably fit into. They had just finished pulling Pinkie out of the third hole when Rainbow let out a growl. “Come on you guys! We’re here for the festival, not so the two of you can keep fooling around!” She looked at Pinkie, whose upper body was in the shape of the hole she was just stuck in, and sighed.

“Oh lighten up Dash,” AJ said with a smile. “It’s just exciting to be here. I never got a chance to go to Las Vegas before I came to Equestria. And while technically I still haven’t, this is like…Equestria’s equivalent, so it counts as a win in my book!” He looked back to Pinkie and couldn’t help but laugh.

To get herself back to normal, Pinkie stuck the top of her hoof into her mouth and blew. Her body slowly ballooned out until she was once again Pinkie Pie shaped. She shook her head before looking towards Rainbow. “He’s right Dashie! Besides, the festival doesn’t start till tomorrow! We should spend today gathering everypony for a big party!”

Rainbow facehoofed. “I know this place is exciting and all, but before we do anything I think we should at least find the Encore so we can drop off our stuff. After that, we can…”

“You said you guys are looking for the Encore?” Rainbow blinked before turning her head. She’s pretty sure her jaw hit the ground when she laid eyes on who had just spoken to her. He had a dusty brown colored coat, a long, blond mane, and a goatee. He was wearing a black jersey with 47 on the front. His cutie mark was a black Gibson Les Paul. She couldn’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses. “I was just about to head back there. King and I need to talk some thing over before the show.”


“Uhhh, you okay there Dash?”

Rainbow quickly grabbed AJ by the face; squishing his cheeks together. “Do you know who this is?!” He just stared at her. “This is Jeff Haynneman! THE Jeff Haynneman!”


Rainbow gawked at him as if he was a moron. “Jeff Haynneman? Lead guitarist for Neighyer?”

As Rainbow let go of AJ’s face, he put a hoof to his chin. “Neighyer? That sounds…familiar? I think?”

Rainbow could only facehoof as Haynneman chuckled. “Anyway, you’re free to come with me if you’d like. Though we should probably hurry. King wanted me back a half an hour ago.” He turned, and began trotting down the street.

Rainbow let out a subdued squeal before following him down the street. AJ just looked at Pinkie and shrugged. “I guess fun is gonna have to wait,” he said before following Rainbow.



AJ and Pinkie took a look at their room as they waited for Rainbow. With Jeff Haynneman’s help, it didn’t take them very long to reach the Encore. They couldn’t have been anymore amazed once they saw their room. Along with winning the tickets for the music festival, they had also paid for room and board for Rainbow and her guests. What they didn’t know is that they would be getting the biggest suite the hotel had to offer. Each of them got their own full size bed. There was a full kitchen, full bath, a bar stocked with a wide variety of alcohol, and they even had their own hot tub. There was even a giant TV built into the wall with a game system.

As Pinkie was busy making sure she knew every last crevice of the room, AJ was enjoying the view of the city from their room. He had a soft smile as he took in the sights. “Whatcha thinking about?”

AJ turned around to see nopony there. He looked around for a moment before blinking. Looking up, he saw Pinkie looking down at him from the ceiling. On her hooves were suction cup horseshoes keeping her firmly in place by a light fixture. He smiled knowing he shouldn’t question it. “Nothing much. Just wondering what Ditzy’s doing right now."

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin before gasping. “I bet she’s making plans for a giant, humongous party for when you get back!”

AJ raised an eyebrow as he looked at Pinkie. “Ssssomehow I doubt that.” His ears twitched as he heard the bathroom door open. Turning his head, he saw Rainbow looking more miserable than he had ever seen her. “You going to be okay Dash?”

As they rode the elevator up to their room, Rainbow, just like the previous day, began to feel nauseous. This time, however, she wasn’t able to keep it down. The instant they got into their room, she made a beeline for the bathroom. After finding it of course. She trudged out of the bathroom, and over to the couch where she plopped down. “If you count puking your guts out as ‘okay,’ then yes. I’m doing just fine,” she said sarcastically.

She heard AJ begin to walk through the room, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t until she saw a paper towel floating in front of her that she took note of what was happening around her. She turned her head to look at AJ. “You uh…you missed some of it. Right there.” He pointed just off to the side of his mouth to indicate to Rainbow where she had missed cleaning.

