• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 1,287 Views, 42 Comments

One's Past is Another's Future - Masked_Frenchman

Two humans living the life in their own world accidentally going into the world of Equestria and try to find a way back home.

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Chapter 11: The Grand Galloping Gala

(Music listened to while writing this, 'Complictated' by Your Favorite Martian, 'Stacy's Mom' by Fountains of Wayne, '20% Cooler' by Alex S., 'Scream and Shout' by will.i.am, 'Sexy and I know it' by LMFAO, 'Ready to Die' by Andrew wk, 'Smile HD' by Foozogz. Hope you enjoy the music, enjoy the chapter :twilightsmile: )

Chapter 11: The Grand Galloping Gala

Random walked over next to Vinyl as she tried to hold in her tears. “Listen, it’s not what you think,” he tried to explain. Vinyl looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“What do you mean?” she asked, a single tear making it’s way down the side of her cheek. Pinkie Pie walked up to her as well, curious about what Random meant as well.

“You see, me and Neon are from another world. In our world, he was Mr. Popular. He had everything. Fame, a promising career, lots of friends, and a girl named Vinyl Scratch. You look just like her, just ponified I guess the term would be,” Random started explaining, taking a seat next to Vinyl. She wiped her tear away and listened. Pinkie Pie walked over and flipped the open sign to closed and sat down with Random and Vinyl, knowing that this was gonna be a long story. “Me and Neon were homeless most of our lives. Our parents died in a car crash when we were really young. Neon took the place as the big brother and took care of us. We lived in an old abandon factory and hide there all our lives. We were happy though, in our eyes, we had everything we needed. People would pick on us and fight with us, so Neon went to learn how to fight from a nin-jitsu teacher. He did odd jobs for his master to keep up with the payments and always protected me, even if it ended up hurting himself in the process. He even failed a grade on purpose just to be in the same grade as me and hacked the school computers so we were always in the same classes,” Random explained, lowering his head.

“He sounds like such an amazing stallion,” Vinyl said with a smile. Random looked up at her and returned the smile, and then continued his story.

“Once we hit high school, he went to parties and became the life of the party, making lots of friends, and that’s when he met Vinyl, from our world. She fell in love with him and he fell in love with her. She was his very first girlfriend, his very first love. So everytime he sees you he sees her, missing her even more. He misses home and wants to go back. He is too stubborn to see that this world isn’t so different. If you give him time, he will see,” Random explained, finishing his story.

“Do you really think so?” Vinyl asked.

“Yes, once he realizes that this world isn’t so bad, he will warm up to you. You really like him, don’t you?” asked Random, smiling. Vinyl looked as if to deny but looked away, her face turning red.

“Well, I guess so. I mean, I thought he was really cute when I first saw him about a week ago, but then I saw him at the DJ competition. He was so alive and moved like he has been doing this for years. I could feel his emotions as he took over the crowd. I guess you could say that I fell in love with him the moment he won. I felt like I knew him already,” Vinyl explained. Random smiled and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I’ll tell you what, give me some time and I will try to get him warmed up to yea. I’ll be your personal cupid for ya!” Random exclaimed, smiling at her. She returned the smile to him and flung her arms around him, surprising him.

“Thank you so much, you don’t know how much this means to me!” Vinyl exclaimed happily. Random was shocked for a second but ended up returning the gester. After a brief moment, they let go and sat back down. “Thanks for helping me out, your name is Random, right?” she asked curiously.

“Yup, that’s my name. I’ll see you later Vinyl, I have to go look for Neon,” Random called over as he got up and made his way to the door. Pinkie Pie bounced back behind the counter, backwards.

“Well see you later, Random. Come by again sometime!” Pinkie Pie called back, back to her cheerful self. Random waved everyone goodbye and walked out.

“Alright, where would he be?” Random asked himself when he suddenly saw Neon walking around, he had a red tint in his fur and a smile on his face. “Da fa?” he whispered to himself, watching Neon walk down the street holding something golden in his mouth. Random watched him for a moment more till he looked at his fur carefully, looking at the red spots. “Oh god, he didn’t kill some one, did he?” Random asked himself, letting his imagination carry him away. He walked over to him. “Hey Neon!” he called over. Neon stopped and looked around to see where the voice came from. Once he saw his friend Random, Neon trotted on over to him, smiling the whole way.

