• Published 17th May 2013
  • 398 Views, 1 Comments

From begining to end. - SwedeBrony

This is a story about a colts life from begining to end. The good and the bad.

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The Sleepover

Chapter 5: The Sleepover

As I awoke I felt like crap. Mostly because today was a school day and I was tiered from the weekend. But I was also feeling a bit sick. I yawned as I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes with my hoofs. Time for the same morning routine I thought to myself. So as usually I showered and after that went down to eat breakfast. When I entered the kitchen my brother was eating breakfast at the table and reading the Canterlot News.

"Good morning" He said in a cheerfull tone

"Morning. What are you doing awake at this time?" I asked him

"I'm starting my internship today." He answered me sounding really happy.

I nodded my head and then sat down and started eating my breakfast. When I was finished and doing the dishes my brother walked up to me and just hugged me.

"Have a great day lil brother" He said and then got his saddlebag and walked out the door off to work.

I didn't think about it much instead I decided to skip school today and prayed my parents wouldn't notice. I knew mom wouldn't notice because she was working. Dad however was still sleeping. I decided to take the risk and decided to stay home. I walked upstairs into my room and put on some music and laid down on my bed. As I laid there on my bed and listened to my music I felt sad for some reason. I don't know why but I felt like crying a bit. I was close to start but I instead got up from my bed and went over to my bookshelf and took a look at my music collection. The Pony Banshee's, Equestrian Ghosts and Eternal Night were a few of the cd's I had in my collection. I picked up The Pony Banshee's and decided to listen to it. It was sad music with lyrics talking about the end and paradise. Suddenly I heard a knock on the front door. I went downstairs and opened the door.

"Oh hey Dusk I knew you would be here" It was Raven speaking.

"Oh hi Raven. Um were you looking for me or?"

"Yeah I thought we could hang for a little bit" She was obviously skipping school just like me.

I invited her in and we went up to my room where my music was still playing. We both sat down on my bed. She was the first one to speak.

"Ah I love this song. It's one of my favorites" She said as a new track started playing.

"Yeah it's a good one" I replied

"So I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to sleep over at my house on friday. My parents are working so it would just be you,me,Gloomy and Bones.

"Sure that sounds like fun" I replied sounding somewhat happy.

"Okay good well see you on friday then" And with that I followed her downstairs and she left and walked in the direction of the town square.

The week was really un-eventfull and passed quickly and finally it was Friday afternoon. I stood outside the school gates and waited for the rest of them to show up. After five minutes of waiting Bones and Gloomy showed up. We small talked for a bit untill Raven showed up.

"Hey guys let's start heading to my house" She said as she came from around the corner.

"Where were you Raven?" I asked curiously as we began walking.

"I'll tell you late Dusk" She replies with.

I nodded and we walked the rest of the way small talking a bit. It took us ten minutes to walk from school to Ravens house. When we reached the door she pulled out a key from her saddleback and unlocked the door.

"You three go ahead and wait for me in my room I just need to lock the door."

We walked into Ravens room and sat down on the floor and waited for her. Her room had black painted walls and the walls were decorated with a lot of posters. On the floor three mattresses were laid out. Raven walked in and joined us after having locked the front door. The next few hours passed quickly. We walked and listened to music. We even read poetry and lastly we ate dinner. When we were done eating and doing the dishes it was about nine o'clock in the evening. We walked back into Ravens room and sat down when I remembered what I had asked her earlier today and decided to ask her again.

"So where were you earlier today Raven?"

She looked up at me before starting to talk.

"Okay so I have something special planned for tonight"

We all listened as she got ready to tell her story.

"Okay so I was walking around the town square earlier today not wanting to go and attend class. So there were a few colts around there that decided that it would be funny to shout mean words at me. So I decided to walk into the Canterlot Public Library knowing that they wouldn't follow me. So when I was in the library I wanted to go and find a book or two that we could read today because I know how you guys love a good scary or depressing book. I was walking around the library when I saw a part of the library I had never been in before. It was furthest back in a corner of the library. So as I decided to go over there and see what kind of books that were there I only found one book."

And with that she paused and pulled out a book from her saddlebag. It was a thick book with a black front cover and the only visible words were "Necromancy and other superstisions". All three of us looked amazed at the book while Raven sat on her bed smiling a smug smile.

"So anyway I rented this book from the library and I sat around for a bit in the town square reading for a bit. I came to chapter three which was called Ghosts & other Superstision. In the chapter it talked about the dead rising from their graves during a full moon if you have a unicorn that can perform a simple spell listed in this book."

Me,Bones and Gloomy looked at Raven thinking that she couldn't possibly want us to do what we thought she wanted us to do.

"So I thought we could give it a try just for fun since it's a full moon tonight."

The three of us looked at each other and then back to Raven. And all at the same time we nodded.

"Good then we better get moving"

And with that we walked out of the house and locked the door behind us and after that we started to walk torwards Canterlot Cemetary. I had a feeling that this would be a very bad idea.