• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,261 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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A friend in need

((I’d like to thank my new editor Lady-Kaeru for making sure I don’t fuck up XP.))

Chapter 18

Rain continued to fall around them as Ditzy and Morning Glory just stared at each other; both of them too stunned to move. As he looked at Ditzy, Morning Glory could see the emptiness in her eyes. Everything that she had put herself through that day, all the pain, all the torment was visible just by looking into her amber orbs. Her posture certainly wasn’t helping anything. Her entire body just told him that she was about ready to give up. “Ditzy, what happened to you?” He looked over to see his umbrella that had been knocked to the ground when Ditzy had run into him. He levitated it over Ditzy to prevent the rain from drenching her further.

Ditzy said nothing. She just kept looking at him with a pitiful gaze as tears continued to flow down her cheeks. She let out a small whine as her legs gave out; collapsing to the ground in a miserable heap of pony. Ditzy covered her head and whimpered into her hooves, hoping that everything would just go away; that everything that happened was just a horrible nightmare.

Morning Glory knew he had to do something. He couldn’t just leave her here in the rain. “Ditzy, do you have any place you’re staying right now?” She just continued to whimper into her hooves. “Please, you can’t stay out here like this. You’re going to get sick.” It was subtle, but he could see Ditzy motion to the left bag of her saddle bags. Opening the flap, he saw a piece of paper sitting in the bag. He levitated it out and looked at the address written on it. “Alright, let’s go. It’s going to be a long walk.” He helped Ditzy up and let her lean against his body as he led her through the streets.


AJ, Twilight, and Twilight’s parents had been waiting for the show to start for awhile now. The more time that went by, the more anxious AJ became. He felt somepony place a hoof on his shoulder and turned to see Twilight looking at him with concern. “What’s wrong? Ever since we’ve gotten here you haven’t been able to sit still.”

AJ rubbed his legs together as he gathered his thoughts. “I just can’t help but worry about Ditzy. Something was obviously bothering her earlier today. I just don’t know what.” His ears were flat against his head in worry as he thought of the normally bubbly mare.

Twilight put on her most reassuring smile. “I’m sure she’s just fine. I’m sure she’s sitting in her room reading a nice book. Maybe she even took a nice relaxing bath to make all her troubles go away.”

A blush came to AJ’s face as images of Ditzy in the bath started to dance through his head. He quickly shook them from his mind. Thoughts like that could wait until later. There were more important things to worry about at the moment. “I don’t know. Maybe I should go check on her. Just to make sure she’s alright.”

“I’m sure your fillyfriend’s just fine.” came Night Light’s voice from beyond Twilight. “Trust me when I say that sometimes it’s best to just spend some time alone and collect your thoughts.”

“He’s right.” Velvet added. “Just you wait; when you get back I’m sure she’ll be as happy as can be.”

While that helped to reassure him a little bit, AJ still had a nagging doubt in the back of his mind. “I hope your right.”

A few minutes later the lights started to dim. They got darker and darker until the room was covered in an impenetrable darkness. A soft glow appeared on the stage as a feminine voice began to speak. “Welcome fillies and gentlecolts to the magic show of the century. The things you see here tonight will be like nothing you have ever seen before!”

Twilight had a hoof on her chin. ‘That voice. I know it from somewhere.’ she thought as she tried to place it.

“Watch, and be amazed at the astounding magical ability of The GRRREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRRRIXIE!!!!!!!” Fireworks lit up the room as a cloaked mare in the center of the stage stood on her hind legs with her forelegs in the air.

“Trixie?!” Twilight shouted over the fireworks and the cheering. Twilight couldn’t believe it. There on stage stood Trixie in all of her glory. Twilight noted that the cloak and hat Trixie was wearing were dead ringers for the cloak and hat worn by Starswirl the Bearded, bells and all. ‘I guess it makes sense that she wouldn’t be wearing her old outfit considering what happened to it, but why did she go with that as a replacement?’ Twilight asked herself. Twilight figured it was probably best not to question this and see just how much Trixie improved. ‘I mean, she must have improved right? If what my parents heard was right she should be amazing…right?’


