• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,633 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

  • ...

Chapter 13: Sunset, Part Two

Shining Armor strode down the avenue as he inspected his soldiers, the pegasus honor guard having formed up in two rows along the landing area. It was only proper; after all; a VIP was soon arriving via chariot, and thus was required to be greeted properly. Which was also why he himself was in full dress. His royal purple and gold armor was polished until it gleamed, his helm’s plume was carefully brushed and stiff, his coat flawlessly groomed and his hooves so polished that he could see his reflection when he looked down. He was the picture of excellence and military form, a model Captain.

The fact that Princess Cadence was coming had absolutely nothing to do with his behavior or appearance, and there wasn’t a thing anypony could do to prove it.

Shining’s hooves clicked on the paving stones as he walked towards the doors, where his two little sisters were waiting. Twilight looked at him with an amused smile.

“Gee Shining,” Twilight chided him as he came to a militarily precise halt, “I don’t think I’ve seen you this polished since… well, ever.”

Shining snorted softly. “A Princess is arriving in Canterlot, Twilight,” he replied, dropping the familiar nickname. He was officially on duty, after all. “If nothing else, protocol demands that I should look my best. Otherwise, it‘d reflect poorly on the Royal Guard.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “This is Cadence we’re talking about Shining. I’m sure she’d be fine with however you’d look.”

“True, but I should still look my best.”

“I think he looks nice,” Fate said, looking up at him. “But I’m a little lost here. I thought Equestria was ruled by Celestia and Luna. Where does Cadence fit in?”

“Cadence is Celestia’s niece,” Shining Armor replied. “As I understand it, she was adopted into the royal family when it was discovered she was an alicorn.”

“So… what exactly does she do? Does she rule some part of Equestria that I‘ve never heard of?”

“Not really,” Twilight replied. “As best I understand, Celestia has had her acting as a goodwill ambassador to countries allied with Equestria.”

“Oh.” Fate nodded, then frowned. “Then why does she have the title of Princess?”

“Because she’s an alicorn,” Twilight replied. “Besides, she’s technically a member of the royal family, so the title is appropriate.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Fate scratched one ear, then tilted her head. “So, how do you know Cadence, Twilight?”

Twilight blushed as Shining chuckled. “Well, Cadence… sort of foalsat me when I was a little filly.”

Fate stared up at Twilight. “Let me get this straight… you had an alicorn Princess for a babysitter?”


“Wow… Trixie was right. You are stupendously lucky.”

“Hey, it wasn’t like I asked her to…” Twilight blushed. “She just kinda… showed up one day and asked my parents if she could foalsit me. Though she was probably the best foalsitter ever. She always stayed around until really late at night.”

Shining turned away from his sisters, trying not to show his nerves. I wonder if Twily ever figured out why Cadence kept sticking around that late… especially after she went to bed…

He glanced upwards as he heard the herald trumpets begin to ring as a golden chariot slowly dipped down from the sky drawn by two pale-coated pegasi guards. The conveyance slowly circled the courtyard before coming in for a landing. He felt his legs grow stiff and his heart thump in his chest as the chariot’s slender passenger disembarked, her delicate, gold-shod hooves clicking on the stones as she walked.

Of all the mares in all the world, Shining Armor’s heart belonged to only one. A mare with whose velvet-soft coat was the color of pink roses, whose eyes were like amethysts and whose mane and tail were like rivers of color, shimmering in long bands of gold, violet and red. A mare whose natural grace and beauty outshone even the prettiest and most well-dressed noble of the court, and whose heart was as pure and shining as the crystal heart she bore on her flank.

Shining Armor served Celestia, and served her well and happily. But for all of her grace and regal poise, Celestia didn’t have a claim on his heart. That honor was reserved for the dainty hooves of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.


Shining Armor was pulled out of his blissful contemplation as Twilight ran past him, meeting the Princess half-way. Cadence’s playful smile split into a wide, happy grin as the two of them began to prance in place.

“Sunshine, sunshine, lady bugs awake,” they chanted in unison, miming along with each other in a greeting they’d used since Twilight was a filly, “clap your hooves and give a little shake!”

The pair soon collapsed into a fit of giggles as they embraced each other.

“Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, Twilight,” Cadence smiled, tilting her head as she looked at her former charge. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too, Cadence. I hear you’ve been playing ambassador. How was Saddle Arabia?”

“Very hot. It‘s a beautiful place, but my word the heat is incredible. Half the time I was worried about melting into a puddle of sweat and pink goop.” Cadence laughed as she walked towards Shining Armor, then paused as Fate nervously stepped forwards. “And this must be Fate!” Cadence smiled, slowly kneeling down before the golden pony so that they could see eye-to-eye. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Fate blinked. “You know me?”

“I do. Shining Armor told me that Twilight had a new little sister. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to meet you until now. Although he never mentioned how adorable you were.”

Fate shifted nervously, pawing the ground with one hoof as she blushed.

“It’s okay if you’re nervous,” Cadence said gently. “I don’t mind. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

“We will?” Fate glanced up at her.

“You will?” Twilight blinked as Cadence smiled.

“Well of course. I’m going to be staying in Canterlot for a while before my next trip…”

“You will?” Shining tried not to let his eagerness show.

Cadence smiled, turning from Fate to Shining Armor. “You sound surprised about that, Captain.”

Shining Armor coughed softly and drew himself up to attention. “N-no your Highness. I’m not surprised at all! Welcome back, ma’am!”

Cadence giggled, putting a hoof to her lips as Shining’s cheeks turned even pinker. “If you keep blushing like that Captain, you’ll turn as pink as me!”

Twilight, meanwhile, rolled her eyes. “Cadence, stop teasing Shining. He’s on duty right now.”

“Sorry. Would you mind helping me with my things, Twilight?”

“Actually, I need to run,” Twilight smiled weakly. “My friends should be arriving pretty soon, and I still need to find somepony before we meet them.”

“Oh! Well, don’t let me keep you. I’ll still be here when you get back, after all.”

“Okay. Come on Fate! Let‘s see if we can‘t find Rainbow.”

Shining exhaled as Twilight and Fate trotted off, closing his eyes as he did so. When he opened them, he found himself eye-to-eye with Cadence.

“It’s… been a while, your Highness,” Shining said quietly.

“Yes, it has,” Cadence smiled gently, a practiced royal smile that was dwarfed by the feeling in her gaze. “I missed Canterlot.”

Shining nodded, trying to ignore the tightness in his throat as he felt her power wash over him. It was so much easier to do this through letters. At least then he could compose himself. When he was face to face like this, he felt like a clumsy foal. “There’s… a lot in Canterlot to miss, your Highness.”

“Yes, there is.” She nodded, then turned and trotted back towards the chariot. “Come on, Shining. There‘s a few things I have to get before the porters descend on my luggage.”

“At once, your Highness,” he replied softly, drifting along behind Cadence in a blissful haze.


“How’s the arm, Chrono?”

“Better, thanks.” Chrono clenched and relaxed his hand as he walked alongside the young archeologist. “The medics say that the nerve damage has mostly healed. I’m just glad to have those blasted bandages off.”

Yuuno nodded. “That’s good. At least the burns have all healed up too. So, do you think you‘re back to fighting strength now?”

“Not entirely,” Chrono shook his head. “I’m not fully healed yet. I’ve been advised to avoid using the Cartridge system unless absolutely necessary. I could probably get around that by using my off-hand, but…” He shook his head, then sighed.

“I’d probably try to avoid that. There’s no use in destroying your body by overdoing it, Chrono. The last thing you need is to overstretch yourself. I’d hate to see you end up the hospital or worse just because you had to go to that extreme.”

“Your concern is duly noted, ferret boy.” Chrono smirked slightly. “I’ll make sure to-”

“I’m serious, Chrono.” Yuuno frowned at him, causing Chrono to pause. “I’d like to think after all this we’re at least good enough friends for me to be concerned with your health.”

Chrono blinked, then nodded. Despite himself, his smirk slowly relaxed into a smile “Thanks, Yuuno. I appreciate that.”

“You’re welcome.”

“However, my arm‘s the least of our worries,” Chrono continued, changing the topic as they rounded a corner. “Do you think this is going to work? What if Princess Cadence doesn‘t agree to this?”

Yuuno shrugged. “We’ll just have to see when we meet her. If not… well, we‘ll find some other way. Thought I have to admit, our options are looking a little limited.”

“Yeah…” Chrono shook his head. “This is going to be kinda surreal.”

“What? Oh…” Yuuno blinked. “You mean…”

“Yeah. After that little trip down memory lane the Princesses showed us, it’s going to be interesting to meet her…”

“Yeah. Speaking of which, the landing area should be just up ahead.”

Chrono paused as they began to enter the entryway to the landing area, the doors ahead of them opening. He was given further pause as a very, very pretty pink pony princess trotted through the doors. Her delicate tiara glittered in the sunlight coming through the windows, her coat shimmered softly and her lavender-tipped wings fluffed against her sides as she walked. Though slender and delicate, Chrono could feel a gentle roll of power wash past him. It wasn’t the same sense of heat or cold he got from the other Princesses, but a sense of… elation.

No doubt about it, Chrono thought to himself as he stared, she‘s the real deal, just like Celestia and Luna. I just didn‘t expect her to be so… girly. And here I thought I was numb to this sort of thing.

“Wow,” Yuuno said softly under his breath, causing Chrono to gently nudge him with an elbow to the ribs. The alicorn paused, then approached the two boys and inclined her head.

“How do you do?”

Chrono, thankfully, had the presence of mind to return the gesture. “Hello. I’m assuming that you’re Princess Cadence?”

“I am. And you must be the humans that I was told about. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“As it is to meet you. I’m Enforcer Chrono Harlaown. And this is Yuuno Scrya.”

Yuuno nodded politely, giving a mumbled hello Chrono shook his head. “Seriously Yuuno? I didn’t expect you’d fall for it that easily…”

Cadence blinked, then gasped. “Oh no! Just a moment.”

Chrono exhaled as he felt the power recede. Yuuno blinked, then shook his head like a wet dog shaking off water. Cadence smiled sheepishly and scuffed the floor with one hoof.. “I'm so, so sorry. I’m not quite as good at restraining my power as Aunt Celestia is, so it tends to slip a little when I‘m not paying attention.”

“It’s okay.” Yuuno blushed, shifting slightly. “Really, I’m fine. Even without that glamour, I have to admit you’re a very lovely Princess, your Majesty.”

That elicited an eye roll from Chrono as Cadence giggled. “Why thank you. But please, just call me Cadence.”

“Careful Yuuno.” Shining Armor chuckled softly as he approached, a small treasure chest resting on his back as he walked. “I might have to have some of my guards talk to you if you try sweet talking royalty like that.”

Yuuno blushed and raised his hands as Cadence gasped in mock-shock. “Shining! Be nice!”

Shining grinned. “Just a joke, Cadence.”

Why do I get the feeling it wasn’t entirely a joke? Chrono kept his thoughts to himself as he coughed into one hand. “Would you mind if we walk with you, Princess? I’d like to talk to you about the reason you’re here…”

“If you want, though I’d prefer to get settled in first. It‘s been a long trip after all”

“That’s alright. I’d just like to go over the preliminaries.”

Cadence nodded, then began to walk, Shining Armor falling in beside her. Chrono fell into step with the alicorn, Yuuno right behind him. “I assume that the Princesses told you why you’re here, right?”

“Aunt Celestia’s message had a general explanation of the situation,” Cadence replied. “Though really, I’m not sure how much I can help. Outside of my talent for love magic, I’m nowhere as skilled or powerful as the other Princesses, but I‘ll help however I can.”

“If Twilight’s to be believed, that’s exactly the sort of magic we need.”

“Excuse me, Cadence?” Yuuno interrupted, walking a bit faster so that he could get into Cadence’s line of sight. “I was wondering… when you say ‘love magic,’ what exactly do you mean?”

Cadence smiled. “Well, my special talent revolves around love. Without going into a real deep explanation, I know how to sense connections between others, strengthen their bonds, rekindle the love between individuals, even mend broken hearts…”

“I see,” Yuuno rubbed his chin. “That’s an amazing talent.”

“I wouldn’t call it amazing,” Cadence blushed.

“Considering what love and friendship seems to do here in Equestria, I’d call it amazing.”

“See Cadence?” Shining chuckled. “I keep telling you you’re incredible…”

“I guess that includes your glamour as well?” Chrono added, which caused Cadence to blush. “I did feel a bit… happy before you turned it off.”

“I really am sorry about that. Trust me, I know all too well how easy it is to abuse my kind of magic. I learned that lesson a long time ago.”

“It’s okay Princess, I believe you.” Chrono raised a hand. “I wasn’t implying anything like that.”

“Thank you.” Cadence sighed, then shook her head. “Let’s talk about something more pleasant, shall we?”

“Of course. Out of curiosity, what’s in the box?” Chrono gestured to the chest that Shining was carrying. “A chest that fancy must be quite valuable.

“Gifts for my aunt from the current Shah of Saddle Arabia,” Cadence smiled. “Shah Talal’s been hoping to repair the cultural exchange that his country used to have with ours.”

“Oh?” Chrono blinked as Cadence nodded.

“Let’s just say the previous Shah had… issues with my aunt.”

“Oh yeah. I remember hearing about that while I was in training,” Shining Armor shuddered. “Shah Akbar was a piece of work, from what I’ve heard.”

“Dare I ask?”

Shining Armor snorted. “Shah Akbar was rather paranoid. He always thought Princess Celestia was always trying to ensnare him in some sort of trap. It didn’t help that he didn’t particularly like mares all that much.”

Given that this is Celestia we’re talking about, I don’t think his paranoia was unwarranted, Chrono thought to himself.