“Hey Random, what are you doing?” Neon asked cheerfully. Random raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Looking for you! First, where did you go? Second, why are you so happy all of a sudden. Lastly, what is that red stuff on your chest?” Random asked, firing off question after question. Neon stared at him for a moment a little confused, looking down and laughing nervously.

“Yea, ok. In order, I went to the pond, the one where we first met the cutie mark crusaders, I just had my first kiss, and this is blood,” Neon explained calmly, smiling a goofy smile to himself.

“Whoa, you got your first. . . wait a second, did you say blood?!” Random asked nervously. Neon looked back at him, still smiling.

“Yea, I said blood,” he repeated. Random’s mind started racing crazy ideas. ‘Oh my god, did he actually kill somebody? I mean I know he can get pretty mad, but this is a little extreme! What have you done Neon?’ Random started in his thoughts. “Yea, I was punching some boulders and I guess I opened up my stitches, so I ended up bleeding a little bit, so don’t worry, I am alright,” Neon explained. Random wiped some sweat off his forehead in relief.

“Oh thank god, I thought you killed someone,” Random said to himself. Neon looked at him confused and was about to say something, but Random stopped him. “Just never mind, so, what is this about kissing?” he asked quickly, trying to change the subject. Neon started smiling again like an idiot.

“Well Shiva found me and. . well. . she sorta. . kissed me,” Neon explained shyly. Random’s jaw dropped and then to a concerned look on his face. ‘Crap, and I just promised Vinyl that I would try to hook him up with her, crap!’ Random thought to himself.

“So, are you two, like, going out now?” Random asked nervously, scared to hear the answer. Neon snapped into focus as he shook his head.

“What? Oh no, we aren’t going out, at least I don’t think we are. Anyway, I have some good news, we get to go to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Neon exclaimed excitedly. Random jumped up in the air.

“This is so cool! I can’t wait! What is it?” Random asked, still cheerful. Neon’s happy faced turned into his very famous face in which he called the ‘Really’ face where he stared him down emotionlessly.

“Really? Actually, I don’t really know for sure, all I know is that it’s a big event and we have to wear tuxedos and fancy stuff like that,” Neon explained shortly. Random jumped up and down excited.

“I can’t wait, cool! So I guess that’s what those things are in your mouth?” Random asked curiously.

“Yup, come on, let’s get ready,” Neon instructed. Neon and Random ran back home and gathered up the bits to rent a pair of tuxedos, when Neon grabbed his large bag of bits he won at the competition and dumped it out, finding only a small hoof full left of around twenty to thirty bits left. “What the hell happened to all of our money?!” Neon exclaimed worried, he looked up and noticed Random looking away from him, whistling. “Random. . .” he added.

“I don’t know,” he said, trying to sound innocent. Neon looked past him at a closet and found it locked. Neon pushed past him and forced it open. “No, don’t-” Random started. Once Neon opened it, a mountain of cookies rained down and completely buried Neon. He stuck his head out and looked around the room.

“Where in the nine circles of hell did you get this many cookies?!” Neon yelled out at Random.

“Well, those three girls, or fillies I can’t remember, where having a bake sale for a class field trip, they were selling cookies and they smelt so good!” Random exclaimed, taking some of the cookies form the floor and eating them.

“Don’t tell me. . .” Neon started.

“Well, they are in the hall of fame now and made a world record,” Random explained with a nervous smile. Neon faced hoof himself and looked away.

“Now how are we going to get to the Grand Galloping Gala, we can’t get a tux now let alone a pair of them!” Neon exclaimed annoyed. Twilight opened the door to the basement and looked down.

“What is all that noise? What are you guys doing down there?” Twilight asked, calling down to them.

“Nothing, just nothing,” Neon called back up, walking up the stairs defeated.

“What’s with the long face?” Twilight asked as Neon got at the top of the stairs. Random chuckled behind Neon at Twilight’s question.

