• Published 27th Sep 2011
  • 32,101 Views, 454 Comments

Mating Season in Equestria - ratmage99

Watch as the dark side of Equestria is revealed when mating season comes around.

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Forced Romance - Twilight's Story

Thanks to Claudia Donovan for the picture!


Twilight Sparkle paced the floor impatiently. "What on earth could Celestia want to meet me for? She's never set up a visit specifically with me." She hastily adjusted a vase sitting near the door. "Spike, are the refreshments ready?"

"You betcha', Twilight. I've got daffodil sandwiches and carrot soup." Spike smiled proudly.

"Thank you very much, Spike. I'm so nervous. Celestia's never come to the library before, and I want everything to go perfect." Spike saluted her, laughing a bit as he ran back upstairs to clean more. Twilight nervously kicked at the floor. A knock came to the door. Twilight jumped, her heart pounding. "Okay, Twilight, you can do this." She whispered to herself. She blew out a puff of air, opening the door.

Celestia stood at the door, her royal mane billowing around her despite the lack of wind. "Hello, my most faithful student." Celestia seemed a bit distracted, looking around the library. Each book was placed perfectly in its own place, and each surface had been meticulously dusted to the point of perfection. "How have you been?"

"I've been lovely, princess. Please, come in." Twilight stepped aside, her hoof held out in welcome.

"Is Spike home?" Celestia asked, walking in.

"Yes, he is. He made some refreshments for us." Twilight smiled. "It isn't what you'd be used to in Canterlot, but I've grown to adore a simple meal during my time here in Ponyville."

"Twilight, I'm afraid I didn't come here to talk. I have... an alternative agenda that I must adhere to." Celestia confessed, guilt flashing in her eyes, along with another emotion Twilight couldn't quite identify. It looked almost like worry, or possibly even fear. Twilight shook her head a bit, convincing herself she was simply imagining it.

"Oh, really?" Twilight asked. "Well, what was it that you needed to discuss?"

Celestia looked to the ground, frowning. "Twilight, do you know what next month is?"

"Of course I do, princess, it's going to be mating season." Twilight thought for a moment. "Not that I'm going to participate." She added quickly, a light blush gracing her cheeks.

"Twilight, do you know how mating season works?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, my parents showed me the book, or rather, I found it." Twilight shrugged a bit. She was slightly confused as to the origin of these questions. "It doesn't appeal to me much."

"I didn't think it would." Celestia sighed a bit. "That makes this a lot harder."

"Makes what harder?" Twilight cocked her head to the side.

"Twilight... Equestria is dying." Celestia frowned.

"What are you talking about? Everypony's happy, the economy's never been better, not to mention that there haven't been any major disasters since Nightmare Moon's defeat, everything's great!" Twilight smiled brightly.

"Twilight, surely you've noticed how few males there are. Ponies aren't breeding like they should be, and Equestria cannot survive without new foals each year." Celestia sighed a bit. "Twilight, you are going to have to mate this year."

Twilight's mouth opened in shock. "What?! B-but princess, how am I going to find a male that quickly?! How can I possibly do... that? It's so disgusting!" Twilight looked at the princess, her eyes full of fear and, for the first time ever, anger towards her teacher. "Please, don't make me do this."

Celestia turned from Twilight, looking to the ground. "Twilight, I am sorry, but in order for Equestria to survive, you must come to Canterlot. There is a male there that has been chosen for his fertility, and he shall be your mate."

"This is messed up, princess! You can't expect me to do this! And why have none of my books said anything about this?!" Twilight was fuming, unable to believe that this was the same Celestia that once taught her, that was practically her mother, that she had once called friend.

"We have had to keep it a secret, or else we'd risk ponies moving away to the Zebra kingdom to avoid it." Celestia sighed. "I know I am asking a lot of you, but you are the only pony I am giving a choice to, because I know you'll make the right decision."

"Princess, this is a big decision for me to make..." Twilight sighed, pacing the floor once again.

"Equestria needs you, Twilight. I need you." Celestia pleaded.