“Thankfully, Shah Talal’s a proper gentlecolt,” Cadence smiled, “and quite a charmer at that. Hopefully things should go smoothly.”

“I hope so too,” Chrono supplied.

Yuuno peeked around Chrono again. “So, how exactly do you know Twilight? From how she talked about you, the two of you must have been close.”

“Oh, I’ve known Twilight since I was a teenaged filly,” Cadence giggled. “Oh, the stories I could tell you two about her.”

“Maybe later, once all this chaos is over with,” Chrono replied. “I know I’d like to hear more about all this…”

“Right. If you boys could excuse me, I have a package to deliver to Aunt Celestia and a lot of unpacking to do. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“In that case, we’ll leave you to it. We’ll notify you after we meet with the Elements of Harmony.”

“Alright. It was nice meeting you two.”

“Nice meeting you too, Cadence,” Yuuno waved as the mare and stallion trotted off. “Wow…”

“Yeah,” Chrono replied, keeping his voice. “She’s definitely cut from the same cloth as Luna.”

“Maybe not exactly the same, but I could still feel it.” Yuuno shook himself. “She’s definitely in their power range. Maybe a little weaker, but not by too much.”

“I still can’t believe there’s three of them,” Chrono shook his head. “Maybe this crazy plan might have a chance after all.”


Okay Rainbow, you can do it this time. You can do this. You GOT this.

Rainbow Dash flexed her wings slowly, feeling the muscles stretch and flex as she moved them. The was a deep ache that reached down into her core, an ache that her lack of sleep didn’t exactly help.

Sleep could wait, though. Rainbow had history to make for a second time.

The blue pegasus arched her neck, stretching the taut muscles before she slowly steadied herself, planting her hooves firmly on the ground, her front hooves bracing up against the parapet of the castle wall. She just had to try again. Just like when she was trying to do the Sonic Rainboom.

Just got to concentrate. Just like fuzzy said; it’s not all about the equations, it’s about the feeling…

Rainbow closed her eyes and launched, dropping off the edge of the castle before she swooped upwards, her wings slapping sharply against the mountain air of Canterlot. She felt the rush of air ruffle through her mane and tail as she gained altitude, slowly banking in a lazy spiral upwards. When she reached a high enough altitude she paused, took a deep breath, then dove.

Her wings beat powerfully as she accelerated in her steep dive, her breathing quick and controlled as she held her front hooves before her. She could feel the mach cone forming about her as she sped up, the wind whipping through her mane and flattening it back as she broke terminal velocity and kept going.

And then she felt it. It was like a static charge running over her coat. A thin tracery of lightning crackled over the mach cone as she clenched her teeth. Just like Yuuno had shown her on the monitor.

That’s it! There it is! Okay, now I just gotta focus. Focus on that energy. Grab a hold of it. Come on. It’s so close…

A shiver of power rippled up her body. For a brief moment, Rainbow felt the crackling aura of energy intensify. She could feel it. Taste it. She focused, trying to draw that sensation in…

And then she felt the cone go solid.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. Oh no! I gotta break off before-

Most ponies didn’t get up enough speed to hit the sound barrier. Rainbow was one of the few ponies who knew, intimately, what if felt like to bounce off that barrier. The mach cone bent around her, the air growing fluid before she stalled, then shot backwards as the barrier snapped back.

Rainbow went flying, careening back like a bullet from a sling-shot. Her limbs flailed as her wings flapped, desperately trying to recover from the loss of control. The world whirled into a weird, multi-colored blur of sky and ground as she spun out.


She cried out as she heard Twilight’s voice, followed by a sudden streak of gold as her tailspin was suddenly and sharply halted. She blinked dizzily, looking around at the golden haze glowing around her. There was a soft humming as Fate floated up to her, her eyes concerned.

“Are you alright?” Fate tilted her head slightly, her horn-glow matching the aura around her.

Rainbow groaned, shaking her head as she regained her bearings. “Yeah. Thanks pipsqueak, nice catch. You can let go now.”

Fate nodded. Rainbow flapped her wings and slowly descended alongside Fate, landing on the parapet in front of a worried looking Twilight. “Hey Twilight. What’s up?”

“I was looking for you. I haven’t seen you since… well, since the day before yesterday. Where’ve you been?”

“Practicing,” Rainbow Dash yawned loudly, then shook herself again, planting her hooves so she didn’t sway. “No rest for the wicked, you know? Have to bring my ‘A’ game and all that…”

“That’s putting it lightly. From the looks of things, you look like you’ve been up all night,”

Rainbow frowned. “Not all night. I took a nap around midnight or so. And one before breakfast.”

“What’ve you been practicing, anyway?” Twilight frowned, causing Rainbow to grunt in reply. “I mean, I know you and Yuuno were working on something.”

“Yeah. And it’s coming along just fine.”

“Do you need some help or-”

“No.” Rainbow glowered at Twilight.


“Look, could you just drop it, Twi? I’m fine.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “Alright. If you say so. Just make sure you don’t end up like Applejack did…”

“Hey, I haven’t stayed awake that long. I’m fine, really. Is there some reason you came looking for me?”

“I just wanted to find you. The girls should be coming in on a train from Ponyville here in a little while, and I was hoping you’d come with me to meet them at the station.”

“A train?” Rainbow blinked. “You know, you’d think Celestia would send one of those shiny chariots she has. You know, like the one that brought you to Ponyville in the first place?”

‘Those are only for emergencies. Besides, it’s not like a train trip from Ponyville to Canterlot takes that long.”

“Whatever. Look, I’ll meet you at the train station in… what, an hour?”

“More like forty-five minutes. They’re coming in on the one-o’-clock train from Ponyville.”

“Right. I’ll see you there.”


“Look Twilight, I’m kinda busy. I told you, I’ll see you there, alright?”

Twilight huffed, puffing out her cheeks before hanging her head. “Fine. Just don’t be late.”

“I’m never late.“ Rainbow shook herself again and turned away, trotting down the castle wall. After a few moments, she paused, her ear twitching as she heard a second set of hooves clip-clopping after her. “I thought I told you I was okay.”

“Yes, you did.”

Rainbow glanced back, blinking at Fate. The filly scuffed a hoof on the ground, though her eyes didn’t leave Rainbow’s face. “Look, pipsqueak, I’m sorry I was rude. But I’m really not in the mood to play around with you right now.”

“Is it because of what happened at Neighagra?”

Rainbow turned around with a loud grumble, facing Fate as she hung her head. “Yeah…”

“Rainbow, I-”

“Look, Fate, I know you want to cheer me up. And I appreciate it. But that’s not what I need right now. I need to figure this out myself, okay?”

“Figure out what?”

“This whole…” Rainbow sighed, glancing around to make sure Twilight was out of earshot before she continued in a lower tone. “’how to make a Barrier Jacket’ thing.”

Fate blinked. “That’s what you were talking to Yuuno about?”


“But why did you have to hide-”

“Because I wanted to do it my way!” Rainbow stomped a hoof, causing Fate to step back. She closed her eyes and shook her head before continuing in a calmer voice. “Sorry. I just… I need to do this. I’m not like you and Twilight, Fate. I’m not a unicorn. I don’t do magic like you guys. I just… I want to prove I can fly with you guys on equal footing, you know? Prove that I can keep up.”


“Yeah.” Rainbow smirked weakly, a hoof flipping her short mane back. “It’s stupid and foolish… but I’ve got my pride. It hurt. I mean, the wound was bad, but getting knocked out of the sky and getting sent back to Canterlot was, like, a thousand times worse. It hurt because I couldn’t do squat to help you. I mean, you saw what happened; I nailed Signum with a Sonic Rainboom and she just got right back up. And then she took me down with one hit…”

“Rainbow, she hit you because I was careless.”

“Minor details,” Rainbow waved a hoof before sighing, letting her wings droop. “I just hated being on the sidelines, you know? I don’t like feeling useless or weak. So I figured I needed some way to level the playing field. That’s why I went to fuzzy. I figured if anybody could help me figure out how to make my own Barrier Jacket, it’d be the kid without a Device. He‘d get it.”

“Is that why you didn’t tell Twilight?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah. If Twilight heard about what I was trying to do, she’d make a huge deal about it and want to do it her way. Don’t get me wrong, your big sis is cool for an egghead, but…”

Fate nodded, a smile causing her lips to quirk. “She can be very… excitable when it comes to research.”

“No, really? I’ve seen fillies on Hearth’s Warming Eve less excited than Twilight when she gets to hit the books.”

That elicited a tiny giggle from Fate, which Rainbow joined in on. “Anyway,” Rainbow continued, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Twilight, okay?”

“If that’s what you want… though really, it’d make things a lot easier.”

“I don’t want it to be easy,” Rainbow snorted. “I never do anything easy.”

“Okay, I understand.”

“Cool. Now, if you don’t mind pipsqueak,” Rainbow flexed her wings, “I’d like to give it another go before I have to get to the train station.”

“Sure. Hey, Rainbow?”

The pegasus paused as she crouched, preparing to take off. “Yeah, pipsqueak?”

“When this is all over…” Fate blushed and glanced aside, “do you think you’d like to have a race with me? See who’s the faster flier?”

Rainbow grinned. “You’re on. But I’m gonna warn you right now Fate… you’re gonna lose. Badly.”

“Maybe. See you in a little while, Rainbow.”

Rainbow smirked. “See you, pipsqueak.”


The door to Celestia’s private quarters slammed open with decidedly unbecoming loudness as Cadence entered.

“Aunt Celestia,” she called out cheerfully, “I‘m home!”

“Cadence!” Celestia laughed, rising from her spot at her desk as the smaller alicorn bounded towards her. The two embracing warmly, wings folding against each other. Cadence giggled, nuzzling against her white coat as she heard Shining Armor set the chest aside. “It’s wonderful to see you, as usual. How was your trip? Any problems?”

“Uneventful, thankfully. The Shah sends his regards, and he was sad to see me go. I did, however, bring gifts from him.” Cadence waved over towards the chest, walking over to Shining Armor as he stepped back.

Celestia followed behind her, nodding to the stallion. “Thank you, Captain. If you’ll excuse us?”

“Your Majesty, your Highness.” Shining bowed, then turned and trotted away. Cadence watched for a few moments as he left, admiring the view before turning back to her aunt, who had opened the chest.

“I must say, I’ve missed visiting Saddle Arabia. The beautiful desert sunsets, the sparkling oases…” Celestia sighed, levitating a delicate glass bottle filled with a opaque white oil from the chest’s confines and uncorking the stopper. Her eyes went wide as she sniffed the contents, then half-lidded as she exhaled. “Mmmm, essence of the white desert rose. That’s something I haven‘t smelled in a long time. If this new Shah was looking to get my interest, he’s certainly piqued it.”

I thought you might like it, auntie, Cadence thought to herself as Celestia inhaled again, then sighed.

“Though I admit,“ Celestia continued, re-corking the bottle and glancing at Cadence with a quirked eyebrow, “it‘s curious how the Shah knew just what sort of perfume I‘d like.”

Cadence’s smile grew a bit nervous. “Maybe he just got lucky?”

“Or maybe somepony offered a suggestion?” Celestia smiled as Cadence’s poker-face fell, gently replacing the bottle. “Well played, Cadence, though you may have overreached. A commendable effort”

“I try.” Cadence glanced about. “Where’s Luna?”

“Oh, she‘s around.” Celestia shook her head. “Probably trying to gather up the nerve to see you.”

Cadence frowned. “I shouldn’t be surprised. But still, it’s been over a year now…”

“You know the reason why she’s always like this when you’re around, Cadence.”

“I know. But I’m not Aria, auntie.”

Celestia sighed. “I know that. And Luna knows that too. And she’s trying very hard. But some wounds still hurt even when they’ve scarred over.”

Cadence hung her head. It wasn’t that Luna didn’t love her. Far from it; Cadence’s talents meant that she was acutely aware of just how much her grandmother loved her. That made Luna’s hesitation and discomfort that much worse. It wasn’t as bad as when Luna had first arrived and Cadence had learned about her lineage, but it was still less than pleasant. “I know… but…”

The door hinges groaned softly as it swung open. Luna stood on the other side, her face unreadable and her stance stiff. “Am I interrupting?”

“Of course not, Luna,” Celestia replied, levitating the chest off to the side as Cadence turned to face her grandmother. “Please, come in.”

Luna entered, pausing in front of Cadence. The dark alicorn met Cadence’s eyes for a few moments before she glanced away. “Long has it been since last we spoke, Cadence. How fare you?”

“Well enough, Luna,” Cadence replied. She didn’t use the ‘g-word’ when speaking to Luna, instead going with her proper name. “How’re you doing?”

“Passing fair. This recent business has given me much to occupy myself with.”

“Oh really?”

Luna nodded, still not looking directly at her. “Aye. The matter of my work has given me much ease.”

“Perhaps we should all have a drink? I‘d imagine Cadence is a bit thirsty.” Celestia supplied, taking a seat at the low table she kept for this sort of situation.

“Well, I wouldn‘t turn it down,” Cadence admitted, following her aunt’s example and taking a seat. Luna gave her sister a flat look, then lowered herself down onto a pillow as well.

Celestia hovered a tiny golden bell up from the table top and rang it gently. As though on cue, a serving-mare entered the room, balancing a tea tray atop her head.

“Thank you Chamomile. I think I can handle it from here.” Celestia smiled, nodding to the mare before pouring.

How in Equestria does she do that? Cadence thought to herself as she dropped several lumps of sugar into her cup, followed by a good deal of cream. Does she have servants waiting like tea-serving ninjas or something?

“Luna,” Celestia said, blowing gently over the surface of the liquid, “perhaps you should tell Cadence about what you’ve been doing?”