“We got tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and Random spent all of our money on cookies,” Neon explained, glaring at Random who then gave a pleading smile.

“How in the world did you get tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?” Twilight asked confused. Neon turned back to her and sighed.

“Shiva met up with me and we. . . umm. . . talked, and she invited me and Random to the Grand Galloping Gala,” he explained.

“You mean made out?” Random added teasingly. Neon quickly turned back to him.

“Shut up!” he barked, turning back to Twilight.

“Wow, I am surprised she could get those tickets. Normally, only noble ponies would ever have a chance to get invited to the Grand Galloping Gala. I wonder how she got a hold of them?” Twilight started questioning. Random shrugged her shoulders.

“Well, not sure but we don’t have money to buy tuxedos and Neon already promised her we would meet up with her tomorrow night at 6:30. So we are kinda screwed,” Random explained cheerfully. Neon turned to something to Random but Twilight interrupted.

“Well you guys should have said that you needed something to wear. I know just the mare for the job, and she is one of my closest friends, come on, I’ll introduce you guys to her,” Twilight said, leading them out the door. Twilight walked them over to Rarities house as she explained how her dresses are amazing and that she has been making fashion designs for years. Once they got to her house, Twilight knocked on the door. After a brief moment, a unicorn opened the door with a measuring tape around her neck with glasses on. She held a stern face for a brief moment and saw Twilight.

“Twilight dear, it is good to see you!” she exclaimed, she looked past her and saw Random and Neon standing at the door. “And who are your friends?” she asked curiously.

“Rarity, this is Random Guy,” she pointed a hoof at Random.” and this is Neon,” she pointed at Neon. “ and guy, this is one of my closest friends, Rarity,” she pointed at Rarity, facing Random and Neon and then turning her gaze back at Rarity.”They are going to the Grand Galloping Gala and they need tuxedos,” Twilight explained. Rarity looked at her and then at the two colts and back at her.

“Well alright, come on in you two. Let’s see what we can do about your attire,” Rarity instructed. Random and Neon walked in as they looked around. They saw exactly what you would see in any professional fashion designer’s work area. “Now, who first?” she asked as she turned to them. Random smiled and stepped forward.

“Me, me, me, me. Do me first!” Random exclaimed excited. Rarity smiled at his enthusiasm.

“Well then, alright, come on over here and we can get started to see what looks best for you,” Rarity instructed. Random smiled back at Neon who leaned against a wall on his hind legs with his forearms crossed.

“Hehehe, I am gonna look fancy, see ya!” Random exclaimed excited as he marched on following Rarity. When they were in the other room Twilight walk on over towards Neon.

“Well, it seems that Random is excited to get into a tux, why aren’t you?” Twilight asked, looking over at him. Neon looked at the ceiling as he sighed.

“I wore a tux at me and Random’s parent’s funeral. I didn’t like getting sized and everytime I see one of these things, I remember that freaking funeral,” Neon explained calmly with a slight hint of pain in his voice. Twilight looked him over and her smile faded away.

“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that-” she started. Neon shook his head with a light smile.

“Relax, that was many years ago. I think 11 years ago. I’m over it now. Random was a little too young to remember or even know what was going on. It’s hard to explain to a six year old what’s happening to his parents and why they were putting them into the ground. Sure we cried, but I noticed what a funeral was all about. It wasn’t about paying some respects or something like that. It’s about seeing that loved one off into the next life, whatever that may be. For me, it was just about making sure that Random didn’t try to stop them. We ran away from the funeral and never turned back. I am glad that Random ended up forgetting, because I do not want him to remember the pain and hardship of getting over something like that,” Neon explained, again calmly. Twilight stared in amazement.

“Wow, you know Neon, you have your moments,” she said briefly as she looked away. Neon turned to her with a curious look on his face.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked calmly. Twilight turned back to him, looking him in the eyes.

“Well, you two sometimes like you want to kill each other. You guys pull some really mean pranks on each other sometimes. So much fighting, so much arguing and chasing each other almost every morning, but yet you still look out for each other. It seems like you are always watching over him, protecting him,” Twilight explained, smiling a heart warming smile at him. Neon turned away blushing, keeping an eye towards her.

