• Published 27th Sep 2011
  • 32,114 Views, 454 Comments

Mating Season in Equestria - ratmage99

Watch as the dark side of Equestria is revealed when mating season comes around.

  • ...

Family Bonding - Twilight's New Story

You all know the drill by now. Thanks Claudia Donovan, I didn't really do anything.

Warning: This chapter contains stronger language than previous ones, has now been fixed of many of the errors that had plagued it. I couldn't do much about the fast-paced exposition, but to be honest, I kind of like it better that way. No more waiting for the action. I will replace the note about this chapter with a small bonus section with some facts about the story, a bit of behind the scenes, that kind of stuff. At the very least, it will remain that way until the next chapter is out.


Twilight sighed happily, leaning back against Big Macintosh. "You know, being locked up in this tiny dungeon isn't all that bad."

"I never really pictured you as a glass-half-full kind of pony, Twi." Macintosh laughed.

"I'm not, normally." Twilight shrugged a bit. "But after the past two days... well, it's hard to not be happy." She smiled, kissing his snout.

"This don't seem at all like something the princess would do." Macintosh thought aloud. "Locking ponies up and forcin' 'em to mate, it just ain't right. I miss my kin."

"Sorry for this..." Twilight frowned, feeling terrible. "I guess I should have asked before volunteering you for mating. I feel really bad."

"Don't worry about it, appleseed. After all, you know what they say. Love is blind." Big Mac shrugged a bit, laughing. "Besides, it's not like it turned out all that bad, did it?"

"Oh, not at all." Twilight smiled a bit saucily, the look seeming completely foreign on the reserved pony's face. "Who would've ever imagined bookworm Twilight Sparkle losing her virginity in a mating dungeon of all places?"

"Certainly not I." Big Macintosh laughed. "Even less likely that I'd be the one to.... you know..."

Twilight nodded a bit, nuzzling his chest. She looked at him, fire in her eyes.

"Oh, and Twilight..." Big Macintosh cleared his throat a bit. "Stop trying to be sexy for me. It's... weird."

Twilight looked at him innocently. "Whatever do you mean?"

"I mean stop looking at me and trying to be sexy. That ain't the you I fell in love with." Big Macintosh looked to the ground.

"This is a side of you I've never seen." Twilight laughed. "Deep down big old Macintosh is just a big softy."

"Hush." Big Macintosh said, embarrassed.

A low rumble emanated from the wall beside their chamber. Specks of dirt and clouds of dust fell from the bricks on the ceiling. Bricks fell from the wall opposite the door, revealing that behind the brick lay a wall of dirt, rocks, and other natural subterranean substances. The dirt shifted, a creature popping its head out.

Twilight immediately stood, a bit shaky on her feet. "Diamond Dog!" She gasped, putting on an angry face.

"So, the purple pony is here as well..." Rover looked at her with some disdain. "You are friends with Rainbow Dash, yes?"

Twilight gasped. "What have you done with Rainbow Dash?"

"Nothing, she's back in our cell, waiting." Rover waved a paw nonchalantly.

Twilight blinked. "Cell? So you two were also here to...?"

"To what?" Rover scratched his head, trying to figure out what in the world she could mean.

"Mate..." Twilight said, a bit disgusted.

"Oh, no!" Rover assured her, laughing. "That part just came naturally later."

"What?!" Twilight gagged a bit.

"What's with the holdup, Rov?" A voice came from behind the dog.

"See for yourself." Rover said, hopping out of the hole. Rainbow Dash followed after, her legs wobbling a bit. She gasped at the sight of Twilight, her eyes trailing to the unicorn's knocking knees.

Rainbow smirked a bit. "I did not expect this at all." She laughed. "The bookworm and the workhorse."

"You actually mated with that... that... that thing?" Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"His name is Rover, and yes, I did." Rainbow said, seeming almost proud. "Gotta do something when you're locked up in a dungeon."

