• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,266 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Some Wounds Never Heal

Chapter 22

“Are you sure ya want this?” Big Mac asked.

“Yes, please. I need this,” groaned AJ as he lay under the big red stallion.

“Alright, if yer sure. Here we go.” Big Mac pushed hard.

“AHH!!! Oh Celestia it hurts!” AJ cried as Big Mac went to work. “Stop for a minute, stop, STOP!!!”

Big Mac looked down at AJ as he panted in pain. “Are ya sure you want ta continue? Ah could stop at any time.”

“No, it’s okay. Please continue.”

“Alright.” Slowly Big Mac started to push into AJ eliciting multiple grunts of intense pain.

Big Mac gave one big, solid push. “AHH!!! Oh, oh that actually felt pretty good.” He shifted his body. “Never mind! The pain’s back!”

“How’re things goin’ in here?” Applejack asked as she walked into the living room. “Anything go?”

Big Mac sighed. “Nnope.” He crawled off of AJ. “Ah wasn’t able ta get anything ta move. Ah think he’s goin’ ta need some professional help.”

After Scootaloo’s prank, the worst AJ thought he would have to deal with was a big lump on his head. It wasn’t until he woke up that he started feeling an intense, debilitating pain in his back. Something must have shifted when he ran head first into the door and he was just now feeling the effects. He was barely able to get out of bed, let alone make it down the steps to eat. He practically begged Big Mac to at least try to do something about the pain. “I think…I think I’m going to just lie here for awhile and suffer.”

Applejack thought for a moment. “Ya know, Ah think ah may know what might help ya.”

AJ looked at Applejack with pleading eyes. “I’ll do anything, please.”

“Well, Rarity an’ Fluttershy are havin’ their weekly meetin’ at th’ Ponyville Spa t’day. Ah’m sure they’d allow ya to join them,” Applejack said. “Ah really don’t care fer th’ place, but they might be able ta help ya with yer back problems.”

“The spa?”

Applejack nodded. “It’s worth a shot.”

AJ put a hoof to his chin. “I suppose I could try it. Do you know when they meet?”

“Ah think it’s usually around noon.”

AJ looked over to the clock. It was about eight in the morning. “Hmm, I still have a few hours then. That should give me enough time to make it to Rarity’s before she leaves then.” AJ grunted as he attempted to get up off the floor before slumping back down in failure. “Big Mac, assistance please. I can’t get up.”


So far Rarity’s day was looking good. She woke up to breakfast in bed that Sweetie Belle had made her in an attempt to say sorry for using her fabric. While it wasn’t the most pleasant smell to wake up to, and it was mostly inedible, it was the thought that counted. She did at least manage to make the toast without liquefying it this time. After her usual morning routine, she opened her boutique and decided to clean up a bit as she waited for the time to pass.

A knock could be heard at the door. “Cooomiiiiing,” sang Rarity as she went to answer the it. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is…” Rarity stopped her usual introduction when she saw who it was at the door. Big Mac was standing there with his usual stoic look. Next to him AJ was fighting just to stay on his hooves. “Darling, what’s wrong?”

“Hurt his back somethin’ fierce,” Big Mac said. “We were hopin’ he could join y’all at th’ spa t’day.”

Rarity watched as AJ collapsed to his haunches with a pained grunt. “Oh dear, is this because of that dreadful prank Scootaloo pulled yesterday?”

“I don’t know, maybe?” grunted AJ. “All I know is I can barley move.”

“Scootaloo did this?” Big Mac questioned.

“Yes. She even ruined my precious door,” Rarity said as she pointed at the cracked indent with a hole in the center of it. “It will be a week before I can get a replacement.”

“Maybe Ah should go have a little talk with’er parents. So, you think he could join ya then?”

“Oh of course darling. The more the merrier,” Rarity said with a bright smile. “It will be a while before we go though, why don’t you come in and relax until then.”


Big Mac walked up the walkway to Scootaloo’s house and knocked on the door. “I’ll be there in a minute!” came a stallion’s voice. After a short wait Sunburst answered the door with a smile. “Mr. McIntosh, good to see you again.”

Big Mac smiled. “Big Mac will do. Am Ah here at a bad time?”

“Not at all, just getting ready to leave for work in a bit. Anything I can help you with?”

Big Mac cleared his throat. “Well, Ah’m here ta talk to ya about Scootaloo.”

Sunburst’s smile fell. “What about Scootaloo?”

“Well, she apparently pulled a prank yesterday that ended in some pretty nasty results.”

Sunburst facehoofed as he sighed. “What did she do?”

“Ah wasn’t told th’ details, but Ms. Rarity’s door ended up gettin’ busted up, and ah now got a worker who’s out’a commission with back problems.”

“Oh for the love of…Scootaloo come here this instant!” Sunburst yelled into the house.

Not long after Scootaloo came up to the door with a duster in her mouth. Spitting it out, she looked up at her dad. “What?”

“Don’t you ‘what’ me young lady. You’re already grounded for stealing that movie.”


“You better not be lying to me about this Spike. If you are…”

“I promise I’m not lying,” said Spike as he and Twilight walked up to the door of Scootaloo’s house. Spike had finally managed to convince Twilight to let him prove his innocence. “Just trust me on this Twilight.” Spike knocked on the door. “You did bring the case, right?”

Twilight groaned. “Yes. I feel so dirty just carrying this thing.”

Moments later Sunny Delight answered the door. “Oh, Twilight hello. How are you this afternoon?” She suddenly gasped as her eyes got wide. “Oh no, is my library book overdue?”

Twilight giggled. “No, I’m not here about a book. I’m actually here about this.” Making sure nopony was looking in there direction, Twilight opened her saddlebags and flashed the movie case.

Shocked, Sunny looked around to make sure nopony had seen the case. Jumping behind Twilight she quickly started pushing her into the house. “W-why don’t you two come in for awhile,” she said with a big, fake smile.

As the three of them sat down Twilight placed the case on the table. “Sooo, I assume this is yours then.”

Sunny nodded sheepishly. “We…noticed it was missing a few days ago.”

“I told you it wasn’t mine,” Spike said with a smile. Twilight looked at Spike with an angry stare.

“But how did you get it?” Sunny asked as she picked up the case. “How would it have gotten into the library?”

“It was Scootaloo. She brought it over when we had the sleep over.” Spike eagerly said trying to clear his name.

“She did?” Sunny looked confused.

“Yea. She even told us she took it from her dad’s ‘special’ movie cabinet when she pulled it out. You can even ask Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

Sunny bit her lip. “Well the cabinet was open that night.” Her voice got low. “We just thought we forgot to close it the last time we…” She opened the case. “Where’s the movie?”

A small blush grew on Twilights face. “Eheh, well it’s a funny story. You see…”

It was at that moment they heard the front door open. “Mom, I’m home!” Scootaloo walked into the kitchen and saw Twilight and Spike sitting there. “Hey guys. What are you doing here?”

“Scootaloo!” Sunny said in a demanding tone.

“What?” Scootaloo looked at her mother. That’s when she saw the movie case. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “Oh crap...”


“Stupid Spike,” Scootaloo said under her breath. If he hadn’t come over and snitched on her she wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

“Scootaloo, did you prank somepony yesterday?” Sunburst demanded.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Umm, no.”

“Don’t lie to me young lady, Big Mac here tells me you not only damaged Ms. Rarity’s property, but you also hurt somepony. Is this true?” He started glaring down at his daughter.

Scootaloo started to slowly back off from her father’s angry gaze. “I-I umm uhh…” She kept looking into her dad’s eyes until her resolve eventually cracked. She lowered her head and turned away. “Yeeees.”

Sunburst let out a frustrated snort. “Why would you do something like that? We taught you better than that.” Scootaloo didn’t answer. There wasn’t anything she could say that would make her case look any better. “I can’t believe this. You’re grounded for another two weeks.”

“What?! But that’s an entire month!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Mmhm. You do the crime, you do the time. Now, you have some chores to finish up,” Sunburst said as he pointed back into the house. Grumbling to herself, Scootaloo picked up the duster and walked back into the house. Sunburst sighed. “Thanks for telling me about this Big Mac. Hopefully she’ll learn her lesson after this.”

“No problem at all,” Big Mac drawled out. “Ah gotta get back ta th’ farm. Ah’ll talk ta ya later.”


It was about 12:13 when Rarity and AJ came through the doors of the spa. As usual Fluttershy was there early, and was busy reading a magazine. “So terribly sorry I’m late Fluttershy, but the poor darling just couldn’t make it here himself.”

To emphasize Rarity’s point AJ slinked over to one of the couches and unceremoniously plopped down with a grunt. “Don’t mind me. I’ll try to die in peace.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I hope you don’t mind him joining us today.”

“It’s no trouble at all, but what happened to him?” Fluttershy asked with concern.

“Apparently the after effects of Scootaloo’s little prank.” Rarity looked up to Lotus. “The regular for us, and I think he will require the deluxe massage.”

Lotus smiled. “Of course Ms. Rarity. Right zis way please.”

AJ was led to a separate room where an androgynous cream colored mare stood by a table. “And what can I do for you today?” Quake asked.

“He needs a deluxe massage right away,” Aloe said as she led AJ over to the table.

Quake nodded. “Lay him on the table please. I will get the proper oils.” With a gentle touch, Aloe helped AJ onto the table before leaving the room. A moment later Quake returned with a tray of scented oils on her back. “Alright, the deluxe package comes with chiropractic work, a full body massage, and magic therapy.” She placed a hoof on AJ’s back and lightly pressed causing him to tense up and cry out in pain. “And from the looks of it you need it.” Placing the tray on a nearby table Quake got up on her hind legs and placed her forelegs on AJ’s back.

Using her mastered technique, she quickly moved up and down AJ’s spine. As she searched she would thrust down causing an audible pop as something fell back into alignment. The procedure was painful to say the least, causing AJ to bite down on the pillow his head was resting on. After a few minutes it seemed as if she was done. “D-did you get everything?” AJ asked with the pillow still clenched in his teeth.

“Not done yet.” Quakes hooves moved to around the center of his back where she started massaging the area around the spine. AJ groaned in both pain and relief as the sore muscles were worked. This caused AJ to start to relax his body.

Then in one sudden movement, before AJ could react, Quake moved back to his spine and thrust down.


AJ threw his head back as pillow fluff went flying into the air. It was so sudden and painful AJ didn’t have time to let go of the pillow causing him to tear a chunk off. His mouth fell open in a silent scream. Quake got down from the table. “Chiropractic procedure is over with.” She looked over and saw that tears were starting to roll down AJ’s cheeks.

Quake started the full body massage as quickly as possible to try to ease AJ’s pain. Thankfully it worked like a charm as he began relaxing shortly after she started. The massage went well. Quake’s masterful hooves worked over every tense muscle in his body, hitting all the right areas. If AJ hadn’t have known any better, he would have thought he was in heaven. He was in such bliss he didn’t even realize she had removed her hooves and walked in front of him until he felt a pair of hooves rest at the base of his horn. “Huh? What’s going on?”

“It is the final step of the full body massage for unicorns,” Quake said before starting to massage the area. “It is important for unicorns to release any excess magic. If this is not done you could become very sick. This can be done with a simple massage at the base of the horn.”

As the massage continued AJ began to feel an odd sensation slowly begin to build up. “This feels…strange.” He felt his face heat up slightly as the sensation grew. Minutes went by as the feeling got more and more intense as he felt the magic begin to build. His horn even began to give off a light glow. “Are…are you sure this…is a normal…procedure?” AJ asked in between pants.

“As I said, it is the final step for unicorns. If you were a pegasus it would be a massage of the sensitive muscles of the wings, or the strong muscles in the legs for an Earth pony. Now please just relax,” Quake said as she continued to work. Suddenly the sensation hit a peak. The build up of magic suddenly erupted from the tip of his horn as the air became filled with the smell of ozone. AJ slumped over breathing heavily; face burning crimson, as Quake got up with a smile. “Very good. Now lie there and relax. Midnight Dreams should be in shortly for your magic therapy.”

Before leaving Quake walked around the room and lit the many scented candles that littered the room. She shut the lights off and walked into the hallway. Closing the door as she did. As AJ’s mind came back to him only one thought came to his mind. “I think…I think I just magiculated.” He continued to lie there as the scented candles replaced the scent of ozone with a much more agreeable smell. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was; all he knew is he loved it.

A few minutes later he heard the door open. Looking up he saw a midnight blue unicorn mare with a pearlescent blue mane. Her cutie mark was a crescent moon sleeping on a cloud. But the thing that drew AJ’s attention was her dark green eyes. Just staring into those soft eyes seemed to take all his troubles away. “Hello, my name is Midnight Dreams. I will be performing your magic therapy.” She turned her head with a slight blush. “I’m still new here. In fact you’re one of my first customers, so I’m sorry if I mess up.” She walked up to the bed and lowered her head so the tip of her horn was touching the very top of his spine. “Okay, here we go.”

The feeling was almost immediate. Pulse after pulse of magic was being sent into AJ’s body, soothing and relaxing every part of him. She slowly worked her way down his spine. It wasn’t long before AJ’s body started going limp. Shortly after that his world went black.


“AJ. Wake up AJ,” came a voice from somewhere.

AJ opened his eyes as his senses slowly came back to him. He had become so relaxed during the magical therapy he ended up falling asleep. As the world began to become clearer he saw Rarity’s smiling face in front of him. “Wha? Where am I?”

“You fell asleep during your treatment,” she said. “Don’t worry; it happened to me the first time I got the deluxe massage. It does feel wonderful, doesn’t it?”

AJ looked around the room he was in. Sure enough he was still lying on the padded massage table. He did notice one difference though. The pillow his head was resting on had been replaced at some point. He slowly stood up and stretched his limbs; happy to realize he could actually do it. “How long was I out?”

“I’m not sure. If I had to guess probably about a half an hour,” Rarity said with a hoof to her chin. “But that’s beside the point. How are you feeling?”

“Much better. A little sore still, but nothing I can’t handle.” AJ got down from the table and followed Rarity out into the lobby.

“And don’t worry about paying. It’s already been taken care of,” Rarity said as she walked by the counter giving a smile to Lotus as she passed.

“Wow, thanks Rarity,” AJ said with a smile. Looking around the lobby he noticed a distinct lack of a certain butter yellow pegasus. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She had to go take care of her animals. She didn’t have the time to wait for you to wake up like I did,” Rarity said with a smirk as she looked over her shoulder.

“I couldn’t help it.”

As they walked out the door they were blindsided by Pinkie Pie who was carrying a basket full of invitations on her head. “Hiya guys!”

“Why, hello…Pinkie Pie,” said Rarity as she straightened herself out.

“The Cakes are gone tomorrow, and I’m having a party! You two are invited!” Pinkie said as she dipped her head down for easier access to the basket.

Rarity and AJ both took an invite. AJ read over the invite. “Looks like it’s just going to be a casual get together tomorrow night. Sure, why not.”

“Oh goodie!”

“I guess I will see you tomorrow then. I think I need another once over at the spa. Ta Ta!” Rarity said as she trotted back through the door.

AJ thought for a moment. “Hey Pinkie, do you think I could invite Ditzy to the party?”

“Of course! The more the merrier!” Pinkie said with a bright smile. “So, are you finally planning on asking her out or something?”

AJ’s face erupted with blush. “W-what?!”

“Oh come on. Now that you’re a pony there’s no reason for you not to!” Pinkie said with a giggle. “Whelp, time to go deliver more invitations, bye-bye!” Pinkie sped away in the direction of the library.


“Stupid Pinkie Pie,” AJ grumbled as he walked down the street; the blush still visible on his face. It wasn’t long before he came up to Carrot Top’s house. He walked up to the door. “Needs to butt out of other pony’s business.” He wasn’t paying attention when he lifted a leg to knock on the door. Oddly enough when he hit something it didn’t feel like a wooden door. It felt much softer than wood, and...fluffier?


Hearing the yelp, AJ turned his attention to the door. There he saw Carrot Top, sitting on her haunches, rubbing her forehead; she was wearing her saddlebags. It looked like she was about to go out to do some shopping. “Oh crap, I’m so sorry!”

“No, don’t worry. I’m fine.” She said as she stood up. “So, what can I do for you?”

“I was just wondering if Ditzy was home yet.”

“Did I hear my name?” Ditzy asked as she poked her head out of the kitchen; her mouth full of muffin. Seeing who was at the door Ditzy quickly swallowed what was in her mouth and came to the door. “AJ, how are you today?”

“Well, while you two chat, I’m going shopping.” Carrot Top walked around AJ and towards the market.

“So what’s up?” Ditzy asked with a smile.

“Well, Pinkie is having a little get together at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow night. I was wondering if you wanted to go,” AJ said with a hopeful smile.

“Tomorrow night?” She put a hoof to her chin in thought. “Well, it is a work night, but I guess I could stop over for awhile.”

AJ’s smile grew. “Awesome! I’ll come around and pick you up at about six. See you then!”


“Yay, you made it!” shouted Pinkie as she opened the door for AJ and Ditzy.

“I said I’d be here, didn’t I?” AJ said as he raised his eyebrow. Looking around he noticed that the only other ponies there right now were Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Mmhm. And you even brought your date with you! How adorable!” Pinkie shouted for everypony there to hear.


“So you two are finally together,” Rainbow said as she flew over head.

“Well alright!” added Applejack.

“It’s not a date,” Ditzy said with a blush. “We’re just here to have fun. Just like everypony else.”

Rainbow flew down next to Applejack and whispered into her ear, “They are in soo much denial right now.”

“I heard that!” AJ shouted. Rainbow just stuck her tongue out and continued to chat with Applejack.

As the time passed more ponies showed up. Fluttershy was the first, followed by a fashionably late Rarity, and finally Twilight and Caramel were the last ones there. Twilight, of course, was busy studying and lost track of time. “Alright, now that everypony’s here, let’s get this party started!” Pinkie shouted as she came out of the kitchen carrying a bowl of punch, setting it on the snack table next to a bucket filled with ice and sarsaparilla bottles.


The party was going well. Rainbow, AJ, and Ditzy were busy talking, Twilight, Caramel, and Fluttershy were on the dance floor, Applejack and Rarity were slow dancing with each other, and Pinkie was interjecting herself wherever she pleased.

“Excuse me, I’ll be right back,” AJ said as he walked in the direction of the bathroom.

“While he’s gone, I’m going to hit up the snack table,” Rainbow said licking her lips.

“I think I’ll join you,” Ditzy said following the cyan pegasus.

When they reached the table, Dash looked over all the sugary treats and tried to decide what she wanted to eat first. Ditzy went straight for the muffins. “Hmm, I think I’ll start with some punch.” Dash loomed over the punch bowl and took a big whiff.

She was about to fill a cup when Pinkie grabbed the cup away from her and pushed her away. “Naughty, naughty Dashie! You know you can’t have any of this punch!”

“What, aw come on Pinkie!”

“Nope! It may be a party, but you’re still too young for alcohol!” Pinkie said with a stern look.

“Only by three months! Come on Pinkie, just one taste!” Dash pleaded.

Pinkie shook her head. “I’m sorry Dashie, but rules are rules. Here, have a sarsaparilla instead!” Pinkie shoved a sarsaparilla into Rainbow’s hooves before bouncing away.

With and angry pout Dash opened the bottle of sarsaparilla and started drinking. “Stupid laws.”

Ditzy giggled as she took a bottle of sarsaparilla herself. She couldn’t chance having a hangover on her mail rout tomorrow.

Shortly after AJ came back to the party. Ditzy and Dash were still over by the snack table so he congregated over. “Hungry, are we?”

“A little,” Ditzy said before taking another bite out of her muffin. Dash didn’t answer. She was still busy grumbling over the punch.

AJ decided to let her grumble and get something for himself. The punch at the end of the table caught his eye. Walking over he grabbed a cup with his magic. Rainbow watched with envy as he filled the cup and brought it up to his mouth. Suddenly he stopped. His face twisted in disgust as the smell of the punch hit his nostrils. He quickly moved the cup away from his face and placed it on the table, covering his nose with a hoof. “Ugh! The punch has been spiked!”

“Well of course it has silly!” Pinkie said as she bounced over to the table. “It wouldn’t be Pinkie’s Super Special Party Punch if it wasn’t!”

AJ warily backed away from the punch. “I-uh…I think I’ll stick with the sarsaparilla instead.”

He went to go grab a bottle of sarsaparilla when Pinkie filled his vision holding the cup of punch. “Come on, just try it! It’s super good!” To emphasize her point she took a cup of her own and downed it. “Mmmm, cherry!”

AJ continued to back away. “I’d rather not Pinkie. I don’t drink.”

“Come on, it’s a party! You need to loosen up a little. You’re too tense, and alcohol will help!”

AJ was starting to get to get angry. “Pinkie, I said no, now if you would please…”

Pinkie stuck the cup of punch in his face. “Just a little taste, please!”


“But it’s just a little alcohol. It’s not like alcohol can hurt you or anything like that.”

AJ froze at those words. His eyes were wide and his jaw went slack. He fell to his haunches as he started to shake. “W-what did you say?”

“I said alcohol can’t hurt you silly.”

“AJ, are you okay?” asked Ditzy.

He lowered his head as tears began welling up in his eyes. His face slowly turned to one of anger as he sat there, thinking of Pinkie Pie still standing there with the cup of punch. “So how about it? One little drinkie with your best bud Pinkie?”

AJ snapped. Standing up, he batted the cup out of Pinkie’s hoof, shattering it on the floor. “SHUT UP!!!” Every pony in the room stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the snack table. AJ’s posture was low and dangerous. A fierce look on his face was framed by hot tears rolling down his cheeks. Ditzy and Rainbow backed off at the sudden outburst.

Pinkie fell back, a look of shock on her face. “What? But I…”

“NO, SHUT UP!!! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!” Pinkie started backing off as AJ bared down on her. “It’s clear you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about!”

“Hey, what the hell’s your problem?!” Dash yelled. “Pinkie didn’t do anything!”

AJ turned to Rainbow Dash. “You shut your mouth! This doesn’t concern you!”

“B-but I just wanted every pony to have fun,” Pinkie said in a borderline whine.

AJ’s head whipped back towards Pinkie. “Fun? You think alcohol is fun?” He let out an angry snort. “ALCOHOL IS NOT FUN!!! ALCOHOL HURTS YOU!!! ALCOHOL TEARS FAMILIES APART!!!” He was so angry his eyes were glowing white with magic.

“I-I didn’t know. I…” Pinkie was in tears by now.

“ALRIGHT THAT’S ENOUGH!!!” Applejack yelled, standing between Pinkie and AJ. She glared daggers at AJ. “Ah don’t know what yer problem is, but yer goin’ ta tell me right now.”

The magic left AJ’s eyes as he let out another angry snort. “No.” He turned and galloped out the door as fast as he could.

“AJ, WAIT!!!” Ditzy cried out.

“HEY, GET BACK HERE!!!” Dash yelled as she leapt into the air only to be stopped by Applejack biting down on her tail.

“You ain’t goin’ anywhere. Ya gotta stay behind an’ make sure Pinkie’s okay. Fluttershy, yer with me.”

“B-but why me?” Fluttershy asked as she hid behind Rarity.

“You calmed’im down before. Ah don’t see why ya couldn’t do it again. Now come on!” Applejack dashed out the door. It took Fluttershy a moment, but she, along with Ditzy, followed Applejack out the door.


The three ponies followed AJ through the streets with Applejack in the lead. Due to her more athletic nature, Applejack was slowly catching up with her prey. At first they had no idea where AJ was leading them, but as they got closer to the town gates, Applejack had a pretty good idea where he was going. “STOP RUNNIN’ RIGHT NOW!!!”

“GET AWAY FROM ME!!! I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE RIGHT NOW!!!” AJ shouted over his shoulder. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks. It wasn’t long before they all passed through the town gates. AJ turned his head once again to look at his pursuers. “I TOLD YOU TO STOP FOLLOWING M…” He was cut off when he tripped over a rock sticking out of the dirt path. He fell forward and landed hard on his muzzle before tumbling off to the side of the road.

His pursuers came to a stop a few feet away from him and watched as he slowly got up to a sitting position. They also noticed the blood dripping from his nose. His glasses had fallen off and broke during his tumble. His eyes were wide and full of hatred as he stared at the three of them. “Are ya ready ta talk now?”

He blew some of the blood out of his nose. “Why won’t you stop following me?” he growled out.

“Because Ah want some answers! Why did you blow up at Pinkie Pie like that? There was no reason fer it!” Applejack asked, returning his look with glare of her own.

“Heh, of course you wouldn’t understand. No one ever does,” AJ said as he stood up. He started moving as if he was going to start running again.

“You ain’t goin’ anywhere until Ah get some answers!” Applejack yelled as she prepared to chase him down again. “Ah will get violent if Ah have ta. Now what do ya mean 'Ah don’t understand!' Maybe if ya would just tell me Ah would understand.”

“Please, no more violence!” Fluttershy said as she ran up besides Applejack and put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Just tell us what’s wrong, please,” Ditzy pleaded.

“You want to know? You want to understand me?" He looked between the three ponies before him. "How would you feel if someone was treating your dad’s death like it was some kind of fucking joke?!” AJ shouted at Applejack.

“That’s what this is all about? Yer dad’s death? Sugarcube, Ah know how hard it can be ta lose yer kin like that, but ya have ta fight through it,” Applejack said trying to calm him down.

“Don’t you dare compare us! It’s not the same!”

That struck a nerve. Applejack’s anger began to elevate. “Not the same? How is it not the same?! Ah watched mah mom get crushed by a wooden beam when they tore th’ old barn down! Ah had ta watch mah dad die slowly, an’ painfully. Everyday ah had ta watch th’ strongest stallion Ah knew get weaker and weaker till the illness took him from us! Tell me, how is that any different?! Why is yer case so much different than mine, huh?! TELL ME!!!”


Applejack immediately backed away, her anger replaced with complete shock. “W-what?”

"There, are you happy?! ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY?!?!?!" They watched as AJ went silent. His body seemed to deflate as he began to shake once again. “That’s right. I killed my own dad.”


Earlier in the night his dad had come home from work with probably the worst mood he had ever seen him in. Almost immediately he began drinking. He had been drinking non-stop since he had gotten home. Though he was completely sloshed, his mood seemed to have improved slightly due to high amount of alcohol in his system. AJ was conflicted. He hated to see his dad abuse his body like that, but he did seem to be getting happier. At this moment his mom was at work so he couldn’t get any comfort from her.

He sat on the couch just watching his dad get more and more drunk and it scared him. He had never seen his dad drink so much. “Shtupid bastards. Nnnever give me any respect.”

As he saw his dad go to pour himself another drink, AJ knew he had to say something. “Umm, dad?”

“W-w-what?! What do you want?”

“I-I-I think you’ve had too…”

He was cut off. “What?! I can’t hear you. Shpeak up!”

“I said I think you’ve had too much to drink. Maybe you should stop and go to bed,” he said quickly.

His dad just stared at him for a moment swaying back and forth as he struggled to keep his balance. His face suddenly became angry. “Excushe me? Since when did you become the head of thish houshe?!”

“I-I didn’t say that! I only meant…”

“Nnnno! I know what you mean. Fuck you! I thought you were different. I guesh no one respects me anymore.” He dropped the glass on the linoleum, shattering it and stumbled into the bedroom.

AJ quickly got up to start cleaning up the broken glass. As he began picking up the pieces, he heard a sound that made the blood drain from his face. He knew the sound from when he went hunting with his dad. It was the sound of shells being loaded into a shotgun. Dropping the glass he ran into the bedroom as his dad cocked the gun. “Dad, don’t do it!”

AJ tried to grab the gun away, but his dad wrestled the gun away. He lifted the gun and smashed the butt into AJ’s face, sending him to the floor. Holding his nose, tears began flowing down AJ’s cheeks. He looked up at his dad who was now aiming the gun at himself. He glared down at AJ. “I thought you loved me. Thish ish all your fault.” Time seemed to go into slow motion as he watched his dad put the barrel in his mouth and pull the trigger.


AJ was shaking violently now. He was looking down as tears could be seen falling to the ground. “It was all my fault.”

Ditzy, and Fluttershy were all speechless. They couldn’t believe what they had just heard. “Oh Celestia…” said Applejack as she let everything sink in. Things were silent as they all just sat there.

“It’s…it’s all my fault,” AJ repeated, seemingly having forgotten the others were there.

“Sugarcube, ya can’t believe that. That wasn’t yer fault.”

“YES IT WAS!!!” AJ shouted. “There were so many things I could have done to prevent it from happening. If only I would have stopped him from drinking so much earlier. If only I wouldn’t have been so weak I could have taken the gun from him. If I would have just shut my fucking mouth. If I would have done something, anything he…he…he…” The floodgates were shattered. AJ’s legs collapsed from underneath him as he fell to the ground, bawling his eyes out. Nine years of pain, torment, and inner turmoil came flowing through his eyes.

Ditzy slowly walked over to where AJ was lying down. Without saying a word she drew AJ into a hug, letting him cry into her shoulder, as he once did for her. Her shoulder was dyed red from the blood, but she didn’t care.

Fluttershy and Applejack just sat back and watched the scene unfold before them. “Ah can’t believe somepony would do such a thing.” Fluttershy sniffed and wiped a tear from her eye.

For minutes they just sat there as AJ cried his heart out. Applejack barley noticed as Fluttershy stood up and walked over to where Ditzy and AJ were. Sitting down once more, she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. “Hush now, quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now it's time to go to bed.” Applejack noticed AJ’s ears twitch as Fluttershy sang. “Drifting off to sleep exciting day behind you. Drifting off to sleep let the joy of dreamland find you. Hush now, quiet now it’s time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now it's time to go to bed.”

By the time Fluttershy was done, AJ’s sobbing had calmed down slightly. She sang the song, over and over again. Each time, AJ would calm down more and more until he eventually fell asleep in Ditzy’s embrace. Applejack walked up and put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Ya did good sugarcube. Ah’m goin’ ta go get somethin’ ta get him back ta th’ farm.”


About two hours after they had left the store, Fluttershy walked through the door. All the joy that was in the store had long since left as everypony sat around the once happy pink pony. Her hair lie flat as tears flowed down her cheeks. Everypony looked up to Fluttershy as she walked in. “What’s going on Fluttershy?” asked Twilight.

“Yea, what was his problem? Why did he have to go and yell at Pinkie?” Rainbow asked in anger.

“Rainbow Dash calm down, I think there’s been enough anger here for one day,” Rarity said trying to calm down the cyan pegasus. “I’m sure Fluttershy will tell us everything. Isn’t that right darling?”

“Well, um.” Fluttershy didn’t like being put in the spotlight. She hid behind her mane as the other ponies looked at her.

“Come on Fluttershy, you have to tell us what happened,” pleaded Twilight.

Twilight was right. They had a right to know why this happened. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Fluttershy steeled herself to tell a story.


AJ’s eyes slowly opened as the morning sun poked through the window. His world was in a daze. He was sore all over, and his muzzle was throbbing. Slowly, he pushed his weary body up trying to get his world to stop spinning. Finally managing to make it to hooves he tried to find his glasses.

Failing to find his glasses AJ worked his way to the bathroom. He just sat there for a moment in front of the mirror, hoping that the world would eventually become visible. Feeling dehydrated, he balanced himself on the counter top and turned on the faucet, drinking the cool life giving liquid straight from the faucet.

Once he was done drinking, he looked up into the mirror. Now that he was closer, he could see the shape he was in. The dirt in his coat and mane. The dried blood that ran from his nostrils. The matted down hair on his cheeks and the puffy red eyes from his crying. He fell back to his haunches as the events of the previous day came flooding back into his head.

“Are you okay sugarcube?” AJ looked over to the door to see Applejack standing there watching him.

He looked back into the mirror once more before slouching down; tears rolling down his cheeks once more. “What have I done?”


It was about ten in the morning when Applejack and AJ walked through the door of Sugarcube corner. The emotion in the building could only be described as morose. Rainbow Dash and Twilight, who had stayed behind the previous night, were cleaning up the room from the party. Fluttershy had to get back home to take care of the animals and Rarity had many orders that needed to be filled. Pinkie sat behind the counter. Her mane and tail were still deflated. She looked up when the bell above the door rang and immediately looked away when she saw who it was.

Rainbow Dash put down the bag of garbage she was carrying and landed in front of the two ponies. She scratched the back of her head before speaking. “Hey.”

“Mornin,” said Applejack. AJ said nothing. He was too ashamed.

“I-uh, I assume you’re here to see Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow asked. AJ just nodded. AJ followed Rainbow as they walked over to the counter. “Pinkie, he’s here to talk to you.”

It took a bit of encouragement from Twilight, but Pinkie eventually made her way to the other side of the counter. She sat down in front of AJ. They both sat there in silence for a moment. Building up the courage, AJ was about to speak until, “I’m sorry.” Looking up AJ saw that Pinkie was almost in tears again. “I didn’t mean to make fun of your dad. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

AJ shook his head. “No Pinkie, I’m the one who should be sorry. You had no way of knowing about anything that happened. I had no reason to yell at you like I did. I’m sorry Pinkie. I’d understand if you don’t want me around here anymore, I’ll just…leave.”

AJ stood up and began walking towards the door. He got about half way before he felt something wrap around his neck. Turning his head he saw the still teary Pinkie hugging him. “Does this…does this mean we can still be friends?” she asked trying to hold back her tears.

A soft smile grew on his face. “Of course we can.” He returned Pinkie’s hug before turning to Twilight. “Hey Twilight, do you think the Princess would mind if I tried my hand at one of those friendship report things?”

Twilight gave him a bright smile. “Mind? I’m sure she would be more than happy to receive a letter from you.”


Celestia gave a small sigh. She had just finished with the first round of meetings with the delegates from the Griffin Kingdom. While they were now on good terms after years of conflict, things could still get pretty heated after awhile. Talks like this were stressful even for the eternal and benevolent ruler of Equestria.

At the moment they were on an hour long recess while the Griffin King discussed with his people and Celestia was going to take advantage of it. “I think it’s time for a nice relaxing bath.” As she reached her bedroom she saw a wisp of magical smoke coming through the window. This brought a smile to her face. She always enjoyed receiving a note from Twilight. Catching the scroll with her magic she unrolled it.

Dear Princess Celestia

I wonder if you ever expected one of these things from me. As you probably heard from Luna, I lost my dad years ago. I won’t go into the specifics of what happened, but I will tell you that it tore me up inside. For all these years I let the memory of what happened torment me. What’s worse is that I refused to tell anypony. Every time somepony would try to get close and learn what happened I would push them away.

I bottled everything up inside. It kept building up until, well, I think you know what’s coming. I ended up hurting one of my friends. I yelled and cursed them out, and they didn’t even do anything wrong. All because I refused to talk to somepony about what happened. I refused to let my friends help me in my time of need. Believe me when I tell you that I will no longer be making that mistake. It’s important to let your friends in. Without friends, the world would be a very dark place indeed.

Your loyal and grateful subject


Celestia smiled. While this was unexpected, she was happy that one of Equestria’s newest members was well on his way to learning a very important lesson.


((The big reveal! This was the chapter that’s been lying in wait since chapter 8. I hope you enjoy. This is the last chapter before I go on break to work on the other story. I hope to see you all In “What Lurks in the Darkness.”

My little pony © Hasbro

Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust))

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