• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 1,287 Views, 42 Comments

One's Past is Another's Future - Masked_Frenchman

Two humans living the life in their own world accidentally going into the world of Equestria and try to find a way back home.

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Chapter 10: Neon's Homesick

(Music that I listened to while writing this was "Pretty Fly (for a white guy)" by Offspring, "Bad Apple" by Discord Whooves, "Trance-Kiss" by TranceHarmo [youtube searching] and "My First Kiss" by 3OH!3. If you choose to listen to the music then I hope it helps. Take this time while reading this and being distracted to find the music or choose to. . . . . . . take your time. . . . . . you got all day buddy. . . . . . . . are you good now? Alright, let's get to the story! :twilightsmile:)

Chapter 10: Neon’s Homesick

Neon looked out the window and saw that it was Diedra with a crowd of ponies surrounding him and it looked like he was standing in front of a wooden stand. “hey, let’s go check this out,” Neon called down from the window. “It looks like Diedra,” he added. Random looked at him confused.

“Who is that?” he asked confused. Neon face hoofed himself.

“Really? That one pony that I checked out. He had clay art work and all that?” Neon explained annoyed.

“Oh yea, I remember him now, I liked him!” Random exclaimed. “Come on, let’s go see him!” Random called out as he rushed out the door, Neon following him. Cypher changed his form into the guard and followed them. Random, Neon, and Cypher got outside and stood in the crowd as they listened to him talking.

“Art is an explosion. . . of beauty and wonder. Come one and come all and look among my merchandise of true art. I promise you will not find anything like this anywhere else in the world!” Diedra declared as the crowd started to get a little antsy, wanting to look. Diedra had a large cloth covering his stand, driving their curiosity as far as he could. “Now, let me show you, true art!” he called out as he lifted the cloth. His stand held amazing vases and flower pots of all shapes and sizes, dozens of them. The crowd got together and stared in amazement. Diedra happened to look up and saw Neon from the crowd. “It’s you!” he shouted out.

“Oh crap,” Neon whispered. Diedra teleported over to him with a large smile on his face.

“This young pegasus showed me that there is still ponies out there in the world that still care for art. Thanks to him, I have decided to set up a stand here in Ponyville all the way from Detrot!” Diedra stated out loud as he wrapped an arm around Neon, looking out towards the crowd. They all looked over to him and listened. “Behold, this is what I made just for this customer!” Deidra shouted out as he raised the vase that Neon bought and raised it to the crowd.

“Umm, hey Diedra, can you let me go?” Neon asked shyly, feeling his face burning up. After a few minutes more of Diedra showing off, he finally let the poor pegasus go as he finished his speech, finally looking at Neon.

“Sorry about that. I had to please the crowd, you know, so how is my favorite customer doing?” Diedra asked cheerfully. Random walked up to Diedra.

“You mean your only customer?” Random asked in an annoyed manner. Diedra turned to him with a glare but quickly changed it to a smile.

“Well as you can see I have many customers now, thanks to Neon’s inspiration, I set up shop down here now were I will save up money to reopen my shop down here!” he explained cheerfully and teleported back to his stand as ponies started buying up his clay work.

“I don’t think I did anything. He is an odd one,” Neon explained as he watched the mob of ponies looking through his merchandise. “This world is so different,” he added.

“I don’t think so. I mean think about it, there was plenty of crazy kids in our classes, like that one girl with the derpy eyes, remember her?” Random asked. Neon thought for a second and chuckled to himself.

“Yea, I remember her. I was her first friend in middle school, 4th grade. She was so clumsy and so. . well, we’ll just say slow, but I’ll tell you what, she had such a big heart. Even if she screwed up everything she did, she always means well and strived to be better, even if she could never get closer to her goal. I should have been nicer to her when we got into highschool,” Neon said mostly to himself as he looked down at the ground with a hurt face. Random smiled and placed a friendly hoof on his shoulder.

“Hey man, it’s ok. She still carried that goofy smile with her everytime she saw you. I think she knows you meant well,” Random explained. Neon smiled faintly as he looked up into Random’s eyes. “And besides, she managed to make some friends. I am sure she is happy now, and you helped her,” he added.

“Thanks Random, that means a lot. Let’s go grab a bite to eat,” Neon offered.

“Oh, oh, can we go to Sugar Cube Corner?” Random asked in an innocent manner with pleading eyes.

“Yea, we can go to-” Neon stopped himself and then remembered who worked there, his face then turning stern. “No,” he then answered. Random made a frown face as he looked into Neon’s eyes.

