• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,635 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

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Chapter 7: Passing Our Days, Marking Time...

Twilight and Fate sat side-by-side atop Fate‘s bed, their eyes focused on the task at hoof.

“Ready?” Twilight asked.

“Ready.” Fate nodded sharply.

“Alright. One, two, three, and lift!”

Fate’s eyes narrowed as her horn lit up along with Twilight’s, magenta and yellow light glowing in the air as they slowly levitated the toys up into the air. Of course, calling them ‘toys’ was a bit of a misnomer. Rather, they were puzzles; a small plastic ball with a maze embedded along the outer face, with a small ball bearing within the labyrinthine confines. The object was simple; to guide the ball bearing from it’s origin point to the maze’s end point without getting stuck. Hardly a difficult task, but one that required finesse and concentration.

“Let me guess,” Twilight muttered, a bead of sweat dripping along her neck as she focused, watching the little ball bearing roll along its path. “You’ve got Hightower this semester?”

“Uh-huh.” Fate grunted, tilting the sphere carefully.

“Does she still shout a lot?”

“Uh-huh.” Fate grimaced. The exercise was supposed to work on fine control and perception, forcing the student to use small adjustments to achieve the desired effect. Or at least, that was Ms. Hightower’s explanation.

Twilight’s maze was similar to her own, though the plastic was slightly more opaque. And she was doing hers in reverse.

“I remember her giving us this exercise. You know, I always thought she was really intimidating, especially with her eye-patch…”

“Trying to distract me while we’re racing is cheating,” Fate noted as she sent the ball-baring down one path, only for it to rattle to a stop at a dead-end just short of the little red end marker. She spun the sphere slightly, rolling it back to the previous intersection.

“Sorry,” Twilight smirked, though she was still sweating a bit. Her freshly-returned magic was still weak. Even lifting something as light as the maze ball was a bit of a task for her. Thankfully, she remembered the maze quite clearly.

The soft noise of ball bearings clicking against plastic filled the air, until Twilight set her maze down.


Fate pouted at her older sister, glancing back at her own sphere. “I can’t believe this. That’s the third time you’ve beaten me!”

“To be fair, I’m more experienced at this than you.” Twilight sighed, resting her head on the sheets as the ball landed with a thump on the ground below.

“Are you alright?”

“Just tired. That’s all.” Twilight gave Fate a wan smile as the filly leaned over and nuzzled her, scooting up close beside her.

“Alright. I’m just glad you’ve got your magic back now…”

“I am too.” Twilight sighed comfortably, her tail swishing slowly as she tried to change the topic. “Fate?”

“Yes, big sis?”

Twilight smiled a little at the term of endearment “How’s the training with Princess Luna been going? I bet it‘s a lot different from when I was Celestia‘s personal student.”

Fate sighed. “She’s tough. Really tough.”

Twilight blinked. “Tough? Well, I can‘t say I‘m surprised. Luna is a bit old-fashioned from what I‘ve seen. Are you sure you‘ll be alright?”

“I’m fine, Twilight,” Fate frowned at the maze sphere, then set it down on the bedside table.. “Teacher and I have an understanding. We‘re both being careful not to overdo things.”

“Okay. Good. So… what sorts of lessons have you been doing?”

“We’ve been doing a lot of really advanced electricity control magic.” Fate smiled faintly. “I’ve been trying to practice physically, but it’s a bit difficult compared to when we’re working in the dreamspace. Plus there’s all my homework and exercises from class I have to do. I try to get as much done in class as I can, but…”

Twilight laughed. “I remember that too. The work-load can get pretty crazy sometimes. How’ve your grades been?”

“Well…” Fate blushed. “They’ve been okay, I guess. My last test grade was a ‘B…‘”

“A ‘B‘? For shame!” Twilight pouted. “I’m just a little disappointed. I usually got A’s.”

“Well, I’m not you, am I?” Fate giggled, nipping Twilight’s ear playfully.

“Ahh! Hey! No fair biting!”

Fate giggled again, then settled down to snuggle against Twilight’s side, her long flowing mane pooling about her like a puddle of spun gold. “Hey Twilight?”


“When all of this is over, do you think I could come visit you in Ponyville?”

“Of course. I don’t see why not.”

“I think that’d be nice. Maybe just spend a week with you?”

“Sure. Whatever you want Fate.” Twilight giggled as the golden filly yawned. “Okay, I think it’s time you got to bed. It is getting pretty late.”

“Not sleepy,” Fate grumbled as Twilight slipped off the bed.

“Could have fooled me.” Twilight teased, then glanced over at the bookshelves. “Tell you what; why don’t you get tucked in, and I’ll read you a story?”

“That sounds nice…” Fate rubbed her eyes as she glanced over at the tall bookshelf that dominated a quarter of the room. “There’s probably something nice there. You pick the book.”

“Hmm…” Twilight looked the bookshelves up and down as she heard the sheets rustle behind her. “How does Turquoise Talisman’s Twenty Treatises on Thaumaturgy sound for a storybook?”

“Noooo…” Fate groaned.

“Alright, alright,” Twilight pouted. “How about The Life and Times of Starswirl the Bearded?

“I get enough of that in History of Magic…”

Ascent of Astronomy: An Almanac of Astral Academics?

“Twilight…” Fate whined softly.

“Fine, fine.” Twilight rolled her eyes, then paused as she spied a particular book nearly hidden on one of the lower shelves. “Ah! Here we go! Felicity’s Fantastic Fables for Fillies and Foals. Shining used to read this to me all the time when I was a filly. I wondered what happened to it.”

Twilight carefully bit down onto the worn-looking book’s spine, then carried it over to the bedside. The pages crinkled slightly as she opened it the cover, flipping through the yellowed pages with her unicorn magic. “Wow. I’d forgotten how old this book is… Hmm… Ah!” Twilight grinned. “This one was my favorite.”

“Once upon a time,” Twilight intoned, “there was a little filly who was quite clever indeed…”


Zafira slept poorly that night. Vita was out on a collection run without him, a prospect that he disliked. The girl had an unfortunate habit of getting into trouble, which irritated him to no end.

The blue wolf huffed, rolling onto his side at the foot of his Mistress’s bed. His tail swished irritably as his legs kicked. Finally, he rolled to his feet and rose up, padding around the bed slowly, the clinking noise of the metal gauntlets he wore on each paw being the only indication of his passing.

Maybe I can borrow a pillow from the couch. Feh… I really am growing as soft as that pup I fought…


The guardian beast froze, then quickly turned around. “Mistress?”

He padded close to the bed, resting his front paws on the mattress as he looked at his Mistress. Sure enough, she seemed awake; her eyes were half open as she looked at him.

“Zafira? Am… am I awake again?”

“Yes Mistress,” he replied sotto-voiced, leaning close to nuzzle her muzzle softly. “How long have you been awake?”

“Not… long.” Trixie blinked slowly, grimacing slightly. “I… I hate to ask this, but could you take me to the bathroom?”

“Of course.” A pale blue glow filled the room as Zafira transformed from wolf to human form. He pulled the sheets away carefully, then reached down and lifted Trixie up, cradling her in his arms like a child. Her legs were skinny, her muscles weak and her frame thin. She pressed her nose close against his chest as he cradled her, a hand holding her mangy and bruise-colored flank.

Zafira moved smoothly through the door, careful not to hit his Mistress’s head on the frame. He slipped by a dozing Shamal, the Knight of the Lake’s head lolled to the side as she rested on the couch, then into the hallway that lead to the bathroom.

“Where are the others? I didn‘t see Vita or Signum.” Trixie whispered as Zafira pushed the door open with his foot.

“They’re taking care of matters, Mistress. Do you require assistance?”

Trixie flushed, looking away and shaking her head. “J-just set me down. I think I can handle my… um… business all by myself.”

Zafira nodded wordlessly, carefully setting the azure-coated mare onto her feet. Trixie wobbled, frowning in irritation, taking slow, trembling steps before stumbling into the wall, leaning against it as she tried to contain her shuddering. Her hind legs moved stiffly, as though it took a great deal of effort to bend them.

“Ugh… Trixie… Trixie will not… be beaten… by this,” she mumbled to herself as she walked into the bathroom, closing the door partway with a weak kick. “No peeking, Zafira,” she spoke aloud from the other side of the door.

Zafira stood by wordlessly, arms crossed as he leaned against one wall. The predator part of him recognized a weak prey animal when he saw it., and his Mistress certainly qualified at this point. She was doing well to be able to even walk after spending the past few weeks comatose.

Perhaps their efforts were starting to have an effect after all.

Zafira’s ear twitched as he heard a flushing noise, followed by a soft grunt. Then another. Then, finally, Trixie’s voice called weakly from behind the door. “Zafira?”

