• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 1,287 Views, 42 Comments

One's Past is Another's Future - Masked_Frenchman

Two humans living the life in their own world accidentally going into the world of Equestria and try to find a way back home.

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Chapter 8: The City of Broken Dreams

Chapter 8: A Trip to The City of Broken Dreams

Neon looked up at Random who looked like he was a psychopathic murderer and he was about to be the very first victim. "Ummm, what?" was all Neon could manage to say. Random looked down at him with his blue and red eyes with concern.

"Are you ok there Neon, you look like you are staring down the barrel of a gun?" Random asked innocently. Neon calmed his nervous down a little bit and took a deep breath, smiling up at Random.

"Well, for a second, I thought you were about to skin me alive and use my flesh as a coat," Neon joked around. Random looked back at him with a smile.

"That's what I was gonna do their silly," Random replied, revealing his demented smile once more. Neon looked back up at him with fear burning in his eyes as he tried to run away but froze in place. "Where do you think your going?" Random said menacingly, holding Neon with his magic. Neon tried harder to escape and after applying more effort, he managed to break free of the telekinetic grip and ran up the stairs screaming. "YOU CAN RAN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!" Random screamed up to him as he chased Neon up the stairs. Twilight was upstairs sipping some coffee as Spike sat down in the chair across from her, taking a big swig of coffee himself.

"Is it just me, or is it actually peaceful this morning?" Spike asked pleasantly confused. Twilight smiled down at him and giggled to herself.

"Your right, it is peaceful this morning, isn't? But Neon and Random aren't that bad. They have their days, sure, but they have their peaceful days too. Just watch, I bet today, they are gonna walk in nice and calmly and sit down with us and we can start the day with a-" Twilight started. The door to the basement fell down from Neon tackling it and he kept running. "Neon, whats wrong?" Twilight asked concerned and worried.

"It's Random, he finally snapped!" exclaimed Neon. Random jumped up the steps with a crazed look on his face.

"I found you Neon! Come here!" Random called out as he ran at Neon.

"OH GOD NO!!!" Neon cried out as he and Random ran around in circles around the table that Twilight and Spike were sitting in. Twilight looked over at Spike who calmly sipped at his coffee.

"I gave up the idea of a peaceful morning, you should too Twilight," Spike explained as he continued to sip his coffee away. Twilight watched the two run around in circles. Before she could defend what she was trying to say before the intrusion, she could do nothing but face hoof herself. Random stopped in place and Neon ran into him, falling onto the floor. Random stood over him, chuckling to himself.

"I got you now!" Random said with a sinister smile. Neon jumped back onto his hooves and ran out the door, Random closely following him. Once outside, Random caught Neon and grabbed him. "Gotcha, now come on, we will miss the train!" Random exclaimed as he held onto Neon as he ran to the train station. Neon froze his whole body in confusion as Random carried him to the train station. 'Is this another trick? I'm so confused,' Neon thought to himself. Random boarded the train and took his seat, placing Neon across from him. Neon sat there in his seat, confused out of his mind, and stared blankly at Random for a good 45 minutes before managing to say anything to him.

"W-what just happened?" Neon finally asked. Random turned to him, only his red eye being able to be seen, but this time, hatred was not being shown like last time they were in a train, but sympathy.

"Yea, if I told you the plan, you wouldn't have pulled off the act as well. So I made you think I was trying to kill you, other wise Twilight would have never let us leave without cleaning up after the party. But we are heading to Detrot," explained Random calmly. Neon looked out the window and noticed a few rain drops hitting the window, letting him know that it was starting to rain.

"So why are we going there? we aren't even prepared, we don't know anything about the city or it's residents," Neon said with concern in his voice. Random nodded back at him as he looked back outside, following Neon's stare.

"There is something odd about that book Shiva and her friends were returning. I only managed to read the first chapter, but it looked and sounded familiar. I want to see if we can buy the book off the person they returned it to." explained Random. Neon looked back over at him. 'Wow, he is pretty calm. He is NEVER calm. I wonder what he is thinking about, it must be some really deep and meaningful thoughts to make him act like this,' Neon thought to himself while looking at Random worried.

"I truly wonder about you sometimes Random" Neon whispered to himself, staring at Random and his thinking expression that he very rarely wore. 'I wonder if Pinkiepie likes cookies as much as cup cakes. I can make some really insane cookies. The gas prices were insane too. That one girl who asked me out was pretty crazy too. I forgot her name, all I remember was her pink, fluffy hair. She was pretty cute thou. Puppies are cute too. I love puppies, I wonder if Neon will let me get a puppy. Pickleberry cumquat, pickleberry cumquat, pickleberry cumquat, pickleberry cumquat, cherry chunga! I wanna try one of those sometime. Maybe I will get Neon to try it too. I love cookies, I could really use one right now. A chocolate chip cookie with sprinkles. Hmmmmm, that sounds so good,' Random thought to himself, staring blankly out the window without changing his expression. Random looked back at Neon with a confused look but didn't turn to face him directly, only looking at him through his red eye.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that Neon?" Random asked concerned and confused. Neon shook his head and stared back out the window.

"It's nothing. But what do you plan on doing in Detrot? I heard of a few rumors about the place. They call it the city of broken dreams," explained Neon. Random chuckled at this.

"What an odd name for a city. I doubt it is that bad. It is just like Detroit back home. They say it is a horrible place. But it is only a bad spot here and there. I bet we can find some good in the city. You just wait!" exclaimed Random with a smile on his face. Neon looked at Random with a worried looked.

"Random, sometimes you are too naive for your own good. I hope that one day, you can see the world that it really is, but for now, I am a little jealous of your optimism," Neon replied with a faint smile. Random fully turned to Neon with a puzzled expression.

"What do you mean?" Random asked confused. Neon chuckled to himself as he looked back at Random.

"When we were in the real world. You were always so positive. When we were strugling to survive, you would be by my side to make things better. You always kept saying that we were gonna get through it, and we always did. Even if we were certain to fail, we always pulled through. I honestly think we wouldn't have made it without you. I always looked at things as they are, but it's like you can see things in a whole other perspective. It's like we don't see the same world. So I envy you for seeing color in a grey world," explained Neon scincerly. A smile formed on Neon's face as he looked away from Random and back out the window. "Where I see rain and darkness, you see the sun and the light," he added. Random looked at Neon deeply as a smile formed on his face.

"Thank you Neon. To be honest, I think we couldn't have made it without you," Random added kindly. Neon turned back at him with a confused look. "You know how to be strong and how to stand up for yourself. All I know how to do is laugh with them and just let people walk over me," Random continued to explain. Neon grabbed ahold of Randoms shoulders and made him look him in the eyes.

"As long as I am here with you, I will always protect you! I will never let anyone use you or hurt you in anyway, shape, and form, got it! That is what I am here for," Neon explained sternly. Random looked into Neon's eyes and say his kindness even if he was trying to look tough. Random smiled and a small tear escaped his eyes.

"Thanks brother, that means a lot to me," Random added and come in to hug Neon, which he returned the gester happily.

"You haven't called me that in sometime now, but anytime ether way, I will always be there for you," Neon added. After a few moments have passed, they released from their embrace as they laughed for no real reason. After a few hours, they finally reached their desitination. As they left the train for the Detrot train station, they were greeted by the smell of industry. A horrid smell of garbage, burning coal and sulfur.

"I guess this is it?" Random asked with slight disgust. Neon looked over at the other side of a station. He noticed a pony walking around by himself as a griffin landed in front of him and started beating the crap out of him, yelling about money. After awhile the griffin pulled out a one shot pistol and shot the pony right there in broad day light and flew off with a small sack of bits.

'Yup, we are in Detrot alright. Not 30 seconds and we already saw someone get beaten up, shot, and mugged. Not so bad huh?" Neon asked sarcastically. Random was already gone and started to head into town. "Oh come on. Wait up!" Neon called out, catching up to him. They walked around, asking about the book, but everyone ether gave them dirty looks or told them to go buck off. After a few hours of this with no luck at all, they were starting to get thirsty.

"Hey Neon, I think I found somewhere to get a drink!" Random exclaimed as he ran into a bar. Neon face hoofed himself as he followed Random.

"Random! Wrong kind of drink!" he tried to explain but Random kept running over to the bar. Once they were inside everyone was laughing and drinking with some weird rock music playing in the background. They walked over to the bar and sat down. All around them they saw Ponies of different kinds, griffins, and minotaurs shouting at each other and punching each other in a joking manner.

"Whoa!! Minotaurs actually exist!" Random exclaimed excitedly.

"Well yea, what, you've never seen a minotaur before?" asked a voice harshly from the other side of the bar. When Random and Neon turned to see the source of the voice, they saw a large minotaur looking down at them with quiet a few scars on his chest and face.

"Nope, this is our first time seeing one before," replied Random calmly. Neon stared up at the bartender froze in fear and slightly shaking. The bartender looked down at the two ponies with a stern gaze about him and then burst out laughing.

"I like you! You ponies look new here. My new is Esteban Quartsy, but every pony just calls my Big Quarts, or Quarts for short. Call me what ever you like, I don't care. What can I get you two?" the bartender said with a now happier expression on his face. Neon wiped some sweat from his brow.

"I'll just have a water, big cup please," Random replied. Neon nodded his head.

"Same," Neon added. Quarts looked at the two confused but went in the back to get them water anyway. A moment later he returned with a large pitcher and pulled out two large cups and poured them the water.

"Here you guys are, two waters," he said, handing them the cups. Neon and Random guzzled them down quickly and put their cups down with a quiet thud.

"Thanks, that really hit the spot!" Random exclaimed.

"How much?" added Neon. Quarts chuckled deeply to himself.

"Please, this is a bar, don't worry about water," he explained as he walked back to return the pitcher. Random heard a commotion behind him. He turned around to see what it was about and saw a pony and a minotaur arm wrestling at a near by table. A crowd was forming around them as the minotaur's arm started lowering to pin the pony's arm to the table. Quarts came back around and saw the crowd. "Gosh dang it! They're at it again!" exclaimed Quarts.

"What's going on?" Neon asked boldly.

"It's Black Hide and Skullz. They are always competing against each other. I'd get out of here if I were you. If they are arm wrestling, then that means a fight will be breaking out soon enough," explained Quarts with a warning tone.

"Thanks for the warning. Let's go Random," Neon said as he tried to lead Random out of the bar.As they were leaving, some more ponies came over and pushed them into the crowd and immobilizing them, making them unable to leave now. "Crud," was all Neon could saw as they were pretty much forced to watch the show now. The minotaur was close to pinning the pony's arm down but all of a sudden, the pony launched forward and slammed his hoof to the table, winning the arm wrestle match.

"In your face Skullz! Now pay up!" the victor shouted up.

"No fair Black Hide, you cheated somehow! You always do! Every time I get so close to winning you always beat me. You are a cheater and a liar!" Skullz shouted back at him.

"You accuse me of cheating?! I let you get ahead just cause you are too easy to beat so I have to do something to make it more challenging, your just weak!" Black Hide called back at him. Skullz stood up from his seat and threw the table to the other side of the room.

"You wanna take this inside?!" Skullz yelled out.

"We are inside you giant baffoon!" Black Hide repied back, standing up from his seat as well.

"Oh, well, your a. . . ummm. . . . . a uh. . . . . . . . uhh. . . your a baffoon!" Skullz finally shouted back, throwing the first punch and sending Black Hide through a table. Getting up and smiling, he charged back at the large minotaur and tackled him to the ground, knocking over a table with drinks on it onto the minotaurs sitting at the table. They got up and went to punch the two rolling around on the ground. As they did they fell onto a few of ponies in the crowd which swung at them, connecting their hooves to their face, sending them back and stumbling onto a minotaur. Within around 20 seconds, everyone was fighting everyone.

"Ummm, Random, now is the time to leave," Neon said with concern in his tone of voice.

"Agreed," replied Random as they headed for the exit. As they ran towards the exit, they ran right into a pair of ponies who were fighting but turned their attention to them.

"Oh crud!" Neon exclaimed as one of them went to swing at Random. Neon grabbed his hoof and threw him over his shoulder and using his rear legs to kick the other one, sending him flying to the ground and dazed. "Go Random, I got your back!" Neon shouted out as they made their way for the exit. Once again they bumped into another bar fighter, this time a minotaur. He looked down on them and smiled.

"Take a seat, I got this!" Random said as he stepped up to the minotaur, his horn glowing. The minotaur took a step back but was then launched to the ceiling, a move that Neon knew all too well. After Neon chuckled to himself for a moment, they continued they ran across Skullz and Black Hide.

"I saw that move you did there. Sweet move, let's see how it goes to a world class fighter like myself then. 5th degree black belt in Karate, Judo, Ju-jitsu, Muay Twai, and a 2nd degree black belt in Aikijitsu. Are you up to the challenge?" asked Black Hide cocky. He finally got a good look of the two before him. Black Hide was average sized but was extremely toned. His mane was short and spike of dark slime green. His body was a dark smokey grey and covered in scars. He wore 5 black belts on himself and a crimson red bandana with a moon on it, similar appearance as Luna's cutie mark and had mythical purple eyes. It looked like that Black Hide had a black belt for a cutie mark. Neon smiled and took a step forward.

"BRING IT ON!!!" cried out Neon with confidence as he charged right at him. Skullz smiled at Random as he took a step towards him and cracked his knuckles.

"I guess it's just you and me then little unicorn," Skullz said in a threatening tone. Random smiled and shook his head.

"Nope," he simply said as his horn glowed and he launched him into the ceiling. Black Hide easily threw Neon out the door of the bar and followed him.

"Come on, show me something!" he taunted, standing on his hind legs and started bouncing from his left and his right leg in a repeated motion. Neon got back up and followed suit, only he stood completely still and placed his hoof to his chin.

"Ok, come at me then," challenged Neon with a slight smile on his face. Black Hide nodded and lunged at Neon with much speed. Neon side stepped to the left and everything slowed down before him.

'This pony is a martial artist in many styles, combating with him will be very difficult. I will have to use tactics and styles that the normal martial artist would not think of. First, connect right punch to the indent in his hoof while he tries to punch me, sending a paralyzing shock wave of pain temporarily making him unable to think. Next, hay-maker to the upper part of the left hind leg, first step to immobility. Right after, twin dragon fist to the chest, then a quick, upper hook to the chin. Jump off from injured left leg followed by a kick. While in the air, double kick to recently striked chest, sending him off his feet. Damage: bruised femur, multiple cracked ribs and concussion, fight should be much easier after this' Neon calculated in his head, and he did exactly that (I do not believe you wish to see that same thing twice, so let's move on, shall we?). By the end of the scenario, Black Hide laid on the ground catching his breath. Neon leaned over to him and smiled.

"How the hell did you do that? What martial art have you learned?" asked Black Hide in confusion. Neon smiled in return.

"Purple belt in ninjitsu, I was taught to fight against martial artists like you," Neon explained calmly. Black Hide chuckled to himself as he jumped up and round house kicked Neon in the face, spinning him and launching him to the ground. Neon looked up to see Black Hide standing over him, holding a hoof out to him. Neon took it and got himself back up on all fours. "Thanks," Neon said wiping the dirt off of himself.

"Anytime, your the only pony I have ever met that could send me on my back. I got alot of respect for you. It was a great fight!" exclaimed Black Hide happily. Skullz joined them outside as he was rubbing his head.

"My head hurts, how did your fight go Black?" Skullz asked confused. Neon got a good look at him as well. Skullz was bigger than the other minotaurs. He had smokey grey body just like Black Hide but had patches of coal black fur mixed with it. His eyes were mud brown and had midnight black hair on top of his head.

"I won, but not by much. Let's go Skullz," ordered Black Hide and they started to walk down the street.

"Wait, have you ever heard of a book called One's Past is Another's Future?" Random quickly asked. Black Hide stopped in his tracks and turned back to them.

"Yea, I heard of that book. One of my friends is about to turn it in for a pay out. Why, were you guys the ones they stole it from?" Black Hide asked in a joking manner.

"No, I just wanted to read it. It's a good book," Random explained.

"Yea, I don't know where they are staying, but I do know some pony who might. Try checking my good friend Edmen Foureyes. He's alright, although a bit obsessive. You can find him on the other side of town, next to the bell tower. He's a scientist and loves to test out his toys, so be careful. Other than that and actually getting there, I think you will have no trouble finding him. Once there head down the ally next to a pub called "Beer Cleaver", he should be around there, normally is. Good luck on finding that book," Black called out to Random and Neon as he ran off down the street.

"Alright, we finally got a clue, let's go!" Random exclaimed with excitement as he ran off to the direction that Black Hide pointed out to them. Neon stood there, staring off in his direction for a moment before turning to Random and running on after him. After a little while of running around, slipping in and out of dark alley ways and street corners, Random caught a whiff of something in the air.

