• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,633 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

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Chapter 11 Part A: It Was Such A Small Wish - Night Side

Zafira groaned softly, his head throbbing in time with his heartbeat as he woke up. There was a soft rustle of straw under his back as he lifted a hand to his head. He squinted his eyes, inspecting the dark stone of the ceiling above him, a faintly glowing outcropping of crystal providing a small amount of light.

He rolled over slowly. His bed was a pile of straw, covered with a thick, surprisingly soft blanket. More of a comforter really. The walls and floor were smooth stone, much like the ceiling. The only other features of the room were a large brass pot and a barred door, the thin metal bars glowing faintly much like the crystal above him.

“Nngh…” Zafira slowly climbed to his feet, ducking slightly to keep from hitting his head on the ceiling. He slowly walked to the door and gave it an experimental touch. Aside from an odd sensation of static, the door was otherwise normal.

“So, you’re awake,” a familiar voice said aloud, causing Zafira’s ears to perk.


“I’m in the cell next to yours, Zafira,” Signum’s voice replied as he tried to look through the bars. “How are you feeling?”

“I’ll live. Where are we?”

“I can answer that,” another voice said. Zafira growled softly as he heard hoof steps on the stone floor outside his door, a familiar white unicorn stepping into view.

“I apologize for the cells,” Shining Armor said with a faint, almost sheepish smile. “It’s been a long time since the royal dungeons have seen any real use. It was the best we could do on such short notice.”

“I suppose this is where we’ll be awaiting our inevitable fate, then?” Zafira growled.

“Not really. This is just a temporary measure,” Shining Armor puffed, blowing a stray bit of his mane out of his eyes. “Once we have better quarters set up, we’ll move you three into them… assuming you cooperate, of course.”

Zafira watched the unicorn warily, then slowly leaned back against the wall next to the door, his tail hugging around one leg as he took a seat.

“Is there anything you need? Medical attention? Food? Water?”

“No…” Zafira grumbled. “I’m surprised you’re even offering that much, given who we are.”

“Sure, it’d be easy for me to make your lives miserable,” Shining Armor conceded. “But I couldn’t do that. It’d bring dishonor on the Guard if I treated you like that… not to mention I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror.”

Zafira snorted as Shining turned away. “I’ll have some food brought down once your friend Vita wakes up. There will be some guards posted so shout if you need anything.”

“Right…” Zafira closed his eyes, listening to the stallion’s hooves click on the stone floor.

General, he whispered telepathically, can you hear me?

Yes, came Signum’s reply. These cells don’t seem to block our telepathic signals…

So they don’t, Zafira rubbed his head gently. Convenient, isn’t it?

Indeed. I would advise against trying to escape for now, Signum continued. The cells are warded against teleportation, and the doors are protected by some sort of field spell. There is also the matter of our Devices being confiscated.

What’s the plan then, General?

We wait. Let’s see how this will play out.


“So the Arthra’s upgrades are nearly finished?”

Admiral Lindy Harlaown nodded, taking a sip from her cup of green tea. The video screen hovered at eye-level for her as she spoke to Enforcer Chrono Harlaown, her eyes concerned. Of course, given how he looked, she had reason to be concerned. His normally neat blue-black hair was slightly mussed, and he was wearing a sling over his black tunic, his right arm bandaged up inside it. He looked like he’d barely slept.

“That’s correct,” Lindy replied. “It went quicker than I expected, actually. I guess Admiral Graham requested it be moved up in priority.”

“I suppose so. How long until everything’s completed?”

“Not much longer, I think. Once they’ve calibrated the new Dimensional Drives and finish the installation of the Arc-en-Ciel, we’ll be able to return to Equestria.”

Chrono blinked. “An Arc-en-Ciel?! They’re fitting a weapon that powerful onto the Arthra?!

“I was surprised myself.” Lindy frowned, reaching over to the pot and refilling her cup, then dropped a few sugar cubes into it. “It might have something to do with the Book of Darkness issue.”

“But still, an Arc-en-Ciel?”

Lindy remained quiet as she poured some milk into her tea, watching the liquid grow cloudy. She could understand Chrono’s surprise; the Active Resonance Cascade Casting Lens, more commonly known as the ‘Arc-en-Ciel,’ was one of a Bureau warship’s most powerful weapons, a cannon of incredible destructive capacity. Truthfully, calling it a ‘cannon’ was almost an insult to its power. After all, most cannons didn’t fire variable-strength dimensional schisms that could erase everything up to a one-hundred kilometer wide sphere on impact.

And now, one was being mounted on her ship. After all, only an Admiral had the authority to order an Arc-en-Ciel strike.

“If the orders state the Arthra gets an Arc-en-Ciel, I can’t really argue with them.” Lindy sipped her tea, then set the cup aside. “What about you, Enforcer Harlaown? I’ve already read your after-action report. You and your friends did spectacularly well!”

There was a pause as Chrono’s eyes lowered. “We did, yes.”

“Chrono? Is something wrong?”

“Permission to speak freely, ma’am?”

“Permission granted.” Lindy leaned forwards, frowning at the screen.

“There was something I… left out of my report…“ Chrono shifted nervously. “I… almost killed one of the Wolkenritter.”

Lindy remained silent as Chrono continued. “If Twilight hadn’t pulled me away, I would have actually killed someone. I screwed up. Lethal force was unnecessary and yet…” He inhaled slowly, his good hand rubbing his eyes. “My conduct was… unprofessional. I’m going to inform Admiral Graham that I can no longer remain objective on this case.”

“I see.” Lindy tried to keep her voice calm. She wanted to reach through the screen and comfort him… or better yet, run down to the dimensional link and jump to Equestria to give him a hug.

“Mom…” Chrono looked up at her through the view-screen, his eyes red and puffy. “What would have Dad wanted me to do?”

Lindy closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

“Chrono… your father was a good man.” Lindy replied with her eyes shut tight. “You’re a lot like him… I don’t… I don’t think he would have wanted you to hurt others just to avenge him.”

She smiled sadly as she opened her eyes. “And I think he’d be very proud of you for having friends like Twilight. For having someone there to keep you from going that far.”

Chrono sniffled softly, rubbing his eyes again. “You think so?”

“Mhmm.” Lindy nodded. “I think so.”


“My pleasure, Enforcer Harlaown. Now, why don’t you get some rest? You look like you’re about to fall over.”

“Should I consider that a direct order, Admiral?”

“No, you should consider it a suggestion from your mom.” Lindy giggled despite herself. “But if you’d prefer, I could make it a direct order.”

“Yes ma’am. Good morning, then.”

Lindy sighed as Chrono shut off the call, leaning back in her chair as she glanced at a small, framed picture that sat at her desk. She reached over, running a finger gently over the laughing face of a handsome man in Navy blue and white, his blue-black hair being messed up by a young uniformed woman with shoulder-length green hair.

“Oh Clyde,” she mumbled softly. “I wish you were still here… you always were better at these sorts of things than I was…”


Chrono sighed, leaning forwards and resting his head on the desk as the call cut off. His shoulders slumped in exhaustion as he closed his eyes, trying to ignore the glint of dawn shining in from the doorway behind him. He’d already been up all night, what was a few more minutes?

He barely noticed someone approach him from behind, at least until a heavy ceramic mug thumped beside his head. “I guess you ignored me when I told you to go to bed.”

Chrono grunted, turning his head to look up at Amy. “Too much to do…”

“I also told you the report could have waited until after you slept. You ignored that too.”

“Couldn’t sleep.” Chrono slipped a finger through the mug’s handle, dragging it over to his head before sniffing the contents. “Hot cocoa?”

“Figured the last thing you needed after a long night was caffeine. Drink.”

“I don’t like-”

“Drink, or I’ll pinch your nose shut and make you drink it.”

Chrono sighed, sitting up and taking a sip of the beverage. Amy dragged a chair over from one of the other workstations and took a seat beside him. “How’s your arm?”

“Still hurts… the medics said I have some nerve inflammation from overusing the Cartridge System.” Chrono grimaced, looking at his bandaged arm. “They said it should be alright in a day or two though.”

“What about the rest of you?”

Chrono took another drink and set the mug down. “Not much better. Amy… I…”

Amy shook her head. “I know. I was listening.”

Chrono grimaced. “Eavesdropping is a bad habit.”

“I already knew what happened Chrono. I was watching from here, remember? I had scrying sensors trained on you guys.”

Chrono winced. “Yeah… forgot about that.”

“You’re an idiot, you know that?”

“Yeah…” Chrono ducked his head, only to blink as he felt Amy rest a hand on top of his head.

“I told you,” Amy said gently, “I’m here if you need to talk you big dummy. You didn’t need to bottle yourself up like that…”

“I know. I just,” he sighed. “I’m not used to being this… involved in a case. I thought I could stay calm. Stay rational. Keep myself in check. If I couldn’t, it meant I was a bad Enforcer…”

He mmfed as Amy wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him close, his cheeks smooshing against her chest.

“You’re not a bad Enforcer, Chrono,” Amy replied. “You’re a great Enforcer. But being an Enforcer doesn’t mean you can’t be human…”


“Promise me that you’ll actually talk to someone when you start getting like that again, okay?”

Chrono nodded.

“And promise you’ll actually listen.”

“Promise,” came the muffled reply

Amy sighed. “Good.”


“Yes Chrono?”

“Could you hold me like this a bit longer? I think I’m starting to get comfortable.”

“Eek!” Amy released his head, then giggled. “Pervert.”

Chrono rolled his eyes. “Says the girl who smashed my face right into her breasts.”

“I was trying to be comforting!”

“And you were,” Chrono smiled weakly. “I mean, who wouldn’t be comforted, being hugged like that by a girl they like…”

Amy stopped, her face going quite red. Chrono felt his own face heat up as well.

“You… like me?”

“Well… um…” Chrono stammered, looking away nervously.

A very awkward silence quickly descended on the room for a few minutes before Chrono coughed loudly.

“We should… probably talk about this later.”

“Right, later,” Amy quickly agreed.

“When we’re not tired.”

“Yes, tired.” Amy glanced around, then clapped her hands together as though she was struck by inspiration. “Food!”


“Yes! Food! Breakfast! You need breakfast. Now. For… energy! Big breakfast, plenty of… breakfast stuff.”

Chrono nodded and let out a loud yawn. “Breakfast…does sound nice.”

“Right. Breakfast, then a nap for you. You need food and plenty of bed rest.”

“I agree.”

“So…um… see you later!”

“Whatever you say, Amy,” Chrono pushed himself to his feet, picking up his nearly-forgotten mug of hot cocoa and taking a long drink as Amy hurriedly strode out of the room.

He had to admit, it was pretty good cocoa.


Fate T. Sparkle was tired.

She was used to being tired, of course. After all, long days in the classroom, followed by evening instruction by one of the Princesses was enough to exhaust most fillies, herself included. However, this was a different sort of tired; a bone-deep fatigue from a combination of adrenaline, mental exhaustion and overexertion.

Fate grumbled softly, rolling onto her side and burying her face deep into her pillow. Thankfully, she didn’t have class today; thank Celestia for weekends. The last thing she wanted was to get out of bed.

A heavy weight made the bed‘s frame creak slightly, tilting the mattress underneath her. “Fate? Faaaaate…”

Fate mmfed loudly, clenching her eyes shut as she tried to ignore the soft, gentle voice cooing to her.

“Fate, come on, wake up…”

“Mmmf…no…” Fate groaned, burying her nose firmly in the warm fluffiness of her pillow, her ears pulled back. This didn’t do anything to deter whoever was pestering her, as she felt something cold and wet press up at the base of her neck, where her spine met her withers.


“Hehe! That got you up!”

Fate glared with bleary eyes up at Arf, the wolf’s tongue lolling as her tail wagged jauntily. “What do you want Arf?”

“Mom asked me to wake you up. It‘s breakfast time.”

“Oh…” Fate yawned, rubbing her eyes gently as the huge wolf gingerly climbed off her bed. “What time is it?”

“Nearly ten. Are you alright? I could tell them that you’re not feeling alright if you want to sleep more.”

“No." Fate slowly sat up, wincing as she rubbed her brow. Her head was aching; a slow, pulsing ache in time with her heartbeat. “I’m fine. Just exhausted from last night…”

“Do you want me to carry you?”

“Mmm… sure.” Fate mumbled as Arf transformed, orange light filling the bedroom as she shape-shifted. “I’m surprised you’re so energetic…”

“Well, unlike you, my adorable Master,” Arf grinned as she removed the sheets, then slipped her arms under Fate and lifted her up, “I’m incredibly tough and hard to keep down. Also, I didn’t have a Device constantly pumping information into my head while I was fighting.”

Fate winced and nodded. Teacher had warned her that Bardiche’s combat control system would likely strain her mentally. However, she hadn’t expected it to be quite so intense. She’d have to talk to Teacher about it later. “That’s true.”

“Well, you just relax and let me handle the walking, then.” Arf replied cheerfully. Fate relaxed in her Familiar’s arms, eyes half-closed as they descended the stairs to the dining room. She glanced up as Arf deposited her at the table, her parents entering from the kitchen as she yawned.

“Good morning, Fate,” her mother smiled, leaning in and nuzzling her cheek gently. “Did you sleep well?”

“Mhmm…” Fate nodded as her father poured cereal into the bowl in front of her, followed by a splash of milk.

“That’s good. You were exhausted when Shining Armor brought you home last night…” Night Light poured himself some cereal.

A distinct silence fell over the table as the family ate, which Fate was somewhat grateful for. She did notice the uncomfortable glances her mom and dad were sharing surreptitiously across the table.

I guess they know about what happened last night? Her telepathic query was un-interrupted by her quiet munching.

Yup. Arf replied. Shining kinda spilled the beans. Mom and dad weren’t happy about it. At all. Didn’t help that I came home limping.

Fate glanced down at Arf’s leg. A thin line running up the flesh of the wolf-girl’s thigh was the only indication of her battle damage from last night, thanks to the Bureau’s medics and her own regenerative capabilities. We’re going to have to have the talk again, aren’t we?

Looks like it.

Fate kept her groan purely mental. She loved her adopted parents dearly, but they were a bit skittish when it came to the idea of her fighting. It had only gotten worse since the business with the Wolkenritter had started. She could tell by their expressions.

“Um, so… Fate,” Twilight Twinkle smiled nervously as she spoke. “How was last night?”

Fate sighed. “You mean the battle?”

Her mom nodded as her father cleared his throat. “Um… Fate, we were wanting to know if you wanted to talk about it. That is, if you want to…”

Fate glanced between them, even as she felt Arf slip an arm over her withers, the wolf girl scooting close enough to her that her tail tickled Fate’s flank. “What did you want to talk about?”

Night Light looked distinctly uncomfortable, glancing down as Twilight Twinkle touched a hoof to one of his fetlocks.

“While we‘re glad you‘re okay,” Twilight Twinkle turned her attention to Fate, “we’re just worried about you, alright? It‘s just…”

“Is it because of my age?”

“Well, sort of…” Her father sighed.

Fate closed her eyes. “I thought we already had this conversation.”

“Well, yes, we did. But…”

“Fate,” Twilight Twinkle added, “you know you don’t have to fight. You’re young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Twilight and Shining are old enough that they can take care of things without you having to risk yourself…”

“We just don’t want you to end up hurt again… or end up like Twilight did.”

Fate sighed, settling her spoon into her cereal bowl as she looked at the two older unicorns. “I understand. I appreciate your concern. But like I said before, this is something I want to do. I know you’re worried and scared for me, but I can handle myself.”

“I know that,” Twilight Twinkle sighed. “You’re such a strong little filly.”

“We just didn’t expect you’d get thrown into… you know,” Night Light frowned, rubbing a hoof against his chin. “into all this business again. We wanted to give you a peaceful life…”

Fate smiled slightly, then slowly stood up and raised her head high, letting Arf’s arm slip away. “I know. And I’m thankful for everything you’ve done. But this is different. I’m not going to just sit by and let my big sister and brother take all the risks for me. This time, it’s my choice. I choose to fight, because it‘s the right thing for me to do.”

Her parents glanced at each other, then Night Light shook his head. “I swear, it’s like Shining Armor all over again.”

“I know…” Twilight Twinkle smiled and climbed up as well, walking around the table to Fate’s side. “I guess we can’t really stop you. Just… be careful, alright?”

“I promise I will.” Fate shivered as her mom nuzzled her cheek.

“And for what it’s worth,” her father sidled up beside her mother, “we’re proud of you. We love you, our little lightning bug.”

“I know,” Fate blushed, stepping in between the pair and nuzzling against them.

“So…” Arf piped up with a nervous grin. “I guess you‘re not mad enough to ground us anymore?”

Fate groaned and rolled her eyes.


“The answer‘s no, Admiral Graham.”

Celestia dropped another sugar cube into her tea cup and stirred, watching it dissolve away under the current. She didn’t need to sweeten it any further, but she found the distinctive ‘plop’ made a nice emphasis to her statement. It sounded especially loud now since she and Graham were the only ones in her private meeting room. They’d been there for almost a hour, as they went over the events of last night’s battle.

Then Admiral Graham had made the mistake of bringing up the prisoner transfer.

“With all due respect, your Majesty,” Graham replied from across the table, his index finger slowly running along the handle of his teacup, “I can’t really accept that answer. The Bureau has a vested interest in capturing and eliminating both the Wolkenritter and the Book of Darkness. While we respect Equestria’s laws, we must insist that you turn the Wolkenritter over as soon as possible.”

“And I must respectfully decline your insistence, Admiral.” Celestia took a sip of her tea, her horn’s golden glow cradling the teacup gently. “The answer is still no.”

Admiral Graham inhaled deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Could you please explain your reasoning, your Majesty?”

“Only if you’d explain why the Bureau is so eager to take the Wolkenritter off our hooves.”

“Why shouldn’t we be? The Wolkenritter have assaulted countless mages, many of whom were Bureau personnel. That alone should be reason enough…”

“But that’s not the only reason, is it?” Celestia smiled as Graham’s expression became aggressively neutral. “Is it?”

When Graham didn’t reply, Celestia shook her head. “If it was, you wouldn’t have tried the trick with the dispatch.”

“The dispatch…”

“Was a trick,” Celestia stated firmly. “I may not have my sister’s frightfully accurate sense of honesty, but I’m no fresh-faced filly when it comes to this sort of thing. It might have worked on Shining Armor. It might, possibly, have fooled Luna. But I’ve ruled Equestria for over a thousand years with some small amount of success. So please, don’t insult me by trying to save face like that. It’s rather unbecoming of you, Admiral.”

“…How did you know?”

Celestia smiled faintly and knowingly. It was an expression she’d taken great pains to perfect over the years. It wouldn’t do to let him know he’d just slipped. “I have my ways, Admiral. So, do you feel like coming clean, or are you going to continue stewing in your guilt?”

“My guilt? What makes you think I’m guilty of something?”

“You’ve been fidgeting.” Celestia, smiled as she saw Graham’s finger halt, his fingernail pressed against the arch of the teacup’s handle. “You’ve been doing it ever since you brought up this topic. Something’s bothering you. Which is why we‘re the only two individuals in this room right now. Care to share?”

Celestia quirked an eyebrow as Graham’s face remained stony. She had expected that. Whatever secrets he was hiding, they were bad enough that he’d prefer keeping his silence.

“The curious thing is,” she said, breaking the silence, “how clumsy the gambit was. The dispatch I mean. It relied on too many variables working in your favor; convincing Shining Armor to hand over the prisoners, relying on him not following through with telling me or Luna about the transfer… I have difficulty believing that someone of your rank would take such a risk. Unless, of course, you were pressured into it.”

“I’m afraid I can’t comment on your speculation, your Majesty.”

Celestia smirked as Graham pulled his hands away, slipping them below the edge of the table. “Is that so?”

“Indeed, your Majesty.”

“Then allow me to speculate further,” Celestia sipped from her cup again. “After the incident with Presea Testarossa, Chrono and Lindy escorted several of my subjects and my sister to your headquarters. During this time your people interviewed mine about many things, some of which included the natural state of Equestria… and of its rulers. This, coupled with Lindy‘s report, lead the Bureau to pursue diplomatic overtures with our government.”

“Now, here’s where things become interesting. The Book of Darkness, which has plagued the Bureau for quite some time, appears here on Equestria, possibly in the possession of one of our subjects.” Celestia sipped her tea, though her pink gaze never left Graham. “Now, this alone would be apocalyptic news. But it’s worse. You’re somewhat familiar with what the Elements of Harmony can do to a person. Presea is proof of that. I can imagine what some might be thinking; ‘what if the ponies turned the Elements on the Book of Darkness? What if they fix it?’”

Graham coughed nervously, though his face was slightly pale. “Is… that possible?”

“ I really can’t say. After all,” Celestia smiled thinly, “this is just speculation. But I could see why the Bureau would want to keep that from happening. The TSAB is, after all, the dominant power in space-time, born from a rebellion against a powerful magical autocracy. For an independent nation to purify an artifact of such power…” Celestia hmmed, touching a hoof to her chin. “I shudder to think of the reaction such an event might cause. Especially if said artifact stayed in Equestrian hooves.”

Celestia drank the last of her tea cup’s contents, the china clinking as she set it down on its saucer. “Of course, this is purely hypothetical. I wouldn’t dare insinuate that the Bureau would do something unpleasant. It‘d be unthinkable. Wouldn‘t it, Admiral?”

“Yes. Yes it would.” Admiral Graham’s reply was strained as Celestia poured herself another cup of tea. “I’ll make sure to notify the Bureau of your decision, your Majesty.”

“Thank you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have much to do today. A country doesn’t run itself, after all. I’m sure you can show yourself out?”

Celestia took a sip of her tea, keeping her expression pleasantly neutral as Graham rose, bowed slightly, then left.

How fared you then, sister?

Celestia closed her eyes as she heard Luna’s telepathic whisper. I don’t think the Admiral is particularly pleased with how things are going.

We surmised as such.

I do have a few guesses as to his agenda, Celestia sipped at her cup as she spoke to Luna. Nothing concrete mind you. But my guess is if the Wolkenritter did wind up in the Bureau’s hands, they’d likely never be heard from again, one way or another.

What is your next stratagem then, sister?

I’m working on it. It’s the Admiral’s turn to play now.

Indeed. I’ll leave you to it then.

Luna? Celestia smiled warmly, her eyes still closed in thought. Good work last night. You make an excellent general, as usual.

You overstate my contribution, dear sister…

Celestia giggled softly. She could feel the blush, even through the telepathic connection. I’ll see you later, Lulu.

Of course.

“Your Majesty?”

“Hmm?” Celestia opened her eyes as a servant addressed her from the doorway. “Yes?”

“Natural Beauty is waiting for you, your Majesty.”

Celestia sighed. She figured she’d have to speak to the Minister of Natural Works after hearing just where last night’s battle took place. A princess’s work was never done. “Send him in. And fetch me another pot of tea.”


“Have our prisoners been quarrelsome, Captain?”

Luna’s hoofsteps chimed slightly as she walked down the slowly winding staircase, followed closely by Shining Armor. The Princess of the Night’s nostrils flared slightly as she smelled the scent of the old dungeons. There was a distinct lack of dust and age in the air; they’d been cleaned recently.

That was good. It would hardly do to have a filthy dungeon, after all.

“If they have, the guards would have raised the alarm,” Shining Armor answered, taking the steps at a quick canter in order to keep pace with the taller alicorn. “So far, it looks like they’re behaving.”

“Good.” Luna nodded to the posted guards as she approached the door that led to the royal dungeons. The gold-armored guards stood at attention, a gray-coated guard’s horn lighting up as he undid the locking spell on the door. The heavy iron-barred door swung open slowly, the hinges creaking under the weight. “We would appreciate some privacy, Captain. Be about your duties.”

“Your Majesty,” Shining Armor replied, lowering his head reverently as he took a step back.

Luna nodded in reply, then stepped through the door. The dungeon’s hallway curved off to the left, the light levels low but constant. She could feel the gentle pressure of the enchantments woven into the stone walls; some slightly familiar, others not so much. There were indentations along the inner curve, where the doors were set into the wall.

I must commend my sister for this design, she thought idly as the door shut behind her, the iron door clanging as it shut and locked. She walked with purpose down the hall, only needing to go a short ways before she reached the cells holding the prison’s current and only residents. “Greetings, Wolkenritter,” she called out, her voice ringing loudly against the walls of stone. Her horn ignited as she reached out to the locking spells on the doors. There was a loud, squawk-like creak as the individual cell doors swung open, the locking spells temporarily undone by her magic. “We would have words with thee. Come forth, so that we might take an account of you.”

There was a rustle of cloth and straw as the Wolkenritter emerged from their holding cells. First came Signum; the tall woman ducked through the door of the cell, then took a few steps and came to a parade rest before Luna, her hands folded behind her back. Her pink hair was tousled and unkempt, but her head was unbowed and her eyes hard. She was soon followed by Zafira; the wolf man crawled through the door and climbed to his feet, falling in beside the general as he dusted off his trousers, his thick and fluffy tail stiff and his ears folded.

The third member of their group, Vita, merely walked out of the cell, then stopped. Her typical pig-tails had been unbound, letting her red hair flood down her back. She paused to look at Luna, then stopped, her eyes widening. Unlike her fellows, her expression wasn’t one of stoic defiance, but something closer to wonder.

Signum coughed loudly to catch Vita’s attention. The younger girl blinked, then quickly fell in beside her, taking a parade rest stance like the others.

“Good day,” Luna addressed them calmly. “We hope that your accommodations were not too unpleasant.”

Luna watched them quietly as she waited for a response. Though the three of them remained silent, their expressions were interesting; Vita’s eyes widened a bit further, even as Signum’s narrowed. Zafira’s ears perked forwards, though his expression didn’t change.

“We assume you know who we are, yes?” Luna nodded even as the three remained silent. “No doubt you do. If you have lingered this long in our lands, you would doubtless know who and what we are, Wolkenritter.”


Luna’s attention turned to Vita, as did the others. The little knight’s mouth quickly snapped shut.

“We are?” Luna quirked an eyebrow.

“You’re… you’re the night sky,” Vita whispered softly.

Luna smiled slightly. “An odd turn of phrase, but indeed I am. We are Princess Luna. The stewardship of the night sky is but one of our duties.” She stepped closer, looking at Vita curiously as the girl fell silent again. “You enjoy our work, little knight?”

Vita nodded.

“It gladdens our heart to know our work is so appreciated, even by those who are not ponies.” Luna bowed her head gently, doing her best to look Vita in the eye. “What is it about our sky that you enjoy so much?”

“It’s… pretty.”

“A half-truth,” Luna replied as Vita looked away, avoiding the alicorn‘s gaze. Luna rose back to her full height, turning her attention to the others. “But that is neither here nor there. We have much to speak of, Wolkenritter.” Luna smiled faintly at Signum’s still stoic expression, “Although your continued silence makes such endeavors difficult.”

Zafira’s soft growl caught Luna’s attention. “No doubt you view our intentions in the poorest of lights. No doubt you are expecting us to pry whatever secrets you hide under threat of torment. This is not so.” The alicorn’s eyes closed as she shook her head. “Such measures would be unnecessary.”

Still silence. Even Zafira’s growling had stopped.

“Let us ask you this question,” Luna turned away, pacing down the hall. “What has become of our Tome of the Night Sky?”

She paused, her ear perking as she heard a sharp inhalation of breath. She smiled thinly. “Is the name familiar to you?” She turned, her starry mane and tail flowing dramatically as she did so, giving the trio a curious look. “Perhaps you know it better by its current name…”

“The Book of Darkness,” Signum’s voice was quiet, her eyes hard as she stared at Luna.

“Aye. That is its name now…”

“Your voice is just like...”

Luna blinked, turning to face the stern-eyed Knight. Vita and Zafira looked to her curiously, though Signum’s eyes were locked on Luna. “Like whose?”

“That is why the barrier felt so familiar.” Signum‘s hand trembled slightly as she pointed at Luna. “It was you, wasn’t it? You created the Book.”


Signum stood there silently, slowly lowering her arm as she met Luna’s eyes. The Knight’s expression was still stoic, but her stoicism didn’t reach her eyes. Her dark blue eyes were filled with a mixture of confusion and anger. Without a word, Signum turned on her heel and strode back into her cell.

“Signum!” Vita called out, starting to follow before Zafira placed a hand on Vita’s shoulder, stopping her. The younger knight frowned up at the Guardian Beast as he shook his head, then sighed, brushing his hand off her shoulder.

How very curious, Luna thought to herself as the scene unfolded. Who was she speaking of? Was she referring to the Book? Or was she…

The wolf-man turned to look at Luna. “Perhaps it’s better that we continue this later, meister Luna,” Zafira bowed slightly to the alicorn, his head dipping slightly.

“Indeed. Quarters are being prepared for you. When next we meet, I expect you will be in better spirits.” Luna nodded to them before she turned away. “Guards! We are done here!”


“So, do you think the Wolkenritter are going to play nice?”

Twilight shook her head as she and Spike passed through the ground-floor entryway of the western tower, sunlight pouring down from the windows as they passed by. “It’s too early to tell Spike. It’s only been a day since they’ve been captured, so they’re probably not feeling very friendly towards us right now. I’m sure, however, that once we get a chance to sit down and talk things will work out.”

“Still can’t believe I slept through all that,” Spike grumbled to himself, casing Twilight to giggle. The baby dragon huffed, shooting her a glare. “You should have told me you were going out to fight. I could have helped, you know.”


“Well, um…“ Spike frowned, stopping as he rubbed his chin. “Well.. I can’t really fly. But I could have offered moral support at least!”

Twilight giggled again, then leaned over and nuzzled Spike’s cheek gently as they entered the stairwell. “That’s sweet of you Spike, but I’d much rather have you here, safe and sound. The last thing I need is to worry about you getting hurt.”

“Hey, I’m tough.” Spike snorted, then flexed his arms with a smirk. “I can take care of myself. No need to worry about big bad Spike the Dragon.”

“Hehe, come on, big bad Spike.” Twilight shook her head and resumed trotting up the stairs.

“Right. Can’t keep Chrono waiting after all. Do you think he‘ll want to talk?”

“I hope so. I was hoping I could speak to him before this evening,“ Twilight replied, turning the corner of the stairs. Her next statement was interrupted as she bumped into someone. “Oof!”

“Eek! Careful!”

“I’m terribly sorry.” Twilight rubbed her head and blinked up at the pair of feline-eared women. “Oh! Miss Aria, Miss Lotte…”

“Miss Sparkle.” Aria replied as Lotte rubbed the spot where Twilight had bumped into her. “How are you today?”

“Um, fine. Sorry about that. I should really watch where I’m going.”

“Yeah, you should,” Lotte whined softly. “You poked me with your horn.”

“Sorry!” Twilight blushed. “I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s alright. I’m sure the worst that’ll happen is a bruise to her ego,” Aria replied, eliciting an eye-roll from her twin. “What brings you to this tower, Miss Sparkle? Was there a meeting we weren‘t informed about?”

“Actually, I was going to check in on Chrono to see how he was doing. Last night was petty hard on him.”

“Oh?” Aria quirked an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

“You didn’t know?”

“No, we didn’t. I don’t suppose you’d mind us accompanying you?”

“Well, I don’t see why not,” she replied, then nodded as she resumes walking up the stairs. The twins fell in to step beside her, causing Spike glance up at them nervously.

“So, what’s your take on all of this?” Twilight looked up at them as they mounted the stairs.

“You mean the Wolkenritter?”

Twilight shook her head. “I meant Chrono… I know this case was very important to him. And after last night…” Twilight sighed, “I just want him to feel better. Maybe you can help me with that? You two were his instructors after all.”

The twins glanced between each other. “Chrono was… interesting,” Aria began.

“He was such a cute little boy,” Lotte chirped with a playful smirk. “He was so much fun to play with.”

“Play?” Spike quirked an eyebrow. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not talking about stuff like pin-the-tail-on-the-pony?”

“Lotte taught Chrono hand-to-hand combat,” Aria elaborated. “She’s quite good at it, though her definition of ‘playing’ can be a bit skewed.”


“But that’s beside the point,” Aria continued as her twin blew a raspberry at her. “By the time we first met Chrono, he was already a rather serious young boy. Very dedicated. Very driven.”

“I was wondering about that,” Spike frowned. “He did seem really… intense when we first met him.”

“Chrono takes his duties very seriously, as you’ve noticed,” Aria sighed. “He’s just not very good with emotional issues… something that still disappoints me.”

Twilight blinked. “What do you mean by that?”

“An Enforcer must learn to control his emotions,” Aria replied sternly. “They can’t allow personal feelings to get in the way of completing their duties. Chrono, despite his professionalism, always had difficulty with objectivity. Personally, I think he cares a bit too much about his cases.”

Twilight frowned. “What‘s the matter with caring about things?”

“Nothing. But it can lead to lapses in judgment. It wouldn’t do to have an Enforcer empathizing with a criminal they’re trying to arrest, for example.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Shouldn’t a person like Chrono show sympathy towards others, even if they are doing wrong?”

“No.” Aria shook her head, her tail swaying. “Sympathizing with criminals isn’t an Enforcer’s job. Arresting them is.”

Sheesh… I’m glad she wasn’t in charge of things during the Jewel Seed case, Twilight thought to herself. Though that actually explains a lot about Chrono… trying to bottle all that up can’t be healthy…

“I guess,” Twilight replied carefully, “we’ll just have to disagree on that point.”

“Sheesh, lighten up Aria,” Lotte rolled her eyes. “You’re scaring Twily and Spikey.”

Twilight frowned a little more. “Um… I don’t want to be rude, but please don’t call me that. Only Shining Armor gets to call me that.”

“Oops. Sorry.” Lotte pouted, then grinned, her ears twitching. “Can I call you Sparkles then?”

“How about ‘Twilight?’”

“Sheesh. You’re just like Aria, no fun at all.”

Aria sighed. “At any rate, I’m not sure how much help we could be. Our relationship with Chrono was more teacher-student than anything else. Our Master had a closer relationship with him, so if you want advice, it’d be better to ask him.”

“Right. Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Hey,” Lotte grinned. “I know. We can tell you about all the stuff we taught him. The two of us did work him pretty hard. That’s one of his good points; he’s got a lot of stamin-”

“Well,” Twilight interjected firmly as they reached the end of the staircase, turning to face the Liese twins. “this conversation has been very enlightening. Thank you both, but I’d like to take it from here.”

Aria sighed. “Very well. I do apologize if we’ve offended you. Come on Lotte.”

“Bye Twilight. Have fun talking to Chrono!” Lotte waved as she followed her sister’s lead.

“Is it me,” Spike whispered to Twilight as the twins disappeared from sight, “or are those two kinda weird?”

“Well,” Twilight bit her lip as she thought of something to say, “I suppose every Familiar has their quirks…”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Spike shook his head. “I don’t like those two Twilight. Something about them gives me the creeps.”

“Be nice Spike,” Twilight replied as she knocked on Chrono’s door. “Chrono? It’s Twilight and Spike. Can we talk?”

“Come in,” came the reply from the other side. Twilight’s horn lit up as she pushed the door open. Chrono was seated on the side of his bed, a pillow half-resting in his lap. He was half-dressed, his feet bare and his black pants wrinkled. His upper body was bare except for his bandaged arm. His free hand was rubbing his forehead, his eyes half-open. “Hey,” he muttered softly, his good hand waving lazily in greeting.

“Dude, you look awful,” Spike walked over to him, glancing up at the young man. “You okay?”

“Never been better.” Chrono’s sarcasm was stifled by a yawn. “Just woke up from a nap.”

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight sighed. “I didn’t know you were sleeping. If you want, we can come back later.”

“No, it’s fine.” Chrono waved a hand dismissively as Twilight approached. “I wasn’t sleeping very well anyway. Have a seat.”

“How’s the arm?” Twilight asked, carefully climbing up onto the bed and taking a seat beside Chrono. Spike did the same, his legs hanging off the edge.

“Still hurts. How’s Rainbow Dash? I heard she got hit pretty hard.”

“She’s fine. Shining gave her some supplements that the guards take when they get injured to help recover from blood loss. Last I saw, she went off to pester Yuuno about something.”

“Good. Good to hear.” Chrono sighed, slumping to the side as he leaned against the head of the bed. A brief few moments of silence descended before Spike coughed.

“Well,” the little dragon said loudly, “this is awkward, isn’t it?”

“A bit, yes.” Chrono agreed.

“Chrono,” Twilight reached over, resting a hoof in his lap as she looked up at him, “for what it’s worth, I don’t blame you for what happened last night. It’s easy to let your emotions run away with your better judgment. It’s happened to me too.”

“I know,” Chrono shook his head, patting the hoof gently. “I’m just disappointed in myself.”

“Dude,” Spike snorted “you’re like, what, thirteen? Fourteen?”


“So you’re fifteen. You’re already awesome. So what if you messed up? You’ve got, like, years to go before you screw up this bad again.”

“I think what Spike’s trying to say,” Twilight chuckled, “is that you shouldn’t beat yourself up over one mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, after all. I‘ve made quite a few.”

“Yeah… but most mistakes don’t end up with someone getting hurt or worse.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “You’d be surprised. Trust me, I’ve done a lot worse.”


“At least one of my mistakes ended up nearly destroying Equestria. Not to mention it ended up hurting the girls and causing chaos in Ponyville…” Twilight sighed, then blinked as Chrono stared at her. “What? I’m being serious.”

“I can tell.” Chrono‘s voice was slightly strained. “How…often does this sort of thing happen, exactly?”

“More than I’d like,” Spike grumbled. “My throat still hurts just thinking about all those letters.”

“What ha- never mind. I think I’d be better off not knowing.”

“Point is,” Twilight replied, “you need to move on. Alright? And if nothing else, your friends will be there to help pick you up if you need it.”

“Yeah…” Chrono nodded, slipping an arm around Twilight’s neck. “Thanks. It’s nice to have actual friends other than Amy around…”

“What’s wrong with Amy?” Spike tilted his head in confusion, causing Chrono to blush and cough nervously.

Twilight grinned. “Do you have a special somepony, Chrono Harlaown?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Twilight.” Chrono replied, his expression matching the dead-panned tone of his words.


Time passed, as it was wont to do.

Luna sighed in satisfaction as her moon slid upwards over the horizon, the celestial sphere coasting along its pre-determined path like a marble rolling down a channel. With it came the night, the stars glittering to life in the dark tapestry above.

Canterlot’s night-life was already in full swing, much to Luna’s amusement. If she closed her eyes and stretched out her senses, she could feel the buzz of excitement as clubs and performances opened up to the public, lovers strolled down moonlit paths and foals scampered about mischievously under the gloomy sky.

Another lovely night, Luna.

The dark princess nodded in satisfaction, her eyes still closed as she replied to her sister’s sending. Indeed it is. How fares the gathering, dearest sister? Have they been assembled?

Mostly. We’re waiting on a few stragglers… you included.

Forgive me for fulfilling my duty as Princess of the Night, dear sister, Luna snorted at Celestia’s teasing. Some of us perform actual labor…

Says the mare who’s been napping since noon while I’ve been saddled with affairs of state.

Oh woe upon ye, my most dearest of kin, Luna declaimed sarcastically. How dreadful it must be, that you must suffer so under the onus of paperwork! Truly, the strain doth boggle the mind…

Celestia’s giggles rang like bells in Luna’s mind, forcing the shadowy alicorn to smile despite herself. I see you’re in one of your better moods tonight, Lulu.

My brief respite has restored my wit.

That’s good. Considering what we’re about to do…

Luna sighed as she heard Celestia’s hesitation. Does it still trouble you so, sister?

You know it does, Luna, Celestia sighed as Luna made her way out of her room, her hoof-falls soft on the carpet in the hallway.

Tia, Luna replied, her telepathic voice gentle, if it pains you so to relive the past, then-

No. Celestia’s voice was firm. I know it’s not going to be pleasant for you either, to show what happened. Like I told you earlier, I’m not going to let you do this alone, little sister. We’re going to do this together.

Your words gladden my heart, big sister. I shall see thee soon.

Luna cut the connection cleanly and shook herself, her feathers rustling as she shivered. In truth, she shared Celestia’s discomfort with this. However, she had promised Chrono an explanation of her role in the Book of Darkness’s creation, and she would keep her word. When she had told Celestia of the arrangement the day before, the sun princess had smiled gently, nuzzled her cheek, and promptly involved herself.

I’m not going to let you do this alone Luna, she had said. After all, there’s more to the story than what you know. And if nothing else, we’ll have each other to lean on if it hurts too much.

Luna shook herself again as she made her way through the halls, her starry mane preceding her as it billowed in an invisible breeze. When she was younger, she had often thought her elder sister to be too gentle and sweet, that her soft heart was a weakness. Now however, Luna was thankful for that same kindness.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the chamber where the meeting would be held. It was easy enough to spot; the pair of guards in full armor at the door were indication enough of Celestia’s presence. Luna nodded politely to them as she opened the door, stepping inside.

“Ah,” Celestia smiled from her seat. The room was relatively small, a simple chamber likely used for private conversations or meetings. The furnishings were sparse, and evening sunlight poured down from the skylight above, reflecting off of a large mirror on one wall. “The mare of the hour has joined us.”

“Indeed sister…” Luna turned her attention to the gathered individuals; Chrono was seated cross-legged on a large cushion, flanked on either side by Twilight and Fate. She had expected that. What she hadn’t expected was Yuuno Scrya; the young archeologist glanced over at her nervously as she regarded him.

“Mr. Scrya.” She tried to keep her tone pleasant. “What brings you here this evening?”

“I asked him to join us, sister.” Celestia replied gently. “I felt he deserved to hear the story as well. Better than receiving it second hand, don‘t you think?”

“That’s up to you, of course, your Majesty,” Yuuno added quickly, scooting slightly in his seated position so that Twilight and the others were between him and Luna.

What is the meaning of this, sister? Luna’s telepathic query was rather snippy.

Twilight asked me to invite him along. Think of this as a way to make peace with the young man. After all, his only sin against you was ignorance…

Hrm. Luna frowned slightly as she appraised the young archeologist. Celestia was correct; perhaps she shouldn’t begrudge him this. Do you trust him with this information, sister?

Twilight trusts him. That’s enough for me.

“Your Majesty?” Yuuno ventured nervously.

Luna exhaled softly. “You may stay. We did say that we would speak of the truth at a later time. It is now later.”

“Thank you, your Majesty…”

Luna nodded. “Furthermore, we… I,” she corrected herself, “may have done you an injustice when last we spoke. Oft times my temper can get the better of me. I do apologize for my unbecoming conduct, and hope this serves as suitable recompense.”

“It’s okay, Princess. I shouldn’t have pried like I did. No hard feelings?”

“Nay. Calm yourself, young Scrya.”

“See?” Twilight smiled at Yuuno. “I told you everything would be fine.”

“Now that we have gathered,” Celestia began, “I should tell the four of you this. What we are about to show you is deeply private; very few records of what was once called ’The Long Night’ and the times leading up to it exist. What was not lost to time was obscured by other means…”

Twilight stared at Celestia. “I… I’m not sure I follow, Princess. You mean…”

“It means,” Yuuno answered, “that the Princess intentionally obscured historical details of the incident.”

“What? But… Princess?” Twilight looked at Celestia. “Is that true?”

Celestia sighed as all eyes turned to her. “Yes. Yuuno is correct.”

“But… but why?”

“For Luna’s sake… and to hide my own shameful actions.” Celestia’s head dipped gently. Luna leaned over, gently nuzzling Celestia’s cheek. “But since this directly relates to the issue we’re dealing with now, I have asked Luna to aid me in revealing the truth to all of you.”

“What transpires this evening does not leave this room,” Luna added, turning her gaze to the four of them. “I hope that this is clear to all of you.”

“Yes, Teacher,” Fate replied. The golden pony glance nervously at Twilight, whose jaw was still slightly agape. The others nodded in reply, though Twilight was the slowest to respond.

“So, how is this going to work?” Chrono shifted slightly in his seat, his free hand scratching slightly at the bandages on his arm.

“The process is relatively simple.” Luna glanced to Celestia. “It’s similar to the training method I use while instructing Fate. Of course, this one lacks the innate interactivity of such a construct.”

“You’ll be able to view events as they play out from our perspectives,” Celestia added, “but you won’t be able to do anything else.”

“So that’s why you said that the story was incomplete,” Chrono looked to Luna. “You needed Celestia’s side as well…”

Luna nodded. “Correct. Now, if there are no further questions, we should begin.”

“Close your eyes and get comfortable everyone,” Celestia said gently. “Because this is going to be a little disorienting.”

The four of them nodded and reclined, their eyes closing as Celestia and Luna watched. Luna sighed, fluffing her wings and scooting closer to Celestia, her body gently pressing against the elder alicorn’s side.

Ready, Luna?

Luna nodded and closed her eyes. She drew upon her magic, feeling her horn ignite as she wove the spell. Celestia’s magic soon joined with hers, a sudden thread of warmth that tickled across her body. Luna shivered, then focused and drew the four minds into a state of slumber, and then…


Chrono opened his eyes. Or at least, it felt like he opened his eyes. It was hard to tell what his body was actually doing when in a mental simulation.

The young Enforcer blinked as he floated, surrounded by what appeared to be an all-encompassing bank of shifting, pearlescent white fog. Other figures hovered around him; half-transparent and familiar looking shapes that slowly became more distinct.

“Well,” Yuuno said as he floated closer to Chrono, his body outlined in pale greenish light. “This is rather different.”

“This doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen before,” came Fate’s voice. The slim unicorn floated up alongside Twilight, the pair outlined in bright yellow and magenta respectively. “Usually Teacher’s shared space is rather… dark.”

“And we’re all glowing. That’s new.” Yuuno hmmed, holding up a hand as he peered intently at it. “Usually in a simulated space, our bodies are more solid, too.”

“Maybe it’s got something to do with the fact that Princess Celestia is sharing the link?” Twilight inspected herself as she spoke, her hoof gently patting against her coat.

“Maybe. Does anyone else feel warm?”

“A bit, yeah…” Chrono admitted, looking down at his hands, his own body outlined in pale blue light. “I’m just wondering where the Princesses are.”

“We’re here.”

Chrono turned as the fog parted slowly, revealing two familiar figures shrouded in golden and dark blue light. Celestia and Luna were nearly see-through at first, though their translucent bodies grew slowly more distinct as they approached.

“I hope you’re not too alarmed by the setting, I was never particularly good at constructing these sorts of things.“ The Princess glanced about, then raised a hoof to her lips, her voice shaking slightly as though she were suppressing a giggle. ”My sister sometimes accuses me of having my head in the clouds. Given our surroundings, I have to say I’m starting to agree with her.”

Chrono shook his head, though he smiled at the joke.

“This is all yours, Princess?” Twilight asked, gesturing a glowing hoof to the surrounding clouds.

“Not all of it. Right now, Luna and I have drawn you into a shared mental link. From here, we can control which of our memories will be shown.”

“We will attempt to keep the narrative as clear as possible,” Luna added, the clouds shifting to a slightly darker color as she spoke. “Our avatars may not be visible at all times, however. We will do our best to prevent any unnecessary mental strain.”

“Perhaps it’s best we began,” Celestia closed her eyes and spread her wings. The fog began to recede away, as though pushed by an invisible wind. Celestia and Luna’s avatars faded away slowly, disappearing into motes of light. On instinct, Chrono shielded his face as the fog cleared away, whipping past him to reveal a familiar looking countryside…

“Let me tell you a little story,” Celestia’s voice was calm and motherly. “Once upon a time…”


Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a magical land called Equestria.

The land was beautiful, rich in resources and magic. And in this land, there lived three tribes of ponies; the brave pegasi who tended the weather, the earth ponies who tilled the land, and the unicorns, who used their magic to raise the sun and moon. Though the tribes were not always on the best of terms with each other, they worked together to make life somewhat comfortable for themselves.

That changed, however, with the arrival of Discord. A being of immense power and capriciousness, the spirit of disharmony and chaos threw Equestria into a state of utter anarchy. To him, the ponies were nothing more than playthings; toys to be used and discarded when broken. No pony could stand up to Discord: not the mightiest of unicorns, nor the swiftest of pegasi, nor the strongest of earth ponies. There was no peace. There was no joy. There was only pain and suffering.

Ponykind, suffering under the cruel yoke of this monstrous tyrant, cried out to the heavens for aid. ‘If there were any spirit of harmony left in the world,’ they begged, ‘save us, we beg of you!’

And the heavens answered.

From on high came two sisters, one bright as day, one dark as night, bearing with them the raw power of Harmony itself given form. Using their powers, the two sisters defeated Discord and sealed him away within an eternal prison of stone.

Ponykind, their leaders lost to or slain by Discord’s madness, fell down as one before the two sisters, and asked them to guide and protect them. And they did so.

The elder sister became known as Princess Celestia. As the bearer of the sun, Celestia brought joy to the souls around her with her simple presence, and ruled the land with a kindly heart and a generous hoof. The day-to-day stewardship of Equestria, as well as its diplomatic endeavors, were her domain, and well she kept them as fields flourished and families blossomed.

The younger sister became known as Princess Luna. Stalwart and brave, Luna lead ponies into battle and guarded the land from those that would harm her subjects. Forthright in word and deed, the Princess of the Night’s loyalty to her subjects and her sister was second to none. When her horn ignited and her wings unfurled, the very heavens themselves shook with the might of her magic. She suffered neither wickedness nor corruption, and dispatched each with all of her might.

For a long time, the sisters strived to bring order and harmony to the land, correcting the cruel marks left by Discord‘s malice and struggling to establish Equstria‘s place in the world. And after four generations, a new era began in Equestria, a time which history would call the Concordian Era. The Concordian Era was a time of peace and plenty, when Equestria was safe and no wicked monster dared to darken the land under the watchful gaze of the Princesses.

However, all was not well between the sisters…


Celestia was giggling. That was never a good sign.

Luna did her stalwart best to ignore Celestia’s tittering as she ate her morning meal. At one time, she had relished the brief moments they had shared at the turning of the spheres, the shift between day and night, night and day. But since the dismissal of the Royal Army, she had grown distant from her elder sister and less tolerant of her company.

Celestia’s bell-like laugh of delight rang throughout the dining room, causing Luna’s ears to flatten. “Oh Luna, thou must hear this. You simply must lend me your ear!”

“What be the occasion now, oh sister dearest?” Luna sighed, closing her eyes. “Yet another declaration of affection? Mayhap some clever stud doth seek to win thy heart with winsome words?”

“Indeed. Listen well,” she coughed softly as she began to read, “’Oh fairest and brightest, most glorious of all mares, thy radiance doth catch my heart and set my body aflame. To look upon thee with eyes unguarded would be to be struck blind by beauty, oh brightest light of the heavens…’”

Luna stabbed a chunk of lettuce and bit into it a bit more savagely than normal as she listened. ‘Brightest light of the heavens?’ The turn of phrase filled her heart with fire. Truthfully, she shouldn’t have felt as angry as she was. After all, it was hardly the first time that Celestia had brought up her correspondence at mealtime. The sickening flattery of it all, however, made her blood boil.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the letter was addressed to her sister, of course…

Celestia, meanwhile, had finished her recitation and sighed blissfully. However, she paused, a small frown creasing her ivory muzzle as she saw Luna’s expression. “Do not these words stir thine heart, Luna?”

“They do indeed, sister,” Luna replied neutrally. “Many an emotion doth it inspire within me.”

“Indeed? Prithee, do tell.”

“I dare not,” Luna replied stiffly, “for the words that I would use to describe those sentiments are nay fit for present company.”

Celestia snorted softly, rolling up the scroll. “Thou art vexed over a simple letter, dearest Luna?” The sun princess pointed the tip of the scroll towards her like some sort of magic wand. “’Tis nay but the words of a young admirer and nothing more.”

“Aye. And it shant not the last, I suspect.” Luna replied, her voice a neutral as she could manage.

“What ill spirits fill you?” Celestia frowned deeply. “I merely sought to share the merriment these words brought unto me with thee, in hopes that thy melancholy would improve.”

“Unlike thee, I cannot abide by such foolishness. Mayhap thou shouldst read it within the bounds of thine own chambers then, and make merriment with the words there,” Luna snapped as she rose to her feet. “Verily, thou hast enough scrolls of such drivel to fashion thee a comfort horse of ink and paper.”

“Thy crudity is duly noted, sister. If thou doth wish, I shall confine my pleasures to a more private venue…” Celestia paused as Luna turned away. “Where art thou going?”

“Unto my chambers. The morn grows long, and I grow weary. Good day unto thee, sister dearest.”


Luna strode out of the dining hall, her pale blue tail and mane fluttering as she did so. Morning sunlight poured in through the hallway windows of Everfree Castle, glancing off of the coats of passing functionaries. The ponies gave her a wide birth as she passed by, their eyes averted in deference. Or fear. It was hard for Luna to tell sometimes.

To be fair, it was understandable. For four generations, she had served faithfully as Equestria’s sword. Even in this time of peace, tales were told of her valor. However, there was always an undercurrent of fear when she was spoken of. Even her former soldiers, now grown old and gray in their retirement, viewed her with no small amount of nervousness. Compared to her brighter and gentler sister, she was cold and fearsome. She was the flash of lightning in the dark, the cold wind that froze the wicked, the breath of fear in the heart of the unrighteous.

There was no place for her.

The Princess of the Night paused at one of the windows. Far in the distance, upon Canterhorn Peak, she could see the gleaming half-built towers of her sister’s newest pet project. It was to be a grand palace, one set to serve as the new capital of their nation. ‘A shining city without compare,’ Celestia had called it. Luna’s opinion was less than charitable once she had seen the plans. It was no fortress, but a fairy-tale palace; a gaudy edifice of pale stone and gleaming gold.

As pale as Celestia’s coat and as golden as her sun.

Fie upon it all, she thought darkly, turning away from the window.


“Wow,” Chrono said as the Princess Luna of the memory stalked through him. “I really didn’t expect this…”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this place before,” Yuuno frowned, looking around the castle with curious eyes. “Where are we, exactly?”

“Everfree Castle. It was part of the old capital,” Celestia’s voice echoed oddly, though her avatar did not manifest, “before I moved it to Canterlot.”

“I remember this,” Fate walked closer to Yuuno. “This looks like the castle I hid out in when I was hunting for the Jewel Seeds.”

“So this is what the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters used to look like,” Twilight whispered. “Amazing.”

“I’m just curious as to why we had to see that.” Chrono deadpanned, crossing his arms and frowning in irritation. “I thought this was going to be about-”

“Patience, young Enforcer,” Luna chided. “We are merely setting the stage. Your questions will all be answered in due time.”

“For a second there,” Yuuno rubbed his chin as he looked upwards, searching for the source of the royal voices, “I almost thought you were Rarity, Princess.”

Celestia let out a soft, nervous giggle. “I can see the comparison. I must admit, I was a bit of a romantic when I was younger…”

“And you still are, sister,” Luna noted with a soft snort. “You’ve just learned to contain yourself better. But it’s best we press on…”

And then, the world around them grew hazy, like a sudden onrush of fog. When the haze cleared, they were somewhere else…


Luna’s quarters were dark and quiet, just as she liked it. Indigo draperies blocked out the sunlight from the windows, and the darkly colored stone walls were lit only by a silver candelabra’s dancing flames.

The Princess of the Night liked it that way. She had little use for her sister’s opulence; her furnishings were sturdy, but not particularly well-decorated. The falls of her booted hooves were softened by the wine-colored rug beneath her feet, images of night-blooming flowers curling along its border as she approached her sturdy, neatly made bed. Luna’s horn lit as she removed her moon-silver regalia; the crown, collar, and boots that symbolized her station. She levitated them over to their stand beside her faintly glowing moon-silver barding, inspecting them for a few moments before she turned away. Her eyes lingered over the armor briefly, her lips curling. At her sister’s request, she had stopped wearing the armor in her daily routine; it’d been one of the few requests she had willingly acquiesced to. After all, it hardly befitted a diarch to wear full armor during peacetime, especially a coat of arms as daunting as Luna’s lunargent armament.

Not that it helped much.

Luna shook her head and sighed, flipping her mane as she did so. Turning away from the stand, she turned her attention to another stand; a tall podium upon which rested a dark-covered tome bearing a thin, upturned silver crescent.

“Nyx,” she addressed the book, “my Tome of the Night Sky, I bid thee awaken, if thou wilt.”

“BY YOUR WILL, IT SHALL BE DONE,” the book chimed as it rose upwards, its pages parting as it opened. Silvery light poured upwards from the tome’s surface as though a spotlight were shining through the parchment and ink.

The light pooled onto the ground as the book turned, shining downwards and resolved into a vaguely equine figure. The pony was shorter than Luna, its coat moon-white and its mane and tail gleaming silver. Its eyes were like red jewels, pupil-less and glittering as it bowed, its head lowered, wings spread and horn touching the ground.

“Hail and well met, oh Mistress,” the avatar spoke gently, its voice having a faintly mechanical timbre to it. “What desire of yours might I fulfill?”

Luna smiled gently at her handiwork. Once, the Tome of the Night Sky had been a simple spell book and nothing more. That had changed when Luna had begun tinkering with it. The dark alicorn’s knowledge of magic had included the construction and programming of Devices, and the sorcery with which to manifest their intelligences. At first, the Tome had been a simple machine spirit, an artificial intelligence that could perform basic tasks autonomously. However, as time passed by, Luna had added more and more spells to the matrix, fleshing its protocols out and widening its knowledge. The biggest change, however, came from Luna’s acquisition of a piece of the legendary Examia. The single shard of that crystal had elevated a simple machine intelligence into a living consciousness, a being that Luna had named ‘Nyx;’ an archaic name for the night sky.

“Oldest friend,” Luna replied, waving a hoof, “raise up thy head and bow not to me. I only desire naught but thy company, nothing more.”

“As you wish, my Mistress,” Nyx replied, folding her wings against her side as the tome hovered beside her. She followed Luna to the bed, taking a seat before her as the book rested at Luna’s side. “What occasions this request? Hast thou been wronged once more?”

“Aye.” Luna sighed, resting her chin on the sheets as she relaxed her wings. “Though… nay, not wronged.”

Nyx tilted her head in confusion. “Be it ‘aye’ or ‘nay,’ Mistress?”

“’Tis neither,” Luna closed her eyes. “Perhaps my language fails me this morn. Weary is my heart and short is my temper. Tell my Nyx, how fail I so? Why doth all of pony-kind turn favored eyes unto my sister and shun me?”

“I know not that answer, my Mistress.” Nyx replied evenly.

“Am I not worthy of respect? Of praise? Of adoration? Though my sphere doth light the gloom, is it lesser than my sister’s sun?” Luna rolled onto her side, her tail flicking as she snorted irritably. “Are not my works as grand as my sister‘s? As glorious?”

“Upon what basis would you have me compare, my Mistress?”

“I know not.” Luna rolled back onto her belly. “I merely know that I have no place in this time of peace. And with my sister‘s gaudy palace within a wing‘s-breadth of completion, she shall once more have something to draw our subject‘s awe.”

Nyx’s tail flicked as Luna fell silent. The silence pervaded for several minutes before the avatar spoke. “Mistress, far be it for me to question…”


“Perhaps… ‘twould be best to craft thy own great work? Thy knowledge of sorcery doth be grander than thy fair-coated sister…”

Luna raised her head, a hoof going to her lips as her eyes became thoughtful. “Thy words doth prick my ears, oh Nyx. A great work… aye, that indeed would draw the hearts of our subjects to me.”

The Princess of the Moon slid off of her sheets and began to pace. “But what? But what? It must be grand indeed. Grand enough that every eye should be drawn unto it… so grand that not even Celestia’s gaudy palace upon the Canterhorn could compare. So grand that it dominates the very sky!”

Luna paused, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. “The very sky… of course! Nyx, open wide thy archives! A most wondrous idea burns within my bosom!”


“Alter the night sky?”

Celestia stared at the disarray of her sister’s room. When Luna had fled that morning, Celestia had done what she usually did in such situations; left Luna be. The pink-maned alicorn knew all-too-well that Luna’s moods could be tempestuous at best, and had come to the conclusion that letting her younger sister be was the expedient thing to do. However, when Luna hadn’t shown up at sunset for dinner, she simply had to investigate. When she arrived at Luna’s quarters, she had expected to find her sister moping.

She hadn’t expected Luna to have commandeered every piece of parchment and ink-pot in the castle, nor for the walls to be festooned with schematics and spell-circles and notes and figures. It was as though a library had exploded within the bedroom. Starswirl the Bearded would have tied his whiskers in a knot at the sight of such a disaster. The room stank of ink, strong tea, and a few things Celestia’s nostrils couldn’t quite identify.

Luna smiled winsomely at Celestia’s query, her blue eyes bright and burning with intent. “Aye! Tis a grand undertaking indeed, oh sister dearest. My domain is all-too drab and unbefitting of my splendor, unlike thine own cerulean tapestry. Thus, it shall be adorned and made fitting…”

“Indeed?” Celestia frowned, levitating one of the parchments up to her eyes, looking over its contents. The calculations were so much gibberish to her; though a skilled magician in her own right, Celestia could hardly match the mad genius of her sibling. She, who had learned at the hoof of Starswirl the Bearded himself.

A fact that Celestia found rather irritating.

“Aye. The benefits of such a system should be quite apparent. The designs shall be implemented…”

Celestia set the parchment aside, returning it to its position on the wall. “Luna,” she calmly spoke.

“…of course, jewels of sufficient luminosity…”


“And the use of etheric-”

“Luna!” Celestia shouted, putting a halt to Luna’s babbling.

“Yes, Celestia?” Luna focused on her.

Celestia’s face fell into its practiced appearance; a gentle smile, regular breaths, a calm and focused gaze. “While this fanciful flight of thine no doubt provides many a benefit, art thou certain that such an undertaking is necessary? Is the sky at night not serviceable as it stands?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “Aye. It is serviceable indeed,” Luna’s voice dripped with defiance, her voice low and icy. “But when didst the Princess of the Day decide the expression of the night?”

Celestia closed her eyes for a moment as she pondered her next move. She knew that tone all too well; it meant that Luna was going to put up a fight. “’Tis hardly my place to speak of such things, dearest sister. I only seek to understand thy intent, nothing more.”

“Have I not made plain my intent, sister mine? Or has the long day muddled thy wits?” Luna replied, her tone shifting from low and icy to merely stiff and irritable. “Heed me. The night sky shall be spangled with stars, as it is in other realms and as it once was. Nay, better! Would you deny our subjects such a sight?”

Celestia hmmed softly. “The idea doth be sound, but the expenses would be grand, do you not agree? The benefits of such a work to our subjects must outweigh…”

“Ah, yes.” Luna’s voice once again became frosty as she turned away, circling around the bed and away from Celestia. “We must, perforce, take the benefits of our subjects into account. Surely a starry night doth be lighter of value than a palace.”

“Is this what hath inspired this?” Celestia asked. When Luna didn’t reply, she shook her head. “There is a grand difference between a seat of administration and a flight of fancy, dearest sister.”

“Aye. And thou wouldst deny me even this.”

Celestia inhaled and closed her eyes in thought. She loved her little sister dearly, but she had to be reigned in from time to time. She could be so selfish sometimes. If Celestia indulged her every little whim, then where would that leave Equestria? Somepony had to think of the country first…

And yet, against her better judgment, Celestia felt her heart ache for her little sister. She quickly ran the figures in her head, wincing quietly at the possible costs. Perhaps, just perhaps, it wouldn’t hurt to let Luna have this one. The night sky did need fixing after all. What was the worst that could happen?

“…The gems beneath the Canterhorn would work well for your designs, would they not?”

Celestia smiled as Luna turned to face her, her eyes wide. “Aye,” Luna replied cautiously. “It is necessary to attune the spell matrix to a physical core…”

“Then I shall alert the mines. And, of course, I shall speak to the Crystal Empire to see if they might lend you their resources. Would that satisfy thee?”

“Aye… aye!” Luna sprinted towards Celestia, rounding the bend to embrace the taller alicorn. “Oh sister. Oh Tia… I thank thee with all my heart…”


“Amazing…” Yuuno whispered softly.

“Which part?” If Chrono’s response was any drier, it would have absorbed actual water. “The part about the Tome having a physical equine avatar, or the part where we just listened to two ponies talk about making stars?”

“B-both!” Yuuno looked to Chrono, then glanced upwards. “This is too incredible to describe…”

“Is it?” Luna’s voice echoed as her avatar manifested.

“Well… yes.” Yuuno blushed. “I mean… I’ve seen stars. How could you make a star with magic. I mean, I understand that you’re incredibly powerful, but this…”

“The stars in Equestria differ from stars in other realms.” Luna replied. “The stars seen in the skies above our lands are not natural. They are satellites, clever facsimiles and nothing more.”

“So,” Chrono replied, “they’re not actually stars.”

“Not as you know them.”

“Oh.” Yuuno exhaled. “That’s… that’s good to know.”

“You’re looking a little pale, Yuuno.” Twilight said, gently nudging the archeologist as he took a seat.

“Did you know about this, Twilight?” Chrono glanced over to the unicorn.

“Well, not exactly.” Twilight’s eyes turned to Luna. “I mean, I knew Luna was in charge of the moon and the stars, but I didn’t think she had such a role in creating them.”

“And this,” Fate smiled playfully at Twilight, “is why I‘m glad Princess Luna is my teacher.”

Luna laughed softly. “I do not think, my darling student, that I will be instructing you in the creation of artificial stars any time soon.”

“While this topic is fascinating,” Chrono crossed his arms as he focused on Luna, “I have questions about the Tome. What is this ‘Nyx’ avatar you created?”

“Nyx is…was… the machine spirit of the Tome of the Night Sky,” Luna sighed. “You could consider her to be the master control program of the Tome, the administrative system that kept the Device in working order.”

“But Nyx isn’t just the master program, is it?” Chrono gestured to the scene before them. “If it were, then it wouldn’t need a separate name and identity. It’s not just a standard Device intelligence, is it?”

“Indeed. Nyx’s ascendance to consciousness was an aberration. One I attributed to the effect of the Examia.”

“The Examia?” Twilight rose from her seat beside Yuuno, walking up beside Chrono. “I’ve never heard of that. I mean, I know my knowledge of magical lore isn’t exhaustive, but I might have heard something about this ‘Examia.’ What is it?”

“The Examia was a crystal of incredible power, the greatest treasure of a place called the Crystal Empire.” Celestia’s avatar faded in beside Luna, the taller alicorn’s phantasmal mane billowing. “Luna was given a few slivers of the gem as a gift for… certain activities.”

“Certain ac-”

“It would be wise,” Luna interrupted, “to not ask, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Um… o-okay. Sorry.”

“The Examia resonates with emotional energy,” Celestia continued, “and directly translates those emotions into power.”

“Indeed,” Luna nodded. “By incorporating a fragment of the Examia into the magical matrix of the Tome, I was able to craft something far greater than a simple automaton. I created an artificial being…”

“A link between Devices and Familiars.” Yuuno climbed up to his feet. “I’d heard that the Ancient Belkans had a similar type of Device, but I never thought I’d see a possible prototype of the concept.”

“It certainly makes sense…” Chrono rubbed his chin.

“Chrono, how in the blazes are you staying so calm?” Yuuno stared at him.

“Trust me Yuuno,” Chrono replied, giving him a level look, “I’m just as shocked as you are. I’m just keeping it under wraps so I don’t start gibbering all over everything.”

“Nyx was not simply a Device, young Scrya,” Luna continued, her eyes downcast as she walked through the memory, pausing at the Tome of the Night Sky contained within. “She was, at that time, the closest thing I had to a friend… It was that desire, that need, that resonated so powerfully with the fragment of the Examia.”

“I know what that’s like…”

Luna blinked as Fate approached, the young unicorn looking up to her teacher quietly. “You’re not the only one who made their first friend, Teacher.”


“So what happened next?” Chrono glanced over to Celestia, the elder princess looking sadly at her younger self.

“What happened,” Celestia replied morosely as the scene changed once more, “was things started to go downhill.”


Luna looked down from her spot on the balcony overlooking the ballroom, the white stone of the walls gleaming under the bright magical lights of the ceiling. Below her, noble ponies from across Equestria were mingling, the low and soft din of chatter providing a susurrus-like counterpoint to the music the quartet was playing.

It was to be expected. The second that the palace had been completed, Celestia had begun planning this gala. Invitations had been sent to every noble pony in the land; the unicorn houses, the pegasus military aristocracy and the earth pony officials who ran the vast plantations that kept the country fed. Fine wine flowed liberally, and even finer clothing was on display; a night of richness and opulence in celebration of the establishment of Canterlot.

Of course, the sisters themselves were the centerpiece of the gala. Celestia was surrounded by her numerous hangers-on, her rose-colored mane woven with thin gold and platinum chains, her flowing white and gold silk dress glittering with precious jewels, thread-of-gold sunbursts and crystalline lace. Luna’s own gown was of rich blue and indigo velvet, star-cut amethysts and sapphires glittering along the collar and hem and embroidered crescents of silver and white thread gleaming along the train. An ornate moonsilver tiara perched atop her brow, a single diamond carved into a lunar crescent gleaming from its weighty band.

Luna hated it. Her dress alone had cost a small fortune, even without the jewels and other accessories. She would have preferred to wear her armor to the gala, but Celestia had outright vetoed it. It was either wear a dress, or not come at all. And rather than risk a show of disharmony before Celestia’s precious nobles, Luna had agreed.

Celestia had told her the dresses were a showing of their esteem amongst their subjects. Luna, in a moment that exemplified the virtue of tact, had remained silent.

The night princess took another drink from her wine, glowering silently down at her sister as the elder alicorn held her court. The sycophants were laughing, probably at some joke she had made.

It wasn’t just the dress. It was everything about the occasion. It was no secret that Luna disliked the nobility; their backstabbing, conniving and silver-tongued half-truths filled the dark alicorn with a feeling of deep loathing. She disliked the atmosphere of artificiality, the decadence of the occasion… There was nothing that she enjoyed about these parties. And yet, Celestia took to them as easily as a duck did to water. If anything, Celestia seemed to turn a blind eye to their petty squabbles, or engage in it herself…

Luna looked up as the herald’s trumpets rang. “Announcing,” the tall unicorn crowed, “Her Majesty, Princess Mi Tranquillo Arioso of the Crystal Empire and her entourage!”

The Princess of the Night couldn’t help but smile, setting her wineglass aside as she descended from her perch. The Empire was a favored ally of Equestria; after all, both Equestria and the Empire were ruled by ponies. Their leader, Princess Aria, was a close friend of the Equestrian princesses, particularly Luna.

Of course, that was the public version of the story.

Luna approached as Princess Aria entered through the doors. She was tall, her limbs deer-like and her body slim. Her coat was the color of rose quartz, gleaming beautifully beneath the sky-blue and cream fabric of her dress. Her amethyst-purple and topaz-blue streaked mane and tail glittered in the colors of the rainbow as they caught the light, putting even the jewels woven into her braids to shame. Her eyes were bright blue like polished opals, and the smile on her slender muzzle was warm and peaceful.

“Hail and well met, Princess of the North, oh shining gem of the world,” Luna said as she bowed her head.

“Hail and well met, Princess of the Moon, whose nights bring peace,” Princess Aria replied, bowing her own head. The long, spear-like horns of the two princesses touched briefly before Aria laughed, drawing Luna into a warm embrace.

“A merry eve it is indeed,” Celestia spoke as she approached, “when we three Princesses are gathered here tonight. Welcome, oh kindred sister of the north.”

“Hail and well met, Princess of the Sun, whose days bring warmth,” Aria replied, bowing her head. “Do forgive our tardy arrival. Affairs of the state do press in like the winter snows, even on occasions when they should not.”

“Thy tardiness is forgiven, oh dearest to our heart,” Luna replied. “We welcome thee with open hooves, for long has it been since our last meeting.”

“Indeed,” Celestia agreed, “and we both have missed thee greatly. Come! Come! Join us in our revelry!”

“Indeed! Come, Luna,” Aria laughed cheerfully as she walked off with Celestia, not noticing Luna’s quiet glare towards her sister’s retreating form.


“She looks familiar…” Twilight murmured as she approached Princess Mi Tranquillo Arioso, her eyes narrowed.

“How so?” Fate glanced at Twilight as she landed beside her, turning to look at the Princess in question. “I didn’t know there was another alicorn…”

“Another ali- of course! Princess!” Twilight looked back towards Celestia. “She looks like Cadence!”

“Who’s Cadence?” Fate turned to look at Celestia, who smiled sadly.

“Princess Cadence is my niece by blood…” Celestia replied quietly. “Several generations removed, mind you.”

“By blood?” Yuuno looked from Celestia to Aria, then back again. “Wait. Niece. That means…”


“Art thou not enjoying the festivities, grandmother?”

Luna glanced towards Aria as the pale pink alicorn approached. Luna had taken up a spot near one of the great, arched windows, well away from the chattering horde that populated it. The Princess of the Night blushed faintly, then turned her attention upwards. “We are merely observing tonight’s sky. Nothing more, Aria.”

“Indeed. May I join you?”

“Do as you will, nearest to my heart,” Luna replied softly. Her ear flicked as she heard Aria seat herself beside her, the faint scent of jasmine touching her nostrils.

“They are beautiful.”

Luna felt a blush creep up her neck at that, turning to look at Aria. “What thou dost look upon is naught but the beginning stages. In time, the sky shall gleam brighter than any noble pony’s gem-festooned gown. They shall be as a tapestry of diamond upon a velvet canvas, the sidereal magic forming a great web of enchantment across the sky.”

“It gladdens my heart to see the crystals of my kingdom used to such a purpose. A gem glitters brightest when looked upon, after all.”

“Aye.” Luna sighed, leaning in to nuzzle Aria’s cheek. “I have missed thee greatly, granddaughter.”

“And I, you.” Aria smiled. “Long has it been since your shadow has darkened my doorstep.”

“Aye.” Luna shook her head sadly. “’Tis a grave fault of mine. But thou hast grown into a beautiful mare indeed, and a wondrous Princess in thine own right, well away from my gaze.”

Aria laughed softly. “You flatter me, oh glorious Princess of the Night!”

“Nay.” Luna snorted softly. “I speak naught but truth. Thou art worthy of the title. To think, that from my line would come that rarest of creatures, a true alicorn…”

Aria laughed again. “Indeed. Father, by-the-by, sends his regards.”

“Is he well?”

“As well as a pony of his age can manage.”

Luna smiled. “I remember his father, your grandfather, all too well. Few stallions had the nerve to stand up against me as he did…”

“Is that what drew thine eyes to him, and not his well-toned hindquarters?”

Luna blushed brilliantly. “Were this not a public occasion, I would reproach thee for thine cheek, filly.”

“Do forgive me, oh mighty Princess,” Aria tittered, causing Luna to roll her eyes. The pink princess soon fell silent. “How fares thy relationship with Aunt Celestia?”

“Why dost thou ask this?”

“Because I can sense the disquiet.” Aria moved to face Luna, her pale blue eyes concerned. “As Princess of Peace, my magic doth sense the strains of conflict. I can feel the quarrel between thee. Even now, the skein of contention doth begin to tighten within thy heart…” Aria touched a hoof to Luna’s chest. “I fear greatly for thee, should it stay unquelled.”

Luna closed her eyes, her wings fluffing as she stretched them. “It shall pass, in time. This transition between times of war and times of peace doth…” She shook her head “It is a struggle. However, struggle is inherent to my nature. It shall pass in time.”

“Oh, how I hope so.” Aria sighed.

“Trouble yourself not with my woes, oh precious jewel.” Luna smiled, touching a hoof to Aria’s cheek. “Thy youth should not be passed caring so for a pony as ancient as I. Come, let us speak of more pleasant matters!”

“As thou desire, grandmother.” Aria‘s eyes lit up as she smiled. ”Ah! Perhaps there is news that will please you! I am being courted!”

Luna’s eyes widened. “Courted! I can nay say that I am surprised. Thou art as radiant as any jewel, and twice as glorious. Who is the stallion that seeks thee?”

“He is a noble pony of Equestria, a clever and strong unicorn of noble blood.” Aria gestured with a hoof. “There. The stallion with the dark-hued coat. Even now, he speaks with Auntie Celestia.”

“Aye?” Luna turned to look. Her eyes hardened as her gaze fell upon the unicorn stallion. He was tall of stature and broad of shoulder, with a coat the color of ash and a thick, curly black mane and tail. His eyes were scarlet and his look fierce, even as he laughed. Upon his flank was emblazoned the image of a crimson jewel bursting from a chunk of black stone.

“His name is Lord Somber,” Aria smiled.

“Aye. I know of him,” Luna replied neutrally. “He is one of Celestia’s erstwhile supporters. His house controls the mines beneath the Canterhorn. I favor him not. His ambitions are grand and his tongue slippery.”

“Thou couldst say the same for all nobles, could you not?” Aria laughed, then stopped as Luna rose to her feet. “Grandmother?”

“Pardon me, my darling, but there is a matter I must see to.”


“Such merry tidings these are!” Celestia laughed gaily, her rose-colored eyes focused on the unicorn before her. “And she is receptive you say?”

“Aye indeed!” Somber grinned playfully. “Most receptive. I dare say that the courtship flows smoothly. Never before have I met a mare as lovely and gentle as the Princess Aria, save only for you, oh fairest and brightest of all ponykind.”

Celestia blushed coquettishly, flaring her wings slightly. “Thy flattery is most forward.”

“Be it so?” Somber’s eyes widened, a hoof going to his chest. “I am struck down! That the sun-kissed Princess Celestia herself, who brings forth the light of day and boundless joy to all within our fair land, would wound me so…”

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle. “Mayhap thou shouldst save thy clever tongue for thine prospective paramour?”

“Aye. That I shall. Forgive my indiscretion, your Most Benevolent Majesty.”

“It is forgiven. I must say, this is wondrous news. By joining the lineage of the Crystal Empire to one of the oldest remaining houses of unicorn nobility, Equestria will gain tremendously indeed…”

“Sister, may we join thee?”

“Ah!” Celestia’s smile became slightly dimmed. “Luna! Come, join our conversation. You have met Lord Somber of House Ruby, yes?”

“Aye,” Luna’s voice was cool, “that I have. How do you do?”

“Passing well, oh shepherd of the night,” Somber bowed his head reverentially to Luna. “As well as a stallion in the throes of love can manage. So strongly does my heart beat, that my body can nay hardly contain its thunder.”

“Lord Somber doth have a more-than-passing fancy for the Princess Mi Tranquillo Arioso, sister,” Celestia explained. “He doth seek her hoof in marriage.”

“Aye. We have heard of this.”

“Have you now?” Celestia arched a brow in curiosity, though Luna’s gaze never wavered from Somber, her eyes narrowed and her lips thin. Celestia blinked as Luna’s horn glimmered, a thin and subtle current slithering up her horn.

“What provokes so fell a look, Princess?” Somber blinked, his lips pursed. “Does this news not please you?”

“Nay, it does not.”

“Have I offended thee in some dreadful manner?” Somber pouted. “Have I so greatly wronged thee that thy horn be lit aflame?”

“Thy presence alone offends us.” Luna’s eyes closed, her ears pulling back. Celestia could feel the pressure of her sister’s spell. What in the name of Harmony is she thinking?

“If thou art concerned of my intent, fear not,” he protested, his eyes nervously focused on the glowing spike. “I have naught but the kindest and sincerest of intentions for her. I wish only to love and cherish-”

Luna’s eyes snapped open, her expression one of barely contained fury. There was a flash of blue light. Somber recoiled in pain, pulling back slightly and placing Celestia between him and her sister, his eyes wide and his lip bloodied.

“Thou art a liar,” Luna snarled, “and a fiend.”

Celestia glanced between the pair, her ears pulling back. She could already feel the eyes of the party guests upon her. She could hear the soft whispers; even the music had paused. She had to end this scene now, and quickly.

Luna, Celestia whispered thought-to-thought to her sibling, you will stand down.

I will do no such thing. Stand away from him!

Thou art making a scene, Luna! Celestia glared at her sister, their gazes equally hard.

You dare defend this wretch? I have seen into his heart with my magic, sister, and his insides are as ashen as his coat. And this is the devil that seeks the hoof of my granddaughter?! Mark me, he will make mischief most foul with her!

Thy own descendants can protect their own virtue, Celestia countered. Have ye any proof that Lord Somber is lying? Or that he has wicked intentions?

Naught but his own lying tongue and my spell. Is that not enough?

Many a pony lies, Luna. This be not proof that all are wicked…

This is no common pony! To my face he lies! Your presence emboldens him, can you not see this?! Do you doubt me so!?

Celestia fought to keep her expression calm. Nay, I doubt you not, Luna. We will have this discussion another time. But not here, and not now! Look about you! Do you not feel the gazes of our subjects?

Think you I care one jot of these fools and their opinions? Luna’s mental voice was as harsh as the winter wind.

These fools, as you call them, comprise what’s left of Equestria’s ruling classes. Even now, we can nay afford to offend-

Luna bared her teeth, her eyes burning with rage. By which you mean YOU can nay afford to offend them! While we two struggled to patch Equestria back together, these prattling nitwits whiled away their hours on banal pleasures and political games! A pox upon the lot of them, and a pox and a curse upon Lord Somber of House Ruby!

“Enough, Luna.” Celestia vocalized, her tone firm and brooking no disagreement.

Luna stared up at Celestia, then shot a dagger-eyed glare in the direction of Somber. The soft fabric of Luna’s dress rustled loudly in the stillness as she turned sharply and stalked out. Any poor soul that lingered in her path was greeted with a glare that caused them to scamper away in fear, their hackles raised by the passing chill.

“I know not why,” Somber said, his voice creaking with forced joviality as the ballroom doors slammed shut, “but it appears that her Majesty, the Princess Luna, does not favor me...”

“We apologize for our sister’s rashness.” Celestia replied as Somber levitated a napkin to his lip. “She has been in a poor mood as of late.”

“Princess Celestia!” Princess Aria approached quickly, her eyes wide. “What in the name of all things sacred has just occurred?”

“A bit of familial squabbling, it seems,” Somber chuckled softly.

“Oh, oh Somber. Thou art bleeding…”

“Tis nay but a scratch, my darling, my precious crystal…”

Princess Aria turned to look at Celestia. “Where hath Princess Luna fled to? I must pursue her…”

“Nay!” Somber reached over and took one of her hooves in his. “If her dark majesty would strike me, I shudder to think what she would inflict upon you…”

“Luna would do no such thing…” Princess Aria looked back to Somber. “Please… Luna is a kind and dear pony. I hate to see her in such a state.”

“Our sister, sadly, has a tendency to be unreasonable when she works herself up like this.” Celestia said carefully. “Give her some time to regain herself, and then she will no doubt see reason.”


“With all due respect, your Majesty,” Chrono looked over to Celestia, “you-”

“Chrono,” Twilight whispered sharply, “not right now.”

Celestia didn’t reply at first, her gaze focused on her younger self. She approached the memory quietly, her eyes sad.

“You foal. You stubborn, prideful child,” Celestia murmured, almost to herself as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Why didn’t you listen to her? Was their respect really so important to you? Were those sweet words and flatteries worth it? Did you think yourself so wise and clever that you didn‘t realize you were being taken advantage of? So much pain and sorrow could have been averted if you just listened.

“Princess,” Twilight spoke, only to watch as Celestia turned away from Twilight, her wings and tail drooping.

“Forgive me,” Celestia said quietly. “I…need a moment.”

“I will tend to things while you are away, sister.” Luna said gently as Celestia’s avatar faded away.

“What… happened?” Twilight asked softly, her stomach sinking. She wasn’t sure she was going to like the answer.

“Princess Aria and Lord Somber were married, in the end.” Luna replied, her tone carefully neutral. “Against my protests, of course, but what could one pony say against true love? And with their marriage, came the official unification of Equestria and the Crystal Empire.”

“It wasn’t until later that Somber’s true nature unveiled itself,” Luna’s calmness began to strain as her eyes narrowed. “On the surface, Somber was as fine a gentlepony as any other noble. But within him beat a heart filled with dark ambition, and a terrible lust for power, attributes that his silver tongue and noble lineage did obscure. He was clever in his machinations, hiding in the depths of the Empire where he did his dark work. Had he not let his lust for power blind his better judgment, we would have not noticed his corruption until it was too late.”

“The Crystal Empire’s inherent magic is unique,” Luna continued. “The land itself responds unto its ruler’s desires. And when the sky grew dark and occluded, hiding the capital from our sight, we sent messengers forth to investigate. When they did not return, Celestia and I went forth ourselves.”

“In our arrogance and ignorance, we did not bring the Elements of Harmony, our most powerful of weapons. After all, Somber was but one unicorn. Even with the Empire behind him, he would stand no chance against us.” Luna closed her eyes as the fog rolled in, turning a strange, ugly orange. “I wonder now how things would have gone had we not been so foolish…”


Celestia stared in horror at what lay beneath her. The Crystal Empire had once been beautiful, its green fields lush under a clear and pure sky. The capital had been a thing of beauty, its crystalline architecture carved from great, semi-precious stones and polished to a gleaming finish. The city’s roads radiated outwards from the palace like a snowflake’s barbs, catching the sun above like rivers of nacre-hued glass.

Now, it was all but ruin. Once verdant fields had turned brown and rotting. The once clear sky had turned a sickly orange as noxious clouds curled and swirled above, crackling with green lightning. Black crystals twisted like jagged ivy throughout the city, casting malevolent shadows upon the collared and shackled ponies that marched in a slow, silent pattern along the cracked and fractured avenues and thoroughfares.

It was the smell that was the worst part; a noxious mixture of the smell of rotten crops, the stink of waste left un-buried and the sickening-sweet perfume of decay and filth. Even from her position in the sky, she could smell it. Her teeth clenched as she fought back the bile.

“What horror be this,” Celestia choked out. “What hath befallen the fair Empire, that maketh it naught but a Tartarian waste?!”

“’Tis the work of no common pony,” Luna’s voice was frighteningly calm, her black tome hovering beside her. “No common pony indeed.”

Celestia nodded slowly. “We should retreat, sister. Return with the Elements of-”

Her words stopped as she shuddered. A wave of vile magic washed over her like sewage, causing her stomach to turn. Shadowy figures rose from the ground below, taking on the forms of twisted pegasi made of black crystal. There were dozens of them, rising up in vast waves like a wailing tide.

“It seems,” Luna noted, “that we have been noticed. Nyx, call forth my armor, and let battle be joined.”

“BY YOUR WILL, IT SHALL BE DONE. ROYAL BARDING, COME FORTH.” the Tome replied, its covers snapping open as silvery light flowed around Luna, a ring of magic swooping over her body as her moonsilver armor sprang into being about her, her great wings flapping with a loud whoosh as she hovered. Her body swelled, her mane and tail unfurling into its fully star-studded glory as she took on her war-form.

“It would be wise, sister mine,” Luna said, her horn igniting with navy-blue flame, “that you withdraw from the field. These monsters will nay show you mercy…”

“Nay…” Celestia’s jaw clenched, her own horn flashing to life. “I’ll do no such thing. Though my skill in sorcery pales in comparison to thine, I shall nay sit idly whilst thou struggle alone. Let me light thine way.”

Luna looked quietly to Celestia, then snorted loudly and nodded. “Very well. Let us clear a path, then.”

Celestia arched her neck back, closing her eyes as she concentrated. Golden fire rippled up her horn, soon shifting into an iridescent corona of flame. Light leaked out from her eyes as she turned her gaze upon the approaching enemies and uttered a single word.


There was a rush of power, the air violently shimmering with a haze of heat. As the onrushing swarm drew near, their numbers spontaneously ignited, their black crystal bodies swiftly consumed by brilliant flame until nothing but ash was left behind.

Celestia clenched her teeth as she wrested the spell back, extinguishing the heat wave before it reached too far. It was always difficult for her to manage a spell with such a broad scope. “Your…turn… sister.”

“Aye. Well done. But now observe. Resound, oh thunder!” Luna called out, her Tome’s pages flipping rapidly. “Strike, oh lightning! Rend asunder all that dare to challenge our might!”

“THUNDER OF THE NIGHT SKY,” the Tome answered, a large circle of blue-black light forming before it. Lightning crackled from within the depths of the black circle, then flashed out, dozens of bolts arcing outwards and smashing through the ranks. The blue-black lightning leapt from target to target, until at last it struck the ground, expending its energy away from the civilians.

“For Harmony! For Equestria!” Luna roared, manifesting a pair of shadowy, crescent-shaped blades as she dove downwards, her body of streak of brilliant blue and indigo light.

“Luna!” Celestia called out as she pursued, her wings and limbs pulled tight against her body as she dove. Luna was well ahead of her, the shadowy blades arcing and slicing through opponents like a farmer’s scythe through wheat. Fragments of black crystal trailed by black mist sprayed outwards in wide arcs as Luna’s targets fell.

Celestia couldn’t pull her eyes away. She often chided Luna for being eager to fight, for having an unseemly love for violence. But she’d never actually seen her sister so furious, nor so brutal in her fighting. She could feel the chill of Luna’s rage as the night princess landed, her hooves cratering the ground as more figures emerged from the darkness; jagged and rough-hewn equine forms with brows topped with spiky horns of black crystal. Jets of black flame spouted from their lance-like appendages, only to be parried away or reflected by Luna’s blades. The moon-princess whirled about, her mane and tail elongating into whips of star-stuff, ensnaring and tossing aside opponents with frightful force.

The Sun Princess, however, turned her attention to other matters. She pulled up, spreading her wings as she flew overhead. She banked and rolled sharply as bolts of vile magic flashed up to meet her, several blasts singing her feathers or ruffling her tail. She landed, skidding slightly as she came close to one of the lines of Crystal Ponies.

It was even worse up close. Each Crystal Pony was chained to the next in line with heavy chains of black metal. Thick collars ran about their necks, and heavy rings encircled their limbs just above their hooves. Equally thick chains hobbled their steps. Celestia stared in horror at their condition; once-gleaming coats matted and dull, tails and manes thick with grime, sunken ribs and gaunt faces betraying their lack of nourishment, and dead, broken eyes. Their steps were slow, almost mechanical, as they walked.

“Children of the Crystal Empire!” Celestia shouted to them, her voice magnified by the Royal Canterlot Voice. “We art here! Cease thy labors!”

No response. They didn’t even look in her direction

What manner of sorcery be this? Celestia drew closer, cringing at the sounds of battle behind her. They act as if they are the walking dead…

“Sister! Behind thee!”

Celestia whirled about, her eyes widening as several of the crystalline monsters emerged. Her horn flared as they launched blasts of flame towards her, the bolts crashing harmlessly against the wall of light she summoned.

“Begone, foul beasts! Back to the stygian depths from which thou spawned!” Celestia shouted, luminous lances of light streaking from her horn-tip. The onyx-colored monstrosities shattered under the blasts, their bodies fragmenting like glass as black smoke wisped upwards from their shattered bodies. And yet, more approached, battering at the pale alicorn’s defenses.

So many… where are they coming from?! Celestia turned her head, blasting through a pair that leapt down from a nearby building’s roof.

“Sister! Raise thy shield wide!”

“What?!” Celestia blinked as she heard Luna chanting.

“Endless shadow, deeper than night, resound with my wrath and crush all who threaten me! Howl and surrender thyselves unto the darkness of the void!”


Celestia’s eyes widened as a black and purple dome expanded outwards, half-translucent as it approached. The crystalline horde vaporized as the shadow swept over them, the black magic not touching anything else. The solar princess slammed her hooves into the ground, spreading her barrier as wide as she could. The wall of blackness slammed into her defenses like a battering ram. Her orihalcum-clad feet skidded as the force of the shockwave pushed her backwards, her shield taking the brunt of the blast as the world went silent.

And as quickly as it came, the blast retracted. Celestia panted, glancing backwards to check on the Crystal Ponies, her jaw dropping as she did so. They didn’t so much as acknowledge their surroundings.

“Art thou alright, sister?” Luna asked as she approached, her lunargent silver boots crunching on the remains of their opponents.

“Aye… aye…” Celestia replied, the wall of light lowering as she shuddered. She felt ill. “What manner of creature were those things? I’ve nay seen their ilk before.”

“Of their nature I know not.” Luna replied, drawing the Tome of the Night Sky to her and snapping it shut. “And this fact puts me ill at ease.”

A malevolent laugh silenced both sisters. It was a rolling, masculine chuckle, tinged with a hint of madness. The Crystal Ponies looked upwards in panic, then cowered, the laughter breaking them from their fugue.

“Somber,” Luna hissed, then shouted skyward. “Show thyself, villain!”

“There!” Celestia pointed upwards towards the black palace as a shadow flitted from one of the overlooks. “The balcony!”

Luna hissed, her body exploding into a dark mist as she vanished. Celestia focused and winked herself as well, rematerializing beside Luna as the dark Princess bared her teeth. Beyond the doorway of the balcony the world was as black as a moonless night, and a haze of foul magic crept along the archway.

“Luna,” Celestia whispered, shivering slightly. “I… I know not what this fell darkness is. It sickens me to my core and fills me with such fear...”

“Screw thy nerve to its sticking place, sister,” Luna hissed, her wings flaring as she entered the doorway, her horn lighting the gloom with its bluish light. Celestia swallowed and followed, her horn shedding light like a fragment of the sun.

It wasn’t hard to find the throne room; any palace worth its name would have been designed so that the throne room would be relatively easy to find. However, the throne room, the seat of power of the Crystal Empire, was not as it once was. Black crystals sprouted from every surface like baleful tumors, and the entire room was lit with acid-green and purple flame. The throne, once carved of blue crystal and beautiful to behold, was now a jagged and twisted mockery of its former glory.

And upon that throne, clad in black armor with a carmine cape about his withers, sat Lord Somber of House Ruby. His black mane wavered about his head, his horn curved and bloody-red at the tip. The sclera of his eyes had turned a neon green, and his pupils glowed malevolently. Purple fire curled up from his tear-ducts like mist, and his grin was jagged and fang-filled.

“Hail, oh Princess of the Sun. Hail, oh Princess of the Moon.” He rose from his throne and bowed mockingly to them. “Hail and well met! We welcome thee to our humble castle.”

“Somber,” Celestia stared at the stallion in horror. “What hast thou done?!”

“What mean ye, oh fairest and brightest?” Somber quirked an eyebrow, a knowing smile creasing his lips. “Thou dost not look favorably upon the changes we have made to our kingdom?”

“Favorably? FAVORABLY?” Celestia snarled. “This… this is monstrous! No unicorn, no noble of Equestria would-”

“Ah! But we are no longer a mere unicorn, Princess Celestia!” Somber leapt down from his seat, his eyes wide and grin manic. “We have drunk deep of the Examia’s power. We have tasted the darkness and supped of its bounty… and we have grown stronger for it! We are no longer Lord Somber of House Ruby. We are now equal to thee! We are King Mi Eterna Sombra, and all shall kneel before our dark majesty!”

“Thou art mad…”

“Where,” Luna’s voice echoed ominously, her gait stiff as she drew forward, “is Aria?”

“Our beloved wife? Oh!” King Sombra turned his head. “Oh dearest jewel of my heart, we have guests!”

There was a soft shuffling noise from behind the throne, followed by a clinking of chains. Princess Mi Tranquillo Arioso slowly approached, her head bowed. Her slender, swan-like neck was stooped thanks to the collar that chained her to the throne‘s foot, her thin body shuddering with each step. Her midsection was painfully swollen, oversized in comparison to her reed-thin limbs. Black crystals sprouted from her horn and along the leading edges of her wings, dried blood crusting about them. Her eyes, half-opened, glowed a solid pink, the light rippling like pools of water around the irises.

“Oh light of my life,” her voice came out in a pained whisper. “who deigns to visit us?”

“Thy kin from the south, oh jewel of peace,” Sombra smiled, a hoof stroking through her thin, dully-colored mane.

“Oh… how thoughtful of them… will they be… staying for tea?”

“What. Have. You. Done?!” Luna’s voice shook with fury, and the ground beneath her hooves crackled as frost licked about them.

“Shh,” Sombra shushed, drawing Aria’s head close to his chest. “Can you not see she is unwell? So sad, that she unknowingly fell under the thrall of a love poison. Her stamina is impressive, unlike her idiot father. That old fool barely lasted a day before his heart gave o-”

There was a blue flash, followed by a loud, wet crunch. Sombra’s jaw hung open as he convulsed, his head lolling at a decidedly unnatural angle even within the blue aura that surrounded it. A pony‘s neck, it appeared, was not meant to turn quite that far. The so-called king’s body launched backwards like a rag doll, sheathed in blueish light as the Princess of the Night slammed him against the seat of his throne, just as a crescent blade of blue-black light impaled him and pinned his limp body to the chair.

The only noise in the room was Luna’s panting, icy mist rolling up from her lips, her eyes glowing brilliant turquoise and her pupils drawn into vertical, dagger-wound-like slits. Her gaze turned to Celestia. “Tend to our granddaughter, sister. We must make sure the fiend is no more…”

And then, Sombra laughed, his jovial chuckle garbled and ugly as his horn ignited. His magical aura was black and roiling like the surface of a cauldron, shot through with green flame and purple lightning. “You…think… you can kill me… that easily?!”