"But he's not even a pony!" Twilight said.

"Not right now, but he will be. We just have to convince Celestia to change him back." Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Yeah, because after how she's been acting lately, that's real likely." Rover muttered.

"Watch it, bub, or you ain't getting any more of this." Rainbow swung her hips.

Twilight felt sick. "H-how did you even manage...?"

"I was going to ask the same thing. Or does height not affect size?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

Twilight blushed crimson. "Shut up. What are you doing here, anyways?"

"Escaping, you in?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know..." Twilight looked to Big Macintosh for guidance.

"I suppose it'd be for the best to go. Applejack and the others'll be wonderin' where I've been." Big Macintosh nodded.

"I just hope Celestia isn't mad." Twilight frowned.

"Well, we're going to gather up some of the other prisoners first, you want to come with?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure." Twilight shrugged a bit. "Does us no good to just sit here."

"Alright, Rover is going to dig a tunnel to the next cell, we should probably wait here until he's ready for us." Rainbow said.

"Yes, ma'm." Rover grunted a bit, obviously not appreciating being ordered around. "Live for a thousand years as a filthy mutt, now I have to put up with this." He grumbled as he jumped back into the hole, digging away at the dirt.

"So, you guys came here specifically to mate?" Rainbow Dash asked, a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Well, I knew about it, he didn't, but I guess that... yeah, that's pretty much what happened." Twilight said very awkwardly.

"She got her choice of mates." Big Macintosh said. "I was it."

"Oh?" Rainbow laughed a bit. "Not a big surprise. We all kind of figured it out, Twilight."

"How?" Twilight asked.

"Well, there was Pinkie's Winter Solstice party where you told everypony you could how you were looking for a big, strong, stallion to wrap your hooves around. A big, red, strong, stallion." Rainbow Dash laughed.

"You should've told me that there was alcohol in that punch!" Twilight said.

"It was winter! The grapes had been stored for a while and they fermented!" Rainbow Dash said. "You made a point of telling me that multiple times the next day!"

"It had never happened in Canterlot." Twilight mumbled.

"You never went to parties in Canterlot! That was another drunken confession!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"Rainbow!" Twilight said through gritted teeth. "Not in front of Mac, please!" She pleaded in a hushed tone.

"Y'all know I can still hear you, right?" Big Macintosh asked.

Twilight sighed. "Yes, Macintosh, we know."

Rover poked his head in. "Uhhh, everything okay in here?"

"Peachy." Twilight muttered.

"Fine." Rainbow said simply, turning her head away from Twilight.

"Now, now, ladies, y'all are friends, surely you can work this out." Big Macintosh frowned a bit.

"We're just fine, Macintosh." Twilight put on a fake smile.

"Yeah, fine." Rainbow grunted.

"I will never understand mares." Big Macintosh shook his head, laughing a bit.

"And that's why you were born a colt." Twilight laughed a bit.

Rainbow couldn't help but to chuckle at Twilight's joke, although she was still somewhat miffed.

"You won't believe what I found in the next chamber!" Rover said in a hushed whisper, poking his head out of the hole.

"No, I won't, so just tell me." Twilight said.

"The princess has been imprisoned with an earth pony!" Rover said.

"Celestia?" Twilight gasped, frightened for her teacher.

"No! Luna!" Rover said. "Come and see!" He hopped out of the hole, holding his paw out to the hole.

Twilight jumped into the hole, crawling down the dirty, dark, wet tunnel. She poked her head into a room, spotting a small, dark alicorn sleeping soundly in one corner, a brown Earth pony apparently dreaming next to her. She gasped. "Psssst!" She hissed, trying to wake Luna.

Instead, the brown pony awoke, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Twilight quickly tried to shush him, extremely annoyed. Luna opened her eyes, gasping. "Twilight!"

"Hi Luna." Twilight said extremely awkwardly. "Just... popping in."