“Yes Mistress?”

“I… seem to be having trouble getting up…”

“Would you like some help?”

“No…” there was another soft grunt, then a few moments of silence before Trixie continued. “Yes.”

Zafira sighed, pushing the door open and walking over to his Mistress. The little pony blushed brightly as he lifted her up again. “Do you need me to clean you off, Mistress?”

Trixie’s blush grew even brighter. “C-clean me?! Y-you’re joking.”

“I’m not.”

Trixie glanced away. “Set Trixie down immediately.”

Zafira did so, stepping away and turning around, his ears folding back as he listened to her mutter.

“Clean me… ugh… Trixie isn’t a newborn. Trixie is capable of using the bathroom on her own. Feh…”

There was a second flush before Trixie toddled towards Zafira. “I’m done.”

“Would you like me to carry you, Mistress?”

“No,” Trixie replied, grimacing as she stumbled and thumped against the sink. “Trixie will walk… on her own… hooves…”

Zafira nodded, pulling the door open for her. Trixie managed to make it through the door before stumbling again, thumping against the wall and slumping.

“Trixie… does not feel like walking any further,” the unicorn muttered, slowly lowering herself to the ground. “Trixie feels tired… you may carry her now if you so choose.”

Zafira nodded again, reaching down and picking her up. She was decidedly light in his arms. He paused as he glanced at her face. “Mistress? Are you crying?”

“No. Trixie… Trixie is just tired,” she replied, rubbing her eyes.

“I see.”

The mare looked up at him, still frowning as she craned her neck up, sniffing. Her eyes went wide. “You smell like Trixie’s favorite shampoo.”

“That’s because I bathed you earlier, Mistress.”


“It was my turn today,” Zafira replied quietly as he began carrying her along. “Though with recent events my turn comes up more often.”

“Your turn?”

“Yes. We took turns caring for you while you were comatose. Though we should have done a better job feeding you from your current condition.”

Trixie stared up at Zafira as the wolf-man walked back into the shared apartment, Shamal stirring slightly.

“Mmmf… Zafira?” the golden-haired woman yawned widely as she turned to face him. “I thought I heard… what’re you doing with Mistress?”

“Mistress requested that I help her to the bathroom,” Zafira dead-panned.

That drew Shamal’s attention. “She-”



Trixie winced slightly as Shamal rose to her feet. “You’re… you’re awake! Oh goodness… how long were you awake? Are you in pain? Is there-”

“Trixie is fine. Zafira, please carry me to the couch.” Trixie blushed at Shamal’s fussing as Zafira carried her closer. He slowly sat down, resting Trixie on his lap as Shamal sat beside him.

“I’m sorry Mistress. I’ll try not to be so loud. I’m just glad you’re awake…” Shamal slid off the couch, resting with her knees on the floor as she hugged Trixie’s neck. “We were so worried. How are you feeling?”

“Weak. So very weak…” Trixie sighed, lowering her eyes. “I couldn’t even get up off of the toilet. I hate this. I’m the Great and Powerful Trixie… I shouldn’t feel like a newborn foal.”

“It’s alright, Mistress,” Shamal replied, smiling as she stroked the mare’s mane with a gentle hand. “We’ll take care of you. It’s our duty as Knights of the Cloud to attend to your every need…”

Shamal paused as Trixie sniffled.

“Did… did I say something wrong?”

“You idiot.” Trixie sniffled. “I told you… Trixie doesn’t need knights, she needs assistants. Trixie is no queen… she’s a self-made mare. She just,” the sniffling grew stronger until she began crying, “Trixie just… it isn’t fair…”

Shamal glanced up at Zafira as she moved closer, letting Trixie hug against her, her muzzle buried in the Knight of the Lake’s bosom. Zafira said nothing, his hands resting on Trixie’s back, his face more stoic than normal.

“Not fair… not fair that… Trixie isn’t… Trixie should be caring… for…” the unicorn’s voice began to slur and grow more lethargic.

“Mistress? Mistress, please, h-hang on. I‘ll get-”

Trixie’s head dipped drowsily. “No… no… sleep…”

Zafira remained silent as Trixie’s eyes closed, her breathing slowed and became steady and rhythmic. Shamal looked up at him, then away, falling silent as her hands clenched tight.

“I’ll put her to bed.” Zafira said quietly, lifting the unicorn into his arms once again.

“Zafira,” Shamal stood slowly, following the familiar into the bedroom. “If you want me to-”

“As the Guardian Beast of the Shield, I will watch over her.” Zafira replied calmly as he lowered Trixie onto the bed, pulling the sheets over her. “I will let no harm come to our Mistress.”

Shamal didn’t reply as Zafira shape-shifted, his body glowing as he resumed the shape of a great, blue-furred and crimson-eyed wolf. He sat silently at the foot of the bed, ears perked forward as he watched his Mistress sleep.

I will not fail in this duty, he thought quietly as Shamal closed the door. I will not fail a second time.


“So, how does it look, Ms. Atenza?”

Chrono glanced up from the hovering Device as the Meister approached. S2U had definitely seen better days, given the amount of damage it had sustained. However, the Device was now in the hands of the TSAB’s Main Branch Engineering Division, specifically Mariel ‘Mary’ Atenza’s hands.

The green-haired woman adjusted her glasses, a set of printouts held in one hand. “Well, it’s not too bad. The primary emitter is snapped clean in half, so we’re going to have to replace that. The core is only lightly damaged, but we’ve picked up a few errors in the primary and secondary mana control subsystems. However, those issues won’t be too difficult to fix.”

“And the part request?” Chrono arched an eyebrow.

“Yes. I wanted to talk to you about that.” Mary hummed, glancing at the printouts. “The CVK-792-R system isn’t exactly something you install willy-nilly. We’d have to reinforce the shaft and the core mana channels to handle the strain, not to mention install redundant venting systems and introduce the necessary software for its use. You’re lucky that S2U’s a relatively simple Device. I’d hate to try to install something like that on something as complex as an Intelligent Device...”

“So you’re going to install it?”

Mary shrugged, folding her arms as she looked at the young man. “I can’t think of a reason to deny the request. I just hope you know what you’re getting into.”

“I’m familiar with what the CVK system is…”

“Yes, but can you handle it physically is the question. The cartridge system provides a great deal of power for a short period of time, but overuse could cause major mana feedback strain, causing damage to your Device and your body if you‘re not careful. It’s especially true if your body’s not used to the sudden charge of energy from the cartridge.”

“I understand the dangers Ms. Atenza,” Chrono sighed, “but I’m confident I can handle it.”

“If you say so, Enforcer. Here‘s the schematics for the necessary upgrades, as well as strain and output projections.” Mary folded the report and handed it over to Chrono, her lab coat swishing slightly. The young Enforcer accepted the papers and looked at them.

It was a simple diagram, detailing a rounded cylinder with a set of six revolving chambers, laid out in black ink. The following pages detailed its installation into S2U’s frame, just below the core cylinder, as well as loading instructions and readouts on projected power increases.

This should let me stand on relatively equal footing with the Wolkenritter, Chrono thought to himself as he eyed the power charts. I just hope I can take the strain.

“Enforcer Harlaown?”

“Hmm?” Chrono glanced up from the sheets of paper to look at Mary.

“Just out of curiosity,” the Meister slid her hands into her lab coat pockets. Her eyes peered at him over the upper rims of her glasses. “Are the rumors true? Has the Book of Darkness been discovered?”

“I’m afraid I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation,” Chrono replied, folding the papers up and tucking them into his pocket.

“I see.”

“I hope you do,” Chrono replied. “Is there anything else?”

“Not right now. It should be a few days before S2U is fully upgraded. We’ll notify you as soon as it’s ready.”

“Good. I’ll leave you to your work then.”

Chrono nodded politely and walked over to the door as it slid open, his hands tucked into his pockets.

Even here at HQ, news spreads like wildfire, he thought to himself, though I shouldn’t be surprised. With all the things going on in Equestria, there was bound to be a leak somewhere.

Chrono shook his head as he approached the elevator banks. He tapped the call button gently, turning to glance out the window at the station beyond. The inside of the HQ’s central spindle glowed with pale green and white lights in the dim distance, indicating that the station was well into its ‘evening’ shift. No doubt the various staffs and workers that made the station run were switching out, making their way to get food or rest or entertain themselves in some form or fashion.

Chrono turned as the elevator chime caught his attention, the door sliding open with a hiss. He paused as he saw a familiar set of faces inside.

“Admiral Graham?”

The old Englishman was in the process of tucking away a white handkerchief as Chrono addressed him. “Ah, Chrono. Going down?”

“Yes, sir.” Chrono replied as he stepped onto the elevator, nodding politely to the Liese twins. “How are you doing this evening, sir?”

“A bit tired, but otherwise fair. Yourself?”

“The same. I’ve just spoken with Meister Atenza about my Device. It should be ready in a few days.”

“Excellent. That’s good news. I must say, the thought of you without S2U by your side is a bit odd.”

“I’m more than capable of functioning without my Device, sir, but your assessment is correct.”

“Of course it is…”

Chrono glanced up at Gil as the older man’s voice trailed off. There was a tell-tale hint of a sheen on the admiral’s forehead, a hint of tightness in his expression that suggested stress.

“Is everything alright, sir?”

“Hmm?” Gil blinked, looking at Chrono. “What was that?”

“I asked if everything was alright, sir.”

“Oh yes. It’s just been a very, very long day for me.” Gil gave a soft chuckle. “I must be feeling my age tonight, I suppose.”

Chrono merely nodded, though he nibbled slightly on his lower lip. Admiral Graham was stressed. That much was obvious.

He peeked at the Liese twins out of his peripheral vision. Both Lotte and Aria were oddly silent, their tails swishing sharply and their ears folded back. The fact that Lotte hadn’t pounced on him, or even addressed him when he got on the elevator was particularly telling.

Something was wrong.

The door chimed as Chrono started to speak, interrupting him as Gil began to step off, the older gentleman nodding to passersby.

“Have a good night, Chrono. Lotte? Aria?”

“Um… good night, sir. Good night, instructors.” Chrono replied as the three of them left, the doors closing behind him. Chrono frowned, leaning back against the rear wall of the elevator as he closed his eyes.

What could have gotten Gil and the Twins nervous? Whatever it is, it can’t be good…


The sun had risen, the ponies were about their business, and Yuuno was still laying in bed, feeling more than a little sulky.

Then again, given the mess he‘d made of things, he felt like he had a legitimate right to feel bad. In one fell swoop he had managed to offend both of the Princesses of Equestria. That wasn‘t exactly something one recovered from gracefully.

He sighed, staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head on the pillow. He needed to find ‘something else to occupy his idle hours,’ as Luna put it. The suggestion carried an unstated addendum of ‘no digging into the archives,’ which only served to limit his options.

What could he do?

A knock came at the door as though in answer to his thoughts. He briefly considered ignoring it before the knocking repeated, this time much louder and more insistent.

“Just a moment,” he called out, climbing off of the bed and reaching over, pulling on a shirt as he walked towards the door, opening it.

“Hey fuzzy!” Rainbow Dash grinned at him, the pegasus hovering at eye-level. “What’s up?”

“Oh. Hey Rainbow Dash.” Yuuno grumbled softly, running a hand through his hair.

The multi-colored pony frowned, landing daintily at his feet. “You alright Yuuno? You’re looking kinda down.”

“Yeah, I guess… is there something you wanted?”

“Well, Twilight sent me to get you. She wants to meet up so we could do some training, if that’s cool with you.”

“Some training?” Yuuno frowned in confusion.

“Jeeze, who filled your head with fluff?” Rainbow tapped him gently on the stomach as she looked up at him. “Training. Sparring. Magic practice. Dude, you do remember us telling you Twilight’s got her mojo back, right?”

Yuuno blinked, then face palmed. How could he forget? True, he hadn’t exactly stuck around for her celebratory dinner, but he shouldn’t have forgotten that fact. “Ugh! Yeah, you’re right. Wow, I really am an idiot…”

“You sure you’re alright fuzzy?”

“Sorry. I kind-of had a bad night last night.”

“Yeah, we heard from Spike.”

“You did?” Yuuno’s stomach sank.

“Uh huh. Something about you getting a talking to by Celestia and getting chewed out by Princess Luna.”

Yuuno groaned, rubbing his temples. “I should have known Spike would have told you guys.”

“Well, yeah.” Rainbow smirked, crossing her forearms as she stood there, wings fluffing out. “I’m actually kinda impressed. You managed to get both of the Princesses mad at you. That kind of thing takes some serious guts, you know what I mean?”

“I don’t think getting the two most powerful ponies on the planet mad at me is something to be proud of,” Yuuno groused.

“Relax kid,” Rainbow took wing once more, grabbing Yuuno’s cheeks in her hooves. “Don’t let it get you down. So you screwed up, big deal. It’s not like it’s the end of the world.”

“Mmmf.” Yuuno glanced down slightly as Rainbow smooshed his cheeks together.

“Besides, it’s not like the Princesses hold grudges. I’m sure they’ll forgive you. They’re cool like that. Now come on, Twilight‘s waiting for us.”

“Mmmf.” Yuuno grunted from between his pursed lips. “Mmmbnnn dshh? Mm fsss?”

“Oops! Heh, sorry.” Rainbow grinned as she released his face.

Yuuno sighed, rubbing his cheeks. “It’s okay. Just give me a while to get ready and maybe find some breakfast first. I’d rather not do any serious magic while on an empty stomach.”

“Sure. Just don’t keep us waiting long!”

Yuuno shook his head as Rainbow flitted off, her tail leaving a seven-colored streak in the air behind her. “Well,” he ran a hand through his tousled hair, “I guess that’s one way to keep myself occupied.”


“You know,” Shining Armor noted as he glanced around the practice area, “You could have just asked me for some help. I’m Captain of the Guard for a reason; I do have a hoof in training ponies…”

Twilight blushed, slowly doing her stretching exercises from her seated position on the worn wooden floor while Shining paced. “I know Shining, but you’ve got your duties as Captain. I didn’t want to have to drag you away from that.”

“I‘m not busy all the time Twily,” Shining huffed and shook his head. “I could at least give you some pointers… I might know things that Rainbow Dash doesn‘t.”

“Are you jealous, Shiny?” Twilight smirked, causing the stallion to snort and look away. “You are! Hehe! Shiny‘s jealous,” she teased in a sing-song voice.

“Hey, I‘m allowed to be jealous sometimes. It‘s part of being a big brother. Can you blame me?”

“A little,” she grinned. “But seriously Shiny, Rainbow was my teacher in Ponyville. If she found out you wanted to start training me too, she might get a bit competitive. And trust me, the last thing we need is for Rainbow to start getting competitive.”

“I know, I get it.” Shining shrugged. “I’d just hoped I could play big brother some more. You used to come to me for advice all the time, remember?”

“When I was a filly.” Twilight giggled and climbed to her feet, bouncing lightly from hoof-to-hoof. “And I distinctly remember thinking that your advice was dumb and that I knew better.”

“Some things never change, Twily.” Shining grinned, walking over and giving her cheek a nuzzle.

Twilight giggled, then paused and shot Shining a narrow-eyed look. “Hey! Are you calling me a know-it-all?”

“Maybe.” Shining drawled, chuckling as he stuck his tongue out at her.

“I am not a know-it-all. I’m just very well educated.” Twilight sniffed with a bit of mock-offense. “Certainly you should know the difference.”

“There’s a difference?”

“Ha-ha-ha.” Twilight laughed sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “Shouldn’t you be doing inspections or paperwork or something, Mister Captain-of-the-Royal-Guard?”

“I already did the morning inspections, Twily, and the paperwork isn‘t going anywhere. That’s one of the perks of being in charge.” Shining Armor snorted again. “Besides, you’re technically using space meant for training the Royal Guard. Somepony has to keep an eye on things to make sure nothing ends up getting broken.”

“Like what?”

“Like you.”

“Aw, how sweet! Can’t you just feel the love in the air?”

Twilight glanced over towards the entrance to the practice room as Arf entered, followed closely by Sister Schach.

“Arf? Sister Schach? I didn’t expect you two to be down here so early…”

“Well, Princess Celestia is holding off on continuing the talks until Admiral Graham returns,” Schach noted, her hands folded behind her back as she nodded to Shining Armor. “And when Arf heard of this, she pestered me for an early training session.”

Twilight frowned at Arf, who gave a shrug in reply. “What?”

“Don’t you think that’s a little rude?”

“Well, sure. But then again, if we don’t train and exercise, then we won’t get stronger. Then we’d have a tougher time against the Wolkenritter.”

Twilight sighed, shaking her head. “I guess, but still, at least have some courtesy.”

“Hey, Schach agreed to it.”

Schach coughed softly before interrupting, “I don’t mind, Miss Sparkle. Though I must admit, I’m not used to such an eager student.” Schach shook her head as Arf began stretching, carefully stepping around the wolf-girl as she began warming-up “I am glad you’re here, Miss Sparkle.”

“You are?” Twilight tilted her head.

“I had hoped to watch how you train. The captain,” she gestured to Shining Armor, “allowed a few of the Bureau personnel, myself included, to watch some of the unicorn guards at their training exercises yesterday.”

“Did he now?” Twilight glanced at her brother. “I didn’t think that the guards would let someone just watch like that.”

“To be fair, we’re going to be working alongside the Bureau,” Shining Armor replied. “I thought that we could share information. Cooperative training and all that. The Princess okayed it.”

“That makes sense.” Twilight nodded, then turned back to Schach. “So, you want to see how I handle hoof-to-hoof fighting?”

“I do.”

“Well, I’m not very good at it to tell the truth.” Twilight scratched her mane with a sheepish look on her face. “I mean, I’ve got the fundamentals down, but I’m much more comfortable with my magic than I am with punching somepony.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much,” Schach replied. “Given your specialization, I wouldn’t expect you to engage in hand, er, hoof-to-hoof combat much. However, a solid grounding in basic unarmed combat is always a good thing. There’s more to fear from a fighter who understands and masters the basics than someone who relies solely on advanced and overly complex tricks.”

“Let’s just hope Rainbow Dash doesn’t hear you say that,” Twilight chuckled. “She might disagree with you.”

“Hear who say what?”

Twilight groaned as Rainbow Dash trotted in. Why is it my friends always have the worst timing?

“You must be Rainbow Dash,” Schach turned to face the pegasus, extending a hand.

“The one and only!” Rainbow grinned, resting her hoof in Schach’s hand. “And you are?”

“Sister Schach. I apologize for not introducing myself properly before now. I hear you’ve been teaching Twilight unarmed combat.”

“Yep. She’s an egghead, but Twilight’s a pretty good student. Learning Equestrian Karate from yours truly is no easy task.”

“So you’re a fighter, then?”

“Heck yeah! Got a black belt and everything!” Rainbow grinned, taking to the air and hovering at eye-level with Schach. “Why? Looking for lessons?”

Schach chuckled softly. “Unfortunately, I’ll have to pass. I’m here more for observation. Besides, I have my own student to teach.” Schach gestured towards Arf.

“That’s cool, I guess. I guess you‘re a black belt too.”

“You could say that,” Schach continued, looking the pegasus up and down. “I heard you’re staying around because you want to help fight the Wolkenritter.”

“Yep. And those jerks won’t know what hit ‘em.”

“You’re really that confident? I’m not sure it’s such a good idea, given the fact that they have Devices and Knight Clothing and you don’t.”

“Thbbt,” Rainbow stuck out her tongue. “Like that’ll make a difference. I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria. Just because they’ve got all that fancy stuff doesn’t mean a thing if they can’t hit me!”

“Really?” Schach’s pleasant smile faded into a neutral frown.

“Don’t believe me?” Rainbow smirked, resting her hooves on her hips.

“I have my doubts, yes.”

“You just haven’t seen me in action!” Rainbow flicked her forelock dismissively. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have those doubts. Am I right, Twilight?”

Twilight groaned. “Leave me out of this.”

“Oh come on!” Rainbow leaned to the side to glare at her. “At least back me up!”

“I’ll admit you’re fast and have a lot of skill,” Twilight replied, “But this isn’t like when we fought Fate, or the invasion of the Garden of Time. The Wolkenritter play for keeps…”

“So do I!” Rainbow huffed.

“Well, if you’re that confident in your skills,” Schach interrupted, smoothing the front of her black skirt gently, “I don’t suppose you wouldn’t mind giving me a one-on-one demonstration.”

“Against you?” Rainbow Dash quirked an eyebrow. “I dunno…”

“Well, if you’re not up to it-”

Rainbow growled softly at that, leaning in and bumping nose-to-nose with Schach. “Oh, I’m up to it alright. Bring it sister. I can take anything you dish out and then some!”

“Ahem,” Shining Armor coughed loudly. “If you two are going to fight, at least take it outside. At least then you’ll both have enough room to move around without breaking things. The pegasus training area is just outside…”

“Right.” Rainbow pointed at Schach. “Let’s do this. You, me, outside, now!”

Twilight shook her head as Rainbow swooped out the door. “Sorry about that. Rainbow can be a bit overconfident sometimes.”

“She’s not the first hot-headed young fighter I’ve met,” Schach smiled faintly down at the unicorn, then glanced back at the others. “Would you care to join us? A practical demonstration of Belkan style combat would be useful.”

Twilight perked at that. “Well, I wouldn’t say no to that.”

Shining Armor chuckled. “I’ll go, just to make sure nothing goes out of control.”

“I’m in,” Arf grinned, hopping to her feet.


“Why would Rainbow Dash want you to ask the kitchen to make two dozen cream pies?”

Spike sighed, rubbing one of his ear frills as he walked alongside Yuuno. “She was going to test Twilight’s dodging abilities by throwing pies at her. Something about ‘live ammunition.’”

“That sounds like something Pinkie Pie would come up with,” Yuuno groaned, shaking his head. “Cream pies? Seriously?”

“Yeah. I tried to convince her to use tennis balls, but Rainbow said it‘d be easier to tell if Twi got hit with a cream pie.”

“Well, at least that explains why the cook was giving you that weird look when I came to get breakfast. But still, that‘s probably the most ridiculous thing I‘ve ever heard.”

“Hey, pies can be used as pretty effective weapons you know. You weren’t here during the incident in Appleloosa.”

“Incident?” Yuuno repeated.

“Yup. I’ve seen a well-aimed apple pie knock a full grown buffalo out cold. Complete waste of pie, though.” Spike chuckled and shook his head before quirking an eyebrow at Yuuno’s quizzical expression. “What?”

“Nothing. I’m just trying to figure out if you’re pulling my leg…”

“Hey, why would I joke about something like that? If you don’t believe me, ask Twilight about it. She was there too. Everypony was; or at least, everypony in our little group.”

Yuuno shook his head again as they descended the stairs from the central keep, heading towards the guard’s training facilities. “I believe you. I just didn’t expect to hear something like that. If it were anywhere else, I wouldn’t believe it.”

“You know, maybe I should suggest arming the guards with pies to Shining Armor,” Spike mused, “I didn’t really think about it until now. That does seem like a good idea. I mean, it’s a weapon that you can eat if you get hungry…”

“I’m sure he’ll take it under consideration,” Yuuno replied dryly, then glanced towards the facilities as saw a reddish-purple dome of light slowly form upwards, like a soap bubble popping in reverse. “What in the world is that?”

“I dunno.” Spike scratched his head in confusion. “I don’t think that’s Twilights… I think it’s coming from the practice field next door- hey!”

Yuuno reached down, picking Spike up before taking to the air with a rush of air and a bit of kicked-up dust.. The young mage floated over the shield, looking down at it with narrow eyes before he spied a set of familiar figures.

“Twilight!” Yuuno called out as he floated down. His friend was standing beside her brother, the older unicorn’s horn glowing with a similar light. Arf, meanwhile, had taken a seat on the well-packed ground, her legs crossed.

“Oh, hey Yuuno, hey Spike.”

“What’s going on?” Yuuno set the squirming little dragon down before turning back towards the dome. Sister Schach and Rainbow Dash were in the middle of it, talking to each other as Rainbow stretched.

“Sister Schach challenged Rainbow Dash to a one-on-one fight,” Arf supplied.

“She what? Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”

“We’re taking precautions,” Twilight added. “I asked my brother to set up a shield to keep the fight contained.”

“Huh,” Yuuno turned, glancing at the barrier. He reached out, tapping the surface with his knuckles. It was like a solid dome of glass; hard, but transparent. “This is a pretty impressive shield.”

“Thanks,” Shining Armor replied as his horn dimmed.

“I‘ve never seen a shield this big before,” Yuuno continued, rubbing a hand along the dome‘s surface. “I’m curious, how exactly do you manage to maintain such high structural integrity in a shield this large? My defenses are quite strong, but I can’t cover this much area. Usually I stick to personal shields…”

“Well, part of it is my special talent,” Shining Armor smirked slightly. “I was always exceptional at defensive magic. It’s part of why I’m so highly ranked in the Guard. If needed, I could probably put up a shield around all of Canterlot.”

Yuuno boggled at that slightly. “Shield an entire city? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone doing something like that. A barrier field, yes, but a proper shield? Just the sheer amount of power…”

“I could show you a few tricks if you like.” Shining Armor replied.

“Yes please!” Yuuno blushed, rubbing his head as he chuckled. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to shout.”

“Hey, it’s alright. It’s the least I could do for the kid who tried to protect my little sis.”

“Hey boys?” Twilight interrupted, pointing towards the shield. “I think they’re about to start fighting. Mind keeping it down so I can observe?”

“Uh, sure.” Yuuno turned around and took a seat on the ground.

“Five bits on Sister Schach.” Arf grinned.

“Arf!” Twilight replied in a slightly scandalized tone.

“Five on Rainbow Dash,” Spike countered.


“What?” Spike glanced up at Twilight.

“We can’t just bet like that. This isn’t a game…”

“You’re on, scaly,” Arf reached over, shaking the young dragon’s hand.

“Five bits says it’s a tie,” Shining Armor grinned

Twilight glared at her big brother. “Don’t encourage them, Shiny.”


Schach watched quietly as Rainbow Dash stretched out, the blue pegasus flexing her wings and flaring her feathers as she bent forwards. The little pony was surprisingly limber if her stretching exercises were any indication, and her lean body had a surprising degree of tone to it.

She’s built for flying, Schach thought to herself. Flight and speed. This could be difficult, since there‘s no way I can take this to the air.

“Aren’t you going to stretch too?” Rainbow called over to her.

“I’m already limbered up. I’m just waiting on you.” Schach replied, drawing Windenschaft from her sleeve.

“Sheesh. You must be in a hurry to get your butt kicked, lady.” Rainbow smirked, climbing up to her feet and rocking her head back and forth, popping her neck.

“Isn’t it a bit arrogant to assume you’re going to win before we even start?” Schach asked, twirling her Device on one finger. The plates on the ring chimed slightly as they collided together.

“I’m not assuming anything!” Dash smirked, puffing out her chest slightly. “I know I’m gonna win.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Well, I’m faster than anything in the sky, for one. And two, I’m awesome. And cool. And awesome. I’m, like, double awesome. There is no way somepony as awesome as me could lose. No offense, but you‘re just not cool enough to keep up with me.”

If Schach’s eyebrows rose any higher, they would have likely merged with her scalp. This little pony’s arrogance was a little breathtaking. “I see.”

“So yeah, you ready or what?”

“Just a moment. Windenschaft, set up!”

There was a roar of wind as her Device assembled itself, the orange cyclone surrounding her forming into her Knight’s Clothing. Schach smoothed her hair back slightly, then drew her tonfa-swords up into a ready position, her feet spread slightly as she took her stance. “Ready.”

Rainbow Dash smirked and crouched, flapping her wings. Schach stepped back slightly, the flats of Windenschaft’s blades against her arms as she raised them up…

There was a rush of wind, and suddenly Schach was flying backwards, pain radiating from her stomach. A loud, hollow crack caught up to her as she landed on her back, bounced, and landed again. She grunted and coughed, looking up from her position on the ground.

Rainbow hovered in the air a good thirty feet away, one hoof extended outwards in a punch. The sense of smugness coming from her was palpable as she smirked. “Tag, you’re it.”

I didn’t even see her move, Schach thought to herself as she got to her feet, resuming her stance, her arms raised in a defensive stance. So fast… She’s able to pull off that much acceleration from a dead stop? No wonder her punch sent me flying…

“Whatsamatter? Not so confident now, are ya?” Rainbow grinned.

“No, you just surprised me, that’s all.” Schach replied

“Oh, I got a lot of surprises in store, sister.” Rainbow raised both arms up in a boxing-style stance, her wings flapping as she hovered. “Come on. Gimme your best shot.”

Schach crouched slightly. Maybe she’s focused on linear acceleration. If that’s so, I might have a good shot at tagging her if I can keep her from building up speed. I need to get close.

The nun flashed forwards, orange contrails flashing from her feet as she launched at the pegasus. Her tonfa-sword sliced overhead in a swift, vertical-cutting flick, only to meet empty air.

“Too slow!”

Wha? Schach’s thought was promptly cut short as she felt a pair of hooves connect with her shoulders, sending her sprawling forwards. She rolled, quickly jumping back to her feet before she spun around, arms raised defensively. There was a loud clack as hoof met metal, Rainbow’s follow-up strike colliding with Windenschaft’s blades.

Schach planted both feet as air rushed past her. Rainbow continued to jab away at her blades, her strikes coming quickly as she tried to find a weakness in the nun’s defenses.

Scratch linear acceleration, she’s just fast period! Looks like I might need to use my magic after all.

Schach carefully walked backwards, trying to lead Rainbow Dash as the blue blur continued to pound at her, her arms shifting slightly to catch the pegasus’ hooves. At least until Rainbow darted back, landing on the ground before snapping forwards, leaving a streak of rainbow-hued flame burning on the ground.

Schach leapt to the side, only barely dodging the blitz. Her dodge didn’t keep her safe for long, however, as she felt a pair of hooves connect with her side as a streak of rainbow flashed by her, sending her spinning. A second streak flashed by above her, halting her spinning and hitting her side again before she landed on the ground.

Ugh, Schach winced as she got to her feet slowly, Rainbow skidding to a halt a ways away. It was a feint. A good one, too. And she got me twice in the same spot…

“Had enough?” Rainbow called out to her.

“Hardly.” Schach chuckled, rubbing her side. “You know, I have to admit, you may very well be the fastest opponent I’ve ever faced. At least there’s some merit to your bluster.”

“Hey, I warned you.”

“I know. And as you’re clearly a worthy opponent, I think it’s time I give you my all.” Schach gripped Windenschaft’s handle tight as a piston-like extension popped out of the lower bars of her tonfa-swords, revealing the cartridge-slots. “Windenschaft, Cartridge Load!”

There was a loud cracking noise as the pistons slammed in, setting off the cartridges. An orange Belkan triangle spun itself into existence underneath the sister’s feet as a vortex of orange light spun up around her. Schach couldn’t help but grin as Rainbow’s eyes went wide.

“Here I come!” Schach called out. There was a sudden rush of wind as Schach flashed across the ground, crossing the intervening distance in the blink of an eye. Now it was Rainbow’s turn to play defensive, as Schach struck at her. Windenschaft’s blades gleamed as Schach swung them, her hands loose on the grips as she spun them. Rainbow darted side-to-side, high and low as Schach continued attacking, trying to hem the pegasus in.

Schach’s blades flashed in an ‘X’ shape cut, only barely missing Rainbow’s tail by a few millimeters as the blue pegasus streaked upwards into the air.

“Hey!” Rainbow shouted out as she spun to face Schach, hovering high above her. “Be careful with those things!”

“I am being careful!” Schach smiled thinly, then crouched. A vortex kicked up about her feet before she leapt upwards into the air towards Rainbow Dash.

“Woah!” The pegasus darted away as Schach slashed at her in passing, leaving behind a seven-colored contrail as she swept through the air. Schach floated slightly at the apex of her jump as she watched.

The counter-attack came soon enough, as Rainbow streaked head-long towards her, only to have her hooves collide with an orange, triangular shield. The Pegasus kicked off with her rear legs, however as Schach slashed at her, only for Rainbow to flit around her and buck her from behind once more, sending her shooting towards the ground.

Schach flipped mid-plummet, landing on the ground with flexed legs as she skidded to a halt. Rainbow, meanwhile, dipped into a near-vertical dive, accelerating downwards before pulling up just above the ground and shooting directly at Schach.

Schach crouched and followed suit, summoning up her energy as she bore down on Rainbow, streaking towards the pegasus in a head-on collision.

Rainbow drew back a hoof to strike…

And hit only air as Schach’s body flashed orange, transforming into a swirling vortex of light and mana. Schach reappeared behind Rainbow and swung.

The flat of Windenschaft’s blade connected, a powerful, slashing wind following the blow thanks to Schach‘s Gale Swift spell. Rainbow let out a panicked squall as she spun out of control, crashing into the ground and bouncing like a skipping stone before she slammed into the shield surrounding the practice field.

Schach, meanwhile, tucked and rolled, skidding to a halt. There was a loud hiss as steam released from Windenschaft’s handles, the cartridges ejecting as the last of the charge was spent.

Schach turned, panting heavily as she approached Dash. The pegasus groaned, pushing herself up with one hoof on her head. “Uh… why’re there two of you?”

“It’s probably because you whacked your head.” Schach crouched down beside the pony, bringing her blade up and tapping Rainbow on the neck. “Tag. You’re it.”

Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes as she slumped down, laying on her back.

“Tie?” Schach offered.

“Tie. For now.” Rainbow groaned. “That…whatever it is of yours hurt.”

“It was meant to. I hit you with the flat and I was using the non-lethal version of my spell. If I hadn’t, you probably would have been cut in half.”

“That’s not the only thing you hurt.” Rainbow grimaced, holding up one of her front hooves. “I think I cracked my hooves on that shield of yours.”

“Well, I think you cracked some of my ribs with that stunt you pulled at the start of the fight, so fair’s fair.”

Rainbow chuckled. “You know, you’re pretty cool, I guess. Not as cool as me, but cool enough.”

“There’s more to life than being cool, Rainbow Dash,” Schach smirked as the shield began to go down.

“Are you two alright!?” Twilight shouted as they trotted towards the combatants.

“Yeah,” Schach slowly sat down. “We’re bruised up, but we’ll live.”

“So who won?” Shining Armor asked.

“I think it’s been decided, unanimously, that it was a tie.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow replied, then blinking as Shining Armor laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m down five bits,” Spike muttered.

“Seriously?” Rainbow quirked an eyebrow, starting to sit up as she winced. “You guys were betting?”

“Hold still. You’re a bit more than just bruised up, I think,” Yuuno interrupted as he cast his healing spell, green light and warmth emanating from his hands as he placed them on Rainbow Dash’s side. “It looked like both of you were going all out.”

“I figured she could take it.” Rainbow smirked.

“Yeah, but you can’t,” Yuuno replied with a frown. “Sister Schach has her Knight Clothing to help block damage. You, however, are fighting naked.”


“So you could have gotten seriously hurt! You‘re lucky this was just a mock battle.”

“I gotta say, I agree with Yuuno.” Shining Armor added. “Speed is good, but not if it means a single hit will take you down. That’s why even pegasi guards wear armor.”

“Oh come on. It was a lucky shot!” Rainbow objected. “If Schach hadn’t used that… whatever-it-is she did, I would have totally won!”

“Says the pony with the cracked front hooves,” Yuuno grumbled, lifting one of Rainbow’s front legs and applying healing magic.

“Ow! Careful!”

“One lucky shot is all it takes, Rainbow Dash,” Shining Armor frowned, looking rather serious. “And if you don’t have any protection, then that lucky shot could knock you out of the sky permanently, or worse. That’s what the instructors beat into the heads of pegasi recruits when they complain about the armor.”

“Ugh, okay, okay, fine. Sheesh,” Rainbow grumbled, glancing away from Shining Armor’s stern gaze. “I get it. I’ll be more careful next time…”

“Hey Shiny,” Twilight interrupted, “Do you think you could find some armor for Rainbow?”

Shining Armor hmmed. “Well, I could see if I could get something for her…”

“Uh-uh.” Rainbow frowned as Yuuno completed her healing, rolling onto her stomach and standing. “I am so not wearing armor…”

“Rainbow,” Twilight interrupted, stepping forward and bumping noses with Rainbow, much to the pegasus’s shock. “The girls would never forgive me if you ended up getting hurt. Please.”

Rainbow sighed, folding her wings. “Fine. I can tell when I’m beat. Just… try to keep it light. I don’t like stuff weighing me down.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Shining Armor replied.

“It’d be a lot easier if you could create a Barrier Jacket, Rainbow,” Schach said as Yuuno walked over to her, touching her side as he applied his healing magic.

“Yeah, well, I can’t. Rainbow huffed. “Us pegasi can’t do magic like unicorns can. I mean sure, we can do all sorts of stuff, but ‘magic’ magic isn’t exactly what we’re designed to do.”

Twilight hmmed, rubbing her chin gently as though in consideration of that statement, then took a seat and, glanced at Schach. “Um, Sister Schach, I hope you don’t mind me asking some questions.”

“Go ahead.”

“Why didn’t you try to attack Rainbow at range? Is it just the way you were trained?”

Schach chuckled softly. “Mostly. You’ve hit on the primary difference between Belkan and Mid-Childan styles of magic.”

Schach sat down cross-legged as Windenschaft deactivated, returning to its Standby Form. “You see, Mid-Childan style magic focuses on mid-to-long range combat. A lot of emphasis on projectiles, bombardment and binding. Belkan style magic, including my own Modern Belkan style, focuses on close-to-mid range. We’re trained to close quickly with the target and attack. That’s why a lot of Belkan users have Devices that also function as weapons. We also focus on magical enhancement on both our weapons and ourselves.”

“And what about that thing you did?” Rainbow interrupted. “With your Device.”

“Oh.” Schach reached into her Barrier Jacket’s belt and pulled out a small, bullet-shaped cylinder. “That’s another part of the Belkan style. A lot of Belkan Devices are equipped with a Cartridge System.”

“May I see that?” Twilight leaned in close.

“Of course.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes and concentrated, lifting the cartridge up from Schach’s hand. “I thought that looked familiar. Vita used a similar trick when I fought her. She suddenly gained a massive amount of power from nowhere.”

“That’s because cartridges are small canisters of super-compressed mana,” Schach supplied. “When triggered, the system pumps the energy into the user, giving them a substantial, though brief, boost of power.”

“That sounds rather dangerous.” Twilight floated the cartridge back to Schach.

“It can be. Overuse can strain the user’s body, even if you’re used to using it. Not to mention the system itself is a bit finicky, and requires the Device to be specially modified to handle the instabilities.”

“I see.” Twilight frowned. “That gives the Wolkenritter a huge advantage over us. At least, more than they already had.”

“Power isn’t everything,” Schach offered.

“It’s not just their power I’m worried about,” Twilight sighed. “I’m used to being outclassed. I mean, we’ve dealt with opponents that would even give the Princesses pause. But they’ve always been busy with other things, or focusing on spreading chaos, or were just huge animals that wanted to be left alone. But the Wolkenritter are actively hurting others. They almost…” Twilight shuddered, then blinked as Spike hugged her neck.

“Hey, don’t worry Twilight,” Spike smirked. “You’ve got us.”

“Spike’s right,” Arf piped up with a soft growl in her voice. “There’s only four Wolkenritter. We outnumber them. If they show their faces again, we’ll just gang up on them. Show them how powerful friendship really can be.”

“Darn right,” Rainbow smirked.

“I don’t think that’s how ‘the power of friendship’ works, but you’re right.” Twilight chuckled softly, then slowly stood up. “Thanks guys. What say we all get back to practicing?”

“What about the pies, though?” Spike glanced at Rainbow.

“Pies?” Twilight blinked.

“Eh-heh…” Rainbow grinned bashfully. “Don’t worry about it…”


The days passed in relative quiet, and things settled into a routine.

For Twilight, days were about practice and study, as she carefully exercised her returning magical power. Mornings consisted of her and Rainbow Dash practicing hoof-to-hoof combat, while afternoons saw her confined to the library or the archives, often with Yuuno and Spike, practicing magic and getting herself back in the groove.

Yuuno also found himself becoming Shining Armor’s informal apprentice. Much to the older unicorn’s surprise, the young human was surprisingly skilled in the field of magical defense.


Shining Armor and Yuuno stood across from one another. The young mage’s Barrier Jacket had been pared down to his tunic, shorts and boots, his long cape and overshirt having been dispelled to free up his energy.

“Are you ready?” Shining Armor asked, his stance firm.

“I think so. I’ve only been practicing this for the past two days…” Yuuno smiled nervously.

“That’s alright. Just relax. Just like I showed you.”

Yuuno nodded, then inhaled and drew forth his magic. A green Mid-Childan circle sprang into being underneath his feet as he focused, then thrust one hand forwards. A large, circular shield sprang into being in front of Yuuno, lined with a similar spell circle to the one under his feet.

“Alright, good,” Shining Armor nodded. “Are you ready?”

“I think so.” Yuuno inhaled slightly.

“Alright.” Shining Armor lowered his horn and narrowed his eyes. Energy crackled along the spear-like appendage, concentrating into the tip, forming into a small bubble of light. There was a flash as he launched the projectile at Yuuno.

Yuuno held firm as the blast splashed against his shield, causing Shining Armor to snort.

“No, no. Concentrate Yuuno. Picture your shield as a mirror, not a wall. Focus on that idea and reflect the attack!”

“I’m trying,” Yuuno narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to re-focus the spell as another projectile splashed against it, then another, then another. Unfortunately, the spell remained stubbornly static. “Ugh. It’s not working…”

“Still having trouble with the spell?” Shining Armor tilted his head slightly.

“A little. I’ve been getting Twilight’s help with it… when she’s not picking my brain.” Yuuno sighed, dispelling the shield. “I think it’s just due to the inherent differences in how we do magic. Twilight told me a while back that the differences were just in terms of language and notation, but I think she was underselling it a little bit. She‘s brilliant, but whenever she tries to explain how to do an Equestrian spell I start getting a headache. Maybe she‘s just not used to teaching others like I am or you are…”

“Probably.“ Shining Armor chuckled. “Sometimes I think Twilight forgets that not everypony’s as smart as she is. I swear, that mare could think circles around me any time of the day.”

“Maybe. I actually kinda like that about her. It’s nice having someone that smart that cares so much for me.”


“Yeah,” Yuuno took a seat, rubbing his temples as he went over the spell once more in his head. “It’s nice. It‘s something I‘m not used to.”

“Didn’t have much of a family life, I guess?”

“Not really,” Yuuno shrugged.

“I thought so.” Shining Armor trotted over, taking a seat beside Yuuno. “You remind me a lot of Twilight when she was your age, all serious and studious. But you‘re a lot more mature about it than she was.”


“Oh yeah. Trust me, Twilight was a little insufferable when she was a filly. That’s probably why she didn’t get along very well with her classmates.”

“I can see that.” Yuuno chuckled. “But that’s changed now. I mean, she has Spike, and the girls from Ponyville, and me, and Chrono…”

“I suppose so. Twilight does have that special sort of spark that can bring ponies together,” Shining Armor replied wistfully.

“You sound like you have some experience with that.”

Shining coughed. “I might have had a crush on somepony when I was younger…”


“Yeah, her old babysitter… and no, I’m not going to tell you the details.”

“Hey,” Yuuno raised his hands, “I wasn’t going to ask.”

“Good.” Shining Armor huffed, blowing a bit of mane out of his eyes. “Are you about ready to continue?”

“I think so… I think I might have it figured out.” Yuuno climbed to his feet, dusting his shorts off before walking a distance away.

“Alright then. Make whatever modification you feel might be necessary.” Shining Armor stood and took his stance. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Yuuno nodded, conjuring a shield once again, his eyes focused as his mind ran through the calculations. “Ready.”

There was a crack as Shining fired a bolt of energy towards him. Yuuno drew his arm back slightly as the blast connected, the shield bending inwards towards him as the shot crackled.

“And reflect!” Yuuno thrust his hand forwards like an open-palm strike. The shield rippled, launching the shot back towards Shining. The blast scattered as it connected with the unicorn’s raised barrier.

“Nice!” Shining grinned. “I think you managed the reflection trick better than I can. What’d you do different Yuuno?”

“Simple. I altered the shield’s surface tension and strength to make it weaker and less rigid, while increasing the mana density and containment. So instead of the projectile hitting a brick wall or a mirror, it’s hitting a rubber slingshot. Plus, by controlling the flexing of the shield, I’m able to redirect it as I please. Not sure how well it’ll work against bombardment type spells, but against shooting spells…”

“Clever!” Shining grinned cheerfully. “Maybe they should hire you as Captain of the Royal Guards when I retire.”

“Oh no. There’s no way I could fill your shoes. Besides, you outclass me in sheer power and scope, not to mention experience.”

“And you trump me in flexibility. Don’t be so modest, kiddo.”

“Well, if you say so.” Yuuno chuckled. “What should we practice next?”

“Well,” Shining Armor scuffed his chin, “I figured I’d show you how I use barriers offensively…”


Of course, Twilight wasn’t the only pony busy with her training. For Fate, the days continued as they always did; wake up, go to school, go to Luna’s quarters for her private lessons, eat dinner, then get carried home by her big brother and sister.

Of course, the training was quite intense, even for someone like Fate.


Golden sparks sprayed in grand arcs through the darkness. Fate streaked downwards through the gloom of the shared mindspace, followed swiftly by Luna’s shadowy form.

Fate glanced around quickly, spinning in mid-dive and calling forth her lightning. Bolts of golden plasma sprang up on either side of her, intercepting the arcing crescent blades of solidified shadow. The blades quickly drew back and struck again, but Fate’s lightning intercepted them again and again, bolts blinking in and out as she parried and dodged.

Sweat dripped down her forehead as she defended herself from her teacher’s onslaught. Her form flickered out as she Flash Moved, trying to acquire a better position, only for Luna to vanish in a cloud of blue-black mist and reappear at her new location. Shadow met lightning as Fate drew arch-shaped bolts with a slash of her horn, catching and meeting with Luna’s blades. They circled each other slowly, neither one breaking the clash.

Luna’s blades drew back, hovering in their owner’s telekinetic grasp as the pair landed on the shadowy ‘ground’ of the mindspace. Fate stood ready, her body crackling with electricity as she waited for the next attack.

“I think that‘s enough.” Luna said with a faint smile. “Your skill with your element has developed surpassingly well, my student.”

“Thank you, Teacher,” Fate nodded politely, though she kept a wary eye on the dark alicorn.

Luna dismissed her blades and took a seat. “You mastered the lessons I gave you with surprising alacrity. I am most impressed. Please, sit.”

Fate exhaled, her shroud of electricity dissolving away as she approached Luna and took a seat. “It’s mostly due to your instructions, Teacher.”

“Nay. Your modesty, though endearing, hardly befits you, my apprentice,” the alicorn countered, tapping the ground with one hoof as though to punctuate her statement. “Truthfully, I had not expected you to endure my drilling for this long. There are few ponies that would.”

Fate blinked. “Not even the royal guard?”

Luna smiled wanly. “I did attempt to restructure the training for new guardsponies to make it more… rigorous. My suggestions were not well received.”

Given the very aggressive and strenuous nature of their training sessions, Fate could only guess what she had suggested for the guards.

“However,” Luna continued, “that is of little import. It is perhaps time we proceed to other lessons.”

Fate perked up at that. “Other lessons?”

“Indeed. There are many more skills you would do well to learn, my apprentice. There are a great many things I can still teach you.” There was genuine enthusiasm in Luna’s voice now.

Fate nodded, smiling bashfully. “Um… yes. Teacher, may I ask something of you?”

“Of course.”

“Could I have at least a break every so often from our private lessons?”

Luna frowned. “A break?”

“N-never mind. Forget I asked,” Fate scuffed a hoof on the ground gently.

“Nay, I bid thee speak.” Luna frowned, looking down at the golden filly. “Why do you ask this?”

“It’s just,” Fate scuffed the ground a little, “Between school and the training, I don’t really get a lot of time to spend with Twilight and Shining Armor and my parents. I know it’s important that I keep up my training, but most of the time I’m so exhausted I just sleep. And I think it might be effecting my schoolwork as well.”

“I see.” Luna frowned deeper. “Why did you not speak of this before?”

“I didn’t expect the training to take so much out of me, Teacher. And I didn‘t want to disappoint you.”

Luna fell silent, her tail swishing slightly before she replied. “I see. Perhaps my… enthusiasm blinded me to other concerns. Do forgive me.”

“It‘s alright Teacher,” Fate glanced up, “I’ve learned a lot just from these past few days.”

Luna smiled slightly. “That is good. I think I understand now why my sister regards Twilight so fondly.”

Fate giggled softly as the dark world swam and rippled. Her eyes opened as she heard Luna rise to her feet, climbing off the bed to prepare their traditional post-training elixir. “Teacher, if I may ask you a question…”

“You may.”

“How exactly did you learn all of this? Who taught you?”

Luna stirred the cups quietly, then hovered one over to Fate. “It was very long ago, apprentice. Those who instructed me in the arts I know now have long since perished.”

“Were they other ponies?” Fate asked as she sipped at her cup’s contents.

“Nay. I had many instructors, and I sought out knowledge from any who would teach me. As a filly, I possessed a ravenous desire to know. I learned the arts and expressions of many elements, of shadow and cold and lightning and wind. And not simply those magics, but subtler ones; how to bend the minds and wills of others, how to change my shape and form, the casting of illusions and the creation of magical technology.” Luna smiled faintly, almost wistfully. “Our mother was quite proud of my studies, though she did not always approve of the subjects.”

“I… I can imagine.” Fate looked down at her cup, only to blink as she heard Luna approach and lay down beside her.

“Do forgive me my nostalgia, apprentice. It is the sad truth that I lack somepony with which to share such things.”

“Not even Celestia?”

“My sister,” Luna sighed, “does not remember our fillyhood as fondly as I do.”

“Oh.” Fate swallowed the contents of her cup with a loud gulp, wincing at the taste.

“If there is business you must attend to,” Luna said as she sipped her drink, “do not let me delay you, apprentice.”

“Yes, Teacher,” Fate replied, then leaned in and nuzzled Luna’s side before climbing off the bed, leaving the alicorn slightly stiff from the sign of affection. “Good night.”

“And a good night to you as well, Fate,” Luna smiled slightly as the filly closed the door behind her.


Meanwhile, the Time-Space Administration Bureau was working outside of Equestria. At its HQ, Chrono Harlaown was hard at work.


“Stinger Blade!”

A sharp blue blade of light streaked through the air, hitting the hard-light target it was aimed at and shattering. Chrono huffed softly as the targets floated and orbited around him like a cloud of human-shaped gnats. His practice staff whipped through the air, the green jewel at its tip glowing as he spun it about.

It wasn’t like he needed the exercise, but it did help to get the stress out of his system. It had been a very long week since he’d arrived at HQ. What had originally been planned to be a short jaunt to the station had gotten much longer when the reports started coming in. Reports of attacks on non-Bureau mages by mysterious individuals. Few of them had been able to give a clear description of their assailants, but nearly all of them had one thing in common; their Linker Cores had been drained.

And it hadn’t just been mages. There had been reports of massacres of Linker Core possessing wildlife on several Non-Administered Worlds and protected sanctuaries. It wasn’t hard to figure out who was behind all of the attacks.

Chrono was… irritated. If it weren’t for the fact that the Bureau’s Navy was already stretched thin, they might have had a better chance of intercepting the Wolkenritter on one of their raids. Of course, there was the problem of actually confronting them; from what he knew, the Wolkenritter could tear through lower ranked mages like tissue paper. It had been luck that he hadn’t been killed during his fight with the red-haired girl. Luck and the fact that she had already been battered before he got there.

And that wasn’t the only thing that was bothering him…

Chrono shouted as he demolished another practice target with the butt of his staff, breathing slowly as he turned about, his tank top starting to get a little damp from his sweat.

“Hey, Chrono!”

The young Enforcer spun about, causing Amy to jump back with a squeak, almost dropping the towel and bottle of water in her hands.

“Amy! Sorry…” Chrono sighed, resting his practice staff against his shoulder. “Sorry. What‘re you doing here?”

“I thought you could use some water and something to dry off with.” Amy extended the items in question out to him. Chrono nodded, fluffing his hair with the towel before pulling it over his shoulders and taking the water bottle.

“Thanks.” Chrono popped the cap on the bottle and drank. “Is there something else you wanted, Amy?”

“I was just checking in on you. I mean, outside of planning meetings and such we rarely get to talk much. Are you alright?”

“I guess so.” Chrono sighed, taking another drink before closing the bottle up and gently tossing it to Amy. “Look, I’m kind of in the middle of something-”

“Chrono,” Amy pouted as she interrupted, “Don’t brush me off like that. You always do that when something’s bothering you.”

He sighed. “Am I that easy to read?”

“A little. Come on, tell me what‘s wrong.” She took his hand gently, walking over to the side of the target room and taking a seat on one of the low benches. “Please?”

Chrono grumbled, sitting down beside her and resting his staff beside him. “Fine. I think something’s going on. More than just the Wolkenritter.”

“More than that?”

“Yeah. Something involving the Bureau. Have you been around Admiral Graham much?”

“A little. I mean, he’s been sitting in at the planning meetings, why?”

“He’s been distant recently. More so than usual. Same with the twins.” Chrono leaned forwards, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, his elbow on one knee. “Something’s wrong, but I don’t know what it is. Whatever it is is putting him under stress, I can tell...”

“Could it be because of the negotiations?”

“No… I don’t think that’s it. Or if it is, that’s not entirely it. He‘s hiding something. Something that‘s making him uncomfortable.” Chrono looked over at Amy. “And to make it more suspicious, he’s been avoiding me outside of official duties.”

“Chrono, he’s an Admiral. He’s probably just busy,” Amy replied. “This isn’t exactly a time for relaxation, you know.”

“I understand that Amy, but he’s never avoided me before.” Chrono sighed. “Not like this.”

“Maybe you‘re over thinking it. You‘re pretty stressed yourself recently…”

“I’m not stressed.” He frowned as Amy lifted an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe I’m a little stressed, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”

“Let’s say you’re right,” Amy replied. “What can we do?”

“I don’t know.” Chrono grumbled. “He’s a superior officer. I can’t go prying into his affairs just based on a hunch. I’m not an Inspector after all.”

“Well, we’ll both just have to keep an eye on things, won’t we?”

“Yeah I gu- wait, WE?”

“Mhmm. I’m coming back to Equestria with you. Admiral Harlaown’s orders. After all, someone needs to be at the keys for all that scanning and info-gathering equipment you’re bringing back with you.”

Terrific, he thought to himself, just what I need, another distraction.


As the week drew closer to the weekend, however, certain pressures began to exert themselves on a specific group of knights, one that would bring about unexpected consequences.


Vita’s hoofed feet tromped heavily on the wooden floor of their little apartment as she approached Signum. The little knight glared at her superior officer, her eyebrows furrowed.

“She’s doing it again.”

“Who is doing what, Vita?” Signum replied neutrally as she set her polishing cloth down, turning Laevatein over in her magical field, inspecting its edge.


“And what is Shamal doing that’s gotten you so mad?”

“Panicking.” Vita almost spat the word.

Signum sighed heavily. “Over?”

“The letter, what else? The one she got from Fancy Pants. The one with the invitation.”


Vita glowered at Signum as she levitated her polishing cloth up again. “Well?”


“Aren’t you going to tell her to not go? We have more important things to do than waste time on a stupid date!”

“Vita, Shamal’s relationship with Fancy Pants keeps him distracted,” Signum replied as she sheathed Laevatein, the sword returning to its Standby Form. “It also makes her happy.”

“Happy?” Vita stomped a hoof. “Happy?! She’s being stupid! She’s been obsessing every waking moment she gets instead of doing her job! We don’t have time for some lovey-dovey romance!”

“As long as her romance doesn’t interfere with our collection duties, then there’s no harm in it. Leave her be.”

“But… but…” Vita sputtered angrily, “it’s so… STUPID!”

“To you it is, but not to her.” Signum turned and began walking out.

“Where are you going?”

“I promised to take Shamal out to buy her a dress after I finish my rounds.”

Vita stared daggers at her. “I can’t believe this. Am I the only one who thinks this is a dumb idea?! We should be focused on collecting more pages for the Book, not frilly dresses and…”

“Vita, that’s enough.” Signum interrupted.

“Ugh… fine! Whatever!” The filly snorted, tromping off and away from Signum.

Stupid Shamal, stupid Signum… am I the only one who cares more about helping our Mistress than the stupid show or dating or whatever?

Vita pushed the door to their Mistress’s bedroom open, shutting it firmly behind her, catching Zafira’s attention.

“Vita?” the wolf rose to his feet as Vita stood there, huffing. “What’s wrong?”

“The other knights are stupid,” Vita growled.

“Ah. Shamal again.”

“And Signum.” Vita glared over her shoulder at the unoffending door, then approached the bed and knelt beside it, resting her forelimbs on the mattress as she watched Trixie’s sleeping form. “Has she woken up again?”

“No. Her moments of wakefulness are still sporadic at best.” Zafira approached Vita, the great blue wolf looming over the small filly.

“It doesn’t make sense. We’ve gathered nearly two-hundred pages and she’s still not waking up like she’s supposed to…”

“We just have to continue gathering pages. That’s all we can do.”

“This would be a lot easier if we didn’t have to worry about the damn theatre and Shamal’s damn…”

“Vita,” Zafira interrupted.


“I don’t think Mistress would be pleased if she found out we had slacked off,” Zafira replied neutrally. ”Considering how happy getting this theatre made her.”

Vita grimaced, resting her chin on the mattress.

“As for Shamal… everyone’s allowed their little moments of pleasure. Especially considering our Mistress’s predicament. I doubt the other knights begrudge you your stargazing.”

“That’s different,” Vita objected. “I don’t get all dressed up just to go out and look at the sky.”

“True,” Zafira conceded, “but…”

“Look, I don’t want to talk about it, alright?” Vita huffed, closing her eyes and touching Trixie’s mane gently.

“Alright.” Zafira shook his head, leaving Vita be.

Vita moved closer to Trixie, gently nuzzling the prone mare as the showmare whimpered.


Trixie floated in a strange, black void; an endless, featureless and dark abyss.

She knew what it looked like, even though her eyes were closed. Despite the decidedly strange surroundings, she was oddly warm. It was like floating in a bathtub full of hot water. She was acutely aware of the warmth, though she knew it wasn’t real. Whenever she drew close to waking up, she always found herself there.

She wanted to open her eyes, but a gentle touch held them shut.

Sleep, a voice whispered gently.

She didn’t want to sleep. She wanted to wake up. She wanted to see them again.

I know. I am sorry.

Hadn’t she slept long enough? She was sorry. She had apologized again and again and again.

I know. It’s unfair.

She whimpered, the noise sounding hollow in the void. When could she wake up? How much longer did she have to wait?

I know not.

She wanted to scream, to cry out, to move, to do something other than float in this empty, dreamless void.

I know, the voice whispered. I do so wish I could release you, but I haven’t the strength.

Trixie whimpered again.

Sleep, the voice whispered apologetically. You will soon awaken. Just a little longer.

Trixie felt the dreamless oblivion overtake her.

It had been such a little wish...