“Well, thanks I guess. I mean it’s always been us. We never leave each other’s side. I have been protecting him for years, it’s like my job. No matter what, I will always look after him, it’s just seems like my job is at an end soon,” Neon explained with a sadden expression on his face. Twilight tried to read him, trying to see what was going through his mind.

“What do you mean?” she asked slightly concerned. Neon turned back to her.

“He get’s stronger almost everyday. He can change forms and fight off monsters that I thought were only in myths and legends. I can’t protect him much longer, soon he will be able to defend himself, but for now, he is still my little brother no matter what anyone says,” Neon said proudly and with a smug grin on his face. Twilight giggles to herself.

“You know Neon, you really are a great pony. I kinda wish there were more colt’s like you. I hope I can find somepony like you someday,” she replied as she leaned over and kissed Neon on the cheek, making his cheeks flare up. Twilight blushed slightly and went out back to check on Random. Neon placed his hoof on his cheek and chuckled to himself.

“Did I just get friendzoned?” he asked himself, smiling and laughing a little bit. He looked around and chuckled. “Wow, a lot of girls really like me. Wait, not girls. . . ummm, filles I think they are called here, or was it colts. . . mares?” he added, questioning himself for the right answer. After a few sad attempts he gave up and went back on daydreaming. As he thought about his first kiss, he imagined it to be with his Vinyl. Imagining what her lips would feel like pressed upon his. He smiled like an idiot as he felt his face turning a slight shade of red when suddenly he imagined the pony Vinyl at his welcoming party. The large gift that he got from her, the giant DJ booth. He felt bad for ignoring her this whole time when she built him that all by herself.

“I should thank her some day. Once I build up some bucks in my wallet, I’ll take her to a club or something, or maybe I should take her out to eat somewhere nice? Another thought another time. For now, I gotta wait to-” he started. Neon watched as Random came out through the back with his tuxedo. He wore a tuxedo that literally looked exactly like James Bond’s tuxedo. “Let me guess. . . Guy. . . Random Guy?” Neon said playfully as he fell onto his side and rolled on the floor laughing. Random looked at him with rage as he slowly walked up to him. Neon stopped for a second to look up at him, lying on his back. “What?” he asked innocently, trying not to laugh. Random raised his hoof up and slammed it directly between Neon’s back legs where his pride manhood would be. Neon’s laughing was cut off short as he felt the blow between his legs. Random smiled cruelly and walked off. Both Twilight and Rarity watched in horror as Neon gently clutched his family jewels.

“Random, why did you do that?” Twilight asked shocked. Random turned to her and smiled.

“It’s a joke, he’ll be fine,” Random reassured as he turned back to Neon. “Right Neon?” he asked, calling back out to him. He didn’t say anything as faint moans and groans came from him. Random turned back to Twilight and Rarity with a nervous smile.

“Uhhh yea, see? He’s fine,” Random explained as he slowly walked away. Twilight grabbed him with her magic and pulled him back.

“Oh no you don’t,” she said as Random tried to slow her down by trying to dig his hooves into the floor, failing miserably. Rarity walked up to Neon and placed a hoof on his shoulder gently.

“Are you ok, dear?” she asked kindly. Neon Looked up and smiled faintly, trying to hide the pain as tears ran down his face.

“Oh what. . . this? This is. . nothing. I have delt. . . with worse. Nothing at all,” Neon explained, trying to sound tough. Rarity felt bad for him as she helped him up and brought him to the back room. She had him lay down on his back as she went through a door, leaving him there. She came back with an ice pack wrapped in a bag and gave it to Neon, turning away.

“Go ahead and place that in on. . . . your sensitive area, it should help numb the pain,” Rarity explained. Neon smiled and placed the ice pack between his legs, wincing at the sudden chill.

“Thanks,” Neon replied, hiding the ice bag and his happy place. Rarity glance to see if he was covered and then turned to him.