"Twilight..." Luna frowned, looking to the cold stone floor. "You shouldn't be here."

"Actually, I'm the only one who should, I accepted when Celestia asked. You must have too, right?" Twilight said.

"Not exactly." Luna sighed. "Twilight, we need to talk."

"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" Twilight joked.

Luna looked at her very seriously. "Twilight, I'm serious."

"Right, right, sorry, my head's kind of messed up right now." Twilight shook her head.

"Anyways, we have to talk in private. However, I have this damned magic reduction band on, and it's making me very weak." Luna groaned.

"Oh, speaking of which, I don't think mine is working correctly, I'm feeling fine." Twilight said.

"Twilight, you are acting very strangely." Luna said.

Twilight shrugged. "Maybe I'm going through a second puberty or something."

"Twilight, it is imperative that we speak immediately. Just get in here." Luna said. Twilight wriggled her way through the dirt, falling into the room.

Timepiece sat in the corner of the room, blinking. "What is going on here?"

"Timepiece, I would like you to meet Twilight Sparkle." Luna sighed a bit. "This... this is my daughter."

Twilight blinked for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. "What?!" She said, laughing so hard she was crying.

"Twilight, you are my daughter." Luna said very seriously.

"But you were on the moon when I was born." Twilight laughed.

"No, Nightmare Moon was on the moon when you were born. I was still here, only in a different form." Luna said.

"What form?" Twilight said, still not sounding at all convinced.

"The form of a unicorn pony. I... borrowed her body for a few years so I could scope out the Element Bearers to stop me... er, Nightmare Moon, that is. Her name is Lyra." Luna said.

"You were Lyra?" Twilight raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"That is correct. Your... 'parents,' let's call them, they were friends of mine, and they helped me out by raising you." Luna said.

"This is impossible. If what you're saying is true, that would make me Lyra's daughter, not yours. You said it yourself, it was her body." Twilight said.

"No, the body that was impregnated was mine. I used my magic to make it so that it would be I who had the child. I had far less of it, but I knew how to use it well enough that that didn't matter. That is why you are feeling strange, Twilight. My magic has diminished to almost nothing. The magic that hides your true form. The magic that stops you from being an Alicorn." Luna said.

"You have to be kidding. It's probably because I just went through a huge change in my life." Twilight said. "You're just overreacting."

"Oh?" Luna pointed a hoof at Twilight's side, where a small bump was beginning to form on each side. "Your horn is getting longer too."

"Oh, no! What will Big Macintosh think?" Twilight panicked, her brains working in overdrive. "Mom, Dad, it was all a lie? Did Celestia know about this?!"

"After your mishap on the day she accepted you, she suspected, but she was never sure." Luna sighed a bit.

"Do you think I'm stupid or something?!" Twilight demanded.

"Not at all, in fact, I believe you're the smartest pony in all of Equestria." Luna said with confidence.

"This is all so very unlikely. What is my real name then?" Twilight asked.

"It is Twilight Sparkle, and I am Luna Sparkle." Luna said.

"So wait, you're telling me Celestia has the same family name as me, and she didn't realize it this whole time?" Twilight asked skeptically.

"Well, actually, Sparkle isn't her family name. We aren't really sisters." Luna explained.

Twilight stared at Luna for a moment. "What.... WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" She cried out, completely and utterly confused.

"I understand that this is a lot to take in. That is why I am telling you so briefly." Luna sighed a bit. "You see, one day, over a thousand years ago, the sun and the moon aligned perfectly in an eclipse. allowing two alicorns to be born to two couples, both made up of two earth ponies." She explained. "One was me, the other, Celestia. It was decided by the former king that we were fated to rule, side by side for all of eternity."

"This is ridiculous." Twilight fell back on her haunches, shaking her head.

"Twilight, it is true. I am your mother." Luna said. "I know none of this really makes sense..."

"Damn right it doesn't!" Twilight screamed.