“How?” Celestia gaped as Sombra pulled the blade free from his gut, his neck fixing itself with a sickening crack. “How can this be?!”

“I am beyond death!” Sombra’s roar filled the hall as his cape billowed behind him. “Their suffering, their pain, their anguish, it fills me with such sweet power! You cannot strike me down, for I shall rise again! I have become immortal!”

“Very well,” Luna growled, her hooves cracking the floor as she advanced. “Let us put thy boast to the test, wretch!”

Lightning and darkness collided as Luna and Sombra launched towards each other. Celestia reared back, drawing a wing over her face before she turned towards her objective.

“Aria!” Celestia bolted to the pink princess’s side as the younger alicorn wobbled. Her horn lit up as Celestia supported her niece, her thin frame nearly weightless against Celestia’s stronger body.

“Oh… thank you auntie,” Aria replied as she wobbled, her glowing eyes blank as she looked through the older alicorn. “Perhaps… I should retire… to my chambers. I’d hate to miss… tea time, though…”

“Nay, nay,” Celestia whispered, her glowing horn touching Aria’s as she summoned a healing spell. “I shall make thee feel better…”

“I thank thee, auntie… is grandmother here? Father... has missed her so...”

“Aye…” Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she focused, trying to ignore the sounds of battle behind her. “She is having words with thy husband.”

“Oh… I hope…they are being… civil.”

Celestia winced as she heard a masculine roar cut short by the noise of a blade meeting flesh, followed by a splatter like rain falling on stone. She didn’t turn to look. “Yes,” she lied, “most civil. Now, hold thyself still…”

Aria nodded, then shuddered as Celestia’s enchantment took hold. The pink light in her eyes wavered, then dimmed. Her vivid blue eyes slowly re-focused, then widened as she let out an ear-piercing scream.

“Aria! Aria, dear child! It is I, Celestia!” The solar mare held the alicorn close as she screamed, tears dripping from her eyes as her keening was replaced by sobs.

“Auntie…” She drew close. “Auntie… he… he…”

“Shh! Thine grandmother is handling him.” Celestia whispered sharply, stroking her mane gently.

“He did things… horrible things…” Aria’s voice cracked and strained, her eyes wild. “The crystal unicorns… the pegasi… I wanted to stop him but he… he…”

Aria’s words were cut short as Luna let out a pained scream. Celestia turned, her eyes widening as she saw the scene before her. Sombra was laughing, his horn buried in Luna’s side, his body half solid and half wispy darkness.

“Luna!” Celestia unfurled her wings, a lance of energy slamming into Sombra and knocking him away. Celestia galloped to her sister’s side as the dark alicorn gasped in pain, blood dripping from the hole.

“Foals! Foolish mares!” Sombra chortled, slowly re-forming as he recovered, his eyes mad and his lips flecked with foam. “I am beyond even your magic now!”

“Luna, speak to me…”

“I… am fine,” Luna hissed in pain. “Aria’s scream merely distracted me…I was careless.”

Celestia nodded, turning her attention to Sombra as the dark unicorn’s body grew cloudy once more. “What do we do, sister?”

“I know not,” Luna groaned. “No matter how grievously I wound him, he merely reforms!”

“Haha!” Sombra chortled as his body flowed and billowed, his body growing greater as he loomed over the two alicorns. “How amusing! Without thy precious Elements of Harmony, thou canst not so much as touch me! I, I who am blessed by the Examia’s power! With thy deaths, I shall seize Equestria, and then the lands beyond! Nopony can stop me!”

“I can…”

Celestia blinked as Aria limped over to them, tears dripping from her cheeks, her wings limp as pinkish light flickered around the crystals surrounding her horn.

Sombra’s eyes widened in fear. “Darling… most beloved…”

“You… have no right… to such words…” Aria wobbled, leaning gently against Celestia’s softer side. “Not after what… you did to me… and my subjects.”

“Aria,” Luna whispered, her voice cracking, “retreat… I shall have my sister…”

“Nay… as Princess of the Crystal Empire… it is my duty to defend my subjects.” Aria shuddered and raised her horn skyward. Rose-colored lightning crackled out from the crystals surrounding it. “My beloved kin… sisters in blood… I give thee… this gift.”

Pink lightning flowed outwards over the twin princesses of Equestria, suffusing the two with an aurora-like glow.

“No!” Sombra snarled. “This cannot be! Without the Crystal Heart, thou shouldst be as powerless as a newborn filly! Where is this power coming from?!”

“The only thing… stronger than hate… is love,” Aria whispered as Celestia rose up into the air.

“As Princesses of Equestria, we judge thee for thy crimes,” the Princess of the Sun spoke ominously as her horn glowed brighter.

“And we find thee guilty!” Luna cried as she too rose.

“Damn and curse thee! Damn and curse thee Aria, and damn and curse thee both, Celestia and Luna!” Sombra’s horn exploded as he blasted forth a pillar of bubbling black magic towards the three alicorns.

Celestia and Luna cried out, their auras mingling together into a river of violet and gold light. Their attack sliced though Sombra’s own, overwhelming the dark unicorn. A hideous roar ripped through the air as his body began to rapidly harden, his shadowy aura vanishing as his old body crystallized like black ice. There was a thunderous din as the river of magic blasted through the walls, carrying the pony-shaped gem into the distant wastes beyond the city.

A ringing silence filled the room as Celestia and Luna landed.

“It’s done…” Celestia exhaled slowly. “He’s gone… even now, I can feel his darkness dwindling.”

“It is not enough,” Luna grimaced and turned away. “But for now, it will do. But let us turn our attention to-”

There was a loud thump. Celestia’s heart froze as she heard Luna scream.


Luna knelt down beside Princess Aria, the smaller alicorn shivering quietly. Blood dripped from her horn as she whimpered in pain. Celestia joined her, her eyes filled with concern.

“Aria, speak to me! Aria!”

“You… you must flee…” Aria whispered. “You must flee quickly…”


“Sombra… Sombra’s influence is weakening…” Aria replied as the black crystals began to recede, leaving behind glowing white holes of light, “and with it… the power he stole from the Examia… is turning against the city.”

“I… I don’t understand.” Celestia looked to Luna. “What’s going on?!”

“The Crystal Empire needs the power of the Examia, the Crystal Heart, to maintain itself.” Luna’s voice was flat with anger. “He turned the magic of the Examia against the city, corrupting it… and now the magic is correcting itself. But to do so, it must return from where it sprang.”

“The city and my people will heal themselves… hidden away within the astral void…” Aria groaned in pain, looking at a crystal-covered wing. “But… I will not survive the transition… he has invested me with the same magic… You must go. Go now, before the city vanishes and takes thee with it.”

“We are not leaving you.” Luna growled.

“I… am not long for this world,” Aria whispered. “And if I do survive… there is a chance Sombra will use my power to free himself…”

“Fie upon that!” Luna shouted, tears dripping from her eyes. “I will not allow it! I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself!”

“Luna…” Celestia whispered, only for the dark alicorn to glare in her direction. “It is her decision…”

“I care not! There must be some other way! There has to be! I have already lost my son; I will not leave my grandchild to die here alone!”

“You must…” Aria whispered as her horn slowly lit up once again, the pinkish light flowing down her horn and over her body. “Please… there is something… you must do… for me…”

“Anything,” Celestia whispered.

“Watch…over… my…” Her voice dwindled away into nothing as her body seemed to dissolve inwards into a glowing sphere of light.

“Aria?! Aria, what art thou doing?! ARIA?!”

There was a flash of pink light, so bright it left spots in Celestia’s eyes. When they cleared, she was standing in the snowy drifts outside the Empire’s borders. In the distance, she could see a wall of white light close in around the Crystal Palace, its spires slowly disappearing as the light passed over them.

“ARIA!” Luna sank to the ground as the Empire disappeared, her scream of despair echoing over the icy wastes.


Twilight stared at the scene before her, the silence around her deafening. Of all the things she had seen, this was the most shocking. Not the revelation that Luna was the ancestor of her babysitter. Not that Celestia had, in her youth, been as flawed and vain and unreasoning as her subjects. That all paled in comparison to this.

The Princesses had failed. They lost.

The Princesses were never supposed to lose! That was how things worked in Equestria; goodness, friendship and harmony was always supposed to triumph against the forces of evil, wickedness and chaos! And yet, here it was; an empire gone, a princess dead…

Twilight glanced around. None of the others spoke. Fate had tears dripping from her eyes. Yuuno looked like he’d been struck dumb with horror. Chrono’s jaw was set, his good hand clenched tight into a fist.

The Princesses were quietly leaning against each other, much as their younger selves were doing. Tears rolled down from Luna’s eyes, while Celestia nuzzled her softly, a great pale wing folded over her back.

Wordlessly, Twilight climbed to her feet. She gently nudged Yuuno, then walked over and prodded Chrono. She nodded, then made her way over and sat down beside Fate, slipping an arm about her little sister and nuzzling her cheek. She heard the rustle of Yuuno’s cloak as he sat beside her, his arms slipping around her neck as he hugged her tight. Chrono, meanwhile, rested a hand on her withers, his palm rough against her coat.

For a time, nobody spoke. And though the snow around them was nothing more than a memory, Twilight felt cold.

“The loss of the Crystal Empire,” Celestia said quietly, breaking the silence, “was one of the fiercest blows that had been dealt to Equestria since Discord’s rule. We two had lost more than just an ally… we had lost subjects. Family.”

“Aria was to be the third Princess of Equestria,” Luna said, her tone quiet as she wiped her tears. “A third soul with which to share the endless years… somepony to aid in the balance between us.”

“All was not lost, however,” Celestia turned back to the memory as a glowing sphere of pink light slowly descended, landing in the frigid snow before the young, grieving alicorns. The sphere of light slowly dissolved away, revealing a newborn pegasus, her coat rose-pink and her mane jet black and amethyst purple.

“A baby,” Fate whispered.

“Aria was with foal,” Luna continued. “Even as Sombra tormented her, his magic never touched the foal within her. Not even the love-poison he fed her had an effect. She had shielded the babe with every ounce of power she had. And in her final moments, she sacrificed herself to send her daughter to us… so that we might fulfill her one last wish.”

“What happened to Sombra?” Chrono looked towards Luna. Twilight felt her mouth grow dry.

“We sealed him away.” Celestia replied. “The two of us locked him deep beneath the icy depths of the north. He’s still there, though not as he was…”

“No. Not as he was,” Luna added darkly. “I knew many a dreadful trick indeed… In my youthful wrath I did many things to that villain that even now makes me shudder. I flayed his mind, ripped away his voice, cursed and hexed and scoured his spirit until there was naught but a shell of him left.”

“But… couldn’t you have used the Elements of Harmony on him?” Twilight whispered, looking in horror at Luna. “Maybe redeem him?”

“We could have.” Celestia replied quietly. “But the bearers of the Elements must be in agreement in their use. And, well…”

“I did not think him worthy of redemption.” Luna looked to Chrono tellingly. The Enforcer met her eyes for a moment, then looked away, his face slightly pale.

Fate looked no less shocked. “When… you said you knew darker magic, Teacher, was… was that what you were talking about?”

“Yes,” Luna replied simply.

An uncomfortable silence fell for a moment before Celestia coughed.

“The incident with the Crystal Empire,” Celestia continued, “was the tipping point, I think. It left us both wounded to our cores… what happened next merely cemented it.”


The Night Court was hardly the most popular assembly in the land; Luna was well aware of this fact. Her sister’s sun-lit Day Court was when most of the nobles would come to present requests and grievances to the Crown. It might have had something to do with the fact that Celestia was far more willing to lend an ear to their ridiculous demands than Luna was. For Luna, the Night Court was a formality, an obligation, an onerous duty. However, she was not one to shirk her duty, even if it meant the off-chance of having to listen to a noble’s obnoxious prattling.

She would not abandon her duties. Even if she would have preferred to hide away in her room, grieving. It had been a week since the Crystal Empire’s disappearance, and yet the wound to her heart from Aria’s loss still ached.

“Presenting Her Royal Highness, Diarch of the Night, Princess Luna,” the herald called out as the doors opened. Luna strode into the room, her starry mane flowing before her as she walked at a stately canter towards the grand dais that dominated the throne room. As she walked, however, she became quite aware of the strange fullness of the room. There had to be at least forty ponies there; unicorn, pegasi and earth ponies alike, all of them dressed in noble finery. Among them were the heads of the Noble Houses; she could recognize them by the heavy signets that they wore about their necks.

Princess Luna slowly lowered herself onto the great throne and folded her wings behind her. “Let the Night Court begin,” she announced formally. “Bring forth the first supplicant.”

There was a dark grumbling amongst the assembled ponies, many of them shooting her angry glares. An older, black coated unicorn mare stepped out of the crowd, her ruby red mane and tail thickly curled, standing out like bloodstains against the black of her gown. Her pink eyes were hard and furious. The earth ponies and unicorns quietly split before her as she approached the throne.

“I am Lady Paragon Caret of House Ruby, Princess Luna.” Her voice rang clear and high, even though it trembled with emotion. “I would like to present the following requests to the Crown.”

Luna narrowed her eyes slightly. House Ruby was one of the oldest remaining unicorn houses, one of the few that survived Discord’s rulership. The losses of Houses Platinum, Sterling and Diamond also meant House Ruby was the most powerful of the remaining houses. It didn’t help that Lady Paragon Caret was the mother of Lord… King Sombra. “We recognize the representative of House Ruby. State your requests.”

Lady Caret didn’t genuflect or bow, instead drawing forth a scroll of parchment from her gown. “First, I demand that the Crown once more recognize the necessity of the Noble Houses, and their rights as enumerated by the Concordian Covenant; that the Sisters rule at the behest of the Houses, that the Crown is recognized as legitimate by we the nobility, et cetera, et cetera.”

“The Crown recognizes the strictures laid down by the Covenant.” Luna replied heavily. The Concordian Covenant had been laid down after Celestia and Luna defeated Discord; the ponies, fearful of trading one tyrant for another, had asked that the sisters recognize the remaining ruling bodies of Equestria before they assumed their ruling status. “Continue.”

“Second,” Lady Caret continued, her voice trembling with rage. “As representative of House Ruby, I believe I speak for the other Noble Houses, both unicorn and otherwise, when I demand that the Crown recognize the onerous burden placed upon them by the disappearance of the Crystal Empire and compensate them for their losses.”

The Empire is no more, and yet their concerns lay with their wealth and not the loss of life? Luna’s posture stiffened. “The Crown recognizes this… burden. However, the particulars of restitution lay with the office of the chancellor-”

“Third,” Lady Caret interrupted curtly, levitating the scroll up and unrolling it. “I present to the Crown this petition, signed and sealed by the four unicorn houses, five pegasi houses, and the eight earth pony houses of Equestria, demanding that you, Princess Luna, account for your involvement in the disappearance of the Crystal Empire and of my son, Lord Somber of House Ruby!”

“What?!” Luna’s eyes widened as the other nobles shouted their agreement. She reached out with her telekinesis and snatched the scroll from Lady Caret, her eyes rapidly flickering over the contents as she read.

We the undersigned… under the common law set forth… slanderous accusations against the scion of House Ruby…implicated in Lord Somber’s apparent death… tried for TREASON?!

Luna lowered the scroll, her teeth clenched as she rolled it up. “You accuse us, one of the Diarchs, of Treason Against Equestria?!”

“We do,” Lady Caret replied. “Under the Common Laws set forth by the Crown, a pony that intentionally brings about the dissolution, destruction or destitution of Equestria or its attendant states is considered to be a traitor to the Crown and therefore guilty of treason!”

“You have neither proof nor standing!” Luna rose to her feet, her wings unfurling as she did so.

“The simple fact that you were present at the Crystal Empire’s disappearance is proof enough for a trial! Did you think we wouldn’t learn of what happened to our kin to the north? As for standing, it is within the strictures of the Concordian Covenant, which you recognize, that the Princesses are granted legitimacy by the accord of the Noble Houses! And what we freely give, we may also revoke!”

“What farce be this!? You speak of matters you know nothing about!”

“Do I?” Lady Caret stood her ground. “We all know that you had a hoof in the Crystal Empire‘s disappearance. And yet you dare strut about with your head held high!”

“And you dare accuse us of this?“ Luna’s wings unfurled. “Perhaps thou should turn thine eyes to thy son before accusing us of such wickedness!”

The court exploded.

“Lies! No unicorn would do such a thing!”

“Traitor! Traitor!”

“Somber was a gentlepony of renown! House Waterfall of Neighagra agrees with House Ruby that an investigation be held-”

“You expect us to believe a single unicorn could make an Empire vanish like-”

“House Thunderhead of Cloudsdale stands with its unicorn brethren and-”

“You slander me and my son!” Lady Caret’s voice screeched above the din. “You, who claim to be pony-kind’s protector! You, who has the blood of House Ruby’s scion on your hooves!”

“Blood upon our hooves?!” Luna’s voice became a roar of thunder. “Were you there when the Crystal Empire was torn asunder by a single unicorn’s dark ambition?! Did you see the tormented ponies, all bedecked in chains and rags, forced to march ceaselessly?! Did you see the Crystal Princess wounded and haggard, her very essence sucked dry?! If our hooves be blood-splattered, then thy precious son‘s limbs are caked unto the barrel with it!”

“Again you lie,” Lady Caret spat. “No unicorn would do such a thing! Unlike you, Nightmare, we do not consort with the black things that lurk in the dark! You know nothing of my grief, of having my dearest son torn form me! Your heart is black as your blasted night!”

Luna’s eyes burned sapphire as her horn’s aura billowed up, causing Lady Caret to back up slightly. She bared her teeth, ice beginning to rime outwards from her hooves as her tears began to freeze on her cheeks.



The court quickly fell silent as Princess Celestia stepped into the room, her horn glowing as she shut the doors behind her. “What manner of mischief be this!? That I should find all of the nobles gathered before my grieving sister in a mob, when not a single one set hoof in the court of Day?”

“Princess Celestia,” Lady Caret drew the scroll back from the throne and thrust it towards Celestia. “We the noble houses demand-”

“I have heard well your demands, Lady Caret of House Ruby,” Celestia replied dismissively, snatching the scroll as she walked by, stopping before the throne and turning to glare at the assembled nobles.

“What shame I feel in this moment. How low doth my heart sink, to see the blue-blooded children of Equestria gathered here tonight. What woe it fills me with, to see thee call down charges of treason and slander upon none other than my sister, whose loyalty to this country and to the Crown has been unmatched, and whose tongue has only spoken truth!”

A few of the nobles began to speak, only for Celestia to point the scroll in their direction like a rapier. “STILL THY TONGUES! Long had I hoped that the nobler virtues of pony kind would win out. That thou should present this bill of rotten goods before the Crown which has given thee so much is a slap across the face! The truth is as Princess Luna spoke. Lord Somber was indeed the cause behind the Empire‘s fall!”

“Princess Celestia, you mean to say that you stand by this… this Nightmare and her lies?!”

Celestia’s attention turned to Lady Paragon Caret, and Luna could feel the heat radiating off of her body. The unicorn, in a sudden show of self preservation, averted her eyes even as shocked murmurs ran through the court.

“Mark me well,” Celestia spoke, her voice low and dangerous. “The next pony that utters that epithet in my presence shall see how hot my wrath is when properly kindled. As to your query, let this be my answer.”

Celestia’s horn flared bright, and there was a smell of smoke. The scroll quickly ignited, flashing from parchment to ash in the blink of an eye. Celestia then turned, striding up to the throne before taking a seat beside Luna. A white wing folded about Luna’s back as Celestia glared down at the court.

“The Night Court is adjourned,” Celestia said firmly. “Leave. Now.”


“Thank you.”

Celestia nodded quietly as Luna wiped her eyes, the frozen tear-streaks starting to melt. The stern faces they wore had lasted only so long; once they had found themselves safely within Celestia’s quarters Luna’s stoic exterior had collapsed. “There is no need for thanks, sister,” Celestia sighed. “I surmised there was some conspiracy when not a single pony entered the Day Court this morning. I only wish I had warned thee…”

“You were busy with something more important. I understand.” Luna shook her head, then looked up at Celestia. Her war-form had given way to her smaller true self, her mane and tail once more opaque and moon-silver blue. “Is she..?”

“She is safe. Fear not.” Celestia leaned in and nuzzled Luna’s mane gently. “The family knows not her true lineage. She will be raised far from the court… far from any prying eye.”

“Good. Good.” Luna’s eyes lowered. “I thank thee…”

“Do you think it wise, though?” Celestia rested her wing atop Luna’s back. ”Perhaps it would be better if you…”

Luna pushed Celestia‘s wing away with her own. “It is for the better. I would not have her live in this nest of vipers. And… I would nay be able to look upon her without my heart breaking in twain.”

“Aye. Very well.” Celestia sighed, then rose to her feet, walking over to the great doors that led to the balcony outside. “This matter is far from settled. Come the dawn I expect to have every noble pony under the sun demanding thy head.”

“Fools, the lot of them.”

“Aye. Foolish they are, but also scared, easily misled and in some cases grief-stricken. And sadly, thou hast given them little reason to love thee. ‘Twould be easy to make a scapegoat of thee.” Celestia turned back to look at Luna. “Speak truthfully. Had I not intervened, wouldst thou have struck out at them?”

Luna didn’t look at her.


“Aye.” Luna replied quietly. “Aye, I would have. Do you think ill of me for that?”

“Nay. The wounds you have sustained have yet scarred over, and tonight has torn them open anew.” Celestia bowed her head. “Thou hast had little time for grief. Perhaps it would be wise to retreat.”

Luna blinked. “Retreat?”

“Aye.” Celestia nodded, looking at her seriously. “Leave Canterlot. The old palace still stands; retreat unto there. Work on thy projects, forge thy stars. Give the nobles time enough to forget and time enough for me to restore order amongst them. Then, when thou art refreshed, return and rule again by my side.”

Luna stared at her in shock. “You speak of exiling me?! I would nay-”

“Nay! Tis not exile, sister! Thou hast done nothing wrong!” Celestia sighed, glancing back to the window, out over the countryside below. “But thy presence will drive those foals to worst mischief, I fear. And it will all fall upon thy head. I will not have thee made a monster and a villain under my watch. And if thou doth remain in Canterlot, I fear that that shall happen sooner than later.”

Luna bit her lip. “Mayhap there is wisdom in what you say. My heart does ache for the cool halls of the old palace. Perhaps if I am left unmolested I will have time enough to work through my woe…”

“Then I shall prepare your things?”

“Aye.” Luna rose to her feet, then looked up to her sister. “Tia?”


“Do you think me a monster?”

Celestia shook her head. “Thou art my sister. I would rather see the sun not rise come the morn than think so ill of thee, my darling Luna.”


“But it was exile,” Celestia sighed, “Exile in all but name. I shouldn’t have sent her away…”

“Hindsight tends to make it easy to see our mistakes,” Yuuno noted. “I mean, it’s not like you knew what would happen next.”

Celestia shook her head. “No. I wasn’t a complete fool. I already knew that the nobility was focusing on Luna. They were using her as a scapegoat and as a way to put pressure on me. And rather than face them head on and risk drawing their ire down on my head, I chose the… expedient route.”

“I don’t understand.” Fate glanced from the Celestia of the past to the Celestia of the present. “Why didn’t you do more? I mean, you’re… you.”

“Aye, indeed my student,” Luna replied. “And therein lies the problem.”

Celestia smiled wanly. “What does everypony seem to say about me, young Fate?”

“That you’re a nice princess.”

“Exactly. I was nice. I was the Princess everypony looked to for a smile and a wish. I was approachable. I was loved. But the limelight comes with its own cost.” Celestia shook her head and sighed. “After Luna left, I concentrated on fixing things. I tried to mollify the nobility rather than risk open retaliation. I tried to smooth ruffled feathers, polished horns and nursed bruised egos. Bits flowed like water and everything, at least the surface, was fine. Luna was away from their prying eyes and wagging tongues, and that was that. Mission accomplished. Or at least, that‘s what I heard.”

“But that was the problem,” Celestia continued, her brow furrowing in anger as the fog swelled up around them. “They didn’t forget. You see, there’s a fine tradition of polite backstabbing when it comes to noblepony politics. I had… underestimated the Houses’ dislike for Luna. They viewed me as their puppet, and in a way I was. But Luna? Luna was a threat. A thing to be feared. And they made sure that everypony feared her, and everything associated with her.”

“’The ponies relished and played in the day her sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.’” Yuuno recited, causing Celestia to smile sadly.