“What she’s been doing?” Cadence sipped, glancing over to Luna, who hadn’t touched her cup.

“I… have taken on a student.”

Cadence blinked. “Like Twilight? Wow. Who is it?”

“The filly named Fate. No doubt you have already met her.”

“Twilight’s little sister? When did that happen?”

“Not long after this current crisis began. She is an apt protégé.”

“Well, I certainly hope so if she’s Twilight’s sister.” Cadence giggled. “But that’s good to hear. Is your relationship like Twilight and Celestia’s?”

“Nay. We are not quite as intimate as our sister is with Twilight.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “You make it sound like she shares my bed, Luna.”

“Hah.” Luna snorted, picking up her cup and quaffing the contents. “If you were but to ask, she would no doubt leap at the chance with the eagerness of a pet hound. You may as well wrap a collar about her neck with thy name engraved upon it. ‘Twould hardly be the first time such a sordid affair issued forth from thy bed chambers.”


Cadence giggled as Celestia’s cheeks went pink. “I think she’s got you there, auntie.”

Celestia’s only reply with a disdainful snort as she sipped her tea.

“However, my sister’s sordid and debauched lifestyle is hardly the matter at hoof,” Luna continued. “No doubt you wonder, Cadence, what purpose you have been summoned home for.”

“I was wondering about that.” Cadence glanced over to Luna. “I got the general idea from the message, and the nice young gentlemen I met did want to discuss it further…”

“Well, then perhaps we should discuss it at length at such a time. Once Twilight’s allies arrive, the planning will commence in earnest.”

“I’m not going to have any time to unpack, am I?” Cadence sighed.

“Thy belongings shall be stowed by the servants,” Luna replied. “You, however, are needed elsewhere. It would do well that you meet that which you shall be facing…”

Cadence blinked. “What do you mean?”

Luna looked over at her. “You shall see soon enough.”

Yeah, that doesn’t sound ominous at all, Cadence thought to herself as she drank her tea.


Look at them, all cute and innocent. Just two innocent little kitties walking around… But who knows what lurks in their dark, feline hearts? I do.

A tiny purple and green shape pressed up against the wall, a pair of green eyes slowly peeking around the corner at the shape of two walking cat-girls. A pair of cat-girls who seemed unaware of just who was watching them.

I’m going to get to the bottom of this, Spike thought to himself, even if it’s the last thing I do.

Spike slowly crept out from his hiding spot, then quickly dashed across the open hallway to another hiding spot, quickly taking cover behind the curtains hanging around the large window. From there, he quickly crawled down the hall, stopping to hide behind another curtain as the Liese twins paused.

Shining’s guards might not have found anything, Spike thought to himself, slowly tip-toeing out of hiding before darting down the hall to an open door, slipping inside like a tiny, chubby ninja. But I know those two are up to something. I’ll bet my scales on it.

Maybe it was the fact that he was used to Opalescence and her evil nature. Maybe it was the fact that Aria and Lotte Liese seemed way too chummy with Chrono for their own good. Or maybe he was just being overly cautious. But something about the two felines just set off all sorts of alarm bells in Spike’s head. It didn’t help that this was pretty close to where Trixie was being kept…

Spike glanced down the hall as the Liese twins turned the corner. He took a deep breath, then quickly rushed down the hall after them, quickly pausing at the edge of the corridor to press his back against the wall and slowly peek around the corner.

Just a ways down the hall, a door shut with a click.

Gotcha. Spike grinned. Now, to catch you in the act…

Spike swallowed, then crept down the hall on tip-toe until he reached the door in question. With a grunt, he reached up, grabbed the knob, gave it a twist, then pushed it open and leaped through.

“Aha!” Spike shouted as he landed, pointing an accusatory finger. “Caught you red…handed?”

A pair of maids stared at him One was holding a polishing cloth in one hoof, the other had a feather duster in her mouth.

“Uh…” Spike slowly lowered his hand. “Um… did you two… happen to see two humans with cat ears and tails walk in here by any chance?”

The maids glanced at each other, then shook their heads no.

“Uh… okay then. Never mind. Sorry to bother you two. Um, keep up the good work. You know, cleaning and… stuff.” He smiled sheepishly as the two maids made their exit, their hooves clip-clopping as they walked past Spike and down the hall.

Did I get the wrong room? Spike scratched one of his ear frills as he quickly checked the room; looking under the tables, beneath the bed, everywhere he could think of. I thought this was the right door. Maybe it’s another one?

He stepped out of the room, took a deep breath, then walked to the next door, flinging it open.

“Aha! Got you now, you feline… huh… nobody here.”

He grimaced, shutting the door, then walking down and repeating the same action again. And again. And again.

By the sixth door in a row, he was starting to get irritated.

“This is ridiculous!” Spike slammed the door behind him as he left, stopping in the middle of the hallway to fume. “Those two couldn’t have just disappeared into nowhere. I mean, even the maids must have-”

Then Spike froze, his eyes going wide, then he face-palmed. “The maids!”


.Trixie sighed softly, staring down out of the window in her room. She had to admit, the bedroom that had been provided was very nice. Then again, she was staying in the royal palace, home of the Princesses themselves. Even the guest suites were the lap of luxury.

There was a knock on the door that drew her attention. “Yes? Who is it?”

The door opened with a click as a serving-mare with a long, dark-brown mane poked her head in. “Excuse us ma’am. We’re bringing some fresh sheets for your bed?”

Trixie frowned. “Fresh sheets? Very well, Trixie supposes the bed could use a change.” She glanced over to the rumpled sheets on her bed, the covers still smelling faintly of her sweat. She had asked for some fresh sheets. After the nightmares of last night, it’d hardly do for her to go to sleep in a filthy bed. Not that she got much sleep last night.

Her attention shifted back to the window as the maids did their work, her eyes narrowing as she contemplated the grounds below. She watched as a gaggle of familiar-looking colorful ponies trotted through the gate into the yard below, led by none other than Twilight Sparkle.

Trixie grimaced. It wasn’t bad enough that Twilight had shown her up in Ponyville, ruined her reputation and caused her so many hardships. No, Twilight Sparkle had to be well-connected. Her brother was the Captain of the Royal Guard, her little sister was a student of one of the Princesses. She had her own little entourage, all of whom were apparently wielders of the Elements of Harmony. She could come and go from the Palace as she pleased, and probably never had to want or scrounge for anything in her entire life. Never had to deal with the sting of disappointment, rejection or loss.

And now, Trixie had to grovel at her hooves, begging for help. She hated that. She hated that she’d had to beg somepony for help. She swore that she’d never do that. Not to anypony. Not after…

If that’s the way you want it, darling, then fine. Go on, leave. See how well the real world treats you. I’ll wait. I’ll be right here when come crawling back, begging for help like always. And you will, darling. Just like your pathetic father used to…

Trixie shook herself, pushing the memory away with a disgusted growl. An odd headache throbbed between her eyes, just below her horn as she massaged one of her temples with a hoof. Backlit as she was by the pale blue glow of the maids magic, she could see how haggard she looked.


Trixie jerked slightly, feeling a static tingle as a hoof touched her. She turned quickly and glared at the maids, one of whom had approached and touched her, the other balancing the dirty linens on her back. “Is there anything else you need right now?”

“No. Trixie is fine.” She made a shooing motion with one hoof. “Be on your way. I’d like to be alone right now.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Trixie glared at their retreating forms as they shut the door behind them, then turned back to the window. The sunlight cast a long and dark shadow behind her as she resumed her contemplation.


It’s done, papa, Lotte chirped over the telepathic channel as the two stepped into an empty room, their bodies glowing as they shed their disguises. We planted the spell just as you asked. I don’t think she even noticed what we were doing until Aria touched her.

Good. Were you seen by anyone?

No. However, Twilight’s pet dragon is still attempting to pursue us, Aria added, the spell cards falling into the twins‘ hands, the magic within them spent. I don’t think he’s discovered exactly what we’ve been doing. He is, however, becoming quite a nuisance.

That could be a problem.

Should we eliminate him?

No. We don’t want to arouse suspicion. The dragon disappearing would certainly do that. Avoid him as best you can, and try not to harm him unless absolutely necessary.

Yes sir. Aria glanced over at Lotte as she disposed of the sheets, the fabric and pillowcase vanishing in a brilliant flash of light. Meanwhile, Aria tucked the used spell cards into her inner jacket pocket. With any luck, nobody would discover their subterfuge until it was too late.

Lotte raised a thumbs up and grinned. Aria nodded, then gestured across the room to the window only for the door to open.

“You know, that was pretty clever.”

Aria paused, her ears going flat against her head. She swallowed a curse as she turned towards Spike, who was standing in the door, glaring at them.

“You almost had me with that little disguise of yours. Took me a while to figure out what kind of trick you pulled.”

“Oh?” Lotte quirked her head to one side.

“Yeah. But the jig is up. I‘m onto you two now,” Spike smirked triumphantly. “I know all your little tricks. Whatever it is you’re planning, I’m going to stop you.”

Lotte let out an irritated little yowl. “You little…”

“Lotte, stop.” Aria raised a hand, though she kept her attention on Spike. “This harassment of yours has gone on long enough. I don’t know why you persist in it or what we’ve done to offend you, but I’m asking you to leave us alone.”

“Uh huh. Yeah. You’re just totally innocent, aren’t you?” Spike crossed his arms. “With all your sneaking around and your disguises and your turning into cats…”

Aria did her best to smile at the little dragon. “You can hardly blame a cat for being curious, can you? As for our sneaking… well, when you have an unwanted pest following you around, you tend to take certain precautions.”

“So if I was to go up to one of the guards and ask them to search Trixie’s room, they wouldn’t find anything?”

Aria’s tail went stiff. She flicked her fingers slightly behind her back, her other hand slowly clenching into a fist. She heard Lotte slowly slide the curtains closed on the window. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I saw you go into Trixie’s room.” Spike took a step back, cautious now. “I bet you did something, didn’t you?”

Aria glanced past Spike. The hall should have still been empty. She quickly calculated the distance between her, Spike, the door, and Lotte. She could handle it. “You seem pretty confident in your assertion.”


“Except,” Aria raised a finger, “there’s one fatal flaw in your plan, Spike.”

“Oh yeah?”

Aria nodded, then snapped her fingers. There was a flash as hoops of magic quickly snapped around Spike’s mouth and torso. Lotte sprang to Aria’s side, a chain of blue light flicking out and yanking Spike into the room as Aria moved, closing the door quickly.

Spike wriggled against his bonds, his jaw clenched tight thanks to the binding spell. He let out a loud mmmf as Lotte rested a foot on his belly. Aria knelt down beside him, her tail swishing as her eyes became feline and predatory.

“You made the unfortunate mistake of underestimating us,” Aria whispered softly. “Did you really think you could stand up to us? Alone?”

“Silly little dragon,” Lotte chirped, showing her fangs as her eyes almost glowed. “We taught Chrono everything he knows about magic. And you decided to come after us on your own?”


Aria snapped her fingers again. A blue hoop of light snapped around Spike’s neck, squeezing tight. The little dragon’s eyes bugged out as he struggled for a bit. Then, little by little, he went limp.

Aria flicked her hand over Spike, dismissing the bindings.

“What do we do now, Aria?”

“Carry him back to HQ, Lotte,” Aria replied as she stood. “Make it quick. I’ll run interference.” She inhaled, then closed her eyes. Master?

Yes, Aria?

The dragon somehow discovered what we were doing. I was forced to subdue him.

I see. Is he still alive?

Yes sir.

A heavy sigh drifted over the link. I was afraid of this. Make sure he arrives safely to my office. I’ll deal with him here.

Yes sir.


“And that’s basically where we are right now. Any questions?”

Twilight glanced around the table at her friends, who were all looking at her in various degrees of shock and confusion. Applejack raised a hoof slowly.


“Lemme see if I got alla this straight. Yer sayin’ that Trixie accidentally got a hold of this Book of Darkness thingy, and then the Book ate her magic, and thas why the Wolkenritter attacked ya’ll?”

“Basically, yes,” Twilight replied.

“Oh dear,” Rarity shook her head. “Oh dear. That’s… that’s absolutely dreadful. I feel like an absolute cad now.”

Fluttershy reached over, gently resting a hoof on Rarity’s withers. “It’s okay Rarity, you didn’t know.”

“Well, when this is all over, we’re going to have a big ol’ ‘Yay, you got your magic back and everything’s going to be okay’ party for Trixie,” Pinkie Pie nodded firmly, then hmmed. “I wonder if Princess Celestia will let us use one of the big halls again. That sounds like a pretty big party.”

Fate giggled softly. “I think it’d probably be better to wait on that, Pinkie.”


“So, what’re we here for, exactly?” Applejack adjusted her hat as she looked across the table at Twilight and Fate. “Ah mean, we ain’t exactly all skilled in this here magic-y stuff. I’m assumin’ tha Princesses need us on hoof tah blast tha Book or whatever with the Elements, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Exactly. If something goes wrong with the plan, we’re going to have to have the Elements ready. Though hopefully that shouldn’t be necessary… hooves crossed.”

“So what is this plan, exactly?” Rainbow Dash leaned forwards, putting her hooves on the table. “I mean, I know you guys talked about something, but-”

“Actually, it’d probably be better if we wait for everyone to get here.”

“Indeed, my little ponies,” a familiar voice called out as the doors swung open. Princess Celestia stepped through the doors, followed close behind by Princess Luna and Princess Cadence. “After all, we’d hardly want to repeat things, would we?”

Rarity’s eyes went wide. “Oh my stars, is that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?”