"Hey Neon, do you smell that?" Random asked, sticking his nose in the air, trying to find the direction of the scent that traveled through the air. Neon stopped by Random and took a whiff of the air around him as well, picking up the scent too.

"Your right, I smell something. What is it?" Neon asked confused. Random took a few steps towards it's direction and smiled.

"I recognize this heavenly sent smell. The smell of the meaning of life. The smell I would go to war for. The smell I would kill for. The smell I heaven't smelt since we have gotten here. The smell that drives me mad. The smell I must find the source. . . . . . . . cookies!" Random exclaimed and took off like a bat out of hell. Neon had to take flight in order to catch up to him. Once Neon caught up to Random he flew next to him to try to get him to stop.

"Random, we are here for your book, alright, we need to try to not get too distracted, alright? If we loose sight of the bell tower, we will get lost. So STOP!!" Neon yelled. As he did Random stopped right at a door. "Oh, well that-" Neon started. When Random stopped, Neon kept going for a split second longer and went straight into a wall head first, impaling his head through it with the rest of his body sticking out. When Neon opened his eyes, he saw two ponies in a bed, the male on top of the female under the covers of blankets. "Uhh, hi. Nice place you got here," Neon playfully said, trying to get out.

"HELP, A PERVERT!" The female cried out. The male got up and pulled out a knife from the dresser next to the bed.

"Not good," Neon whispered as he tried harder to get out of the wall as the angry stallion approached him with the knife in his mouth. "Random, I could use some help here!" Neon called out in fear. He didn't hear anything except the hoof steps of the angry stallion with the knife.

"You picked the wrong time to break in punk!" the angry stallion said as he got closer, almost reaching Neon.

"RANDOM, HELP ME ALREADY FOR GODS SAKES!!!!" Neon screamed out, at that moment, he felt a hard tug from the other side behind him and with another, he came out of the wall, right before the stallion reached him. Neon looked up to see Random standing over him smiling.

"Sorry about that, you ok?" Random asked politely. Neon chuckled to himself.

"Cut it a little close, don't ya think?" Neon asked sarcastically. He looked down and saw Vines going back into the ground. "Oh," he added.

"Yea, sorry, I couldn't remember how to make these things appear. Although at first I was pointing and laughing. But once you said something I tried to bring the vines back out. Anyway, this store has cookies, come on!" exclaimed Random again as he grabbed Neon's hoof and dragged him into the. Once they entered, they saw all sorts of different things decorating the walls. Vials, labeled jars, clear containers containing different liquids. The place almost looked like a Voodoo store of some kind.

"Sorta reminds ya of Cosmic Charlies back at home, doesn't?" Neon asked as he looked around. "Just a lot creepier," he added with a disturbed sigh. Random ran up to the counter and saw a plate of fresh cookies, steam still visibly leaving the plate. Random licked his lips as he lowered his muzzle to the cookies, about to take one. A cleaver came down right in front of Random, almost hitting him, and stuck in the counter. Random froze in fear as he stared at his petrified expression in the reflection of the blade. He looked up to see an earth pony glaring down at him holding the blade. He had smooth, slick back rusty orange hair with yellow highlights formed into a pony tail. His body was golden and his eyes were golden as well.

"Hello there sir. Can I help you?" he asked. He had a strong french accent in his voice.

"Be careful there. You almost hit him!" Neon shouted out. The pony pulled the cleaver out and placed it next to him, somehow he was able to use his hooves like hands, which confused him so because he never saw that before in this world.

"What are you talking about sir? I missed," the pony explained coldly. His words froze Neon in place and made Random shudder in fear. "Now, what can I get you two Ponies?" he asked, his face forming a kind hearted smile.

"Ummm, well, what is this place?" Neon asked.

"Oh, pardon my manners. My name is Misour Latte, and this is my store, Rarities of The Food Chain. I sell rare food and ingredients from all over the world. Even the. . shall we say. . . "hard to get" items as well. So what are you looking for?" the pony asked them with his smile still in place.

"Hello there Misour, my name is Neon, and this is Random. He caught a whiff of your cookies and had to come over. He loves cookies," explained Neon. Misour chuckled at this.

"They are some really good cookies. I am not a fan of cookies my self. But I do enjoy these ones very well. the flour used to make these is from the Africa area. Not sure why, but the soil does something to the wheat grown there, and it makes it a lot more filling and just tasty in general," he explained.

"So Misour Latte, like the coffee?" Random asked. Misour's ears twitched at the sound of the word coffee.

"Yes, my family line is that of coffee brewers. Almost every single one of them ether grows, grinds, or brews coffee to sell all around Equestria. I left there because I did not share their passion for coffee. So I moved here and started my very own business," explained Misour with a sigh as he looked around at his merchandise. "Just gathering these ingredients is an adventure itself. I love my new life style, even if my family is disgusted by it," he added. with a long and depressed sigh, frowning for just a moment, he went back to being happy again. "But enough about me, what do you need"?

"What is this?" Random asked with curiosity. Misour rushed over to see what he was looking at. Where Random was pointing was a small vial of a see through icy blue liquid.

"Ah yes, you have fine taste there sir. This vial contains water from the fountain of youth. I had a total of 11 vials when I found the mysteries relic in the jungles of a deserted island near the cost of France. even thou it was not very far, their was no sign of any pony else ever being there. It was quiet for the most part, a few critters here and there, but once I found the fountain, I grabbed some samples and brought them back. They have been selling like hot cakes I believe the saying goes. This happens to be the last one," explained Misour with a merchant tone of voice like a car salesmen would have.

"How much is it?" Random asked in amazement. Misour smiled from ear to ear.

"I'll tell you what, I like you, you two seem like good ponies here, I will sell it to you for a discounted price. the price for a vial is 200 bits, but I will sell it to ya for 150. A 25% discount just for you. What do ya say?" Misour asked, trying to lure Random in. Random looked away for a moment with a slightly disappointed look on his face.

"Oh, that is a lot of money, I don't know. . . " Random trailed off.

"The water from the fountain of youth carries magical properties. If you were to drink it at your time of dying, the water will rewrite your destiny, it will change your fate as your death will be postponed before you. You will live longer till your next destined death," explained Misour with anticipation.

"I don't know. It sounds awesome, but that price. I don't think I will get it," stated Random as he started to walk off.

"If you buy this, I will throw in three of those cookies for free with your purchase," Misour replied back with a friendly smile. Random ran over, grabbed the vial and placed it on the counter, waiting. "Thought so," he whispered to himself as he went behind the counter to ring up the items. Random pulled out the bits and counted them on the table.

"There, 150 bits exact, so I get the cookies with it?" asked Random, almost jumping around in place. Neon face hoofed himself as he watched. He also happened to notice that Misour had a bear trap for a cutie mark. 'I wonder what that means?' Neon thought to himself

"Yes you do good sir. I hope to see you two again. Come back anytime you wish, I will be here," called out Misour as the two left the store, a cookie in Random's happy mouth.

"Well, can we move along now?" Neon asked annoyed. Random looked over to him.

"Wha w`ong `Eo'? You wook u`se'," Random asked with a cookie still in his mouth.

"I don't like those kinda guys, they are con artists. I know we use to do it, but it still doesn't make it right, but you got suckered right into it!" exclaimed Neon in annoyance.

"Oh, sorry `Eo'. Ah `in' `ean `o," Random said with another mouth full of cookie.

"Finish chewing before you talk," reminded Neon. Random chewed his food down and looked back over to Neon.

"Sorry," he said.

"It's fine, now, we need to stay on track, luckly for you, we can still see the bell tower from here, so we are good to go still," explained Neon optimistically. Random nodded smiling while he put the last cookie in his mouth. They walked around for a while, heading towards the bell tower when something caught his eye. For once, Neon got distracted by a pony with a sign that said "Clay Clockwork, Open". Not sure why, but Neon wanted to check it out.

"Ok Random, you got to go in that one shop, I wanna check this out now since we are here," politely demanded Neon, but he didn't need to. Random was already inside. With an annoyed grunt, he followed suit. Once inside, he saw a blond pony with a blond mane covering their left side of their face, wearing a hat covering their whole face, with the sound of light snoring coming from it.

"Umm, hello?" Neon called out. The pony grumbled a bit before looking up at Neon with his right eye.

"Huh, what? Are you a customer or my bill collector?" the pony asked, sounding like a male, sorta looking like it now too.

"Well, I am not a bill collector, I can promise you that," Neon assured. The blond pony smiled and took his hat off, revealing a horn signifying that he was a unicorn.

"Then you are plenty welcome here. Please, look around. My name is Diedra, it is a pleasure to meet you in my work shop," greeted the pony. 'Wow, we are meeting a lot of ponies lately' Neon thought to himself.

"Hi, I'm Random, and this is Neon, it is nice to meet you!" Random exclaimed excitedly.

"Hmph, your friend has a lot of energy, huh? I like it. Not alot of people have an appreciation for true art now a days. It's good to see that their is still some ponies still admiring art. So, did you have anything in particular you and/or your friend are looking for?" asked Diedra politely. Neon was about to say he was just looking till he saw something shine near the back of the room. As if mesmerized by it, he slowly walked to it, never looking away. It looked as if it was made from glass, but felt like smooth clay, a vase from the back of the room, as if to be hidden from the rest.

"What is this?" Neon asked dazed. Diedra smiled to himself.

"You have quiet the fine taste of art. That is some of my best work. The clay is fairly rare and I put a lot of work into it," he explained.

"How does it look clear like that?" Neon asked with curiosity. Diedra started to laugh.

"I like you too. You ask some really interesting and good question, hmph. Well, I blew up the clay, gathered the remains, and made the vase under extra hot conditions. That is why it is so clear and smooth, almost like glass, but more durable," Diedra explained joyfully. Neon turned back to him.

"Wait a second, you made this vase by blowing up clay?" Neon asked confused.

"Yup, the residue it leaves can be used for quiet a few things really. You just need to be brave enough to work with it is all. So, normally that vase would be sold for 300 bits, but for you my friend, I'll cut you a deal. I'll give this to you, for a price of 55 bits, in return, you tell every pony out their that looks upon this vase that you got it from me, here in Detrot. Guide them my way. Sound good, hmph?" Diedra asked with anticipation. Neon looked at him and smiled while nodding his head.

"Sounds like a great deal to me!" exclaimed Neon.

"Great, it will take some time to prepare it for you. Cleaning process, packing and what not. So give me your address and I will make sure that it is delivered to you with in a few days, alright?" Diedra asked with a kind hearted smile. Neon smiled and gave him his address. Diedra wrote everything down. "Alright, I have to get that ready for you, I'll ship it tonight for ya. Have a good day," Diedra called out as he took the vase and brought it out back. Random and Neon walked out and with Neon having a slight smile to his face.

"Well, that wasn't so bad. That vase looks amazing thou. Come on thou, let's keep going," Neon instructed. Random shrugged his shoulders and they continued walking towards the bell tower.

"Okie dokie lokie," Random replied with. Neon sighed.

"You got that from Pinkie Pie, didn't you?" Neon asked, even thou he knew the answer.

"Yea, how did you know?" Random asked puzzled.

"Just a huntch," Neon said blankly. After a few minutes of following the site of the tower, they bumped into two unicorns while taking a turn, Neon fell to the ground and looked up. He bumped into a light red unicorn with fiery red and orange mane. He turned around and looked down to him with a fiery gaze of orange eyes. The other unicorn turned to match his stare, she had an eletric blue mane and a pair of equally eletric blue eyes with a light grey body.

"Why did you run into me?" the male unicorn asked.

"Customers maybe? They don't look like they are in pain thou. What do you two want of us?" the female asked. Neon got up and dusted himself off.

"i'm sorry, forgive me, I was not looking were I was going," explained Neon. The male unicorn looked at him in the eyes closely.

"Hmmm, he looks fine to me, I do not think they would be interested with our services. Let us leave Shinova," instructed the male, the female nodded and started to follow, but she saw Random and stopped, her horn started glowing. The male turned back around to see why she was not following and followed her gaze. "What is it?" he asked.

'Inferno, this one, he has a certain. . . . . . Aura about him. An aura of death. He is about to die," Shinova stated. Random looked confused as he took a step back.

"Are you sure about this?" The male unicorn asked slightly puzzled and stern.

"Yes, with out a dout, he needs our services all right. It is a grim death indeed," explained Shinova. Neon took a step in front of Random and spread his wings to block the way between them.

"What are you two talking about?What services are you speaking of?!" asked Neon in a demanding tone. Inferno took a step towards him.

"Why, we kill ponies of course. Ponies, griffins, even minotaurs come to us seeking a way to end their life. we assist them of course and kill them in anyway they wish. What way would you ponies like to die?" asked Shinova asked kindly. Neon flared his nostrils as he took a defensive stance.

"Take one step near him and I will kill you!" threatened Neon. Inferno laughed.

"We are the bringers of death. We are all destined to die some day. We simply take away the fear of dying by taking their lives. Sometimes by force, but it is all for good reason. Those with no purpose do not need life. So we remove their suffering by taking that which is holding them back to travel to the great beyond. Why do you resist?" asked Inferno with a psychopathic smile on his face and took another step forward. Neon lunged at Inferno, rounding up a round house kick but he froze in mid air, inches away from direct contact from his hind leg to the unicorn's face.

"Like he said, we are the bringers of death, death will not be coming to us anytime soon," explained Shinova as she held Neon in the air. Her horn started to glow and static started forming around the horn, still holding him in place.

"Random, RUN!!" Neon screamed out as he prepared himself for what ever she was preparing. Random held his ground as he used his magic to bring out vines.

"I see he will have to be forced. Very well then sir, a heroic death it is," Inferno said calmly. Random shot his vines to grab Neon but a sudden wave of fire shot at Random, burning up all of the vines in one quick shot.

"What the?" Random asked confused. Inferno smiled back over to him.

"My magic is elemental based of that of fire. By loved Shinova is based on the elemental power of lightning. My attacks are instant to use, but weaker and slower then my lover. While her attacks taken much longer to charge but very few can dodge and are very devastating. I defend her while she charges her attacks up. Together, we are the perfect agents of death!" exclaimed Inferno. Shinova charged up her attack and released it, sending a powerful wave of lightning that obliterated everything in it's path. When the smoke cleared, the building behind them was nothing but smoldering ruble. Neon was on the very left of the blast, missing him by a few inches.

"Neon! How did you survive that?" Random asked happily.

"Right before she fired that thing at me, she released her magic thingy on me and dropped me, I used that half a second to fly out of the way," explained Neon, catching his breath. Shinova looked at Neon with a displeased look.

"Why resist so much, just let us do our work and you will no longer need to suffer. Just hold still," explained Inferno with an annoyed tone.

"Come on, let's make a run for it!" Random exclaimed as he took Neon's hoof and pulled him away.

"Oh no you don't!" Inferno called out as he fired a few flaming fire balls at them as they try to escape. They just narrowly dodged the spheres of fire and ducked around an alley away. After a few minutes of them running like hell they ran into another pair of unicorns.

"Oh god, please no." Neon begged. The two Unicorns looked at them confused. They appeared to be twins and were dressed in what looked like to be some very thick armor.

"I think they went this way! Come on!" cried out Inferno from near by. Neon and Random turned to the source of the sound and then to the confused twins who smiled down at them.

"Quick, behind us," one of the twins said, making a way for them to get through. Neon and Random smiled and ran past them. Once they passed, the twins got back in front of them, blocking them completely. They heard Inferno and Shinova stop in front of the twins who started talking about something about flying upside down.

"You two, we are looking for two ponies that may have ran over here?" asked Inferno. The twins stopped their fake conversation to turn to them.

"Two ponies? No, I do-"

"-Not believe we have-"

"-Seen any ponies around here since-"

"-You two have arrived Mr.-"

"-and Ms. Nova," said the twins completely synchronized with each other. Inferno sighed in annoyance.

"You know we get strongly annoyed when you two talk like that, please talk normally. Now, We are looking for a unicorn and a pegasus. We are looking for them and we need to save them from their fate. So please tell us or we will use force!" threatened Inferno. The twins giggled to themselves.

"We are the defense twins. Have you forgotten that?" asked the twin on the left.

"No one has ever been able to hurt us while we remain together," explained the twin on the right.

"Threatening us is pointless, since you can't hurt us. You might as well try to destroy the moon, your chances would be better that way," taunted the twin on the left again. Inferno glared in rage at the twins, fire rising from his mane until Shinova placed a hoof on his shoulder and gave him a gentle smile.

"Please my love, do not get angry over such a matter so small, we will simply look in a different place. Calm your fires till we find them," pleaded Shinova soothingly. Her voice almost sounding like as if the angels themselves blessed her voice for just that moment. Inferno calmed down a bit and his fire went down, looking into her blue eyes.

"Alright my love, if that is what you wish," Inferno said soothing, sounding like a whole different pony. He turns back to the twins. "So have you seen them or not?" he asked.

