• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,634 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

  • ...

Chapter 1: Welcome Back, My Friends!

It was a cool spring morning in Ponyville. The weather was scheduled for a clear day, with some light clouds that evening and night. The sun was only starting to peak over the edge of the horizon. Thin beams of light trickled through the window of the library, playing over Twilight’s coat, her eyes focused and her feet planted, just as she had every morning for months.

Ever since the Jewel Seed incident, Twilight’s life had been neatly upended. Once, she had been a simple unicorn; the highly talented personal protégé to Princess Celestia and all-around-savior of Equestria, but still an egghead.

That had changed when she had stumbled upon Yuuno Scrya in the middle of the Everfree Forest, and accidentally gotten herself, and by proxy her entire country and her fellow ponies, involved in something far beyond anything they had ever imagined. Now she was the owner of a powerful Device named Raising Heart, and had gained many new friends.

The Device in question hovered before her in her telekinetic grip. It was a simple tool; a long white shaft with a pink butt and cap, the head of the staff a gleaming golden C-shaped ring. An apple-sized spherical red jewel, the core of the Device, pulsed in the center of the ring, glowing in reflection of Twilight’s unicorn magic.

“Alright Raising Heart,” Twilight narrowed her eyes in concentration, “let’s try this again.”

“STANDING BY,” the Device chimed as it replied.

“Begin mana diffusion,” Twilight commanded as a pair of circles sprang under her hooves, quickly filling with runes and a pair of linked squares. The Mid-Childan circle spun slowly as Twilight concentrated. The air began to glitter gently as energy began to spread out like a fine mist.

Commencing mana diffusion, a quiet, mechanical voice echoed telepathically. Proximity control optimal. Ambient energy level at five percent over standard… ten percent… fifteen percent…

“Continue diffusion until ambient energy level reaches fifty percent.”

Acknowledged. Thirty percent…

Twilight inhaled and exhaled slowly as the air grew thick with magical energy. The air around her took on a faint heat-shimmer effect, the pink motes of light dancing and swirling like sugar in a glass of water.

“Hmm.” Twilight tilted her head, a bit of parchment and a quill floating over as she began to write. “Ambient mana becomes visibly observable at forty-five percent concentration, just like the previous experiments. Alright, let’s start with the manipulation.”


Twilight lowered her quill and concentrated. She gave the cloud of mana a telekinetic push, channeling the haze into a rough horizontal cylinder. The glittering haze swirled slowly in the channel, extending from one end of the room to the other like a shaft of dust suspended in sunlight.

Twilight glanced off to the side, where the familiar wooden bust of a unicorn sat. The bust began to glow and levitate, moving into the channel and sliding down the channel smoothly.

“Interesting.” Twilight slid the bust up and down the channel, sweeping it slowly at first, then quickly back and forth. “High ambient energy increases magic stability and conductivity. Raising Heart, current usable mana right now?”

Current usable mana reserves at ninety-five point six percent and maintaining.

“Definitely an improvement. Certainly makes using magic a lot easier.” Twilight set the bust down and yawned. “I think that’s enough for right now, Raising Heart. Don’t want to wear myself out this early in the day, after all. Return to Standby form.”

“Couldja keep it down?” Spike grumbled sleepily as he peered over the edge down at her. “Tryinta sleep…”

“Sorry Spike.” Twilight floated her Device back over to her, the staff having collapsed down into a marble-sized red jewel on a chain. She reached out and lifted up her page of notes, her quill scratching away as she recorded her findings.

Today was going to be a good day.


The swirling hues of D-Space slid by the Time-Space Administration Bureau Patrol Ship Arthra, its tuning-fork shaped hull gleaming as its Dimensional Drive hummed. The deep turquoise and green fields of energy surrounding the TSAB’s headquarters was a welcome sight for Admiral Lindy Harlaown, as was the massive space station hovering in the distance.

The TSAB’s Headquarters was surrounded by rings of satellites and sensor platforms. The running lights of incoming and outgoing Dimension Ships flickered in and out like fireflies around the massive central spindle.

“Here’s your tea, ma’am.”

Lindy blinked and craned her head back as Amy Limietta, her intelligence officer and second-in-command approached with the tea service.

“Ah, thanks Amy.” Lindy sighed as the brown-haired girl poured the jade-green tea into the earthenware cup, dropping in several cubes of sugar afterwards. “I hope you’re ready for shore leave. Anything special planned?”

“Not really,” Amy glanced out of he bridge’s wide viewport at the slowly approaching station. “I was actually just going to lounge around. All that’s left is a quick hop to Equestria, and then a whole month of shore leave while the Arthra's undergoing re-fitting and upgrading.”

“Haha, just don’t get too lazy.” Lindy poured some cream into the green tea and stirred. “Or I might just come by and find a way to keep you busy.”

Amy giggled as Lindy sipped her tea. “Speaking of busy, how are our passengers doing?”

“Last I checked, they were in the mess hall having lunch. They’re probably catching up with each other.”


“So, I hear you’ve been given a provisional license, Fate.”

Fate Testarossa-Sparkle nibbled daintily at her salad as Arf took a seat beside her. “That’s correct. It took a while, but Chrono helped out a lot with my certification exams.”

“I mostly just helped with the paperwork.” Chrono noted dismissively, taking a bite out of his sandwich. “Bureaucracy is always a pain when one isn’t in the system properly. I did help with the written exam a little, but the practical was all Fate.”

“As if there was any doubt,” Arf gloated, ruffling Fate’s mane playfully. “My Master is as brilliant as she is adorable. Of course she aced the exam.”

Yuuno couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sounds like Twilight’s rubbing off on you. What do you do when you’re on vacation from school? Take an exam to get licensed as an official mage of the Bureau. How is school going, by the way?”

“Really well. I got a late start, but I think I’ve impressed the teachers. Twilight‘s parents are also really nice. They‘ve been checking in on me regularly…” Fate munched on a carrot as she regarded Yuuno. ”So, how was your clan? I heard it took you a while to track them down.”

It was Yuuno’s turn to puff up a little in pride. “They’re exceptionally proud of me. It’s not every day one discovers an entire new society while out in the vast and wide universe. My exploits will go down in the history of the Scrya Clan as a stellar example of the explorer‘s spirit.”

“I’d imagine it takes a lot to impress the Scrya clan, considering they’re all basically adventuring explorers-come-archeologists,” Chrono pointed his sandwich at Yuuno. “Doubly so for someone like ferret-boy.”

“Hey, I do have a name you know, mister tall-dark-and-broody, and it’s not ferret-boy.” Yuuno stuck his tongue out at the young Enforcer. “And you’re just jealous.”

“Mister tall-dark-and-broody?” Chrono arched an eyebrow, his voice deadpan. “Since when do I brood?”

“Since always.” Yuuno tucked his chin against his chest and crossed his arms. “Look at me, I’m Chrono Harlaown. I’m always stoic and serious and I talk like this and wear lots and lots of black-gah!”

Yuuno flinched as Chrono thumped him on the forehead with the half-eaten bit of his sandwich. “A sandwich? Really?”

“I don’t have a spray-bottle to correct your rude behavior.” Chrono smirked, “If you prefer, I could just arrest you. I’m sure there’s a nice ferret-sized cell in the brig with your name on it.”

“Help me Fate, Arf,” Yuuno giggled and held his arms up, “I’m being assaulted with a sandwich!”

“Don’t look at me.” Arf smirked, showing off her fangs, “you’re prey. If Chrono didn’t catch you, I’d just gobble you up.”

Fate, meanwhile, was too busy giggling to get a word in edgewise.

“All joking aside, I’m glad you returned.” Chrono exhaled. “I honestly thought you were just going to vanish into the ether with the rest of your nomadic clan. Then it‘d be a pain to find a replacement for you.”

“I might have at one time,” Yuuno sighed, resting his chin on one hand, “but I couldn’t now. I want to go back to Equestria...”

“Does someone miss a certain purple unicorn?” Arf teased, causing Yuuno’s face to turn red.

“Well, yes…but more than that. I miss all the friends I made there. Twilight and her gang, the Cakes, everyone…”

“You won’t have to wait long.” Chrono swallowed the last bit of his sandwich. “The TSAB is sending an official diplomatic envoy to Equestria, and you were on the short-list for it.”


“Mhmm. There’s been talk that Equestria may be recognized by the Bureau as a Self-Governed Area.”

“Like the Saint Church?”

“Correct. It was Director Gracia that suggested it, if what I‘ve heard is accurate.” Chrono glanced at Yuuno. “And seeing as you were the one that discovered the civilization there…”

“Well… I suppose that makes sense. I assume you and now-Admiral Harlaown are also on the team?”

“You assume correctly.”

Arf chuckled. “I can’t wait to see the look on Twilight’s face when she sees us.”


“It’s good to see you again, Admiral Harlaown,” the purple-haired, bespectacled woman on the monitor said to Lindy.

“Same to you, Leti.” Lindy leaned back in her chair. “It’s been a while.”

“It has. Belated congratulations on your promotion, old friend. I would have taken you out to celebrate, but you know how work gets sometimes.”

“Amen.” Lindy steepled her fingers as she regarded the monitor. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure Admiral Lowran? Somehow I doubt that this is a social call.”

“Unfortunately, no. I’m just calling to notify you of the envoys you’ll be escorting.”

“Oh yes. Did they finally decide on a suitable selection?”

Leti shook her head. “It only took them a year. You have no idea how much this Equestria business has rattled the Bureau’s cages. We had quite a few volunteers, but the higher ups decided on a relatively small group.” Leti glanced down and picked up a sheet of paper, pushing her glasses up as she did so. “In addition to select members of the diplomatic corps, there will be one representative from the Saint Church, a Sister Schach Nouera. The naval liaison will consist of Admiral Gil Graham and his two subordinates…”

“Gil?” Lindy blinked. “That’s surprising…”

“Well, Gil does have a substantial record and pull within the Bureau. Plus, he has first-contact experience as well, being from a Non-Administered World.” Leti pushed her glasses up again. “This isn’t exactly a standard operation, after all.”

“I know, I was just a little shocked. He usually doesn't go on missions nowadays. Still, I wouldn’t mind having him along. Who else?”

“We also have confirmation from a member of the Scrya Clan who discovered the civilization…”

“Yuuno Scrya. He’s already on board.”

“Mhmm. And you and your son will be handling transport and security, respectively.”

“They probably chose us because we’ve already had contact with the local authorities. Smart move.”

“Most likely. Admiral Graham will be waiting for you when you arrive at docking bay seven.


The airlock connecting the Arthra to the docking bay hissed open, allowing Lindy and her associates out onto the connecting bridge without incident. Outside the corridor, people in protective gear floated by, moving between ships and guiding machines into port.

“I’m actually surprised that I’m going on a mission with Admiral Graham.” Chrono noted as he walked with the group down the connecting corridor, his gait a little stiff as he rubbed his palms against his uniform trousers. “It’s been a while since the academy.”

Fate glanced up at Chrono as they walked. “You know him?”

“He was my mentor when I was applying to be an Enforcer.”

“He’s also a friend of the family,” Lindy smiled. “We owe him a lot.”

“If he’s your mentor,” Arf sniffed the air as she looked Chrono over, “then why are you so nervous?”

“I’m not nervous…”

“Yes you are, don’t try to fool me,” Arf smirked and tapped the side of her nose, “I can smell it.”

“Okay, I’m nervous…but not about Admiral Graham.”

“Then why-”

There was a hiss as the door at the end of the corridor opened, right before a gray-black-and-white blur leapt through and pounced on Chrono.


“Ack! Lotte!” Chrono squirmed as the cat-eared girl gripped him in a crushing bear-hug, mashing his face into her chest. “Not so tight! Let go!”

“Aw! Come on Chrono,” the cat girl smirked as she released him, her hands on his shoulders, her tail swishing high in the air, “is that any way to treat your former teacher? Come on, give me a little kiss!”

“Ohhhhh, no, it’s never just a ‘little kiss’ with you. Mother! Amy! Help!”

“I don’t know,” Lindy looked like she was trying to suppress her laughter, “it doesn’t look like you need help.”

“It certainly looks like you’re enjoying yourself.” Amy gasped between giggles.

“Some help you are.” Chrono grumbled as Lotte mewled, licking his cheek playfully.

“I think that’s quite enough Lotte,” an older, masculine voice called from the room beyond. “You can catch up with Chrono once we’re under way.”

“Aw. Yes papa.” Lotte giggled and released Chrono.

“That explains it.” Arf shook her head as Chrono did his best to wipe the saliva off his cheek.

The room beyond was a relatively simple waiting room, with a large viewport overlooking the ships outside. Seated near one window was a cat girl similar in appearance to Lotte, though her poise and her calm gaze separated her from the more hyperactive feline.

Lotte trotted over towards a tall, broad-shouldered man in blue-and-white. His uniform jacket bore gold shoulder decorations, and his hair was a shade of silvery-gray, with a prominent mustache and a short-boxed beard. He gave Lotte a rub on the head before turning to face the rest of the group.

“Admiral Graham, it’s good to see you again.” Lindy smiled warmly and took Graham’s hand, shaking it.

“It’s been far too long Lindy. Chrono, I see you’ve been doing well for yourself.”

“Sir!” Chrono drew himself up, eliciting a chuckle from the older man.

“At ease, Enforcer. Aria and Lotte have been rather excited to see you again after so long.”

“Some of us more than others,” the calm catgirl stood from her seat, walking over and standing beside her sister and her Master.

Graham turned and looked at Yuuno. “And you must be the Scrya child. I’ve heard much about your clan.”

“Yuuno, sir. A pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand.

“A pleasure to meet you as well. It’s always good to see that other children are just as driven as my protégé is.” Graham then turned to Fate. “So, this must be the legendary ‘child of lightning,’ Fate Testarossa.”

“You…know that name?” Fate blinked, obviously a little shocked.

“Of course. I was one of the admirals that your Princess spoke with when we interviewed her. I apologize for not making your acquaintance sooner.” Graham crouched down, resting his hands on his knees as he got eye-to-eye with the pony.

Fate blushed slightly. “I… wasn’t exactly available during that time.”

“I know. However, I’m glad to see you’ve recovered, and that you have many good people as your friends.”

“Thank you sir.”

Graham rose back to his feet and looked at Arf. “And this is your familiar, I presume. Mid-Childan Dire Wolf unless I miss my guess.”

“Yes sir. I‘m Arf, pleased to meet you.” Arf extended a hand, which Graham took and shook firmly.

“I can’t say that I’m much of a dog person, but a good familiar is hard to come by. I hope you don’t mind the Liese Twins.”

“I get along just fine with other animals, thank you.” Arf wagged her tail.

“Ooh! Papa, can I play with her later?” Lotte giggled as she peeked around Graham, her fingers curled slightly into fists.

“Now now Lotte, I’m sure you can wait for a while.” Graham chuckled as he turned back to Lindy. “Sister Nouera should arrive soon, and then we can get underway once everyone‘s been loaded up.”

“Of course Admiral. Right this way. I’ll have someone show you to your quarters. It's a pretty sizable cruise, so I hope you've packed...”


Fate squeaked as Lotte hugged her neck. “So soft! So cute! I just wanna hug you and never stop!”

“Hey, hands off my master!” Arf growled as Lotte stuck her tongue out at her.

Graham sighed and chuckled, even as Aria shook her head. “I swear,” the other Liese said, “you’d think she’d learn not to be so pounce-happy. We’re the same age, but I seem to have gotten all of the maturity.”

“Come along Lotte. Behave yourself.”

“Yes papa, coming!”


Some Time Later



Twilight stumbled slightly as Rainbow Dash launched a kick at her, bringing up her forelimbs to block. The rainbow-maned pegasus pressed her assault, punching away at Twilight as the unicorn backed up, her white karate gi fluttering as her hoofs thumped on the padded floor of the dojo.

“Come on Twilight,” Rainbow stepped back, beating her wings as she lifted her hooves into ready position. “You can’t just keep blocking, you have to attack too! That’s the whole point of sparring after all.”

“I’m not just blocking. Besides, it’s sort of hard to attack when you keep punching at me like that Rainbow.” Twilight peeked up from behind her hooves, balancing carefully as she took her stance. “I’m barely out of white belt, remember?”

“Well, you’re not going to get any better if you don’t take a few hard knocks. You don’t have a shell to hide in like Tank. Come on, fighting stance! Show me your moves!”

Twilight sighed as she took her stance again, a few beads of sweat dripping down into her uniform. Every week, she had been meeting up with Rainbow Dash to practice hoof-to-hoof combat, partly to work out, partly to get herself familiar with the sport, and partly for practical reasons.

“Alright, ready?” Rainbow bounced from hind-hoof to hind-hoof.

Twilight breathed in slowly and nodded.

Rainbow lunged.

Twilight stepped back as Rainbow punched at her, the pegasus’s hoof missing her forelimbs by just a few inches. She watched carefully, stepping back and ducking as she observed Rainbow's strikes closely, then ducked downwards and punched out a hoof.

Her strike connected with something soft, and Rainbow stumbled back with a loud ‘oof.’

“Nice one, Twi.” Rainbow snorted at the unicorn as she rubbed her midsection, landing on all fours.

“Are you alright?” Twilight blinked.

“Yeah. Didn’t expect you to actually tag me though.” Rainbow winced. “Yeah, that’s gonna sting. How about we take a break for a bit, then we can work on your form a bit more? I don’t want to give you a lump on the head before Pinkie’s party tonight.”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked, then face-hoofed. “Of course! That’s tonight isn’t it?!”

“Jeeze Twilight, you sure I didn’t accidentally rattle your brain with a lucky shot?” Rainbow smirked.

“No. I’ve just been so busy. Even without having to write Friendship Reports to the Princess every week, I’m always so distracted.”

“Still doing research with that Device of yours? Sheesh, ever since Yuuno left you‘ve been focused on your work.”

Twilight blushed. “I just don’t want to get rusty when it comes to magic. Besides, it’s for a good cause.”

“Egghead.” Rainbow Dash teased.

“Hey, you laugh now, but once I publish my notes on Mid-Childan Spell Conversion I’ll be famous. Well, more than I already am.”

“Famous for being an egghead. Come on Twi, get a drink. I wanna get back to whooping you into shape.”

“Okay, okay,” Twilight laughed as she shook her head, wandering off to get a drink from the fountain.

She let her mind wander as she leaned down to get a drink. I can’t believe I forgot that Fate was coming back today. I really should try keeping track of things better; after all, what kind of big sister forgets something like that?


“And here’s where you’ll be sleeping at. I hope you don’t mind using Twilight’s old bedroom.”

Twilight grinned nervously from beside her parents as Fate looked around the room. The Sparkle family wasn’t exactly hurting for money; the room was quite large, one wall filled with books and the remaining walls decorated in an astrological motif. The dainty young pony tested the bed, then climbed onto it, blushing as she looked back at her new family.

“It’s amazing. Thank you. All of you…”

“Think nothing of it, Fate,” Twilight’s father said.

“It’s been ages since we’ve had someone your age running around the house.” Twilight’s mom smiled as she walked over, sitting beside Fate. “We just hope you’ll be comfortable here.”

“I think I will be.”

“Great! Why don’t we let you get settled while me and Night Light get your things.” Twilight’s mom glanced at her husband, then back to Twilight. “Twilight, why don’t you stay with her while we go downstairs?”

“Sure.” Twilight stepped aside, letting her parents through before walking over to Fate.

“They’re so nice…” Fate murmured as Twilight climbed up on the bed beside her.

“Why wouldn’t they be?”

“Sorry, it’s just strange being so welcomed so easily. Especially considering I’m going to be living with them.”

“For the most part, though I hear Princess Luna’s been thinking of taking you on as her personal student.” Twilight grinned. “Excited?”

“Scared’s more like it.” Fate looked up at her. “I’ve…never been to a proper school before.”

“Don’t worry about it. I was a bit intimidated myself, but you’ll get comfortable in no time, little sis.”

Fate gave Twilight a wide-eyed look.

“What?” Twilight paused. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No…” Fate blushed and leaned in against her. “No, you didn’t."


Twilight sighed as she shook her head to clear the cobwebs, raising a hoof to wipe off her mouth.

I’m sure Fate will be plenty excited to see me and the girls again. And I can’t wait to see Chrono and Yuuno and Lindy and all the others. Tonight’s going to be such a great night.



The massive green dragon slammed against the cavern wall, snarling in pain and fear. An annoying red pest had invaded his home, which had been enough to aggravate him. But that was far from his mind at that point as he crawled onto his belly, his wings flared.

The red pest floated above his head, a small gleaming weapon raised up in the air in one paw.

“No more!” He snarled, cringing back. “Take whatever you want and go!”

“Tch. And you’re supposed to be a dragon. Don’t worry though, I don’t want your stupid jewels.”

The pest raised a large, brown book up in its other paw, the cover decorated with a golden cross and ring. The dragon felt a chill in the pit of his stomach as he stared at that book, the cover opening with a loud SNAP.

“I want something else. Now, hold still. This will sting a little.”


“Luna? Are you listening?”

Luna shook herself as she heard Celestia’s voice, her thoughts returning to the present situation. Celestia was giving her a curious look from across the table as one of the serving ponies floated her dinner onto the table.

“Forgive me, sister. I was…distracted. My attention was elsewhere.”

“Distracted?” Celestia arched an eyebrow. “Again?”


Celestia set her fork down, fixing her sister with a calm gaze. “Was it that presence again?”

Luna grumbled and nodded, glancing back over towards the window as the evening sky grew progressively more colorful. “It was. More and more I feel something pricking against my senses, but neither thought nor concentration leads me to the source of what troubles me.”

“I see.”

Luna turned back to look at Celestia. “Since Presea’s assault I have sought to be more… perceptive of things. Perhaps it is mere paranoia.”

“Maybe. If something were wrong in Equestria, either of us would know.” Celestia smiled. “We wouldn’t be getting vague feelings.”

“True.’ Luna frowned, “But I swear I felt… something.”

“Maybe it’s just nerves. The envoys from the Time-Space Administration Bureau should be arriving soon.” Celestia plucked a radish from her salad and popped it into her mouth.

“Indeed. I assume that the preparations have been made for their arrival?”

“Of course.” Celestia replied around her mouthful of food, then swallowed. “I’ve already had rooms prepared for them in the western tower. Guard details have been assigned and briefed, the announcements have been made to the press… everything is as it should be for such an occasion.”

“I see. And did you leave anything for me to do?” Luna replied with an arched eyebrow.

“Um…” Celestia smiled sheepishly. “Oops?”

Luna sighed and shook her head.

“I honestly didn’t mean too Luna, really. It’s just that these sorts of things have become reflex over the years.”

“I know, sister mine. Thine cleverness never ceases to amaze me. However, still I feel distant. With nary a conflict or force to face, I find myself at a loss, awash in the banal frippery of the noble court.” The moon princess nudged her plate gently. “Even the Nightmare Night festival you advised me to attend did not alleviate this ennui for long.”

“I’m sure you’ll find something to occupy your time. Aren’t you going to take Fate on as your apprentice when she returns?”

“Aye.” Luna exhaled and sat up primly. “Perhaps I am simply being moody for naught.”

“You, moody over nothing? Perish the thought.” Celestia teased. “Maybe you should find some handsome stallion to moon over. At least that‘d distract you.”

“You dare besmirch my virtue so?” Luna countered. “Hedonist!”

“Puritan.” Celestia grinned, flicking a radish from her salad at Luna. The vegetable bounced off the dark alicorn’s nose and rolled onto the table.

“First you insult our honor, then you dare assault our royal person with a lowly radish?!” Luna cried out in mock-seriousness. “I should have you arrested and thrown into the lowest of dungeons!”

“Too bad I’m a princess too. I can just command the guards to let me out!” Celestia giggled.

Luna huffed, but grinned and began to laugh as well.


“Five pages. Pathetic.”

Vita sniffed in irritation as she snapped the book closed, resting her Device on one shoulder as she glowered at the unconscious dragon. “You’d think something that big would have had a stronger Linker Core…”


The petite girl turned around as a great blue wolf entered the cavern, his jewel-like solid red eyes glinting in the shadows.

“Zafira,” Vita raised an eyebrow at her fellow, “I was wondering where you vanished off to. I take it you found something?”

“I have. I think I’ve located a particularly powerful target. It may be the one our Mistress spoke of.”

Vita paused. “Twilight Sparkle? Where?”

The great wolf nodded slowly. “Approximately thirty miles east of here. Her Linker Core is powerful. If what our Mistress said is true, then she would provide many pages to the Book of Darkness...”

“About time.” Vita smirked, letting the tome in question levitate under its own power. “I’ll finally have a challenge.”

"Vita, do you think it'd be wise to attack her? You remember what our Mistress said about her..."

"I remember... but this is more important. We need more pages. This is for her sake..."

Zafira sighed, then shook his head. “Very well. It might be best to approach in your other form. We don’t want to draw attention.”

Vita rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

A brilliant red glow suffused her body as her Device folded away into standby mode. When the glow faded, a red-coated, pigtail-maned unicorn filly stood where a petite, red-clad human girl once was, her flanks marked with a silver mallet.

“Would you prefer I carry you to the location?”

“Nah. I’ll just stay low to the ground when I fly.” Vita grinned, her horn glowing as she began to levitate. “Just keep an eye out, and be ready to create the barrier when I call, okay?”



You’d think that being so organized, I’d be able to find something easily in here.

Twilight grumbled under her breath as she trotted around the library, her horn glowing as she opened draws and lifted up books. The party was going to start in ten minutes, and she didn’t want to be late. However, there was a slight problem.

“Where did I put that present? I swear, I had it right here earlier… Spike?! Do you know where I put Fate’s welcome-home present?!”

“Did you try looking in the bedroom?” Spike shouted back as he climbed down from the ladder he was standing on, the last book shelved and in its place.

“The bed… of course.” The air popped around Twilight as she winked up, peeking under her bed and pulling out a large parcel wrapped in glittery purple wrapping paper. “It must have slid under there when I was putting things away. Alright Spike, quick check. Are all the books shelved for tomorrow?”


“Guest bed made for Fate if she wants to sleep over?”


“Floors swept, dishes washed and everything generally cleaned up?” Twilight trotted down the stairwell and into the main room.


“Closed sign hung on the front door?”

Spike started to speak, then paused as the door to the library swung open, the bells chiming as a filly walked inside.

“Um…hello?” Twilight glanced at the filly. She didn’t claim to know everypony in Ponyville like Pinkie did, but she was sure that she didn’t recognize this one. She looked to be about the same age as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with a deep rusty red coat and a ruby-red mane pulled back in a pair of braided pig tails, her tail similarly braided. A short, stubby horn poked out over her large, dark blue eyes.

“I’m sorry, but the Library’s closed for the night…”

The filly’s gaze was focused on Twilight, almost like she was sizing her up. “You’re Twilight Sparkle?”



Twilight paused as the filly locked eyes with her. Those eyes were hard and determined, more befitting of a military pony than someone who attended primary school. And then Twilight noticed something around her neck; a silver and red cylinder, like a tiny hammer.

“Why…is that good?” Twilight took a cautious step back. Something wasn’t right here, particularly in the way the filly paused, glancing off to the side before turning back to her and answering.

“Because I’ve been looking for you.”

“If this is about magic tutoring, I’ll be sure to talk to your parents...”

“Shut up.” The filly snorted and stomped one hoof. There was a familiar, hollow chime as a strange magical array sprang up under her feet; a scarlet triangle connected at the tips with rings of glyphs. Red light seemed to explode up around her, replacing the red-coated filly with a human girl clad all in red, a wide-brimmed hat perched atop her head. A silver and red mallet rested against her shoulder, looking a lot like a high-tech croquette mallet.

A mage?! Twilight sprung backwards as the girl lunged towards her with a battle-cry, swinging her mallet. The wooden floor cracked as the mallet connected, sending splinters into the air. “Spike! Run! Get help!”

“But Twi-”

“GO!” Twilight shouted as she ducked under another swing, then winked away as the mallet splintered one of the library’s tables.

“Stop dodging,” the girl shouted as she held up a hand. A large metal sphere winked into existence in her palm, right before she lofted it into the air.

“SCHWALBE FLIEGEN,” the hammer announced as the girl struck the projectile, the sphere turning red hot as it streaked towards Twilight. Twilight’s eyes grew wide as she flung herself out of the way of the projectile, the sphere colliding with the wall of the library and blowing a massive hole in it as it smashed through. Twilight scrambled to her feet and dashed for the door, only for the girl to intercept her, hammer held at the ready.

“Who are you?! What do you want?! WHY ARE YOU WRECKING MY LIBRARY!?” Twilight shouted as she backed up, the girl approaching slowly, her armored boots thumping on the ground with each step.

The hammer swung down, only to jerk to a stop as Twilight concentrated, the head enveloped in her telekinetic aura. The girl’s eyes narrowed as she yanked on her hammer, grabbing it with both hands and pulling.

“I’m going to ask you again,” Twilight said, trying to ignore the strain. The girl was stronger than she looked. “Who are you, and what do you want?”

“My name,” the girl growled as she yanked on the hammer again, glaring daggers at Twilight over its shaft, “is none…of your…business! Wha-?!” The girl flailed as the telekinetic field quickly surrounded her, lifting her off the ground.

“Then if you can’t be a good patron of the library, I’m going to have to ask you to leave!” Twilight swung her head downwards, launching the girl through the open front door of the library, slamming it shut behind her.

That won’t keep her out for long. Why today of all days?! Twilight turned and looked over at her desk where Raising Heart sat atop her notes, wincing as the door exploded off its hinges.

“You’re going to pay for that!” The girl launched towards Twilight like a rocket as the unicorn yanked her Device over towards her.



There was a brilliant pink blaze of light as a protection wall sprang up, catching the hammer’s head. Twilight extended her arms and legs as she felt her Barrier Jacket form around her. The purple and white dress was similar in style to the outfit she had worn to the Gala save for its coloration and the heavy-duty armored boots that covered her legs to the elbows and hocks, respectively. Raising Heart’s staff form assembled rapidly from the flowing energy, the pieces clicking and hissing as they fit together.