Rainbow groaned before taking the paper towel. She wiped her face until she got the offending vomit out of her coat; tossing the towel away when she was done. “This…sucks.”

As Pinkie threw the towel away, AJ tried to cheer Rainbow up. “Come on Rainbow. I know you must feel completely lousy, especially with where we are, but I can’t see the Rainbow Dash letting something as simple as being sick keep her down.” All he got in return was a glare telling him that she wasn’t in the mood. He backed off a bit. “B-besides, if it’s anything like y-yesterday’s bout of nausea, you’ll be better in no time.” He put on a sheepish smile as he backed away from the angry mare.

Rainbow pouted as she curled up on the couch. “Why did this have to happen now of all times? Maybe I should go to the doctor. Do you think there’s one close?”

“Why go to the doctor when you’re Auntie Pinkie’s here for you?” AJ and Rainbow looked over to see Pinkie decked out in a doctor’s lab coat, with a stethoscope around her neck, and nerdy glasses. With a big confident smile, she began trotting over to the couch. What she failed to realize is that she couldn’t see a single thing due to the very powerful prescription lenses in the glasses. It wasn’t long before she tripped over Rainbow’s bags which had been carelessly tossed into the room when she ran for the bathroom. She stumbled until she hit the couch; falling over it, and rolling forward until she face planted into the coffee table in front of it.

Awkward silence filled the room as Pinkie’s motionless body limply sat there. AJ slowly walked up to her. “Uhh, Pinkie?” He poked her in the side. “You okay?”

Her body suddenly sprung up. Despite what happened, she held the confident smile from before. That quickly changed when the lenses of her glasses cracked and fell out. “Awwww! I liked those glasses.” Without missing a beat, she took the glasses off. She tossed them to the side as she pulled out another pair. This time with fake lenses.

Pinkie turned to Rainbow and began ‘examining’ her. She used the stethoscope to listen to Rainbow’s heartbeat. During this time, she completely ignored how uncomfortable Rainbow was with this whole process. “Mmhm.” She moved to Rainbow’s lungs. “Breathe deeply please.” Figuring it was best to just go along with this, Rainbow began breathing deeply.

AJ watched as Pinkie continued the examination. After each breath, she would let out a ‘hmm,’ or ‘uhuh.’ He had absolutely no idea what she was looking for. “So Pinkie, does that stethoscope even work? Is it even real?”

Pinkie blinked before backing away from Rainbow a bit. She eyed the stethoscope with suspicion. She brought it up to her ear and shook it before tapping it with her hoof. A smile grew on her face as she pulled the plugs from her ears and tossed it away. “Nope!”

Rainbow let out a frustrated growl. “What?! Then what was…”

Pinkie silenced Rainbow with a hoof. “Shhh, I’m not done yet.” Pinkie leaned in close and began eyeing Rainbow. Rainbow tried to back away from Pinkie’s scrutinizing gaze, but was stopped by the back of the couch.

“Pinkie, is this really…”

“Not done!” Pinkie leaned in even further to the point where hers and Rainbow’s muzzles were almost pressing together. AJ couldn’t help but blush. Any closer and the two mares would be kissing. Pinkie’s eyes suddenly shot open. She let out a loud gasp. She covered her mouth with her forelegs as she jumped back; tripping over the coffee table, and landing flat on her back.

“What, WHAT?!?!?!” asked Rainbow and AJ simultaneously.

When Pinkie got up, she had a huge, pride filled smile framing her large, sparkling eyes. “Oooh Dashie! You’re soooooo lucky!”

The other two ponies in the room were staring at Pinkie. AJ was staring at her with a look of confusion, while Rainbow was looking on in annoyance. “What? How does puking my guts out make me lucky?”

“Yea? What’s wrong with her?”

“Not telling!” Pinkie hopped towards the door of the suite; shedding the coat and the glasses as she bounced. “Now come on! We’re in Las Pegasus! We should be partying!”

Rainbow was fuming at this point. “WHAT?!?!?! What do you mean you’re not telling?! I have the right to know what’s happening to, urp.” Before she could finish, her nausea began rearing its ugly head once again. “G-get out of the way!” Leaping over the couch, she made a mad dash for the bathroom; slamming the door shut behind her.