"Well, since you put it so kindly, they went that way, running like hell was at their heels," explained the twin to the right. Inferno and Shinova nodded and booked it down the ally in the direction the twin pointed. after a few minutes, the twins sighed in relief and took a step to the side in different directions, creating an opening for them to get through. Random and Neon got up and walked past them and turned to them.

"Thank you so much. We owe you one!" exclaimed Neon happily, bowing his head to them. The twins smiled at his manners and returned the bow.

"Of course, we love helping-"

"-Any pony that is in need. I guess-"

"-You could call it a code of honor in some-"

"-Sorts. We just like to be helpful in any-"

"-way we can. That is our duty!" explained the twins together completely synchronized. Neon raised an eye brow to them while Random stared in amazement.

"Wow, do you guys always do that?" asked Random in amazement. The twins looked at him and chuckled to themselves.

"Why yes, a lot of ponies find it odd but-"

"-It comes to yes like second nature, we-"

"-Have been doing this most of our life," explained the twins.

"Well, my name is Neon, this is Random," explained Neon, pointing to himself and Random.

"My name is Aegis," introduced the twin to the right.

"And my name is Shield," introduced the twin to the left. They got together and with Shield crouched down flexing his muscles downward and Aegis flexing his muscles upward trying looking tough.

"And we are the Defense Brothers!" they said synchronized. Neon face hoofed himself while Random was clapping.

"That was awesome! You guys have your very own intro. I've never seen that in front of me before. That is really cool! How long did it take to make that?" Random asked excitingly.

"Hmmm, that is a good question. I believe-"

"-It took us about a week or so. That sounds-"

"-About right," explained the twins together. Neon looked around and noticed he lost track of the Bell tower.

"Oh crud, I lost sight of it!" exclaimed Neon in frustration. The twins and Random turned to him.

"Lost sight of what?" asked Random confused.

"The bell tower thing. I don't see it anymore," explained Neon, trying to calm down.

"Oh, you are looking for the bell-"

"-Tower? It is that way of course," explained the twins as they pointed in one direction. "Keep going that way and you will se it again. You guys are pretty close," one of them added. Neon let out a sigh of relief as he grabbed Random and they started heading out.

"But I wanna keep talking!" Random protested, trying to resist.

"I have already gotten thrown around and almost killed just so you can try to get that book. I want this day to be over!" shouted Neon as he tugged on Random a little while further.After a few more minutes of running around, this time more carefully, they finally got to the bell tower on the other side of town. Neon and Random scanned the area around them to find the pub. Right there across the street was the pub "Beer Cleaver". So they went down the ally way next to it when they heard crying. Random and Neon stopped to listen carefully.

"Do you hear that?" Random asked. Neon nodded his head as he listened.

"I think it's down this way, come on!" Neon called out as they ran over to the source of the sound. As they got closer it was starting to sound like the crying of a young mare, easily a filly. They turned the corner and saw a young filly with mud brown hair and a smokey grey body in a corner, crying away, her face buried in her hooves.

"Hey there little missy, whats wrong?" Random asked politely.The little pony stopped crying for a second and looked up to see them. As they got closer she ran over to a dumpster and hid behind it. Neon took a few steps closer and got on his belly, crawling over to her. She looked over from behind the dumpster and saw him.

"See? Nothing to be afraid of. I am gonna help you, ok? now come here, tell me what's wrong," Neon said soothing. The little filly hesitated for a moment but took off after him and hugged him tightly while Neon returned the gester. "There there, what's wrong?" Neon asked kindly.

"Mommy, she's gone. I can't find her!" The pony said, still crying a little.

"Hey, it's alright, when was the last time you saw her?" Neon asked.

"Mommy, she's gone. I can't find her!" the little pony repeated perfectly.

"I know, just tell me where you think she is, let me help you. When did you two get separated?" Neon asked, trying to calm the frightened pony who started shaking in his arms.

"Mommy, she's gone. I can't find her!" she repeated yet again, exactly as before.

"What the-" Neon whispered. Pulling away to look at her and saw her eyes started glowing red. "Random, run!" Neon yelled. He wrapped his wing around the young filly and suddenly the young filly exploded with out a warning. After the explosion, Random pulled himself together and slowly got up. After collecting some of his memory, he turned to Neon and rushed over to him.

"Neon, are you ok?!" Random asked in a panic. Neon's fur was burnt and he had pieces of metal in his chest, but it didn't look like it got too deep. Neon slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Random.

"Are you ok?" Neon asked faintly. Random nodded. "Good, cuss this day kinda sucks already," Neon added. He got up slowly and looked at what used to be a filly, only it was a robot. He looked at the metal shards in his chest and started pulling them out one by one. Four mechanical ponies fell down and pointed big cannons of some sorts and aimed them at Random and Neon.

"Who are you two?" asked a voice from above. Neon and Random looked up to see a unicorn with metal wings on the roof of the building with a control panel, looking straight down to them.

"My name is Random, this is Neon. We are looking for an Edman Foureyes. Black Hide sent us," Random explained. The unicorn did something to the control box and all of the bots lowered their weapons.

"My name is Edman Foureyes. Black Hide is a favored customer of mine," the unicorn explained. He jumped off of the building and spread out his metallic wings, landing surprisingly softly inf ront of them. "Welcome to my warehouse of science. Please, tell me what you need, and sorry for my little experiment," appologized Edman.

"What do you mean experiment. You almost killed Neon!" exclaimed Random. Edman scratched the back of his neck nervously as he looked over at Neon, who was still pulling little metal shards out of his chest.

"Well, normally it is punks who fall for my traps so I don't feel bad for that sort of sacrifice. So I didn't think about it, but at least I see that the bomb trap looked just like a filly. Although I need to work on the respond system and the actual detonation was a bit delayed, and the blast radius was way too small. But anyway, I won't do that again to you guys. Now, what do you need?" Edman asked. Random was frustrated but shook it off.

"We are looking for a book called One's Past is Another's Future. Have you heard of it?" Neon asked quickly. Random looked at him concerned but then looked back at Edman.

"Why yes, one of my closest customers are turning it in today. They should be in "The Lions Den" by now. You should check that out. If Black sent you, then you must be fine, so go ahead. Tell Bard I said hi," Edman instructed before heading back inside.

"Wait, did you say Bard?" Neon asked surprised.

"Why yes, Bard comes here all the time after pay loads and gets new equipment and materials for his crazy inventions. He is a pretty cool griffin. You know him?" Edman asked.

"Yea, we had a run in and we ended up fighting together. We owe him a thank you," explained Random. Edman nodded to them and headed inside.

"You'll find him there then, good luck," he called back at them and closed the door to his warehouse.

"Well, let's get going before we are too late!" exclaimed Neon as he pulls out the last shard of metal out of his chest with a grunt. They looked around for the Inn for sometime until they found a minotaur nice enough to point them to the right direction. When they finally found the place, it was night time and the moon was starting to rise. Once they entered The Lions Den, in the very back of the room they could see Shiva, Bard, and Shard sharing drinks and talking with each other. Neon and Random hurried over to them. Shiva was the first to look up and see Random and Neon. Once she saw Neon, she rushed over and helped him to their table and sat him down next to her.

"Oh my Celestia, what in the nine circles of hell happened to you?" Shiva asked startled. Bard looked over at his wounds with a puzzled look while Shard looked just as emotionless as always.

"We have had a long day looking for you guys," Neon said as he grunted a little sitting down next to Shiva.

"Here, even if it is for a little while, lay down," Shiva instructed, guiding his head to her lap. "There you go. Now just relax and tell me if you need anything, ok?" she asked kindly. Neon's face was blushing very brightly to the point were it felt like is face was gonna melt off, but he nodded.

"So what is it that you guys needed? I doubt it was to say hello," asked Bard, looking around the Inn entrance.

"I wanted to see if you guys still had that book. Do you?" Random asked with hope in his voice. Sharp shook his head.

"We already turned it in. We got our pay and we were discussing the price division when you walked on over, sorry," Shard explained. Neon bolted up.

"WHAT?!?! Do you have any idea on what we have been through to get this stupid thing!" Neon shouted. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and grunted slightly to the sudden pain.

"Hey now, come back down, relax. Rest a bit before getting all riled up," pleaded Shiva as she guided Neon back down. 'Oh god this is embarrassing. I need to get out of here. But this is kinda comforting, to be honest,' Neon thought to himself.

"None the less, he is right. We have been through a lot to just turn around and give up. Where is the man you turned the book into? Maybe we can reason with him," pondered Random out loud. Bard chuckled to himself.

"Good luck. That Pony was the freakiest pony I have ever met my whole life. Just looking at the colt gave me freaking shivers down my spine. He is bad news, even for us. I am glad to be done with the job, even thou he paid well. If you really want to find him, he lives close by. Turn left when leaving here and head down that street. Turn right on Hawkford Lane and head down there. His house is the really creepy falling down house at the end of that street, you can't miss it. Anyway, good luck getting the book back," said Bard. Random nodded his head and got up.

"Thanks Bard, and thank you for the information. We will let you guys be. Come on Neon," Neon called out to Neon. He bolted up and ran over towards Random.

"Umm, thanks Shiva, see ya later," Neon said quickly before taking off with Random. They ran down that road but once they turned into Hawkford Lane, no one was there, not a soul.

"Well, this isn't creepy at all. Not a bit," Random said sarcastically. Neon gulped loudly.

"Well, let's just do this quickly and get the hell out of here!" Neon exclaimed inpatiently.

"Sounds good to me, let's go," Random agreed. They walked down the street with some old, run down houses but still intact. It was dead quiet, as if the entire city died all at once. Not even the sound of the wind could be heard. They continued to walk down the street when some pony hooded and cloaked bumped into them.

"Please good sir's, I am so sorry," the cloaked pony yelped in a raspy voice.

"Sorry, our fault, are you ok?" Random asked, offering a hoof to help out the poor pony but then he saw it. The pony in question's cloak fell off when he fell to the ground and revealed himself, he was black as night with green eyes, no pupils, insect wings, sharp pointed teeth and a crocked horn with holes in it. His legs also had holes as if someone was trying to turn him into swiss cheese.

"Oh my god sir, are you alright?" Neon asked, going down to him to help him up.

"Ummm, why yes, I am quiet alright, thank you. Why do you ask?" The creature asked politely. He looked down and noticed that his cloak was off. "Oh my, I am so sorry you had to see this, please, don't hit me, have mercy!" begged the frightened creature, covering his head with hos arms. Random and Neon looked at him confused.

"We aren't gonna hit you. We are just trying to make sure you are ok, your filled with holes. Are you hurt?" asked Neon concerned. The deformed pony looked up at them confused.

"Y-you aren't gonna hit me?" he asked confused.

"No, now come up, let me help you," replied Neon as he offered him a hoof and a kind hearted smile. The pony looked at the hoof and back at Neon and a shy smile formed from his face as he accepted the hoof. "My name is Neon Rave, this is Random Guy, what's your name?" Neon asked kindly. The pony got up and dusted himself off before putting his cloak back on.

"My name. . . . my name is Cypher Metemorph. It is very nice to meet you two," the deformed pony said softly, bowing lowly before them out of respect.

"So, if you do not mind me asking, what happened to you?" Random asked with much curiosity. Neon jabbed him in the side.

"Random, don't ask that kind of question, we just met him!" exclaimed Neon. Cypher shook his head with a smile.

"It is fine, I don't mind. I am born this way. I am a changling after all. This is what changlings look like. Haven't you ever seen a changling before?" Cypher asked slightly confused. Neon shook his head.

"No, we have never even heard of such a thing before, we are kinda new to all of this," explained Random. Cypher sighed in relief but his face became worried once again.

"Well, we have a history that I didn't want to be a part of. Changlings and ponies have been at war for quiet some time now, for hundreds of years as far as I know. When I was part of the hive, I was the top ranked in my class and even higher classes as well. But when they asked of me to go to war, I refused. They labeled me as a traitor and a disgrace to all changlings. They told me if I were to ever come across another changling that they had every right to kill me," Cypher explained, looking down at the ground with a sad look upon his face.

"Oh my god, that is cruel! Just because you don't want to go to war? How can they do such a thing?!" Neon asked with rage building up.

"It is fine. It is our customs. We are bred and raised for war. My kind wants to take Equestria since the very beginning. I knew it would happen, but even thou I am not part of the hive anymore, other ponies treat me like I am and some even try to kill me. I had to defend my self countless of times to the point were I know have a bounty on my head in most parts of the world. I am simply looking for a new home. I must admit, it is hard to find food thou, especially in this city," Cypher explained.

"Why, do you not like the food here?" Random asked innocently. Cypher chuckled to himself.

"Changlings do not eat food. Little does every pony know thou, we can. We can eat certain foods and it will hold off some of our hunger, but it can never be satisfied. We absorb love from other ponies and sometimes other creatures like minotaurs and griffins, but it would be complicated to explain how that works. We can change our form so that ponies don't know that we are changlings, so we make great infiltrators. I use it to hide and gather love," Cypher explained once again.

"So, how does that work? Do you have to make a pony fall in love with you or something then?" Neon asked in wonder.

"Well, their are other ways. Like as old legend goes, lust is another form of love. So, well. . . ummm-" Cypher started.

"So if you sleep with another pony, you can gather her lust as a form of love and get your fill, right?" Random finished for him.

"Yes, thank you. Maybe sometime I can show you how my shape shifting works, but I have to go for now, I am sorry to cut this short," Cypher apologized. Neon shook his head and smiled.

"Please, it is fine, we understand. I'll tell you what, come by Ponyville and we will find you a place to stay so you may live peacefully, how does that sound?" Neon offered. Cypher smiled a huge smile on his face like it was the very first time he ever did.

"Oh my god, you will help me? Thank you so so much! That means so much to me. I have to gather my things, but I can meet you guys down there in about a week or so, would that be ok?" he asked.

"Of course, we will see you down there then," Neon said cheerfully.

"Yes, most definitely, thank you. I will see you later then! Bye bye for now!" Cypher called out as he ran off into the night.

"I liked him, he may be the nicest pony we have ever met," said Random cheerfully.

"Indeed, I can't wait to see him again, but for now, we have a mission I want to finish, you ready?" Neon asked. Random nodded his head and they took off for the house at the end of the street. Once they did, there stood before them was a house that was falling apart. It looked like a strong wind could rip it apart.

"You ready for this?" Random asked in a cheerful tone. Neon looked back at him and smiled.

"No matter what happens, I'll be there for you," Neon insured. With a quick nodded, they opened the double doors to the old house. Inside was a grand entrance with a stair case leading upstairs to the second floor and a balcony. On the balcony they saw a dark cloaked figure with it's back turned to them.

"Umm, hello?" Random called out. The figure turned to them and stared them down, not revealing it's face.

"What do you want?" it asked in a cold and almost dead voice. It sounded like a male's voice.

"Hi, we heard you have a book called One's Past is Another's Future? We are wondering if there was a chance for us to read that book?" Neon asked, summoning up all the courage he could. The figure showed no reaction.

"How do you know about the book?" he asked, sounding more cruel this time.

"We are friends of the group that brought the book here. I got a glipse of it and wanted to read it, but they told me I would have to talk to you about it," Random explained.

"Go away. You must forget about the book and return to your normal lives while you still can. If you look any further for the book, only death awaits you," threatened the figure. Neon looked carefully and noticed the figure looks like another pony, like them.

"Please, I will pay money for it. I can even trade-" Random started.

"I SAID LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!!" the figure shouted at them, making Neon and Random flinched.

"Sorry to have waisted your time, we will leave, let's go Random," Neon instructed as he started to turn for the door.

"HOLD IT!!!" The figure yelled again, making them freeze in their tracks. "What are your names?" the figure asked.

"My name is Neon Rave, and this is my friend Random Guy," Neon explained, trying to control his shaking.

"I see, it is a shame you came here. Now you have to die," the figure announced suddenly with no emotion.

"W-w-what?!" was all Neon could manage to say. The figure dropped his cloak and let it fall slowly to the floor. He was a pony alright, but not like anything they have ever seen, not even like a changling. He was a dark purple colored body with no mane. His eyes were black and his teeth jagged and pointed like Cypher's teeth. His body had a purple thick mist swirling around him and his horn glowed dark purple.

"I- Dark Admiral Cluster Decapitator- will now sentence you to death!" the revealed figure declared. Random and Neon turned to run for the door but the door slammed shut and a purple aura was placed in front of it, blocking the path. They turned right and ran for a hallway only to be stopped by a sudden burst of purple flame. They did a 180 and ran for the other hallway to find the same results, purple fire spurting before them. They turned back to the figure known as Cluster with fear in their eyes.

"What is the meaning of this?! What did we do?!" Neon asked demandingly. Cluster Laughed a murderous laughter.