“Of course, I couldn’t just let you lie there injured like that. Why did he do that?” Rarity asked concerned. Neon shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

“He has never aimed for the nuts before, but we rough house all the time. We’re good, don’t worry. I am just surprised how much this hurts,” he explained, flinching as he tried to sit up. Rarity stared at him and shook her head.

“Honestly, you guys are worse than Applejack wrestling around with Big Macaintosh. Why do you two do that?” she asked slightly annoyed. Neon was about to answer here quickly but stopped himself. ‘Why do we do that? I mean, we have been attacking each other like that for years. When did it start?’ he thought to himself.

“Well, I guess it is because we know that we don’t mean it. It is a manly thing I guess,” Neon explained. Rarity looked at him confused.

“Manly? What is that?” she asked confused. Neon looked at her like an idiot but then realized where he was.

“Oh right, I mean it’s a, uhhhhh, colt thing,” he attempted to cover himself.

“Oh, I guess that makes sense, just try to be civilized for the Grand Galloping Gala if you don’t mind. I do not want other ponies to get the wrong idea,” Rarity stated, flipping her hair majestically. It was at that moment that Neon figured out what kind of girl, or pony, she was as he sighed in annoyance. Rarity was. . . . a girly girl. “Now, shall we get you fitted for you attire?” she asked calmly. Neon slowly shook his head as he took a deep breath and let it out.

“I guess so, let’s get this over with,” he replied as Rarity pulled out a measuring tape.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Twilight brought Random outside of the shop and glared down at him. “Why did you do that? That was uncalled for!” Twilight exclaimed angrily, raising her voice. Random looked into her eyes as he looked back down at the ground.

“I’m sorry, I am just a little upset about something,” he tried to say quickly, trying not to have her ask about it any further.

“About what?” Twilight asked, starting to calm down. Random looked into her eyes and then back at the ground, taking a deep breath before releasing it.

“Vinyl has a huge crash for Neon and I promised her that I would try to hook her and Neon up, but Neon just had his first kiss with Shiva so now don’t think I can hook them up because now he has a crush on her!” Random said with a single breath. Twilight looked at him confused and surprised.

“Oh, wow. That is a bit of situation there. Do you know if he actually likes her?” Twilight asked innocently.

“Well he kissed her, didn’t he? I am pretty sure that means he likes her,” Random commented, frowning at her.

“Well, I have read that sometimes when somepony is upset and in an emotion of depression and stress, they tend to seek out affection subconsciously, without realizing it. So what seems like love is actually just a way to relieve tension from the stress,” Twilight explained intelligently. Random stared at her blankly as the new information slowly seeps into his brain.

“So, what you are saying is, he is was just kinda. . . lost in the moment?” he asked, trying to grasp what she said.

“Exactly, he was simply confused with his emotions. Almost like when you’re not hungry but you like to snack on something because it fits the moment,” Twilight continued her explanation. Random nodded his head in agreement as it all clicked into place in his head.

“Ok, I think I got it now. Thanks for the explanation Twilight,” Random said politely. Neon walked back out from the other room in his new suit. It was similar to Random’s except with was a dark gray with neon green tie and vest underneath the over coat. Twilight stared in amazement.

“Wow, you look amazing Neon!” she exclaimed. Neon chuckled at her gawking as he turned to Random.

“So, what do you think man? I may not be a James Bond, but I think it doesn’t look too bad,” Neon asked confidently as he did a slow spin, showing off the whole suit. Random looked at him with a slightly impressed expression on his face.

“Not too bad, I guess it could be worse, right?” he asked playfully. Neon chuckled and walked up to Random, wrapping his hoof around his neck.

“Just you wait, we are gonna have all the ladies staring at us from afar, watching us with bedroom eyes, wishing they could get with us,” Neon explained, waving his hoof in front of their vision. Random looked at him with a ‘really’ expression.

“Yea, you keep telling yourself that. One kiss and now you’re cocky, huh?” Random asked coldly. Neon let him go and held onto his chest with both hooves as he stepped backwards.

“Oh, right in the friendship!” he exclaimed, falling over onto his back, playing dead. Twilight and Rarity looked at the two dumbfounded.

