• Published 17th May 2013
  • 399 Views, 1 Comments

From begining to end. - SwedeBrony

This is a story about a colts life from begining to end. The good and the bad.

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It Gets Worse

Chapter 3: It Gets Worse

I wake up the next morning feeling like crap. I get out of bed and just sigh because another day has begun. As I walk out of my room Im met by my brother. We look at each other for a second before I turn to talk away. But just before I get the chance to leave my brother speaks.

"I head the fight you and mom had yesterday and I just wanted to say that if anyone in school messes with you just tell me and I will help you."

I nod at him and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. As I go about my regular morning routine my mom comes into the room. I say nothing and pretend she is not even here. She is the first to speak.

"I talked to Stroms mother this morning and you know what she told me?" I didn't answer and pretended that I didn't hear her.

"She told me Storm had come home crying yesterday because you bullied him." I froze in place and my whole body went cold. I knew what was about to happen and I took a deep breath and got ready to speak.


"Not a word from you young colt.I thought I had taught you better than to be a bully.I want to know why you bully him. Is it because you want attention?! is it!"

At this point she was screaming like a mad mare. I decided to say nothing I just took it and kept quiet. The scolding continued until I had to leave for school but just before I left my mother told me that this discussion would continue when I got home. I felt better when I was walking to school because I got some alone time. When I was almost at school I heard a voice behind me. Before I managed to turn around I was tripped and fell to the ground.

"Nice going dork! hope you had a nice fall"

The voice was ofcourse none other than Strom Crasher himself.

"Yes yes very funny" I responded in an ironic tone.

"Yeah I thought so. Anyway how did it go? Did you do as I asked?" He asked sounding really curious.

"It went good for you I guess. Now my mom thinks im bullying you"

"Great! Oh and by the way our deal is off"

"What! You can't do that! It's not fair"

"So what? What are you going to do?Tell your mom? like she would believe you"

And with that the discussion ended and Storm walked over to me. I got up from the ground and got ready to walk away when he suddenly kicked me right in the stomach. I lost my breath and fell back down to the ground and stayed down. At that moment Storm started to walk away. By now I had started to tear up a bit. After about five minutes I finally got up from the ground and started walking the rest of the way to school.

I entered my classroom and everyone stopped to look at me. I walked over to my desk silently and sat down.

"Ah Silver Steed so nice of you to join us" My teacher Mrs.Bumble said in her cold harsh tone.

"I...Im sorry I tripped and fell on my way to school" I mumbled quietly

"It's the third time this week you are late. I want to talk to you after class. Understood?"

"Yes Mrs.Bumble"

After this the class went on as usual with Mrs.Bumble talking and drawing on the chalk board. I ofcourse drifted away into day dreaming. I came back to reality when the bell rang. Everypony exited the classroom exept for me and Mrs.Bumble. She motioned for me to come up to her desk.

"So Silver this is the third time your late this week. You know i have to talk to your mother now"

"NO PLEASE DON'T!..please don't tell my mom" I was starting to tear up a bit

"Those are the rules and I have to obey them and you know that"

"O..okay can I go now?" I asked in a very sad tone

"Yes you may leave now"

I walked out of the classroom now on the brink of crying. I looked for the closest bathroom and locked myself inside of it. While I was in there i cried and thought about how badly my mom would shout at me. But the worst was that I knew that she would not let me explain anything. When I came out about ten minutes had passed and I decided to go and get some lunch. As I walked to the luch room my thoughts drifted away in a failed attempt to make myself feel better. Upon reaching the luch room I was Storm standing blocking the entrance forcing other ponies to give him their bits that they were going to buy luch with. I quickly decided to skip eating and go back to the classroom and wait for the next class to being. As I walked back i thought about what I could possibly say to explain to my mom that I was late because Storm beat me up. I didn't come up with any way to explain to her. When I finally reached my classroom I sat down on a bench and waited. About twenty minutes passed and the rest of the class had slowly started to return to away our next lesson.

"I heard he got beat up by Storm" I heard a filly in my class say to another one.

"Yeah what a coward he is if he just takes the beating. But i guess that is why he has no cutiemark" The other filly replied and they both laughed.

I knew that they were talking about me and I felt worse than I already was feeling. Although this made me angry I didn't feel like starting a fight so I just let it go and tried to ignore them. About five more minutes passed and Mrs.Bumble finally came back and let us in into the classroom. We went back in and walked over to our seats and sat down. Class quickly continued and like normally I began day dreaming. I day dreamed about a reality where I wasn't beaten and bullied. I know it was just a day dream but it seemed like paradise to me. Eventually the school day ended and I waited for my mom to come and pick me up. When she finally arrived Mrs.Bumble walked over to us.

"Hey would you mind if I have a little chat with you about Silver really quickly?"

My mother shook her heard and followed Mrs.Bumble back into the classroom leaving me outside. It felt like and eternity before my mom came back out. I was now very nervous and decided to ask my mother what they had talked about.

"So...what did Mrs.Bumble want to talk about?" I asked nervously. She didn't answer and we just started walking back home not saying a word to each other as we walked. When we finally reached home and walked through the door like I had expected all hell broke loose and the shouting began. We argued for a long while bus as I tried to explain that Storm had beaten me up mom snapped and slapped me quiet hard. I said nothing and just started to run up the stairs. When I got up to my room I slammed my door shut and locked it to prevent my mother from being able to walk in. I was so angry that I began to throw around my toys and other stuff before I finally collapsed on my bed and sobbed as I wondered why this was happening to me. This continued for several years and I never forgave my mother for how she treated me. But everything would get a lot worse I just didn't know that yet.