• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 1,287 Views, 42 Comments

One's Past is Another's Future - Masked_Frenchman

Two humans living the life in their own world accidentally going into the world of Equestria and try to find a way back home.

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Chapter 1: The Start of Something New

"Let's drop this bass!" screamed out Neon Rave. He was DJing at a party to try to ease the tensions for the finales of next week of high school. Neon Rave was a party animal, normally at all the major gatherings and usually the life of the party. He would bring out his play list and would spin some tracks. So far, everyone who has ever been to a party with him in it has loved it. He had long dark green hair with neon green highlights and neon green eyes. By the end of the song he grabbed his mic and said "Alright everybody, even someone like me needs a little break from the booth, I'll be back soon". The crowd aww'ed in disappointment but they let him take a break as he put his play list on shuffle and let natural music take it's turn. Neon Rave walked to the very back of the room in the corner and put his arm around the guy there. "Hey Random, what are you doing back here? Get in this jam with me!"He asked assertive.

Random looked up to him, holding a diet Pepsi, and simply shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not really in a party mood right now, sorry." He pleaded. Random Guy had short brown hair, one blood red eye and one sky blue eye, which some people would freak out a little by it, but it was a birth defect. Other than his eyes he was as normal as one can be, until you got to know him. He tends to switch moods and personalities fairly often. Neon looked at him and smiled.

"Another one of those moods then, huh Random? Alrighty then. But if you get into it again you better come over and raise the roof with me. This is a party to release tension, remember?" he asked, poking him with his shoulder.

"Yea?" Random replied, trying to figure out what he was trying to get at.

"Well, then, get out there, and release some. Here, let me play your song, that always gets you dancing." Neon said chuckling. He chuged his drink and took off for his stage again. Random took a deep breath and slowly sipped at his Pepsi. Neon went back to the stage and took his playlist off shuffle. AS he did, everyone turned to him. "Alright everybody, it is time for a good dance song. He got a friend who is in the gunk. So let's turn up the heat and speed up the funk!" Neon shouted out to the crowd. Which the crowd shouted back in excitment. He put in a song he knew would get his friend moving, no matter what kind of mood he was. Once the song was playing, Random shook his head smiling.

"Oh Neon, your always trying to get me to join up with you." he said chuckling to himself. As soon as the song started playing, he started laughing, remembering the song that was playing and all the memories. Neon looked back to him smiling and then back to his booth. Random finished his drink and went out onto the dance floor. Neon was playing the best song in his arsenal for getting his best friend Random. He knew what it did to him.

"You can call me a king or a ruler, Felon on bass, getting horse on the mic. We getting 20% cooler!" Neon started to sing out. He could see his friend making his way to the dance floor. Smiling, he continued his song. "We had a great day out, calling my name like Ferris Bueller. It's time to wrap this up, we getting 20% cooler." he continued. After a few seconds after the chorus he saw Random finally dancing. 'About time slow poke' he thought jokingly. After a dozen more songs he had to finish it up and have everyone leave. Neon and Random went out front to see everyone out, all of them talking about how awesome the party was. Neon was saying good night to everyone, and by the time the last person left and was out of sight he collapsed onto the ground. "Man, what a hungry crowd." he said with a reliefing sigh.

"What is wrong, can't handle one little party?" Random joked around. Neon got back up and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Shut up you. As if you could do any better." He said jokingly. Random lookeda t the school behind them.
"So, for real. How did you get the keys for the school?" Random asked confused. Neon turned to him with a devilish smile and pulled out the keys.

"Borrowed and copied." he explained smirking to himself. "Principle Celestia never saw it coming." he added while spinning the keys on his finger tip. Random Started to chuckle to himself but then had a face of panic. "I mean, really, sometimes she is watching you like a hawk. But other times, she is clueless and clumsy as that derpy chick." Neon kept going on. Random was trying to signal him to stop. "I mean, I know I can be good at sneaking around and stuff. Like, remember that time I snuck into her office and stole her lunch. That was almost too easy, or maybe that time we cut off the peaker system and hooked it up to my phone to play awesome music, I got 3 songs before they even found out. Funny as hell" he said, slapping his knee laughing his head off. Random, freaking out, took a step back pointing at Neon. "Dude, what is it, what the hell are you freaking out about. Wait, wait, let me guess, uhhh, Principle Celestia is right behind me?" He said sarcastically, laughing as he said it.