The brief respite didn’t last.


There as a powerful crackle of energy as the mallet connected with the protection barrier, the head sending out a powerful shockwave as it connected. The reverberations rattled the windows, knocking books from the library walls as Twilight‘s barrier pulsed and bent inward. The barrier crackled, shattering into pieces under the blow and sending Twilight hurtling back into one of the bookshelves.

Raising Heart clattered beside her as the bookshelf dumped its contents all over her. Twilight shook herself, lifting her staff up as she got to her feet. She inhaled, wincing at the tiny spike of pain from the impact, then paused as she noticed the girl’s stance; one foot on top of a gift-wrapped box.

“You came into my library, broke nearly everything, attacked me, and now you’ve stepped on my welcoming-home present. I don’t know who you are,” Twilight glared at the girl, Raising Heart flicking into position and her horn igniting, “but you’ve succeeded in making me MAD!”


Spike huffed in panic as he clawed at the wall before him. It was bad enough some lunatic human was attacking Twilight, but now there was something blocking him from getting to the others.

His claws scrapped against the smooth, oddly colored force field futilely. The entire thing surrounded the library and the space around it like a cylinder, seamless and without exit. Even his attempts to dig under it showed that the shield simply continued into the ground, blocking that route as well.

There has to be some way…some way to escape…to get help! He winced, glancing at his claws, then inhaled and breathed a gout of emerald flame at the shield. It didn’t even leave a scorch mark.

And then there was an explosion. Spike spun around as the wall surrounding the door to the library exploded into splinters, the girl in red flying backwards with a loud cry before slamming against the shield. There was a second blur as Twilight, Flier Fin wings unfurled, shot out after her, Divine Shooter spheres winking into existence around her.

“SPIKE! GET IN THE LIBRARY!” Twilight’s voice boomed as her horn burned with her magical aura. The human girl leapt upwards as the Divine Shooter’s shots collided with the shield, the pair circling high into the air.

Spike didn’t need to be told twice. He was a baby dragon after all, and this sort of fight was no place for him. So he ran as fast as his stubby legs could carry him back into the wrecked library, diving under one of the few still-intact tables, then paused as he looked at Twilight’s writing desk.

“Of course!” He crawled out of his hiding space, grabbing a piece of parchment and a quill. Wincing as he heard the sounds of combat outside, Spike quickly stabbed the quill into the ink pot and scrawled four large letters onto the piece of parchment.


His writing done, Spike rolled the scroll up and inhaled, breathing a small gout of flame onto the parchment. The scroll exploded into glittering smoke…

…and promptly re-formed, dropping limply at Spike’s feet.

“Oh no…”


“Approaching Equestrian dimensional territory, ma’am.”

“Excellent,” Lindy nodded as the familiar purplish color of D-Space swirled around the ship. “Establish synchronicity and maintain relative dimensional vector.”

Lindy turned as the helm gave the affirmative, glancing at Yuuno and Fate. “Well, at least the trip went smoothly this time. I bet you two are glad to be back over familiar territory.”

“I am.” Fate smiled, glancing up at Yuuno. “I bet Pinkie Pie’s got a party waiting for us when we arrive.”

“That’s less of a bet and more of a certainty.” Yuuno chuckled, a hand going to his stomach. ”And I just worked off the pounds I got from all those sweets and cakes I kept getting fed too.”


“Yes?” Lindy frowned as she turned her chair back. “Something the matter?”

“I’m detecting some odd readings coming from Ponyville,” the young officer tapped away on his keyboard, glancing up at the screen. “It’s some sort of barrier!”

“A barrier?” Lindy rose to her feet. “Communications, try to contact Twilight Sparkle…”

“I’m trying ma’am, but the signal’s not getting through! There‘s some sort of interference.”

“The barrier seems to be focused on the Ponyville library!”

“You two,” Lindy turned to glance at Yuuno and Fate. “Get your things and head to the transit room. I‘ll have Chrono and Arf meet you there.”

“Yes ma‘am!” The pony and the boy spoke almost in unison before rushing off the bridge. Lindy turned back as she regarded the static-filled screens.

“”Sensors, link to the I-R room. I need an analysis of that barrier immediately. Tell me what in the world is going on down there!”



A dozen Divine Shooter blasts collided with Vita’s swirling red barrier, sending sprays of smoke and sparks in every direction. The purple unicorn was fast, startlingly so. The fact that she seemed to teleport at will and attack from seemingly every direction didn’t help matters.

Another purple field of energy formed around her. Vita shouted as she was flung backwards, her limbs flailing as she bounced off the barrier wall. She only barely managed to recover her balance as another volley of shots streaked towards her. She darted upwards, the machine-gun like stream of blasts leaving a trail of explosions behind her.

Vita held out one hand and swung her arm to the side, summoning four more iron spheres as she flew, sighting them carefully on the hovering unicorn. With a shout and a swing, she knocked them flying, brilliant red mach cones forming around the projectiles as they flew forth.

“COUNTER SHOT!” Twilight swung her staff around her body, the stream splitting into a scattered array of blasts that darted out on an intercept course. However, Twilight looked decidedly shocked when the shots struck Vita’s bullets, the blasts splitting around them harmlessly, right before Twilight winked away, two bullets colliding together and exploding into a haze of iron shrapnel and energy. The other two bullets swerved and coursed as Twilight reappeared, then disappeared again, detonating harmlessly against the barrier surrounding their battlefield.

Stupid teleportation. Vita glanced about, searching for where her target had vanished off to as she soared through the air. “Come out! I know you’re here somewhere!”

Sure enough, a volley of shots leapt up from the branches of the library-tree, darting in a rapid and erratic flight path. Vita swung Graf Eisen back, then slashed it through the small spheres, smashing them to pieces.

Right before she heard the familiar pop of Twilight’s teleportation and felt something hard and pointed slam into her back. Vita spun, only to barely parry the butt of Twilight’s staff. The two Devices clashed, sparks flying from Twilight’s telekinetic field.

“I thought…you ponies… were terrible… at fighting!” Vita growled through clenched teeth as she held the staff back.

“I’ve had practice,” Twilight countered, her horn burning brighter as she began to push Vita backwards, the wings of her flight-spell flapping sharply.

I might have to actually get serious with this. Vita jerked back, the shaft of her mallet clashing with Twilight’s staff as the unicorn stabbed and slapped at her with the butt. She’s putting up more of a fight than I expected.

And then a purple hoof decked her right on the nose as she parried another strike from the staff. Vita winced, a hand going to her face in shock. The blow had stung, enough to jolt her out of her thoughts. Twilight, meanwhile, had floated backwards, five bolts of energy appearing around her.

“WINK SHOT, FIRE!” Twilight swung a hoof down, launching the shots at Vita.

“Too easy!” Vita swung Graf Eisen upwards, erecting her barrier once again.

The bolts streaked towards the swirling field of light, then vanished.

“What in the-” Vita’s surprise was cut short as the quintet of bolts reappeared inside the barrier. A shout of pain escaped her lips as her hat flew off her head, the shots exploding on her Knight Clothing.


Twilight huffed, her chest expanding and contracting as she tried to breathe deep. Her Wink Shots had punched holes in sterner stuff than a simple Barrier Jacket. There was no way a girl her age, even with her defenses, could still be willing to fight.

Raising Heart, Status.

Usable Magic Reserves at sixty percent and declining, the Device noted, before it continued in a much more urgent vein. Master! Target remains!

What?! Twilight’s head jerked up as the smoke cleared. The girl was floating there, her clothing scorched in places and blood coming from her lip, but otherwise unharmed.

The look of utter rage, however, was new.

Impossible… she just shrugged off five direct hits! Twilight pulled Raising Heart into a defensive stance. How powerful is she?!

“That. Hurt. You‘re going to pay for that!” The girl shouted as she swung her mallet about her head and to the side, that strange triangle popping into being beneath her feet. The head extended outwards from the shaft, revealing several slots that looked like firing chambers.


“EXPLOSION!” There was a loud, thunderous crack as the hammer retracted, steam hissing up and around the hammer’s head.

That’s not good. Twilight swung Raising Heart around and back to its defensive stance.

“RAKETENFORM!” The girl’s hammer replied. The hammer shifted, a large golden spike emerging from one of the heads, while what looked like a nozzle of some sort extended from the other. There was a loud roar as a plume of flame fired from the nozzle, spinning the girl around rapidly before she swung towards Twilight, propelled at dizzying speed by her Device.

“Gah!” Twilight flickered away. She could feel the wind whip as she reappeared out of the way. The girl, however, would not be denied. Her flight path twisted as she streaked towards Twilight, the pointed tip of her hammer glinting in the moonlight.

She’s got me beat on flight speed. Twilight winked away again, coming out of her teleport at speed as she dove towards the ground. The whine of the thing’s jet was deafening. But if I can keep enough range between me and her, I should be able to dodge her attacks. I don’t know what she did to that hammer of hers, but I definitely don‘t want to be on the receiving end! I just hope she runs out before I do…

“RAKETENHAMMER!” the red-clad human girl shouted as she reached melee range. Twilight risked a glance backwards before teleporting, her hooves kicking up dirt as she slid sideways. The girl’s swing struck the ground, leaving a furrow as wide as Twilight was and nearly as deep. She landed in a crouch and leapt towards Twilight.

She’s too close! Twilight clenched her teeth as she warped again, the hammer-blow barely missing her head. Her staff swung wide as she loosed a series of Divine Shooter shots, the blasts volleying towards her opponent, only to scatter off an erected barrier as the girl bore down on her.

Another swing and another miss. Twilight reappeared in mid-air, a second ditch carved into the ground where she once stood. The unicorn could feel her maximum range rapidly dwindling as her head swam. That was the problem with rapid teleporting; it always made her a bit dizzy. And doing so many so quick only made things worse.

“FASTER, GRAF EISEN!” The girl’s voice rang loud and clear over the screech of the engine. “CHASE HER DOWN!”

“BEWEGUNG!” The hammer almost sounded enthusiastic. The plume of flame became a comet-like streak as the girl shot towards Twilight’s position, performing an aileron roll in the process.

How can this be happening!? Where is she getting all of this power!? Twilight felt her stomach roil as she willed herself into another teleport, the girl slicing through the air she previously occupied as she reappeared a few feet to the left.

Warning, Master; Teleportation range compromised. Energy reserves at forty percent and declining. Focus unstable.

I can’t risk another teleport; I might not get far enough away, and the warping is starting to catch up with me. Twilight swallowed her bile as her attacker swung around and came to a stop. And there’s no way I can out-fly her. We need to go on the offensive. Raising Heart, can we punch through her barrier?


We’re running out of options… wait. Twilight paused as the fire went out. Maybe she’s out of energy.

There was a distant crack as the hammer’s head extended, two small cylinders popping out. The girl reached behind her and into her clothing, pulling out another pair of shells and popping them into the hammer’s slots.

“EXPLOSION!” There was another thunderclap as the hammer’s engine lit up again. The girl pirouetted once again, hammer held in both hands before she leapt downwards, that dreadful whine announcing her intent.

“No time for Divine Buster.” Twilight swung her staff upwards, aiming the head carefully. “RAISING HEART!”


Bolts of pink light sprang into being as Twilight opened fire, her Flier Fins flaring as she flew backwards, trying to keep at least some distance. The bolts flickered and flashed, several flying wide, but several others striking true, leaving burn-marks along the girl’s red dress. However, she didn’t even deviate.


Pink rings flickered into existence, trying to snare the girl’s limbs and Device. Twilight’s eyes widened in fear as her binds snapped around empty air. Too fast. To much speed.

She’s too close!


The girl was on her before she could react fully. The hammer streaked in and struck home on Raising Heart. The sharp tip connected with the central ring. Pieces of golden metal sprayed outwards as the upper half of the ring shattered under the powerful blow.

ALERT: Central Ring Damaged! Shooting Mode Offline! Raising Heart’s warning was sharp and klaxon-like in Twilight’s head.