Like Ditzy had suggested, Carrot Top had spent the last day getting to know Star and Maxie in hopes that she would get more comfortable with this situation. Unfortunately for her, it did the exact opposite. While she finally understood why Ditzy was so fond of Star, she was feeling even more insecure around Maxie. Because of Maxie’s openness with sex, Carrot couldn’t help but feel even more nervous around him. Regardless, Ditzy was going to go forward with her plans.

At the moment, Star, Maxie, and Carrot were sitting in the living room as they waited for Ditzy. “What’s taking her so long?” asked Carrot who was liking this idea less and less with each and every passing moment.

“Calm down. I’m sure she’ll be here soon,” Star said in a calming voice.

“Star’s right honey. Besides, you don’t want to rush something as important as finding your very special somepony.” With a smile, Maxie leaned over, kissing Star on the cheek.

Carrot let out an uncomfortable chuckle as she nervously fidgeted around. ‘Ditzy, where the hell are you?’


Everypony in the room jumped from the unexpected voice. Almost on instinct, they all stood at attention in a straight line. As they stood there, they heard the sound of metal clad hooves walking into the room. Turning their heads, they saw Ditzy standing tall; her wings extended to make her look bigger. On her body, she was wearing polished golden armor. She had a matching gold helmet with a plume of blue hair on the top. Her mane stuck out from the bottom of the helmet, and over her right eye. She wore an eye patch over her right eye. While they knew it served no purpose, it only made her look more intimidating. Around her neck she wore a silver scarf that flowed as she walked. On her hooves she wore polished, golden horseshoes.

All eyes were on Ditzy as she walked into the room. She stopped once she was in front of the group; setting a box down beside her. The other three ponies looked at the box with a look of confusion. She turned on her hooves so she was facing them. She stared at the three ponies in front of her; measuring them under her scrutinizing gaze. She let out an angry snort before speaking. “So…this is what I have to work with? Alright ladies, listen up!” Ditzy began pacing. “To complete our mission, we’ll need to find the cream of the crop! The pick of the litter! The best damn pony, to ever step hoof in Ponyville!” She stomped her hoof down as emphasis.

Maxie brought a hoof to his mouth and began giggling. “My, my. You’re really getting into this, aren’t you honey?”

In an instant, Ditzy was in Maxie’s face; staring into his soul. “Did I say you could speak maggot?!”

Maxie nearly jumped out of his skin at Ditzy’s reaction. He quickly stood at attention once again; shaking from the shock. “N-n-no sir! I-I mean Ma'am! Eep!”

Ditzy continued to glare at Maxie as she slowly turned. “I didn’t think so.” She began pacing once again. “Now, you’re all here for a reason. Fresh Start! Step forward!” Holding his resolute posture, Star took a step forward. “You are here because you have always been a good judge of character. If there was a pony better suited for this job, I have yet to meet them.” A small smile grew on his face. “You will be our pony in the field. You will go and find the ponies best suited for our sexually repressed red head here.” Carrot could only blush as Ditzy pointed to her.

“Maxie! Step forward!”

Maxie took a quick step forward. He was still jumpy from before. “M-ma'am!”

Ditzy lightly glared at Maxie who swallowed the lump in his throat. “You’re a very open pony. You have a knack for getting ponies to open up about themselves. You’re also a master at makeovers. Your job will be to gather information about Carrot Top’s perfect pony and relay that information to Fresh Start. Once Fresh Start finds his mark, you will make sure Carrot Top is ready for her date. You will be in charge of her makeup and dress. Rarity at Carousel Boutique can help with the dress. Do I make myself clear?!”

“Crystal clear ma’am!” shouted Maxie as he saluted the armor clad mare in front of him.

“And you!” Ditzy quickly turned to face Carrot; pointing at her. Carrot flinched at the sudden attention. “Your job is to pull that stick out of your ass and relax for once in your life. You’re always so wound up. You need to blow off some steam, and I don’t mean that little ‘activity’ you do every other night when you think everypony’s asleep.”

Carrot’s face was crimson. “Ditzy!” She looked over to Maxie and Star. While Star held his pose, Maxie was trying to keep from laughing.

“Speaking of your late night activities, you are forbidden to touch yourself in that manner until further notice. To help you remember this, I’ll be keeping a little something of yours with me.” Ditzy patted the small box next to her with a smile. Carrot’s eyes widened in horror as she realized just what was in that box. She shrunk back as she, once again, looked at the other two ponies. Star was looking at the box in confusion, while Maxie, while still unsure, looked like he had a bit of a clue as to what was in the box. “To help you relax, I’ve set up an appointment at the Ponyville Spa for noon. You will get the best treatment they can offer. You WILL be relaxed by the end of the day if I have to kill myself doing it.”

