• Published 17th May 2013
  • 399 Views, 1 Comments

From begining to end. - SwedeBrony

This is a story about a colts life from begining to end. The good and the bad.

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Chapter 2: Trouble?

The next morning i woke up early as i always did. I think it was 7 in the morning. I got out of bed and went downstairs. When I entered the kitchen I saw my brother sitting at the table eating breakfast. I didn't say i word to him we just nodded to each other and continued with our morning rotuines. "good morning" me and my brother say in unison as our mother enters the room. She just looks at us and sighs. She was looking horrible this morning. Her mane was a mess and she looked like she hadn't sleept at all.

"umm...we are going on a field trip today with the school and i need you to sign this.", I hand my mother a piece of paper and she signs it.

"Well I'll cya later little brother", my brother says as he exits the kitchen and proceeds to get his backpack and set of to school.

I sigh quietly as i see my brother walk out the door leaving me alone with my mother. She turns and looks at me with a strict face.

"if you are going on that field trip today i want you to be careful and always listen to your teachers"

"Yes i will mother" I answer sounding a bit annoyed. "ofcourse I will be careful how dumb does she think I am" I think quietly to myself. I finish my breakfast and go get my bag. Im about to head out the door when my mother stops me.

"and where do you think you'r going?" she asks me sounding a bit mad.

"Im heading of to school?" I answer her.

"Not on your own"

I sigh loudly "You know I don't like it when you follow me to school"

"wether you like it or not you'r not going alone"

I open my mouth to say something but i quickly give up. "Fine...can we go now?", She nods and we head out the door and start to walk to my school. There is not a lot of ponies out on the streets this early in the morning. I look over to the other side of the road and there I see him Storm Crasher. He is walking on the other side of the road on his way to school with his mother. I try to pick up the pace so he won't see me. Too late, he sees me and calls out my name. I freeze in fear and don't know what to do. Soon he and his mother is on our side of the road and our mothers are talking to each other. I try to get my mother to finish the conversation so we can move on but she won't listen. Storm Crasher is looking at me with his smug smile trying to make me feel uncomfortable. He is succeeding in doing just that as the more he looks at me the more uncomfortable I feel.

"That sounds like a good idea" my mother says. I snap back to reality and realize what our mothers had been talking about.

"Good we will come around after Storm comes home from school". Both our mothers nod in agreement and then me and my mother continue to walk. It took me a minute for the reality to sink in. My mother had just invited my bully to a play-date at my house. I start to feel horrible and I can't stop thinking about what will happen. My mother looks at me with a frown.

"You never listen to me when im talking, Do you?" she is starting to sound a bit upset. I shake my head trying to disagree with her but that dosen't help. At this point i zone out and stop listening while my mother continues to scold me for not listening. Finally we arrive at the school and i feel so relieved.

"Oh well got to go now mom I'll cya later" I say as i rush off to meetup with the rest of my class. As i enter the class room I see that most of my class is standing around a table looking at something. I try to get a view of what they are looking at but I don't see anything. But as soon as our teacher enters the group disperses and I can see what they had been looking at. Lightning Dasher had gotten his cutie mark and he was showing off. I tried to not pay attention to it since I didn't want to think about cutie marks since I didn't have one.

Everypony is now walking over to the many different tables in the class room to sit down. I look for somewhere to sit and decide to take the small table hidden away in the corner of the class room. As i walk over to it and sit down our teacher begins to speak,

"Alright so before we can head of on our little fieldtrip there are a few ground rules we need to cover" our teacher Ms.Dream says.

Now ofcourse at this point i zone out completely and stop listening. All that is going trough my head is whats going to happen today after school...what is storm crasher going to do to me? what can he do to me?. Then a thought strikes me. "if we are at my house he can't do anything against me" I think to myself as a smug smile starts to spread across my face and suddenly im no longer dreading whats going to happen this afternoon.

"So does everyone understand the rules?" MS.Dream asks as i start listening again. "Yes MS.Dream" everypony answers in unison.

"Good then let's get going" MS.Dream finishes her little speach and starts to lead us out of the class room and out onto the schoolyard.