"Twilight, please." It was very obvious by her voice that Luna's heart was breaking.

"No!" Twilight was fuming. "Why wouldn't you say anything when I beat Nightmare Moon? Why have you said nothing ever since?"

"I know, I know." Luna hung her head. "I messed up, big time. What I did was worse than Nightmare Moon."

"Oh, that's another thing, how the hell could I be the daughter of the pony that became evil and turned into Nightmare Moon?!" Twilight snapped.

"I think it's time you heard the story... the story that isn't in any book. The story of Daytime Glare." Luna sighed.

"Daytime Glare?" Twilight raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Yes." Luna said. "It happened just over a thousand years ago. The zebra were ready to declare war on the ponies, arguing for equal rights.They were treated just awful, no thanks to Celestia."

"Celestia?" Twilight laughed a bit. "You're trying to blame this on Celestia?"

"The Celestia you know is different from the one back then. Celestia was young, and selfish. She didn't care about the problems of the people, she only cared about being the ruler. She hated the idea of sharing her power with me. When I think back, I guess I should have seen the signs..." Luna hung her head, looking ashamed.

"The signs of what?" Twilight asked.

"Her change." Luna sighed. "You see, her greed and selfishness caused a change in her. Her coat got brighter and brighter until it shimmered with all the colors of the sun. She began becoming more secluded, not even wanting to go out to be praised by her subjects. She looked like Nightmare Moon, only... somehow, her light was so much more powerful, you couldn't even stand in the same room as her without being severely intimidated. The final straw for her was when the zebra declared war on her. Not all of Equestria, just her. Perhaps they were the only ones who saw what she had become." She wiped a tear from her eye. "I tried to reason with her, but she just kept pushing me away. The day after war was declared.... the sun didn't come... at least, not to Equestria."

"What happened?" Twilight asked, unsure as to why she was listening to this story that she didn't really believe.

"The sun came up on the Zebra Homeland that day... for the last time. To be more accurate, it came down on the Zebra homeland... there were almost no survivors..." Luna now had tears flowing down her face. "If I would have stopped her, if I would have just done it sooner..."

"Done what sooner?" Twilight felt a lump in her throat, as if she somehow already knew the answer.

"I took her evil into myself. Equestria needed its charismatic leader, it could survive without the princess nopony remembered. I knew what I was doing. What I was changing myself into, but... I suppose I had grown to really think of Celestia as a sister, and... well, I was willing to take her place if it meant that she'd be safe." Luna sort of rambled, trying to rationalize her change to both Twilight and herself. "If only I'd known it'd affect me that much..."

"Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me that the Princess was a big, evil dictator, and you took in her evil, which turned you into Nightmare Moon, but she had more evil than you thought?" Twilight rubbed her temples, trying to comprehend this.

"I can understand why you wouldn't believe me." Luna sighed.

"Why would you pick Lyra, anyways? Why wouldn't you just do something like... oh, I don't know, take over Celestia and make her send you back to Equestria?" Twilight said.

"As for Lyra, she was a good pony with a pure heart, even the littlest bit of corruption could be sensed by Nightmare Moon, so I had to pick her. I communicated with her through a kind of telepathy, and I explained my plight. She seemed more than happy to help. She even agreed to allow me to have her be pregnant." Luna said, a bit sadly.

"W-who was my father, then?" Twilight asked, hoping that she was being tricked.

"You do not have a father." Luna sighed a bit. "I know it may be hard to believe, but I impregnated myself."

"W-what? Why?!" Twilight demanded.

"Because I knew... I knew that only a pony that was extremely powerful in the element of magic could defeat Nightmare Moon, only the child of two alicorns. As for not taking over Celestia, well, I asked to be sent to the moon." Luna said, waving a hoof a bit.

"Why would you do that?" Twilight asked.

"I knew that what I was becoming, what was taking over me, I knew that it was an enormous danger to all of Equestria, and couldn't exist here on Earth." Luna sighed. "I know you must not believe me. I don't even believe me sometimes."

"Luna... I don't know why, but I believe you." Twilight thought back to her mishaps with Pinkie's strange signals that would somehow tell her something was going to happen, wondering to herself why her skepticism had gone away so quickly in this case. Was it this emotion that had encompassed her life these past few days? Was it the emotion of love? She shook her head, trying to focus. She looked to her back, small feathers beginning to grow from the bumps on her side. She shuddered a bit, trying to get back to the conversation, thinking she must have just imagined it or something. "But if what you say is true, what is making Celestia evil again?"

"You mean you haven't heard about Cloudsdale?" Luna asked. "I thought for sure that everypony would know by now..."

"Know what?" Twilight asked.

"Cloudsdale has seceded from Equestria, and is now declaring war if Celestia doesn't step down." Luna sighed.

"Then... then... the reason she's locking us up must be..." Twilight gasped with realization.

"Correct, she is getting rid of everypony that could force her to step down, I believe." Luna frowned.

Twilight racked her brain, trying to figure out what to do. "Wait... the elements got rid of your evil, maybe we could do the same with Celestia." She nodded, smiling.

"Sorry, Twilight, I tried that when she first began her change. It would appear that her evil was better protected than Nightmare Moon's, it would appear that there is a secret seventh element that nopony knows about." Luna said.

"Yes, one of my books said something about a seventh element that was too powerful to be held by any one pony. But I couldn't find anything on what that element was." Twilight nodded. "I didn't really believe it, I mean, sure, nopony knew about the original six to begin with, really, but to have a super-secret seventh just seemed ridiculous."

"I can assure you, the book was right. There is a seventh element that not a single pony understands, not that we really understand how the six we have discovered work." Luna sighed a bit. "Twilight, I know that it doesn't mean much now..." Luna frowned, staring down at her hooves. "But I'm very sorry I couldn't be there as your mother like I should have been. I feel just awful."

"Luna... um... Mom... I don't blame you. I do feel kind of upset that my entire existence is for the reason that you thought I could beat Nightmare Moon, but I don't think you meant any harm by it." Twilight said after a long pause. She shook her head. Did I really just say that? She thought to herself. This pony that I barely know is telling me she's my mother, and now I'm saying it's fine? What the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm very glad to hear that." Luna sighed with relief.

"As of right now, we have more important matters to deal with, anyways." Twilight said.

"Such as?" Luna asked.

"Well, for one, I believe it's about time we pay our princess a little visit, and after that, we have to go and convince Cloudsdale to rejoin Equestria." Twilight said.

"You always were quite the planner." Luna laughed.

"Thanks." Twilight blushed a bit. "I'd better go through first, Mac will be happy to see me."

"Mac, you say?" Luna asked inquisitively.

"Yes." Twilight blushed a bit. "He's my mate..."

"Well, well, well." Luna laughed a small bit.

Twilight hopped into the dirt hole in the wall, an overwhelming sense of happiness strangely encumbering her. She didn't think that a revelation such as this would ever make her happy, but here she was, grinning like a fool as she crawled through a tunnel of dirt to the jail cell she had been placed into. What in the world could it have been that has made me so happy? She thought to herself. She looked back at the pony crawling behind her, smiling brightly. This pony, the one she traveled through hell to defeat, was her mother. And she didn't think she could have asked for a better mother. She looked at the bit of light at the end of the tunnel that was her cell, containing her lover. She sighed blissfully. "Yup." She murmured to herself. "I've got it made."

End of Twilight's Second Story

Well, hot dang, one hundred tracking this story. I'll post a special chapter sometime soon in addition to my next chapter, which, by the way, if you want spoilers to it, here is a big one. I put it in picture form so that you don't have to see it, and I didn't want to post a different chapter for it or anything. This right here is for real, yo, I double checked it and it makes sense this time.