While Ditzy stood tall and proud, Carrot was about as meek as a pony could get. Things couldn’t get any worse for her at this point. Or so she thought. “Right men, you have your orders. Move oooaaaaAAAAaahhHhHHHH!!!” As Ditzy turned to begin walking to the door, she tripped over the box. She fell forward; slamming her chin on the floor. Her helmet flew off her head and rolled across the floor. Her eye patch became askew, only half covering up her eye. Her eyes spun in her head due to her dazed state.

She shook the cobwebs from her head as she heard a loud gasp. She turned to see what she tripped over. Her eyes got wide when she saw that the box had fallen over with it’s contents spilled on the floor. Carrot’s face was steaming with embarrassment as she looked on. Her eye was twitching at this point.

Star just cleared his throat and turned away; a light blush clear on his cheeks. Maxie, on the other hoof, was a bit more vocal with his surprise. “Is that a carrot shaped vibrator?! That is so adorable!” Maxie’s eyes practically sparkled as he clapped his hooves together.

Carrot buried her face in her hooves. “Celestia kill me now!”

Ditzy looked between the vibrator, Carrot, and Maxie as sweat began pouring down her face. Thinking fast, she quickly stood tall, and proud once again. “What the hell are you all still doing here?! I told you to move out!” Star and Maxie’s attention was, once again, on Ditzy. “MOOOOOOVE!!!”

“Yes ma’am!” shouted Star and Maxie simultaneously before the two of them rushed out the door.


After Rainbow’s nausea finally settled down, the three of them decided to spend the day exploring the city. They went around taking in the sights, and take part in some of what the city has to offer. In Pinkie’s case, this included picking up some party favors that you just couldn’t find in a small town like Ponyville. Some favors, however, Rainbow had to make sure Pinkie didn’t buy. The last thing they needed was for Pinkie to start passing out roofies at her parties thinking it was some kind of candy.

As the day went on, the three of them couldn’t help themselves. They were in Las Pegasus, and what was one of the biggest reasons to go to Las Pegasus? To gamble of course. They eventually found themselves in the Mirage, and they were ready to bet their bits away.

After a couple hours of gambling, Rainbow figured it was time for a bit of a break. She had a small grin on her face. While she hasn’t been all that successful tonight, she’s going to be leaving with more bits than what she came in with. While she tried her hoof at some high risk slots and roulette, she mainly stuck with the blackjack tables. She had hoped learning to count cards would have given her more of an edge, but she couldn’t complain.

When she got to the bar, she noticed Pinkie Pie was sitting alone at the bar. Her mane and tail were somewhat deflated, and she had a scowl on her face. She angrily took a swig of her hard cider, finishing it off, before demanding another from the bartender. Rainbow sat down as another bottle was placed in front of the pink mare. “I take it things didn’t go to well for you tonight?”

Pinkie glanced over at Rainbow before grumbling something and taking a swig.

“Wow. That bad, huh?” Rainbow chuckled a bit. “I didn’t do too bad. Didn’t lose anything, but my winnings are nothing to write home about.”

Pinkie was about to speak, but was beaten to the punch. “T-t-there you guys are. C-c-could I get some help please?” came a strained voice from behind the two of them. Turning, the two of them saw AJ struggling to stay standing behind them. On his back he had a set of overstuffed bags, overflowing with poker chips. Not to mention the cloud he was carrying above his head that must have dropped out of the bags.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie both stared at the bags in awe. “What in the hell?” questioned Rainbow.

AJ strained his way over to the bar before setting the bags on the floor. He let out a loud sigh of relief now that his spine wasn’t being crushed by the bags, thankfully sturdy, strap. He stretched his back before speaking. “Apparently I’m better at poker than I thought.” A pained smile adorned his face as an audible pop sounded something popping back into place. “Looks like those lessons my friend gave me in poker really paid off.”

“Those are your winnings?!” Rainbow still couldn’t believe it. “They actually let you walk away with that many chips?!”

An evil smile crossed AJ’s features. “You should have seen the dealer’s face when I walked away instead of betting it all.” He closed his eyes and reveled in the memory of the moment. “It was a look of desperation. A look of somepony who knows they just fucked up royally. And it was beautiful.”