"Why yes actually" said a voice from behind Neon. He froze in his tracks and stopped his laughing immediately. Neon slowly turned to look behind him and saw Principle Celestia looking down at him with a stern and angry look upon her face. "So you stole my lunch yesterday." she said firmly. Neon was paralyzed with fear and his knees where shaking.

The next day, Neon was at school as always. Everyone talking about the party the night before as he got his stuff from his locker when a random pair of hands covered his eyes. "Hmmm, wait, I know this one. The smell of blueberries. . . . . . soft hands. . . . . . . firm grip. . . . . . I wonder who it can be?" He said sarcastically. He was spun around to look into the violet shades of a girl. "Oh, for a second, I thought you were my girl friend. Are you free tonight? We could hang out at my place." he said smoothly. She lifted her eyebrow and giggled.

"If that's all it takes, I wonder how many girls you've been with." she questioned, about to jab him in the chest. Neon quickly caught the fist and held it into his hand and leaned her up on the lockers.

"You would be the first, as you should know, or at least you should know." Neon said softly. She was taken back at the sudden approach and slowly leaned in for a kiss.

"I. . . . hope. . . . . . so" she whispered, closing her eyes.

"Hey Neon, hey Vinyl. Am I interupting something?" asked Random. The 2 froze for a second and then Neon prompted her back up.
"Hey Random, your timing has never been so poor." Neon said annoyed. Vinyl giggled to herself.

"I don't know, I thought it was perfect." she joked. She punched Neon in the arm and started walking off to class. "Hey Neon, I need some help with my new toy tomorrow. Can I count on you?" she called out. Neon turned to her with his usual smirk.

"Of course you can count on me. I wanna use that bad boy as much as you do." he called out.

"Great, I will see ya tomorrow night then, at 7. Don't be late, or you'll regret it!" she yelled back as she stuck her tongue out at him and spun around to hurry to class. Neon watched her as she ran off. Random caught him watching and decided to tease him about it.

"What is this 'New Toy' She is talking about?" asked Random confused, hoping it isn't what he thinks it is.

Neon was alittle dazed and snapped out of it to turn to Random. "What? Oh, it is a project she has been working on. A new sounds system that concentrates all of the bass power into a narrowed sound barrier. She plans on calling it 'The Bass Cannon' or something like that. I think her designs maybe alittle too much, be she wants it her way, so all I can really do is support her." he explained, still looking back to Vinyl right before she turned the cornor to get to her class.
"Dude, you are so whipped. You know that, right?" he said jokingly with a smirk on his face. Neon turned back around.
"What?! No way dude, I totaly got her wrapped around MY finger." Neon said folding his arms to his chest with a confident smile. Random rolled his eyes.

"Yea, sure. Come on, we are gonna be late and Principle Celestia is already upset with us as is." Random reminded Neon. They both took off to their next class, racing each other done the hall. Neon Rave and Random Guy have known each other for a long time now. Their parents were all friends and used to hang out alot. So it was only natural that they became friends, but they were insepratable. But one day, while the parents were out to the movies, a drunk truck driver smashed into their care and killed them. So with Neon being older by a year, took Guy and started living by themselves. They live by an old abandom factory building that they use for parties and sleeping area. No one knows they are homeless and they have told no one. Buyt ever since then, they have formed a bond stronger than brothers.

"Man, today was such a pain in my rear. I'm just glad that it is finaly over." said Neon happily, streching out his arms and legs while walking out of the school. Random walked over to the statue in the middle of the court yard.
"Yea, 3 hours of detention will do that to you. 1 down, 7 more to go." he said annoyed looking back at him. "You just had to spill all that stuff out, huh? Why not just walk up to her and tell her about the food fight that we started last week. Or, or maybe the food we stole from the lock up 4 days ago. Oh, and who could forget the time we set up that air horn in our teachers desk and almost gave him a heart attack?" Random asked angry. Neon shrugged his shoulders.

"I know, I know. I get alittle full of my self sometimes. I'm sorry.' he said, and then turned around to give Random his best puppy dog look. "Could you ever forgive me"? Random looked into his eyes and gave a short laugh.

"Oh fine, you got me, now stop already." he said, trying to block his sight from him. Neon broke out laughing and gave him another playful punch to the shoulder.

"Did you hear about what everyone is says? Everyone today was talking about that party, they really loved your song. I might use that for my next album, who knows. That party might have been the best so far." Neon said pumped. He loved hearing about the parties he goes to. Random chuckled to himself.

"Yea, actually, some people are even calling you the god of parties. Even that crazy pink hair girl wants to party with you." Random explained.

Neon laughed about the thought. "God of parties huh? I'll take that title." He joked. He grabed his coat and wrapped it around his neck as a make shift cape. "Bow down before me. Your god has arrived." he acted out, walking around nobly. Random gave off a few laughs and joined in and kneeled before Neon.

"Oh mighty god of the parties, what do thy command?" he asked playing along with the act. Neon looked down to him and say mightly.

"Oh faithful servet, we shall throw a party of a life time. Invite all the mortals. We shall throw a party that the angels will sing about for the remainders of time." Neon continued as he walked around all high and mighty.

"As you command, my lord." Random played along. But at that last part, he fell over onto his back laughing his butt off, and Neon followed suit. Both of them rolled around on the ground laughing, trying to stop. After awhile they finally calmed down and looked up into the night sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight and every star was visible for them both to see.

"Now that's a sight, don't cha agree?" asked Random. Neon just kept looking up, without turning to his friend replied with

"Actually, yes. This is an amazing sight". They sat there for awhile till finally Random poked Neon and said
"Hey man, just wondering. What are we gonna do with our lives?" Random asked. Neon shrugged his shoulders and started smiling.

"I'll tell you what I am gonna be doing. Touring the world. I will become the number one DJ in the world. People from all over the world will be chanting my name. The greatest club owners will be on their knees, begging me to play at their hottest spots. Chicks will be all over me. But of course, I am gonna have eyes for only one girl. An' I'm with her already." Explained Neon with a big smirk on his face, looking as confident as ever. He turned to Random and asked "What about you? Have you made up your mind yet"?

Random shook his head. "Nope, not yet. I mean, their is stuff I would like to do, but, nothing that really shouts out for me. I don't really have anything I am particularly good at. I'm an ok dancer, I can cook a few things, I'm ok in my studies, not really good at any sports. Maybe I just don't have any real destiny before me." he said with dout. Neon was alittle sadden but then jabbed him in the side.

"Hey man, you have a purpose. You just haven't discovered. But for now, you being my best friend should due for now, right?" he said cheerfully, holding his fist out infront of him. Random looked at his fist and then to him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Alright, maybe your right. For now, this will do just fine." he sighed as he bumped fists with Neon. He smiled and said

"Well alright, come on, get up." Neon said as he jumped to his feet in one swift motion and lent a hand. "Come on there slow poke." he teased playfully. Random grabbed his hand and pulled himself up to his feet. Neon walked over to a can that was in front of the statue and kicked it toward Random, which he caught with his foot.

"So, planning on spending your life with Vinyl then, Neon?" Random teased, passing it back to him. He caught it and chuckled.

"Really? You had to bring that up? But. . . . yea, yea I guess you can say that. She shares my passion for music, and she is totally chill and beuatiful, and kind. She is a blast to hang around with. She is allways cheering me on and-" as he was talking Random gave him a dirty look and Neon calmed down. "I mean, I guess I could spend my life with her, if I had to I mean. She's cool I guess." he said, trying to play it off cool and he kicked the can back to Random. As he caught it, he passed it to himself a few times.

"Well, as usual, you can't hide everything. But still, she is a good match for you. I know she is your first and all, but still, try to keep her." said Random passing the can back to Neon. He caught it and and stood it up tall, aiming his foot at Random.

"How do you know, I could have had many girl friends and you wouldn't have known. I can keep a secret as you should know." Neon said smirking and kicked the can with everything he's got, beaming it right at Random. Right before it hit him, he moved his hand to catch the can at the last second without flinching. He looked at the can in his hand, then back to Neon and smiled his evil smile. Neon took a step back, knowing what the smile meant. "Oh crap, come on man, it's just a game." he tried to explain as he backed up some more. When ever Random had that stare, it always meant trouble, he was going alittle crazy.

"You're right Neon, it is just a game. So let's play." Random said with a creepy stare. He placed the can on the ground and with all his strength he winded back and kicked it. The can went flying so fast that Neon couldn't even see it. So he did the only thing he could do, jumpped the hell out of the way. After a few seconds he didn't hear the can hit the statue, or anything for that matter. He looked back at Random guy he stared at the Statue. When he turned to see what Random was staring at, he noticed that the can was gone.

"Where did it go Random?" asked Neon. Random guy pointed at the statue.

"I-it just went right through. as if it wasn't there." explained Random. Neon looked back at the statue and walked up to it. Standing in front of it he tried to tap the statue with his foot but it went right in.

"Dude, come check this out. It's like a hologram or something." Neon said, signaling him to come over. Random walked over and put his hand inside and pulled it right out.

"It's cold on the other side, not too much colder than here, but alittle bit." Random explained. Neon grabbed his hand and smiled.

"On the count of 3, we jump. Ready?" asked Neon with a friendly smile. Random smiled back and chuckled.

"Three!" He yelled out as he jumped in and pulled Neon with him, taking him by surprise. They landed on the other side of the entrance. The room they were now in was very dark. Neon and Random laid on the ground. "Ow, my head." said Random.

"My head. Where the hell are we?" Neon asked. He looked around and waited for his eyes to adjust. He could see books stacked up on the shelves, some closed curtains, and 2 hallway entrances. "Dude, this looks like a museum or something. It all looks really fancy ether way." he said, trying to get up.

"Well, ether way we are screwed if we get caught!" exclaimed Random.

Neon Looked towards Random and dropped his jaw. "Dude!!! WHAT THE HELL?! Your a freaking horse!" He yelled in shock. He jumped backwards and slams into a bookshelf, knocking over some of the books on the shelves.

"Neon, you are too!" Random guy cried out. Suddenly they heard voices coming from around the corner. Neon looked at himself and Random was right. He did turn into a horse, with wings?

"Come on man, this is getting really weird. Let's get the hell out of here." He said as he started running for the mirror that they fell through. He kept slipping a few times due to the fact that he had hooves instead of feet. As he got to the mirrior he crashed into it and fell over backwards.

Random looked at him confused. "What happened?" he asked both scared and worried.

Neon turned to Random with pure fear in his eyes. "We can't go back, it won't let us." Random came up to it and placed his hands on the mirror.

Two ponies in armor came around the corner, shining a light at them. One of them stepped forward to them. "Alright, freeze!"Neon and Random froze in place, not moving a muscle. The guards came over to look at them. "Alright, how did you guys get in the secret storage chambers of the main palace? " asked one of the guards. Neon and Random looked at each other with the most confused faces they have ever had.

"Ummm, well, you see, uhhh. We don't really know where we are. We walked into a statue and it brought us here. We tried to go back through but it won't let us now. We're stuck here." Random tried to explain. The 2 guards looked at each other confused and looked back.

"What in Luna's name are you talking about?" asked the same guard forcfully. Neon sat down and looked at the guard scincerly.

"Look, we are trapped in here, where ever here is. We have no idea where we are, nor how we got here. So can you just go to who ever is in charge here so we can try to explain this properly and like gentlemen?" asked Neon. The guards looked at him like he was crazy, back to each other, then back to them.

"You wish to speak to Princess Celestia?" asked the other guard. Random shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, is that who is in charge?" He asked. Neon leaned over to him and whispered

"When did Principle Celestia become a princess"?

"I am not sure, let's just play along." Random replied back in a whisper. The 2 guards led the troubled and confused pair up the halls in to the thrown room. One of the guards poked his head in and asked for permission to enter. Random heard something but couldn't make it out. The guard poked his head back in and nodded. The guards escorted them into the thrown room where a light, rainbow colored pony stood with a dark haired one standing next to her, but smaller.

"Your Majesties. These 2 where caught in the secret storage chambers of the main palace. We caught them while they were yelling about something. Noisy thieves if you ask me your majesties." the guard finished as he lowered his head and slowly backed away. Neon could feel the stare of the Pony that looked alittle like Principle Celestia as if she was looking into his very soul, kinda like his principle could. She smiled and kept her gaze at them.

"My name is Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna. What is your names?" Celestia asked kindly. Neon was alittle embarrased but took a step forward.

"My name is Neon Rave. This is my closest friend, Random Guy." Neon explained. Celestia's eyes widen in joy and shock as did her sister Luna.

"Did you say Random Guy?" she asked surprised. Neon nodded his head. Celestia looked at Random and smiled. "Welcome back then. We have missed you".