“Pretty please,” he begged, making his best puppy dog eyes. Neon shrugged it off and looked away.

“I said no, we are not going there. I know who works there,” Neon explained annoyed.

“Who works where?” questioned a familiar voice from behind Neon. Neon shivered, knowing who it was, as he turned to see the pink party pony.

“Uh, nothing. What are you doing here?” Neon asked slightly frightened. Random looked at Neon’s eyes as he used their secret code of facial expressions.

‘Now can we go?’ he asked using the code.

‘No, we will go to a cafe. I will not be seen going there!’ Neon declared annoyed through facial expressions. Pinkie Pie went in between them.

‘Go where?’ she asked, using their code. Neon looked away, shaking his head and face hoofing himself.

“Honestly, why the hell do we even have a code now?! Anyway, we were going to go grab a bite to eat,” Neon said, not looking at Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, that sounds like fun! Come on, I’ll give you guys something to eat. I was heading over to Sugar Cube Corner anyway, let’s go!” Pinkie Pie offered excited, bouncing around.

“Can we please?” Random pleaded again. Neon looked at Random and then at Pinkie Pie who copied his puppy dog stare.

“We, uhh, don’t have any money,” Neon said quickly, trying to sound convincing.

“It’s ok, it’ll be my treat, I can’t let my friends be hungry now!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed quickly.

“God dame it! Fine, let’s go,” Neon said annoyed, finally giving in. Pinkie Pie jumped up high in excitement as she bounced around Neon. The clouds started to get darker as they were outside, blocking out the sun.

“Yaa!! This is going to be so much fun! We better hurry before we get rained on,” Pinkie Pie explained as she bounced around in a circle around Neon, Random following suit. Neon calmly walked up to a light post and slammed his head into another light post. “Wow, he really likes to do that,” Pinkie Pie pointed out, continuing her circle around Neon.

“Yea, he does that sometimes,” Random explained, bouncing around Neon as well. After a few minutes of that, they all went to the candy cafe and sat at a table as Pinkie Pie bounced around with anticipation.

“So, what do you guys want?” Pinkie Pie asked excited.

“I’ll have one of those cupcakes that you gave me at the party,” Random asked. Neon perked up quickly.

“NO! Anything but that,” Neon demanded.

“Did you eat the other 11 already?” Pinkie Pie asked confused, tilting her head to the side.

“What do you mean, what other 11?” random asked puzzled and confused.

“The other 11 I made you. Neon said he was going to keep it safe for you,” Pinkie Pie explained. Random turned to Neon who looked around the room, avoiding eye contact.

“Neon, where are my cupcakes?” Random asked in a threatening tone. His hair blocked off his blue eye, so he glared him down with his red eye.

“Umm, well, I had to make sure you wouldn’t destroy Twilight’s house, so I locked them up for a once in awhile treat,” Neon explained, avoiding eye contact with random, knowing what would happen if he did look.

“Make sense, ok then,” Random said, calming down almost instantly. He looked back over with a smile back at Pinkie Pie. “I’ll have some fudge then please,” Random asked politely.

“Ok, then what about you Neon?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“A gun,” Neon whispered.

“What was that?” Pinkie Pie asked confused.

“I mean, I’ll have some chocolate, surprise me,” Neon replied quietly. Pinkie Pie smiled and rushed over to behind the counter. Random smiled at her and turned to Neon.

“Why do you not like her?” Random asked quietly and confused. Neon shrugged his shoulders.

“One of you is a pain as is, dealing with her just takes too much out of me,” Neon replied as he leaned back and looked around. “I miss home,” he whispered. Random looked at him confused.

“What do you mean? We just left,” Random pointed out, slightly confused. Neon sighed and looked back down to Random.

“No, I mean home home. OUR home. I miss school, I miss our friends, I miss my fame, I miss Vinyl, MY Vinyl, I mean, what the hell is up with this place. I just want to go home,” Neon said quietly as he laid his face on the table. Random rubbed his hoof on Neon’s back, trying to comfort him.

“Hey man, it’s fine. Look, we are gonna get through all of this confusion and we are gonna go home. We’ll find a way, just you wait!” Random said optimistically. Neon looked back up at him with a sadden look on his face.

“You don’t get it, do you? We are stuck here. The portal thingy is sealed up as soon as we jumped through it. We are stuck. This is the one time that you are wrong Random,” Neon replied.

“Even if that is true, we can make this world our new home. You saw how the crowd loved your performance, just do it here!” Random said with optimism like always. Neon’s ears perked up at that thought but then lowered back down.

“Come on, even if it would work out, I still do not have my Vinyl Scratch, ok. I will admit a thousand times that I am whipped just to see her again. I would do anything to see her again,” Neon whispered, a single tear started to fall. “I love her with all my heart. I wanted her to be my wife one day,” he added sullon.

“Look, this world is just like ours, just with ponies instead of humans. I bet the Vinyl here is just like the other one in the real world,” Random tried to assure him.

“Just like her? Just like her!” Neon started to raise his voice. Random brought his hoof back as he got back up. “You have no idea! I don’t want a copy, I want my Vinyl! I don’t need a replica, I want the real thing. How could you say she is the same as her?! No one can be the same as her! A pony could never replace my love! She is on the other side, waiting for me, looking for me, and I am sitting here eating chocolate!” Neon declared, getting angry. Pinkie Pie choose the wrong time to come on by with the food.

“Here you go guys,” she said cheerfully. Neon slapped the food off the table and stormed out. Pinkie Pie’s normal smile disappeared instantly as Neon pushed the door and ran out. Random stared at the ground, hurt and sad as he realized he just upset the closest friend to him in the world, in any world. “DId he not want his food?” Pinkie Pie asked hurt. Random took a deep breath and looked at the pink pony.

“It’s not you, he is just not accepting this world very well. He misses her very much,” Random explained, feeling his eyes watering up.

“So I guess that he really doesn’t like me, huh?” said a voice from behind Random. He turned around and looked at the voice.

“Vinyl?!” he said surprised. Vinyl was sitting at her table right behind theirs with a hurt and sad expression on her face.

“I thought he just wasn’t into me or something, but I guess he really hates me,” she continued, taking off her goggles, revealing her red eyes that looked as if she was about to cry. Random stood up and approached her.

“Oh Vinyl, ah crap,” he said to himself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Neon stormed out of the shop, spread his wings, and flew right off as fast as he could. The town was a blur for a moment till he found a familiar pond. The same pond that he found the cutie mark crusaders. He touched down by some boulders and folded his wings up to his side, staring off on to the pond. The clouds above got darker as the sound of thunder could be heard. Neon didn’t care. It has only been a few days in this world and he already wanted to get out of here. Neon’s rage started building as he looked up at the clouds. “Why? Why do I have to be here? I was on the top of the world. My life was perfect. I had a career going for me, hundreds of friends, a promising future, the greatest friend any man could ever ask for, and the love of my life all wrapped up in a present for me in a pretty ribbon. Now I have lost everything but my friend. It’s as if the reset button has been pressed all over again!”Neon said to himself. He looked at his hooves and felt his rage built up even more. “She probably thinks I ditched her, that I left her without warning, and sensi Zecora probably thinks I ran away. She always knew that I was homeless, is she gonna think I died or something? What the hell do I do now?!” Neon continued angry. He screamed and started punching one of the boulders. “Why? Why? Why?! Why?! WHY?! WHY?!?!” He screamed out as he kept punching. Each punch cracked the boulder under his hooves. With one finally punch, he shattered it into pieces, a small streams of blood running down his arms. Rain started to down pour directly onto him and washed over his body.

“DAME YOU GODS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?!?!” Neon screamed at the top of his lungs. He swung around and kicked a different boulder, exploding it upon impact. Neon was satisfied for a moment until he felt the pain wash over his leg and carried out throughout his whole body. He fell down and clutched his leg in pain and felt blood running down his body. When he looked down he noticed he reopened his stitches.

“If you keep this up you’re gonna get hurt even more,” said a comforting voice from behind Neon. He spun around and saw Shiva standing there with a sadden look on her face, staring directly at him.

“What the hell do you want?!” Neon barked in a threatening tone. The blood and the rain was mixing together in his fur on his body. Shiva could easily see this as her usual well groomed mane was messy with the rain.

“May I approach, Neon?” she asked politely. Neon hesitated for a moment before glaring at her, nodding. She smiled and walked over to him, slowly. She sat closely next to him as she stared off at the pond. They sat in silence for what seemed like years until one of them broke the silence.

“What are you doing here?” Neon asked, a little more calm.

“Well, I could ask you the same thing, but I saw you wizz past me in a blur so I thought I should follow you. Which by the way, that wasn’t easy. Now why are you here is the question,” Shiva asked. Neon looked at her and then back to the pond, watching the rain disturb the surface, the sound of the rain hitting the ground and the water all around them.

“I came here to be alone, but I guess this isn’t a very good spot since someone is always here,” Neon explained, his voice cracking. Shiva turned to him as he fought hard to fight back his tears. “I just want to go home,” he added in a whisper. Shiva grabbed him and pulled him onto her into a tight but caring embrace. “What are you doing? You’ll get blood on-” Neon started in a panic.

“Shhh. It is fine. I don’t care, a little stain is perfectly fine with me if it means I can help you,” Shiva stated a she held Neon in her arms. Neon felt his heart racing, he never felt like this before in his life. He couldn’t describe his emotions at that moment, all he knew is that he didn’t want it to end. Once he thoughts caught up with his emotions, he felt his tears roll down his cheeks and into her fur on her chest. Shiva held him closely and rubbed his back. “There, there, cry it away, it’s ok to cry, I’m here for you,” Shiva said softly, comforting him as he cried away, at first a few silent tears and then just breaking down right then and there. Shiva used her magic to freeze the water around them and created an umbrella of ice over them, protecting them both from the rain.

“I. . . -j-just don’t know w-w-what to do, I’m scared, a-a-nd angry. I mean I’m g-g-glad that I have R-Random with me, but h-he is all I have. I use t-t-to b-be a king, and n-n-now I am n-n-othing” Neon explained through his tears. He didn’t know why he was spilling his heart out in front of her, all he knew was that it felt right and it felt good. After a long while of crying, he finally started to slow down his crying. Looking up at her as her eyes showed nothing but care and love, it was somehow able to squeeze out a few more tears from his burning eyes.

“It is alright, calm down, I’m here for you,” Shiva assured. She placed her hooves on his cheeks and pulled him to her. Before Neon could realize what was happening, her lips were pressed upon his as their lips were locked in place. Neon was taken back and was in shock by the sudden intrusion upon his lips. He resisted for a split second and felt his muscles melt away, feeling her soft lips on hers and her hooves firm but gentle on her face. ‘I am kissing a horse, you know that right? This is wrong in so many levels’ he thought to himself panicking. ‘But yet, I can’t push her away,’ he added to his thoughts. His hooves found her back as he pulled her closer to him, pressing their bodies together in a tight embrace. Neon finally kissed her back, not sure what to do but to let instinct take over. His hooves ran down her back on instinct and slowly lowered.

Shiva let her hooves drop as she felt his tongue dance for domination in her mouth, taken back by the moment. Without thinking, she grabbed a hold of his back and gripped tightly as if she was going to fall. Neon’s wings started to extend and stiffen straight out as he leaned into her, his kissing becoming more aggressive. Shiva tried to keep up with him but failed to as she felt herself melt away inside his mouth, trails of saliva escaping their locked lips. Finally, Shiva used all the strength she could possibly muster and pushed him off, gasping for air and a bridge of saliva connecting their mouths broke. Neon let go and backed off, gasping for air as well. After a few moments, they looked at each other, their faces completely blood red. “Oh. . . . my. . . . . Celestia. That. . . was. . . amazing!” Shiva said between gasps for air. Neon fell onto his butt as he tried to catch his breath.

“I’m sorry, i don’t. . . know what got. . . . over me,” Neon explained, trying to catch his breath as well. Shiva smiled and tried to walk over to him but found that her legs were not cooperating with her at the moment.

“Don’t be sorry. That was. . . wonderful. You are an amazing. . . . kisser. How did you learn to kiss like that?” She asked puzzled and still in a bit of shock.

“Actually, that was my first kiss,” Neon explained, feeling his face redden to the max, looking away completely embarrassed. Shiva looked at him dumbfounded as she felt the saliva on her lips. She hesitated but she cleaned it off with her hoof, feeling embarrassed herself, but mostly aroused.

“Oh, I see. I know this is hard to believe, but this was my first time too, to be honest.” Shiva explained. Neon looked at her shocked. ‘Such a big flirt like her, and that was her first kiss too?’ he thought to himself.“Yea, I am sorry about that, I got lost in the moment and, well, yea. I’m sorry for doing that. I took advantage of you,” she apologized. Neon looked her in the eyes and smiled.

“Don’t be, you made me feel alot better, so thank you,” Neon explained, a kind smile forming on his face. Shiva giggled as she looked at his wings.

“I can tell, a little bit of a poof there,” she said teasingly. Neon looked behind him to see his wings fully extended out.

“God dame it!” he called out, trying to hide them with a pathetic attempt. Shiva giggled even more at this. She then shuffled her hooves around and tapped her front hooves together nervously.

“Well, umm, I wanted to ask you something, since, you know, you seem to be feeling better,” Shiva started shyly. Neon looked into her eyes in curiosity, finally calming his heart rate.

“What is it?” he asked. Shiva shifted around shyly as she reached into her saddle bag and pulled out two golden tickets.

“I managed to get three tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. I was going to bring my friends Bard and Shard, but since we are wanted, they said we shouldn’t go,” Shiva explained. Neon shied away for a moment as the last words sunk into his head.

“Wait a second. . . you are a criminal?!” Neon asked surprised. Shiva giggled as she took a step closer to him, lowering her eyelids as she looked into his.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like bad girls?” she asked with a smooth and seductive voice. Neon backed away, not sure if of fear or shyness.

“Umm, well, I didn’t know you were a criminal. I mean I don’t have a problem with it, I just wish I would have known,” Neon explained as he found himself pressed up onto a boulder.

“Well If I told you, would you have befriended me and my friends?” Shiva asked, lowering her voice as she got closer to him. Neon felt the blood rush towards his head as he had no place to go and felt his hooves glued in place.

“Well, I will admit if I knew at the very beginning I would have avoided you, but now that I have gotten to know you more, I guess it is fine now,” Neon explained, feeling his face burn up. Shiva giggled, lowering the floating tickets to the side as she pressed herself onto him.

“I appreciate your honesty. I am glad that I didn’t tell you right off the bat then. I want you to know something,” she started. Neon gulped down as she slowly got closer to his face, her lips approaching his lips once again.

“W-w-what is it?” Neon stumbled upon his words, feeling his heart racing. Shiva went up to his ear, close enough to where he could feel her breath on his ear.

“I’m a virgin,” she stated. Neon’s eyes widen as he couldn’t take it anymore. His head started rapidly spinning and he fell to the ground, finally fainting. When he woke up, his head was on Shiva’s lap as she looked down at him.

“Hey, sorry, I think I went too far on that one. I didn’t think you were that innocent,” she explained with a giggle. Neon shook himself awake as he got up, noticing his stitches were back together. “Oh, right, I am not good at stitching, but I did my best,” she added. Neon looked back up at her and smiled.

“Well, thank you for helping me then.. So what was that about this Grand Galloping Gala thing?” Neon asked confused, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, right,” Shiva said, looking at her saddlebag as she pulled out the two golden tickets. “You can give one to Random and we can all go together. The Gala is tomorrow night at eight pm. So you have time to buy a tuxedo and get ready,” Shiva explained. Neon stared at her confused.

“So, what is the Grand Galloping Gala?” he asked puzzled as he got back up on his own. Shiva stared at him surprised but simply smiled back.

“I guess you really aren’t from here. The Grand Galloping Gala is a huge ball that only the most important ponies are able to get in. I have connections in the castle so I managed to get these ones. So, do you want to go with me?” Shiva asked innocently, giving him an adorable puppy dog stare. Neon looked into her eyes and chuckled.

“I am not too fond of tuxedos, but sure, you can count on us being there!” Neon stated. Shiva jumped up, clapping her hooves together in excitement.

“That’s great! I can’t wait, ok, I will meet you at your house at 6:30 then, I’ll see you then!” Shiva said excited as she teleported out, leaving Neon standing there. He looked up and saw the clouds were going away, revealing the sun. He smiled as he took the tickets into his mouth.

“Well, maybe this world isn’t all that bad I guess,” he said to himself as he started back home.

Author's Note:

All right, it has been a while. I have been gone from writing. I have been having writers block lately and boy does it suck. It makes me so angry that I am gonna use the angry emocon :twilightangry2: . Oh yea, it's gotten real! :rainbowlaugh: I'm just playing around. I'm sorry for taking so long. Randomguy8783, sorry it's taken so long. Originally this was a lot longer, but it was getting too big so I split it in half roughly. This story is Randomguy8783's creation. He is the director and I am the writer, a few ideas of mine are in here but this is his work, and just a little hint of things. Everything you read in this series has a purpose :raritywink: Also just so you know, this is the first time I have ever written a scene like that (Shiva and Neon's kissing scene) so I hope I didn't do too bad. I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to see you in the future chapters ahead. As always, have a good morning/day/evening :twilightsmile: