• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,633 Views, 482 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight A's - PurpleProse

The Second Season of MPLT. Magical girls meet little ponies. The Wolkenritter appear!

  • ...

Chapter 6: Hidden Truths, Unwelcome Seekers

The Time-Space Administration Bureau’s headquarters loomed large in the Arthra’s viewport as the ship slid along towards it. Chatter filled the air as the bridge crew and the station’s traffic control talked to each other.

“Control, this is Bureau Patrol Ship Arthra, requesting permission to dock for scheduled upgrading and re-fitting. Transmitting authentication codes now.”

The speakers hummed as the response came in. “Codes received and accepted Arthra. You are cleared for approach. Please proceed to maintenance hanger 017 along route J. Transmitting route coordinates now.”

“Coordinates looked in,” the young man at the navigation station called over to communications.

“Route is clear on sensor readouts!”

“Moving into set course now. Lowering dimensional drive output to point-five Dimensional Nautical Velocity for approach.”

Admiral Lindy Harlaown listened half-heartedly as the bridge crew went about their business. Her thoughts were elsewhere at that moment, focused more on other matters. It’d been several days since the Arthra had left Equestria’s dimensional territory, leaving the diplomatic team and everyone else behind.

Not that it wasn’t necessary. After all, her orders had been to deliver the team to Equestria before returning to HQ. And the sudden appearance of the Book of Darkness made their return trip all the more important.

She didn’t feel entirely comfortable leaving Chrono behind, however. Sure, she knew he could handle himself on an intellectual level, but some deep, instinctual part of her balked at the idea of leaving her only son alone, especially after his fight.


“Huh?” Lindy blinked, rotating her chair to face Amy. The young lady smiled nervously, a data pad tucked against her chest underneath her arms.

“I asked if anything was wrong. Are you alright?”

“Sorry Amy, I was just lost in thought.”

“Worried about Chrono?”

Lindy sighed, turning back to look at the viewing port that dominated the Arthra’s bridge. “Yes. I‘m worried about everyone back on Equestria, but Chrono...”

“Yeah, me too…”

“Still mad that I cancelled your shore leave?” Lindy smiled weakly, trying to bring a little bit of levity to the conversation.

Amy giggled softly. “Nah. I didn’t have anything important planned. Vacations are overrated anyway.”

“Yeah… overrated…”

Amy coughed softly before she continued. “Um… so, I’ve got all the data we need to set up the direct dimensional link to Equestria. I’ve also sent in my report on the situation, as well as the data on Chrono’s Device…”

“Good. We’ll be meeting Admiral Lowran at the dock. Hopefully we‘ll have everything taken care of soon. I want to get back to Equestria as soon as possible.”


“And now, fillies and gentlecolts, please welcome Miss Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled as she walked up onto the stage, her long regal robe trailing behind her. The podium seemed slightly oversized for her, but that was alright. It made her look more dignified.

She coughed softly as she set her prepared speech onto the podium and began to read.

“Dear friends, members of the unicorn community of Canterlot, your Royal Highnesses, alumni of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and the children from magic kindergarten, good day to you all. Today, I…”


Twilight paused, glancing down at the very large audience as a little filly pointed up at her. “Yes?”

“How come you don’t have a horn?”

An ominous muttering rumbled through the crowd as Twilight began to sweat.

“Haha… how funny. Why don’t I have a horn? Of course I… I…”

Her hoof went to her brow, but found nothing there. Her hooves felt around as panic welled up inside her.

“No… no this is a mistake. It… where did it go!?”

Twilight’s panic rose further as the crowd began to grow restless. She could hear them talking as the podium crumbled, her robes turning into a dunce’s cap that perched on her head.

“Ridiculous. You’d think a unicorn would have the good sense not to lose her horn.”

“Disgraceful, utterly disgraceful…”

“Element of Magic my hoof!”

“Look at how ridiculous she looks! And to think she graduated from our school.”

“No Luna, I don’t know why I took her on as a student…”

“No horn, no horn, stupid little no-horn!”

“No, please,” Twilight cried out as the faceless crowd began to advance on the stage, starting to scream over the chant of ’No horn, no horn, stupid little no-horn.’ “I can explain! I can do magic! I promise! JUST LET ME EXPLAIN!”


The wave of ponies crested over her as she tried to flee, drowning her in a sea of noise…


Twilight opened one eye slowly, a few strands of her mane dangling in her vision. The room was dim enough that the light didn’t hurt her eyes as she pushed herself up from the bed, the lavender sheets ruffling around her.

The guest bedroom wasn’t exactly bare; there were a few pieces of art on the walls, and a large mahogany dresser for clothes next to the curtained window. But despite those few touches the room felt slightly impersonal, doubly so for Twilight.

At least there was no chanting crowd of unicorns.

It was just a dream, Twilight thought to herself as she flopped back down, staring up at the ceiling. Just a dream…

She breathed in deeply, trying to calm herself down as the few remaining fragments of her dream echoed in her head. A stifled yawn interrupted her breathing as she rolled onto her side, facing the bedroom door.

It was always worst when she was alone like this. At least when she was around others she could distract herself from the constant, niggling little doubts, the insecurity, the constant feelings of self-pity. It was always in the back of her mind, making it all the harder to think clearly. No matter how much she tried to think or remember her training in magic, nothing was coming back to her, which if anything intensified her negative emotions.

It wasn’t a difficult concept to understand; she just needed something. Something to focus on. Something to give her that push…

There was a gentle knock at the door before it opened. Her mom peeked her head in through the door. “Oh! You’re awake! Good morning sweetie.”

“Morning mom.” Twilight mumbled sleepily, running a hoof through her messy mane. “What time is it?”

“Nearly nine o’clock.”

“Nine?” Twilight blinked, the last remains of her languor dissolving away. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“I tried earlier, but you looked so peaceful.” Twilight Twinkle smiled sheepishly as she passed by the bed, opening the curtains to let the sunlight in. “I figured that after all that’s happened, you could sleep in some. Your father’s getting breakfast ready if you’re hungry.”

Ugh. Dash is going to chew me out for being late, Twilight thought as she pulled herself out of the bed, stretching her legs as she did so. “Are Fate and Shiny-”

“They left before sunrise. I swear, it’s like when you were in school all over again.”

“I bet.”

“Hold on a second sweetie. You’re not going anywhere with a mane like that.“ Twilight Twinkle giggled, her horn lighting up as she hovered a brush to Twilight’s hair, trying to tame the wild strands of her mane. “Now hold still…”

“Mom, you don’t have to brush my mane for me…” Twilight objected, even as she lowered her head. She glared upwards irritably at the hovering hair brush.

“I know, but I like to…” Twilight Twinkle walked up beside her daughter, the brush moving carefully, trying not to tangle her daughter’s mane. “Did you sleep well? Any bad dreams?”

“No.” Twilight lied, shifted slightly as the brush slid down, straightening out her tail.

“Are you sure?”

“I slept fine mom, really.” Twilight rose up as the brush floated back to the nightstand, her mother nodding in satisfaction.

“There. Much better. Can‘t have you looking all bedraggled now can we?”

“Thanks mom...”

“You’re welcome. Now, I’ll just go ahead and make the bed for you.”

“Mom, you don’t have to, really.” Twilight frowned as her mother began to smooth out the sheets, her telekinesis glowing as she worked. “I can-”

“I’ll handle it sweetie.”

“But I can help…”

“Nonsense. I‘m already finished..” Twilight Twinkle smiled cheerfully, unaware of Twilight’s angry frown as she fluffed the pillows. She set them atop the now-straightened bed, then turned and gave her daughter a gentle nudge towards the open door. “Now come on dear, let’s not keep your father waiting.”

Twilight obliged her, walking out the door and down the hallway. A sweet, comforting scent drifted up the stairs.

She closed her eyes and sniffed. “Is that,” she sniffed again, longer and deeper this time, “cinnamon and brown sugar pancakes I‘m smelling?”

“It is. I did tell you that your father’s making breakfast.”

“I haven’t had dad’s pancakes in forever…” Twilight trotted down the stairwell, quickly making her way towards the kitchen. “Dad, I’m up!”

“Good morning sleepy-head!” Night Light called from the kitchen. “Just a second. I’m almost done with this stack. Go ahead and have a seat at the table.”

Twilight took her place at the round table, her mother sitting as well as Night Light walked out of the kitchen, a large platter of pancakes hovering beside his head along with a large bottle of syrup. “Did you sleep well, sweetie?”

“I did.” Twilight watched as her dad hovered several pancakes over to her plate, drizzling syrup on top before dropping a wedge of butter on top. “Though I’m surprised you didn’t wake me ear-”

“Here dear, let me cut those for you.” Twilight blinked as her utensils floated up as her mom concentrated.

“Mom, I can cut my own-”

“Nonsense, let me-”

“I’m not a filly mom, I can cut my own pancakes.” Twilight reached for the fork and knife, the telekinetic fields resisting her hooves. Anger bubbled up inside Twilight’s skull as she tried to yank the silverware free.

“Twilight, just-”

“Fine!” Twilight pushed the plate away, her voice raising into a shout. “Treat me like I’m stupid! Why should I care?! I guess I’m useless without my magic, huh?!”

Twilight Twinkle winced. Night Light paused, a chunk of pancake hovering in front of his mouth. Twilight looked between the two of them, from her mother’s slightly wounded face to her father‘s shocked expression, then looked down at the floor, her forelegs limply thudding on the tabletop.

“I’m sorry…” Twilight looked away. “I didn’t mean to scream like that. I just…”

“I didn’t mean to upset you.” Twilight Twinkle looked down as well. “I just thought you needed some help.”

“Honey,” Night Light whispered gently. “If she wants to cut her pancakes, then let her.”

There was an awkward pause before Twilight Twinkle relented, dropping the utensils.

“Thank you.“ Twilight fumbled with the bits of metal, managing to tear the pancakes into smaller pieces by sheer determination. She didn’t feel hungry anymore, but it seemed like something to do to pass the time.

“So…um…” Night Light coughed softly, a bit of forced joviality in his voice. “How have things been in Ponyville? Was Winter Wrap-Up successful?”

“Mhmm.” Twilight forked a chunk of her pancakes into her mouth and chewed, closing her eyes in contentment. “We actually came in ahead of schedule this time around. I guess me being the all-team organizer really helped this year. Did Fate enjoy herself?”

“Oh yes,” Night Light chuckled. “Though she had a little trouble deciding what to do during the festivities.”

“I can imagine.” Twilight smiled faintly. It had been Fate’s first Winter Wrap-Up after all. She idly wondered how Fate had handled the annual celebration-slash-national day of public service. She dug wordlessly into her breakfast, quietly listening to her father’s chattering.

It was a little strange. The last time she’d visited her parents was during Heart’s Warming Eve, and even then she’d spent the night in a hotel with the other girls. She hadn’t slept over at her parent’s house since… well, since before she’d moved to her tower on the palace grounds.

And now here she was, back under their roof. Without her magic. With her mother doing everything for her.

I must be such a disappointment, that small, neurotic bit of her mind sobbed. Especially to them…

Stop thinking like that, she chided herself, though it sounded hollow. She kept her gaze focused on the pancakes.

I’m just a failure. Stupid little no-horn…

“Twilight? Are you listening?”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked, rubbing her eyes a little before she looked up from her pancakes. “What?”

Twilight Twinkle tilted her head slightly as she looked at her. “Are you really alright sweetie? You look-”

“I’m fine,” Twilight interrupted, putting on a fake smile “Just… stressed. What were you saying?”

“I asked if there was anything you wanted to do today.”

“Well…” Twilight frowned. She did technically have things to do. There was practice with Rainbow Dash, and she was going to work on bringing her magic back. “I suppose…”

“We were hoping you’d spend the day with us… if you don’t have other plans I mean. Night and I did take today off from work after all.”

“You did?” Twilight gaped slightly, “What about your duties at the Royal Astronomer’s Association? And-”

“Twilight,” her mother interrupted gently, “we took the day off because you’re more important than our work right now.”

Twilight blushed. Her parents were always hard workers, to put it lightly; the Royal Astronomer‘s Association was their raison d‘etre. She’d gotten her work and study ethic from them, after all. For them to have decided to take the day off…

“I know we haven’t been in touch much,” she continued, “but we still care about you a lot. When we heard about what happened to you, we were worried sick...”

“So your mom and I decided that it’d be better if we were here for you.” Night Light smiled gently, walking around the table and taking a seat beside Twilight, nuzzling her neck.


“So, do you mind hanging around with us sentimental old foals for a while, my little stargazer?” Twilight Twinkle flanked Twilight as well, wrapping her arms around her gently. “Just for today?”

Twilight closed her eyes, feeling the sense of warmth coming from her parents. She didn’t need magic to understand that feeling; she‘d felt it when Celestia comforted her during her brief bout of suicidal despair.

It was love; honest, pure, unselfish love. In the face of that, she felt the worry and fear start to recede.

A few tears starting to fall as she leaned into her mother. Then more came out. Then she started bawling. There was nothing pretty or elegant about her blubbering as the floodgates opened. “Momma… Daddy…”

“There there, Twilight…” Twilight Twinkle cooed, pressing her nose into her mane. “There there.”

“Momma… Daddy… I,” Twilight choked out between sobs. “I felt so stupid… I thought that if I didn‘t have… I couldn‘t do my… without my…”

“We know.” Night Light hugged her from the opposite side, letting Twilight sob and quiver. “Celestia told us about your magic. I know it’s tough… but you’re still our precious daughter.”

Twilight let out an undignified snort, trying to inhale through her nose as her mother wiped her face with a napkin. “Really?

“Really.” Night Light touched horns with her and kissed her on the nose. “Your magic isn’t what makes you special, Twilight. You’d be special to us even if you weren’t a unicorn.”

“R-really? E-even if I wasn‘t…”

That little neurotic part of her whispered, but she pushed it aside, willing herself to ignore it as she tried to reach out for that warmth.

She focused on that feeling, concentrating all of her will on it.

“It doesn’t matter what happens to you,” Twilight Twinkle hugged her tighter. “Magic or no magic, you’re still our precious little stargazer. Nothing will ever change that.”

Twilight shuddered, her eyes closing tight. “Nothing?”


Twilight shut her eyes tighter. She felt a sense of warmth start to grow inside her.

“E-even if I haven’t been around?”

“Of course!” Night Light nuzzled her softly. “We understand that you’re busy. We were busy when you and Shining were foals, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t care.”

“Even when you’re not here, that doesn’t stop us from still loving you,” Twilight Twinkle continued, still embracing her daughter. “As if distance could stop our hearts.”

The warmth grew stronger as something welled up inside her. It was a strange feeling, like a muscle tensing.

“I… I love you too…”

There was a soft click as her horn touched the crossed horns of her parents.

There was a pulse, a spark, a soft crackle of energy.

Fire welled up inside her body as her mental block vanished with a hollow popping noise. Her eyes shot open as she felt her head spin. Magenta light flared outwards, filling the room with magical radiance. Thoughts that had long been missing re-formed in her head as objects began to levitate of their own accord.

There was a bright flash from her flank as a pink and white star, surrounded by smaller starbursts, flared back into existence.

“I… I get it.” Twilight giggled softly, then laughed as her arms wrapped around her parents, the light fading back as her eyes returned to normal. “I understand now! I GET IT!”


“Now Rainbow, I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to be on your best behavior while we’re visiting Twilight and her parents,” Rarity insinuated as she walked beside the prismatic pegasus. “No need to be rude like the last time you were here.”

The pair of ponies trotted down the avenue towards Twilight’s parents house. It was a nice, cool morning, even though the sun was well on its way upwards.

“Oh come on Rarity,” Rainbow huffed in irritation. “We were here for a Hearth’s Warming Day party. So I had a bit too much eggnog and got a bit loosy-goosey. We were having fun!”

“Gallivanting around with a lampshade on your head is no way behave towards our hosts.”

“It was only for a few minutes.”

“You knocked over Fate’s snow pony!”

“I apologized!”

“You knocked over my snow pony!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Now you’re just nitpicking.”

“Look, just be on your best behavior this time. These are Twilight’s parents after all.”

“Rarity, we’re not here to socialize too much. We’re here to pick Twilight up, remember? I should have flew over to wake her up myself.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t say hello, Rainbow. Besides, I seem to remember somepony sleeping in this morning too.”

“Yeah yeah, You’re one to…” Rainbow stopped, her sudden pause drawing Rarity’s attention. “Uh, Rarity? Is Twilight’s parents house supposed to be all glowy like that?”

“What do you-”

Rainbow reached over and turned the unicorn’s head in the direction of the house, pointing a hoof for emphasis. Brilliant magenta light spilled out from the windows and the cracks around the doors. Rarity’s eyes went wide.

“I‘ve seen that color of magic before!”

“Rarity, wait!” Rainbow shouted as the fashionista took off at a gallop, forcing her to give chase. The pair quickly approached the front door as Rarity pushed it open unceremoniously as she heard somepony shout.



“Rarity? In here!”

Rainbow and Rarity followed the call, following the source of the brilliant light into the kitchen. Twilight sat between her parents, laughing as the magenta light slowly faded, the various plates and potted plants slowly lowering to their original places.

“Twilight… your magic, it…”

“It’s back!” Twilight giggled, wobbling slightly as her parents supported her. “It’s finally back… I… feel dizzy. Hoo boy…”

“But how?” Rainbow gaped. “I thought you were, you know, completely cut off or something…”

“I… I think I know how.” Twilight leaned against her father, rubbing her head. “Love.”

“Love?” Rainbow and Rarity replied simultaneously.

“Love.” Twilight repeated, her voice slightly slurred. “Strong emotions carry energy… and emotional energy produces an observable modification of one’s natural mana when in sufficient purity, resulting in strange and dramatic effects… or something…” Her front hooves slid up to her head as she wobbled. “Sweet Celestia my head hurts. I think I need to lay down.”

“Sorry, I left my egghead-to-English dictionary back at home. What did she just say?.” Rainbow replied.

“The power of love is a curious thing.” Twilight Twinkle smiled as she lowered Twilight to the ground.

“Thank you, mom.”

“I don’t get it. So you just needed some love and you’re all better?”

“It was more than that…” Twilight replied from her spot on the floor. “I needed clarity… something to focus on… I was so focused on thinking I was broken that I was staying broken… psychosomatic. Ow.”

“Easy there dear.” Night Light cooed as he began to levitate his daughter up. “I think you need some peace and quiet. Would you excuse us, girls?”

“So much for practice this morning.” Rainbow grumbled softly as Night Light trotted off, Twilight in tow.

“Oh come now Rainbow, this is great news,” Rarity chided her gently. “Twilight’s got her magic back now! Oh, the girls will be so happy to hear about this.”

“I don’t suppose you girls would like a bit of breakfast?” Twilight Twinkle offered. “We’ve got plenty of pancakes.”

Rarity smiled demurely. “I appreciate your offer, Mrs. Twinkle, but we’ve already eaten br-”

“I’ll take some.” Rainbow interrupted as she trotted over, taking a seat at the table.

“Rainbow! You’ve already eaten breakfast at the palace. For shame!”

“Hey, training takes a lot of calories. Besides, I’m not about to turn down free pancakes! Can I get some extra syrup on mine?”

“Sure sweetie.”

Rarity huffed, poofing her cheeks out as she glared at the Pegasus, then sat down at the table as well.

“Anything for you, Rarity?” Twilight Twinkle offered as she dropped a few pancakes onto Rainbow’s plate.

“Just a glass of orange juice, please…”


Yuuno Scrya stood in front of the Canterlot Archives, his arms crossed pensively. The grand building looked a lot like the rest of the palace compound; tall white spires, a great gilded minaret topped with a sunburst, golden and deep purple decorations covering the swirls and bends of the architecture.

“Alright, I’m here.” Yuuno rubbed his hair in thought as he stared up at the building, watching one of the gold-and-navy armored unicorn guards pass by one of the windows,

Now, how could he get inside?

I could teleport in, but they probably have wards against that. And alarms. I could try a window, but someone would likely see me… hmmm…

“Hey, Yuuno.”

“Gah!“ The young mage jumped slightly as he heard someone call his name. He quickly turned, then glanced down at the young purple dragon standing there.

“Oh. Spike. Heh, sorry. You startled me.”

“Yeah, so I noticed. What’re you doing out here?”

“Oh.” Yuuno glanced back at the Archives building. “I was curious about some historical documents. I heard that a lot of the stuff that isn’t in the Royal Library is in the Archives.”

“Ohhhh,” Spike nodded. “So… why don’t you go in?”

“Well, there’s guards walking around…”

“Yeah, that could be a problem. Do you want me to help you out?”

Yuuno arched an eyebrow. “Help me out?”

“Yeah. Twilight and I used to go to the Royal Archives a lot when she was in school for research projects. I know the place like the back of my hand. All the guards know me. I can vouch for you.”

“Really? Well, that’s one way of doing it, I guess. I was starting to think I’d have to sneak in through a window or something.”

“Yeah, Twilight tried that once. Wasn’t really necessary.”

“Twilight tried to sneak into the Archives through a window?” Yuuno stared at the little dragon. “Dare I ask why?”

“Better you didn’t know. It ended up being really dumb. Come on, I’ll show you around.”


True to the little dragon’s word, the guards allowed Yuuno and Spike in without much hassle. They did eye Yuuno cautiously though, and more than once Yuuno caught the guards keeping a watch on him out of the corner of his eye.

“Uh, Spike?”

“Yeah?” Spike glanced around, rubbing an ear frill in confusion as he walked down the hall beside Yuuno.

“Why are there so many guards here? I mean, these are just Archives, right?”

“Well yeah, but there’s also a lot of stuff here that needs protecting.”

“Define ‘stuff.’” Yuuno queried, starting to feel a little nervous as they walked.

“Well, most of that is magical stuff. You know, spells and stuff that could be dangerous in the wrong hooves. Plus a lot of the books and scrolls are really valuable because they’re old and stuff.”

“Ah. That makes sense then. No wonder there’s so many unicorns guarding this place.” Yuuno glanced over his shoulder as one of the guards turned the corner.

“I’m just curious as to why you’re poking around in here,” Spike continued. “The Royal Library not have what you were looking for?”

“Well… a certain someone suggested that I do a little digging.”

Spike looked up at him. “A certain someone?”

“A certain someone.”

“Did this certain someone say why?”

“Uh-huh.” Yuuno nodded in reply.

“Did it have to do with a certain… um... thingy?”

Yuuno nodded again, causing Spike to groan.

“To be fair,” Yuuno countered, “I was going to do some historical research anyway. I’m really interested about Equestria’s past.”

“You could just ask Celestia, you know.”

“I know,” Yuuno huffed, “but that defeats the purpose. Knowledge should be gained on one’s own through study and work. To just ask for it to be handed to you would be like cheating. Besides, Celestia‘s got enough on her hands… er, hooves. Plus there‘s… you know.”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I‘m just used to Twilight going straight to Celestia for her answers.” Spike chuckled, folding his arms behind his back as he walked.

“Well, that‘s because she‘s Celestia‘s personal student and I‘m not. I guess I‘m just used to doing it myself…”

“Uh-huh.” Spike stopped, then rubbed his chin. “Hey, Yuuno. You’re a smart guy, right?”

“I like to think I am.” Yuuno stopped and turned to look back. “Why?”

“Do you know how to tell if a girl you like likes another guy?”

Yuuno blinked. “Huh?”

“I mean… is there some, like, special way I can tell? Come on…”

Yuuno began to laugh. “Spike, I’m ten years old. I’ve never had a girlfriend before!” Yuuno’s laughter slowed and stopped as Spike frowned at him. “Sorry.”

“This is serious, dude. I’m getting really mixed signals from Rarity. I mean, I know she likes me. She’s kissed me and said I’m her Spikey-wikey, but there’s this other guy called Fancy Pants who’s really rich and handsome and a unicorn and he‘s got this really awesome moustache…”

When did I get tapped to play guidance counselor? Yuuno thought to himself as he listened to Spike continue to rail on. “Uh. Spike,” he interrupted, “have you talked to Rarity about this?”

“I…” Spike scuffed the ground with one clawed foot. “I’m kinda scared to. I don’t want to sound like I’m jealous.”

“I think it‘s a bit late for that.”

Spike cringed at the gentle accusation. “Okay, maybe I’m a teeny, tiny, itty bitty bit jealous. But come on, this is the love of my life we’re talking about here. It‘s not like there‘s other guys I can talk to about this.”

“Well… you could just ask Rarity if she likes Fancy Pants,” Yuuno replied as he shrugged. “I don’t know what else I can tell you.”

“I guess…”

“Anyway,” Yuuno cut him off, “are we close to the history section?”

“Yeah. I think it’s right down this hallway… or was it the next hallway?”

“I thought you said you knew this place like the back of your hand?” Yuuno sighed in exasperation.

“Well, it’s been a while since I’ve been here. Not my fault this place is built like a maze.”

“Excuse me.”

Yuuno glanced over as a guard quietly coughed, before the stallion pointed with his horn. “Historical documents are that way. Third door on the left.”

“Thank you, sir.” Yuuno nodded to the guard, then began walking, Spike trailing just behind him.

“Seriously though… you’ve never had a crush?” Spike looked up at Yuuno as he caught up. “No cute human girls?”

“Didn’t really have much of a chance to. I spent most of my childhood wandering around with my family. Not many chances when all you‘ve got to work with is extended family.”

“Harsh. You know…” Spike grinned wickedly, waggling an eyebrow, “Ol’ Spike could set you up with a date.”

Yuuno grimaced. “Sorry, but I’m not really comfortable dating outside my own species.”

“Which species, human or ferret?” Spike recoiled as Yuuno gave him a withering glare. “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”

Why is it that people insist on teasing me about that? Yuuno thought to himself as he pushed a door open, looking into the large, roughly circular room beyond. The walls were covered from floor to roof with shelves of books and scrolls. Shelves radiated outwards from the center of the room, the tiled floor glittering slightly underneath the circular skylight above. The entire place smelled of old parchment.

“Wow… look at all of them.” Spike looked around as he walked. “Where do we start? I mean, the Archive’s always been a bit disorganized, so it’s hard to find stuff.”

“I can handle that.” Yuuno smiled faintly as he walked into the center of the room, standing under the skylight as he spun around slowly, inspecting the room. He slowly swept his arm out, index finger extended as he took the pirouetted slowly.

“What’re you going to do?” Spike watched as Yuuno paused, nodding to himself.

“Magic.” Yuuno closed his eyes as a Mid-Childan spell circle sprang into being beneath his feet, taking a seat in its center as he cleared his mind.

“What’re you- woah!” Spike stepped back as scrolls and books began to levitated from their places, floating over to the cross-legged archeologist and orbiting around him.

“It’s an advanced searching spell. It allows me to scan for and retrieve information in multiple media, though I usually use it for books.” Yuuno’s eyes flicked from book to book, scroll to scroll as he scanned over them. “It also helps me multi-task and comprehend multiple sources of information simultaneously.”

“Wait a minute…” Spike ducked under one of the hovering tomes, looking up at the flipping pages. “You’re telling me you’re actually reading multiple books at once? Dude, not even Twilight can do that!”

“Heh. It’s not exactly easy, though. Could you do me a favor, though?”


“Could you get me some paper and something to write with? I’m going to take a lot of notes.”

“Sure thing!” Spike grinned. “I guess I can play temporary assistant to you, Yuuno.”

“I’d appreciate it.” Yuuno flicked his hand, floating a book away and drawing over another scroll to take its place. The writings were faded, but the actual content wasn’t hard to decipher, not when you had a general understanding of Equestrian and access to translation magic.

At least these documents are well-preserved, Yuuno thought to himself as he shifted his position, trying to get comfortable on the stone floor. Now, let’s see what these old tomes can tell me…


“…and then he started telling me about his familiars. Everything about them, including their favorite type of fish and how hard it was to litter-box train them when they were kittens. And then-

Celestia raised a hoof, interrupting the serving-mare’s rambling diatribe. “That’s quite enough, dear. I think I’ve heard all I need. Are you alright?”

The serving-mare blushed, her cheeks growing pink despite her lime green coat. “Um… I think so. I’m sorry, but the Admiral just wouldn’t stop talking until I left. Did any of that help?”

“Oh yes. Quite a bit. Why don’t you take a break for a while? I can imagine that listening to all of that was a bit stressful.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” The mare bowed, then walked out of door. Celestia watched her leave, a thin smile on her lips.

It had been much the same with the guard yesterday, and the serving mare that had brought Gil his dinner last night. Gil had taken great pains to talk the poor ponies ears off, filling them in on the most banal details imaginable. The guard had related how Admiral Graham has taken him on an extensive tour of the western tower, filling him in on how each and every piece of equipment worked… and then had taken him back through and explained it to him again, ‘just to make sure.’ The other serving mare’s report was similar to the one she’d just heard; Admiral Graham had explained to her, in excruciating detail, why poached eggs were clearly superior to fried eggs, and the differences between a Caeser and Chef salad.

None of the ponies were particularly amused by the human’s behavior. None except Celestia.

Well, if nothing else, that confirms that Gil knows I’m keeping tabs on him. Celestia giggled softly. Well played, Admiral. A little immature, but well played nonetheless. I’ve still got plenty of tricks left, however. Perhaps I’ll have you speak to my school. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind getting to know my little ponies more personally…

The sun princess giggled as she closed her eyes, extending her awareness upwards to the sun, letting her sight fall down where the sunlight shone. Her sight flickered over the western tower, trying to peek in through the windows… which were all curtained up.

Clever boy. I suppose the Admiral doesn’t want me peeking.

Celestia began to draw back until she noticed something else; an uncharacteristic glow coming from one of the skylights in the Canterlot Archives

Now what do we have here? Her curiosity piqued, she sent her awareness down into the room. She paused at the sight; young Yuuno Scrya surrounded by careful stacks of tomes and neatly piled scrolls, several open books hovering before him as Spike dutifully took down notes.

My my, what DO have we here? A busy little archeologist snooping in the Archives? I wonder what you’re looking for...

“So what can you tell me about this ‘Nightmare Moon?’”

Celestia frowned.

“Well,” Spike replied, scratching the tip of his quill against the side of his head. “not a lot. Why do you ask?”

“I keep coming across mentions of a ‘Nightmare’ in these old histories. I just wanted to check if it’s the same figured mentioned in the folklore books in the Royal Library. Whatever or whoever it is, the phrase keeps popping up whenever Luna‘s name shows up.”

“They could be…”

Yuuno glanced over at Spike, his gaze going ‘through’ Celestia. “They could be?”

“Yeah… you might be better off asking Twilight…”

Oh, I don’t think you’ll need to ask her, Celestia thought as she drew back, her senses sliding back to her corporeal form.

“After all,” she replied to nobody in particular, her lips creased in a slightly unpleasant frown, “I can answer that for you…”


The doors slammed open with a boom, casing Celestia to look up with a jolt. The guard’s heralding was swiftly quelled by a rush of frigid air and a booming pronouncement.

“Sister! We will have words with thee at once!”

Ever-Benevolent Princess Celestia, Divine Diarch of the Sun and Bringer of Day, tried to ignore the fact that her little sister, Ever-Vigilant Princess Luna, Divine Diarch of the Moon and Keeper of Night, had just busted into her private quarters while she was being tended to and pampered by her hoof-maidens.

The younger mares drew closer to her, some hiding behind her flowing pink mane as the dark alicorn, clad all in blue-white moon-silver armor, strode towards their Princess with burning eyes. Celestia had to admit, the height and grandeur of Luna’s war-form was quite imposing, even if her little sister never seemed to turn it off.

It was all rather tiresome. Celestia sighed, glancing to the trembling mares. “Pray thee, our little ponies. Excuse thyselves, for our sister doth seem quite wrathful.”

“Forgive me, bright one,” was the chorus of replies from the servants before they bolted, the doors shutting behind them. Celestia turned to face her sister, her wings spread out against the soft cushions she lay upon.

“Well then, dearest sister,” Celestia kept her voice calm and level, “what brings thee to my chambers in such a state?”

“Thou knowest what, oh beloved sibling,” Luna’s breath hissed slightly on the adjective. “I have heard of thy decision to weaken our defenses.”

“Ah. The reduction of our armies then.” Celestia shrugged, drawing a wing forth to preen it. “What of it?”

“A reduction!?” Luna snarled, pawing the ground with one hoof. “A reduction implies that there will be some number left! This is a truncation! A decimation!”

“Must you be so dramatic?” Celestia replied with a sigh, settling her wing back to its original position.

“Oh, do forgive my rudeness, dearest sister,” Luna replied sarcastically. “Forgive me my agitation at the knowledge that thou wouldst reduce our armies to a shadow, a shade of its former glory!”

“What need have we of an army, Luna?” Celestia replied sternly.

“What need?! To defend our lands against our enemies! To strike against them upon the field of honor! What other purpose would such an institution have?”

“Our enemies? What enemies, pray, would you have us strike against? Celestia folded her wings and rose to her feet. “What few foes would face us have been in disarray for years. The Griffon Tribes have yielded us ground, the Dragons have fled our lands en masse, the Changlings have been banished unto the southern wastes, and let us not forget what was done to the so-called ‘empire’ of the Diamond Dogs.”

“All the more reason we must remain steadfast.” Luna replied, her armor chiming as she stomped a hoof. “Would you have my army-”

“Your army?” Celestia arched an eyebrow.

“…OUR army at such a disadvantage, should those foes rise once more?”

“Our foes have been broken, dear sister. Equestria is at peace, and has been so for years” Celestia replied coolly. “The times of conflict and strife have long since passed. Our ponies deserve to be freed from their servitude to return to their families. This you must accept, little sister.”

Luna trembled visibly at Celestia’s dismissive rebuke, the air growing chilly as a hint of rime clung to the carpet beneath her hooves. “Servitude? I have served as their leader since they were naught but foals. I have led them and taught them, served them as loyally as they served me. And you dare to deny me that?!”

“I would, if it comes at the cost of their happiness, sister!” Celestia’s voice rose in tandem with Luna’s.

“What of me then?!”

“I would have thee act as a mare befitting your age and station!” Celestia snorted, rainbow-colored fire licking along her pink mane.

“You would have me become as soft as you are! It is hardly my fault that you hide and cower from our enemies like a filly, oh elder sister!”

Celestia drew herself up, fury in her eyes. “And it is hardly my fault that thou art enamored with and defined by war, ‘Nightmare!’”

Silence fell upon the room like a heavy blanket.

Both sisters locked eyes, energy rolling off their bodies in reaction to their emotions. The windows fogging as Celestia’s heat and Luna’s cold met and clashed. Tension thrummed in the air for what felt like hours as the seconds passed.

Celestia broke eye contact first, closing her eyes as her nostrils flared. “This has already been decided sister.”

“By you.” Luna growled, though her voice sounded choked.

“Indeed. By me. It is my prerogative as the eldest-”

“Of course,” Luna interrupted, bitterly. “By all means. I will bend to thy will, as always.”

“Please understand,” Celestia replied, trying to temper the heat in her voice. “I do not do this with malice. I sought not to wound thee so deeply…”

Luna huffed, dismissing her war-form. She shrank down in height as her lunargent barding vanished away, replaced by a blue-white crown and collar. She stood barely half her sister’s height, though her power was still tremendous. “It matters little what you sought,” Luna replied, her voice softer and less intimidating. “as still my heart aches. Would you deny me purpose in this new world you would create?”

“Nay, sister. I would not. I-” Celestia frowned as Luna turned away from her. “I would have thee as my equal…”

“Thou sayest that.” Luna sighed, her head lowered. “Thou always sayest that.”

“I mean it, truly I do. It was but a slip of the tongue…” Celestia took a step forwards, but stopped as Luna began to walk away from her, head bowed low.

“Of all the ponies who have called me by that name, sister… I would have nay expected you to do so.”

“Luna, please, I’m sor-”

“The Nightmare bids thee good day, Celestia,” Luna flicked her tail as she dissolved into a cloud of dark blue light and vanished, leaving Celestia alone.

Celestia stared at the spot where Luna had stood, then ground her teeth in anger.

“Foolish mare,” Celestia grumbled to herself as she laid back down. “Her temper shall be the death of me. It would be best to let her be for now. No doubt she will sort herself out in time… It was just a slip of the tongue…”

“Princess?” One of the hoof maidens peeked in through the crack in the door. “Is… is it safe to come back in.”

“Aye…” Celestia replied, suppressing her magic and putting a smile on her face. “Aye, it is. Resume your duties…”

The mares returned to her side, filing her hooves and horn and combing her mane and tail. She sighed softly, closing her eyes.


The Sun Princess shook her head in aggravation. Yuuno was prying into the past, into things he shouldn’t be looking for. Things that would be uncomfortable to explain. This had to be rectified, and quickly.

The ideal course of action would be to point Yuuno in the proper direction. She couldn’t simply shut down his research; that would only raise suspicion. She could, however, control what information Yuuno acquired, thus minimizing damage to the kingdom’s prestige. He was only interested in Luna. Better that he focus on her sister's past then have him discover their other, better-hidden secrets…

She stopped, closing her eyes as she pulled that train of thought to a screeching halt. A thousand years of carefully built political experience paused. The memories of her youthful arrogance still stung, reminding her of a single fact even though the centuries had dulled the pain. She wasn’t a monarch. She was a diarch.

Don‘t lie to yourself, Celestia, she chastised herself. Going behind Luna’s back isn’t ideal. It’s expedient. It’s selfish. I’m not that pony anymore. I won’t be that pony again.

It was hard to remember that fact sometimes. It was so easy to slip back into the comforting position of being the sole ruler of all ponydom. But she wasn’t. Not anymore

She owed Luna that much.

Luna? She sent the thought out gingerly.

Yes, sister? The reply was distant.

I need to talk to you about something. Could I speak to you personally?

I am somewhat occupied. Could you come here to my workshop instead?

Celestia paused as she started to say no, then changed her answer. Very well.

It wasn’t difficult to teleport to Luna’s workshop entrance. Celestia vanished in a flash of light and mana, reappearing in the windowless dome that served as the workshop’s entryway.

“Luna,” she called out, “I’m here. Open the door, please.”

A few seconds passed before a circle in the center of the room slid open with a low rumble. Celestia slowly spread her wings and floated into the dim workspace, the soft, lambent light turning her coat a pale blue.

Luna stood at the bottom of the shaft, her eyes focused on the display before her. The smell of hot metal burned Celestia’s nostrils as Luna worked, carefully molding a chunk of black Ferrum Noctem with slow, careful sweeps of her magic.

“I did not expect you to come, sister.” Luna said distractedly. “Rarely do you venture into my territory to treat with me.”

“I know…” Celestia glanced around the workshop. She knew, vaguely, what the hovering tools and devices were, but aside from that, it all seemed decidedly foreign to her. Just as it had been centuries before.

“What business do you have with me, then?”

“Luna… Yuuno is looking into Nightmare Moon.”

Luna stiffened slightly, her wings bristling as her horn dimmed. “You have my full attention.”

“I… I think he’s looking into what happened a thousand years ago. I have my suspicions why…”

“The Book of Darkness.”

Celestia nodded slightly as Luna sighed. “What, then, are your plans sister? Surely you-”

“What do you want me to do, Luna?”

Luna stopped mid-sentence, turning to face Celestia. “Pardon?”

“What do you want me to do, Luna?” Celestia repeated the question.

The dark alicorn frowned slightly. “You jest, sister. Certainly you have some plan already in place that does not require my interference.”

“Actually, no,” Celestia replied, only lying a little bit. “Since this is about you and your past… I figured I should ask you first. I owe my co-ruler that much.”

Luna stared at Celestia, her eyes narrowed slightly. Celestia felt nervous, like she should apologize, before Luna nodded.

“Very well then. Go then unto the Scrya child. Notify him that I will speak with him this evening at moonrise.”


Luna turned away, looking back to her work. “And Tia?”

Celestia paused as she started to fly away. “Luna?”

“Thank you.”

Celestia smiled softly. “You’re welcome, Luna.”


“Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare,” Yuuno mumbled under his breath as he scanned through the various hovering books.

“Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare,” Spike repeated, his quill scratching on the sheet of parchment. “What about Nightmare? Isn‘t that what you‘re looking for?”

“It is, but these records are being uncomfortably vague. Half the time the descriptions don’t match one another, and the rest of them just skip over most of the relevant information.” Yuuno frowned at one of the books in irritation. “I’d almost say a lot of these books are unreliable… or worse, edited.”

“Edited?” Spike nibbled on his quill pen. “By who?”

Yuuno began to answer when a bright flash and a wave of warmth filled the room. The golden-white glow resolved itself into Princess Celestia, her wings folding against her sides.

“Ahh! Wh- Princess?” Spike stammered as Celestia opened her eyes. Yuuno felt the uncomfortable weight of the alicorn’s gaze focus on him and the books hovering around him.

“Your Majesty…” Yuuno began as Celestia interrupted.

“Spike, would you mind stepping outside for a moment?”


“Please?” Celestia’s voice was gentle, but her tone brooked no argument. Spike shot Yuuno an apologetic look as Celestia walked past him, taking a seat in front of Yuuno.

“So,” Celestia said as the door shut. She gingerly levitated a scroll from one of the gathered piles, unfurling it and giving it a cursory glance. “I see you’re quite the talented researcher, Yuuno.”

“It’s one of my many talents, your maj-”

“Celestia. Or Princess, if you prefer.”

“It’s one of my many talents, Princess,” Yuuno amended. He shifted his weight, unbending his legs from underneath him and flexing his feet. “Though I didn’t know you were interested in it until now.”

“I didn’t have a reason to be interested until now. What are you looking for, Yuuno?”

Yuuno spared a glance at the skylight and made a face, then looked back at Celestia. “How long?”

“Long enough.”

“Then you know what I was looking for.”

“I do, but I want to hear you say it.”

Yuuno sighed, resting an elbow on one knee and his chin in his palm. “I was looking into Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon.”


“Because there was something that made me curious.” Yuuno straightened himself, looking Celestia in the eye as he felt the alicorn’s glamour wash over him. “A lot of the books of Equestrian folklore and fable mention a cannibal spirit named ‘Nightmare Moon.’ However, there was a certain book I read that mentioned her in conjunction with a pair of pony sisters. Alicorn sisters.”

Celestia remained silent, her face quite neutral.

“Now, the idea of warring siblings isn’t uncommon in folklore and fable,” Yuuno continued. “However, we’re not talking about old bedtime stories, are we?”

“I suppose not,” Celestia agreed.

“Who is Nightmare Moon, Princess?”

“I’ll have to refrain from answering that question, Yuuno.”

The archeologist frowned. “Because you can‘t answer, or because you won‘t answer?”

“Because it’s not my place to answer.” Celestia replied softly, lowering her eyes.

“I see…”

“I don’t think you do.” Celestia closed her eyes as the sun shone down on her. “There are a lot of things in Equestria’s history that I’d prefer remained hidden, Yuuno Scrya. A great many secrets that should stay secret.”

“Is that why these historical documents are so vague and inconsistent when it comes to Nightmare Moon? Because you asked the writers to be?”

Celestia glanced at him, lips turned downwards in a frown.

“I thought so,” Yuuno nodded in affirmation.

“Be careful where you go with your questions, Mr. Scrya,” Celestia chided him, though her voice lacked humor. “Many of those secrets are hidden for a reason. Some of them would be uncomfortable to outsiders, especially the Bureau.”

“I am nothing if not discrete.” Yuuno met Celestia’s eyes, a few beads of sweat dripping down the back of his neck.

“I hope so. However, I’m not here to play twenty questions with you. My sister, Princess Luna, wants to speak with you personally this evening at moonrise.”

Yuuno swallowed. “I see. So she knows.”

“Yes, she does. I trust you’ll give her the proper respect. After all, you’re digging into things that might involve her.”

“I will.”

“Good.” Celestia rose to her feet and began to walk away, her tail swishing.

“Princess?” Yuuno’s query caused Celestia to stop. “Why invent the fables? Why the subterfuge? If Luna was Nightmare Moon then why-”

“Because Luna didn’t deserve to be remembered that way,” Celestia replied morosely. “A thousand years is plenty of time to muddy the waters of memory about something like that. Make of that what you will. Good day, Mr. Scrya.”

Yuuno shielded his eyes with one hand as Celestia vanished in a brilliant burst of light and mana, leaving the room just a few degrees warmer than before she had arrived.


Shamal glanced nervously at the maitre’d as she followed after him, passing by the various posh, well-dressed ponies. The sun had just reached noon, which meant that the restaurant Les Trois Couronnes was already holding its lunch service. To get a walk-in seat at The Three Crowns was a feat few ponies could pull off; most reservations had to be made months in advance just to get a table.

Of course, Shamal, aka ‘Miss Swan Lake,’ had the advantage of knowing the owner.

“Ah, Miss Lake!” Fancy Pants smiled warmly as she was seated at his table. “What an unexpected surprise. Please, make yourself comfortable.”

Shamal nodded wordlessly and took a seat as a waiter poured water into one of the delicate glasses.

“I’m a bit surprised,” Fancy Pants continued, glancing around and past Shamal with a slight frown. “I had expected Trixie to attend. That was the point of this little lunch meeting, after all.”

“Trixie is feeling a little under the weather today, sadly.” Shamal smiled weakly as she replied. “A bit too much celebrating last night, I think.”

The invitation had caught her and the other Knights by surprise; a simple lunch meeting to celebrate Trixie‘s first and rather successful performance, with a promise to take the four of them out to dinner later that night. Since the incident a month prior, the four of them had been endeavoring to keep their mistress’s condition a secret from their sponsor, all the while caring for her, a difficult feat most of the time.

However, they couldn’t hide things from Fancy Pants forever. When the invitation came, a decision had to be made. Turning down the invitation would have been suspicious. A disguise might have worked, but none of the Wolkenritter would have been able to pull it off; Shamal and Signum lacked Trixie’s outgoing attitude and panache, and while Vita could play the unicorn on the stage, she still required a script.

Zafira had flat-out declined, citing certain necessities that would need to be painfully hidden by the disguise spell.

Hence, Shamal was tapped to play the bearer of bad news. It was not a role she particularly enjoyed.

“I see.” Fancy Pants sighed, shaking his head.

Please believe me, please believe me, Shamal prayed silently, only to exhale in relief as the stallion chuckled.

“I suppose I can’t blame her. Oh to be young and foalish again.”

“I-indeed. Young and foalish.” Shamal laughed softly as the pair of them were presented with menus.

“Mmm,” Fancy Pants peered at the waiter over his menu, “I’ll have the leek and black truffle risotto with the green salad. Make sure to be a bit light on the vinaigrette. And you, Miss Lake?”

“Um…” Shamal glanced over the menu nervously. “I’m not really hungry…”

“If you’re worried about the price, don’t be. It’s on my bit,” Fancy Pants replied soothingly.

“Well,“ the Knight of the Lake frowned. It would be nice to have a lunch that wasn’t burnt for once. “I’ll… have the same, I guess?”

“I must say, “Fancy Pants continued as the waiter slipped off with their orders, “I’m surprised that Trixie decided to celebrate so hard that she made herself ill.”

“Well, we did warn her…” Shamal blushed. “I think she was just happy that she had such a large and appreciative audience.”

“Indeed. I do hope she’s available for her show tomorrow.”

“Oh, she’ll be fine… Just some time resting in bed will help her.”

Like she’s been for a month now… Shamal thought sadly.

“Miss Lake? Are you alright?”

“Huh?” Shamal blinked.

“You seemed… sad for a moment.” Fancy Pants leaned forwards, his hooves pressed together in front of his nose.

“Sorry, just… worried, I guess. I left Trixie in the others care while I was gone.”

“I’m sure things will be fine. Sword Dancer and Mallet seem to be responsible ponies…”

“I know, but I’m just a worrywart by nature.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Fancy Pants replied slyly, eliciting a giggle from Shamal.

“You know, you’re a lot prettier when you’re smiling, Miss Lake.”

Shamal’s cheeks lit up. “O-oh. Th-thank you…”

“It’s strange though,” Fancy Pants tilted his head to the side as though inspecting her. “You and your friends are so secretive… in the many weeks I’ve known your little motley crew I’ve still yet to learn much about you.”

A spike of panic shot up Shamal’s spine. Her mind raced as she thought up the cover stories the three of them had rehearsed. It seemed like forever ago. “Well… no time like the present, I suppose?”

“Is that so?” Fancy Pants levitated his water glass up, sipping at it. He adjusted his monocle gingerly with one hoof before he spoke again. “Then tell me about yourself, Miss Lake.”

There was a slight emphasis on her pseudonym that Shamal didn’t like.

“Um… well, should I start at the beginning?”

“By all means.”

“Well, I was born in Hoofington, but my parents and I didn’t live there long. My parents were a pegasus named Migration and a unicorn named Sweet River. We weren’t exactly well-off; we did a lot of traveling, since my dad studied birds…”

“Really? Rather curious profession.”

“Well, yes…”

“That would explain the lack of an accent. So, how did you meet your compatriots?”

“I met Sword Dancer when I moved to Fillydelphia,” Shamal answered, settling into the rehearsed story. “She was an instructor at a fencing school there. She saved me from a couple of bullies that accosted me, and we moved in together. The two of us met Mallet after she was kicked off a construction site for being too young. She didn’t have any parents, so we took her in.”

“And I assume you met Trixie sometime in Manehattan?” Fancy Pants supplied as the waiter arrived with their meal.

“Yes sir,” Shamal replied, dipping a spoon into her risotto and giving it a taste. Her eyes widened slightly, causing Fancy Pants to chuckle softly.

“Truffles are a bit of an acquired taste, Miss Lake. If it‘s not to your liking-”

“Mmm... No, no, it’s good! Delicious, in fact!” Shamal blushed at her enthusiastic reply. “S-sorry. I’m just used to eating my own cooking. I’m not exactly a skilled chef… and my dishes tend to be disastrous at best.”

“Well, not everypony can cook. However, I’m sure your cooking isn’t-”

“I‘m not allowed to bake anymore, for fear that I might set fire to the apartment.”

“Oh goodness,” Fancy Pants blinked in surprise. “That bad?”

Shamal nodded. “At least I can cook though. The others lack the patience or… inclination.”

“Well, domestic skills can only be improved with time, Miss Lake. Time and practice.”

“Mhmm... Do you cook, sir?”

Fancy Pants shook his head. “Sadly, no. At least, not recently. I was a passable cook when I was younger, but now I dread to enter the kitchen for fear of being assaulted by my staff. They can be awfully territorial sometimes.”

“What about your mare-friend?”

Fancy Pants blinked. “My mare-friend?”

“The nice mare you were with, the one who kept leaning on you.” Shamal pursed her lips, tapping her spoon against her lips. “Um... What was her name again?”

“Oh! Fleur de Les. Haha, no…” Fancy Pants shook his head. “Fleur is about as lacking culinary skill as I am. And she isn’t my mare-friend.”

“She’s not?”

“Oh no,” Fancy Pants smiled drolly. “We did try that once. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. The split was amicable, however. We do still get together every so often when our schedules allow it, but a longer term romance…”

“So… you’re a bachelor?” Shamal quietly quashed a sudden jump of hope at the idea of a free Fancy Pants.

“A confirmed one, it seems. Why do you ask?”

Shamal ducked her head down slightly, trying to hide her eyes behind her blonde bangs. “Um… n-no reason, really.”

No Shamal, she castigated herself mentally, you can’t form a relationship with this pony. Even if he’s handsome and charismatic and well-spoken and would probably sweep you off your hoofed feet given the chance… besides, you’re too old for him by a factor of centuries… and that’s the least of the problems.

A little, romantic and illogical part of her rebelled at those facts, however. The Knight of the Lake sighed, briefly entertaining the mental image of them together, alone, on some high castle wall, overlooking the green landscape below… the wind in their manes… their lips just about to kiss…

“My dear Miss Lake, unless I miss my guess,” Fancy Pants chortled, knocking Shamal out of her reverie, “I do believe you’re a tad enamored with me.”

Shamal dropped her spoon into her risotto. “I… no… I mean,” she stammered, trying to hide a brilliant blush.

“There’s no need to be so shy about it. I’ve had many an admirer over the years. You should have seen me when I was younger. I was, dare I say, a bit of a stud.”

Shamal tittered softly, levitating her spoon out of her food as she hid her mouth. “I believe that whole-heartedly…”

“Care for a bit of wine, Miss Lake?” Fancy Pants glanced over as a unicorn approached with a bottle.

“I suppose so… if you don’t mind. And it’s Swan, please…”

“Swan Lake. What a lovely name,” Fancy Pants smiled as the sommelier poured. Shamal couldn’t help but stare into those sapphire-blue eyes of his.

“To Trixie,” Fancy Pants lifted his glass.

“I-indeed. To Trixie.”


“Alright everyone, system checks! Is everyone‘s station stable and ready to proceed?”

Chrono paced about the large, open room at the base of the tower. Ideally, he would have had liked a larger room for a transportation center, but space was at something of a premium. The room was rather bare-bones; a set of table-mounted control stations connected to a long, broad strip of metal that ran the length of one wall. The rest of the room was purposefully kept empty for safety reasons.

“Station one, clear for receiving Enforcer Harlaown. All sensor readings indicate no anomalies.” the cadet at one of the ad-hoc control stations, the holographic screen hovering in front of his face as he typed at the controls.

“All green over here. Station two clear for energy transmission, Enforcer,” came a second reply

“Station three checks out as well sir. I have the coordinates locked in.”

Chrono nodded as he heard the door open behind him. Chrono didn’t have to turn around to know who was behind him. “I was hoping you’d show up, Admiral Graham, sir.”

“I see the direct dimensional link is looking promising,” Gil Graham replied.

Chrono turned on his heel as he looked up at his former mentor, trying not to pay attention to the Liese Sisters that were casually standing a footstep behind the older gentleman.

“We were just about to establish contact with HQ, sir. Admiral Harlaown should have arrived by this point with the coordinates for our side.”

“Excellent. Don’t let us interrupt you, Chrono.”

Chrono sighed, glancing over to the staff. “Are we ready for the activation?”

A chorus of ‘yes, sir,’ came in reply. Chrono nodded in satisfaction. “Alright then. Begin sequence.”

The room dimmed slightly as energy began to draw in from the small mana reactor they had been using to power their equipment.

“Channel clear on sensors!”

“Beginning transmission sequence; destination coordinates 011A 2281 1477 A223 1880 A0995 101 C0039.”

“Mana transmission circuitry is clear. Dimensional link is now forming. The transit spell is remaining stable!”

Chrono shielded his eyes slightly as a large, pale white spell circle began to form and spin along one wall, energy emanating upwards from the large metallic strip running along the floor. His ears were filled with the soft chirping noise of the keyboards as the monitoring stations continued their calls.

“We’re receiving a response from HQ’s dimensional anchor point.”

“Synchronizing chronol procession and relative dimensional velocity now.”

“Response complete. Origin coordinates have been cleared by DDL-Control. Opening transmission channel now!”

“Synchronization complete. The gate’s open and remaining within acceptable parameters!”

There was a bright flash, the circle on the wall slowing to a stop as it began to stabilize. Chrono felt goose pimples run up his arms as the direct dimensional link activated. This room was now a stable point of transmission between their HQ and Equestria.

“Sir, we’re receiving a communication request from HQ. They‘re requesting you.”

“Alright,” Chrono strode over to the station, accepting the earpiece and tucking into his ear. “This is Enforcer Harlaown. We’re reading you.”

“Hi Chrono.”

Chrono smiled faintly. “It’s nice to hear from you, Admiral Harlaown. It seems you arrived at HQ just in time.”

“Just a few hours ago, actually. Is the link stable?”

“Mostly. There may be a hiccup or two in the connection, but otherwise it’s all clear. I‘ll be arriving momentarily.”

“Good. Don’t forget your Hazard Shield when you transit over.”

“Of course.” As if he’d forget something like that. Given the magical barrier that surrounded Equestria had a habit of turning most people that passed through it into ponies, a magical defense like a TSAB standard Hazard Shield was something of a necessity. Thankfully, there were plenty of them to go around.

“I take it Admiral Harlaown is expecting us?” Gil asked as Chrono removed the earpiece.

“She is… you’re accompanying me?”

“We are, yes. I was going to turn in a status report on the negotiations to the admiralty in person.”

Chrono shrugged slightly. “Alright then. Hopefully this won’t take too long.”

“In a hurry, Enforcer?”

“Just keeping track of my investigation, sir.” Chrono replied a little stiffly. “Nothing more.”


Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.

Signum’s eyes were half-closed as she swept the stage, the broom swishing slowly in her telekinetic grasp. There was something comforting about the menial labor, the simple act of sweeping the floor, that put her at ease. It was one of the few chores she didn’t mind.

The bristles pushed the dirt along as Signum walked slowly behind the broom, the overhead lights catching the faintly swirling motes of dust as she worked. The knight watched them wordlessly, her tail swishing slightly as she paused to give them her attention.

She wasn’t used to doing simple chores like sweeping. None of them were. The four of them were servants of the Book to be directed as needed. Until their most recent Master, the Wolkenritter had been nothing but tools. They had needed no personality, no goals, no joy but serving the Book and their owner.

Not owner, she corrected herself mentally. Mistress. Boss. Friend.

She shook herself and resumed her duty. With Trixie still asleep, it fell to her to handle affairs with her fellow knights. She’d already checked the pyrotechnics cache, cleaned the props and dusted the curtains, as was part of their agreement; Trixie and her assistants could live at the Theatre, so long as they did upkeep.

Assistants. Having that word applied to her and the other Wolkenritter still felt strange. Unnatural. It implied a level of equality, or barring that a distinctly lesser degree of inequality, that Signum was still unused to.

Maybe that’s why she was so uncomfortable with attacking them. True, there was the threat of discovery, of having ‘them’ interfere. But Signum didn’t fear death; none of the Wolkenritter could really ‘die.’

No, it was the fact that for the first time, Signum felt like she wasn’t a weapon.

She shook herself again, a bit of her breath puffing her magenta mane out of her eyes as she resumed her sweeping, letting the swishing of the broom’s bristles fill her ears.

The noise of the door opening drew her attention as Shamal trotted in, looking flustered as usual. “S-sorry I’m late. The lunch meeting ran a little long.”

“You missed little,” Signum deadpanned, resting her broom against her withers. “What did he say?”

“Huh? O-oh, Fancy Pants you mean.” Shamal climbed up the stairs, averting her eyes from Signum’s cool, calm gaze. “Well, he wanted to congratulate Trixie on a good first performance…”

“I know,” Signum sniffed, then frowned as she approached Shamal. “Wine?” The word was equal parts question and statement of disappointment.

“J-just a little.” Shamal blushed. “He made the offer.”

“I see. Did he accept the excuse?”

“He did… though I think he’s starting to suspect something. He asked me questions about my past.”


“I… I gave him the story we worked out. Remember?”

“Mmmf.” Signum replied, her tail swishing in irritation. “Did he believe you?”

“I think so. I hope so.”

Signum looked at Shamal appraisingly, then nodded before she turned away to resume sweeping. “I’ve sent Vita out to the market for groceries. Zafira is currently washing our mistress, so please stay out of the bathroom.”

“O-okay. I was going to do a bit of budgeting work anyway…”

Signum continued sweeping, pausing after a minute or so to glance back at Shamal. The green mare shifted from side to side nervously, eyes still averted. “Yes?”

“Um… Signum. What if… I were to tell you I… liked somepony?”

Signum stopped sweeping, turning back to face Shamal. “If you ’liked’ somepony?”


“You’re referring to Fancy Pants, I assume.”

Shamal nodded wordlessly, causing Signum to sigh. “Shamal-”

“I-I mean, I know I shouldn’t, but he’s just like one of those stallions from the romance books. He’s so nice and handsome and he’s a bachelor-”

And this is why I kept telling her not to read that Scheiße, Signum thought to herself irritably as Shamal rambled on, the Knight of the Lakes pacing back and forth daintily. Signum paused in her assessment. This could, however, be useful.


“-but there’s no possible way it could work out since he’s our patron and I’m a horrible-”

“Shamal?” Signum spoke with a bit more force.

“-and what if Mistress found out when she woke up-”

“Shamal!” Signum stomped a foot sternly, breaking the other mare’s rhythm.

“Yes, Signum?”

“As your commanding officer, I can’t say I’m particularly interested in your romance… but,” Signum continued as Shamal looked slightly crestfallen, “I’m hereby ordering you to pursue Fancy Pants… at your discretion.”

“W-what?!” Shamal jerked slightly as though struck. “You… you want me to-”

“To pursue him, yes. Ideally, if he’s focusing on you, then he’ll be less likely to pry into certain issues.”

“I… yes, general. Absolutely. Thank you!” Shamal giggled and trotted off behind the back curtains.

Signum shook her head, looking at the faint trail of hoof-prints Shamal had left on the stage before resuming her sweeping.

Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.


“And there you go. Think you can carry that little filly?”

“I think I’ll manage,” Vita sniffed as she shifted underneath the weight of her bulging saddlebags. The bottoms of the bags only just avoided dragging the ground from Vita’s height. Vita didn’t care. Worst came to worse, she could just levitate it along behind her.

The formerly-red-now-golden filly began to walk along, stepping around passers-by as best she could manage. Nopony really paid her much attention, which didn’t help matters. However, she was used to it.

Then again, she thought grimly, if they stopped strutting around with their noses in the air like idiots, I wouldn’t have to dance around like this.

Vita huffed, starting to get into a decent rhythm as the saddlebags swayed against her flanks. Next time, it was going to be Shamal’s turn to get groceries. Why did they expect a little filly like her to do the grocery shopping anyway?

Vita paused to adjust the pack before glancing to the side. Her reflection looked back at her from a toy store window. Various stuffed animals sat behind the glass, button eyes and stitched faces looking back at her.

Vita glared right back.


“Thirty-five bits? For this?!”

Trixie hissed at the toy vendor, pointing a hoof at the offending plush toy; a white rabbit with green glass eyes and velvet lined ears. It was a rather pretty toy, one that Vita had had her eye on when they went to the Manehattan open market.

“That’s what tha sign says, sweetie,” the vendor, a red-coated unicorn with a teddy-bear cutie mark replied snippily. ”Cain’tcha read?”

“Don’t you dare mock Trixie, you ignorant foal! Trixie should have you thrown into prison for such highway robbery!”

“Lady, if ya don’t like the price, then leave. I don’ got all day. If yer not gonna buy somethin‘ then get tah movin‘!”

“Hah! Fine! As if Trixie needed such a shoddy doll. Hmph!”

Vita glared at Trixie as the mare began to walk along the sidewalk, her saddlebags rustling with its contents.

“I liked that doll, Mistress.” Vita grumbled.

“I am aware of this, “ Trixie replied

“Then why didn’t you buy it?” Vita huffed, kicking a loose pebble into the street as they walked. “Or better yet, why didn’t you just hold that mare down and make her give it to you?”

“Because I would prefer not to spend a night in jail, my bloodthirsty little assistant. Besides, we don’t have the money for it.”

“Hmph.” Vita snorted.

“I’m sorry Vita,” Trixie glanced back at the crimson filly, her voice a bit softer and apologetic, “but you’ll just have to accept that you can’t always get what you want. Besides, thirty-five bits is a bit much for a doll that somepony could put together with a bit of cloth and a needle.”

“Right. Like you could do that?”

Vita stopped as Trixie turned to look at her, a confident smirk on her face. “You dare to say that the Great and Powerful Trixie couldn’t make a simple plush toy, dear Vita?” Trixie’s voice was smug as she asked the question.

“Yeah, I do.” Vita replied defiantly.

“Hah!” Trixie flicked her mane, head high. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does not take such a challenge lying down! You shall have your precious toy!”

Vita rolled her eyes. She was used to Trixie’s declamations by that point. “Yeah yeah. Sure…”

“You disbelieve? Hah! To think that one of my own assistants would call me a neighsayer…”

“I didn’t mean to offend, Mistress,“ Vita replied bitterly. “I’ve just gotten used to disappointment. Not the first time one of our mistresses didn’t keep a promise to us.”

That seemed to stop Trixie mid-spiel. “You…”

“You don’t have to worry about it, Mistress. I don‘t need some dumb doll. Come on, the others are waiting back at the apartment.”

Trixie frowned at Vita, but said nothing as the pair continued on.

A few days later, Vita woke up after the sun was already halfway up in the sky. Trixie had already left the little bedroom the five of them shared. She stumbled out of bed and into the common room, muttering a ‘Good Morning” under her breath as she stumbled by.

“Vita?” Shamal spoke to her as she passed by. “Have you seen this yet?”

“Seen what?” Vita blinked sleepily as Shamal waved her over. A crude, whitish lump sat on the small table in the center of the room, surrounded by bits of thread, a pair of scissors, a few needles and strips of what looked like old dishrags. It was in a vaguely bunny-ish shape with mismatched, slightly off-kilter buttons for eyes and a X for a nose, half-hidden by limp ears made from much-distressed terrycloth. A bag-shaped and limbless lump of a body was sewn onto its too-large head.

Vita stared at the thing for a while. It was possibly the ugliest rabbit she’d ever seen. It was so ugly that it actually made her cry.

“I think this is made from Mistress’s bathrobe. I was wondering where it‘d… um… Vita? Are you alright?”

“I… she… Mistress…” Vita mumbled as she levitated the bunny up into the air. It smelled faintly of dirty laundry, but she hovered it closer and hugged it tight.


Stupid toys, Vita thought to herself as she re-adjusted her bag, starting off down the sidewalk, approaching one of the main intersections of Canterlot.

That’s when she heard a familiar voice.

“I swear, I’m fine Rainbow. Honest!”

Vita froze, glancing around sharply. Her eyes soon landed on a familiar purple unicorn trotting down the street, accompanied by a garish pegasus and a snooty-looking unicorn.

“You could barely stand when we were there Twilight!”

“I have to agree with Rainbow,” Rarity added in. “You’ve only just now gotten your magic back. Surely you should be resting-”

“I’ve rested enough as-is. I already napped for four hours, and I don’t want to get my sleep schedule off-kilter. Seriously girls, I‘m fine.”

“If you say so, Twilight. I bet Fate and Yuuno and everyone else is going to go crazy when they hear about this.”

Vita remained silent as their voices faded out. No sense of recognition. Good. They didn’t notice her.

Signum? Vita sent her mental message out.

Yes Vita?

Twilight Sparkle is in Canterlot with her friends. She’s apparently recovered her magic.

Signum remained silent for a few seconds before responding. Did they see you?

When did you turn into Shamal? Don’t worry, they didn’t notice me.

Good. Return quickly.

Roger. Vita glanced back at the retreating forms of the three ponies, then trotted off quickly down the street.

Or, rather, as quickly as the sacks of groceries would allow her.


“Come on Schach. I’ve warmed up plenty by now. I think it’s time we actually did some proper sparring.”

Arf bounced lightly on her feet, her tail swishing as she did so. The wolf-girl eyed her ‘instructor’ carefully, arms raised in a fighting stance. Meanwhile, the nun stood there, arms crossed.

“There’s no need to get over-eager, Arf,” Schach scolded gently. “After all, the purpose of this is to help you improve as a fighter. If you overdo things-”

“I’ll be fine. Really; it takes a lot to wear me out.”

“So I’ve noticed,” Schach sighed. She’d trained squires and novices before, but none were as… eager as Arf was.

“Besides,” Arf continued, steamrolling over Schach, “I need to get stronger quicker. Who knows when the Wolkenritter will show up… if Fate’s going to fight, then I have to be able to keep pace with her!”

There it was again; that hint of neurosis that Arf had. Schach shook her head again. “Fine. We’ll fight ‘properly’ this time. However,” the sister raised a finger, “close-range only. And if either of us get injured, we stop. Understood?”

“Yeah. I understand.” Arf’s ears flattened as Schach leveled a firm look. “Seriously. I understand. Just don’t hold back.”

“I won’t.” Schach slipped a hand into her sleeve and drew out a silver ring with two silver-and-green rectangular charms hanging from it. She spun the ring on her finger, the charms chiming as they hit each other.

“Windenschaft,” Schach addressed to the air, “set up.”

An orange Belkan triangle and loop sprang up underneath Schach’s feet as energy swirled up around her. Her black habit vanished in a gust of wind, quickly replaced by a close-fitting, sleeveless forest green leotard that came down to her mid-thigh. A stiff white skirt, open in the front, spread down her right side, belted about her waist by dark green sash. Black gloves and boots hid the rest of her limbs. The two charms separated from the connecting ring, expanding into a pair of blades connected to tonfa-style handles, which the nun caught and spun, dissolving the protective whirlwind surrounding her.

Arf gave a low whistle. “I didn’t expect your Barrier Jacket to be so… tight.”

“Technically, it’s referred to as ‘Knight Clothing,’” Schach corrected as she took her fighting stance, the flats of her blades pressed against the undersides of her arms. ”However, my choice of attire is irrelevant. Are you ready to begin?”

The wolf-girl grinned and lunged towards her. Her gloved fist made contact with the flat sides of Schach’s tonfa-swords.

“Good.” Schach noted as she kept up her defense, parrying the swift punches and kicks with the flat side of Windenschaft. “Your form is improved. Don’t straighten your arms so much with the punches though!”

“I’m not!” Arf growled, pivoting and launching a powerful, slicing kick towards Schach’s head. The nun ducked underneath, rolling her upper body before replying with a powerful uppercut of her own towards Arf’s stomach. To her credit, the wolf-girl dodged backwards, skidding slightly as she landed on the balls of her feet.

“Good reaction,” Schach struck forwards, whipping her swords towards Arf. It was the familiar’s turn to be on the defensive, weaving around the slicing blades as Schach attacked, the rectangular, three-edged blades whistling slightly as the knight slashed and flicked them at the wolf girl, only to snap back into a defensive position to block Arf’s attempts at counter-attacking.

“Nnngh! Dammit! How am I supposed to get a clean shot on you?!”

“Good question.” Schach smirked, stepping back slightly, tonfa-swords raised once-more in a defensive grip. “I can keep you at a distance if I want. However, at close range, you might not have a chance to launch a magical attack to take me off balance. You could try hitting me with a bind, but that would be difficult.”

“How about you stop talking and we get back to sparring?” Arf leapt toward her, launching a kick towards Schach’s chest, only for the knight to dodge out of the way. The melee swiftly resumed as Arf continued launching attacks, while Schach parried and bobbed and weaved out of the way.

“Oh wow. Maybe I should come back later.”

“Huh?” Arf glanced towards the familiar voice… only to get herself beaned on the head by a quick jabbing blow from Schach. “OW!”

“First rule,” Schach noted politely, “never take your eyes off your opponent.”

Arf glowered at Schach, then turned her attention towards the speaker, a familiar purple unicorn. “Twilight? I didn’t know you were back.”

“Ah, Miss Sparkle.” Schach lowered Windenschaft and bowed slightly. “It’s nice to finally meet you properly.”

“Um… nice to meet you too. Arf, are you alright?”

Arf winced, rubbing her head. “I’ve had worse. I’ll probably just have a bump.”

Twilight nodded, walking into the practice area, glancing up at Schach. “So, um, you must be Sister Schach Nouera. I heard about you from Spike. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Ah yes, your dragon friend. I had hoped we could meet before, but circumstances interfered. I hope you’re feeling better now.”

“I am, actually. Speaking of whom, Arf, have you seen Spike recently?”

“Not really. You might want to ask Yuuno though. He probably knows where he is.”

“I’ll do that. Um… don’t let me interrupt you two. I’ll show myself out. I don‘t want to interrupt your sparring.”

“Of course,” Schach nodded. “Perhaps we can talk some other time.”

“Sure. I think I’d like that. Have fun Arf!”

“Oh, I’m sure I will.” Arf chuckled as the unicorn stepped out of the room, then turned back to Schach. “Now, where were we?”

“Sparring. If you feel like contin-”

“Sure I do!” Arf struck forwards, shoulder-tackling Schach and knocking them both to the ground.

“Ooof!” Schach winced as the familiar pinned her arms. “I suppose that’s one way of ‘getting a clean shot,’ as you put it.”

“Give up?” Arf grinned, leaning her head down slightly.

“Hardly.” Schach snapped her head up, head butting Arf in the nose.

“Ghhh! Ow ow ow OW!” Arf rolled onto her back, both hands going to her face.

“And I think that counts as a proper injury.” Schach noted as she rose to her feet, picking up Windenschaft.

“You cheated!” Arf whined, her voice muffled and slightly nasal.

“I did no such thing. You were the one who brought your head within striking range, after all. Why don’t we take a break for a bit? We’ve been at this for a while now.”


The moon was just cresting over the horizon as Yuuno made his way into the royal living quarters. The fact that he was being accompanied by a pair of darkly armored and bat-winged pegasi guards didn’t help allay his nerves much.

The door to Princess Luna’s quarters slid open as they approached, admitting the young mage into the darkness within. It was slightly chilly and lit with a curious, blueish-white light. The walls were high waterfalls of dark violet and black, and the high, domed ceiling glittered with a dramatic reflection of the night’s sky, lines of silver linking together constellations made of jewels.

The only thing that stood out in the shadowy apartment was Fate. The filly blinked up at him from Luna’s large bed, a cup hovering before her.

“Yuuno? What’re you doing here?”

“Princess Luna wanted to talk to me in person.” Yuuno glanced around the room nervously. “Is she here?”

“She’s out on the balcony. We just finished my tutoring session.” Fate looked at Yuuno and frowned. “Are you in trouble or something?”

“I’m not entirely sure.”

“You’re not?”

“No. I-”


Yuuno froze lightly as Luna’s voice echoed into the room through the billowing curtains. Just beyond the violet-black cloth stood the Diarch of the Moon, her back turned to them.

“Yes, Teacher?”

“We do believe that your lesson this evening has been completed. Please excuse yourself, for we have business to conduct with Yuuno Scrya.”

“Yes, Teacher. Good night.” Fate set her cup aside, climbing off of the bed as she did so. She gave Yuuno a pitying glance before she exited, the door shutting behind her with a soft ‘click.’

Yuuno swallowed, daring not to make a sound until Luna spoke.

“Come hither, young human.”

Yuuno did so, pushing the curtains aside as he stepped onto the balcony beyond. Luna stood there quietly, overlooking the cityscape below.

“Um… your Majesty, I’d like to apologize if I’ve wronged you-” Yuuno began.to speak, only to be cut short.

“Young human, what do you see about you?”

Yuuno paused, glancing around quickly. “Um… the night?”

“Indeed. The night. A most wondrous time indeed,” Luna replied, her gaze focused on the city below, her voice carefully neutral and calm.

“When we first returned, we were greatly a-feared. Though much time had passed, we knew not what our subjects felt of our domain, the darkness and starlight and moon-shine. We were shocked to learn that there were many ponies now that relished the night, that played amongst our shadows, that laughed and danced and made all forms of merriment beneath the moon. Even now, unto this day we are still filled with such wonder of what our night has become. It was as we had hoped; that ponies would no-longer fear the dark as they did once before.”

Yuuno nodded silently as Luna sighed, turning to face him with those piercing blue-green eyes. There was anger in those eyes.

“You seek knowledge of our past.” Luna’s voice could have frozen the air itself solid. “Of the times when our nights were hidden from, when the darkness was to be feared. Why do you do this? We will have an explanation.”

Yuuno closed his eyes, trying not to shiver at the chill running up his spine, a chill that Luna seemed to be emitting. “Chrono asked me to look into your past. He thinks you have some connection to the Book of Darkness. I started looking because I thought I could find some clues in the old records. I’m sorry.”

He steeled himself, but no retribution came.

“We see.” Luna continued to stare at him, her eyes boring holes into his skull. He’d felt nervous when Celestia had confronted him in the archives. Compared to Luna’s icy anger, however, Celestia’s heat seemed like a distant memory.

“We see indeed. The Enforcer did indeed suspect, as we had thought.”

Yuuno didn’t reply as Luna turned back to look over the cityscape below.

“Your majesty, I-”

“Still thy tongue.”

Yuuno’s mouth shut quickly. The shadowy alicorn remained silent, no doubt thinking as she inspected the starlit domain of Equestria.

After an interminable amount of time, she spoke again.

“Why did you not speak directly unto us of this matter?”

“Chrono said that he wanted to have proof before he confronted you, in case his assumptions were wrong.”

“Is this so?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Then we will have words with the young Enforcer. However, we must first address the issue of your snooping.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Yuuno replied softly.

“We understand that curiosity is to be expected of your profession. However, digging into the affairs of another, particularly when they relate to matters that they deeply regret causes unnecessary pain, do you not agree?”

“Yes, your majesty. I should have asked you in the first place. I’m sorry.”

“I trust that we will not have this conversation again.” Luna noted firmly, to which Yuuno nodded in agreement very quickly.

“Good. If still you hunger for the truth, we will speak of it at a later time of our choosing,” Luna continued with a note of finality. “Until then, it would be wise to find something else to occupy your idle hours. Now off with you.”

Yuuno bowed slightly, walking into the room once again before pausing. “Princess Luna?”


“I really am sorry. And for what it’s worth, the nights in Equestria are spectacular.”

“We appreciate the gesture, but your flattery will win you no accolades, young human,” Luna sniffed. However, Yuuno could have sworn she smiled just a little.


The private conference room was mostly dark when Admiral Gil Graham stepped inside, the door hissing shut behind him. Lotte and Aria were stationed outside the door to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. The table glowed softly, giving the older man something to navigate by as he took his seat.

“Admiral Graham, present,” he said quietly, addressing the empty air. “You wanted to speak with me?”

There was a soft humming noise as the table’s holographic projectors lit up, three red Roman numerals hovering ominously in the air before him as a synthesized voice spoke.

“Greetings, Admiral Graham. We have received word of your return from Non-Administrated World Number Seventy-Seven.”

“We have reviewed your report,” a second, slightly higher synthesized voice chimed in, “and we have a great many concerns.”

“Concerns,“ a third, slightly lower voice continued, “that we would like addressed immediately.”

“I’m always at the High Council’s service,” Gil replied, adjusting his collar nervously.

“What would you like to know?”