“Were they not fighting each other not ten minutes ago?” Rarity asked in confusion. Twilight looked at her with a blank expression.

“Welcome to my world,” she said sarcastically. After they got their suits in protective wrapping, Neon and Random put them away in Twilight’s very well organized closet. After Neon beat Random around, he finally got him to clean up all the cookies that was spilt onto the floor, but Random still refused to throw them out. The next night, Neon and Random where getting the finally preparations settled as 6:30 was getting closer to it’s time.

“You ready for the night of our lives?!” Neon asked, calling over from the bathroom. Random was all ready as is, leaving his short brown mane exactly as it is. He sighed as he turned to the direction of the bathroom.

“Well if you would hurry it up, then maybe we could actually get there!” Random called back annoyed. Random could hear him laughing.

“Sorry man, you know how I got to look for a crowd like this. I need to look my best for a party!” Neon exclaimed, chuckling to himself.

“Did somepony say ‘party’?!” asked a familiar hyper active voice from the bathroom. A scream was heard with a loud crash following close behind it. Random ran over to see what happened. Neon was sprawled onto the floor, his eyes wide up and in shock as he stared at the bath tub. Random followed his gaze and saw Pinkie Pie looking down at him with a big happy smile on her face.

“How did you get in here?!” Neon asked in a panic. Before Pinkie Pie could answer, Random chipped in first.

“Screw logic,” he replied. Neon looked over at him and then back at the pink party pony. After a moment he was able to calm himself down and finally smile.

“God you two are screwy sometimes,” Neon replied playfully. Pinkie Pie lent out a hoof, smiling down at him. Neon hesitated but accepted the hoof, allowing himself able to pull himself back up on all fours. “Thanks,” he added towards the smiling pink pony standing in the bathtub.

“Of course, what are friends for?” Pinkie Pie asked playfully and friendly as always. Twilight rushed in with a concerned look on her face.

“I heard a crash, what happened?” Twilight asked, scanning the room. Her eyes darted from around till she saw her pink pony friend standing in Twilight’s bathtub, wearing her Grand Galloping Gala dress. “Ummm, Pinkie, what are you doing in my bathroom and how did you get in here?” she asked now mostly confused. Pinkie Pie opened the blinds to reveal an opened window.

“The window was opened and I heard Neon talking, so I wanted to come in and say hi, but then I heard him say something about a party, so I came in. I think I accidentally made him break his hoof mirror though,” she exclaimed hyperly, jumping out of the tub and out of the bathroom. “Oh, and Rainbow Dash tore her dress at the end, So Rarity and the others are gonna be a little late patching it up. I came here to tell you that,” she added, bouncing around in the living room. Neon watched confused as he looked at his mirror. It was a small mirror that he was using to look at his backside of his hair. With a defeated sigh, it put the mirror in the trash.

“So how are you guys getting there?” Twilight asked interested and curious.

“I think Shiva is supposed to be picking us up,” Random answered quickly, looking at the mirror in the bathroom before leaving. Neon sighed as he dusted himself off.

“Well, at least I-” he started as there was a knock at the door. -”finished,” he finished saying. He walked up and opened the door. When he did his jaw almost fell off. There stood before him was Shiva, but far different than ever. She had it straightened as her icy blue mane curled at the ends and partially covered her face. A small sparkle could be seen from her it. She wore a sparkling, ice blue dress with swirling designs that curled around every curve on her body. Her hooves wore matching shoes that matched her dress, ice blue with swirling patterns through it. Shiva looked at him with slightly flustered look on her face, giggling.

“I’m sorry, so I have something on my face?” she asked innocently.

“Beauty,” Neon whispered. Shiva’s face turned red as he looked away for a moment, looking at him through her mane, smiling. It took a moment to realize that he just said that. “Oh, I didn’t mean to say that out loud!” he exclaimed in a panic.

“it is fine, thank you. You look incredibly handsome yourself,” Shiva commented kindly. Random looked past Neon and turned back.

“Yup, Neon’s date is here, we’re heading out now!” Random called out. Neon flinched at the sudden shout and glanced over his shoulder annoyed.

“Every time, one of these days, I swear. . .” he started to whisper to himself with threatening expressions on his face. Random came out and went past Shiva.

“Wow, if Pimp my Ride was in this world, this is straight out of the show!” Random exclaimed. Neon looked past Shiva and saw it himself. There was a carriage being pulled by two large pegasi. They looked like they belong to the royal army. They pulled a greyish blue carriage with ice blue swirls around it. The wheels are almost as tall as Random as he stood next to them. They were icy blue and appeared to be sparkling and the windows were completely tinted. It looked as if it could easily fit six ponies comfortably. “Hey Shiva, I see you got a theme going on here,” Random called back, going around to the front with the pegasi who were standing around, looking straight forward with a blank expression frozen on their faces. “Hey, are you guys like paid to not react to anything no matter what?” he asked them. One of them turned to look down at him, easily a foot taller than him.

“Let me tell you this, we are NOT paid to NOT rip out your heart and shove it down your throat through your nose. Any other questions, sir?” the large pegasus asked in a threatening tone. Random started backing up slowly away from the pegasus.

“Nope, I am good, thank you,” he said shortly as he got away from the two thuggish looking pegasi. Random turned to Shiva with a startled look on his face. “Where the hell did you find these guys?” he asked in a faint whisper.

“Detrot. These ponies made a bet with me while I was there saying they could beat me in a game of darts. I won’t say what they wanted but my side of the bet was they have to pull my carriage. Well, I won,” Shiva explained with a cheerful smile on her face. Random and Neon stared at her with the same expression of fear, their right eyes twitching. “It’s fine, they are safe. Now come on, let’s go!” Shiva exclaimed. She grabbed Neon and Random’s hooves and pulled them to the carriage. Neon opened the door for her, which she giggled and entered. Random walked in and copied her giggle as he entered. Neon glared at him.

“When I get the chance, I am gonna kill you,” he whispered faintly. He entered and closed the door behind him and the carriage took off into the sky. After what seemed like only a few minutes, they touched ground at the entrance, making there leave. They all looked up at the castle, unable to look at it completely.

“Whoa, this looks bigger with all the lights on than last time we were here, right Neon?” Random asked playfully. Neon looked up at the castle and narrowed his eyes.

“Last time, huh?” he whispered. A few quick flash backs rushed through his mind as he looked up at the top of the towering fortress.

“Neon?” Shiva asked concerned. Neon snapped out of it and looked back at them.

“Sorry, I’m fine, don’t worry about it, let’s go,” Neon said assuring, starting to walk up to the entrance. They followed closely behind him. The front guard stopped him.

“Ticket please,” he asked. Neon smiled, nodding back at him as he pulled out his golden ticket. The guard looked at the ticket and pack at him. “I’m sorry sir, this is a guest pass. You are going to need the owner to arrive first to show you are part of their group,” the guard explained.

“What?” Neon whined. Shiva smiled, giggling quietly to herself as she walked past him.

“I would be the party leader,” she stated as she pulled out her ticket to show to the guard.

“Name please,” he asked blankly.

“Shilianvarna Cosmos,” Shiva replied plainly. The guard looked at a list of names to his right and looked back at the ticket.

“Alright, sorry for the hold up. Please enter and have a pleasant night,” the guard replied with a short smile, nodding his head at them. Shiva led Neon and Random in and glanced at their surprised faces.

“So that’s your real name?” Neon asked puzzled.

“Good thing you shortened it, I wonder never be able to remember that,” Random added. He looked around as they entered the main halls. He looked at the back and saw a food stand. “Catch ya later!” he called out as he rushed over to the table of food. Neon looked back at Random and chuckled to himself.

“Figures,” he whispered.

“You should go to, now that you are in you don’t have to be around me, go enjoy yourself,” Shiva advised kindly. Neon turned back to her, slightly confused.

“Are you sure?” he asked cautiously.

“Go ahead, I honestly don’t mind. I expected you to,” she assured. Neon smiled at her and took off for Random. “He is such a sweetheart, he would be such an amazing husband some day. For now, I just loving messing with him,” she said to herself, smiling and giggling to herself. “Now, where is that vault,’ she added as she slowly made her way to the other side of the room. Random enjoyed himself of the food.