It took about forty five minutes before Morning Glory and Ditzy got to the address. With Ditzy in the state that she was in, Morning Glory was surprised they got there in that amount of time. The entire trip was silent between the two of them.

Morning Glory knocked on the door and waited for an answer. “Just one minute,” came a sing song voice from the other side. A few seconds later a light rose mare with a long, immaculate, magenta mane answered the door. Crossed fencing sabers adorned her flanks. “Oh my, what’s going on here? Why are you two out in the rain? Quick, come inside.” She stepped to the side to let the two dripping ponies in. “Star honey, could you please bring a couple of towels for our guests?”

“Sure, give me a second,” Fresh Start shouted from the kitchen. A minute later he came into the front room with two fresh towels sitting on his back. “Here you go Maxie, anything…” Star’s jaw fell when he saw who the guests were. Morning Glory was the first pony he saw; recognizing him instantly. When he turned to look at Ditzy he couldn’t believe it. She looked like an empty shell of a pony. He had never seen her this miserable before. His gaze turned into a glare of death as he looked back to Morning Glory. Shaking off the towels, he lowered his body, scraping his hoof along the floor. “What did you do to her?” he spat; his voice was low and dangerous.

Morning Glory slowly started backing up when he realized Star’s intentions. “W-what?”

Star rushed Morning Glory, pinning him to the wall with the force of an avalanche. His foreleg was tight across Glory’s throat, choking him. His face was one of pure rage. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO DITZY?!?! ANSWER ME!!!”

Morning Glory tried as hard as he could, but the powerful earth pony was built like a tank and wouldn’t give in. “I…I found her like this! I swear!” Due to Star’s leg Glory’s voice was strained.

Maxie rushed over to try to get Star off of Glory. “Star, let him go! Please!”

Star turned his head to look at Maxie. Those pleading pink eyes slowly calmed him down. He released Glory who fell into a heap on the floor as he turned to tend to Ditzy. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her; hugging her in the process. “Don’t worry Ditzy. You’re safe now.”

Maxie picked up the other towel and handed it to Glory who just sort of draped it over himself. He was still recovering from earlier. “Star, what is going on here?” Maxie asked concernedly.

“You remember that mare I was telling you about earlier? The one who would come to me as a filly? The one who I loved as if she was my own foal? Well say hello.” He hugged Ditzy tighter as he looked at Glory, his seafoam eyes narrowed in distaste. “And that good for nothing bastard is the one who ruined her life. He used her; only to leave her on the street like she was trash. If it wasn’t raining I’d toss him out on his face right this instant.” Star placed his hoof under Ditzy’s chin and lifted her head so she was looking him in the eyes. “You must be freezing. Let’s go run you a nice hot bath.” Ditzy slowly nodded as she was led up to the second level of the house.


After about a half an hour Star and Ditzy came down the stairs. Ditzy was following behind slowly dressed in a bathrobe. During the bath Ditzy started opening up to Star. At the moment she felt he was her only friend in the world. He pointed to the big comfortable looking chair in the living room. “Go ahead and sit there Ditzy. I doubt Maxie will mind. I’ll go get you something hot to drink.” He looked up at Morning Glory who was sitting on the couch and harrumphed. “I guess you’re a guest as well. Coffee or hot chocolate?”

“Coffee please. Black.”

Star walked into the kitchen to find Maxie making a little something for Ditzy and Glory to eat. “Maxie, could you hand me the kettle please? I’m going to make some hot chocolate for Ditzy.”

Maxie reached into the cupboard to grab the kettle. “What about the other one? Morning Glory I think his name was.”

“He’d like some coffee,” Star said as he flipped the switch on the coffee maker. “Apparently what he said was true. Ditzy just ran into him on the street.”

Maxie looked at Star with a smirk. “Now doesn’t that make you feel silly for attacking him earlier?”

“Nope,” Star said without even a second thought.

“And why not?”

“You didn’t see her when it happened.” Star took the kettle and filled it with water before placing it on the stove top to boil. “If you had been there the day he broke her heart, you’d understand my feelings towards him.”


The living room was filled with awkward silence. Ditzy noticed things around the room she didn’t see before. Above the TV sat a pair of crossed fencing sabers mimicking Maxie’s cutie mark. On the side of the room a shelf hung with three fencing trophies sitting on it. No matter how hard she tried though, she couldn't help but look over to where Morning Glory was sitting. Every time she glanced over at him she became filled with a number of emotions, all fighting to be on top and let themselves be heard. Confusion, sadness, worthlessness, but the one that kept winning out was anger. She was resentful. She was down right pissed off at Glory for everything he had done. She was infuriated that the city hadn’t changed. But most importantly she was furious at herself. She had let all this happen to herself. She refused to let go of the past.

Caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t notice when Morning Glory got up and walked over to her. “Ditzy, are you OK?”

Shocked from the sudden voice piercing the silence, Ditzy looked up to see Morning Glory in front of her, his face full of concern. She continued to stare at him for a bit before turning away once again. ‘Why do you care?’ she thought to herself ruefully.

“Ditzy, please answer me.”

‘Why?’ Ditzy got up off the chair and slowly started towards the kitchen.

Glory was discouraged. “Ditzy, why won’t you answer me?”


“Ditzy please.” Glory reached out and put a hoof on Ditzy’s shoulder.

Ditzy’s entire body tensed up at the contact as she stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes and mouth were wide open as tears once again began to fall. She started convulsing as her eyes began to lose focus and her mind became hazy. That’s when everything started to become a blur of anger and hatred. She shook his hoof off before lowering her body and reared her hind legs back, thrusting them out with all her might. She connected with Morning Glory’s jaw, which sent him flying back onto the coffee table, breaking it as he landed.


“Oh, water’s done,” Maxie said, turning off the stove. “Do you have the mugs ready?”

“Mmhm.” Star brought over the tray full of mugs and set it down. He then grabbed the coffee pot and filled his and Glory’s mugs as Maxie filled the others. One full of cocoa powder while the other held a tea bag.. “Which do you want to take in, the drinks or the sandwiches?”

Maxie put the stirring spoon down before speaking. “I’ll take the sandwiches in. You go ahead and…” They were interrupted by a loud crash from the other room. “What was that?!” Maxie turned to Star who had already bolted for the other room, and followed behind.

“WHYYYYY?!?!” Ditzy screamed at the writhing heap of pony on the floor. Tears were once again flowing freely. “WHY DID YOU DO IT?!?!” Glory tried getting up, but as soon as he got onto his unsteady hooves he was once again beat to the floor by a hoof to the side of the head. “I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!!”

Ditzy was about to charge again but was stopped when somepony grabbed her from behind, and turned her away from Morning Glory. She looked back to see that Fresh Start had his forelegs wrapped around her to prevent her from getting away. She started to struggle violently against his hold in a vain attempt at freedom. “LET ME GO!!! THAT BASTARD HASN’T SUFFERED ENOUGH!!!”

Star easily held Ditzy’s struggling body back. “Ditzy settle down! Violence won’t change anything!”

“LET ME GOOOOO!!!” Ditzy started punching and kicking at Star to try to get him to let go. When that didn’t work, she started reaching over Star to get to Morning Glory in a desperate attempt to inflict more pain. Maxie was now helping him up. “WHY DID YOU DO IT?!?! WHYYYY?!?!” Her struggling got slower and slower until she spoke in an almost inaudible voice, “I loved you.” She finally collapsed in Star’s legs, bawling for all she was worth into his shoulder.

“Do you really want to know why?” Glory said in a low voice, drawing himself to his full height. Star turned to him as Ditzy continued to cry. “I did it for my mother.”

Star furrowed his brows. “What does your mother have to do with any of this?”

“Everything.” Glory stated simply, brushing himself off. “If word had gotten out that I had gotten a filly pregnant, my mother’s business would have been crushed.”

“Bull shit. You’re lying.” Star said roughly, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Glory laughed off Star’s comment before continuing. “It’s obvious that you’ve never been a part of the upper echelon. If you were, you’d know how ruthless they could be. The news would have spread like wild fire. Her business associates would have left her. Investors would have pulled everything. ‘How can she properly run a business if she can’t even properly take care of her family’ they would say. Her business would have eventually crumbled under itself leaving my mother with nothing. When Ditzy gave me the news, I had to think of my family. No matter how much it hurt others.”

Star snorted angerly at Glory. “You crushed her heart. Left her crying in the street, and for what? Some stupid business?! Your family has enough money to put your grandchildren’s grandchildren through school and let them retire without working a day in their lives, and you were worried about money?!”

“My mother’s business means everything to her, and when she retires everything will be mine. I couldn’t let my future just get flushed down the drain like that. I did what I had to do.”

“That’s horrible!” Maxie said, backing away from the unicorn. “What kind of monster would do that to a pony?”

“One who’s thinking about his future.” Glory grabbed his umbrella with his magic and walked to the door. “Send me the bill for the damages. I assume you know where I live.” Upon opening the door, Glory walked out into the rain.

Maxie hugged Ditzy in place of Star when he rushed after Glory. “IF I EVER CATCH YOU AROUND HERE AGAIN I’LL BREAK YOUR FUCKING LEGS!!!” With that being said and off his chest, Star slammed the door and turned back to Ditzy, who was wiping her eyes. “Let’s hope we never see him again.”

Ditzy sniffled. “T-thank you again Fresh Start.”

“Any time Ditzy, any time.” the stallion replied fondly.

Ditzy turned to Maxie who still had a hoof on her shoulder. “And thank you Maxie. It’s good to know Fresh Start has such a great mare in his life.”

Maxie’s eye’s got wide. “Uhh, did you say mare?” Ditzy nodded. Maxie turned to Star who was stifling his laughter before looking back at Ditzy with a sheepish smile. “Um I think you have the wrong idea here. Ditzy honey, I’m not a mare.”

Ditzy looked confused. “What?” she deadpanned.

“I’m a stallion.”


Star was chuckling as he came over and put his leg around Maxie’s whither. “I think it’s time for a proper introduction. Ditzy this is my husband, Maximilian.”



“Oh Celestia, I’m so embarrassed.” Ditzy buried her flushed face in her hooves as she sat on the couch.

“Oh honey, don’t worry about it,” Maxie said with a giggle. “Trust me when I say that you’re not the first pony to mistake me for a mare, and I’m sure you won’t be the last.”

Still flushed, Ditzy removed her hooves from her face. “Mom and dad told me you got married, they just never told me to who…or to what gender.”

“Yeah, your parents were surprised at first when they found out I liked stallions,” Star said. “Then they met Maxie, and couldn’t have been happier for me.”

“They’re such nice ponies.” Maxie’s face lit up. “We should invite them over for lunch tomorrow! Oh it’ll be so much fun.”

Ditzy had a smile on her face as she got up off the couch. “And where do you think you’re going little missy?” Star asked.

“I was thinking I should be getting back to the castle. It’s getting late and I don’t want anypony to worry about me.”

“I don’t think so,” Star said with a smile. “It’s still raining, and I refuse to let you leave this house until it’s over.”

“But I’m sure AJ will be…”

“No buts. You can use the guest room for the night.” Star looked over to Maxie with a smile. “And I’m sure your parents would love to see you again.”

Ditzy smiled. “Okay, you win.”

“Oh goodie!” Maxie said while clapping his hooves together. “Now, what was this about the castle? And this AJ, is that the name of a certain special somepony in your life?”


Twilight was amazed. Saying Trixie had gotten better would be the understatement of the century. Whatever she had been doing over the last three years since the ursa minor incident was definitely working. Even AJ; who had been a nervous wreck because of Ditzy before the show, was smiling and applauding at the unicorn on stage. Though while the show was amazing, all good things must come to an end. It was time for the finale.

“Fillies and gentlecolts! For Trixie’s finale she will need a volunteer! Who is brave enough to come join Trixie up on stage for this endeavor?” Trixie started scanning the crowd. “How about…” That’s when she spotted a familiar face in the crowd. A certain purple unicorn with royal blue hair who’s face she would never forget. “YOU?!?!?!” Trixie pointed her hoof at Twilight, mouth agape and her right eye twitching. She quickly remembered she was in the middle of a show and regained her composure. “Um, I mean you! How about you there, fine sir?”

Trixie and the spotlight now pointed at AJ. “Who, me?”

The next thing AJ knew he was on stage standing next to Trixie. She had teleported him to the stage so there was no room for argument. “Thank you for agreeing to help Trixie in her finale.”

“What did I just do now?” AJ asked in a somewhat panicked voice.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, what you are about to witness is not for the faint of heart. Ponies with weak stomachs may wish to turn away.”

“What is going on here?” AJ stiffened as he saw Trixies hat float off her head as her horn lit up.

The crowd watched as the air around AJ began to spin. It got faster and faster until he himself was lifted into the air spinning along with it. Once the tornado was started, Trixie started up another spell as fire burst forward from her horn, shooting flames into the tornado. It wasn’t long before AJ became lost in the flames and disappeared from everypony’s sight. The crowd gasped in horror at the prospect of a pony being burned alive before their very eyes. After about twenty seconds, the flaming tornado burst outward, sending multicolored fire dragons throughout the theater hall. A giant charred circle now sat in the middle of the stage, and in the middle of the charred radius sat a pile of ash.

Twilight was completely horrified. Trixie had just murdered a pony in front of a giant group of ponies, and not just anypony, she had just killed AJ. “No.”

Trixie smiled at the crowd. Her horn flared to life once more, surrounding the pile of ash in a light pink glow. Seconds later AJ appeared standing on stage where the ash had just been. He didn’t have a scratch on him; not a single strand of hair in his mane was singed. The only problem was that AJ looked as if he was about to blow chunks all over the stage. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. AJ stumbled to the stairs leading on stage and fell down them. The whole ordeal had left him more than a little shaken. Trixie bowed to the crowd as the curtain closed, glowing in the adoration of her public.

Twilight and her parents made it through the crowd of leaving ponies over to where AJ was still lying in a crumpled, twitching heap on the floor. Twilight placed her hoof on his side and started to lightly shake him. “AJ, are you okay?”

AJ slowly lifted his head. His eyes were spinning. “HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAAAAAAH!!!” He then vomited on the floor and passed out.


Night Light carried AJ on his back as the three of them left the room. As they started walking to the exit Twilight got an idea. “Hey, do you think you guys could wait here for a bit? There’s something I’d like to do before we leave.”

“Of course honey. We’ll be waiting over there for you.” Velvet pointed to a couple of sofa’s ponies could use before and after shows.

“Okay, thank you!” Twilight ran in the other direction and turned the corner.

It wasn’t long before Twilight found her destination. Trixie’s dressing room. The only problem was it was being guarded by a body guard preventing any random pony from entering the room. The big, burly zebra looked down at Twilight and waited to see what she would do. As Twilight came closer he moved to block the door. “Who are you and why are you here?”

Twilight thought for a second before answering. “Hello fine sir. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m a friend of The Great and Powerful Trixie’s and just wanted to congratulate her in person for such a great show.”

The zebra looked at Twilight skeptically. He may have been big, but he wasn’t stupid. He could easily see through Twilight’s lie, but he was bored and decided to humor her. He knocked on the door. “Hey Trixie. Got a visitor here for ya. Says her name’s Twilight Spackle or something like that. Should I let her in?”

A crash could be heard from inside the room. It was silent for a minute before Trixie finally answered. “Its fine Zen, you may let her in.”

Surprised, the zebra opened the door and stepped aside to let Twilight in. The door was closed after Twilight entered the room. Twilight looked around the room. She could see the cloak which was sitting neatly folded on a chair with the hat on top of it as Trixie sat in the back of the room brushing her mane. “Hello once again Twilight Sparkle. It’s so nice to see you.”

“Hello Trixie. Let me start by saying that the show was amazing! I’ve never even seen half of the tricks you used. You have to show me some of them!” Twilight was gushing over the thought of learning some new magic.

“Sorry Twilight Sparkle, but these tricks are mine and mine alone.” Trixie took a sip of the smoothie that was sitting on the table next to the vanity mirror. “Now, what did you really come here for? It couldn’t have been just to gush over my magical talents.”

Twilight rubbed her forelegs together. “Well to be honest, I was wondering how you were. After that incident three years ago nopony saw or even heard anything about you. I was actually kind of worried something may have happened to you after you ran off.” Twilight looked over at the outfit sitting on the chair. “I’m also interested on hearing how you came across such a great imitation of Starswirl the Bearded’s cloak and hat. It looks spot on.”

Trixie sighed as she placed the brush down, her eyes downcast and heavy with sadness. “It was a hard time for me. After the ursa minor incident I lost everything. My spell books, my props, my money.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “I even lost the hat and cape my grandmother made. I was forced to return to Fillydelphia and move in with my parents. I had no where else to go.” Trixie looked up at the cloak and hat. “As for my new wardrobe, I’d appreciate if you’d stop calling it a fake.”

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked confused.

“I said stop calling the hat and cloak fakes.”

Twilight was still confused. “Are you telling me that cloak belonged to Starswirl the Bearded? THE Starswirl the Bearded?”

“Why does that surprise you so much?” Trixie asked with annoyance.

“Well not to be rude, but you have been known to lie about things before Trixie. That’s kinda how the entire ursa minor incident started.” Twilight didn’t exactly like bringing that up again, but she wanted to prove her point. “And besides it’s kinda hard to believe that a single outfit could survive this long.”

Trixie was immediately affronted. “Are you calling my grandmother a liar, Twilight Sparkle? Are you trying to tell me that my grandmother; one of the most knowledgeable ponies I know, is lying to my face?!”

“What?! No I wouldn’t…” Twilight stammered.

Twilight was cut off by Trixie who was bearing down on her. “That outfit is a family heirloom that’s been passed down from generation to generation! Don’t you dare insult it by calling it a fake!”

Twilight shrunk back away from Trixie. “I’m sorry Trixie, I didn’t know.”

Trixie pulled back; looking at the floor in shame as she shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. You didn’t know and I shouldn’t have blown up at you like that.”

Now that she wasn’t fearing for her life, Twilight let what she had just heard sink in. Her eyes widened in realization. “Trixie, can I ask you a question?” Trixie nodded. “If that is a family heirloom that’s been passed down throughout your family, does that mean that Starswirl the Bearded…”

Still looking down, Trixie answered the question before Twilight could finish the question. “Is my ancestor. My grandmother constantly tells me I’d be a dead ringer for him if I was born a colt.” She looked back to the cloak. “As for his cloak and hat; he specially treated them with magic so they would never degrade or decompose.”


After having a nice long talk with Trixie, Twilight finally left the dressing room to rejoin her parents and AJ. When she reached the waiting area she noticed AJ had regained consciousness. He still looked a bit shaken up, but compared to earlier he was doing better. “Hello everypony.”

“And where did you run off to for so long?” Velvet asked.

“Just went to go talk with an old friend.” Twilight looked at the clock on the wall and cringed. “We should probably get back to the castle. It’s getting pretty late.”

“Why don’t you two just stay at our house for the night?” Night Light asked. “It’s much closer than the castle, and I’m guessing you want to spend as little time as possible in the rain.” He pointed at a nearby window and sure enough it was still raining.

“Hmm, what do you think AJ?”

AJ shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me I guess.”

“Alright, home it is then,” Twilight said with a smile.


((And there you go. I hope Morning Glory’s beating was satisfying to you all. I also hope you people noticed the Courage the Cowardly Dog reference in there. And if you're wondering about Trixie's speech after learning a bit of humility she only speaks in the third person when she's on stage. Not going to lie guys. I would love to see this chapter in turned into a comic. Especially Trixie's finale. Well this chapter and the sleep over chapter.

Fresh Start or Star for short

Maximilian or Maxie

Yes, this does indeed have a penis :D

Since Maxie's pic seems to be borked here's a direct link to his pic.))

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust

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