• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,261 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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The Bond of Brothers: Finale

((A lot of this chapter details what happens before AJ wakes up.))

Chapter 32

“Nnnggghhh! How much longer until we can see Shadow?” grumbled Trotsworth as he paced around the waiting area. Screwball, much to the shock of the ponies around them, was hovering above him; copying his path. Twilight had gone off to help wherever she could. Trotsworth looked up to see her consoling the family of one of the less fortunate ponies who didn’t survive the encounter.

He let out a pained sigh. ‘That could have been me,’ he thought. He had to hold back his tears as the thoughts came to him. What if Shadow hadn’t made it? What would he do? Would he be able to go on knowing his little brother was killed and he could do nothing about it?

His thoughts were interrupted as Screwball let out a gasp. He looked up. “What’s wrong Screwball?” Screwball suddenly bolted off into the main part of the room. Looking into the distance, he knew why. He could see a certain dark grey pegasus slowly making his way through the crowd with a mare doctor walking next to him. As quickly as he could, Trotsworth took off after Screwball.

Shadow slowly walked through the oversized room. His head hung as the memories of what happened to him ran through his head over and over again. It took all he had to keep himself from curling up into a ball and crying right there and then. His ears perked up when he heard somepony yelling over the crowd.


Shadow looked up just in time to see a pastel violet blur before it collided with his throat. He and the blur flew back a few feet before he finally landing on the floor. He laid there on the floor, his eyes spinning, for a few seconds. After shaking the cobwebs out of his head, he realized that something was lying on top of him. He was still slightly dazed as he tried opening his eyes. He looked down to find his vision filled with an unruly purple and white mane. He immediately knew who it was as he felt Screwball begin nuzzling into his chest. For the first time in weeks, tears of happiness fell from his eyes as he reached down to hug Screwball back.

A couple seconds later, Trotsworth caught up with Screwball. A relieved smile grew on his face as he looked down at his brother. He was about to join in on the hug, when somepony tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up to see the doctor that was walking with Shadow. “Excuse me, but are you related to Mr. Shadow Breeze?”

Trotsworth looked back down at Shadow and smiled. “Yes, I’m his brother. Trotsworth, or Dr. Whooves if you’d prefer, Chief of Staff at Ponyville hospital.” He extended his hoof for a shake.

Smiling, the mare extended her own hoof. “Doctor Swift Cure, but everypony around Canterlot Medical Center just calls me Dr. Cure. Now, I’m sure you’d like to spend some time with Shadow, but…” The smile dropped off her face. “I have some information here that you should really know about.”

Shadow had finally gotten Screwball off of him long enough to get back up. Even after getting up, Screwball still clung to him. Not that he cared. Over the past two weeks, there were two ponies he wanted to see more than anything else, and they were both here with him. Again, he hugged Screwball back. “I missed you sooo much.”

“I missed you too Breezey.” Screwball tightened her grip on Shadow; her tears staining his coat. “Never leave us again.”

“What?!” Both Shadow and Screwball looked over to Trotsworth. His eyes were wide and his jaw was agape.

Dr. Cure slowly nodded her head. “All the signs are there. Aside from the physical trauma, the mental scars are all there,” she said in a low voice. “None of our male doctors and nurses could even get close to him. I even had difficulties during my examination. It took a long time to convince him that I was there to help him, not hurt him.”

Trotsworth looked over to Shadow, a look of horror on his face, and tears in his eyes. The tears in Shadow’s eyes were no longer of happiness. He knew what they were talking about. Trotsworth took a step towards Shadow and sat down. He put a hoof on Shadow’s shoulder, just looking into his eyes before wrapping his legs around Shadow. Shadow hugged back as he started crying into Trotsworth’s shoulder. “I’ll never let anypony hurt you again, I promise.” Screwball watched as his tears hit the floor.


Twilight continued to walk around the room, searching for anything she could do to help. Any ponies who needed help getting through this hard time. She’s had to deal with a lot of sadness and hardship over the last two weeks, but for her it was over. The least she could do is help ease the pain of the ponies that needed it. Celestia was already in the middle of planning a funeral service for those that didn’t make it. As she looked around, she noticed a light cream colored pegasus stallion sitting by himself near the entrance of the wing. He was slouched over against the wall. He looked like he needed a bit of support right now so Twilight trotted over.

Twilight had a soft smile on her face by the time she reached Knight Wind. “Hello there.” She got no reaction. He sat there; shaking like a leaf. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. “Are you alright? Is there anything you’d like to talk about? I’m sure it must have been quite the experience.”

“…I-i-I’m sorry master. Please come back. Don’t leave me master.”

“Master? I’m not sure who you’re talking about, but you’re safe now.” Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. “Nopony here is going to hurt you.”

“I’m sorry master. I promise I’ll do better. Please take me back. I’ll never disobey a…”

Knight Wind was interrupted when a loud ruckus could be heard in the hall outside the wing. The sounds of struggling and loud shouting got closer and closer. “What is going on out there?” asked Twilight.

Knight Wind stood up; staring intently at the door. “That’s master’s voice.” He bolted through the door and into the corridor.

“Hey, wait!” Twilight followed behind him.

What Twilight saw when she got out there shocked her. Seven bat winged pegasi were in the hall. Three stallions and four mares. Six of them were in armor; the other had a torn scarf hanging from her neck and a scuffed up, loose fitting belt around her waist. Her once slicked back mane was messy and disheveled from the fighting. Nightshade was being restrained in chains by four of the armor-clad pegasi while the others cleared the path for them. Luna brought up the rear; staying close in case her help was needed. Nightshade was futilely thrashing around against her bindings in a vain attempt to escape. “LET ME GO!!! I’LL KILL YOU DAMNED FOOLS!!! YOU’RE HEADS WILL HANG FROM MY WALL!!! RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Twilight was trying to wrap her mind around what was going on here when, “Master!” Knight Wind took off towards the bound pegasus.

Eclipse, the mare guard that wasn’t holding Nightshade in chains, cut him off. “Please stay back, she’s very dangerous.”

“Master needs me. I must go to master,” said Knight Wind as he tried to get around the guard.

Nightshade continued thrashing around until her eyes fell upon Knight Wind. Her body froze up and her eyes got wide just at the sight of him. “Knight Wind…”

Vengeance yanked on the chain around her neck; nearly sending her to the floor. “Get your ass moving Nightshade. You have a nice little date with the castles dungeon.” She still refused to move. Vengeance pulled on the chain again, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “If you don’t move I swear to Luna I will cast judgment upon you myself, and trust me…” His eyes became slits and his voice lowered to a dangerous growl as he glared a hole through Nightshade. “I will make you wish you were never…”

“Vengeance, that’s enough!” shouted Luna; pushing Vengeance away with her magic. Vengeance turned to glare at Luna. “I know your past with Nightshade clouds your judgment, but lowering yourself to her level will only end in tragedy.”

Vengeance looked between Luna and Nightshade almost as if he was weighing his options. He turned his head to Nightshade; letting out a frustrated snort. “You’re not worth my time.” Turning away, he stormed off down the hall.

“Whoa. I’ve never seen Vengeance so angry,” Wrath said, taking up the chain that Vengeance had dropped.

“Well can you blame him?” asked Moon Runner, the shortest of the three mares. “How would you feel if your psycho of an ex ended up being the leader of a slavery operation?”

“I shall talk to Vengeance later. For now, get her into the dungeon,” said Luna. Her guards saluted before dragging Nightshade away. Her gaze never left Knight Wind as she was taken away.

“What should I do about this one?” asked Eclipse; pointing to Knight Wind.

Luna thought for a moment. “I see no harm in letting him follow you, but keep an eye on him.” Eclipse saluted before leading Knight Wind to the dungeon. Luna sighed. “I’m sure you must be wondering what’s going on.” Luna said before turning to Twilight.

“A little yea,” Twilight said with a nod.

“Then come with me. There is a lot to tell.”


“Wait. So you’re telling me that pony, the one who did all this, is an ex-royal guard?!” asked Twilight.

“One of my elite night guard to be exact,” Luna said with a nod as she lay on her bed. Luna had led Twilight to her bedroom so the two of them could talk in private. Luna didn’t feel that this conversation should be made very public. “She and Vengeance were the best of the best, and they knew it. They quickly became rivals, always trying to one up each other. It wasn’t until Moon Runner walked in on them that we knew there was something more to their relationship.” Luna shook her head as she sighed. “They were together for almost a year before it happened.”

“Before what happened?” asked Twilight.

Luna looked out the window. In less than an hour, it would be time for her moon to rise. “Nightshade’s first and only mission. I sent my team after a stallion who had been making and selling the drug deztripan. They were meant to bring him in. Nightshade had different plans.”


”Any word on Nightshade’s location? Vengeance asked as the team made it to the mansion.

“None yet, but we’ll find her,” Echo said as he landed next to Vengeance. “It seems nopony’s seen her since last night.”

Vengeance sighed. “Shit.”

“Now’s not the time to be thinking about your piece of flank, Vengeance. Focus.” Blue Moon said as she looked up into the sky. She tapped the side of her helmet, activating the radio inside. “Eclipse, can you see anything from the sky?”

“Not a thing,” came the voice from the radio. “Wait a second?”

“What do you see?” asked Vengeance.

“I just saw somepony walk past one of the window’s. I’m going to go check it out.”

“Just be careful,” said Moon Runner.

“Aren’t I always?” Eclipse smugly said.

The radio went silent for a moment before a gasp could be heard from the other end. “What, what’s wrong?” asked Vengeance.

“…I…I can’t believe it. Guys, its AHHH!!!”

A loud clang could be heard before the radio cut off. “Eclipse!? Eclipse, can you hear me?!” Vengeance looked to the rest of his team. “No time to chat. Let’s move!”

The five remaining pegasi busted into the house and split into two teams. This simple mission now became a search and rescue mission. Vengeance and Echo quickly made their way through the mansion. “What ever got her must have hit her hard. The implant in her helmet isn’t responding to my locator.”

“Just keep looking!” demanded Vengeance.

The two of them suddenly burst into a big library. Giant book cases lined the room on all sides except for a window on the far side of the room that sat open. Under the window sat Eclipse’s nearly motionless body. A small amount of blood tricled from her mouth. In the middle of the room was a big table with only one chair. Lying next to the table in a pool of his own blood was the unicorn they were supposed to bring in. His horn had been broken off and his throat had been slit. In the chair, sat Nightshade. Blood stained her coat and armor. Her helmet had been removed and smashed on the floor, making it impossible to track her with any of Echo’s tech. Nightshade was just sitting at the table, reading the unicorns notes.

“You know, this stallion was a genius,” she said in a low voice. “All this knowledge of potions, poisons, and the like. To bad he didn’t have the balls to actually use them. He could have been useful.”

Vengeance looked between the unicorn, Eclipse, and Nightshade. “Nightshade, did you do all this?” He got no answer. “Why?”

Nightshade looked over her shoulder. “Isn’t that what rivals do? The only thing I’ve done here tonight was prove once and for all, that I’m better than you. I got here first, and I completed the mission first.”

“But you killed him. Our mission was to bring him in. Killing wasn’t involved in any way,” Echo said as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening.

Nightshade laughed under her breath. “Sacrifices must be made.” She turned to look at Eclipse. “Poor little Eclipse learned that the hard way.”

“You disobeyed a direct order from Princess Luna herself to…”

“Princess Luna is weak!” Nightshade said, cutting off Vengeance. “If she’s so powerful why couldn’t she take care of such a simple little task herself?” Her gaze became more dangerous. “I never did like her. She comes back after 1000 years, nearly destroys Equestria, and then thinks she can just beg for forgiveness? I’ve proven that not only am I better than you, but I’m also better than your precious little princess.” She took the notes she was reading and slipped them into her saddle bags. “And with these notes, I finally have everything I need.”

Vengeance couldn’t believe his ears. He lowered his posture; getting ready to strike. “Echo, get Eclipse out of here. I’ll take care of Nightshade.”


“GO!!!” Nodding, Echo swooped over to Eclipse; grabbing her up and flying away. “Now, it’s your turn.”

Nightshade looked at Vengeance with a smile. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Too bad I don’t have the time. Knight Wind must be worried sick by now. He’s nothing without me after all.”

“You’re not going to get away from me!” Vengeance said. He took off like a missile; heading straight for Nightshade. The grin on Nightshade’s face became more malicious as she danced around his form. Vengeance cried out as he felt something sink into him. He stopped and looked at his side. There was an empty syringe embedded in his side. He looked to Nightshade. “W-wha…”

“Its a little mixture of my own, do you like it? By now you should already feel your body locking up. It won’t be long until you’ll be out of my hair for good.” Nightshade watched as Vengeance collapsed to the ground. With a throaty laugh, she walked towards the open window. “I wish I could say it’s been nice knowing you, but I’d hate to lie to a dying pony.” The last thing Vengeance saw before blacking out was Nightshade jumping through the window.


“Vengeance was found and brought back to the castle. He woke up a week later; seemingly paralyzed. It took months before he was able to return to duty.” Luna slowly shook her head. “He’s never forgiven her for betraying him and breaking his heart.”

Twilight took in what she just heard. “I guess that explains why he was so angry before. But that doesn’t explain why she did it. How did she go from being part of your special unit, to slavery?”

“We’re not sure. When searching through her things, we found a journal she left here, accidentally or not, that had dates from about two years ago, all the way back to about ten. In it she talked about a pony named Knight Wind multiple times. It wasn’t all that descriptive about what was going on, but it kept talking about his progress. None of us had any idea what she was talking about.” Luna sighed. “I guess now we know what she was doing all the times she left the castle.” Luna took another look out the window before stepping off her bed. “I’m afraid I must cut our talk short. It’s time for me to raise the moon. Goodbye Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight nodded. “Thank you for explaining some things to me. Good night Princess.”


Celestia breathed a sad sigh as she walked through the hall. She never liked planning funerals. The thought of another pony’s life ending always brought tears to her eyes. Even after thousands of years of life, death never got any easier to deal with. As she walked past Luna’s bedroom, she noticed it open and Twilight exit the room.

Twilight had her head down. All the things Luna had just told her were running through her mind. She didn’t notice Celestia standing there until it was already too late. “Oof!” Twilight backed up a few steps and rubbed her nose. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was…” As she looked up, she noticed the regal Princess of the Sun standing in front of her; a smile on her face and a light giggle escaping from her lips. “Princess Celestia! Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t worry Twilight. It was a simple accident.” She giggled again at Twilight’s over reaction. “So, what were you and my sister talking about?”

“Oh, uhh, yes, well Luna agreed to answer some of my questions about what was going on.”

“So you know about Nightshade then?” asked Celestia with an unreadable look. Twilight just nodded. “Did she also tell you about Nebulous?”

Twilight cocked her head in confusion. “Who?”

Celestia looked down the hall before looking back at Twilight. “Come with me. I’ll tell you as we walk.” The two of them started down the hall. Where they were going, Twilight didn’t know. Twilight was about to ask, but Celestia began speaking again. “About eight years ago, Nebulous joined the Manehattan police force. With the help of his special talent, they were able to track and bring down two of the biggest gangs in Manehattan.”

“What’s his special talent?”

Celestia remained silent for a moment. “…Interrogation. Everypony he’s ever interrogated ended up giving up the information he wanted.”

Twilight noticed the look on Celestia’s face. After spending so much time with her, she knew how to read a few of her teacher’s tells. “Isn’t that a good thing? With his help they brought down two dangerous gangs. What’s wrong with that?”

Celestia sighed. “I’ve heard stories about his…methods. He would do anything to get the answers; even if it meant inflicting pain or bringing their loved ones into it. It may have gotten results, but that doesn’t make what he did anymore right.”

“What happened to him?”

“About two years after he began his career as an interrogator, he left the force. He gave no reason as to why, he just left. After that he vanished. Nopony knew where he went and he left no evidence as to where he had gone.” Celestia slowly shook her head. “Now we know where he went. He was captured during the initial raid on the encampment. He tried to escape, but was no match for the guard. According to what some of the guards were saying, he was their second in command.”

“An ex-member of the Lunar Task Force and a police interrogator. It seems so surreal.” Twilight lifted her head and looked at where they were. “What are we doing in the guest wing?”

Celestia looked at Twilight; a soft smile on her face. “I just thought you would like to meet the pony who made the rescue operation possible.”

Celestia stopped in front of one of the doors and knocked. “Just a minute! I’m in the middle of something!” came a stallion’s voice from the other side. A loud crash could be heard from the other side of the door along with the sound of something big getting dragged around. Celestia and Twilight just looked at each other in confusion as the commotion continued. Suddenly, a loud crack could be heard as the sound of something falling apart filled their ears. “…Oops. Umm, I-uh, I swear this bed was broken when I got here!” Another loud sound filled the room. “And that dresser too!” About a minute later, the door swung open to reveal an earth pony. He had a chocolate colored coat with darker brown blotches around the end of his legs, on his back, and around his muzzle. His unruly brown and dark brown mane and tail looked like they hadn’t been combed in years. His cutie mark was a bar of dark chocolate. “Heeeeey, what can I do for you this fine day…don’t look inside.”

Celestia and Twilight did anyway. To say this was still a room would be having mercy on it. It looked like a bomb had gone off in the room. The drapes had been shredded, and the window had been cracked. The bed had, somehow, been broken in two, leaving the mattress to lie on the floor covered in the broken wood. The dresser had been completely shattered by Celestia knows what and sat in a pile on the floor. The door to the bathroom had been torn off, broken into pieces, set up into a fire pit, and lit on fire in the middle of the room. He had some how managed to cover the entire room in a layer of sand and dirt. He even managed to get a cactus in the room. The bathroom itself faired no better. The toilet had been broken off with water shooting out of the pipe in a geyser. The sink had a giant hole in the bottom and the spigot was bent upwards; unable to be shut off. The bath, at least what wasn’t cracked or full of holes, was covered from top to bottom in thick, dark mud.

Twilight’s mouth was agape and her eyes were wide. Her right eye twitched. “How…the…hell…”

Celestia looked around the room; eyes wide with surprise. “Well. I see you made yourself at home.”

A bright smile grew on his face. “Uh huh! That old room was too stuffy. To soft and…not sandy enough. So I did a bit of remodeling. Now it’s just like camping under the stars…without the stars. I wonder how I could get rid of the ceiling. Damnit, I’ll never be able to find some C4 at this time of the night. Oh well, that’s beside the point. Do you like it?”

“Well it’s…different,” Celestia said; trying to calculate the repair cost in her head. “But that’s not why we’re here. Twilight, I’d like you to meet Dark Chocolate. If not for his tip, we never would have found the slaver’s encampment.”

“Everypony always just calls me DC,” Dark Chocolate said with a bright smile.

Attempting to ignore the disaster area behind him, Twilight extended a hoof. “I must thank you. If not for you we may never have gotten our friends and family back.”

His eyes suddenly got wide as a loud gasp escaped from his mouth. “THAT’S IT!!!” He grabbed Twilight by the leg and pulled her into the room. “You, unicorn lady, blow up the ceiling please!”

“E-excuse me?!” asked Twilight.

“The ceiling, it’s got to go,” DC said with a contemplative look on his face. “It’s the only way this will be a true camping experience.”

“I am NOT going to destroy ceiling of the castle just so you can…”

“Okay, fine. I’ll do it myself.” In one swift movement, he grabbed Twilight with one leg around her throat and the other on her tail.

Twilight was completely horrified. “W-w-what are you doing?!”

“Renovating!” he said with a big smile. He pulled hard on her tail; causing her to yelp out in pain, and forcing a blast of magic to explode out from her horn and fly towards the ceiling. This resulted in a big explosion, covering the room in a giant cloud of smoke.

Both Celestia and Twilight could be hard coughing in the cloud. After about a minute, the cloud finally started to dissipate. Once the cloud was gone, Celestia looked into the room again. Twilight was no longer being held by DC. She was on the ground, rubbing her rump where her tail is connected because of the pain. DC was happily staring up at the ceiling. Celestia looked up. Make that the ex-ceiling. Most of the ceiling had been demolished, leaving only a small amount around the edges of the room. “There, now this is a room.” He picked up Twilight again and tossed her out of the room. “Sorry, but I’m a bit tired. Good night!” He slammed the door shut.

Twilight, who had landed face first when she was tossed out of the room, groggily sat up. Celestia walked up to her and helped her keep her balance. “Are you okay Twilight?”

Twilight shook her head. “Well, he's certainly a…unique individual.” She stood up on wobbly legs. “I think I’m going to go to bed too. After meeting him, I’m a bit worn out.”

With a giggle, Celestia lifted Twilight onto her back. “Well, let me take you to your room then.”

Twilight’s face began to heat up. “Uhh, princess. I can walk myself you know. This is kinda embarrassing.”

“Oh really? You never minded when I did this when you were a little filly,” Celestia said with a mischievous smile. “In fact, I remember you always asking for me to carry you like this. I remember one day you rode on my back for the entire day. You even fell asleep while hugging my mane.” Celestia let out a sigh of happiness at the happy memory. “You were such a silly little filly back then. Well, I suppose you still are.”

“I am not a silly little filly!” protested Twilight.

Celestia giggled. “You would always say that too.” Knowing she couldn’t win, Twilight just crossed her legs in a huff as Celestia carried her down the hall.


“Are you sure it’s okay for him to be down here?” asked Echo as he pointed to Knight Wind.

“Princess Luna said it was okay,” said Eclipse. “Just keep an eye on him.”

The clip clop of hooves could be heard coming from deeper in the dungeon. Soon after Moon Runner, Wrath, and Blue Moon could be seen. “Alright, the bitch is locked up. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry as hell,” Blue Moon said; satisfied with the work they had done that day.

“I…I want to see master,” pleaded Knight Wind.

“Oh yea, I forgot about him,” deadpanned Blue Moon. “I guess my Hungry Mare’s going to have to wait.”

“Oh quit your whining Moon,” scolded Moon Runner. “It’s Stockholm syndrome. There’s not much we can do until he can get some professional help.”

“Isn’t that what you were trained for,” teased Wrath.

“I was trained for physical injuries, not mental you dolt.”

“Meeeeow, kitty’s got some bite,” Wrath said as he continued to tease.

Moon Runner facehoofed. “Sometimes it feels like Vengeance and I are the only mature ones in this unit.”

“What about me?” asked Echo as he lifted his scanner from his left eye. “Am I not mature all the time?”

Eclipse looked at Echo with a smirk. “Three words. Extreme wardrobe racing.”

“I still can’t believe you guys did that! I had so much money invested in that wardrobe!” yelled Moon Runner as tears started welling up in her eyes. “All my saddles, all my dresses, all gone in a giant, fiery, fruity smelling explosion.”

“Not to mention all your unmentionables,” Wrath said with a sly grin. “I am so happy I got to race yours. In fact, I still have some ‘trophies’ of yours that I managed to save back in my room.”

Moon Runner’s face was crimson as she gawked at Wrath. “You have my underwear?!” Wrath just smiled brightly at her.

“I swear I didn’t know my experimental rockets would have such a volatile reaction to a collision,” Echo said as he scratched the back of his head.

“Though you have to admit, that was one hell of an explosion,” Wrath said with a smile. “How did you even make it all blue and fruity like that?”

Echo smiled. “Well I got the idea from this game I’m playing. In it, there’s a grenade that…”

“Can we just get this over with?! I’m dying of hunger over here!” yelled Blue Moon.

“I agree. I’d like to go start on the next Daring Do book myself. Come on, let’s go see Nightshade,” Eclipse said as she lead Knight Wind down the hall.

The rest of the guard followed; Moon Runner glaring and growling at Wrath as they walked next to each other. “When we’re through here, I am getting my clothes back you pervert.”

“Come on, you know you want me.” Wrath chuckled to himself.

Moon Runner suddenly got an evil idea. Her gaze became seductive. “Oh, looks like you got me.” She moved closer until she was leaning on him. A light blush grew on Wrath’s face. “All this time I’ve just been denying my true feelings. It’s about time I start…going with the flow. How about after this, you and me spend some private time together my room?”

The blush on Wrath’s face grew. “What, r-really?”

“Mmhm.” She turned around and started circling Wrath; brushing his face with her tail. Wrath shivered with delight at the sensation. “In fact, why don’t I give you a bit of a spoiler of what I’m going to do to you?”

Wrath’s face was practically steaming. “Right here?! B-b-but what about the others?”

“Let them watch,” Moon Runner said in a seductive voice. “Just stand there and let me work.” Wrath froze in anticipation. What was she going to do? How far was she going to go in front of the others? Was she going to let him…


Wrath fell to the floor; wailing as he gripped his bruised fruits. “Why…is it always…the balls?” he asked as tears welled up in his eyes.

“Oops, looks like my hoof slipped,” Moon Runner said with a content smile as she walked over to the other guards. “Now remember, if you want more of that, come to my room later.” The rest of the guard continued on as Wrath writhed on the floor.

“Uhh, shouldn’t we do something about him?” asked Eclipse.

“Nah. He can claw his way up to the infirmary,” Moon Runner said with a smile.


“This is her cell,” Moon Runner said as she unlocked the door. Once the solid, metal door was opened, Knight Wind quickly poked his head in. In the back of the dark, dank cell, sat Nightshade. When the door opened, she looked up; her yellow eyes piercing through the darkness that shadowed her upper body. She had been chained to the wall by her neck and torso. Her wings had been bound against her body.

A smile slowly grew on Knight Winds face. “M-master.”

“Knight Wind,” Nightshade said in a low voice. “Come closer.” Knight Wind happily obeyed Nightshade; he was just happy he was with his master again. When Knight Wind was close enough, Nightshade extended a leg and placed it on his cheek; stroking his face in a loving manner. “Oh Knight Wind, it’s so good to see you again.”

“I-I-I missed you master.”

“This is sickening,” Blue Moon said as they watched the scene unfold before them.

“I have to agree,” added Echo.

“Just keep watching, I don’t trust her,” Eclipse said as she focused her eyes.

Nightshade continued stroking Knight Wind’s head until she brought her hoof to his chin. “Knight Wind, I’ve trained you well, haven’t I?”

“Yes master,” Knight Wind said with content smile on his face.

“I’ve never steered you wrong, have I?”

“Of course not master.”

“If I’ve treated you so well…” The smile dropped from Nightshade’s face. “Then why are you betraying me so?” Knight Wind looked confused. “Why am I chained to the wall, forced to rot down here, while you walk free? Free to do whatever you please.”

Knight Wind’s eyes got wide. “B-but master, I would never betray you. I love you master.”

“I thought I had done so well with you. You showed so much promise when you were a foal.” Nightshade lowered her head; slowly shaking it from side to side. “I guess I wasn’t as good as I thought.”

“T-t-that’s not true. You’re great.”

“Remind me my little Knighty, what do we do with failures?” Knight Wind stayed silent; unsure of what was happening. “Oh, that’s right. Now I remember……” She pulled him close and whispered into his ear. “We get rid of them like the trash they are.”

Eclipse’s eyes got wide as she noticed Nightshade’s posture suddenly change. “Look out!”

Before anypony could react, Nightshade took the hoof that was on Knight Wind’s chin, and wrapped it around his throat; dragging him to the floor in front of her. She climbed on top of him and pressed down on his throat. Knight Wind began struggling underneath Nightshade as his life was slowly choked out of him. He was forced to look Nightshade in the eyes. Her irises had shrunk to the size of pinpricks. She had a big smile on her face as she strangled him. “No, no. Stop struggling. Soon my greatest failure will be gone. Your fire snuffed out like so many before you. Then I can start anew. I’ll find somepony better than you. Somepony more willing to listen to me.” She put a little more pressure on his throat. “YOU’LL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING YOU LITTLE WORM!!! YOU’VE NEVER AMOUNTED TO ANYTHING!!! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS YOU’VE NEVER BEEN GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!!! YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!! YOU DESERVE TO…”

Suddenly, a blue hoof connected with Nightshade’s chin, sending her head into the wall behind her. With her hooves removed from his throat, Knight Wind took in a long, deep breath; getting some much needed oxygen. As he looked up, he saw Nightshade being pinned against the wall by Blue Moon; Her big leg pressing against Nightshade’s throat. She turned to the rest of the team. “Get the kid out of here, now!”

Knight Wind put up no resistance as Eclipse and Echo took him from the room. He looked back into the room. Nightshade was staring at him with ferocity in her eyes; a line of blood dripped down her face from when her head hit the wall. She was thrashing against Blue Moon’s bigger body; trying desperately to get to Knight Wind. “GET BACK HERE!!! I’M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!!! YOU HAVE TO DIE SO I CAN START OVER!!!”

“I thought I told you to get the kid out of…” Blue Moon was cut off as Nightshade’s hoof struck her in the jaw. She turned and glared at Nightshade. “Oh, that’s it.” Blue Moon reared her head back and brought it forward as hard as she could; head butting Nightshade for all she was worth. Blue Moon brought her head back with a grin; blood leaking from the new gash on her forehead. Her smile dropped when she noticed that Nightshade was still struggling.

Nightshade suddenly let out an earth shatteringly loud howl. She brought all four legs close to her body. She thrust them out; kicking Blue Moon in the chest and gut causing her to stagger backwards. Now free, Nightshade kicked off the wall and began running towards Knight Wind. The chains that held her to the wall proved useless against Nightshade, breaking off at the wall. Now free to move, Nightshade made a mad dash forward. She was mere inches from Knight Wind when something tugged on the chain around her body. She looked back to see that Blue Moon had recovered and had the chain in her mouth. She turned back to Knight Wind, reaching out for him.

Blue Moon grinned around the chain as her special horse shoes began glowing. “Wrong move.” She pulled back on the chain, causing Nightshade to tumble back towards her. Blue Moon prepared herself to strike as Nightshade got closer. Nightshade looked over her shoulder in time to see Blue Moon bring a hoof down at her. The hoof connected with her back, right between her wings. The force of the hoof caused her to hit the floor hard; cracking the stone under and around where she hit. The force of the hit could be felt by everypony in the room. Nightshade’s face told it all. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was agape in a silent scream of pain. Blood began flowing from her mouth. Her head fell to the floor; darkness creeping further, and further into her vision. In one last attempt to get to Knight Wind, she weakly lifted a shaky hoof; reaching out to him before her body fell limp.

The cell fell silent. “I-is she…?” asked Eclipse.

Moon Runner checked for a pulse. She lifted her head and slowly shook her head; a morose look on her face. “My scanner show’s no heart beat or brain activity. I’m afraid she’s dead,” said Echo.

Blue Moon let out a sigh as she let the chain drop to the floor. She turned and began walking out of the room. “Where are you going?” asked Moon Runner.

“To go tell Luna the news. Shit. She’s not going to be happy about this.”

They watched as Blue Moon walked down the hall. “Well, what should we do about him?” asked Eclipse as she pointed to Knight Wind. He was lying on the floor near the door. Loud sobs could be heard as he coved his head with his hooves. He let out a loud, pained cry that echoed through the dungeon.

“I’ll take care of him,” Moon Runner said as she helped Knight Wind up. “You two take care of the body.

“Understood,” said Echo. Eclipse just nodded before watching Moon Runner escort him out of the dungeon.



“I’m sorry Princess, but it had to be done,” Blue Moon said in a calm tone.

“You had to kill her?! Explain yourself!” shouted Luna.

Blue Moon sighed. “She forced my hooves. She was dead set on getting her hooves on that kid. If I hadn’t of acted as I did, chances are they would both be dead.”

Luna paced around her room in anger. Yes Nightshade needed to be punished for her actions, but the correct actions needed to be taken. “I understand why you did what you did, but that doesn’t mean it was the right thing to do. I’m sorry, but I can’t let this slide. As of now, you are out of this unit. We will have a trial once this is all over and done with to decide your fate. Until then, you will be under house arrest.”

Blue Moon’s eyes got wide. The Lunar Task Force was her life. If Luna had never come and hoof picked her, she would still be living on the streets of Manehattan; fighting for her survival. “No. Please, you can’t do this. This unit means everything to me. You can’t take this away from me.” Luna’s stern look told her everything she needed to know. Her head lowered in defeat. “I understand Princess.”

“Guards, please escort Blue Moon to her room. She is to remain there until further notice.” The guards saluted before escorting Blue Moon out of the room. “Blue Moon, one more thing.” Blue moon looked back at Luna. “We’re always looking for new recruits for the unit. If the outcome of the trial is in your favor, you’re more than welcome to go through the trials once again.”

A smile grew on Blue Moon’s face. “Thank you Princess.” She turned around and began walking once more; only to stop dead in her tracks. Standing in front of her was the only other pony to ever best her in a fight. “Vengeance…”

“…I heard what happened.”

Blue Moon lowered her head. “It had to be done.”

“I know.”

Blue Moon took a step towards Vengeance and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry it had to come to this. I know how you still feel about her.”

Vengeance just lowered his head as the guards escorted Blue Moon away. “…I hope the trial goes in your favor.” Blue Moon looked over her shoulder. “The team wouldn’t be the same without you.” Smiling, Blue Moon continued down the hall.


This was it. Trotsworth had sent a letter to their parents the previous day; telling them that Shadow was found and was now okay. He also mentioned that they were going to visit them. He knew that this would do Shadow some good. Seeing his family again after everything that had happened is just what the doctor ordered. The problem he faced was he didn’t know how his parents would act. He was pretty sure their dad would just be happy that Shadow was okay, but their mother was a different story. She had always been overprotective of Shadow. It was part of the reason Trotsworth suggested he move in with him and not with a different relative. Shadow needed to get some real life experience that he wasn’t getting under their mothers wing so to speak.

The entire night, while Shadow and Screwball slept next to him, he stayed up wondering how everything was going to turn out. He was worried his mother would overreact, and if so, how far would she go. These thoughts kept him awake all night, and now that they were there, standing in front of their parents home, only one thought ran through his mind. “You know, mom’s garden looks pretty comfortable. You think she’d mind if I slept in it?”

“I-uh…I don’t think she’d like that. C-c-can we please go inside now?” Shadow timidly said as he scooted closer to Trotsworth. Being out in the open like this made him feel uncomfortable and very vulnerable.

Shadow felt somepony put a leg around his withers, causing him to jump. He turned his head to see Screwball looking at him with a brave face. “Don’t worry Breezey! I’ll protect you!”

A slight smile grew on Shadow’s face. “Thanks Screw…”

“Shadow Breeze, my baby! You’re okay!” came Estelle’s voice from the door. Shadow and Screwball looked up to see Estelle bursting through the door. She ran to Shadow and squeezed him in the biggest, bone crushing hug she could muster. She flowered him with loving kisses as she spoke. “Oh, my baby’s come back to me. Don’t worry, you’re safe and sound now. Mommy will never let anypony hurt you ever again.”

At this time, Dusty finally caught up with Estelle. He joined in on the hug; although his was much less painful than hers was. “It’s good to see you safe again kiddo. We were so worried about you.”

“Good, now that everypony’s happy again, I’m just going to...collapse over here for awhile.” Trotsworth wearily walked over to Estelle’s garden where he plopped down on his side. “Unless somepony’s on their deathbed, don’t wake me.” He was asleep in moments.

Screwball, who had to jump to the side to escape the death hug, just watched as Shadow was hugged from both parties. “Please come inside. You must be so scared right now, and only mommy can help.” Finally releasing Shadow from the hug, Estelle led him into the house. Dusty followed close behind.

Screwball looked between Trotsworth and Shadow before walking over to the garden. She poked him in the side. “Trotsy, wake up.”

“Is somepony dying?” groaned Trotsworth.


“Then go away. Sleep now.”

Sighing, Screwball grabbed Trotswroth’s tail and began dragging him into the house. By the time Screwball had him in the house, she heard Estelle showering Shadow with more love. Hearing that it was coming from the living room, she slowly dragged Trotsworth’s flower covered body through the house. Once she finally dragged him into the living room, she finally took a look around the house. It hadn’t changed at all since she had last been in the house. A smile started to grow on her face as the familiar surroundings began coming back to her.

“Oh my precious little baby. I’m so happy you’re finally home,” Estelle said as she flowered him with more kisses.

Dusty came out of the kitchen with a tray of drinks on his back. “I’m happy he’s safe and sound too, but if you don’t give the boy some air, he’s bound to pass out.”

“Oh, but I’m just so happy he’s finally back. Now that he’s home, he’ll never have to worry about anything again. He’ll move back into his old room and everything will be as it should,” Estelle said as she brushed a hoof through Shadow’s mane.

Shadow blinked a few times. “W-w-what?”

She looked into Shadow’s eyes with a smile on her face. “You didn’t think I’d let you live in that horrible town anymore after this happened, did you? I always knew letting you move out was a bad idea, and look how right I was. I knew hanging around that horrible AJ pony would lead to bad things. Well, starting tomorrow you’ll no longer be living in Ponyville.”

Screwball’s eyes got wide. “N-no! You can’t do that!”

“Not so loud. Sleeping,” grumbled Trotsworth.

Screwball turned around and began shaking Trotsworth. “Trotsy, wake up! She’s going to take Breezey away!”

“That’s nice Screwball now go to bed,” mumbled Trotsworth before falling asleep again. About five seconds later his eyes shot open. He immediately sat up and gawked at his mother. “I’m sorry, you’re going to what now?!”

“Tomorrow I will send for his things. I’ll not let him leave my sight.”


“Uhh Estelle, don’t you think you should let the boy decide for himself? He’s more than old enough to make his own decisions,” asked Dusty.

“Yea! What if Breezey wants to stay with me and Trotsy?” added Screwball.


Estelle glared at Screwball. “Excuse me, but I don’t even know who you are. What makes you think I’d let my precious Shadow Breeze anywhere near strange ponies like you after what happened to him? For all I know, you could be in cahoots with those evil, evil ponies.”


“Please mother, be reasonable,” pleaded Trotsworth. “Screwball would never hurt Shadow. She cares about him just as much as I do. She always has, and she always will.”

“Well, that must not be too much if you just let him get taken away like that.” Trotsworth felt a jolt of pain run through his chest at his mother’s words.

“Now Estelle, there’s no reason to say things like that,” Dusty interjected.

“Umm, could I please…”

Ignoring Dusty, Estelle leaned forward; getting in Screwballs face. Screwball glared right back; growling like a dog as she did. “And you, I don’t care how much you claim to care about my little Shadow. You are not welcome in this house hold, so I must ask you to…”


With wide eyes, everypony in the room turned to look at Shadow who looked at everypony in the room with angry eyes. “I am old enough to make my own decisions in life, so stop making them for me!” His eyes fell on his mother. “First things first! Stop blaming everything that happens to me on everypony else! Did you ever stop and think that maybe, just maybe, I’m at fault?! Second! Stop treating me like I’m a little foal! I’m 17 for Celestia’s sake!” He turned and pointed at Dusty. “Third! Stop acting so damned spineless! Marriage is supposed to be a group effort where both parties make the decisions, so if mom does something you don’t agree with, stallion the hell up!” He pointed at Trotsworth. “Fourth! Stop acting like Mom’s never right! She’s your mother and you should respect her!” He turned to the group outright. “And fifth! Could we just have one family get together where everypony just get’s along?!”

The room was silent for a bit. Nopony knew what to say. After about twenty seconds, Trotsworth broke the silence. “Holy shit.” A smile slowly grew on his face. “Shadow…that was bloody amazing! I never knew you had it in you!”

“Whoa,” Screwball said; a look of amazement on her face.

The anger dropped off of Shadow’s face as the events of the last minute and a half hit him. He blinked a few times before a blush grew on his face. He brought his hooves up to his mouth. “Oh sweet Celestia, did I just…?”

“You bet you did. Now come on, let’s go…” Trotsworth’s eyes fell on Estelle’s. He looked into her eyes. The sadness, the worry, the stress, the lack of sleep, everything was there. It was like looking into a mirror. No matter how hard she may have tried to hide everything, it still showed in her brown eyes. She had been just as worried about Shadow as he had been, if not more. He mentally slapped himself. He never even considered his mother’s feelings when suggesting Shadow move in with him. He let out a defeated sigh. “No. It’s your choice Shadow. If you wish to move back in with mother and father, then I’m all for it.”

Screwball looked at Trotsworth like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “B-b-b-but…”

Trotsworth put a hoof up to her lips. “It’s his choice, and in the end mother’s probably right. In the end, he would be much safer here in Canterlot.” A look of disbelief crossed Estelle’s face. Trotsworth had always been a bit rebellious towards her, and, for what felt like the first time, he was agreeing with her. He smiled at her. “Mother, for all it’s worth, I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you.”

A tearful smile slowly grew on her face. She walked over to Trotsworth and hugged him. “Apology accepted honey.” She pulled away. “Now, why don’t we sit down and have a nice little chat. Maybe you could tell me who your little friend is,” Estelle said as she pointed at Screwball.

Shadow smiled. Standing, he followed his mother and brother into the kitchen. He may just get his wish.


Shadow had a soft smile on his face as he, Screwball, and Trotsworth walked back to the castle. For the first time in years they had a family get together where everypony got along. He leaned against Screwball slightly as the three of them walked through the streets. Screwball smiled and began nuzzling into Shadow. “I’m happy you’re staying with us Breezey.”

Shadow’s smile widened as the smell of Screwballs Shampoo wafted into his nose. He missed that smell so much over the last two weeks. “I could never leave you.”

Trotsworth watched on with a warm smile. ‘Maybe I should give the two of them a bit of privacy tonight,’ he thought as he looked into the sky. It was a little after five in the afternoon. ‘Maybe we should have stayed for dinner. Oh well, maybe it’s not too late for dinner at the castle. Oh, maybe they’ll have some English muffins and bananas there. I like bananas. Bananas are good.’

“Uhh, brother?”


Screwball giggled. “You’re drooling.”

Blushing slightly, Trotsworth wiped the drool from his chin. The three of them continued the rest of the way in silence.


“There you guys are!” Twilight said as she saw Trotsworth and the others walking down the hall.

Trotsworth looked over to see Twilight running down the hall towards them. She had a bright smile on her face. “Well, you seem happy. What happened?”

“AJ woke up a little bit ago.”

A bright smile grew on Shadow’s face as he and Screwball looked at each other. Before Shadow could even make a move, Screwball was already dragging him down the hall to go see him. Trotsworth looked back to Twilight. “Well, should we go pay him a visit?”

Twilight giggled. “Yes. Yes we should.” The two of them followed Shadow and Screwball through the halls until they got to the medical wing. Twilight led them to the area designated for AJ. Outside the curtain sat Ditzy’s parents. They decided to leave when AJ woke up. They figured, given how they have treated him thus far, they would probably be the last two ponies he would want to see when he woke up. “Who’s all in there?” Twilight asked as they walked up.

“Just Ditzy and that one pegasus from earlier today,” Nimbos said.

Shadow looked at them in confusion. “What one pegasus?”

“I believe he was one of the ponies brought in yesterday with the rest of you,” Twilight said with a hoof to her chin. “I think Luna said his name was Knight Wind or something like that.” Shadow’s eyes got wide. “A little after the three of you left, a nurse brought him in. She said he wanted to talk to AJ. He’s just been sitting there ever sense.”

“Has he said anything?” asked Trotsworth.

Amethyst shook her head. “He hasn’t said a single word to anypony.”

“Hmm.” Trotsworth put a hoof to his chin. He looked over and saw the look on Shadow’s face. “Shadow, do you know who this pony is?”

Shadow slowly nodded. “H-he was always following Nightshade around. I-I-I think he was her personal slave.”

“Why would he want to talk to AJ then?” asked Twilight. Shadow just shrugged.


AJ felt a soft warmth radiate through his body. He weakly lifted his right leg; wrapping it around Ditzy’s soft, warm body. “I missed you. I missed you so much,” Ditzy said as her tears fell against his coat.

“I…I missed you too Ditzy, but…could you please get off? It hurts…a lot.”

Ditzy blinked her teary eyes and looked down. Not only was she pressing down on his bandaged ribs, but also numerous other bandages on his body. “Eheheh, oops.” She lifted herself off of him. “Sorry. I’m just so happy you’re finally safe.”

AJ let out a groan of relief now that his body was crying out in pain anymore. He tried to look around but couldn’t make out anything around him. Everything was just a giant blur. “Where are my glasses?”

A look of worry crossed Ditzy’s face. She placed her hoof on his. “AJ…you’re already wearing them.”

“Huh?” AJ slowly lifted his hoof up to his head. Sure enough, his glasses were sitting on his head. A tinge of panic shot through his mind. He tried to push himself up. “W-w-why can’t I see?”

Ditzy got back up and held AJ down. “Just calm down. It’s probably just temporary. I’ll go ask the doctor later.” Ditzy sighed. “For now, you just need to rest.” Ditzy reached down and removed AJ’s glasses. Not like they were doing much good right now anyway.

“E-excuse me…”

Ditzy blinked and looked over to the corner of the curtained off room. In the corner sat Knight Wind. Sense he was first brought into the room, he looked empty. This was the first time he so much as made a peep. “Oh, that’s right. I uh, heh, I kinda forgot about you,” Ditzy said; her voice getting lower and lower as she spoke. A sheepish smile grew on her face. She turned back to AJ. “You have another visitor here. I’m not too sure who he is, but it sounds like he knows you.”

AJ heard somepony walking closer to the bed. He turned his head to see another pony blob. This time he couldn’t guess who it was. “Who are you?”

“I-it’s me…Knight Wind.”

AJ’s eyes widened. He woke up to Ditzy’s smiling face, thinking that everything was finally over, thought that everything that had happened to them was finally behind them, and here Knight Wind was standing right in front of him. He became slightly apprehensive. “W-what are you doing here?”

Knight Wind nervously rubbed his fore legs together. “I…I…” He looked away from AJ. “Y-you were right.” AJ looked on in confusion. Knight Wind sniffled before continuing. “Mast…N-n-nightshade never loved me. Sh-she never cared about me.”

“What made you change your mind about her,” AJ asked as he tried to find a comfortable position.

He sniffled again. “Sh-she told me herself last night as she…” A tear fell to the floor. “She told me that I deserved everything that ever happened to me. A-a-all the pain, the tears. For the last ten years, I deserved it all. I deserved to die.”

“Ten years?” asked Ditzy; noting how young Knight Wind looked. “How old are you?”

Knight Wind looked around the room nervously. “I-I-I don’t know. 18, I think.”

“Y-you were her slave since you were eight years old?” asked AJ; his eyes wide. “Do…do you even remember anything from before you were a slave?”

Knight Wind began trembling as he shook his head. “B-b-b-being a slave and following orders is all that I know. Nightshade was the only family I knew. A-a-and now she’s gone.”

AJ looked down. “Some family she turned out to…” AJ interrupted himself as he went into a coughing fit; hugging his chest in pain.

“Oh no! AJ, are you alright?!” asked Ditzy.

AJ was cringing as he looked to Ditzy. “Y-yea. M-m-my throat’s just really dry.” His voice was raspy.

Ditzy let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, I’ll go get you some water."

AJ watched as Ditzy’s blob left the room. He turned to Knight Wind. His voice was still raspy. “Maybe it’s the exhaustion, but I really don’t understand what any of this has to do with me.”

Knight Wind remains silent for a few seconds. “…Y-you were the only pony who’s ever said any different. You’re the only pony who said that I deserved to be…free.”


“I…I don’t know what to do? H-how does one be free?”

AJ sighed. “Listen Knight. Being free isn’t hard. The first thing you need to remember is that you should never let anypony control you. Be your own pony.” AJ began coughing again.

Knight Wind looked around as he though. “B-b-but how do I be my own pony?”

“It’s up to you to find who you really are.”

“I don’t know how!” Knight stood up put his legs on the bed; unintentionally placing one on AJ’s chest causing him to cry out. The tears that had been welling up in his eyes began to fall. “Please…you have to tell me how to be free! I-I-I-I beg you!”

Suddenly a pink glow surrounded Knight; tearing him away from the bed. “What are you doing?! Get off of him!” yelled Twilight. After hearing AJ cry out, the ponies outside the curtain had rushed in to see what was happening.

Shadow and Trotsworth ran over to AJ; checking to make sure he was okay. Now that Knight was off of him, AJ began clenching his chest. With tears in his eyes, he cracked them open. Hovering in the air above him, he could see Knight’s blob surrounded by a pink light. His ears twitched as he heard somepony whining. He felt tears falling onto him from above. “T-t-twilight…y-you have to let him go.”

Twilight looked at AJ in disbelief. “But he was hurting you! He may have made your injuries even worse!”

“It was an accident. Please Twilight, you’re…you’re scaring him.”

Twilight looked back up to Knight. He was curled into a ball and trembling in her hold. “I’msorryi’msorryi’msorryi’msorryi’msorry. Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry.”

Twilight looked back to AJ before sighing. “Alright, but I’m keeping my eye on him.” She slowly lowered Knight back down to the floor.

A weak smile grew on AJ’s face. “Thank you.” AJ turned his head to the side of the bed that Knight was lying next to. “Knight. You have to learn to make your own decisions in life. Until then, you’re never going to be your own pony.”

Knight slowly rose to a sitting position. He was still lightly sobbing from when twilight grabbed him. “B-b-but I don’t know h-h-how.”

“You’re not alone in this. You have your friends to help you.”

Knight looked around nervously. “B-b-but…I don’t have any friends.”

AJ extended his hoof in friendship. “Well, allow me to be your first then.”

Knight didn’t know what to think about the extended hoof. Conflicted emotions were running through his head. Every time somepony lifted a hoof to him before, it was followed by pain of some kind, but the pony in front of him had never once tried to hurt him. He apprehensively began to lift his own hoof. Slowly, he extended it to AJ’s. As his hoof got closer, he kept pulling it away; acting as if AJ’s hoof was going to shock him. Clenching his eyes shut, he pushed his hoof forward, pressing the hooves together. He opened his eyes slightly when he felt his hoof begin to move up and down slowly. He saw AJ weakly smiling at him. “Welcome to the group Knight.”


It had been a week since the slaves were rescued. Shadow, Trotsworth, and Screwball had left for Ponyville a few days prior. Shadow was getting uncomfortable being around all the unfamiliar stallions. AJ was unable to leave. The doctors refused to let him go until they were sure he would be fine. Today was the day he would finally be allowed to go home. He, Twilight, Ditzy, and Knight were preparing for the flight home. Twilight carried her bags on her back and Ditzy’s in her magic as Ditzy pushed AJ down the hall. He may have been cleared to leave, but he was still feeling very weak so they gave him a wheel chair.

“It’s going to feel good having everything back to normal,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Mmmmmmmhh.” moaned AJ. The doctors had given him some pain killers earlier in the day to help ease his pain. They worked wonders, but they also had the added effect of making him very drowsy. He had been asleep most of the day.

“You know, we’re going to have to wake him so we can get him into the carriage, right?” Twilight asked; smirking at Ditzy.

“Do we have to? He looks so cute when he sleeps,” pouted Ditzy.

Twilight giggled. It didn’t take much longer before they were outside the castle. When they got to the carriage, Ditzy’s eyes widened. Waiting by the carriage, was her parents. A smile grew on her face as she stopped the wheel chair; running to her parents. The sudden stop jarred AJ awake. He opened his heavy eye lids. “Huh?”

“Welcome back to the land of the living,” Twilight said with a giggle.

AJ looked at Twilight with a groggy look before rubbing his eyes. “How long was I out?”

“About six hours, but don’t worry. You need all the rest you can get.”

“Y-you snore loudly,” Knight said in a light voice.

After yawning, AJ turned his head and looked forward. He saw Ditzy talking to her parents with a smile on her face. It took a couple days, but his vision did start to clear up. He saw Ditzy turn her head towards him before motioning towards him with her head. The three of them began walking over to him, Twilight, and Knight. Ditzy walked up to AJ and kissed him on the cheek. “Glad you’re awake. Mom and dad have something they wanted to tell you.”

“Something they wanted to tell me?” He looked over to Nimbos and Amethyst. He noticed Nimbos cringe as he looked him over. Many of the bandages had been removed from his body; showing the scars underneath. His ribs were still bandaged up though.

Twilight noticed this too. “Don’t worry. The doctor said his coat should grow back in and cover the scars.”

“Ah yes, of course.” Nimbos cleared his throat. “Well, AJ, Amethyst and I have something we would like to say.”

Amethyst had a warm smile on her face. “AJ, we’re so sorry for the way we’ve treated you.”

“We were so worried that you’d end up being like Morning Glory that we convinced ourselves it was true,” added Nimbos. “Well, now we know how wrong we were.”

“Ditzy loves you so much, and it was wrong of us to try to force you apart.”

“Son, can you ever forgive us?” Nimbos and Amethyst looked to Ditzy who smiled and nodded in approval. Smiling, they waited for their answer.


“Did he just snore?” Nimbos deadpanned.

Sure enough, AJ’s head was down and his eyes were closed. He had fallen asleep midway through their apology. “Eheh, well he did say those pain killers were strong,” Ditzy said with a sheepish smile.

Nimbos facehoofed. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I thought it was a nice apology,” Twilight said as her horn lit up. She grabbed Ditzy’s bags in her magic. “Knight, could you get AJ’s chair please? We should get him ready for the flight.”


Ditzy smiled sheepishly at her parents. “I’m sure he would have forgiven you. Maybe you could come to visit after he’s feeling better and try again.”

“If he’ll actually stay awake this time I guess we could,” Nimbos said with a deadpan look on his face.

“It sounds like a plan then,” Amethyst said before pulling Ditzy into a hug. “We’ll see you…”

Suddenly the castle gates burst open. “WOOOOOOOOOOO PONYVILLE!!!” called out the chocolate Earth pony. DC happily trotted through the doors, over stuffed saddle bags on his back and a big, over packed duffle bag in his mouth. “I’ve never been to Ponyville before. I wonder if they have good food there.”

He trotted past Ditzy and her parents and went straight to the carriage. Twilight had just finished making AJ comfortable and was about to load the wheel chair when she saw him. “Oh, DC. Hi.”

“Hello unicorn lady.”

“It’s Twilight.”

“Tiddlywinks. The Princess said I could go to Ponyville with you.”

“How thrilling.”

“I know, right! So anyway, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m just going to get my stuff in there now.”

Twilight groaned. “Alright, but be careful. AJ’s in there and he…” Twilight watched as DC carelessly tossed the duffle bag into the carriage. Twilight and Knight cringed when the bag hit the seat directly across from the door. Mainly because when it hit, a loud cry of pain came from inside the carriage. Not really wanting to see the damage, Twilight slowly peaked inside. She saw the duffle bag. She could also see four, twitching, indigo hooves sticking out from underneath it. She slowly facehoofed. “Ponyville’s doomed.”


“Oh, it’s good to see you,” Trotsworth said as AJ and Screwball walked through the door. After AJ had gotten back to Ponyville, Trotsworth knew he had to do something for him for helping his brother through the toughest trials in his life. They had set up a time and he sent Screwball to go pick him up. He was in no condition to be going anywhere alone just yet.

“I wouldn’t have missed spending time with Shadow. How is he doing anyway?” asked AJ as Trotsworth took over for Screwball; letting AJ lean on him.

“He’s still a bit shaken up, but he’s trying to be strong. He seemed very happy that you were coming for dinner.”

“I didn’t know Breezey wanted to kill him,” Screwball said under her breath as she went to go get Shadow.

“Oh don’t mind her,” Trotsworth said with a smile. “So, how’s that Knight Wind fellow. Is he adapting well?”

AJ shook his head. “Hard to say. He’s terrified of Applejack. Apparently he thinks she’s going to tie him up with her lasso and beat him. He’s warming up to Big Mac, but other than that I don’t know.”

“That’s too bad.”

Hoof steps could be heard coming through the house. Shadow came around the corner with a big smile on his face. “Hey AJ. How are you feeling?”

“Weak and useless. I’m still not used to living like an earth pony.”

“Will you ever be able to use magic again?” asked Screwball.

AJ nodded. “Apparently so. Twilight estimated I have about a week and a half to two weeks before my horn fully grows back. Then I should have my magic back.”

“It’s kind of rare, but a unicorn’s horn breaking off does happen,” Trotsworth said. “All it takes is a bit of time and you’ll be using magic again.” Screwball smiled.

“Uhh, AJ?” AJ looked over to Shadow who was walking closer to him. “I never did get to properly thank you.”

A warm smile grew on AJ’s face. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I did what I had to do.”

Shadow smiled. “You did so much for me there. You helped me stay strong. You provided a shoulder for me to cry on when I needed it.” He pulled AJ into a hug. “I hope this doesn’t sound too weird, but while we were there, I kinda thought of you as my big brother. Thank you.”

AJ chuckled a bit as he weakly returned the hug. “Well, I hope you know that I’d do it all again if I needed to.”

With a smile on his face, Trotsworth nudged Screwball. “Come on, let’s go set the table. Dinner should be ready about now.”


((This is Dark Chocolate in case you guys forgot what he looked like.

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust))

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