"Fools, it is not what you did, but what you will do. If Neon Rave, that is truly your name, that means you are the protector. That would make you, Random Guy, the direct descendant of my master. So their for, you need to die!" Cluster declared.

"What are you talking about, we do not even belong in this world, you have us confused with some one else!" Random shouted back.

"Silence, you will die here and now, and when my master returns, he will be very pleased with me. So now you die!" Cluster said as he shot out a stream of purple flame from his horn. Random's horn glowed green as vines popped out of the ground to block the fire. "So you have embraced the power of Life already. Let me test that power then," he added. Vines shot out behind Cluster and they wrapped around him, holding him in place and tightening their grip.

"Nice one Random!" Neon boasted. Cluster smirked down to them.

"Fools, I may be merly a shadow of my former self, but this pathetic attempt of capture is quiet saddening to see coming from the descendant of my master," Cluster said with a grin. He suddenly turned into mist and slipped away, the vines rapidly decaying where the mist touched it. The mist reformed at the bottom of the stairs.

"You got to be kidding me!" Neon exclaimed in annoyance as he lunged at Cluster. He smirked and turned to mist a split second before Neon touched him and flew into the wall behind him.

"Too slow," Cluster said in a cocky manner. Random made more vines reach over to whip him from behind but the vines decayed before they made impact. "And you are too weak, and you Neon, I thought the protector was supposed to be an alicorn. Instead, a weak pegasus with large wings? Don't make me laugh, you two are completely Pathe-" he started to say. Neon came flying out of the wall and tackled Cluster straight through the floor. Random looked down and jumped in, landing on stone flooring. Cluster turned to mist and reformed in front of them.

"So close, but this time, I hit him!" Neon boasted once again.

"And it will never happen again," Cluster replied back at Neon. He made a box appear before him and opened it, revealing a set of 12 daggers. He pulled one out using his dark magic and shot it at Random, missing him by an inch. When it hit the wooden wall behind them, the wall started decaying. "My mist may not decay the flesh, but these can!" Cluster explained with an expression of hatred upon his face. Random felt fear go through his body as he tried to make himself move. Neon turned to Random.

"Random, are you ok?" he asked with concern. Random's eyes started to glow blue as his horn disappeared and his back began to glow. "Random?" he asked worried. Random screamed as a pair of brown wings popped out of his back and spread out. After a moment of catching his breath, Random looked up and saw his new wings.

"Oh my god! I changed again!" Random declared, worried. Cluster took a step back in disbelief and fear.

"I knew it, it really is you, thou your name is different. I guess you didn't keep your birth name. Ether way, you seem to have no control over your power, this will make things easy for me!" Cluster shouted out. He pulled out the rest of his daggers and aimed them at Random and Neon. With a burst of magic he launched the daggers at them. Random grabbed Neon and pulled him to the ground, just missing the daggers. They got back up.

"Ha, you missed us, I guess your aim-" Random started. Both Random and Neon were impaled by the daggers all over through their chests. Cluster smiled.

"If I can throw them using my magic, I can pull them back too. Weak, pathetic, and stupid. You were really easy!" exclaimed Cluster. Darkness was flooding Neon's eyes as he felt his body wither away. Random dropped first and died before he fully decayed, but his body continued to decay ether way. Neon fell to his knees as he felt his life slowly fading away and he closed his eyes one last time.

"Oh my god! I changed again!" Random declared, worried. Cluster took a step back in disbelief and fear. Neon opened his eyes and saw Random looking at his new wings. 'What the hell? It's happening again, like last time,' Neon thought to himself.

"I knew it, it really is you, thou your name is different. I guess you didn't keep your birth name. Ether way, you seem to have no control over your power, this will make things easy for me!" Cluster shouted out. He pulled out the rest of his daggers and aimed them at Random and Neon. With a burst of magic he launched the daggers at them. Random grabbed Neon and pulled him to the ground, just missing the daggers. They got back up. 'Exactly like before!' Neon thought to himself.

Ha, you missed us. I guess your-" Random started.

"GET DOWN!!" Neon screamed as he tackled Random to the ground, narrowly missing the daggers return. Cluster's smirk quickly disappeared as the daggers impaled him into the wall behind him and his body started to decay.

"This is impossible. How is it that the protector receive the gift of sight?" Cluster asked in disbelief. Neon approached him and saw Cluster's body slowly decay before him.

"what are you talking about? The gift of sight? This whole protector thing? The book, what is the meaning of all of this?!" Neon asked in a demanding tone of voice. Cluster smiled.

"All in due time. Just know that my master is coming. Before I go, hear this. An army of metal shall raise from the ground before the home of the gods. Ponies will turn against one another in times of darkness. The elements of harmony shall meet their match. Death will not be your end. Finally, the mind is the greatest weapon against those who not think for themselves. All will be clear over time. I now rejoin my master in the after life. Were I have failed, many more will come to pick up where I left off. Good bye, Balance Cycle," Cluster finished as he slowly died away and decayed away into dust. Neon stood there confused but noticed something in the dust. When Neon kicked it out of the dust it was a book. He swiped it with his hoof a few times and saw the title.

"One's Past is Another's Future. Here is your book my friend, finally after everything we have been through, we finally did it!" exclaimed Neon as he handed the book to Random.

"Thank you Neon, for going through with this with me," replied Random with a smile, which Neon returned.

"Of course, anytime. Nice wings by the way," Neon said sarcastically. Random looked behind him and saw the wings.

"Wow, I have wings, just like you!" Random exclaimed excitedly. Neon chuckled to himself.

"When you learn how to use them, we should go flying sometime. I almost got it myself," offered Neon joyfully.

"I'd like that actually," replied Random with a cheerful smile. They left the house since the barrier was no longer there. Once outside, they watched a unicorn approach them. His body was midnight black and his eyes were grey and emotionless. His hair was midnight black like his body but he had three white lines circling his hair but only half way, not connecting. His mane was almost bowl cut, but his sides were longer and a bit messier, but perfectly equal on each side with a cutie mark of a skull shrouded in mist .

"Excuss me, but I felt a strong magical presence at this location. Do you two know anything about it?" the mystery unicorn asked politely. Neon and Random looked at each other confused and then looked back at him.

"No, I mean we were just in a fight with a tough unicorn, but that is about it, why?" Random asked. The pony looked over to Random, not changing his facial expression.

"I have been tracking a mysteries magical aura around town, and as I was approaching this place, it disappeared. So I am checking to see what has happened. What happened to the unicorn you spoke of?" he asked calmly.

"He ended up impaling himself with some knives or something like that. Are you a detective or something?" Neon asked curiously.

"Something, but I work for no one. I don't do well with others. Anyway, I see that there is nothing left here, I feel no magical presence around the area," the pony said to himself. He walked past Neon and Random and stood in front of the house. Neon took a good look and saw that this unicorn also had wings. 'Wait a second, he has a horn and wings? What are they called again? Acorns? Alythorns? Alicorns? Yea, I think alicorn is the right word," Neon thought to himself.

"So, who are you looking for?" Random asked.

"Who I am," the pony whispered to himself. Suddenly feeling his anger rising as he looks at the house.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quiet catch that," Random replied. The pony turned back to look at Random.

"It is nothing, thinking out loud. I am chasing a myth, a legend sort of speak. Signs and clues have been poking out all around the world, stirring things up. I am looking to see what the commotion is about and too see if a certain legend is real, which signs are pointing to yes so far," explained the pony calmly.

"What legend?" Neon asked with curiosity, now raising.

"It is a very old tale. Most have forgotten about it and very few have access to the tale. Only three books remain in this world that tell that tale. It is the legend of the great alicorn wars," the pony replied. "Oh, were are my manners, My name is Kid, Death the Kid. It is a pleasure to meet you," he added.

"Hello, my name is Neon Rave," said Neon

"And I am Random Guy," Random added. Kid looked at both of them and chuckled to himself.

"Well aren't you two interesting. It is nice to make your acquaintance," Kid said politely. Kid looked at the house again and felt his anger rise again. "Gosh do I hate this house," he added. Neon and Random looked at him confused and concerned.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen here?" Random asked.

"Yes, something did happen to this house. It was built. Look at it, the roof is uneven!" Kid exclaimed in annoyance.

"Huh?" was all Neon could say.

"Just look at this filth. Three windows on the left side, but two on the left. The doors are exactly 1.86 centimeters away from the center of the house. the roofing is uneven with absolutely no style or pattern of any sort. this house is asymmetrical garbage!" Kid exclaimed with rage.