The unicorn raised a hoof as the hammer swung around again, this time aiming at her. A Mid-Childan spell circle sprang up in defense, the shield spraying sparks as it blocked the blow.

This didn‘t seem to phase Twilight‘s assailant. “BREAK THROUGH, GRAF EISEN!”

“JAWHOL!” There was a hideous whine as the jet of flame burned brighter, cracks spreading rapidly until the shield gave way like a piece of cheap porcelain.

“PROTECTION!” The hammer struck the second layer of defense as Raising Heart’s core lit up, the swirling barrier crackling and warping under the pressure of the blow. Twilight felt sweat run in rivulets down her body as she pumped power into her defense, only to feel her stomach drop as it too began to fail.

There was a loud snap as the barrier gave way. Twilight started to pull together her focus to wink away, only for that to escape her as the hammer struck her outstretched hoof, the tip puncturing her leg-armor. White-hot pain shot up her forelimb as she screamed.

Raising Heart’s response was immediate. EMERGENCY: Barrier Jacket compromised! Initiating reactor purge!

There was a flash of pink light as her fore-limb armor lit up, revealing the woven spells that made up the Barrier Jacket, followed by a second flash as the armor soaked up the remaining force of the strike and fragmented into pieces. The blow, however, sent Twilight flying, streaking downward like a comet.

Wood splintered around Twilight’s body, the Barrier Jacket taking much of the impact as she smashed through the roof of the library and into the floor. Twilight gasped for air, trying to regain her breath as she lay on her back. Her left foreleg felt like it was on fire, and sent spikes of agony into the rest of her body when she tried to move it. Her eyes, meanwhile, were focused on the hole in the ceiling.

Got…to…get up… got to… do something! Twilight tried to focus, to pull he fragmented thoughts together through the pain.


The unicorn felt Spike’s clawed hands on her, his little arms around her neck. “Twilight, I’m sorry! I tried to send for help, but I can’t get a letter through!”

“Spike…get…Raising Heart. Hurry…” Twilight hissed, biting back the desire to scream. “Aim…up.”

The baby dragon complied, grabbing the damaged Device and, straddling Twilight’s stomach, tilted the weapon towards the hole in the ceiling. Its ring was half gone, the cap on its butt showing stress fractures, but the core was still intact.

“Good…” Twilight smiled weakly, then clenched her teeth and tried to concentrate. She just needed a few moments to focus.

Raising Heart’s telepathic warnings weren’t helping. Firing System Transferring to core functionality. Warning: Central ring unstable. Functionality decreasing. Mana output declining. Warning: Auto-Protect system at fifty-percent functionality…

I can do this. We can do this. I can use Raising Heart and we can try to warp us out of this barrier. Come on Raising Heart, don’t let me down now!


The panicked shout cause Twilight’s eyes to snap open as a large, red-hot sphere streaked down towards their position. In instinct, Twilight threw every ounce of power she had into Raising Heart as her Auto-Protect system activated.

The iron sphere collided with the protective barrier, sending sparks of energy in concentric sprays around the room. The barrier held firm though, even as the sphere detonated against its surface.

It didn’t survive the follow-up strike. The mallet swept through the cloud of smoke, smashing into the side of the barrier, cutting through the weakened defense and connecting with Raising Heart’s core. The red jewel cracked, fissures spreading out from the point of impact. Both Spike and the Device were sent flying, the little dragon holding onto the staff for dear life.

“You know,” the girl huffed as her hammer’s head slid out, a cloud of steam exploding from the vents below its striking surface, “you’re way better than I heard. First time I‘ve actually gotten hit in a long time.”

“Please…” Twilight whispered as the girl slid what looked small cylinders into the hammer’s slots, “I… I surrender… Mercy…”

“Yeah yeah, ‘mercy,’ ‘don’t hurt me,’ ‘I give up,’ whatever.” The hammer returned to its regular length with a loud clacking noise, before the girl swung it upwards.


The girl bent forwards as Spike leapt onto her back. She screamed, turning and spinning as Spike sank his claws into her dress, holding on for dear life. “TWILIGHT! RUN!” The little dragon snarled, letting out a gout of fire on the back of the girl’s head, filling the air with the stink of burnt hair.

“You. Little. LIZARD,” the girl snarled, reaching around and grabbing a hold of Spike’s tail. There was a sound of ripping cloth as she yanked Spike free, whirling about and pitching him across the room and into the writing desk, sending parchment flying in every direction.

“Spike!” Twilight winced as she tried to reach out to him, only for the girl to stomp her foot in the path of her outstretched hoof.

“I’d worry about yourself more than your little dragon friend. Now hold still.” The girl lifted her mallet high.

Twilight stared up at the girl’s weapon as it hung there, glinting ominously in the remaining light.

I… I don’t want to die. Twilight felt tears drip down her muzzle as she laid there. Please… somepony… anypony… help me…!

Time seemed to stand still. There was a flash of green light.

And then…


The girl stopped as a long, crackling yellow blade of light slid around her neck. A long, crackling yellow blade of light attached to a familiar black and white axe.

“Don’t you dare touch my big sister.” Fate Testarossa-Sparkle’s voice was cold as ice as she held Bardiche in her telekinetic grip.

“Fate…” Twilight’s eyes went wide as she felt a pair of hands touch her head.

“Sorry we’re late Twilight,” Yuuno smiled down at Twilight, then glared up at the girl. “That barrier was a hassle to get through.”

“And for the record,” Arf popped her knuckles as she stepped out from behind Fate, “just because you’re a little girl doesn’t mean we’re not going to pound you into the dirt.”

“Yuuno…Arf…oh thank goodness.”

“What, no thanks for me?” Chrono smirked as he leaned over Yuuno, resting a hand on his shoulder before pointing S2U at the red-clad girl, the black staff glinting in the light. “Unidentified mage, you are under arrest! Lower your Device and deactivate your barrier jacket immediately.”

“I don‘t believe this!” The girl hissed. “How in the heck can one pony have so many allies?! Where did you all come from?!”

“We’re her friends.” Yuuno stood, raising his hands before him in a defensive stance. “And in Equestria there’s no power stronger than friendship.”