• Published 27th Sep 2011
  • 32,113 Views, 454 Comments

Mating Season in Equestria - ratmage99

Watch as the dark side of Equestria is revealed when mating season comes around.

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A Party for the Ages - Pinkie Pie's Story

As the broken record that is I said: "Thanks to Claudia Donovan for the picture."


Author's note: This chapter takes place the day before Twilight and Big Macintosh left for Canterlot.

Pinkie Pie bounced happily around the shop, cleaning up from the mess Apple Bloom had made earlier. Her ear began to flop. Her eye fluttered and her knee twitched. "I wonder who that could be?" She said to herself. A knock came to the door. "Come iiiiiiiiin." Pinkie practically sang.

Applejack opened the door, stepping into the bright room that was Sugarcube Corner's kitchen. "Howdy, there, Pinkie."

Pinkie gasped. "Hi Applejack! Did you come here looking for snacks, because I've got some snacks! I've got cupcakes, and candy, and I've got cupcakes... did I say that already? Oh well, I still have them! So, do you want them? Huh, huh, huh?" Pinkie rattled on.

"Hold on there, sugarcube, I ain't really got time to get into pleasantries with ya'. With Big Macintosh gettin' ready to go to Canterlot, I gotta work double if we want all our apple bucking done by the time winter comes. I came here because there's a new pony in town and I know y'all like to throw parties for every new pony." Applejack said, obviously very tired. "His name's Stefano, and he's holed up over at that little shack near Sweet Apple Acres."

"Oh, boy! I can't wait to throw him a party! I'll bet he's tons of fun!" Pinkie grinned the wide grin that her friends rarely see her without.

"Just you be careful, sugarcube, he's kinda' grabby with mares." Applejack said, a bit dismayed.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm slippery!" Pinkie grinned, hopping in place.

Applejack shook her head a bit, laughing. "Good luck, hon. Y'all may need it." She walked out the door, sparing one more worried look back at Pinkie before shutting the door.

"Oh, boy, a new pony is in town!" Pinkie Pie giggled excitedly. "I can't wait to introduce him to everypony!" She hopped over to the window, turning the open sign around to closed, and bounced out the door. "Hello, new neighbor... no, wait.... Greetings, new neighbor... no, wait... Welcome, new neighbor!" Pinkie sang each line a few times to see how it would sound. "Yeah, that'll work." She giggled, bouncing past the Carousel Boutique and the library, singing to herself. "Is this it?" She wondered, stopping by the small shack that Applejack had told her that Stefano was staying at. She smashed her face on the door a few times, which was her own little way of knocking.

The door opened to reveal a pony with a dark blue coat, his mane was jet black, and slicked back straight behind his head. But his most distinguishing feature was the small mustache that clung to his upper lip. "Allo?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "What is this? A beautiful mare on my front porch? Must be a gift from the heavens!" He had a very strong latin accent, all of his r's were rolled, and his i's sounded like e's.

Pinkie Pie stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. "Your voice! It's so funny!" She giggled.

"Ah, chica, you wound me." The stallion said, turning his face away from her. "But I shall persevere! Would you care to join me for tea?"

"Oh, right! I forgot that you're new here!" Pinkie Pie cleared her throat, humming a note. She burst into song.
"Welcome, new neighbor, I hope you like our town!
We all love new faces, so thanks for coming down!
We're glad you chose our humble burg, where good times never end!
We're all so very glad you came, we'd like to all be friends!"
Pinkie finished her song, grinning at the confused stallion.

"Well... I thank you..." The stallion looked very very confused. "But, about the tea?" He shook his head a bit, trying once again to pour on the charm.

"Okay!" Pinkie grinned. "But after that I have to go get a party ready for you!"

"I see, so you enjoy the parties?" Stefano asked.

"I love parties! Do you love parties?! I love parties because they're parties! What's your favorite thing about parties?!" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"I enjoy the chance to look at beautiful ponies. But none I have met so far have rivaled your beauty." Stefano gave a small bow to Pinkie Pie.

"Oh! That reminds me, I still have to introduce you to Rarity! She's really pretty! She'd love you! She loves good-looking stallions, except for Prince Blueblood, but he was a big dumb meanie-head." Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Ah, good-looking stallions like myself, yes?" Stefano smiled proudly.

"Sure. I think Rarity would call you... a... a..." She tried to recall the word. "Oh, I remember! A hunk!"

"Ah, you flatter me, miss." Stefano bowed slightly. "Please, come in."

"Okay!" Pinkie Pie grinned, hopping in. "Oooooooh." She said, looking around the house. It was decorated with various statues and paintings. The walls were brilliantly striped with a multitude of bright colors: reds, greens, blues, all the colors of the rainbow.

"Do you like my decor?" Stefano asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"It's so pretty!" Pinkie's eyes were wide with excitement. "It reminds me of Sugarcube Corner!"

"It reminds me of your beautiful eyes." Stefano took her hooves in his. "You are a gorgeous creature, and I do not even know your name. Tell me so I may shout it from the rooftops!"

"I never told you my name?!" Pinkie gasped, jumping up. "Oh my gosh, how could I forget?! I'm Pinkie Pie! I loooove parties!"

"Allow me to greet you how my people greet each other, with a kiss." Stefano leaned in.

Pinkie Pie giggled. "That's silly! If you kiss everypony, then what do you do with your mate?" She snorted a bit.

"Ah, chica, you have speared this poor stallion in the heart with your harsh words." Stefano feigned fainting.

Pinkie Pie giggled. "You're funny! I like you! You're going to have a good party!"

"Ah, of course, chica, the party." Stefano nodded a bit.

"Sorry to leave you so quickly, but I've got to get things set up! I'll come get you when the party's ready!" Pinkie Pie grinned.

"Ah, yes, chica, but first..." Stefano sighed as Pinkie bounced out of the open door. "It would appear the old Stefano charm will have to be turned up to capture this slippery mare. Time to turn it up to diez!"


Pinkie Pie was back at Sugarcube Corner, decorating with her seemingly endless supply of streamers from a small box placed next to her. She happily hummed her welcome song, smiling brightly. "He was really funny!" She giggled quietly to herself. Gummy stared blankly at her. "What's that, Gummy? Smitten? I am not!" Pinkie said defensively. Gummy's tail wagged back and forth, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth.

Pinkie coughed a bit nervously, blowing up a balloon. She tried tying off the balloon, but to no avail. The balloon flew across the room, letting out a loud noise as it did so. Pinkie blushed a bit. "Oh, Gummy, what's wrong with me? I've had crushes before, why is this any different?" She thought hard. "He makes me laugh a lot. I guess that's different." She gasped a bit, bouncing. "I know! I'll go and tell him I like him, and then he'll say he likes me, and then I can set the party up with no issues!" Gummy yawned, blinking his eyes. "I am not being ridiculous!" Pinkie said. "Come with me and see!" Pinkie picked Gummy up, holding him up to her hair, which he promptly bit down on. She giggled, hopping out of the building. She spotted Applejack walking tiredly through the town square, appearing to be in quite a rush.

"Heeeeeey! Applejack!" Pinkie called out to the orange pony. Applejack turned around, looking very surprised.

"I thought y'all would be setting up that party right about now." Applejack said.

"I was, but now I'm heading over to Stefano's house to tell him I like him!" Pinkie grinned.

"Pardon?" Applejack asked. "You just met the feller an hour ago, sugarcube! Y'all can't possibly like him after that short time!"

"Rarity liked Blueblood before she met him." Pinkie said pointedly, still not losing her grin.

"And look at how that turned out." Applejack replied.

"Oh, you're just a silly." Pinkie Pie said.

"Now, now, Pinkie, don't you think y'all should put a bit more thought into this?" Applejack suggested.

"Nope!" Pinkie grinned. "Gotta act while I can! Don't want any other mare scooping up my stallion!"

"Pinkie!" Applejack was shocked at her friend's behavior. "This just ain't like you! Well, I suppose you've always been pretty eager..." She sighed a bit. "Just you be careful. I ain't gonna be happy if I have to kick his rear 'cuz he got y'all pregnant."

"Of course I'll be careful!" Pinkie giggled. "After all, I still have to set up the party today!"

Applejack sighed a bit. "Well, I gotta get goin'. Good luck with yer... whatever." She shook her head a bit sadly, walking back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Pinkie bounced to Stefano's house, knocking on the door in the manner she always did, knocking her face against the door. The door opened, a very distraught looking Stefano standing in the doorway.

"Ah, it is you!" Stefano said. "That took... very little time."

"Oh, I'm not here to get you for your party yet. I'm here because I like you!" Pinkie grinned.

"Ah! You... wait... what?!" Stefano looked very confused.

"I like you! You're cute! Like Gummy! Oh! This is Gummy!" She turned around, showing him the alligator clinging to her mane.

"You flatter me." Stefano suddenly seemed much happier. "You have filled this past hour with dismay at your absence."

"You're silly!" Pinkie giggled. "So, do you like me? Huh, huh, huh? Do ya, do ya, do ya?!"

"Miss Pinkie... I have loved a great many mares, but... until now, none of them have made me feel as you have. Few ponies have made me work as you have." Stefano chuckled.

"I didn't make you work at all." Pinkie cocked her head.

"I do not think you understand quite how simple it has been in the past." Stefano mused. "But no longer! This stallion is a one-mare-pony forevermore!"

"I don't believe you!" Pinkie grinned. "You always were! You just didn't know it!"

"Uh, what?" Stefano asked.

"Nothiiing." Pinkie sang happily. "So, when are we getting married?" She asked.

"Pinkie, I do not think you understand how it works." Stefano said, a drop of sweat rolling down his cheek.

"Sure I do!" Pinkie grinned. "I like you, you like me, let's get married!"

"But, Pinkie-" Stefano started.

"Tuesday? Good idea! I'll go get everything started!" Pinkie grinned, humming as she hopped back to Sugarcube Corner.

"What have I gotten myself into in this new town of Ponyville?" Stefano sighed, shaking his head. "At least she's cute."


End of Pinkie Pie's Story

Author's notes: This was a bit more of a relaxed chapter, sort of a comedic relief to lead into some story. Don't worry, we certainly are not done with Pinkie Pie and Stefano.I liked the idea of having a saucy latin playboy attempt to seduce the oblivious pink ball of energy, and ending up being seduced himself. I tried extremely hard to keep the characterization in this one perfect, and I believe that I succeeded, at least on Pinkie's end. I made this a shorter chapter simply because there was not a whole lot of story to it, and it was really more of an introduction to future chapters. I still have no idea exactly how many chapters this will be, but I'd say we're probably less than halfway done. Enjoy this chapter, because it's the last you'll see for potentially a week, as I will be fixing up a few things in the older chapters before going on to the next one. Also, before anypony says it, there was a reason for Applejack to be in town square, and, as I'm sure you're getting tired of hearing, it'll make sense in a later chapter.