• Published 27th Sep 2011
  • 32,114 Views, 454 Comments

Mating Season in Equestria - ratmage99

Watch as the dark side of Equestria is revealed when mating season comes around.

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The Call of the Moon - Luna's Story

"Sister, you can't do this!" Luna begged.

Celestia looked down on Luna, her eyes dark, with no emotion showing. "I must do what must be done."

"But there must be some other way! Some other pony!" Luna pleaded.

"You know you are the only alicorn other than me, and only an alicorn can birth an alicorn." Celestia turned from her sister.

"But why do we need another alicorn?" Luna asked. "Aren't we enough?" She reached out to her sister. "Please, sister, don't make me do this!"

Celestia kicked her sister away. "Guards." She called. "Take her to the mating chamber."

"No! Sister! Please!" Luna screamed as two guards dragged her to a dank, empty cell, the only water in the room being a large puddle in the corner, water running down the wall, the singular drops joining together. It was strangely parallel to what was supposed to happen in this room. The cell was small, only about five square feet, and the ceiling was only about five feet high. A small cot adorned the opposite corner, one of the legs bent inward. All over, it was the most depressing room that Luna had ever been in. She was thrown into the cell, a magic absorbing bracelet being affixed to her leg. She shook, terrified of what may happen next. The cell door was opened, a male being thrown in.

"You aren't coming out until you've done the deed!" The guard called, slamming the door.

Luna looked to the male, hoping at least that he would be gentle about it. She gasped as she saw the pony in the cell with her. An hourglass adorned his caramel brown flank, his chestnut mane appeared tattered, as if he had been through quite a rough spot before ending up here. His side was bruised, and he had a black eye. He had clearly been through hell.

"What in Equestria happened to you?" She asked.

"Celestia said something about me being honored, and that I would be mating with royalty... do you think she was coming on to me?"

Luna stared at him in disbelief. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, why, are you somepony important?" He gasped. "I know, you must be Sapphire Shores, right?"

"No." Luna's jaw dropped a bit, unaware that there was anypony who was unaware of her existance. "Why'd they beat you up?"

"Oh, I refused to do the whole mating thing. Can you keep a secret?" He asked.

"Of course." Luna said, a bit confused.

"I don't know what mating is." The pony admitted. "Pathetic, right?"

"Of course not." Luna smiled kindly, relieved that this male wasn't an adversary, but perhaps a future ally. "You're young, you have no reason to mate. What is your name?"

"Oh, me? I'm Timepiece. Dumb name, I know." The stallion shrugged, his scrawny shoulders raising rhythmically.

"I think it's a nice name." Luna smiled at him. I have to get him on my side. She thought. And kindness will surely be the way.

"Gee, thanks!" Timepiece smiled at her. "That means a lot coming from you, Miss Shores."

"I am not Sapphire Shores." Luna said patiently. "I am Luna, sister of Celestia."

"Sister? Then that would make you..... and I was supposed to...... yikes." Timepiece swallowed. "I'm sorry, I promise I wasn't going to try anything, I swear!"

"I know, I know. You seem to be a gentlehearted pony, just like my sister... or like my sister used to be." Luna frowned, looking at the ground.

"Well, what are we going to do? We can't get out of here until we do... that... whatever it is." Timepiece asked.

Luna smiled a bit at him. "You ever overthrow a princess?"

"Overthrow a princess? Certainly not!" Timepiece looked shocked. "How could you even propose such a thing?"

"Look, I don't like the idea either, but I'm afraid that my sister... well, she's not my sister anymore..." Luna closed her eyes tight, not wanting to think about her time as Nightmare Moon.

"Well, who do you propose would take over?" Timepiece asked. Once he had calmed down, he seemed quite intelligent.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm sure not going to do it, but the only other pony that could ever possibly be powerful enough to take over raising and lowing the sun and moon would be her assistant, and she may be a bit difficult to convert..." Luna thought hard, trying to come up with a plan.

"I'm in." Timepiece nodded.

"Even before I came up with a plan?" Luna asked, a bit surprised.

"Sure." Timepiece shrugged. "You seem to be pretty nice."

"Thank you." Luna smiled. Thank goodness that was so easy. She thought. I was expecting that I'd have to come up with the plan first...

"How long has this whole 'mate or die' thing been in effect, anyways?" Timepiece asked.

"It's been in the lawbooks for centuries in the unlikely event that war is imminent and more males are needed, but from what I've seen, there's nopony wanting to declare war on us. I think my sister is mad with power." Luna sighed. "I know how it feels. I tried to create eternal night because I was jealous that the ponies were all awake and enjoying the day, while they all slept through my night. In hindsight, I suppose I should have seen that the ponies loved my night. The darkness perfect for sleeping, the stars shining bright in the sky. I had it made until... well, let's just say I let my jealousy get the better of me." Tears began to slowly drip down Luna's face, her head hung low in shame.

"Everypony makes mistakes." Timepiece smiled at her. "You seem pretty nice now, and that's really all that matters."

Luna looked up at him. "You really think so?"

"Sure." Timepiece grinned. "You want to help your sister so she doesn't become what you became. That's pretty nice in my book."

Luna smiled. "You know, were the situation different, maybe I wouldn't mind having you for a mate."

"Thanks... I think." Timepiece rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. "So, how are we going to bust out of here, anyways?"

"Now that, I have a plan for." Luna smiled a bit. "I'll tell you all about it later. For now, let's get some shuteye, we'll need as much energy as we can get."

"By the way." Timepiece turned his head to the side a bit. "What is your name?"

Luna smiled a bit, looking to him. "I am Luna. Luna Sparkle."

The End of Luna's Story