“That’s kinda…mean. Isn’t it?”

“Hey, some casinos don’t exactly play fair. So when somepony comes in and beats them fair and square, without any dirty tactics, it’s fun to watch them squirm.”

Pinkie let out a growl before she downed the bottle of cider. AJ just looked at her questioningly. “Seems like she lost pretty badly tonight,” explained Dash.

“Ah.” AJ let out a small sigh as he stood back up. “Well, I think I’m going to go cash out. Think I could get some help?”

Rainbow put on an evil grin of her own. “Hey, it’s your winnings. You take care of it.”

“Gee, thanks.” With a grunt, AJ got the heavy bags on his back once again. “C-could I at least g-get some help carrying it back to the hotel?”

“Yea, I guess I could help.”

“A-awesome. I-I’ll be back as soon as I c-can.”

As AJ barely managed his way through the crowd, Pinkie slammed her hooves on the bar. Rainbow jumped at the loud crash before turning back to Pinkie. “Jeeze! What was that for Pinkie?”

“What do you mean, what was that for?! I lost almost every bit I came in with, and he goes and wins all that money? It’s not fair I tell you!”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “And? You’re not the first pony to lose everything at a casino Pinkie.”

Rainbow backed off as Pinkie began glaring a hole through her. “It’s not the same! All those bits I lost came from my party budget! How am I supposed to finance my parties now if I don’t have any bits in the budget for it?!” She smashed her head into the bar. “Of all the times for my Pinkie sense to not work.”

Now Rainbow understood why Pinkie was in such a foul mood. A Pinkie Pie without parties is a very miserable pony indeed. “Maybe AJ will front you some bits for party supplies. He’s got enough there. Besides, wouldn’t using your Pinkie sense for gambling be cheating?”


Rainbow sighed before turning to the bartender. "Could I get a…” She tapped her hoof against her chin as she thought. “What in Celestia’s name is a pink pussy? Do I really wanna know?”

“It’s actually pretty good. Aaaaas long as you don’t let the name get to you,” the bartender said as he scratched the back of his head. “It’s a shot of strawberry liquor, and coconut rum, topped off with some cream.”

“Hey, that DOES sound pretty good. I’ll try one.”

The bartender smiled. “One pink pussy coming right…”

“WAIT!!!” Both ponies turned to look at Pinkie with wide eyes. She was wearing a look of determination. “Don’t give her that drink! Give her something without alcohol!”

Rainbow just raised an eyebrow to Pinkie before turning back to the bartender. “So yea. I’ll try that pink pussy.”

The bartender just shrugged and began making the shot. “Dashie, no!”

“And just why can’t I have a little drink, huh? I’m 21. Not to mention we’re in Las Pegasus. Since I’m here, I’m going to live it up. What happens in Las Pegasus, stays in Las Pegasus.” Rainbow looked down as her shot was placed in front of her. She smiled as she paid for the drink and picked up the glass.

As she began lifting the glass up, it was quickly snatched out of her hooves by a pink blur. Rainbow blinked before she realized what had just happened. “Pinkie, what the hell?! Give that back!”

“No! You can’t have it!”

Rainbow grit her teeth before taking a big breath to clam herself down. “Pinkie, I’ll give you to the count of three to give back my pink pussy. One, two…”

“NEVER!!! Before Rainbow could get to three, Pinkie quickly downed the shot, ensuring Rainbow wouldn’t get it. After slamming the glass back on the bar, her eyes snapped shut, and her body shuddered as the alcohol it her. A bright smile crossed her features. “Mmmmm! That was good!”

Rainbow looked on in anger. “Could I have another?” She paid the bits again as she waited for another shot to be made. The instant it was set on the bar, Pinkie swiped it up again; downing it in an instant. Rainbow growled as she slammed more bits onto the bar. “Another!”

The bartender just shrugged as he made yet another pink pussy which was, once again, taken away by the pink mare in front of him. “I can d-do thish aaaaaaall night Dashie.” Pinkie ended her sentence with a hiccup.

“Oh yea?!”



AJ was pleasantly surprised when he cashed in his winnings. He didn’t even know Equestria used paper currency of any kind. When given his winnings in bills, he asked if they were even real. They explained to him that, while most places use bits, it’s fairly common in bigger cities to use the bills for bigger transactions. When questioned about how he didn’t know this, the first excuse he came up with is that he lived a very sheltered life until recently. While he got questioning stares, they seemed to buy it.