After about what seems like an eternity of walking we finally reach the forest where our fieldtrip was going to be. As we enter the forest and arrive at the spot where they always held this fieldtrip every year we are greated by another teacher. It's our gym teacher. I never really did like him. Although that was quiet obvious since im not the most athletic pony.

"Alright so today we are going to be doing something very fun" he announces loudly.

There is a bit of an awkward silence after this as we don't know if he is expecting us to ask what or hes just going to tell us. After about a minute he finally continues.

"We are going to be doing woodcarving today"

"great something really boring with dangerous tools" i mutter quietly to myself hoping no one could hear me.

At this point the usual happens where our teacher proceeds to tell us how we can and can't use knives and what the punishment for playing with the knives is. The punishment is detention or suspension from school. After this everyone is given a small pocket knife we are supposed to do woodcarving with. As soon as i recieved my knife i walk off to the outskirts of the groupe so i can be alone with my thoughts.

As i sit down ontop a rock as far away as i can get from my class without breaking any kind of rules about going to far away from the groupe. I start to talk to myself in a low tone incase anyone passes by.

"Why does it suck to be me so much?"

"Because you are a whiny annoying idiot" the respones comes from behind me. Although i couldn't see the colts face im still sure who it is. Storm Crasher.

I turn aroud to ask him what he wants. But as i turn to face him im met with a unpleasent sight. Storm Crasher is standing there with his pocket knife drawn. At this point i get a bit nervous although Im sure he is not crazy enough to try and attack me with a knife id rather not risk it so i decide to not say anything in response.

"Well has the little idiot gone mute now?" he asks mockingly.

I don't say anything and just wait for him to continue.

"Well as it seems like your listening to me i will make this short. When you arrive home today you will tell your mother that you don't want to see me. But your going to have to say it so it looks like your the one bullying me."

"And why would i do that" I ask him trying to act as if i don't care

"Well because if you don't and i found out you told your parents sometime like that im bullying you. Well then i will come after you and really hurt you. But if you just do as i tell you to i will leave you alone"

My heart almost stops for a second. Is he serious? would he really leave me alone if i did what he asks me to? I start to think for a second that he must be lying. Finally i come to the conclusion that i don't have a choice it's do or die on this.

"I guess i don't have a choice so fine" i sigh at the thought of having to do this.

"Good then i will leave you alone for now. But remember if i get to know you told somepony about this your a dead colt"

I shiver at the last thing he said before he walked away.

"Did he mean dead literally? would he go that far? Surely not" i think to myself.

I spend the next couple of hours thinking about my life and about my future. After about two or three hours we head back to the school. As we approach the schoolyard i can already see my mother standing there waiting for me. I walk over to her and we start to head home. As we walk home from the school i start to prepare myself to do what Storm Crasher asked me to. Finally i build up enough courage to do it.


"Yes what is it?"

"I don't want to meet Storm Crasher today." I sigh in relief thinking this would be the end of the discussion.

"Why not sweetie?"

Ofcourse she would't let it end there. I get myself ready to continue.

"Well i just don't want to. I dont like him"

"What do you mean you don't like him?" She asks sounding a bit worried.

"He is mean to me for no reason" as i say this i feel a bit worried about what my mothers responce will be.

"Now that i don't believe. Such a sweet colt being mean?"

Im shocked by her answer. Does she really not believe it. I get a bit nervous as i continue the discussion with her.

"Yes he is really really mean"

"Okay so what has he done?"

at this point i hesitate to continue as Storm Crasher threat echoes inside my mind.

"N...nothing" I say feeling defeated.

"Did you just try to lie to me young colt? Because that sounded like a lie. You can't just say that ponies are mean and then say that they haven't done anything so which is it?"

I sigh as i answer her.

"He hasn't done anything."

"So you lied to me" my mother is now starting to sound angry.

As i get ready for a scolding of a lifetime i see the door to our simple house and i feel as if i have been saved from a fate worse than death. Ofcourse i was foolish to think my mother would dropp the scolding just because we were home. As we enter the house the scolding begins for real. She starts to scold me for being a liar and for not telling the truth. During the argument she gets so mad that she starts to scream at me. Once the argument is finished i go upstairs to my room without a word. Lock my door behind me and lie down on my bed crying.

"I hate my life"