"Your getting angry over an old house cuss it wasn't built perfectly?" Random asked confused. Kid looked back at Random for a moment and then looked back at the house.

"It is a monstrosity! It is filth, garbage!" Kid's horn started glowing purple just like Cluster's horn did. "Asymmetrical filth such as this needs to be erased from this world. Garbage, filth, disgusting filth!" Kid kept chanting to himself as purple aura started gathering to his horn. "Begone you asymmetrical filth of this world, and never be seen again!" Kid yelled out as a giant beam of purple energy left Kid's horn and launched directly into the building, blowing it up in a loud explosion, sending an earth shattering shock wave, knocking Random and Neon onto their backs. Once the beam faded away, Kid turned back to them and smiled to himself. as pieces of flaming debris fell from the sky. "I feel much better now removing that from this world. Now, what were we talking about?" Kid asked calmly. Neon and Random sat there frozen, staring up at Kid with fear into their eyes. "You ok guys?' Kid asked innocently.

"Umm, do you do that alot?" Neon asked intimidated with his hair blown back and darkened.

"Well, only when I find something that is asymmetrical filth that needs to be ride from this world. That's all. Why do you ask?" Kid asked. Random got up first and lightly dusted himself off.

"Why do you care so much about symmetry when you are asymmetrical yourself?" random asked with out thinking.

"What are you talking about?" Kid asked confused and slightly offended.

"Well, your hair is black ans has three white strips but they only go half way across your hair," Random explained. Kid patted his hair and fell to the ground crying.

"You're right, my hair is asymmetrical! I am asymmetrical garbage! Why do I even exist?!" Kid started yelling out. Random looked at Kid shocked and slowly backed away from him. Neon stepped forward and put a hoof around his shoulders.

"Hey there, cheer up, alright. Perfection is impossible to get to, cuss everyone's out look on perfection is different. So chill out, take a deep breath, and relax. Your not asymmetrical garbage, alright?" Neon explained, trying to comfort him. He looked up, wiping his tears away.

"You don't think that I'm asymmetrical garbage?" Kid asked with hope in his voice.

"Nah, your good," Neon assured. Kid got back up and dusted himself off.

"Thank you then, your a real pal. I owe you one. But for now I must take my leave. I have to find out what all of these events mean. Did he say anything to you guys before he died?" Kid asked. Random looked at Neon and then back to Kid.

"Yea, he said 'An army of metal shall raise from the ground before the home of the gods. Ponies will turn against one another in times of darkness. The elements of harmony shall meet their match. Death will not be your end. Finally, the mind is the greatest weapon against those who not think for themselves.' I think that's it," Random explained. Kid looked at him with a puzzled yet concerned look on his face.

"I see, it's happened again. I will have to find you guys later. I must head out now. Good luck and get back home safely," Kid replied and hurried off.

"Well, he is a strange and scary fellow, huh?" Neon asked. Random looked at him and made a derpy face.

"You don't say?!" Random replied sarcastically. Neon playfully jabbed him in the shoulder.

"Shut up, let's just go home," Neon advised. with the book in Random's hoof still, he started to put the book in his saddle when out of no where a figure jumped out of a shadow and grabbed Random's book right out of his hoof and ran off.

"Oh crap, after all that work we just did, why the heck-" Neon started.

"GET THE FU$^ BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF $#@^!!!! I AM GONNA TEAR OFF YOUR F^%#ING HEAD AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR @$$ MOTHER F&$^!!! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE B%&$#!!!" Random yelled out, chasing after him. Neon sat there stunned.

"I didn't even know he knew swears," Neon said to himself, surprised. Random chased after the shadowed figure all the way through the twist and turns of the dark alleyways.

"I almost got you know you little b%$#@!!" Random called after him. The figure jumped into a shadow and disappeared. 'Oh no you don't!" Random said, picking up speed. The figure sat on the other side of the wall, catching his breath.

"What the heck did I grab?" he whispered to himself. He grabbed his saddle and saw it had a book in it. "A stupid, dity book? Oh crud I am in trouble," the figure said to himself. "But at least I got away from that crazy-" he started. Random charged right through the wall the mystery pony went through, except breaking down the wall. "WHAT THE HELL, THAT WAS BRICK!!!!!" he cried out in a panic.

"GIVE ME THAT BOOK BACK!!!" Random yelled out as he continued to charge at the pony. The pony ran for another wall and jumped into the shadow again. Random charged right through it. The pony kept jumping through shadows while Random kept running right through them, leaving a path of hole in his place, nether slowing down. 'Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!' the mystery pony thought to himself.

"I'm catching up to you!" Random called out in rage.

"Yea right, I am the fastest runner in all of-" the fleeing pony started but turned around and noticed Random was only a few inches away. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" he shouted out in fear and tried to speed up.

"The pony that is going to kill you!" Random responded. after a final push Random grabbed his tail and pulled him to the ground, pulverizing him. After about 15 minutes, the thief leaned up against the wall, hos face bruised and battered to a pulp while Random brushed off the dust of his book. "Your lucky my book didn't get damaged," Random said, eyeing the thief.

"Why the hell did you do all of that for a stupid book?" The thief asked annoyed.

"Because I went through quiet a bit to read this. I was not gonna let you let everything I been through go in vain or something like that. Right now, I am just happy that I finally have my book," Random said happily while holding the book. Neon caught up to him eventually and looked at the thief. The thief wore black cloth all over his body, only revealing his neon green eyes and his horn.

"I see you got your book, but what about him?" Neon asked sternly.

"He can go. I gave him a good enough beating for the book," explained Random.

"But why did you steal our book?" Neon asked the thief who turned away.

"Look, I got mouths to feed and I was aiming for your bits, but they were in a different place than what I am use to. so I grabbed the wrong thing when I darted past you," the thief explained.

'What's your name?" Random asked.

"They call me Shade, you can too," replied the thief calmly. Neon nodded and got up.

"Alright, we don't need to call the guard or anything, we can go," declared Neon as he started to walk off with Random.

"Your not gonna turn me in?" Shade called over. Neon turned back and smiled.

"I already think getting chased by this psychopath is bad enough, I don't think you will be bothering us again," Neon explained. Shade smiled and looked up at him.

"I'll remember this, thank you friend," Shade replied back as he jumped into a shadow and disappeared with out a trace.

"Well, today was quiet the day now wasn't it?" Neon asked as they walked to the train station. Random yawned as they walked.

"Let's just go home so we can go to bed and sleep," Random replied tired. Neon laughed.

"Understandable. Let's go home," Neon agreed. They walked to the train station and rode the train all the way back to Ponyville. Random fell asleep but Neon could not sleep, not even for a second.

"What was Cluster talking about, what does it all mean, and Kid knows something he thinks is stupid but he might have the answer we're looking for. I feel like something big is about to happen. I feel like Random is gonna need me, I need to make sure I can be there for him. I need to make sure I can protect him, no matter what!" Neon declared as he looked out the window. "A storm is coming," he added silently. After a few hours of traveling, they finally made it back to Ponyville in one piece some how. Neon picked up Random and placed him onto his back and led him back into town. Neon noticed that the lights were still on in Twilight's house. "Oh crud, this is gonna suck," Neon whispered to himself. He slowly opened the door and closed his eyes to get ready for a hard slap to his face.

"Where have you been!" Twilight shouted, running towards him. 'Here we go,' Neon thought. He braced for a slap but instead got a tight hug. When he opened his eyes he saw Twilight hugging him. "I was so worried about you two. I waited for you guys to come back after your little chase this morning but you guys never came back. I searched for you but you were no where in sight. I am just so glad you guys are alright," Twilight said with relief. After a short while, Twilight let go and let Neon pass.

"I promise a full explanation tomorrow morning, but until then, we need sleep, good night Twilight," Neon called out as he went downstairs. Neon placed Random to bed and put the blanket over him. "I am surprised she didn't noticed your little change. Oh well, all for tomorrow," Neon said as he tucked Random to bed and laid himself to bed. "although I believe this isn't even the start of things," said Neon to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep.

Author's Note:

Alrighty, I have spent 36 hours straight to finish this. Sorry everyone that this took so long. I have been hanging with family from out of state and power went out and blah blah blah. I hope I didn't do too bad on the editing, but I so wanted to finish this since I haven't been able to post a story for so long. I hope you like this, I haven't sen the number yet but I am more than sure that this is my longest chapter I have ever written easily! I hope you guys forgive me for making you wait and I hope you enjoy the chapter while I finally get some sleep :pinkiecrazy: still, I hope to see you in the future chapters, bye bye for now :raritywink: :twilightsmile: