• Published 17th May 2013
  • 399 Views, 1 Comments

From begining to end. - SwedeBrony

This is a story about a colts life from begining to end. The good and the bad.

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The Cemetary

Chapter 6: The Cemetary
The Fullmoon was shining bright as we were trotting along the dark streets of Canterlot. I was lost in my thought looking up at the beautiful night sky while the others were talking about the book and other things. I don't know why but I had this feeling that we were being watched. But the feeling disappeard quickly. After ten to fifteen minutes of walking we stood outside the cemetary gates. We all took a deep breath then we continued in to the cemetary. We walked along row after row after row of gravestones. Finally we found a place to sit down.

"This looks like as good of a place as any" Raven said already sitting down.

The rest of us did what she had done and sat down next to her. We were on a small hill in a remote corner of the cemetary. We could see far over the rows of gravestones. We were also sitting with our backs to the cemetary wall and a couple of oak trees. Me, Gloomy and Bones were looking at the surroundings when Raven cleared her throat to get our attention.

"Well my gentlecolts before we begin I want to read you all a poem"

The three of us instantly redirected our attention to Raven as she began.

"As we trott along in our lives. Never forgett whats important. Remember your friends,Remember your pain and remember that you are mortal."

We clapped our hooves as she finished

"Thank you. And now back to the reason we are here"

Her horn started to glow as she levitated the book off the ground and up to her face. She flipped through the pages until she came to the right page.

"Okay before we begin if anypony wants to backout do it now"

We shook our heads to say that all of us wanted to proceed.

"Good let's continue then" She scanned the pages of the book and mumbled something we couldn't quiet hear.

"Domine exaudi me. Mortuos excitare vos dicimus. Obsecro ab nobis" Raven spoke strange words from the book while casting some sort of spell. And when she was finished. Nothing. Nothing had happened. She finished and started to look around.

"Meh like I thought it's fake" she sighed loudly

Suddenly we heard wings flapping and it was followed by a dark booming voice.

"What are you doing here!"

All of us jumped and Raven got scared and out of reflex she shouted


And we did as she said. We ran out of fear. It was dark and we couldn't see where we were running. I tripped over a gravestone and fell to the ground. Raven and Gloomy stopped and shouted for Bones to slow down. That's when it happened. Bones quickly turned his head to look at us while he was still running. He tripped over a gravestone and disappeard into the darkness. The only thing we heard was a loud crack and a thump. I quickly got up on my hooves and we ran torwards where Bones had been.

When we got to the gravestone he fell over the only thing we saw on the other side was a dark hole.

"Raven use your horn to light up the hole"

She used an Illumination spell and we all took a few stepps closer to the hole. When we looked down my heart stopped for a second. Bones was lying down in the hole in a puddle of blood. Raven screamed and started to cry. I was panicking and then Gloomy jumped down into the hole. He started to shake Bones body violently.

"Wake up Bones! Stop screwing around and get up! WAKE UP!" he shouted while shaking the body of his best friend

We didn't even notice when a Canterlot guard arrived to see what was going on.

"Whats going on here? I heard screaming" He sounded confused and started to walk over to the hole. When he saw what had happened he jumped down into the hole and tried to drag up Gloomy to me and Raven. Gloomy didn't offer much resistance and was quickly dragged up and placed on the ground next to Raven who was now lying with her face down into the ground crying and screaming. The guard hurried over to me and tried to talk to me. I was having a panick attack so I couldn't answer when he tried to speak to me.

"Stay here and don't move" He said as he galloped away to fetch more guards. He returned after about five minutes with six more guards. I had now collapsed next to Raven and Gloomy and was crying aswell. One of the guards quickly ordered the others to take us to the guard station. Two guards grabbed onto me and Raven and began to try and get us to walk with them. When they tried to help Gloomy he lashed out and screamed and kicked. The guards had to have three ponies grab onto him and drag him with them down to the guard station. Neither me nor Raven could move we were just barely conscious as they walked away with us.

We were sitting down on a couch in the guard station. Several guards tried to talk to us but got no answers. Raven and Gloomy were still crying hysterically and in a state of shock after two hours. The captain of the guard entered the room and trotted up to me. I wasn't crying anymore as he attempted to speak to me.

"What's your name son?" He asked me

"S...Silver Steed" That was all I managed to say.

"Okay Silver here is whats going to happen. We are going to keep you three here untill tomorrow morning and then we will ask you some questions okay?"

I just nodded. After he was done explaining what was going to happen the three of us were put into separate cells for the night. I fell asleep on the bed still traumatised. I awoke when I heard a guard scream for help and then I heard the sound of hooves running through the hallway. I heard the hooves coming closer again and I looked out into the hallway. What I saw was three guards run past carrying Gloomy. He wasn't breathing.