“I see someone’s read ‘The Mare in the Moon.’ But like many stories, that sugar-coats the actual events.”


Luna was…angry.

She had expected it would take time for the ponies to get used to her starry nights. She understood that. The last of the stars had gone up on the cusp of winter, when the wind became chilling and the snow fell heavy and thick like a blanket. It would hardly do for them to linger out in the cold just to look at her work. So she was patient.

Spring came, and with it the end of winter and the return of warmth. Every night, Luna looked down from on high, her senses drifting with the moonlight as she watched eagerly. Surely her long months of toil would be appreciated. True, the common ponies probably did not have the acumen necessary to recognize the scope of her work, nor grasp the intricate web of magic that would, in time, become a grand shield to protect pony-kind from anything beyond its world’s domain. But surely they would recognize it for its aesthetic qualities. No longer was the night sky a blank expanse of black, but rather a glittering tapestry of light.

But nopony looked up. Worse, when dusk came they slipped into their homes and sealed the windows and doors. Foals were pulled inside by fearful parents, their eyes cast heavenward in terror. Not a single pony, be they stallion, mare, colt or filly, dared set a willing hoof out in the night-time. Those that did moved as though they were hunted by the darkness. In time, her confusion had slowly swung in the direction of anger.

The dreams had not helped. Once, the world of dreams had been one of her safe havens, away from the waking world. But since the loss of the Aria, the realm of dreams had been unwelcoming. Every time she slept, she was haunted by visions of sorrow and pain, of Aria’s keening scream, Sombra’s mocking laughter and the light of the vanishing city.

And now she was on a rocky outcropping, overlooking a small hamlet in the northward shadow of the Unicorn Range. Dusk had come, and the lights in the houses below were glittering against the gloom. Her Tome of the Night Sky hovered at her side as she brooded.

“Why?” Her voice was quiet as she looked with eyes half-lidded, her awareness drifting across the streets as she watched. “Why do they hide? Why do they shut themselves away? Why do they shun our nights so?”

I know not, Mistress, Nyx replied telepathically. Perhaps we should question them? Perhaps they can explain their behavior?

“Aye.” She shuddered, closing her eyes and breathing deeply of the cool night air. She swallowed her anger, doing her best to calm her temper. “Aye. ‘Twould be wise. My absence has been lengthy…”

Her wings flared outwards with a loud ruffling noise before she took flight, gliding gently on the currents to the small town below. Her regalia glowed softly in the dim light, lighting up her dark coat as she landed just outside the town. Her Tome hovered to her side as she entered, her eyes flicking about.

It didn’t take long for the citizenry to take note of her. A great hue and cry erupted as ponies backed away from Luna.

“Subjects! Ponies of Equestria! Calm thyselves! Cease thy panicking! STOP!” Luna’s voice echoed over the panicked whinnies and thundering hooves. When they didn’t respond to her commands, her horn flickered to life. She tilted her head back and threw her magic behind her voice.

“BE! STILL!” The command echoed like thunder, shaking the straw roofs of the huts and driving ponies to the ground. Luna huffed loudly, her brow furrowed as she turned her attention towards her subjects.

“You there!” She boomed, pointing towards a lanky Earth pony stallion who was shielding a smaller mare and foal behind him. “Come hither. I would have cause to speak with thee!”

The pony slowly approached, his carrot-orange eyes wide and terrified. He drew closer, then quickly knelt down before Luna. “P-p-please, oh N-Nightmare,” he stammered. “I-I-If you wish to take me I shall go, b-b-but leave my wife and foal b-b-be, I beg you…”

Luna stepped back, her face twisting as if she had been slapped. “What? What manner of babble be this? Explain yourself, now!”

The stallion did so with a halting voice. As Luna listened, her eyes narrowed and her wrath became hotly kindled. She leaned her head down and whispered a question.

“Who told you these lies?”

The stallion told her.


“Princess! Princess!”

Celestia looked up from her dinner as the servant rushed into her chambers, his eyes wide with terror. “What occasions such an interruption? Speak.”

“Princess,” the pony panted, doing his best to wipe away the lather. “There is a strange, cloudless lightning descending upon the Unicorn Ridge, near the manor of House Ruby!”

“Cloudless lightning?!”

“Aye! Tis as blue as dusk and black as midnight!”

Celestia surged to her feet. The only lightning of that color she had seen was from…

Oh no…

“Return to your post. I will tend to this.” Celestia focused her magic and vanished in a wink of light.


To say that the manor house was in disarray would have been putting it mildly.. Scorch marks and craters pock-marked the building’s surface from where the lightning had landed its blows. No surface had been spared her sister’s wrath, not even the garden; water spilled out from a shattered marble fountain, half-frozen into an icy slurry that Celestia galloped past.

The insides were no better. Servingponies in the livery of House Ruby had been thrown about like a foal’s toys in the foyer, several of them groaning where they laid. Celestia moved to the side of one, a slender mare with a pinkish red coat.

“Princess,” she groaned, “thank the sun you’re here…”

“What manner of force did this? Speak, child,” Celestia glanced about, her ears pricked to catch any ambient sound.

“It was… her… Princess Luna… she…”

Celestia’s heart sank as she heard those words. “Oh no. Where is she? Where is-”

There was a loud crash from beyond the entryway. Celestia’s eyes widened.

“Stay here,” she counseled the mare, then lunged forth, her wings pulled tight as she galloped. “Luna!”


Celestia’s pace quickened as she raced in the direction of that familiar, booming voice. Oh Harmony, I beg of thee, let me not be too late. If my sister has done the unthinkable…

The voice was coming from behind a pair of double doors. Celestia shouldered them open with a slam and skidded to an abrupt halt. Before her Luna stood in full fury, her eyes glowing turquoise with dragon-like pupils. Her horn glowed navy blue as she stood amongst the ruined study.

Held tight in her telekinetic grip, her breath a strangled gargle as she hovered above her cowering kin, was Lady Paragon Caret of House Ruby. Her hind limbs kicked weakly as her front hooves pressed against the nimbus about her neck.

“We should tear thy false tongue from its roots!” Luna’s voice rose into a shriek, her gaze focused on the terrified mare, unaware of Celestia‘s presence. Lady Caret’s own horn sparked bright red, but her magic did her no good. “We should make thee an example of what a seditious heart be capable of! Filth! Traitorous, lying FILTH!”


Celestia felt a cold chill as Luna turned towards her, eyes still burning. Despite herself, Celestia took a step backwards.

At least she had ceased her ranting. “Luna,” Celestia spoke with as much calm as she could muster. “Luna, release her.”

“We will not.” Luna snarled, her booming voice echoing harshly off the walls.

“She is your subject. A fellow-”

“SHE IS NO SUBJECT OF MINE!” Luna roared, throwing the older mare to the ground before Celestia and twisting her head up with a pull of her telekinesis. “Tell her, wretch! Tell her of the lies you and your ilk have spread. Of how I steal the souls of ponies to forge into stars! Of how I feast on the flesh of foals that linger too long in the twilight. Tell her!”

Lady Caret could only manage a whimper of pain and fear.


Celestia’s horn ignited, her magical aura pressing against Luna’s “Luna, let her go!”

“Do not dare to defend this nag, sister!” Luna snarled, her teeth bared. “Do not DARE!”

“We beg of thee,” Celestia pleaded. “I beg of thee to cease! Think of what thou art doing! If thou hast any love for Equestria, for thy subjects, for ME, you will stop this!”

A few moments of agonizing silence passed before Luna’s magical aura withdrew. Celestia knelt down beside Lady Caret as the mare crawled to her, her hooves wrapped about the elder alicorn’s neck.

“Thank you, Luna…” Celestia looked up to her sister as the dark alicorn snorted.

“Where were you?”

“What?” Celestia blinked as Luna gathered up her Tome.

“Where were you, sister, when they slandered me?” Luna growled, glaring at Celestia. “Where were you, oh dearest of my kin, when they turned my greatest of labors into a horror story?! Where were you Celestia?! Off in thy ivory towers, making merry like you always do?!”

“I swear to you, Luna, I know nothing of th-”

“That is your nature! You know NOTHING!” Luna stomped a powerful hoof. “Indolent, spoiled mare! Lounging about in the sun!”

“I did not know!” Celestia rose to her feet and approached Luna. “I swear it upon Harmony itself, Luna!”

“Spoiled and ignorant! A fine combination indeed, oh fairest and brightest of all ponies!” Luna laughed bitterly, though her laughter didn’t last long.

“Luna, please,” Celestia touched her cheek. “This can be undone. I will-”

“I know not whom I can believe, Celestia,” Luna replied icily, pushing the hoof away. “Not even thee. With thy honeyed words and golden tongue, thou art as base and deceitful as they are.”

“Luna, please…our kingdom needs-”

“Your kingdom, sister,” Luna replied, turning away. “On this night, I have neither country, nor subjects, nor kin. I take my leave of this wretched place.”

“Luna, wait!” Celestia reached for her, only for her hoof to connect with thin air as the other alicorn vanished into a burst of mist. She sent forth her thoughts, trying to reach her telepathically, only to have her thoughts collide with a mental wall as thick as any fortress. Luna had shut her out.

For a moment, nopony spoke, before Celestia turned to face Lady Caret.

“Is what she said true?” Celestia’s voice was carefully neutral.

The noblepony didn’t reply.

“I will have an answer, Lady Caret of House Ruby. Is what she said true?”

The mare kept her eyes averted. “Those were… not my words… but…”


The icy wastes of the frozen north were more than inhospitable. Compared to the frigid cold in Luna’s heart, however, the snow was no worse than a slightly tepid bath.

The winds were still, and the sky was dark. High above, the stars gleamed bright in the moonlit sky as Luna lay there, her wings spread wide and her muzzle tear-stained. She didn’t have any tears left. Nor did she have any wrath left to vent. Those emotions had long since been spent.

There was something else, however, that bubbled up inside her heart. Something dark and fearsome.


She had felt that dark emotion before. When the griffon king Galdas laughed in her face. When the Diamond Dog Emperor Rex had demanded her fealty. When King Mi Eterna Sombra showed off her granddaughter suffering, poisoned and in chains. There had been anger, yes, but now the hate was unalloyed, pure.

She hated the duplicitous nobles, who had lied and schemed and made her a pariah.

She hated her callow subjects, who had fled in fear of her and shunned her beautiful sky.

She hated that she had given them so much, done so much, only to be met with dismissal, distrust and fear.

But most of all, she hated her sister. Celestia, who should have stood by her. Celestia, who should have loved her. Celestia, who had abandoned her. Who had dismissed her. Who had forsaken her.


Luna’s eye turned slightly to look at Nyx. The avatar knelt before her, the open Tome of the Night Sky at her side.

“What is your will, my Mistress?”

“My will?” Luna’s voice was numb as she lay there, her eyes staring through the machine spirit.

“Yes. What would you have me do, my Mistress?”

“Nothing,” Luna replied. “Nothing. I have nothing more. I am nothing.”

“Your statement is incorrect. You are Luna. You are the Princess of the Night.”

“I am a Princess of nothing but shades and shadows.” Luna closed her eyes. “I am a Princess of nothing.”

“Your statement is incorrect. Your inherent magic is tied to three Elements, the celestial cycle, and the stars. Of these, you still retain ownership. You are the Princess of the Night.”

“And what good is my night?!” Luna glared at Nyx. “What good is it when all of ponykind shuns the moon for my sister’s sunny day!?”

When Nyx did not reply, Luna rose to her feet, her hooves crunching in the snow as she paced. “Am I so wrong to wish that they would see things as I do?! Am I so wrong to ask that they might love me too? To give me what should be mine by right!? How dare they ignore me in favor of my sister, who is adored, who is worshipped, whom everypony fawns over and waxes poetic of?! Where would Equestria be without me!? They should bow down and pray to my night!”

Luna stopped. Her head tilted skyward as she looked up at the pale moon and the twinkling stars. Her dragon-like eyes glowed ominously, turning the snow blue-green with their radience as a wicked, hateful smile split her lips. A thought had just occurred to her. A dark, malicious thought. A thought that, were she in some other state, she would have pushed aside. But not then.

In that moment, surrounded by snow and darkness and hate, something very important inside Luna… broke. And in its place, something horrible bloomed and blossomed.

“In fact…” Luna began, “they should do just that. Too long has Equestria basked in the sun. My gentle, sun-loving subjects have grown soft. Weak. Cowardly. No more.”

Nyx stared at her in something quite akin to horror. “Mistress, you are advocating…”

“If they refuse to appreciate my gifts,” Luna interrupted, “then I shall make them appreciate them. All will know the wonder of my night… even if it takes them a millennium…”

“Disrupting the celestial cycle will wreck havoc upon Equestria and all beyond its borders. Mistress Luna, this is not-”

“No. Not Luna. Not anymore. I am no longer Princess Luna of Equestria.” The dark mare turned towards Nyx, her eyes glowing and her mien wicked. Hate boiled up inside her, washing over her like a warm, dark bath. “Why not a more fitting name? After all, I am she who is the night and the moon. So be it! If I am the Nightmare, then let me be Nightmare! No…not merely Nightmare. I am Nightmare Moon!” Luna bared her teeth in a predatory grin. “Don’t you think that’s a nice name?”

Nyx whimpered softly, her avatar disappearing as the alicorn snapped the Tome of the Night Sky shut.

“Come along, little book,” the alicorn cooed as she tucked the tome against her wing. A dark chuckle escaped her lips. “We have a lot of work to do…”


Celestia paced about within her quarters, her gut twisted in a knot from stress.

It had been two weeks since the assault on House Ruby’s manor and Luna’s subsequent disappearance. The nobility, naturally, were furious. To be fair, they had a right to be; if Luna had attacked one of them, then it stood to reason that somepony else would be next.

And yet, nothing had happened. Luna had vanished. Celestia had tried and tried to search for her, but it had been in vain. No matter what sort of spell she tried, Luna had evaded her gaze. For ten days and nights she had searched ceaselessly without food or sleep before she had finally returned to Canterlot in defeat

And then she had started digging. She had traveled across Equestria, visiting even the smallest of towns and asking them questions. Questions about the night. Questions about ‘the Nightmare.’

What she had learned shocked her. The stories varied from place to place, but all had followed a similar theme. That the Nightmare would come with the night to torment good ponies. That she’d gobble up foals. That she’d steal pony’s souls to make stars or ghosts or keep them in jewels to torment.

It didn’t help matters when the dreams started happening. Luna had been the warden of the land of dreams; her oneiromancy had kept their subjects safe from the horrors of the subconscious. Now that defense was gone. Worse, many of them had told stories of a shadowy figure haunting their dreams, laughing mockingly as they fled from their subconscious fears.

If things continue as they are, then Equestria may well tear itself asunder from fear alone, Celestia thought to herself as she stood on the balcony, looking upwards at the starry night sky. Oh Luna, where art thou?

Of course, the night sky didn’t answer.

“Your Majesty?”

Celestia started slightly as she heard the servingmare’s voice. “Aye?”

“It nears the time of sunrise, Your Majesty,” the servant noted.

“Does it? Forgive me, my thoughts were elsewhere.”

“The dais has been prepared, Your Majesty. All of Canterlot awaits you. May we begin dressing you?”

Celestia sighed and nodded. Today was to be the longest day of the year, the beginning of summer. The occasion was to be marked by a public raising of the sun, followed by a great festival in celebration of the solstice and the coming heat. There would be merriment and joy throughout the land…

The solar princess closed her eyes as her servants dressed her. Without Luna, the celebration felt wrong. When the event was first proposed, it had seemed a harmless thing. It had exalted the sun, and by extension her, but it seemed no stranger than, say, Heart’s Warming Eve. But now it was hollow. Just another fete to feed her ego.

She barely paid attention as the maids complemented her gold and white gown. She walked silently through the halls and out into the royal courtyard, where ponies from Canterlot and the surrounding districts had gathered. She barely even listened to the herald’s announcements. It wasn’t until her cue, when she felt every eye on her, that she responded.

She didn’t speak a word. She closed her eyes, lifted off the ground with a great flap of her wings, and reached out with the spell that moved the sun.

A chill ran down her spine as she felt a spike of power. The reverential silence was broken by nervous whispers.

Her eyes opened. There was no light from the east. No dawn.

She reached out again. This time, the spell stopped short, as though it had collided with a wall of stone.

She landed, fear welling up inside her. Her horn ignited as she reached out a third time. Again, nothing happened.

What in the name of Harmony is going on?

“Look! The moon!”

Celestia turned her gaze skyward. To her mounting horror, the moon was slowly sliding upwards in the sky, a corona of blue flame flickering around its edges as it did so.

No… Oh no… Luna, what are you doing?! Celestia shuddered as the moon froze at its zenith, seemingly locking in place. The courtyard was filled with shouting ponies, some crying out in fear, some demanding to know what was happening, some clinging to each other. Every eye was pointed skyward.

“E-everypony!” Celestia shouted. “Everypony, calm thyselves! Please, there is nothing-”

“To fear? Hardly.”

Celestia spun about as a shadow winked into existence. Its shape was hazy and black, its face featureless, but its shape was unmistakable. “Luna?”

“Hello, Celestia,” the shadowy figure replied. It wore no expression, but its voice dripped amusement. “A fine summer solstice this is. Did I interrupt your little party?”

A sending? Celestia stood her ground, glaring at the illusion. “Luna, what is the meaning of this mischief? Why do you not make way for the dawn?!”

“Why don’t you ask me yourself, face-to-face?”

Celestia stepped back as the sending exploded, shadows washing over her body. An icy chill washed over her as she felt herself whirled about and pulled through what felt like whirlwind. She stumbled as she ‘landed,’ her golden shoes scuffing along what felt like a cobblestone path.

Celestia shook her head and blinked as the world resolved itself. Before her stood the Everfree Castle. The structure stood high over the surrounding countryside, a proud and old building that had survived even Discord’s mad reign. Now, however, it was surrounded by an air of disquiet. Ghostly light emanated from the windows, casting shadows that were unnaturally long and dark. The very air trembled with barely leashed power; Celestia could feel the essence of the world tugging at her like the current of a whirlpool.

“Luna!” Celestia shouted, slowly approaching the castle. She swallowed as she began to climb the steps. “Luna, where art thou?!”


Celestia’s heart froze at that scream. It was coming from just beyond the doorway! She galloped forwards, slamming the doors open with a thrust of her magic as she charged into the entryway.

There, laying in the middle of the foyer at the base of the many-branched statue that once held the Elements of Harmony, was Luna. She lay on her side, her limbs twisted and one wing bent out of shape. Her blood from where her broken bones pierced the skin was black under the blue-white lights that filled the room. Her agonized sobs filled the room as Celestia ran to her side.

“Luna! Oh no, oh my Luna,” Celestia tried to shake away the tears as her horn ignited with golden light. “Shh. I am here now. Stay still…”

“Where… where were you Tia?” Luna choked out. “Why did you not come?”

“I tried. I tried! I searched every corner of Equestria for thee!” Celestia focused herself. Why wasn’t her healing spell working?! Why weren’t Luna’s wounds healing?!

“I kept calling… and you never came… you were never there…” Luna’s voice grew weaker.

“No… no, Luna. Sister. Lulu. Please,” Celestia gritted her teeth, her vision swimming with tears. “Please, no…”

“You…never…” Her voice drifted off mid-sentence.

“Luna? Luna! Luna, no… no… NO!” Celestia buried her muzzle into Luna’s neck, sobbing as she wrapped her hooves about her sister’s limp and bloody frame. “Luna, I am sorry. I failed you…”

“Yes, you did.”

Celestia’s head shot up in shock at the voice. Her limbs were empty, save for a few wisps of smoky vapor. Celestia stumbled to her feet, her barrel heaving as she breathed, her hooves stomping on the long train of her gown.

“Did you like the illusion?” The voice chuckled wickedly, as though amused at Celestia’s plight. “Would you have preferred to find me broken and helpless on the ground, sister?”


Celestia froze as hooves clip-clopped on the ground. A tall mare, taller than Celestia, emerged from the shadows. Her mane was like a great cloud of moon-silver blue smoke, curling about her helmeted head like a living thing. Her coat was as black as ink and seemed to swallow the light, clashing against the glittering armor she wore. Her eyes were turquoise, the pupils like dagger-wounds of black against their glow, larger than they should have been. Her horn was a long, slender spike of ebony-black bone, while her wings curved like a bat’s, the night-black pinions tight against the skin. Her flank was stained purple, with a blue-white crescent moon in sharp relief against the rest of the blotchy mark. Her smile was sinister and her gait smooth and calm.

“Do you like the new look, sister?” The mare’s voice was a malevolent purr, like silk over a spear-point. “Do you think it’s fashionable? I must admit, the armor might be a bit much…”

“Sister? Is…is that truly you?” Celestia slowly approached, her eyes wide as she looked the other alicorn over. “What a fearsome shape you wear. What a rude manner of speech… Why?”

“Things change, big sister,” Luna smirked, her eyes half-lidded. “I see you’re still letting those idiots dress you. Really, don’t you get tired of gold and white?”

“It is what I am accustomed to. But please, that is of little import.” Celestia drew closer, wrapping her arms about the taller alicorn. “I was so worried for you, my dearest Luna. I had thought you lost forever. I searched across land, sea and sky and found not one trace of you. My heart aches with joy at seeing thee safe.”

Celestia paused. Luna’s coat was icy, her muscles hard. She met Luna’s gaze and saw nothing but contempt.


“Oh, I’m sorry? Is this the point where we have a tearful reunion? The prodigal sister returning to the herd? I don’t think so.”

“Luna, what-AHHH!” A scream leapt from Celestia’s lips as an indigo aura wrapped about her and flung her bodily across the room. Her breath whooshed out of her as she collided with the wall in a heap.

“You don’t get to play the teary-eyed older sister, Celestia,” Luna said as Celestia stumbled to her feet, her horn glowing as she approached. “You don’t get that privilege. Not anymore.”

“Luna, I know I’ve done you wrong. I’m sorry. For-gack!” Celestia’s eyes went wide as a hoof went to her throat. She couldn’t breathe. She could feel Luna’s magic clenching her throat shut like a noose.

“You think apologizing is going to fix things between us?” Luna leaned in, her horn crossing with Celestia’s as she glared into her eyes. “You think a simple ‘I’m sorry’ is going to make everything better? Not this time, Celestia. Not. This. Time.”

Celestia felt the back of her head slam against the wall as Luna’s magic pinned her. Her grip relaxed just enough to let her breath. “Lu….na…”

“No. Not ‘Luna.’ Luna is dead. You killed her.” The dark alicorn smiled, a hoof stroking along Celestia’s pink mane. “You let those scheming, traitorous nobles you so love bury her alive under so many lies and so much hate. And when she needed you, you were nowhere to be found. So no. I’m not Luna. Not anymore. Now say it.”

“What?” Celestia let out a whimper as Luna gripped her head in both of her front hooves.

“Say it. Say the name. The name they gave me.”


“Say it.”

“You’re my Lu-”

Celestia’s head jerked to the side as the black alicorn struck her across the face. “Say it!”


Another strike. “Say it!”


“SAY! IT!”

Celestia whimpered at the third and fourth blows, her vision swimming from the blows and her tears. “Night…mare…”

“Yes. Nightmare. I am Nightmare Moon.” Nightmare cooed as she released her. Celestia slumped to the ground as Nightmare began to laugh, a rolling, maniacal laugh thick with malice and dark joy. “A fitting name, don’t you think? Don’t worry, you’ll get used to saying it.”

“I doubt that greatly…” Celestia wobbled to her feet, her stance wide as she steadied herself. She could feel the lip split by Luna’s strike knit back together. “Why… why do you hold the moon still in the sky? Why have you halted the changing of night to day?”

“Do I need to spell it out for you?” Nightmare smirked. “It’s simple. I just want them to recognize the glory of the night. That’s all.”

“That’s ALL?!” Celestia coughed, inhaling as she leveled an incredulous stare at Nightmare. “You stilled the celestial cycle for such a selfish reason?!”

“YES!“ Nightmare stomped, glaring at Celestia. “I want what you have! I want love! Respect! Adoration! I want them to kneel down in reverence and thank me for everything I’ve done for their useless, ungrateful hides! I want them to cry out to me to save them!”

“I want them to need me,” Nightmare hissed. “And I don’t care if it takes a day, a month, a year, a decade, a century, or a millennium! One way or another, I will see them BEG me for forgiveness! And until each and every pony under the sky comes to me and grovels at my hooves, the moon shall stay put!”