Twilight allowed herself to think long and hard about it. After all, being out of commission for a few months, not to mention that she would have to actually mate first, this was looking bad. But it was for Equestria, and maybe she could use it to her advantage. "I'll do it, but on one condition." Twilight finally said.

"Of course, my faithful student, what is your request?" Celestia sighed with relief.

"I want to choose the male." Twilight bit her lip, hoping her plan would work.

"Oh." Celestia seemed a bit taken aback. She smirked a small bit. "Did you have anypony in mind?"

"Well...." Twilight blushed a bit. "There is somepony."

"My, my, Twilight, you surprise me." Celestia chuckled. "Who would you like?"

Twilight looked down, mumbling something unintelligible.

"What was that, dear?" Celestia asked.

"Big Macintosh." Twilight blushed.

"Oh, really? The red stallion who works at Sweet Apple Acres?" Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Twilight shrugged a bit, blushing. "He's cute."

"I will have it set up." Celestia smiled a bit, relieved that her student accepted.

"When will I have to go?" Twilight asked.

"You will have a week to prepare, then you will come to Canterlot for a week, during which time... well, you've read the book." Celestia chuckled softly.

Twilight nodded. "I will see you then."

"Farewell, Twilight." Celestia smiled. She walked out the door, her chariot taking her high into the sky and out of view.


The entire week, Twilight refused to leave her home, and instead read every romance book she could get her hooves on, trying to learn the secret art of seduction. Spike wasn't helpful at all, because he just laughed each time she'd practice. The day finally came, the first day of mating season. Twilight nervously stamped her hoof, waiting for the time to come when the chariot would arrive to take her and Big Macintosh to Canterlot. A knock came at the door, causing Twilight to jump. She panted. "Okay, okay, you can do this Twilight." She took in a deep breath, opening the door. One of the princess's guards was standing at the door, his armor flashing in the midday sun.

"Miss Sparkle, I am here to escort you to Canterlot." The guard told her.

"Of course, sir." Twilight looked over his shoulder, a large red stallion already in the chariot. He looked very confused. "Hey, Big Macintosh!" She called out to him in a small moment of bravery.

The stallion looked to her. "Oh, hey Twilight, y'all know what's going on here?"

"Um..... no." Twilight blushed a bit. She climbed into the chariot with him.

The guard hooked the harness to himself and began to fly towards Canterlot.

Twilight shuffled her feet awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "So..... how is it going?" Smooth, Twilight, She thought. Real smooth.

"Fine, I suppose." Big Macintosh shrugged a bit. "A bit behind schedule on the apple buckin', but we'll make it, we always do."

"How interesting." Twilight smiled, a lump settling in her throat.

"You alright, Twilight?" Big Macintosh turned to her. "Ya' seem a bit distracted."

"Yes, of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine? Everything's fine." Twilight said quickly.

Big Macintosh looked at her strangely for a second, but eventually just shrugged and looked off the side of the chariot.

Twilight remained silent for the rest of the journey, not wanting to say something stupid.

The two landed and were brought into a large, pure white chamber that felt just as much like home to Twilight as the Ponyville library. They had arrived at the castle's throne room, the room where Twilight used to give her reports to Celestia from. Large, intimidating marble columns stood like soldiers on either side of the main walkway designated by a red, velvet carpet. The two stopped directly in front of Princess Celestia. Big Macintosh immediately bowed.

"Mister Macintosh, rise, for today, you are more important than I." Celestia gave him a welcoming smile.

Big Macintosh slowly rose, very confused. "What in the hay is going on here?"

"Twilight hasn't told you?" Celestia asked.

"No, princess, I don't know what's going on either." Twilight winked at the princess, hoping she'd get the hint.

"Oh... Of course." Celestia smirked. "Mating season has begun, and you two have been chosen as one of the couples that will be mating this year."

"Matin'? Me? With Twilight? No can do, missy." Big Macintosh shook his head.

Twilight's heart dropped to her stomach. "W-what? Why not? What's wrong with me?!" She started to get mad.

"It's nothing against y'all, Twilight, but I couldn't possibly take advantage of ya' like that, even by order of the princess." Big Macintosh bowed to the princess again. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline."

"No, you don't have to, you wouldn't be taking advantage!" Twilight pleaded. "It's for Equestria!"

"You feelin' all right, Twilight? Y'all don't seem ta' be actin' like yerself." Big Macintosh furrowed his brow.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Twilight sighed. "I'm sorry, princess."

"I'm sorry as well." Celestia looked at the two, her eyes filled with yet another emotion Twilight had never seen the princess wear. This time, however, the emotion seemed to be malice. "But you will have to do this, it is too late for us to find anypony else."

"How can you make us?" Big Macintosh asked a bit angrily.

"Guards." Celestia turned to the two guards that were by her side. "Take them to The Mating Chambers."

"Princess..." Twilight looked to her. "You don't have to do this, I'll pick a different male."

"Wait, pick?" Big Macintosh blinked.

"I'm sorry, it is too late." Celestia turned from Twilight, turning her nose up at the unicorn.

The guards dragged Twilight and Big Macintosh into a small room made of stone. The stones were all pristine, and it appeared that this room had been deserted for a number of years, if it had indeed ever been used. A small cloth cot was the only furniture to be found in the depressing room, and even that was ripped. "You won't be coming out until the deed is done." One armored guard said.

"This is crazy!" Big Macintosh said angrily.

"Y-yeah... how dare they." Twilight said sadly. She laid in the corner, staring at the wall.

"Twilight, what did you mean you'd pick a different male?" Big Macintosh asked.

"I meant... well, I... I was..." Twilight sighed. "Oh, well, you would have found out eventually. The princess let me choose who my mate would be. I chose you."

"Why on earth did you choose me?!" Big Macintosh asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Because... because I like you, okay?" Twilight stared even more intensely at the wall, wishing she had never spoken.

Big Macintosh blinked a few times. "Really?"

"Yes..." Twilight said quietly. "I don't really know why, but... you make me feel all... weird."
"Twilight..." Big Macintosh seemed unsure of what to say. "You really wanted to mate... with me?"

"I did." Twilight sighed. "I'm sorry to have forced you into this situation."

"Don't be." Big Macintosh smiled at her. "After all, mating with a pony like you, as long as she's willin', well, that would be just fine for me."

Twilight's ears perked up a bit. "But, didn't you just say..."

"I said I wouldn't mate with a lady that was only doing it because the princess said so." Big Macintosh smiled at her. "I'm a bit sweet on you myself."

"Really?" Twilight's voice cracked, causing her to blush.

Big Macintosh smiled, licking her cheek. "Of course."

Twilight's face exploded in blush. She turned and looked at Big Macintosh, looking into his eyes. His eyes were staring gently into hers. She shook a bit, nervous. "A-are you sure you want to do this?"

Big Macintosh shrugged a bit. "If you are. It seems like the only way out of here anyways."

"Yes, I am." Twilight blushed a bit. "But... I don't really know how..."

Big Macintosh blushed a bit, although with his red coat, it was nearly invisible. "Me either. Ah' mean, I've watched while the animals have done... it... but I don't think that I could ever... do it... Ah may seem all big and confident, but between the two of us, I'm actually pretty shy."

Twilight sidled closer to the stallion, nuzzling his neck. "We have a week, we might as well start here."

"I don't know if I can do this... you are one of my sister's closest friends." Big Macintosh frowned a bit.

"Not tonight." Twilight shrugged a bit. "Tonight I am your mate. Nothing more, nothing less."

Big Macintosh looked at her, his eyes meeting with hers. "But you are more."

"More?" She asked.

"There is no such thing as just a mate. If we do this thing, we'll be together forever, whether we like it or not." Big Macintosh looked to her. "Are you sure I'm the stallion you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

Twilight smiled." I am more sure of this than anything I've ever done." She gently kissed his cheek.

Big Macintosh blushed a bit, putting his hoof around her. "Twilight, I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

"I hope so." Twilight nuzzled his neck, smiling happily.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh smiled, wrapping his neck around hers in an embrace. "I do too."

Twilight had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she should be more worried about Celestia's behavior, but right now, all she wanted to do was lay on the cold, dank floor of the prison she was locked in and cuddle with the mate that she had basically caused to be kidnapped. And she had never felt more happy.