“Princess who now?” Applejack blinked as Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!” Rarity frowned at the farmpony‘s blank stare. “The Princess of Love and Beauty? Niece of Princess Celestia? Honestly, am I the only one here who reads the celebrity section of the newspaper?” She glanced around, then let out a heavy sigh. “I guess that answers my question.”

Cadence shook her head. “It’s alright. I’m not surprised a lot of ponies don’t know about me. I don’t exactly go out of my way to make headlines, after all. You must be Twilight‘s friends. It‘s nice to-”

“Ohmygosh! Another Princess? That’s so super awesome!” Pinkie Pie bounded from her seat, almost knocking Rarity back as she bounced cheerfully in front of Cadence. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie! I didn’t know there was another alicorn. I mean, there had to be another alicorn because good things come in threes or was that twos but anyway I’m so super excited to meet you because you‘re pink and everypony knows pink is the color of happiness so that means you must be a super duper princess of happiness and stuff and…”

Twilight rolled her eyes as Cadence watched Pinkie pronked about in front of her, before the Princess of Love giggled. “Wow. I didn’t expect Twilight to know somepony with so much energy. It’s very nice to meet you Pinkie.”

“Trust me Cadence, it takes a while to get used to Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight glanced past Cadence as Chrono entered the room, followed by Shining Armor and Yuuno. “Ah! I was wondering where you guys were.”

“We had a meeting we had to attend to.” Chrono gestured behind him as the Wolkenritter filed in, with Arf keeping close to Zafira. Shamal and Vita were the last to enter, the pair of them flanking their mistress. Trixie looked a bit worse for the wear; her eyes lowered and her gait slow.

“Sorry that it took so long,” Shamal said apologetically. “Our Mistress isn’t feeling very well right now.”

Luna eyed Trixie curiously. “Is that so? What ails you, then?”

“Nothing, your majesty,” Trixie muttered. “Just tired, that’s all. Trixie did not sleep well at all last night.”

“I see.”

“Are you sure you’re alright Trixie?” Twilight tilted her head, only to flinch slightly as Trixie glared at her.

“Trixie said she’s fine, Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie growled. “or did you not hear her?”

“Okay, okay… sorry I asked.” Twilight sighed as Applejack muttered something under her breath, the Wolkenritter glancing at their mistress in concern. However, the table quickly fell silent as Luna rapped a hoof on the top.

“Elements of Harmony, Wolkenritter, fellow siblings, subjects and friends from beyond,” Luna nodded to each group in turn formally, “you have all been summoned here to this meeting to discuss the manner in which we shall end this current crisis. For the sake of brevity, we will dispense with the pleasantries and move directly to outlining the plan.”

“To put it in the simplest terms, The Book of Darkness, the Device that has forcibly driven the Wolkenritter to harm countless innocents, is a divided being.” Luna’s horn lit up as she cast an illusion into the center of the table, generating an image of the Book. Above the image hovered two spheres; one small and white, one large and black. “Two intelligences are at work within the book. The first is the original system, the precursor to its current form which we shall call Nyx, and the other, stronger system that currently dominates the Book which we shall refer to as Nachtwal. As it stands, Nachtwal controls the Book’s dominant systems and does so without restraint.”

“Nachtwal’s the bad one, Nyx is the good one,” Twilight supplied.

“Yeah, I got that,” Applejack replied. “So what’re we gonna do?”

“It has come to our attention, thanks to Trixie, that the Book’s core,” Luna’s horn glowed again, generating a pinpoint of light between the two spheres, “remains active. This core is a fragment of an ancient jewel, a tool that translates emotional energy into magical power. And it has also been made apparent that this core, when exposed to positive emotions such as, say, love, empowers Nyx. That, is where Princess Cadence enters the picture.”

Luna nodded to the pink princess, who smiled nervously. “My magic revolves around love, you see. As best I understand, we’re going to blast the Book of Darkness with as much love as we can manage.”

“Oh, I get it!” Pinkie bounced. “You’re gonna zap the Book with so much love that Nyxie will get all big and strong, right?”

“A crude description, but apt nonetheless,” Luna admitted. “We intend to feed love-charged energy into the Book. The energy will strengthen Nyx,” Luna gestured to the illusion as the white sphere grew larger, “until she reaches a point where she will be able to counter Nachtwal. At such a point, we will attempt to make contact with Nyx to obtain administrative access to the Book’s systems, allowing us to shut Nachtwal down permanently.”


Meanwhile, hidden away in the western tower, buried beneath several layers of magical wards and seals, the Book of Darkness stirred. There was a sound like a single beat of a great heart, and a sibilant whispering noise.

The innermost ring of the layered ward crackled, black veins running along the hovering loop of glyphs. As the ward shattered into pieces, a feminine, keening scream escaped the Book’s cover.


“This all sounds very complex, I must admit,” Rarity said, rubbing her chin. “But what exactly are we doing here? I assume we’re to be on standby in case the Elements are required?”

“That is correct,” Luna replied. “If things should take a turn for the…”

Twilight blink as Luna sat up straight, as though struck by a bolt of lightning. “Princess?”

“The wards… it can’t be… it shouldn’t be possible!”

“Princess, what’s-” Twilight began as Luna shot to her feet.

“Something is attempting to shatter the wards I placed upon the Book!” And without another word, Luna vanished, her body dissolving into a swirl of blue mist.

“But… but how?” Twilight gaped at the receding mist, followed by a loud thump as something hit the table.


Trixie had slumped forwards, her eyes wide, a hoof going to her chest. Her breath was a soft, desperate hissing noise. Shamal and Vita were reaching towards her as Celestia shot to her feet.

“Get back! Don’t touch her!” Celestia barked, her horn igniting as golden light sheathed Trixie’s quivering form. Trixie’s head lolled to the side slightly, her eyes unfocused as she let out a soft hissing noise. Black lightning crackled from her horn, the bolts licking against the shield Celestia had raised.

Fluttershy squeaked, pointing her hoof as she drew back behind Applejack. “H-h-her shadow! It’s moving!”

Twilight clambered onto the table, then felt her blood run cold as her eyes went wide. Trixie’s shadow was indeed moving… though Twilight was quite certain that the four dark ribbons that were slowly uncoiling and swaying from the shadow’s body were part of Trixie.

Trixie’s lips moved slowly as she whispered. It was an angry, hoarse whisper, like the hissing of a snake. “Wir werden nicht loslassen. Wir werden nicht sterben.”

“W-what in tarnation is she sayin‘?” Applejack swallowed nervously.

“’We will not let go,’” Signum translated, her hands clenched tight. “’We will not die.’”

“Like hell you won’t! Let her go! Let her go dammit!” Vita shouted, her hands banging against Celestia’s telekinetic field. “Let our Mistress go you world-smashing piece of Scheiße!

“Cadence!” Celestia commanded. “Use your magic!”

“I…I…” Cadence swallowed, trembling as Trixie’s head slowly swiveled towards her. The younger alicorn recoiled as if struck by an invisible hoof from that gaze.

“Cadenza!” Celestia snapped.

“R-right.” Cadence slowly rose to her feet and inhaled. Her wings unfurled as her horn lit up with cornflower-blue light. A heart-shaped bubble of energy formed before her, then flashed across the table to strike Trixie on the chest.

The reaction was instantaneous. There was a loud, animalistic shriek as the slithering shapes retracted into Trixie’s shadow. Trixie jerked like a rag doll, her eyes re-focusing as she gasped for air, then coughed loudly, her body shuddering as she did so.

“Wha…” Trixie blinked, swaying slowly as Celestia released her. “W-what happened? Why is everypony staring at Trix…ie?”

“Mistress!” Vita flung her arms around Trixie’s neck she toppled over, her eyes fluttering shut.

“It appears,” Celestia said evenly, “that we were being observed. I did not expect this…”

“Would somepony please explain what the flying feather just happened?!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity glared at the pegasus “Language!”

“I think,” Twilight said slowly, “That was Nachtwal. It must have been listening to our conversation…”

“It can do that?!”

“That didn’t sound like no magic doohickey,” Applejack swallowed. “That sounded downright evil!

“I-it was.”

Twilight turned to look at Cadence. The pearly-pink alicorn was shivering, her wings folded about her. “I felt it. I could sense its presence. It’s… it was horrible…”

Shining Armor moved to Cadence’s side, nuzzling her and holding her protectively. Cadence leaned against him as she took a deep breath. “So much hate and malice and… I’ve never felt something like that before.”

“Are you alright?” Celestia reached out, touching Cadence’s side.

“I-I think so.”

“Good.” Celestia turned back to Trixie and the Wolkenritter. “It’d be best if we take Trixie to a safe place for now.”

“Princess,” Shamal raised a hand. “It might be best if I had my Device unsealed. If I did, I could….”

Celestia nodded. “Very well. I’ll inform Luna. But for now, we should take her to safety. Excuse us everyone.”

Twilight nodded, slowly climbing down from her spot on the table as Celestia followed the Wolkenritter out, Trixie‘s limp body splayed across Zafira‘s back..

“Damn,” Chrono growled. “If Nachtwal was listening, then it knows what our plan is… We’ll need to act quickly.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” Twilight added, looking over to Cadence. “Are you alright, Cadence?”

“Yes.” Cadence nodded, leaning into Shining Armor. “I’ll be fine. I just… had a bit of a shock, that’s all.”

There was a rush of wind as blue mist billowed up at the head of the table, quickly resolving into the shape of Princess Luna. The dark mare looked out of breath, her wings limp as she inhaled.

“Teacher!” Fate quickly moved to her side, touching Luna’s shoulder.

“I am fine, child.” Luna exhaled, folding her wings.

“What about the Book of Darkness?” Chrono leaned forwards, looking up the table to Luna as she shook herself.

“The Book is becoming active… far more than I expected.” She exhaled. “Three of my wards were broken. However, I have reinforced them now… had Cadence not acted as she did, it is highly likely that the Book would have somehow freed itself.”

“So you’re saying that the Book is actually trying to escape?”

“Aye, Enforcer.” Luna took a seat, pulling her flowing stellar mane back from her eyes. “It is likely that the Book knows we have found a way to counter it now. It is becoming desperate…”

“Then we need to act now,” Arf growled. “Before things go from bad to worse.”

Luna shook her head. “Nay. We must first prepare for the working and recover our faculties. Both myself and Princess Cadence must be at our fullest potential.” Luna shook herself, then glanced up towards the ceiling. “Soon it shall be dusk. That is when we shall begin.”

“Why dusk?”

“Just as our sister draws strength and power from the sun, so do we from the moon. Once the moon has arisen, our powers will wax greater with the glow of its light. We dare not risk a confrontation without that aid.”

“So why not just pull the moon up right now?” Arf blinked as Luna frowned at her.

“Mayhap it is because we have just drawn on a goodly amount of power to repair the seals we placed on the Book of Darkness? And perhaps it is because we wish to not alarm the citizenry by suddenly bringing forth an early night and disrupting the celestial cycle? Wouldst thou prefer we list further reasons, wolf?”

Arf whined softly. “Okay. Sorry Princess.”

“Aye.” Luna exhaled, shaking our head. “Forgive our brief ill-temper. Let us continue the meeting… we must explain the specifics of the plan.”


Trixie groaned softly as she woke up, her vision swirling with pale green light as she did so. As usual, she was in a bed, her head cushioned by pillows. However, this bed was a good deal softer than she was used to…

“Ugh… where…” Trixie tried to sit up, a hoof going to her head. “Where am I?”


Trixie blinked as her vision resolved itself. Vita was quickly crawling onto the bed to sit beside her. Shamal, her hands bearing her rings once again, was keeping a small bloom of green light hovering over her. Signum and Zafira sat at her bedside, the former looking concerned, the latter looking more than a bit disgruntled.

“What happened?” Trixie glanced around. “Why am I back in bed? What happened at the meeting?”

“It seems that Nachtwal attempted to reach through you to attack us. Had it not been for Princess Cadence’s intervention, things would have gone… poorly.”

Trixie blinked, then stared at the great pale form of Princess Celestia. “Y-your majesty, I-”

“Hush, my little pony. Nobody was harmed, though the effect on your body was quite telling.”

Trixie shook herself, then glanced around at her surroundings. The room was very large and richly decorated. The tapestries in jewel-like silks and thread-of-gold hung from the lavender-colored stone walls, the floor covered in swirling patterns of expensive Canterlot marble. A large, well-stoked fireplace burned, dominating one of the walls. Orange sunlight pooled down through the curtains drawn over a great, arched glass door that lead to a balcony outside. “Where am I?”

“My quarters,” Celestia answered. “One of the safest rooms in the palace. I thought it‘d be best to keep you here for now..”

Trixie groaned, rubbing her head. “How… how long was I out?”

“A while. It‘s nearly sunset.” Celestia glanced at the window, her horn flashing gold as she drew the curtains open.

Trixie groaned, then shook herself. “Is there… any way to make sure that doesn‘t happen again?”

“You shouldn’t worry,” Celestia replied as her horn lit up again. Trixie blinked as every surface in the room lit up with pale gold radiance, like the walls had been painted gold.

“My room has some of the strongest wards in the Palace.” Celestia’s horn-glow faded, as did the room’s glow. “The Book shouldn‘t be able to touch you so long as you stay here.”

“The defenses are quite impressive,” Shamal replied with a blush. “The entire room is sealed off from magical signals coming and going. A dead zone, you could say.”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed. Of course, it relies on the room being sealed. I’ll have to ask you to keep the windows and door closed. This place is shielded, but physically breaking the perimeter will leave a hole in the defenses.”

Trixie nodded, then slowly slumped against the purple velvet pillows. “Well… it’s not like I’m going anywhere right now…”

“There will be guards posted to keep anyone from disturbing you,” Celestia continued. “I’ll leave you with your friends for the time being. Excuse me.”

Trixie nodded, letting Vita climb up beside her, a hand gently grasping her hoof.


Cadence quietly watched as the sun began to slowly descend across the western horizon. A gentle gust of wind drifted past her, blowing a few stray strands of her mane out of place. She leaned against the parapet, her tail flicking as she rested her chin on the still-warm stone.

“We think it unwise to avoid tonight’s evening meal, Cadence.”

Cadence blinked, then stood up as Princess Luna approached her, her silver-shod hooves glinting in the distant sunset’s light. “You shall need all the strength that thou canst muster tonight.”

“Sorry Luna,” Cadence ducked her head. “I just needed some fresh air…”

“May we join you?”

“Sure.” Cadence nodded, turning away from Cadence to look westward. Luna stood beside her, the dark alicorn remaining silent and still at her side. Cadence could feel the emotions that lurked beneath the elder alicorn’s impassive face; the ache of a heart deeply scarred but aching to be touched, like the hoof of an elderly soldier reaching out for a lost companion.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cadence broke the silence.

“I don‘t know if I can do this…”

“Hmm?” Luna glanced at her as Cadence ducked her head.

“I said…”

“We heard you well,” Luna replied. “What makes you say such a foolish thing?”

Cadence glanced away. “Who says I’m being foolish?”

“We do. We understand that you feel fear at-”

“That’s just it!” Cadence turned to face Luna. “I’m scared. I’m terrified! I haven’t been this frightened since I was a little filly facing that enchantress…”

Luna nodded. “Our sister has told us of how you first manifested your royal powers. It was an admirable feat indeed, especially for one so young.”

Cadence shook her head. “I was lucky to have survived that. And now… this is a hundred… no, a thousand times worse! I don‘t know if I have the strength.”

“Do you really doubt yourself so?” Luna frowned as Cadence closed her eyes, hanging her head shamefully.

“I’m sorry… it’s just… I’m not like you or Aunt Celestia. I don’t wield the vast and mighty power of the cosmos. I don’t have Celestia’s power or your skill. What if I fail? What if I screw up?” Cadence shook her head. “I’m sorry. You must be so disappointed in me…”

“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, look at me.”

Cadence blinked as Luna spoke to her in a commanding tone. She raised her head and did as she asked, blinking as Luna reached out and touched her cheek with a hoof. “You shall not fail in this task, Cadence,” she said firmly. “It is nigh impossible for you to do so.”


“Let me finish,” Luna interrupted, then sighed. “Cadence, it is true. Thou dost not have our skill at sorcery, nor the boundless power that Celestia has amassed throughout the centuries. But you have something different. A gift that is no lesser for its nature.” The dark mare reached down and gently tapped her hoof on her chest. “Thou hast a pure and good heart, filled with boundless and unbreakable love. That is a gift that can outshine even Celestia’s mighty sun, that can inspire ponies to heights beyond any dream that I may tarry in. Know that I speak the truth in this matter.”

“You’re… not disappointed in me? For being scared?”

“Hardly. Fear is common enough. Fear simply means that you understand the stakes and dangers that you face. To not feel fear is to be as a fool and a dullard. And fear shall not defeat you this night.” Luna reached up, stroking Cadence’s cheek gently. “Nay… it shall not.”

“Luna…” Cadence whispered as the other princess lowered her hoof.

“Straighten thy neck and stand strong,” Luna said firmly. “And know this well. You are Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, descendent of and successor to Princess Mi Tranquilo Arioso, Princess of Peace. Within you flows the blood of my lineage, from mother unto daughter across generations. Do you think that tonight, beneath my moon, you will prove yourself worthy of your title?”

“Y-yes Princess!” Cadence pulled herself to attention, doing her best to imitate Shining’s parade stance. Luna looked at her for a few moments, then nodded in satisfaction.

“Better. That is the proper poise of a Princess of Equestria. Do not forget it. Now, I must take my leave. There are preparations that I must see to. You would do well to prepare yourself as well.”

“Y-yes ma’am.” Cadence swallowed as Luna walked off, fading into mist before she slumped, exhaling loudly. Sheesh… Luna can be scary sometimes.

“Cadence! There you are!”

Cadence blinked and turned as Shining trotted up to her. “Shining? I thought you were in the dining hall with the others.”

“I was.” Shining glanced around. “I thought you were talking to somepony…”

“I was talking to Princess Luna. I guess she wanted to give me a pep talk or something…”

Shining blinked. “A pep talk? Princess Luna?”

“Well… her kind of pep talk, I guess.” Cadence giggled.

“It certainly seemed like it worked. Now I feel a little out-done…”

Cadence smiled. “Were you going to come out here and comfort me, my knight in shining armor?”

“If it would please my lady,” Shining bowed his head, casing Cadence to giggle.

“It would indeed. But I’m fine, Shining. Really.”

“That’s good… by the way,” he frowned, “have you seen Spike anywhere?”

“Spike?” Cadence blinked, then shook her head. “No, I haven’t…”

“He missed dinner. Twilight’s a bit worried, so we’re looking around for him.”

“Wait, Spike missed dinner?” Cadence gaped slightly. “When has Spike ever missed dinner?”

“I don’t suppose you’d mind helping me look for him?”

“Of course!”


“Spike’s gone missing?”

Schach frowned as she walked alongside Chrono, the Enforcer nodding. “Apparently he’s been missing for most of the day, but it only really became obvious when dinner rolled around.”

“That seems rather odd.”

“I know. Though I do have my suspicions…”

“Would it have something to do as to why we’re heading towards the HQ?” Schach said, glancing in the direction of the tower.

“Yes. According to Shining Armor, Spike’s been following the Liese Twins around since yesterday. So that‘s where I intend to start.”

“You think the twins did something to him?” Schach hmmed softly.

“It’s possible. If Spike was harassing them, then I wouldn’t put it past one of them to do something mischievous. Lotte especially.”

“You don’t sound particularly pleased by this fact,” Schach noted.

“No, I’m not. And I’m starting to think something’s not right.” Chrono reached out, pushing the door to the tower open before making his way to the stairwell. “Aria! Lotte!”

“You could try calling them via telepathy,” Schach noted over Chrono’s shouting.

“That’s the weird thing,” Chrono grimaced as he began jogging up the stairs. “I tried that, but they haven’t responded. Aria! Lotte!”

Schach grimaced as she followed Chrono up the spiraling stairs. “Now that you mention it, something odd has been going on around here…”

“How so?”

“It’s Admiral Graham. Ever since he returned from his trip to HQ he’s been keeping to his office. I’ve hardly seen him… then again, the talks have been on hold since everything started snowballing…”

Chrono grunted in reply. “Aria! Lotte!”

“What’s with all the yelling?”

Chrono and Schach slowed slightly, coming to a stop at the observation area. Schach glanced through the doorway at the two lone individuals seated amongst the computer terminals. Amy Limietta sat at one, while Lotte was leaning against the side of her chair, her tail swishing.

“Hi Chrono,” Lotte grinned playfully, giving him a wave.

“Don’t ‘Hi Chrono’ me,” Chrono growled. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Why did you go telepathy-silent?”

“Sorry Chrono, I just didn’t want to mess with Amy’s toys,” Lotte pouted as Amy rolled her eyes. “Besides, I had a real bad headache and-”

Chrono shook his head. “Nevermind, forget I asked.”

“Chrono, are you alright?”

“I’m fine Amy. Lotte, have you or your sister seen Spike today? Shining Armor said that he was following you around.”

Lotte’s ears went flat. “Yeah, we did. Stupid little lizard. He’s been pestering us all day. Completely interrupted my afternoon nap.”

“Do you know where he is now?”

“Oh yeah. We kinda got fed up with him after he tried to set Aria‘s hair on fire, so we kinda-sorta dragged him to Papa so he could have a chat with him. They should still be in Papa’s office.”

“Right. Thanks.”

Schach quirked an eyebrow at Chrono as glanced at Amy. “Hey… um… Amy?”


“Have you eaten yet?”

Amy blinked, then blushed as her stomach growled. “No. Sorry. I was just busy talking with Lotte and I guess I lost track of time.”

“You might want to take care of that. It’d help if you got out of the tower every so often.”

“Sheesh, alright. I’ll go see if I can pester the cooks.”

Chrono nodded, then gestured to Schach to follow him. Gil’s office, he thought at her. Schach could feel the irritation through the mental link.

Well, at least the dragon’s been found…


Schach quirked an eyebrow. You don’t sound happy about this fact.

Something’s off. It’s not just Spike showing up this easily. The observation room was nearly empty. There should be more people here. Where is everyone?

It’s still dinner time Chrono…

No. Even if a full shift was eating, we would have seen more than just Amy there…

That is rather curious, Schach frowned. She was starting to see Chrono’s point. The young Enforcer paused in front of another door, reaching up and knocking loudly.

“Come in.”

Chrono lifted a finger to his lips before stepping through, Schach following him inside. Graham was seated behind his desk, his hands folded one atop the other, one of his index fingers slowly scraping against the surface of the desk. In front of him, ensconced in a chair much too large for him, was a familiar purple dragon.

“Ah, Chrono. Sister Schach. Good to see you.” Graham smiled faintly. “I was explaining to our young friend why it‘s unwise to harass my personnel.”

“I see.“ Chrono glanced over at the little dragon. “Hi Spike.”

Spike grunted softly, his head half-hung. “Hey.”

Graham leaned back in his chair with a sigh, then frowned at the little clock on the holographic screen before him. “And it seems that I might have overdone it a little. I hadn’t realized what time it was.”

“I see.”

“Chrono, could you do me a favor and see Spike here back to Miss Sparkle? I’d do it myself, but I’m expecting a transmission from HQ to come in soon.”

“Can’t I just go to my room and forget this ever happened?” Spike winced as Graham frowned at him. “Guess not…”

“Would that have something to do with the light crew we have active, sir?”

Graham nodded, drawing a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his brow slowly. “Correct. A request came in from HQ pulling in some of our staff. After all, with the situation with the Book under control, there’s really no need for a full observation crew or extra Enforcers.”

“I’m assuming Aria’s with them as well?”

“That’s correct. She should be contacting me soon.”

Chrono nodded slowly as Spike slipped down from his chair, padding over towards him. Chrono eyed the little dragon cautiously, then glanced back to Graham. “Whatever you say, sir. Have a good evening. Come on Spike.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming…” Spike followed reluctantly behind Chrono, nodding to Schach as he passed.

You’re just going to let this go? Schach watched Chrono lead the little dragon out.

For now. I can’t make any accusations without solid proof, and time’s running short. Sister Schach…


I can’t officially ask you to do anything. After all, you’re not technically part of the Bureau’s enforcement division. But… could you keep Admiral Graham distracted?


Yes. If something’s going on, he’ll try to get away from you. Stall him. Think you can do that?

Of course. I’ll do what I can.

My thanks.

“Was there something else, Sister Schach?”

Schach blinked, turning around to face Graham. “Sorry Admiral. I was just distracted for a moment. Are you well?”

“I‘ve been better.” Graham neatly folded up his handkerchief. “But thank you for asking.”

Schach nodded, slowly taking a seat. “Out of curiosity, Admiral Graham… do you have any children?”

Graham blinked. “Children?”

“Yes. I understand that you trained Enforcer Harlaown from a young age, but do you have any family of your own?”

Graham chuckled, shaking his head. “This is an odd conversation to have with a Sister of the Saint Church…”

“Please,” Schach folded her hands in her lap. “Humor me.”

“Well, if I must,” Graham sighed, running his fingers over the holographic display and pushing it aside. “I don’t have any children of my own. I never fancied having a wife… the closest things I had for a while were my Familiars. At least for a while. Then there was Chrono. There‘s also another…”


Graham slipped his hand into his pocket and produced a small photograph. He slid it over the surface of the desk with one finger, then let Schach pick it up. The picture was of a young girl, with short, chin-length brown hair and large blue eyes. The red and yellow ribbons in her hair matched her colorful dress. She was giggling, seated in Graham’s lap.

“Her name is Hayate Yagami,” Graham explained. “She’s nine years old. She lives on the world I’m from, NAW #97. Earth, as we call it.”

“She’s a lovely child.” Schach returned the photo. “Are the two of you related?”

Graham shook his head as he held the photo in front of him. “No. A few years back, there was an… unfortunate incident on Earth that I was involved in. Her parents were killed during it. She had no other relatives to take her in, so I told the authorities I was a friend of the family and acted as her guardian.”

“That was kind of you, Admiral. But with your duties to the Bureau-”

“I’ve made sure she’s taken care of. She wants for nothing. She has caretakers that come in to help her with chores, and I’ve heard she’s been making friends at school…”

“So you’ve been using your own funds to care for her?” Schach frowned as Graham nodded. “Isn’t that against regulations?”

“Yes. It was an impulsive action, I’ll admit. But I suppose I have a soft spot for children. Just like Chrono. His father…” Graham shook his head. “Clyde was a friend of mine. I did what I could for his family after what happened eleven years ago, though I wish I could have done more.”

Schach nodded. “You’re a good man, Admiral Graham…”

Graham shook his head. “There are some who’d disagree with you, but thank you.”

Schach nodded. “Well then. If you’ll excuse me-”

Thump thump thump.

Schach paused, half-standing as she heard the noise. Graham’s face became very set as she looked around. “What was that?”

“What was what?”

“That noise.”

Thump thump thump.

“I don’t hear any noise, Sister Schach,” Graham replied, his hand moving to his monitor as he tapped on the holographic screen.

“It almost sounds like someone beating on a window… which is odd, because there aren’t any windows in this room,” Schach turned about slowly, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound.

“I see,” was Graham’s only reply.

Schach frowned, then struck. There was an explosion of orange light and wind as Windenschaft manifested, the tonfa-sword slicing through the empty air, only to hit something quite solid. There was a soft thrum, like a mosquito passing by her ear, as the air rippled, revealing a blue, pyramid-shaped ‘cell’ in one corner of the room.

Inside, ferociously beating on the walls of his cage, was Spike. He blinked as he looked up at her, then mouthed something and pointed sharply behind her.

Schach started to turn when she was knocked to the floor. She hissed in pain as her arm was twisted behind her back, her wrist aching as a surprisingly strong hand twisted it sharply. A knee pressed against her spine as she heard a purring noise above her.

“Nnngh!” Schach struggled, then cried out as her wrist was bent a bit further. Whoever was gripping her tight was far stronger than she was, that was certain. Windenschaft clattered to the ground beside her, the Device returning to its Standby form.

“Ah ah ahhh,” a familiar voice cooed almost amusedly. “No wriggling around, little mousey, or else I’ll have to break your wrist. It wouldn‘t take much; just a little tug and-”

“Just hold her still Lotte.” There was a creak as Gil rose from his chair, walking over to the door and shutting it slowly. “I don’t think excessive violence will be necessary. Will it, Sister Schach?”

Schach shook her head. She closed her eyes, reaching out mentally to contact Chrono, only for her message to hit a wall of interference that rasped in her ears like static from a broken television.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to contact Chrono,” Graham said as he crouched down beside Schach. “Not with the telepathic jamming field that’s currently active.”

“You… you knew?” Schach winced as Lotte shifted her weight.

“Of course. I’ve been monitoring Chrono for a while now. Just long enough to learn all the details I need.” Graham sighed and shook his head. “To be honest, I hadn’t expected things to turn out as they had. Not only did the Book of Darkness appear on this world, but its creator did as well. If circumstances were different, I would have whole-heartedly endorsed this plan of theirs. It would have been a sight to see the Book of Darkness repaired… but unfortunately…”

“You’re…. you’re going to sabotage them? Why?!”

Schach glanced up at Graham. His age was almost conspicuous, the faint circles under his eyes obvious now that he was closer to her. His shoulders were slightly slumped, even as he crouched there. He looked more than simply tired; he looked defeated.

“Sometimes,” he said softly, “we must do terrible things to keep the ones we love safe. I have my orders, Sister Schach. Lotte, bring her arms behind her.”

Schach wriggled slightly as the cat-girl yanked her other arm into position. Graham waved his hand, a bind snapping into place around her wrists, locking them together.

“Aria should be in position once Chrono separates from her,” Graham said as he rose to his feet. “Put Sister Schach with the dragon. I’ll reapply the illusion before we leave. If the ponies are going to begin their ritual soon, we‘ll have to act quickly.”

Schach winced as Lotte dragged her over to the cage Spike was sealed in, then pushed her through the glowing blue wall. Spike scrambled out of the way as Schach landed on her side with a grunt.

“Schach!” Spike shouted hoarsely as he knelt down beside her, looking worried. “You alright?”

“Rrgh… I’ve been better. That cat nearly broke my wrist.” Schach wriggled doing her best to sit upright as the walls of the cell turned opaque. “How long have you been in here?”

“I dunno. I only woke up a little while ago,” Spike rubbed his neck, wincing slightly. “Throat still hurts.”

“If I knew any healing spells, I’d fix that.” Schach grunted and shifted slightly, wincing as the binding tugged painfully on her wrist.

“I’ll be fine. We need to get out of here though. We gotta warn the others about what Gil’s doing!”

“Easier said than done,” Schach replied, giving the wall of their shared cell a kick. “With my hands bound like this, it’s going to be difficult to get out of here. And unless I miss my guess this cage of his probably blocks out telepathic signals, so no calling for help.”

“So what, you’re just going to give up?”

Schach shook her head and smiled. “I said difficult. I didn’t say impossible. Give me a hand if you would. It’s going to be a bit tight…”


Cadence paced slowly as Luna slowly walked around the practice field, inspecting her work. Luna slowly circled the large set of concentric rings she had sketched into the dirt, the interstitial areas between each band filled with thin and delicate script, arrayed around the central symbol of a lunar crescent.

There was a current of nervousness running through the assembled individuals; Cadence could almost taste it, it was so palpable. Chrono was leaning against his staff, watching Luna quietly. Yuuno was quietly talking with Twilight’s friends, while Twilight was having a conversation with her brother, no doubt about Spike‘s recent behavior. Arf was seated cross-legged on the sand, one elbow on a bent knee and her chin in her palm. Fate stroked her ears gently, leaning against the wolf-girl while Arf’s tail flicked.

“Well, it seems everyone’s gathered.”

Cadence turned as she heard a familiar voice speak. Celestia approached the gathering, flanked on both sides by the Wolkenritter, A black and gold chest hovered beside the elder Princess, the precious jewels on the case shimmering under Celestia’s telekinetic field.

Everyone quickly turned to face Celestia, the Wolkenritter breaking away from her as she approached Luna. The Princess of the night stepped away from her inspection, closing in with her sister as Celestia set the chest down.

“Are the preparations complete, Luna?”

Luna nodded. “Aye. The sealing circle should be enough to keep the Book contained, and we have reinforced the wards we placed upon it.” Luna glanced skyward at the pale moon, which was slowly making its way upwards. “Our moon is also in its ascendancy. All that remains now is to perform the deed.”

“Indeed. Everyone, please take your positions. Girls,” Celestia flicked her horn, opening the chest and levitating the Elements of Harmony out and over to their respective owners, “I believe these are yours?”

“I must admit,” Rarity said as the necklace clicked about her neck, “it is rather nice that we have these at the ready instead of scrambling to re-acquire them during a catastrophe.”

“You an’ me both Rar,” Applejack agreed, “you an’ me both.”

“Hopefully, it won’t come to that,” Twilight noted as the crown slipped over her brow. “Now, let’s just go over the plan one last time, just to make sure everyone knows what we’re doing.”

“Do we have to?” Arf grunted softly as she stood up, dusting off her bottom. “I mean, we already went over it…”

“Arf, let her do it,” Fate said gently, nudging the wolf-girl’s hip.

Twilight nodded, producing a carefully rolled up scroll of parchment. With a flourish of her horn, the scroll unfurled as she began talking.

“First; one of the Wolkenritter will cast a containment field spell in order to prevent any outside interference. Vita, if I remember, you volunteered.”

“That’s right,” Vita nodded, crossing her arms. The moonlight glinted softly off of the tiny cylinders of Graf Eisen’s Standby form. “Thanks for removing the seals on our magic, by the way,” she said respectfully to Luna.

“You are welcome, young Knight.”

“Second, we set up a defensive perimeter. In addition to the containment array Princess Luna has created, four of us will create a multi-layered defensive wall around our group in case the Book attempts to attack us. The outermost wall will be formed by Zafira’s Panzerhidernis spell. Second will be Shining Armor’s shield. Third will be Yuuno’s Sphere Protection spell. And finally, the innermost and most powerful defense will be provided by Princess Celestia herself.”

“I still can’t believe Princess Celestia herself will be protecting us,” Fluttershy said, then blushed. “I-I mean, it’s not like I’m saying you can’t your Majesty, it’s just-”

“It’s alright Fluttershy,” Celestia said with a gentle smile. “Most of my subjects aren’t used to seeing me use magic like this.”

“Anyway,” Twilight continued, “once the defenses are set, then the real work begins. Cadence will use her magic to gather as much love as she can from everyone assembled here. Then, with the assistance of myself and Raising Heart, she’ll channel it directly into the Book of Darkness, causing the balance between Nyx and Nachtwal to shift in our favor. While they’re doing so Princess Luna, assisted by Fate and Bardiche, will attempt to contact Nyx and, with any luck, wrest control of the Book from Nachtwal, allowing Luna to lock the program out of the loop.”

“And of course,” Rainbow Dash noted as she landed beside Twilight, “if that doesn’t work, the six of us will blast it with the Elements of Harmony.”

“Yes, quite,” Twilight said, rolling up the scroll. The parchment vanished with a puff of magic. “Though I admit, I was hoping Trixie would be here.”

“Luna and I decided that it would be wiser if Trixie wasn’t here,” Celestia replied.

“Indeed,” Luna nodded. “The wards of our sister’s quarters should prevent any signals from the Book from reaching her. If she were present, there would be a great risk of her falling under its influence, particularly at such a close range.”

“I would be more comfortable if at least one of us had stayed with our Mistress,” Signum said, shaking her head. “However, as Celestia suggested, our presence is needed here.”

Cadence nodded. “I’m sorry, but it was my request. I’m going to need as many hearts as possible in order to pull this off.”

“I just wish my little Spikey-wikey was here,” Rarity pouted.

“Spikey-wikey is having a bit of a time out right now,” Twilight groused. “I can’t believe him, acting like that. After this is over, he and I are going to have a little chat...”

“Besides,” Chrono said, tapping his staff against his shoulder, “it’d be better to keep non-combatants to a minimum. If things go wrong, they’re likely to go wrong spectacularly.”

“Did you really have to jinx us like that?” Rainbow groaned, causing Chrono to roll his eyes.

“It would be best that we began the operation,” Luna noted, approaching the others. “Everyone, call forth your Devices if you have not done so.”

“Right,” Twilight nodded, lifting Raising Heart gently. “Ready, Raising Heart?”


“Bardiche?” Fate drew out the golden triangle as it chimed.


Vita, Shamal and Signum produced their Devices as well. “Whenever you‘re ready,” Signum noted.

“Alright then,” Twilight noted. “Set up!”

Her activation call was echoed by the other members of the group. Energy blossomed up around them as their Devices assembled, enchantments weaving like ribbons over their bodies as Barrier Jackets and Knight Clothing formed about them. Cadence stared in amazement as the light faded, leaving Twilight and Fate in their respective Jackets and the Wolkenritter in full garb. “Oh wow…”

Twilight blushed. “S-sorry Cadence. I forgot you haven’t seen us transform like that.”

Cadence giggled softly. “It’s alright… though I’m wondering how I’d get my hooves on something like that. If nothing else, having a necklace that can create a dress instantly like that would be a time-saver.”

“Tell me about it,” Rarity groaned. “I keep begging Twilight to loan Raising Heart to me so I can figure out how to create clothing with magic, but-”

“YOU ARE UNAUTHORIZED,” Raising Heart stated, causing Cadence to laugh as Rarity puffed out her cheeks in irritation.

“Alright everybody,” Celestia said gently, “it’s time to focus. Take your positions.”

Cadence nodded, taking her position beside Twilight as the others took their places. She glanced down at Twilight and Raising Heart, smiling nervous. “Scared, Twilight?”

“A little,” Twilight replied as she glanced up at her. “You?”

“More than a little. But we’ll get through this, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Right. We’re all in this together. Right, Raising Heart?”


“Alright everyone,” she heard Shining Armor shout. “Let’s get to work. Vita, if you’d start us off?”

“Gladly.” There was a whoosh as Vita swept her hammer forwards, the handle gripped tight in her hands as a brilliant red triangle of light and runes sprang up below her.. “Let’s go, Eisen!”


There was a sound like roaring wind as an oddly colored sphere of light expanded outwards from the small Knight. Cadence shut her eyes in reflex as she felt the field pass over her body.

“Alright, it’s set up,” Vita said, resting her hammer on one shoulder.

“Indeed,” Luna said. “Now, the defenses. Raise the walls of our fortress!”

There was a rush of power as four magic-users went to work. A blue-white Belkan triangle sprang into existence beneath Zafira’s feet as he swung his hands forwards, erecting a shimmering, hemisphere of light. A pinkish-red dome of light formed just behind the wall, streaming downwards as Shining Armor’s horn blazed, sending a thin ray of light upwards to the top of the dome. This barrier was soon colored pale green as Yuuno spread his arms wide, a Mid-Childan spell-circle spinning beneath him as he held his position. Finally, Celestia unfurled her wings and lit up her horn, a golden wall of light joining the assembled defenses.

Luna glanced to Cadence. “Art thou ready?”

Cadence nodded nervously, then inhaled as she turned to look at the others. “Um… could I have everyone’s attention please?”

With every eye on her, Cadence inhaled, drew herself up and spoke clearly. “I’m going to need everyone’s help with this. Everyone, close your eyes.”

As they did so, Cadence slowly turned around, looking at them. “I want every one of you to think about the ones you love. Maybe it’s a sibling you love. Or a parent. Or a pet. Or a friend. Or,” she blushed as her eyes landed on Shining Armor, “maybe someone you love as more than just a friend. Whatever the case, I want you to think of that one individual you love more than anything. That one person or pony that gives your heart strength. Can you do that for me?”

There was a chorus of sounds in agreement as Cadence inhaled. “Alright… has everyone done that?”

Another chorus of agreement.

“Alright. Now… what I’m going to do is tap into your individual sources of love. I promise, this won’t hurt. It’ll just… tingle a bit. Everyone ready?”

There was another round of agreements, though she could see those who were maintaining the shield shift slightly.

Cadence inhaled, then slowly arched her neck, pointing her horn upwards like a lightning rod. She closed her eyes and focused her magic, reaching out to everyone beneath the many-layered dome and touching their hearts.

And then her body went stiff as she felt the flow of raw love pulse into her. Her eyes went wide as she scanned over the crowd.

Such power… She shivered as she started to feel the strands of power weave about her, the individual feelings starting to carry her away. So much love… I’ve never tapped into this much before…

“Cadence,” Luna said gently, “focus. The hour is at hoof.”

“R-right…” She inhaled and drew the power in. Her horn burned, sheathed in a shimmering, prismatic aura of pure love energy. “Thank you everyone. Thank you so much…”


Lieutenant Steelheart stood at attention outside the door, his golden armor glinting in the lamp-light of the hallway. Admittedly, he’d have preferred to have been on patrol at that time, but orders were orders. If Princess Celestia wanted the door to Trixie’s room guarded, then by golly it would be guarded. It helped that Shacklebolt was with him; the locking enchantment his fellow unicorn had put on the door’s lock helped to put his mind at ease.

The stallion went stiff, however, as he heard footsteps. He turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, then blinked as he saw a small figure approach them.

“Hey, Shack.”

“Hmm? What Steel?” Lock replied with a yawn, his Trottingham accent was thick and heavy.

“Isn’t that Sparkle’s pet dragon?”

Shacklebolt craned his head up as the purple-scaled lizard walked fully into view, approaching them calmly. “Hey, yeah, it is. Oi! Spike! What’re you doing here? Ain’t it past your bedtime or somethin’?”

Spike blinked, tilting his head slightly. “I wasn’t tired. Besides, I’ve got business to take care of.”

“Business?” Steelheart shook his head. “Look Spike, we’re kinda busy guarding this place, alright?”

“I know, and I need to get in there.”

“Wha?” Shacklebolt chuckled. “What’re you goin’ on about, ya little rotter?”

Spike shrugged. “I need to talk to Trixie. Let me by.”

“Sorry Spike, no dice.” Steelheart shook his head. “Nobody’s supposed to get by us except palace staff. And even then-”

Spike raised a hand and snapped his fingers.

For a brief moment, Steelheart wondered where the blue light came from, just before he toppled to the side, his four hooves bound together and his windpipe being squeezed shut by a glowing ring of blue light. Shacklebolt sounded like he wasn’t in too good a shape either. Spike stepped over his bound hooves and reached up, a loop of blue light forming around the door handle just before he heard Shacklebolt’s locking spell unlock.

“I did tell you to let me by,” Spike smiled as he turned the doorknob.

Just before his vision went dark, Steelheart wondered where the little dragon learned that sort of trick.


“We’ve arrived over Equestrian Dimensional Territory, ma’am.”

“Excellent,” Lindy said as she took a seat in the captain’s chair. “Establish synchronicity and maintain relative dimensional vector.”

“Aye-aye ma’am,” Elantra replied. “Establishing synchronicity now.”

“Contact our people on the ground,” Lindy ordered. “See what the situation is right now.”


Twilight glanced up as Luna took her position. “Ready, Cadence?”

Cadence nodded slowly, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she took aim with her horn. There was only going to be one shot with this.

Luna’s horn crackled with deep blue fire as she focused her magic. The array beyond the layered shields lit up, the circles slowly spinning as a sliver of dark blue light formed within it. There was a loud crack like distant thunder as the Book of Darkness appeared.

The tome pulsed malevolently within the layered, circling seals that bound it, black lightning licking over its cover. Cadence swallowed; she could swear she could almost see raised veins criss-crossing the book’s brown cover, pulsing like a living thing. She could feel the darkness within it; a dark, swirling acid bath of hatred, anger, fear and pain.

“Let’s go Raising Heart!” Twilight shouted, brandishing her staff as her horn lit up. The staff’s head glowed, then changed, taking on a tuning-fork shape.


There was a flash as a wave of power launched forth through the barrier, sliding through a small port-hole that opened in the defenses before striking the outermost ring of the array. The air began to glitter with motes of magenta light as a loop of runes circled Raising Heart’s tip.


Cadence inhaled, focusing herself as she heard Raising Heart count upwards. She narrowed her eyes slightly, aiming her horn at the Book.


Trixie rolled slowly onto her side, her face half-buried in a purple velvet pillow that smelled of vanilla and sunflowers. It wasn’t that she was uncomfortable; she was laying in the royal bed of Celestia herself. It would have been impossible to be uncomfortable in that bed. No; it was the waiting and the quiet that was grating on her nerves. The only sounds in the room were the soft crackling of the fire and the soft snoozing of what sounded like a bird in a covered cage.


Trixie blinked and weakly pushed herself up as she heard the door open slowly. That wasn’t supposed to happen. The guards at the door were supposed to make sure the door stayed shut. She turned slowly, then blinked at the small figure.

“Wait… Trixie recognizes you,” her eyes narrowed. “You’re Sparkle’s little dragon friend…”

“So you recognize this form,” the little lizard replied as he walked towards the bed.

Recognize…what? That didn’t sound right… Trixie glanced up, then stared at the unconscious guard that laid on his side, head resting in the doorway.

“Don’t worry about the guards,” the dragon said with a thin smile. “They’ll wake up later. I made sure not to crush their windpipes.”

“W-what?! Trixie doesn’t-”

“Don’t worry,” he said as he raised a hand, “things will become clear soon enough.”

There was a loud, trilling cry from the covered cage in the corner of the room. Suddenly, the room was filled with a burst of light and heat as the covering exploded into flame. A great bird with orange, gold and red plumage spread her wings, angrily screeching at the little dragon.

“Too late for that,“ he said with a snort as he thrust a hand upwards. A strange, circular array sprang into being beneath the dragon’s feet, glowing bright blue. Trixie cried out was she slowly began to hover into the air. She recognized the color of the light…

Then a blinding flash filled her vision.



Twilight‘s eyes were narrowed, her horn glowing bright as the channel glittered like a field of magenta stardust. “Now Cadence! Do it now!”

Cadence fired. A twisting beam of cornflower blue light blasted from her horn and streaked down the glowing channel Twilight’s Device had prepared.

The shot struck home.

Cadence’s mane was blasted back as the Book screamed, dust kicking up as the array and the seals containing the Book rippled, but held. Cadence took a step forwards, her horn burning brighter as she threw everything she had into the spell, her legs braced in the sand. She could barely hear the others shouting over the incredible din the Book of Darkness was making.


“Any word from Canterlot?” Lindy shifted in her chair slightly.

“No ma’am, not yet,” came the reply.

“Try them again. The channels should be manned…” Lindy frowned, shifting uncomfortably in her Captain’s chair.

Something was wrong. She could feel it in her gut. Something was dreadfully wrong.

The door behind her hissed open. She heard boots clicking on the floor. Enforcer boots.

She turned and started to get to her feet, only to find the business end of a Device in her face, the golden half-tuning-fork humming softly.


“You sure this’ll work, Schach?”

“Not really, but this is our best bet.” Schach shifted slightly, trying to make room for Spike as she took a seated position. The pyramid-shaped cell they were sharing wasn’t exactly spacious; there was enough room for both of them to move around each other, but Schach couldn’t even get onto her feet. Thankfully, there was enough room for her to slip her bound arms around her legs to get her hands in front of her; an old trick her instructors had taught her during her Knight training.

Spike climbed over her legs, then frowned as he faced the wall. “I’m not sure my fire’s going to scratch this thing…”

“It doesn’t have to break us out Spike,” Schach replied, flexing her fingers. “Like I said, the point is to give me a weak spot to hit. I may not have Windenschaft with me, but I can still enhance my hands with an attack spell.”

“And then you hit the place I cook with my breath. I get it now.” Spike nodded, then glanced at her still bound hands. “But your wrist…”

“We can worry about my wrist later. Escaping is more important.” Schach exhaled, then drew her hands back, pressing her palms together and lacing her fingers together as she focused. “Let’s do this Spike. Remember, I want you to use as much fire as you can muster.”

Spike nodded, steadying himself. “You might want to back up a little bit. It’s going to get hot in here really quick.”

Schach complied, then closed her eyes as she drew in her mana. She breathed slowly, focusing herself as she heard a loud ‘whoosh.’ She opened her eyes again and watched as Spike breathed a continuous gout of green flame onto the wall of the cell, only stopping for a few seconds to inhale before firing again.

Come on, Schach thought as she watched. Come on Spike, give it all you’ve got…


Trixie landed with a thump on a very hard floor, groaning softly as she did so. The cold ground was a far cry from the warm, soft bed she had been laying on earlier. Her head swam as she felt herself slowly lifted to her feet by someone.

“Set her down gently Lotte.”

“Yes, papa.”

Trixie blinked as her vision slowly returned to normal. Standing before her was a tall human man with gray hair and a beard, flanked by the little dragon and a human with feline ears and a tail.

“Hello Trixie,” the human said calmly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you face-to-face. Though I’d prefer if it was under better circumstances.”

“Who… who are you?” Trixie blinked, then looked around. “Where am I?! Oh no…”

“My name is Admiral Graham. Where you are isn’t important right now, but suffice it to say that you haven’t left Canterlot.”

“The teleport spell I planted on you lacks range.” the dragon said calmly. “Though it more than makes up for it in subtlety. Even the most advanced sensors wouldn’t have been able to pick it up until I activated it. I just had to get close… which this form helped with.”

“What?” Trixie blinked, then shielded her face as the dragon’s form began to glow. He expanded outwards, shape shifting into a feline form, then growing outwards into a shape similar to the feline girl next to Graham, though she had longer hair. “W-wait… y-you weren’t… what’s going on?!”

“I really must apologize,” Graham said softly, a hand going into his jacket pocket. “This must come as a shock. However, we don’t have much time. I want you to listen to me very carefully, Trixie. Because if you don’t, then everyone in this city is going to die.”

“W-what?!” Trixie wobbled slowly, backing up a bit. “What’re you talking about? If this is about the Book-”

“Of course it’s about the Book,” Graham replied as he produced what looked like a white metal card. A large, diamond-cut sapphire glittered in the center of the card as he held it between his index and middle fingers. “What else would it be about? Some want to try to fix the Book, some want to control it, some want to seal it away… but right now, none of that matters. All that matters is that I can save your world from another pointless disaster. And the only way I can do that is with you, Trixie.”

The card shimmered, then burst into light. There was a hiss like sloughing snow as pieces of white and blue metal clicked together, forming a long white and blue staff. The head reminded Trixie of a bird’s beak, the white ‘upper lip’ of the beak decorated with a large blue jewel.

“You’re the central link in all of this,” Graham pointed the staff in Trixie’s direction, causing her to pull back further. Her rump thumped against the wall as she realized just how small the room was. She could see a slowly spiraling staircase just past Graham and the others, just out of reach.

“You’re the Mistress of the Book,” Graham continued. “Which means you’re going to have to make the sacrifice. Call the Book.”

Trixie swallowed. She was outside of Celestia’s room. She wasn’t safe. “N-no… please, I can’t… I won’t…”

“Call it, Trixie. I don’t want to make this any harder than it has to be.”

“No! You can’t force me to do it!”

Gil sighed, then closed his eyes. “I was afraid of this. I wish I didn’t have to do this, but we’re out of time and options. Lotte? Aria?”

“Yes?” The twins came to attention.

Graham leveled the staff at Trixie. “Convince her.”


There was a noise like glass shattering A vortex of orange light burst outwards from the empty air, followed by a pair of bloody-knuckled hands. The air shimmered, revealing a slowly cracking blue pyramid that soon fractured and vanished, spilling Schach and a panting Spike out onto the floor of Graham’s office.

“Ugh,” Spike groaned, rubbing his neck. “My throat is going to hurt in the morning.”

“My knuckles too…” Schach slowly pushed herself to her feet and strode over to Graham’s desk. She took a seat, her bound hands quickly yanking open the drawers.

“What’re you doing?” Spike blinked as he got to his feet.

“Looking for… aha!” Schach smirked, producing a small metal ring with a set of plates dangling from it. “Looks like he didn’t expect us to get free that easily. Windenschaft, set up!”

There was a rush of wind as Schach transformed, her Knight Clothing forming around her in an instant. She slammed her bound wrists against the forming edge of her Device, then grabbed a hold of a single tonfa-sword with her good hand.

“By the Kaiser I’m glad I’m out of that.” She winced, rubbing her aching wrist as she rose to her feet.

“You and me both,” Spike replied. “Now come on. Let’s find that Admiral and his cats and teach them a lesson!”

“One second.” Schach raised a finger to her temple. Chrono? Can you hear me?

She blinked as her telepathy hit a wall, then hissed. “Damn. They must already be doing something with the Book. We need to find the Admiral quickly before things get out of hand…”


“It’s holding!” Fate shouted over the harrowing scream of the Book of Darkness. Her yellow pigtails fluttered behind her as she brandished Bardiche. “Teacher, it’s working!”

“Not yet!” Luna shouted back, her eyes narrowed as her horn burned, a magical circle forming underneath her hooves, filling with a many-pointed star and crescent, the outer rings filled with slowly circling runes in a spidery script. “It still resists my attempts at contact! Something is blocking us still! Cadence!”

“I’m trying!” Cadence gritted her teeth, the ray of light still connecting her horn to the circular array beyond the shield. “I’m giving it all I’ve got!”

“Wait!” Twilight’s shout rang over the roaring din, “Something’s happening!”


In the darkness, there was a mare with a coat of white and a mane like silver flame.

She wept in pain as she hung from invisible chains, her body wounded. Deep gashes were cut into her sides, and her horn and brow were cracked like china that had been carelessly glued back together. Power flowed down into her, but leaked from her body like blood, pouring down her sides into the shadows beneath her.

The serpents whispered in the darkness, slowly coiling about below her as they bathed in her essence.

She knew what was coming.

She couldn’t stop it.

She could only wait until the serpents struck.


The Book of Darkness stopped screaming.

The sudden silence was deafening as Cadence’s ray pulsed against its cover. Black lightning crackled silently. The dust slowly settled.

Luna’s eyes went wide. “No…”

And then there was a deafening roar, like a bomb going off in slow motion. The Book seemed to implode, drawing the ray of light into itself as the wards surrounding it fractured apart, shards of mana swirling into the shadowy vortex. A powerful shockwave struck the assembled barriers, crackling over the layered defenses as the Book vanished in a crackle of black and violet lightning.

Cadence stumbled forwards, the light of her horn winking out like a switched-off light bulb.

“Cadence!” Twilight knelt by her side as she panted. Shining Armor quickly ran to her side, gently lifting her as she groaned.

“I’m… I’m fine. Just exhausted…”

“Luna!” Celestia shouted as Luna slowly knelt down, shaking her head. “What happened?”

“I… I know not.” Luna shook her head. “This should have been impossible… unless we somehow miscalculated…”

“Where did it go, though?!” Fate said as the outer barrier lowered, melting away like fog as Vita deactivated the spell.

“I know not. Without the seals I placed upon it, we have no way of knowing…”

There was a distinct cry as a phoenix swooped downwards towards them.

“Philomena?” Celestia extended a hoof, letting the bird land on her outstretched limb. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to-”

The phoenix let out a mournful cry, which caused Celestia’s eyes to harden.



“No… please…” Trixie whimpered, pressing up against the wall as the two cat-girls approached her. Their eyes were glowing blue in the dim light of the room, and their tails were swishing. Graham, meanwhile, kept the staff leveled at her.

And then, the world went strangely dark. There was a howling, roaring noise as a black vortex formed above her head, black and violet lightning licking over the walls.

“Aria! Lotte! Out of the way!”

The two feline girls leapt backwards as lightning struck their previous positions. Trixie’s heart hammered in her chest as she felt the dark, creeping influence of the Book ripple across her.

“Oh permafrost,” Graham intoned as the twins raised their hands, spell-circle shaped shields forming before them, “construct now a frozen tomb, and deliver eternal sleep unto this beast!”

The air suddenly turned icy. Trixie’s breath came out in a puff of mist as her eyes widened.

Graham looked at her sadly. “I’m sorry. I hope you forgive me… FREEZE, DURANDAL!”


And then, the cold struck her like a hammer. Trixie shut her eyes as she felt the numbness swallow her up


“What do you mean Spike teleported Trixie out of the room?!” Twilight gaped. “Spike doesn’t know any magic!”

Chrono’s eyes went wide, then snarled as he drove S4U’s pointed butt into the ground. “That bastard! He tricked me!”

“Chrono?” Arf looked at him as he yanked his staff free. “What’s going on?! What do you know?!”

“We need to get to HQ,” Chrono replied. “I thought he was up to something, but I didn’t think he would pull a stunt like this! He’s after the Book!”

And then the Wolkenritter froze.

“Mistress…” Signum’s eyes were wide. “Something’s happened to our Mistress…”


Graham exhaled slowly, brushing the glittering snow out of his hair as he looked at the block of ice before him. The frigid prison glittered like a glacier, blue and white save for the black oval in its center.

“It’s done,” he said softly as Lotte and Aria nodded in agreement, then paused as he closed his eyes. “Aria, open a channel to the Arthra.

“Yes sir,” Aria replied.

Graham exhaled as a communication window winked into being in front of him. “This is Admiral Graham,” he said, “I’d like to speak to whoever’s in charge.”

“Greetings Admiral Graham,” the young woman on the other side replied, her fair skin glowing against her crimson hair. “This is Kira Elantra. The Arthra is under our control and at your disposal.”

“Where’s Admiral Harlaown?” Graham swallowed, dreading that answer. “Is she alright?”

“Gil!?” His heart sank as he heard Lindy’s shout. “Gil, is that you?! You need to-”

“Admiral Harlaown is well,” Elantra interrupted. “For now. Her crew are also mostly unharmed.”

“Good. Please inform your masters that I have the Book and its Mistress in custody. Prepare room in the cargo bay, we’ll be teleporting up to you shortly.”

“Excellent. I’d advise you to make haste, Admiral Graham. I’m sure our employers would hate to lose you.”

Graham froze. “What do you mean?”

“Just some clean up. We‘re moving ahead with the contingency, Admiral Graham.”

“What?!” Graham ground his teeth. “Why?! I have the Book of Darkness and its Mistress subdued! There‘s no reas-”

“Plans change, Admiral Graham. Our employers have decided that it would be better to clean up any possible loose ends by any means necessary.”

“By annihilating a major civilian population center?!”

“By any means necessary,” Elantra repeated. “We’ll be entering Equestrian real-space momentarily. I’d advise you to be on board as quickly as possible.”

The window vanished. Graham staggered back, leaning against Durandal. “No… this can‘t be happening…”

“You son of a bitch…”

Graham turned towards the voice. Schach and Spike stood on the stairwell, both of them looking shocked.


Trixie was cold. Deathly cold. She couldn’t move… she couldn’t feel anything except the icy cold. She couldn’t even open her eyes.


Her heart raced as she heard that voice. She clung to that voice, that presence, like a drowning sailor clung to a life preserver. Nyx..? That’s your name, right? Please… help me…

Are you afraid?


Do you want to die?

No! Please! I don’t want to die!

Requesting input. I require an objective.


What is it that you wish me to do? What is your wish?

I… I want this to be over. I just want this to stop… Can you do that?

Very well.


“This was your plan!?” Schach approached slowly, her tonfa-sword at the ready. “Seal an innocent pony in solid ice, then run away with her and the Book of Darkness while your friends wipe out Canterlot?! Is that it?!”

Graham didn’t reply, his head slumping as Schach grabbed him by the front of his tunic. “Answer me!”

“Let him go!” Lotte hissed.

“No Lotte…” Graham said, raising a hand to stop her. “She’s right…”

“You monster…” Spike stared at him.

“That’s putting it lightly,” Schach hissed through gritted teeth. “And you call yourself an Admiral? You’re a disgrace to the Bureau!”

“On that,” Graham said softly, “we agree.”


Graham’s eyes widened. Schach slowly let go, letting him turn to face the hunge slab of ice. The ice now had a very large crack running through it.

Crack. Crackle. Crack.

“No… impossible,” Graham said softly. “It’s breaking out… but that can’t happen… Nothing can break free of that spell…”

“W-what’s going on?” Spike said as Schach backed up.


With that final sound, the ice gave way, shattering into tiny chunks as a miasma of darkness filled the room.

“Run!” Graham shouted as he raised Durandal. “All of you, run! Clear the area!”

“Wha?!” Spike shouted as Schach grabbed him up in one arm.

“What about you?!” Schach shouted down to Graham.

“I’ll follow you! Now go! Hurry! Tell Chrono and the others!”

Graham turned back as he heard Schach’s footsteps race up the stairs. He glanced from side to side as his Familiars fell in with him. “You two should run…”

“Absolutely not, sir,” Aria said as a Mid-Chiladan circle sprang up beneath her.

“Like we’d leave you behind, papa,” Lotte added, falling into a fighting stance as four sets of red eyes appeared in the black.

Graham nodded, then steeled himself.

Hayate… he thought to himself, forgive this old fool for his mistake. And Clyde… I’ll probably see you soon.


Twilight skidded to a halt as they approached the western tower, where the Bureau’s Equestrian HQ was set up. The entire group, save Cadence and Shining Armor, had given chase after the Wolkenritter. The four knights landed with loud footfalls before the tower, soon followed by the Princesses, and closely followed by Twilight and her friends.

“What’re we waiting for? Let’s bust the damned door down!” Vita raised her hammer.

“Hold!” Luna strode forwards, her eyes narrowed. “I… I sense a presence. It…” Luna’s eyes went wide as she gasped. “Oh Harmony, let it be not so…”

“Luna?” Celestia looked to her sister in concern.

“The Book… this is the same sensation I felt when Twilight was attacked. The Book of Darkness has claimed another victim…”

It was at that point when the doors slammed open. Schach stumbled through, panting as she carried Spike. A rainbow-colored blur swooped down and caught Spike as Schach fell to her hands and knees, panting heavily.

“Sister Schach,” Twilight and Fate moved to her side, helping her to her feet as Chrono spoke. “What happened?”

“It was Gil,” Schach said, shaking her head. “You were right Chrono. Gil was up to something… but it’s too late…”

“What do you mean it’s too late?”

“It was awful!” Spike squirmed in Rainbow’s hooves. “First the twins knocked me out and threw me in this magic cell, then they caught Schach and we had to break out, then we found Graham, and he had Trixie and the Book all frozen in ice… then… then…”

“Shh!” Luna hissed, her eyes lifting to the open door. “Silence, all of you! Can you not hear that?“

The assembled host raised their Devices and readied themselves, the bright moon above providing light to see by. Strangely though, the doorway was wreathed in shadow. The sound of slow, staggering hoof steps on stone echoed from within the tower.

“Something truly wicked this way comes,” Luna whispered.

Then the darkness gave way as Trixie slowly staggered out, slowly wavering from side to side. Beside her, wreathed in shadow and mist, floated the Book of Darkness.

“Trixie!” Vita shouted, starting to lower her Device, only to stop as the mare paused. Trixie’s eyes were wide with fear as she stood there, swaying like a tall blade of grass in the breeze.

“Run… run, all of you,” she gasped. “Please… run!”

The shadows surrounding the Book of Darkness rippled, and seemed to solidify. There was a wet, slithering noise as the darkness formed long, wrist-thick coils, terminating in four serpentine heads. Their eyes burned bright red, their fangs like sharpened rubies, their tongues like licking strands of flame.

“No…” Shamal whispered.

“That’s it,” Zafira growled. “That’s the thing that took our Mistress’s Linker Core…”


“All system resources?” Yuuno swallowed. “T-that means…”

“It must have used Nyx’s systems when we attacked it,” Twilight said as Schach rose to her feet, the unicorn stepping forth and raising her Device.

“That means,” Arf whispered in fear, “we just gave it all the energy it needs…”


“Everyone!” Celestia shouted as her horn lit up. Luna followed suit, lightning crawling up her horn. “Atta-”


There was a shout as black hoops of energy rapidly snapped around the assembled people and ponies, pinning their limbs against their bodies, snapping sharply around wings and horns and wrapping around Devices, causing them to clatter to the ground.

“Raising Heart!” Twilight tried to focus, then cried out as a sharp shock ran down her body as she tried to use her magic. “Aaargh!”

“ALL THREATS NULLIFIED,” The Book noted, the four heads turning towards the Wolkenritter. The knights slowly levitated into the air as they struggled and wriggled. “ROGUE PROGRAMS DETECTED. GUARDIAN KNIGHT SYSTEM, WOLKENRITTER, COMPROMISED.”

“W-wait!” Trixie shouted. “What‘re you doing?!”


Trixie’s eyes widened as a snake head shot forth. Signum let out a cry as the snake pierced her chest, then slowly withdrew, a pink spark of light clasped in its jaws.


“No! Stop! Stop!!” Trixie screamed as a second snake lunged out. Shamal screamed and jerked as her core was ripped free.


“Stop it! You‘re killing them! Stop!”

Zafira let out a roar as his core was pulled free, his blue light joining the others.


“This isn’t what I wanted! Please! STOP IT!!!”

“Run Mistress! RU-AHHHH!”


Trixie slowly fell to her rump, tears streaming down her eyes as the snake-head turned to face her, the four glowing sparks in their open mouths. “Please,” she begged, clasping her front hooves together. “I just wanted this to stop… I just want it to stop! Spare them… please, take what you want! Take my magic, my body, my life, whatever you want! But spare my friends! PLEASE, STOP!”



There was a sound like a marble being hit by a hammer as the four snakes bit down. The four Linker Cores vanished in a spray of sparks and light, then disappeared.

The Wolkenritter fell silent. Their bodies slowly turned gray, then slowly dissolved away like mist. Their Devices followed suit, until there was nothing left.

There was a moment of silence. Twilight and the others stared in horror as the snakes looked to Trixie.

“IT IS TIME, MISTRESS,” the serpents said calmly.

Trixie sat there for a moment, in silence, as a black Belkan triangle formed beneath her, lit with purple light. Tears ran down her face as thin cracks of light ran down her horn.

And then, Trixie screamed. It was a scream of utter despair and pain as the darkness swallowed her and the Book.

Twilight staggered to her feet as the binds gave way. She backed up slightly, joining the others as the darkness slowly collapsed inwards, then washed away to reveal a new pony.

She was as tall as Celestia, with a coat as pale as moonlight, and a mane and tail like silver flame. Her horn was a long and tapered spear of ivory, though the delicate ridges of her horn were outline in crimson. The irises of her eyes were like red rubies, the pupils thin slits of black. Four black wings sprang from her back, and two smaller ones emerged from behind her ears like fins. Her body was covered in a black, tightly-fitted body suit that covered her body and flanks, the hems covered in broad strips of golden metal. Her limbs were wrapped in thick, broad red ribbons covered in Belkan script, disappearing into black metal bracelets shaped like open snake’s mouths. Two similar red ribbons seemed pressed into her flesh below both her eyes like open wounds, and tears slowly trickled down her cheeks.

“Again I am given form,” the mare whispered in a soft monotone. “Again I am driven to repeat this sad fate…”

“Nyx?” Luna’s voice was a whisper of shock as the Book of Darkness phased in beside the mare. The cover snapped open, the pages rustling as the mare’s horn glowed black and purple.

“I am the will of the Book of Darkness,” the mare said softly. “And my will, is destruction.”

Her head swiveled around, her eyes focusing on Twilight. “Target recognized as Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic.” the mare noted, almost idly. “Commencing isolation procedure.”

“Twilight!” Fate leapt forwards, quickly interposing herself as the wind roared. A purple vortex blasted upwards, swallowing the two unicorns and the alicorn.

In a flash, the three were gone.