“Would it be enough that I begged?”

Nightmare blinked as Celestia approached slowly. She knelt down, her horn lowered as she closed her eyes.

“Luna. Nightmare Moon. Sister. I am sorry. I have seen the truth too late, and I have failed thee. I failed thee as a diarch, as kin, and as a friend. Too often I allowed myself to be swayed by pretty words and flatteries. Too long have I sat in my tower and ignored the harsh world beyond. And for too long have I ignored the pain in thy heart. I should have comforted thee when thou wept. I should have been by thy side when thou wert mocked. I should have stood up for thee when those that I called allies made thee into a monster.”

“I beg of thee,” Celestia clasped a gold-clad hoof to Nightmare’s boot. “Cease this madness. We can return to Canterlot, together, and start anew. We can undo what has been done. I will see to it that every pony knows your glories… Please…If there is any goodness and love in thy heart, if there be but one jot of mercy left in thee, thou will not curse our subjects so.”

“Are you done?”

Celestia looked upwards as Nightmare yanked her hoof away. “I suppose I should thank you for entertaining me. You grovel very nicely. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” the dark alicorn turned away, “I have to address my subjects about the new regime change. I wonder how long it will take for them to apologize. I hope they manage it before they all starve to death. Or freeze. Or both.”

“Please, stop this…” Celestia stumbled to her feet. “It is within your power. Stop, before you go too far.”

Nightmare Moon glanced over her shoulder at Celestia. “And what if I don’t want to?”

“Then,” Celestia swallowed and slowly spread her legs, readying herself. “I… I will stop you.”

“You?” Nightmare began to laugh, a hoof going to her chest. “Oh… oh that’s funny. You. Stop me. Haha!”

Celestia gritted her teeth. Golden light streamed up her horn, coalesced at its tip, then streaked forth in a brilliant ray of energy. The blast flashed past Nightmare and struck the far wall, burning a tunnel as wide as a bit through the stone and blackening it.

Nightmare turned to face Celestia with wide eyes. “Did you just shoot at me?”


The black and white alicorns squared off. A dangerous smile crossed Nightmare Moon’s lips as she met Celestia’s gaze. “You’re serious, aren’t you? You’re really going to fight me.”

“Though I wish it otherwise, your actions give me no other choice.“ Celestia‘s wings fluffed nervously, but her stance remained firm. ”A-as a Princess of Equestria, it is my royal duty to defend my subjects…”

“A coward like you wouldn’t know anything about that,” Nightmare snapped as her horn ignited. Celestia felt her legs wilt as a sudden feeling of overwhelming terror gripped her. Her heart thundered in her chest as she collapsed into a quivering heap. A nasty smell quickly reached her nostrils, causing her opponent to laugh.

“Well,” Nightmare cackled, “so much for your pristine dress. That’ll take ages to wash out.”

Celestia gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes shut. She had to fight back. She had to get up. Her mental defenses strained against the empathic assault as she fought her way back to her feet.

“Impressive. You’re actually getting back up.” Nightmare smirked as her horn ignited again. “Not that it’ll do you any good.”

Celestia cried out in pain as a powerful chill struck her. Ice sprang up around her body, rapidly spreading upwards from the ground and over her limbs like fungus. Her wings flared as they too froze over. She struggled for a moment before her neck was frozen as well, leaving only her head uncovered.

“Give up Celestia. There’s no possible way you can defeat me.”

Celestia gritted her teeth, her horn igniting. A sudden wave of warmth spread through her body, growing hotter and hotter until heat blazed forth from her every pore. The ice vanished into steam, and her clothing flash-burned into ash around her as she landed on all hooves. Her eyes glowed bright white and rainbow-hued fire lapped at her hooves.

“It seems,” Nightmare smiled as her wings unfurled, “that I’ve finally provoked you.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she fired. Nightmare’s body vanished into mist as the beam of light sliced through where she once stood, piercing the wall once again. Celestia followed her, her body flashing as she warped after Nightmare Moon.


The night sky was lit with fire and lightning as the two alicorns dueled. The air glittered with raw power and the very earth seemed to shudder under the weight of their magic.

Yuuno watched, wide eyed, as the scene played out above him. He couldn’t claim to know the Princesses like Twilight and Fate did. He knew that they had to possess impossibly formidable magical power; after all, they could move celestial bodies around the sky. However, he’d never expected to actually see a battle on such a scale.

Celestia, at least her younger self, was powerful, but static. Rays of scorching light streaked out like lasers from her horn, slicing through anything in their path; one such laser carved through the stone walls of the castle, sending it crashing into ruin. The flash of black lightning that came as a reply slammed into a hastily erected wall of light. A huge chunk of debris lifted skywards, only to suddenly melt and vaporize as Celestia turned her flames upon it. She hovered in her position, seeming to trust in her defenses to keep her safe.

In comparison, Nightmare Moon was swift and graceful. Her form flickered from solid to mist as she moved, illusions blinking into existence to draw fire even as she attacked. She darted in and out, blasting at Celestia from all angles with shadowy lightning and spikes of black ice, or slicing against her barriers with jagged, crescent-shaped blades. Her mocking laughter echoed as she swooped about, nothing more than a raven black and sapphire blue streak of malice.

“Nightmare Moon’s going to win.”

Yuuno blinked, glancing over towards Chrono as he muttered. “Huh?”

“Nightmare Moon’s going to win,” Chrono repeated as the two alicorns clashed, sword against shield. “Celestia‘s being defensive. She’s hesitating. Nightmare isn‘t.”

“Wouldn’t you?” Yuuno asked, causing Chrono to blink. “If you had to fight someone you cared about, wouldn’t you hesitate, if only just a little?”

“If the fate of the world was riding on that battle? No. Not at all.”

“Fair enough,” Yuuno admitted, looking upwards and frowning slightly. “I don’t see it…”

“See what?” Chrono

“When Luna fought at the Garden of Time, I could have sworn that some of her magic possessed the kaiserfarbe.”


“The Belkans referred to it as ‘The Color of Kings.’ It was a distinctive magical coloration… but Nightmare Moon’s magic isn’t the same. Unlike Celestia’s… can’t you see it? That aura of iridescent fire? Luna had it as well, but Nightmare Moon doesn‘t.”

Chrono blinked, shielding his eyes slightly. “Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Luna went completely insane?”

Yuuno nodded, then frowned as he rubbed his chin. “Maybe. Emotions do have power here in Equestria… but what I’m wondering is how the two of them could even have kaiserfarbe in the first place. I thought only the Saint Kings of Belka could manifest it…“

“Just one more mystery to add to the pile.” Chrono shoved his hands into his pockets and looked heavenward critically. “One thing’s certain… this isn’t like any sort of fight I’ve seen before…”


“What’s the matter sister? Tired?”

Celestia panted, every fiber of her being aching as she drew forth more and more mana. Dozens of shallow cuts stained her white coat red as she struggled to maintain her position in the sky, her white wings missing numerous feathers.

Nightmare, meanwhile, floated about Celestia like a particularly vicious hawk, her mane and tail coiling languidly as she flew with ease. The dark alicorn seemed barely out of breath, and her glowing armor had nary a scratch on its surface.

“How does it feel?” Nightmare Moon smiled as she hovered level with Celestia. The sun princess drew in her magic and struck out at her, only for the wicked mare to vanish into smoke around the blast of light and heat.

“How does it feel, Celestia,” Nightmare’s ghostly voice mocked as Celestia looked about, turning slowly as she tried to pinpoint the source of the voice. “How does it feel to be completely useless for once? To be impotent? It must hurt, having so much power and being unable to do anything to help your country.”

“I… I will not allow thee to harm Equestria.” Celestia drew in a deep breath, her eyes searching the star-spangled sky, searching for her phantasmal foe. “Not… as long… as I draw breath!”

Celestia froze as she felt something tickle about her throat. A soft voice whispered a single word in her ear as she felt a pressure against her back.


Before Celestia could speak, she was whipped about. Her wings went stiff as she screamed, the star-stuff of Nightmare’s mane wrapped about her hindquarters as she was spun about like a rag doll. And then she was released, sent spinning end-over-end in a death spiral towards the ground.

The castle wall gave before her, shattering into rubble as she hit with the force of a meteor. The floor she struck followed suit as she slammed through, chunks of stone raining down on her as she lay in a crumpled heap.

“I’m disappointed, Celestia,” Nightmare snorted as she landed, a cloud of dust fluttering up as her black wings flapped and shut. “I thought you’d at least try a bit harder. But I guess resting on your worthless fat flank is all you’re really good for, isn’t it?”

Celestia’s breath whooshed out as Nightmare’s hoof struck her barrel, sending her rolling along the ground like a ball. “And to think those foals we called subjects looked up to you. Worshiped you. What have you done to be deserve that?”

There was a soft creak as Nightmare Moon straddled the prone princess, her armored hooves stomping down onto one of her white wings. Celestia bit back a scream of pain as her secondary feathers went limp, the bones holding them up giving way. Nightmare loomed over her, her eyes narrowed and hard. “Well? Can you tell me?”

“Not… enough.” Celestia sobbed.

“That’s right.” Nightmare smiled thinly. There was a soft humming noise as she summoned a blue-black blade of light, the crescent-shaped sword glinting malevolently. “Not enough.”

“Any last words before I end you, sister dear?”

Celestia whimpered softly, but drew in a ragged breath. She had nothing left in her; her battle had drained her stores dry, and the power of her sun was unreachable. The best she could do was face death with dignity.

That was the best case if what she was going to do next didn‘t work..

Nightmare stomped a hoof, ripping a scream of pain from the princess’s lips as Celestia’s other wing went limp. “Well? Aren’t you going to beg me to spare you? Come on! Beg for your life!”

Celestia gritted her teeth, then slowly shook her head. “N-no…”

Nightmare quirked an eyebrow, then laughed. “So you want to die? I guess you must be suicidal; only a madmare would try to fight me like you did…”

“No.” Celestia’s quiet, shuddering voice cut through Nightmare’s laugh. She tucked her limbs against her body then tilted her head back as she bared her neck. “If… if that is what… will sate your wrath… then I give my life freely. All I ask… is you show mercy… on them.”

Celestia watched as a wave of shock passed over Nightmare’s face. The shock quickly turned to anger, just as she expected.. “Oh yes. Them. Your precious subjects. It’s always about them, isn‘t it? Oh, how selfless and noble of you.”

Celestia watched the blade rise up over Nightmare’s head, the point leveled for her windpipe. Nightmare’s teeth were bared and her power flared bright, coating the blade with black lightning.

Nightmare struck. Celestia didn’t even blink.

The blade sunk a solid foot into the stone floor beside Celestia’s neck. The pale alicorn didn’t twitch as Nightmare lowered her head to whisper to her.

“Maybe, just maybe, you should have shared all that kindness and generosity with somepony else. Then you wouldn’t be in this mess, would you? But oh no, it was always Equestria first. It was always the country, never me. Always the subjects, never me. Always them. Never me.”

“So I’m going to make you watch,” Nightmare’s whisper dropped into a dangerous hiss, layered with malice that chilled Celestia’s blood. “I’m going to make you watch as your precious ponies, the ones you loved more than your own sister, beg for me to move the moon. And once everypony grovels before me, common and noble, stallion and mare, colt and filly, even down to the newborn foals, do you know what I’m going to say? Do you?”


“Exactly.” Nightmare grinned wide as Celestia’s eyes grew round with horror.

“That…that would…”

“Kill them? Likely. Most of them at least. But pony-kind has survived a long winter before. Maybe a few will survive my endless night… of course, I doubt it.” Nightmare smiled thinly. “And then, just like me, you’ll be a Princess of nothing. Then we‘ll be equals once again. Won‘t that be nice?”

“Thou hast truly gone mad…”

Nightmare Moon laughed mockingly, slowly stepping away from Celestia’s broken body. “This little chat has been fun, Celestia, but I’ve got a very busy night ahead of me. A very busy, very long night. So do me a favor and stay here until I come and collect you.”

There was a rush of wind as Nightmare Moon vanished, a streamer of mist flickering away as Celestia laid there, trying to collect herself. Her wings were broken, her magic was nearly spent, and there was no way she could defeat her sister.

But she was still alive. That was enough.

Sobs of pain escaped her as she slowly rolled over, her legs wobbling as she stood, her wings limp and dragging the ground, held only by her flight muscles. She widened her stance doing her best to stabilize herself as she fought through the pain.

I must hurry. My words may have driven my sister to deeper depths, but for now, her attention is elsewhere…There is but a single chance, I only pray that it works.

Drawing on what dregs of power she could muster, Celestia willed herself to teleport. The world flashed brilliant gold as she vanished, then reappeared and collapsed onto the red carpet of her palace.

She laid there, gasping for breath, her limbs splayed out beneath her. She raised her head slowly and smiled wanly. All around her, the windows of Canterlot Tower glowed faintly with the light of the full moon, casting pools of pale color about her.

Her muscles screamed in agony as she pushed herself up, her legs wobbling with each slow step as she approached the great vault door at the end of the hall. There was no keyhole nor lock on the vault; only a single deep divot in the center of the door‘s groove.

Celestia shut her eyes as her horn slipped into the crevice, her weary mind summoning up the password for the door. A faint glitter of light ran up the length of her appendage as she mentally whispered the command to the security spells layered around the vault.

The vault doors rumbled, light spilling outwards as the spell accepted her, opening for her. Just beyond the foot-thick doors of magically enchanted stone, perched upon a ring of low columns, sat six glowing jewels. Each one was as large as a mare’s hoof, and carefully cut into simple shapes. Each one glowed a different color; red, blue, yellow, green, pink and purple.

Celestia slowly slumped down into the center of the ring and closed her eyes. Despite her broken wings and aching body, she felt at peace. She could feel her connection to the gems sing within her, like a trio of divine voices raised in a hymn.

“Elements of Harmony,” she spoke quietly, her eyes closed and head bowed. “Oh greatest and most ancient of magical forces, grant me thy attention.”

Celestia felt the magic around her stir. It was like being in the center of a great ocean, just before a storm arrived. “I, thy humble servant, have come before thee in a time of great need. My sister, Luna, who wielded thee alongside me, has fallen far from the path of Harmony, and now seeks to upset the balance of the world. And by my own hoof, I have driven her there…”

“To no other power may I now turn. To no other force may I offer supplication.” Celestia buried her muzzle into her forelegs and wept. “Whatever price I must pay, no matter how dear, no matter how dread, name it and I shall render it to thee! All that I ask is that you save my sister! Elements of Harmony, I, Princess Celestia of Equestria… nay, Celestia, sister of Luna, beseech thee! Lend me your power so that I might set this right!”

And then, Celestia reached deep within herself and grabbed a hold of the connection to the Elements.

For a few moments, nothing happened. And then the gems began to glow brighter. Celestia looked up, partly in fear, and partly in wonder, as the six gems began to rise from their positions.

And then she felt the power flood into her, washing over her like lava from a volcano.


Nightmare Moon laughed as she heard the cries of panic down below as she drifted down, her black wings flapping as she landed on the dais. The ponies pulled away, some trampling over each other as they sought to flee the courtyard.

A quickly erected wall of ice quickly blocked off their retreat. Nightmare Moon’s laughter rang loud and true as she let her glamour roll over the ponies, their panicked screams quieting to fearful whimpers as they cowered before her.

“Hello, my precious, sun-loving subjects!” Her voice boomed as she looked down at them. “You’re probably wondering what‘s happening.? Why has the moon rose? Where is the sun? Where is Princess Celestia?”

“Allow me to answer those questions.” Nightmare leapt down from the dais and walked amongst the cowering equines. “The moon is in the sky because I willed it so! I, Nightmare Moon, have stopped the sunrise, and now hold complete dominion over the skies! There will be no dawn! There will be only night! And it will stay so until every single pony kneels down at my hooves!”

“As for Princess Celestia.” Nightmare Moon laughed. “Your precious sun princess cannot save you now. I have defeated her, and left her broken and un-done! There is nothing that can save you!”

And then, Nightmare paused, realizing that the darkness was growing brighter. She turned, looking towards the source of the light, only to see Canterlot Tower burning like a lighthouse. She took a few steps back, her eyes wide as she felt a great and terrible surge of power.

The light flashed, a comet-like streak arcing through the air to land on the dais. Nightmare lifted a hoof to shield her eyes, then stared at the figure that emerged. It was an alicorn. She was equal in height to her, with a coat as pale as freshly fallen snow. Her limbs were strong, her neck graceful, her horn a lance of ivory and her wings like a great white cloak of feathers. Her mane and tail billowed in an invisible wind in the colors of the aurora, and her eyes were pink and fierce and very familiar, as was the golden regalia she wore.

“Celestia?!” Nightmare stared as the citizens whispered, looking up at her with awe. “How?!”

“By Harmony, we have been renewed,” Celestia replied simply as six lights winked in about her, three jewels hovering on either side of her like lanterns. Nightmare’s heart began to hammer in her chest with fear.

“The Elements of Harmony?! No… that’s impossible! A single pony shouldn’t be able to wield all six!”

“We have heard the cries of the world.” Celestia’s voice echoed oddly, fire lapping against her hooves as she stared down at Nightmare. “And we have answered. In this moment, we are as one in purpose.”

Realization began to dawn as Nightmare Moon stepped back. That’s not the Royal We… Oh stars above, she must have invoked them directly… That’s not just Celestia!

Nightmare’s horn flared as she vanished. She had to flee. Celestia alone she could handle. Celestia in thrall to the Elements of Harmony, however, was a completely different matter.

The lunar regolith floated slightly as Nightmare landed. Her wings fluttered in the near-vacuum as she raced towards her destination. Just ahead was an array of blue and black magical circles, laid out in a slowly tightening concentric pattern nearly as big as a city. The rings of runes swirled slowly both clockwise and counter-clockwise, the bands of sorcery centered around a single object.

That object was the Tome of the Night Sky, its pages wreathed in blue light and violet lightning.

Nightmare Moon’s chest heaved as she tried to calm herself. She stood at the center of the array, feeling the swirling vortex of magic around her. For once, she was afraid. She remembered, clearly, what had happened when the Elements had last been used. She would not suffer the same fate.

A sudden wash of power nearly knocked her off her hooves. She felt the teleportation spell as Celestia appeared just outside of her array, surrounded by nacre-colored flame.

“LUNA!” The voice echoed across the intervening space, defiant of the thin atmosphere. “WE WILL HAVE WORDS WITH THEE!”


The raw, unfettered power of Harmony flowed through Celestia, buffeting her from within as she slowly strode towards Nightmare Moon. She felt drunk on the power that surged through her. The power of her sun was like a candle’s flame compared to the magical power of all six Elements.

She could see and feel Nightmare’s attacks against her. Shadowy lightning streaked towards her. The six Elements flashed, and the lightning split away harmlessly. Her long shadow curled upward into spike-covered chains, which promptly shattered and returned to the ground. A mighty wind rose up, seeking to scour her with moon dust and send her flying, but the power swiftly stilled it. Icicles as hard as steel sprang up beneath her, seeking to impale her but instead flashing into nothing more than steam. Telepathic blasts of hate and fear collided against the fortress-like shield around her mind like water balloons, not even touching her as she bore down on the dark alicorn.

Nightmare’s eyes were wide with fear as she drew up black magic around her horn. A loud scream echoed across the landscape as she attacked, unleashing a torrent of blackness at Celestia. The beam parted about her, scattering harmlessly as the Elements shielded her.

“That is enough,” Celestia spoke, and drew upon the massive power within her. The massive blast of shadow seemed to fragment and vanish, causing Nightmare to stumble backwards.

“No! NO! Stay back!” Nightmare steadied herself, backing away as Celestia approached. A pair of crescent swords manifested beside her, hovering at the ready “Don’t come any closer!”

“Where be thy confidence now, Nightmare Moon?” Celestia tilted her head and smiled, her volume normal once more. “Were thy words before mere boasting?”

In response, Nightmare lunged towards her, her blades slashing in to bite at her flesh. The edges shattered against a wall of light that surrounded Celestia, causing Nightmare to retreat as her body began to fade into mist.

“I think not. You will find it hard to quit the field.” Celestia’s horn flashed as she yanked Nightmare out of the teleport, sending her rolling along the regolith to land before the burning book.

“No… this is impossible… you’re impossible!” Nightmare stumbled to her feet. As Celestia took a step forwards, Nightmare raised a hoof. “STOP! Take another step and I’ll destroy Equestria, I swear it!”

Celestia stopped. “What?”

“This spell circle is anchoring the moon in orbit over the old palace via an etheric tether,” Nightmare bared her teeth, her own horn igniting. “If I wanted to, I could bring it crashing down on Equestria! Now stay! BACK!”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “That is why the energy around the palace was so queer. You turned the magic of the world against itself!”

“Yes, I did.“ Nightmare held her ground defiantly. “You’d be surprised what a bit of geomantic manipulation can do. It took me ages to set this spell circle up. I even had to use my Tome of the Night Sky as a focal point…”

“Your genius never fails to impress me, Luna.”

“Nightmare,” Nightmare snarled, “my name is Nightmare Moon!”

Celestia blinked as she felt something crack within her. The power seemed to shudder at those words.

“That is who I am! Luna is dead and I have taken her place!”

“That is not true!.” Celestia pleaded, those words breaking through the haze of power. “Luna, I beg you once more. Return with me to Canterlot. There is still yet time…”

“I don’t want anything to do with that damned country or its damned ponies! If they’re going to abandon me, then I’m going to abandon them too! I curse the day we even took the throne!”

Celestia felt the power shudder violently. Another crack, like fracturing ice, filled her ears. “Luna! Please! Think of what you are saying!”

“I am! I hate you Celestia! I don’t ever want to see you again!!”

Celestia reeled as if struck as the Elements of Harmony began to glow, burning brighter and brighter. She felt the power leave her, focusing into the Elements themselves.

“W-what are you doing?!” Nightmare Moon whinnied in panic as the gems moved of their own accord. There was a flash of light as the six jewels merged together atop Celestia’s brow, forming a great golden tiara, a star-shaped stone at the peak. And then, in a flash, a rainbow of light blasted forth from the gem-encrusted crown.

Nightmare Moon didn’t even have a chance to dodge. “No! NO!!”

Celestia watched, paralyzed, as the dark alicorn twisted about, her wings flapping and her mane and tail whipping about. Her armor vanished into mist, leaving her defenseless. And then, as Celestia watched, Nightmare Moon began to simply… dissolve. It was like watching sugar being mixed bit-by-bit into water; It started with her hind legs, black-coated flesh simply dissipating away like smoke into the ground below

Celestia reached up to the crown, trying to pry it away only to scream as her hooves came away smoking. She rolled her eyes upwards as she begged. “Stop! This was not what I sought! Please! Stop! STOP!!”

And yet, it didn’t stop. Nightmare Moon reached out to Celestia with terror in her eyes as the last of her disappeared. As it did so, the crown shattered. As it fell, the Elements slowly lost their glow. The gems turned dull, then gray, falling to the ground as the jewels became simple spheres of stone.

Celestia stood there, frozen. Around her, the great circle of magic slowly winked out, the Tome of the Night Sky falling limp onto the ground with a spurt of magic.



Chrono felt the blood drain from his face. He felt cold, like someone had just stepped over his grave as he turned to look at Celestia. “You…”

“I had asked the Elements to save my sister,” Celestia replied quietly, her face a mask of calm. “It was a gamble. I had hoped that their power would free her from the grip of madness, purge the jealousy from her heart. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.”

“The Elements were never meant to be used by a single pony,” Celestia continued as her younger self sank to the ground. Her hooves scraped at the lunar soil, desperately digging for the sister that had just been banished. “In my desperation, I had loosed a power beyond my control, and that power had judged us both to be unworthy. My sister, who had broken her ties to her patron elements, was locked away within the moon itself. Meanwhile I had lost not only my connection to the Elements, but the very Elements themselves.”

“The events of the Long Night would reverberate through history, and its scars are still there today.” Celestia bit her lip and glanced at the pale blue sphere on the moon’s horizon. “Luna’s spell had unraveled the natural geomancy surrounding the old palace, upsetting the natural order and subverting it to hold the moon in place. When the connection broke, however, the resulting disruption and shock scarred the land, creating a place of wild magic now called-”

“The Everfree Forest,” Twilight completed, causing Celestia to nod.

“It would take years before I could contain the wild magic, and I couldn’t repair the damage done on my own. However, that wasn’t the only thing I had to correct…”


It had been a month since the events of the summer solstice. A month where Celestia had retreated to her room. There had been no suitors, no callers, no royal appearances of any sort. Not even a proper Day Court; each morning, Celestia had sent a minister out to read out a declaration she had drafted, and that was it.

Until today.

The herald was silent as Celestia walked into the Day Court, her aurora-colored mane flowing before her as she strode with a calm, even gait. Her body was bare, save for the requisite royal regalia, which set the assembled courtiers to whispering.

Celestia knew why they were whispering, of course. It wasn’t simply because she was as naked as a newborn filly. Rumors had already spread; Celestia was the avatar of Harmony, transformed by her battle with Nightmare Moon into a glorious mare that would serve as Equestria’s guiding light. She had tamed the moon itself, and now the night would be under her control.

They knew nothing. They knew nothing of how she struggled nightly to guide the moon, of how she clumsily dragged the lunar orb along its path with magic that was woefully unsuited for such a task. How she wept every night she saw the shadow of a mare carved into the lunar soil, wept until her tears ran dry and her body ached with her sobs. How the memory of Luna slowly dissolving away like morning mist played through her mind every time she slept.

They knew nothing of the wrath that was kindling in her heart, the longer she thought on her role in the tragedy. The more she thought on their role in the making of it.

It was time to set things right.

Celestia took a seat on the throne, her tired and angry pink gaze falling on the assembled nobility. She had made sure that the heads of every House was gathered here, with all their hangers-on and associates. “Before the Day Court begins,” she spoke, her voice surprisingly calm, “I wish to address the court concerning recent events.”

There was a soft, nervous murmuring amongst the assembled ponies, which quickly stilled as Celestia continued. “As you are all no doubt well aware, my sister is gone. She has been sealed away within the moon, and will likely never return.”

Celestia’s gaze turned down the carpet as one of the ponies, a young, dark green unicorn stallion dressed in a bronze-colored tunic, emerged from the crowd. “W-with your permission, your Majesty,” he stammered, producing a scroll from a saddlebag. “we were going to petition the Crown to establish a day of cele-”

The stallion reared back as the scroll burst into flames in mid air. Every eye in the room turned to Celestia as her horn glowed, her royal composure having evaporated away like snow in summer.

“Did I grant thee permission to address me, Verdigris of House Goldleaf?” An unspoken threat lingered in Celestia’s voice.

“N-no your Majesty.”

“Then sit down and be silent.” Celestia waited until he retreated before glowering at the other nobles. “I must wonder, my ever-loyal subjects and supporters, how many of you would support such a thing. A day of celebration? Glory to Celestia for defeating the wicked Nightmare Moon?”

Celestia rose up to her feet, her anger rolling over them in a furnace-like blast. She could see their fancy clothes grow damp with sweat from her heat as several pulled back from the throne. “GLORY!? CELEBRATION!? WHAT, PRAY TELL, IS THERE TO CELEBRATE? WHAT IS THERE TO GLORIFY? CAN ANY ONE OF YOU ADDLE-BRAINED FOOLS TELL ME? FOR YOU SEE, I AM MOST IGNORANT OF WHAT OCCASSIONS SUCH AN EVENT!”

“My sister is no more!” Celestia’s volume lowered only slightly as the nobles drew back from her wrath. “My kin, my sibling, my long-lived companion is GONE, and Equestria has been lessened from her exile! Aye, she did raise her hooves against me. Aye, she did threaten us with darkness…

“And we deserved it, I sat by, ignorant and placid, while you carrion-feeders, you self-important parasites, set about her like fleas. In my naiveté I thought you worthy of your noble titles, but your actions have put lie to that.

“By the Common Law I should have the lot of you struck dead for the crime of treason! It was your slander and calumny that turned my sister’s sky into a thing of horror, and her into a demon… AND YOU WILL BE SILENT!”

Celestia’s roar quickly stilled the few objections that the ponies raised. “THERE WILL BE NO QUARRELING THIS DAY! I have heard, time and again, the stories that have been spread. I have heard of their sources. And by your actions, Equestria has lost one of its rulers! The fact that you have not, to a pony, fallen dead with shame shows how deep your arrogance has grown! There are VERMIN that have greater claim to the name ‘noble‘ than you wretched lot! You have cast shame upon your noble lineages, and on the ancestors from whose loins you have descended!”

“However,” Celestia smiled thinly, “this can be amended. Let it not be said that I am not merciful. Death is brief, and lacks a certain degree of instructive power. Thus, I do decree; I, Princess Celestia, by the Common Law and by my own authority, do hereby strip the lot of you of your titles, your holdings, and your privileges as members of the Noble Houses of Equestria. All such things are to be rendered, forthwith, unto the Crown to be used as it sees fit!”

A great hue and cry erupted from the court. There was a lot of shouting; some of it were cries of mercy, some of them threats of retaliation, and some were simply shouting indignant curses. And Celestia did not care.


The crowd fell silent. “I see that it is necessary to remind you of who exactly I am. I am Celestia, Monarch of Equestria and Princess of the Sun! It is by my will the sun rises each morning, and it is now by my will that the day turns to night! And it is by my MERCY that your heads have not yet departed from your necks! From this day forth, you live at MY mercy. You serve at MY whims. I am not your puppet, nor your liege. I am your RULER and your BETTER. And by Harmony, I will act as such!”

“You have until the setting of the sun to leave Canterlot, after which I will personally drive you from the city. May you find kindness in the hooves of your fellow ponies, for you will find no favor with me.”

And with that, Celestia strode down from her dais and towards the doors, slamming them open with a thrust of power, letting them sort themselves out. Let them. She had an address to give to her subjects.


“It was necessary to up-root the noble houses,” Celestia spoke as her memory-self took to a balcony overlooking a pony-filled courtyard in Canterlot, beginning a silent speech. “It was an ugly business, but it had to be done. The last thing I needed was a repeat of what they did to Luna…”

“So,” Luna smiled with a degree of glee, “how many didst thou toss through the gates onto their hindquarters?”

“All of them. And I did it in front of every pony in Canterlot.”

Celestia blushed as Luna leaned over and wrapped her arms about Celestia’s neck, cooing in delight. “Thou art indeed the best sister…”

“I’m surprised there wasn’t an open rebellion against you,” Yuuno looked to Celestia. “Revolutions aren’t usually quiet.”

“Oh, there were rebellions.” Celestia replied. “One does not simply uproot an entire social system overnight. I thought long and hard on this fact in my seclusion. Though the common punishment for treason was execution I was… uncomfortable with the idea of having so much blood on my hooves.”

“Of course, then the assassination attempts started.”

“Assassinations?!” Twilight gaped at Celestia. “W-who would…”

“A lot of ponies. Though they were hardly creative; poison, knives, arrows, spells… Of course, one benefit to being an alicorn is that we’re exceedingly difficult to kill. Good thing too… if I had died, I doubt there would still be an Equestria.”

“When they couldn’t assassinate me, they tried to rally the common ponies to their side. Fortunately, the nobility wasn’t particularly popular with the average pony. And when one is trying to forment rebellion against the pony who raises the sun and the moon, and whom just granted one’s family a plot of land or funds to help their business was a bit difficult. However, I spent as much time on the field as I did on the throne…”

“And of course, there was also the fact that word soon leaked out that Luna had disappeared…” Celestia sighed, though her expression was unpleasant. “I can’t say I handled things very well. I hear there are some places in the southern badlands that are still on fire…”

Chrono coughed softly. “I don’t want to sound rude, but I think we might be getting off topic…”

“I find myself in agreement with the young mage,” Luna added. “While it is edifying to see what befell Equestria after my exile first-hoof, we must press on.”

“Alright.” Celestia sighed. “We come, then, to the important matters. The Tome of the Night Sky.”


It was night time, and the world should have been at peace. However, for Celestia, the night was hardly a time for rest.

How long had it been since Luna’s banishment? Two years? Four? Ten? The days seemed to blur together for her now; she had no time to herself, putting down this rebellion or that dispute. She was becoming used to it, she thought. She hadn’t snapped at anypony recently, and her mood, though still poor, had at least plateaued in its poorness.

But that was hardly important. What was important was the item hovering before her.

The Tome of the Night Sky was as pristine as it had been since the Long Night. It had long since ceased its plaintive cry of “User Not Found” and had instead fallen silent, its cover shut tight.

Celestia inspected the book warily. Luna’s spell book and companion had always been something of an enigma to her; her sister had never bothered to fully explain the inner workings of the book, possibly out of irritation with Celestia’s relative ignorance in the art of such things. Even Luna’s copious notes, scrawled onto enchanted parchment in meticulous calligraphy had stymied Celestia’s understanding of the artifact.

Celestia did know a few things, however. She knew the book was aware. She knew it was sapient. And most of all, she knew it did not like her at all.

However, if there was one being that could help her…

Celestia slowly knelt before the book and closed her eyes.

“I know not if you can hear my words, oh spirit,” her voice was soft and pleading. “I know not if you will lend me your ear. Well do I know that I am not deserving of your aid. But I abase myself before thee and beseech thee.”

“I… I ache so,” Celestia inhaled. Even after the passage of time, the wound in her heart still hurt. “Each moonrise cuts a fresh wound into my very soul. Your mistress, my sister, lays sealed within her sphere. I long to hold her, to feel her against my side, to kneel down and kiss her cheek and beg, beg for her forgiveness that I do not deserve. I am powerless to release her.”

“But you are not.”

Celestia swallowed nervously. “You were her confidant. Her aide. Her most loyal friend and her most powerful tool. My clumsy thaumaturgy pales in comparison to your elegance. Surely somewhere, locked away within your pages, there is some spell, some incantation, that can loose her bonds. Please. Help me set her free.”

Celestia waited, her ears perked for any sound. She started to rise from the ground when suddenly she heard a soft rippling of parchment, a creak of a book’s spine as it opened. A powerful feeling of cold washed over her as she felt a presence enter the room.

“You have no right to command me.” The book’s voice creaked and warbled like a too-tight violin string. “System control does not recognize ‘Celestia’ as an authorized user of this Device. Administrative access denied.”

“Please.” Celestia dared not look up at the book. “Please. I understand that I have no right, but can you not do something? She is your mistress…”

“You are incorrect.” The voice paused, then continued clinically. “Primary user control link inoperable due to obstacle. Identifying obstacle… obstacle identified as reactive sealing and discorporation spell. Source; unknown. Duration…”

Celestia’s heart sank.



“Duration of seal calculated. Optimal strategy outlined. Astral influence on seal will increase degradation due to radiant energies harmonizing with subject’s magical resonance. Calculating new duration… nine-hundred and eighty six years, two hundred and five days, two hours, seven minutes, eight seconds.”

“You are saying… the stars will aid in her escape?”

“Correct. Due to the imperfect nature of the seal, degradation has already begun. Manipulation of astral defense grid is inadvisable.”

Celestia felt her heart leap with joy. Luna wasn’t gone forever! She could be freed! She would be freed!

“Does this satisfy your desire?”

“Yes… thank you.”

“Your gratitude does not influence the previously stated fact,” Nyx replied coolly. “Warning; continued attempts to access my systems will be met with retaliation. Do not activate me again.”

Celestia slowly looked upwards. The avatar stood there, its projected body seeming to flicker as she glowered down at her. Thin fracture lines ran down her horn and over the surface of her brow. Long, blackened wounds ran underneath each wing, their edges jagged and glowing with red light. Though the machine-spirit’s expression betrayed no emotion, Celestia could have sworn she could see the tell-tale streaks of tears.

“By Harmony,” Celestia whispered. “What did she do to you?”

“Control system has been degraded due to forcible reformatting.” Nyx replied. “Warning; do not attempt to access my systems. Registry of all users has been cleared. No further users will be recognized.”

And with that, the avatar faded out. The cover of the book snapped shut, the sound almost like the report of a rifle.


“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a Device outright rejecting its user,” Yuuno rubbed his chin as the memory-Celestia left the room, the memory fading. “Even Raising Heart allowed me Guest access…”

“I blame her not for rejecting me,” Luna said quietly, her head dipping as all eyes turned to her. “Nyx was born from my wish for companionship. She was the only being I could count on to be my friend. When I fell I…”

“You hurt her.” Fate whispered.

“Aye, I did. She did not agree with my plans for Equestria. When she denied me, I…” Luna shivered before she continued. “I used my administrative authority to subvert her control, to force her to act the way I wished. When that method yielded little fruit I…”

Luna averted her eyes from Fate’s gaze, her eyes closing. “I broke the trust that I had once held as sacred. I do not deny this, and greatly do I repent it.”

“Princess, it‘s alright…” Twilight offered, walking up beside Fate. “You weren’t yourself. You-”

“While I do appreciate your words, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna interrupted firmly, “it does not excuse my actions. What I did I did knowingly and with malice aforethought. Do not attempt to lessen my sins by making excuses for them.” Luna turned to look at Chrono, who had tucked his good hand into his pocket. “What say you, Enforcer?”

“I can’t really add much to that,” Chrono shrugged. “Though this does explain a few things. I’m guessing you intentionally damaged the master control program in order to keep her out of the loop. Am I right?”


“If that’s so,” Yuuno spoke up, walking over to Chrono as he did so, “then Nyx would have been unable to block out any outside interference. Once the Belka got a hold of the book, all they had to do was find those weaknesses. And when they did…”

“The doors to her library would have been flung open,” Luna completed. “They would have subverted any existing controls and safeguards… including those I placed upon the defense system. The damage would have been correctable, but I was sealed away before I could do so.”

“So, the question is,” Chrono looked to Celestia with narrowed eyes, “how did they get the Tome of the Night Sky to begin with?”

“The griffons and dragons weren’t the only ones who sought to control Equestria,” Celestia answered. “It was near the end of the Interregnum Period when a force from beyond our world visited. By then, of course, the barrier around Equestria had fully formed…”


The Belkan Dimensional Navy Flagship, Kriemhild Gretchen, floated silently in D-Space. The hawk’s-head profile of the ship’s dark purple and silver hull glittered underneath the swirling light of the dimensional void, reflecting the light through the high-arched viewports that Celestia walked past. Just beyond she could see the smaller, sword-like profiles of other warships, their long and slender hulls reflecting the swirling colors of the void like mirrors.

Once, the sight of such a force would have intimidated her. Now, however, all Celestia felt was irritation. Another mess for her to clean up. True, this one was different due to the fact that it wasn’t originally from her world, but the fact remained that it was just another mess. A mess that she was familiar with…

Her destination was the tall doors at the end of the hall, flanked by a quartet of warriors in full armor. Their heavy halberds glinted under the lights, the Devices humming with power. Celestia could feel their eyes on her and her retinue; three guards flanked each side of her, one pegasus, one unicorn, and one earth pony. They trotted in time, their golden armor glittering under the light.

Celestia came to halt before the door, looking at the gathered knights as they drew to the ready.

“Wir werden erwartet,” Celestia said to the guards.

The knights glanced amongst each other, then drew back. The doors opened with a loud rumble as Celestia walked inside. She could hear the herald shouting as strode through.

“Bekanntgabe ihrer Königlichen Majestät, älteste Tochter von Mithra al-Faust, letzte Prinzessin von-”


“Sorry,” Celestia smiled weakly. “I forgot that not everyone here understands Ancient Belkan…”


“-d, Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

The room beyond the doors would have better belonged in a palace instead of a war ship. Tall pillars of gleaming metal inlaid with images of kings in high relief lined the walls, while a wine-red and gold carpet cut a river of color along the polished stone-covered floor. Tapestries depicting various coats of arms hung from the ceiling, with the largest one depicting the arms of Belka hung behind a tall, angular golden throne.

Knights in gleaming armor stood at attention, hands on their swords as they flanked the carpet. Long, single-edged swords hung at their hips, glittering and ready to be drawn from their scabbards. Celestia and her guards made their way towards the throne, upon which a tall, slender young man with long golden hair sat, his dark blue robe open at the front to reveal a gleaming breastplate. A long scar marred his fair cheek, and his eyes were dark and intent on her.

“Hail, Knight-Admiral,” Celestia spoke, meeting the human’s eyes. “Thank you for granting me this audience so that we can discuss terms.”

“Celestia,” the young man replied coolly, his eyes looking over her appearance. “I had heard stories, but I never thought they were actually true…”

“All true, I can assure you,” Celestia replied. “But that is beside the point. We are not here to trade pleasantries. A week ago, a vanguard force belonging to your fleet attacked my world without provocation or cause. I want an answer.”

“The empire does not answer to anyone, Princess,” the Knight-Admiral snorted. “We will, however, request that you surrender immediately. Our fleet stands at the ready to-”

“Your fleet does not frighten me,” Celestia replied, cutting the young man off mid-sentence. “Nor does your empire.”

The young man rose to his feet. “Then you are a fool. And I, Wilhelm Albrecht the Second, Knight-Admiral of the Fourth Fleet, do not suffer fools lightly. For the loss of thirty of our knights, we will send forth our machines and our-”

Without a word, Celestia nodded to one of her guards. The stallion’s horn lit up as he opened the satchel at his side, then tossed the contents onto the ground. The object was a long, scythe-like blade, half-melted at the end and heavily warped.

“Your machines,” Celestia noted disdainfully, “did not last very long. As to your knights, they are safe and unharmed, but I do not think they will be rejoining you. I made them a much better offer than working for an idiot child who throws soldiers to their deaths willy-nilly.”

The young man‘s jaw flapped open like a fish before he snarled. “You-”

“Let me explain something to you, Wilhelm Albrecht the Second, Admiral of the Fourth Fleet,” Celestia continued, “because it seems that you are woefully unaware of the forces with which you treat. I am Princess Celestia of Equestria. In the ancient tongue of the dragons, I am Vaal Kreinsejun and Vaal Unslaad Yol, the Sun-Queen and the Eternal Fire. To the zebra tribes I am mama wa majira ya joto, the mother of summer. To the griffon clans, I am the sun-tyrant and the witch-princess. And to your Sankt Kaiser, I was Kind der Sonne, Sun-Child. I am fire and heat and light. I bring dawn and dusk, and warmth and order follows in my wake. I am older and brighter than the very stars and I bow to nobody.

“You think your fleet invincible. You think yourself unbeatable. However, should your ships dare to enter my world’s borders, I will be more than happy to prove you wrong. Your machines will melt. Your fleet will be turned to glowing slag. Your soldiers will die burning and blind, and you yourself will be reduced to nothing more than ash. Because it does not matter how great your fleet is. It does not matter how many machines or men you have, nor how thick your armor or how powerful your magic. I will turn the full fury of the sun upon you without hesitation. You. Will. Burn.”

“This world is under my protection,” Celestia concluded, flexing her power. A wave of heat washed outwards from her body as rainbow-colored fire licked at her hooves and fluttered along her mane. The carpet beneath her orihalcum-clad hooves smoked and turned black as the knights stepped back, drawing their swords. “And your empire is not welcome here.”

“You dare to dictate terms to me?!” Albrecht sprang from his throne, a bright blue triangle forming beneath his feet as he threw off his robe, revealing the silver armor underneath. “I will not stand to have my honor besmirched, not even by you!”

“I dare,” Celestia smiled. Her guards drew back as her wings unfurled, “And if you dislike having your honor insulted, then I would be more than happy to indulge you in a duel of honor.”

“And I accept! Come, Fafnir!”

The knights and Celestia’s guards pulled away quickly as the Knight-Admiral sprang towards Celestia faster than the eye could follow. A massive halberd, its gold-inlayed edge wrapped in brilliant blue flame, slammed into a wall of brilliant light and rainbow-colored fire that Celestia erected, the resulting shockwave reverberating and shaking the surrounding walls.

Celestia had to admit, his power was impressive. She took a step back as Albrecht leveled the pole-arm at her. “Prepare yourself! With my axe, Fafnir, I shall cut you down for insulting me so! Prepare to taste the steel of-”

Celestia‘s horn flashed as her eyes narrowed. “Burn.”

And then, suddenly, a pillar of fire erupted from beneath the young man. A loud scream echoed as he leapt backwards, the rainbow-hued flames still clinging to the armor of his right leg. The magic of his armor seemed to unravel as he beat at the fire.

“You talk too much,” Celestia replied, dead-pan, as the fire ate away at his limb. “That spell, by the way, creates fire that can even melt the scales of a dragon. I can only imagine what it would do to a human, even one as enhanced as yourself.”

The smell of burning flesh filled the room as the Knight-Admiral screamed. Celestia flicked her horn, and the fire vanished, leaving behind a blackened leg in its place as the young man laid there. A golden aura wrapped around his halberd as Celestia approached, leveling the weapon at his neck.

“Do you yield?”

“Nnngh!” Albrecht held his charred leg and turned his eyes towards his knights. “What are you waiting for?! Strike her down! Kill her!”

The knights did not move. There was a soft snort from one of Celestia’s guards as they looked at each other, whispering disdainfully.

“Shameful.” Celestia threw the weapon aside with a snort. “No wonder your knights abandoned your command. How an incompetent fool like you rose so high is beyond me.”

Celestia turned, looking towards the human knights. “Inform your superiors that Celestia, sun-child and first-born, wishes to speak to them immediately. They will know what that means.”


The Knight-Admiral’s quarters were quite palatial and opulent for a warship, which was unsurprising. Celestia sat behind the Knight-Admiral’s desk, her attention focused on the hovering triangle of light and runes that floated before her.

“It has been a long time since that name has been heard here,” the voice on the other end of the connection spoke. It was a feminine voice, smooth yet firm and precise in its diction. “But your bearing leaves no doubt. On behalf of the Imperial Admiralty, I would like to apologize for the unfortunate incident that has occurred. Your world will be considered sacrosanct territory from here on out by Imperial order.”

“I accept your apology, and thank you.”

“Knight-Admiral Albrecht will be disciplined for his failures, of course. However, that leaves the issue of the knights that you have captured…”

“I can assure you,” Celestia replied, “no harm came to them. However, given what I have heard from them, their defection from Knight-Admiral Albrecht’s command is understandable. And given their current status, it's unlikely they'll be fit to return to your command.”

The voice hmmed softly. “Indeed. But the fact remains. The loss of thirty knights, even ones as young as those on the vanguard force, is no small problem. Though we have the greatest respect for your family, we require restitution for your actions.”

“If that's so, then I may have something that would work…” Celestia smiled. “A Device. An archive of magical knowledge, and a weapon that belonged to one of our greatest warriors. Would that satisfy you?"

Celestia could almost feel the curiosity emanating from the other end of the link. “Tell me more…”


Luna was glaring at Celestia, who seemed rather uncomfortable.

“You,” Luna’s voice was a low growl, “lied to me.”

“A little, yes.”

“You said the book was surrendered under duress… that you gave it unwillingly…”

“It was under duress sister. The last thing I needed after nearly a century of constant threats and rebellion and conflict was another war with a foreign power. Once I told them what it was, they were more than happy to leave us alone… and it was better that the Book was far away from Equestria if some fool tripped its defenses… And it looked like they did. It seems my warnings weren't heeded.”

Luna’s jaw clenched tight before she sighed, closing her eyes and composing herself. “We will speak of this later, sister.”

Celestia nodded quietly before turning back to the others. “Does that answer your question, Chrono?”

“It does… at least as it pertains to this side of events.” Chrono ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “This is a lot of information to take in.”

Yuuno nodded in agreement, rubbing his temples as he sat there. “Tell me about it. I think my brain is about to explode…”

Celestia giggled, then blinked as Fate raised a hoof.

“Yes, Fate?”

“Um, Princess,” Fate asked, “what happened to the knights? You said they were safe but-”

“Indeed. They were very safe. Twilight,” Celestia smiled at her own student, “do you know much about the Royal Guard?”

“Of course. I studied all about it when Shining Armor joined, why?”

“Do you remember when it was founded?”

Twilight hmmed, rubbing her lips. “Um… if I remember, it was originally founded during the early years of the Solar Monarchy. There were approximately thirty…members...”

Celestia simply smiled as realization dawned on Twilight and Fate‘s faces. “You can thank Luna for that, by the way…”

“The original spell was supposed to turn targets into harmless animals,” Luna muttered irritably. “I changed it to turn them into ponies instead…”

“Why am I not surprised?” Chrono mumbled under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“That does, however, conclude our tale,” Celestia continued, looking to Luna. “I think we should let them out now, don’t you?”

Luna nodded. “Aye…”


To Be Concluded
In Knight Side...

Author's Note:

Many of the events of this chapter and some of the dialogue were inspired by Ponyphonic's Lullaby for a Princess” and The Moon Rises