• Published 17th May 2013
  • 398 Views, 1 Comments

From begining to end. - SwedeBrony

This is a story about a colts life from begining to end. The good and the bad.

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The Begining

Chapter 1: The Begining

As i stood there tears flowing from my eyes and a knife firmly held in my hoof i thought back to how all this began. My name is Silver Steed and ever since i was born i have been abandoned. My birth mother left me and my brother to my aunt. It seemed okay from the begining. I mean i lived with a middle class family in canterlot. My family was made up of me, my brother Trusty, My mother Sugar Sprinkles (who was really my aunt),and my father Brawny charger. My life was really good and i was happy with my family until i turned 9. Ofcourse when i turned 9 i was made to attend school in canterlot.

My first day of school i was really nervous and anxious at the same time. I really wanted to make new friends. The school bell rang and i went to my class room. We were greeted by our teacher at the door and she showed us where we would be sitting. When we were all seated our teacher contiued up to the whiteboard. She sat down at her desk and started calling out our names. Everything went fine and then she called my name.

¨Silver steed?¨

¨here¨ i answered quickly. All of a sudden i could hear laughter behind me and colts whispering.

¨what kind of a lame name is that?¨

¨Yeah i know right¨ they continued to laugh at my name.

¨stop it!¨ i shouted back.

¨what are you going to do about it?¨ the pegasus answered. I would later come to know him as Storm Crasher.

¨alright both of you stop it now!¨ our teacher yelled at us. We both looked at our teacher and then we remained silent.

The day continued as it should have and i spent most of recess and lunch talking to my older brother Trusty. When the school day came to an end we both headed home together. When i was at home i would spend most of my time playing together with my brother or playing with my toys alone in my room. I eventually got into a routine of waking up in the morning, heading of to school and then coming home and playing. The first weeks of school went like it should have. But one day during our recess i was playing alone and Storm Crasher and his friends Lightning Dasher and Strong charger came up to me.

¨what are you doing? playing alone because you have no friends? weirdo.¨ Storm Crasher said to me.

¨I do have friends but they are playing with other people right now¨ I answered him.

¨Yeah like anyone would like to be your friend¨ Storm Crasher quickly replied.

At first i was a bit schocked at his reply. I had never had anyone insult me before. I didn't say anything back. I just sat there thinking for a moment. Storm Crasher took this as a opportunity and took one of the toys i had brought from home.

¨hey thats mine. Give it back!¨ i shouted at him.

at this point they turned and walked away essentially stealing my toy. I tried to talk to a teacher but none of them listened. So ofcourse i talked to my brother. At the point when i talked to my brother i was really upset about this.

¨Don't worry brother ill get it back for you¨ he smiled at me and then walked of to find Storm Crasher and his friends. My brother returned about 10 minutes later with my toy and i asked him how he got it back. He didn't want to tell me (although i later learned he had threatened them with a rock). I was really happy and i thought my problem was solved. I really thought this would be a one time kinda thing but ofcourse i was wrong. A couple of days later i once again ran into Storm Crasher. I tried to be polite and said hello to him but he just picked up a big branch and charged at me. I got really scared and started to run from him. But it was to no use after about five minutes he caught me in a remote location of the schools playground and he started hitting me. Eventually he gave up and i went back to class.

¨Oh my celesstia what happened to you Silver?¨ my teacher almost shouted.

i looked around the room and saw that Storm Crasher was there and a feeling of terror gripped me.

¨ i..i fell and hurt myself¨ i lied just to be sure Storm Crasher wouldn't do anything stupid.

I then went back to my desk and continued my school day. When the school day finally came to an end i went back home where my mother scolded me for not being careful. At this point i was very upset. I immidently went to my room and cried myself to sleep. This would not be an isolated event like i had hoped for this would continue for weeks, even months.

The summer past quickly and school was back in session. Week after week i would get bullied and beaten by Storm Crasher and his friends. I had given up hope of ever making any friends. But one day i got an invitation to a birthday party and i saw this as my oportunity although i was a bit hesitant first. I decided to attend the party and try to make some friends from the class. I didn't know the birthday colt very well i had only talked to him a couple of times and he was a really nice guy.

I arrived at the party early as my mother escorted me there. And as fast as i went inside i wanted to leave. I didn't want my mother to get angry at me so i pretended to enjoy it until she left. Right after she left i ran into the closest bathroom and locked myself in. I had seen two very big problems directly when i arrived. First of all Storm Crasher and the rest of his mean friends were there. And secondly there was balloons everywhere. I hadn't really thought about the probability of there being balloons since i had had a phobia of them since i was very young. After about 30 minutes i decided to go out and be brave. Right when i entered the main room where the rest of my class mates were i regreted it. Right when i entered they started to pop the balloons and i fled for the bathroom just to find it occupied. Ofcourse with my luck Storm Crasher's friend Lightning Dasher saw me and noticed that i was crying.

¨Hey Storm! the weirdo is over here crying. come look at this!¨ Lightning Dasher shouted to Storm Crasher who came over and saw me crying. It didn't take long for him to realise what i was crying because of. And so they decided to toture my by popping as many balloons as possible around me. I panicked and had to flee the party. I spent the rest of the evening sobbing on a bench outside their house until my mother arrived. I ofcourse lied to her and she couldn't see that i had been crying. The next day in school i got bullied by all my class mates. And so started the worst time of my life. I had no friends, And my whole class was mocking me.

I snapped back to reality and saw that i was still holding the knife in my hoof. I took a deep breath and moved the knife over to my other front leg. I made a quick cut along the length of my leg. As i leaned back and watched blood starting to pour from the wound i remembered back to my childhood once again.

Author's Note:

Note this story is heavily inspered from real life situations take from my own life. If anyone that reads this find this to disturbing i do apologise.