He had a smile on his face as he trotted through the crowd. Bags stuffed with paper money were MUCH lighter than metal coins. As he approached the bar, he heard a very loud, very angry growl fill the air. “RrrrrraAAAAAHHH!!! FORGET IT!!! I’M DONE TRYING!!!”

“Probably for the best,” the bartender said. “She’s not looking too good right now.”

“SHAYSH YHOU!!!” shouted Pinkie as she pointed at the bartender. “AYE COULD DRINK SHICSHTEEN MORE ANS SHTILL BE…” Before Pinkie could finish her sentence, she dropped like a rock as she passed out. Her face smashed into the bar where it remained. Her back hooves balanced on the bar stool while the rest of her body drooped in between.

As AJ reached the bar, he looked between Rainbow and Pinkie in complete confusion. “What in Celestia’s name was that all about?”

“Pinkie wouldn’t let me have any alcohol,” Rainbow said in annoyance. “She kept drinking them on me.”

“Well, how many did she drink?” Rainbow just pointed to the ten empty shot glasses sitting on the bar in front of them. He cringed and began rubbing his head as he imagined the hangover Pinkie was going to have in the morning. “So, did you get to drink any of them?”

“No,” spat Rainbow. “And I’m done trying. I paid for ten drinks I didn’t even get to enjoy. I’m not paying for any more.”

AJ just shrugged. “Well, what should we do with her? Do you want to carry her back, or…” AJ was interrupted by the sound of Pinkie blowing chunks all over the bar. “Should I? Eww.”

Rainbow looked on in disgust. “Leeet’s take a cab. You can carry her there.”

“Thanks Dash. Carrying a passed out mare that could spew all over me at any moment. Just what I always wanted to do,” deadpanned AJ.

“Oh quit complaining and do it.”

AJ lowered his head and sighed. “Fine. Take my money.” He levitated his bags onto Rainbow’s back. “But if I find any missing, I swear to Celestia I’ll aim her vomit at you.” Rainbow had a look of fear and disgust on her face as she nodded her head. “Good, I’m glad we have an understanding. Aaaand UP we go.” AJ lifted Pinkie up onto his back as they left the casino.


After her treatment at the spa the previous day, Carrot was feeling more relaxed than she ever had in years. Every single inch of her body had been worked over. Every single muscle had been rubbed until not an ounce of tension remained. Aloe and Lotus even gave her a bath with the highest quality bath salts, and soaps they had. ‘A pony must feel beautiful both inside and out’ Lotus told her. Or was it Aloe? Carrot could never discern who was who. She also found out just how sensitive her hooves were when she was getting her hoof massage. Despite the embarrassment, and getting the whole ‘don’t worry, it happens all the time’ talk, she thoroughly enjoyed her time at the spa. From that day forward, she made a mental note to make regular visits to the spa.

Her relaxed state didn’t last very long however, as she began leaving for work, she ran into Maxie who had been looking for her. “There you are! I’ve been looking for you.”

Carrot froze up at the sound of his voice. A sense of dread began to fill her. She slowly turned her head to look at the feminine stallion. “Uhh, heeeey Ms. Maxie.”

“Please, just Maxie will do, but no time for that now. Come with me! We have a date with a dress maker!”

Carrot began to sweat a bit. “C-can’t I just go and sell some Carrot’s in peace?”

“No can do. Ditzy told me to take care of you. That includes making you ready for your date once we get you one. And I see no better time than the present to get started. I already have most of the makeup, and shampoos we’ll need at your house, and I told that lovely Rarity pony you were coming today. We don’t have any time to waste.”

“B-b-but I want to sell…!”

“There will be time to make some bits once we’re done getting you a pony to love,” Maxie said as he circled around Carrot; unhooking her from the cart. “Sooooooo move!” Now behind her, he gave Carrot a little nudge in the direction of Carousel Boutique.

Carrot’s cheeks flared up with blush at the unexpected and unwanted contact with the stallion. She quickly jumped away from him. “P-please don’t touch me.”

Maxie took a step back; his face was halfway between hurt, and confused. “What’s wrong honey? I thought you wanted help?”

Carrot shook her head. “I-I did, but not from you. Not from somepony that’s still basically a stranger to me. Not to mention one that has no sense of shame or privacy. Do you realize how embarrassing this all is? Knowing that somepony I just met yesterday, is trying to help…” She lowered her voice. “Get me laid?”

Maxie’s hurt look slowly turned to one of understanding. “So that’s what this is all about. I have a question. Why are you so uncomfortable around me?”

Carrot looked at Maxie as if he was stupid. “I just told you why.”

A knowing smile formed on Maxie’s lips. “Are you sure it’s because I’m so open about sex?”

“What are you talking about?”

Maxie giggled as he motioned for Carrot to follow him into the house. Once the two of them were sitting down, Maxie spoke. “As much as you may not believe it, you and I are a lot alike.”

“What, you were a hopeless loser that couldn’t find love? Oh wait, that’s just me,” spat Carrot. “Look, I know what you’re trying to do, but you’re nothing like me. Ponies actually like you. You found your special somepony.”

“Okay, yes. I did find Star, and he does mean everything to me, but you have to understand what I went through before I finally found him. I didn’t meet Star until I was 36. Until him, I…”

“Wait a minute. 36?! How long have the two of you been married?”

“We’ve been married for five years now,” Maxie said with a dreamy smile.

“So you’re…41 years old?! But you look so young!”

“43, actually. Oh Celestia, I wish I was still 41.” Maxie took a minute to shake off the fret of getting old. “I’m actually three years older than Star. I first met him a week or two before my 37th birthday. My best friend Buttercup Blossom introduced the two of us. Her husband had worked with Star in renovating the park.” Carrot nodded. Star did mention that he dabbled in landscaping when he wasn’t busy being a janitor at the high school. “He seemed nice, so I invited him. I got to know him more during my party. He stayed behind to help clean up, and I couldn’t help myself. I squealed like a little filly when he said yes. He proposed after a year, and that was that.”

“B-b-but, how can you be older than him?! You look so young!” Carrot was having a hard time wrapping her mind around Maxie’s actual age. After a minute, she gave up with a groan. “Just…get on with your story.”

Maxie just shook his head before continuing. “As I was saying. Until Star, I wasn’t all that happy with my life. I went from coltfriend to coltfriend. Each worse than the last. Some of them immediately dumped me once they knew the ‘real’ me. Other’s wanted only one thing. Sex.”

“At least you had sex. I’ve never even made it that far. I’ve had to rely on myself my entire life.”

“Trust me honey, before I started dating Star I spent more time than I care to admit going to town on myself. Speaking of which…” Maxie leaned in close with an amorous look. “You’ll just HAVE to tell me where you got that little toy of yours sometime. I would love to have one for myself.”

Carrot could only blush. “J-just get on with it!”

Maxie giggled. “Anyway, yes. I did have sex before I met Star. Quite a bit of it in fact.” He could see Carrot’s body begin to droop. “But that doesn’t mean I was happy.”

“What do you mean?”

Maxie smiled. He had her. “Sex is sex. You get the feeling of euphoria during, but that feeling doesn’t always stick with you. Hell, some times you don’t even get that. If you have no real emotional connection with the pony you’re with, you get nothing out of it let me tell you. Do you know how many times I came home after a night of sex absolutely hating myself? More times than I can count. I would have traded every night of sex for just for the chance to be with somepony that actually cared about my feelings.” Maxie let out a sad sigh as the unhappy memories of all his one night stands came flooding back into his head. “Like I said. Sex is sex. But it’s no replacement for somepony who truly loves you. Without that feeling of happiness, that euphoric feeling of being with the one you love with all your heart, sex is like putting a band-aid on a compound fracture. It just doesn’t help.”

“Eventually, I became uncomfortable at the mere mention of anything sexual. The ponies I had sex with all ended up being big jerks. Subconsciously, I let myself think that everypony that liked sex must have been a big jerk, and I tried to avoid them. I stopped dating all together for awhile, thinking it would help. I thought that if I stopped dating all those sex craving perverts, I’d learn to stop hating it so much.”

“D-did it work?”

Maxie shook his head. “Not one bit. It eventually got so bad that I even began looking down on myself.” Maxie looked over at Carrot. “Remind you of anypony?” Carrot began blushing. “Thought so. Anyway, I told myself that there must have been something wrong with me. That it was me, and not all those ponies.” A smile adorned his face. “If not for Buttercup, I would have given up completely.”

Carrot let everything slowly sink in. “So…when did you get over your fear of sex?”

Maxie stayed silent for a moment. “It was a month after I started dating Star. After a date, he walked me home. After we got there, he asked if I wanted to take our relationship a step further. As you can guess I was hesitant at first. Memories of all my failed relationships ran through my head. For a minute, I thought he was just like all the rest, but I pushed those thoughts back. Already he had treated me better than the rest of them. Maybe this time, it would be different. So we went inside.” A slight blush adorned his light rose cheeks as a smile slowly crept across his face. “I will never forget that night. After that night, I knew what I had been missing all those years. We didn’t have sex…we made love. He loved me. And I loved him. I couldn’t remember a time I fell asleep feeling so happy.”

Maxie held his smile as he reached over; placing his hoof on Carrot’s. “Do you understand now?”


Maxie’s smile wavered slightly. “Eheh, w-what I was trying to get at was that all that time I wasn’t afraid of the sex, I was afraid that I was never going to find happiness. I equated sex to happiness at first because many of the loving relationships I knew of when growing up involved sex. It wasn’t until much later that I realized that wasn’t the case. I think you have the same fear. You’ve been around other ponies that seem so happy, and you’ve gone through life without anypony to call you special. From what Ditzy has told us, you’ve started acting differently around her and her coltfriend recently.”

“That’s because I have to hear them going at it all the time.” Carrot shuddered. “You should have heard the two of them when Ditzy was in heat.”

Maxie snorted as he tried to hold back his laughter. He took a minute to regain his composure. “Anyway, you’re jealous and angry at them because they’re happy, and you’re not. And because of your repeated failed attempts to get a date, you believe you’ll never find happiness. That’s exactly how I felt, and that’s why I want to help you through this. Nopony should have to go through life thinking they’ll never find happiness.” Maxie brushed some of Carrot’s hair from her eyes. “Please let me in sweetie. I only want to help.”

Carrot sat there for a minute letting everything said here sink in. She lowered her head as she thought more. Maxie gasped when he saw Carrot begin to shake, and a tear fall to the table. “Honey? Is everything okay?”

Carrot sniffled before looking up; tears still rolling down her cheek. “P-please. Y-you have to help me.” She took a deep, ragged breath. “I-I-I don’t wanna be alone anymore.”

With a smile, Maxie got up from his seat. He walked over to Carrot and pulled her into a hug. “Shh, shh, shh. Don’t worry. Maxie’s here for you honey.”


For two ponies, their journey was just about to come to an end. As the two of them crested the final hill, their destination was finally in sight. “Well would ya look at that!” exclaimed the white earthpony with the two tone, black and red mane. “It’s Ponyville! We’re finally here!”

“Mmhm,” said his traveling companion. A dusty red pegasus with a two tone, electric blue and yellow mane.

“Oh come on Feather, ya gotsta be more exited than that. This is Ponyville! Th’ place where our lives can finally begin.”

Cloud Feather sighed. “Yes, I know this Fine Tuned,” he said; not sharing his companion’s thick, southern tang. “And?”

“Aaaaaand…” He put a leg around Feather’s neck. “Ya can’t tell me yer not exited ta finally be on yer own. Y’all finally get ta work on yer own without worryin’ ‘bout what other’s want ya ta do. An’ Ah’ve told ya b’fore. Call me R1. Everypony else does!”

Feather slowly shook his head. “I still have to answer to my superiors before I go ahead with my research. You should know that.” He straightened himself a bit. “Now if you would, please remove yourself from my neck. This cart is heavy enough as it is. And I refuse to call you ‘R1’ so please drop it.”

“Oh, yer no fun sometimes, ya know that?”

“I have plenty of fun. It’s just not the same type of fun you like to have.” Feather readjusted the harness. “So, shall we continue?”

Fine Tuned threw his hooves into the air. “WOOOO!!! NEXT STOP, PONYVILLE!!!”

As he quickly marched ahead, Feather shook his head; a soft smile forming on his face. “Next stop Ponyville.”


((And incase you forgot, here’s a pic of Fine Tuned

And Cloud Feather

And for all of you that comment about me always posting at night, the reason for that is quite simple. I find it easier to type at night than I do during the day. Don't know why. Whenever I try to get some writting done durring the day, I almost always stare at the screen blankely for a minute before going off to do something else. It's just how I am.

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust

General Derpy pic © Equestria-Prevails))

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