“This is the greatest food I have ever tasted in my whole life!” Random exclaimed as he chowed down on the food happily. He Looked around, sampling everything there when a certain scent traveled up his nostrils. “I know this scent. I know it very well. There is only one scent in the world that can smell anything like this!” Random looked around and saw at the end of the table, there was two cookies laying on a table. Random licked his lips in ecstasy as he rushed forward towards them, trying not to knock the other ponies aside. Once he got there and was about to take one of them. Both cookies lifted up in the air with a light blue aura. As he watched the cookies he saw the a pure white unicorn wearing a blue bow tie who grabbed them. “Hey, can I have one, please?” Random pleaded.

“No, I like these cookies, you filthy peasant. The next patch should come in within a few hours or so,” the royal unicorn explained rudely. Random’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

“A FEW HOURS?!” he yelled.

“Keep your voice down, no one should be unfortunate as to hear it,” the unicorn insulted as he continued to walk away. Random’s eye started to rapidly twitch as he stared at the stallion with murderous intention in his eyes.

“Mark my words, I am going to make you regret that!” Random whispered to himself menacingly as his hair fell down a little, covering his blue eye and only showing his red eye.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Where the hell did he go. I thought I was right behind him,” Neon said to himself. He kept walking, for what seemed like hours, around until he bumped into a pure white unicorn wearing a blue bow tie. “Oh, sorry about that,” he said quickly.

“Watch where you are going, you nave!” the unicorn in question barked back.

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry, I’ll be careful next time,” Neon replied with a better apology. ‘God I hate rich folks’ he thought angrily to himself. The unicorn looked at him carefully.

“Hey, what a second, I think I know you from somewhere. Have we met before?” he asked.

“No, I do not think so. I am sure I would remember some one as. . . elegant as you,” Neon tried his hardest to be polite. The unicorn still looked over him carefully as a mental light bulb flashed in his head.

“Wait, I remember you. Your that DJ that won in that Dj competition, right?” he asked curiously. Neon formed a small smile on his face.

“Yea, that was me. Why do you ask?” he asked in returned, starting to get a little excited.

“I have always wanted to meet face to face you of course. There is something I have wanted to say for a while now,” the unicorn started. Neon’s smile spread even more in anticipation.

“Oh, what is it?” he asked, starting to get excited. ‘Wow, some rich unicorn has actually seen me and is a fan of mine. This is so exciting!’ he thought to himself.

“That was quite the performance. I must say, you were a great lip singer,” the unicorn said with a smirk.

“Why thank you, you know that- wait, what?!” Neon stopped himself, now annoyed.

“I said you were just lip singing. I must say that for an amatuer, you are almost good enough to sing at a children’s birthday party,” the unicorn said harshly. Neon stared at him with his jaw open, unable to move. “That look is fitting for you, as a male escort,” he added as he walked off. Neon’s eyes glared down at him with murderous intention.

“I. . . am going. . . . to kill you!” he whispered with blood rage as he stormed off. A couple of hours later, Neon and Random found each other and talked about the stallion they ran into and managed to calm down. After joking around and checking out the scenery, they saw a white unicorn with purple hair standing at the other side of the room. When they got closer they realized that it was Rarity. She looked like she was trying not to cry.

“Rarity what’s wrong, are you ok?” Random asked concerned and worried. Rarity looked over at them with tears building up in her eyes.

“Prince Blueblood, the stallion of my dreams, I tried to approach him. I guess he still remembers the last time I attended this grand event, because he called me a worthless peasant that needs to go back to the farm. He called me a farm mare!” Rarity explained. As she spoke, tears started to roll down her face as she could no longer hold them back. Neon and Random looked at each other with hurt expressions on their faces.

“Where is he, we’ll try to talk some sense into him for you,” Neon offered. Rarity looked up with a hopeful smile on her face as she pointed across the room. They followed her gaze to see a servant pony serving drinks.

“Him? He looks like a servant,” Random pointed out. Rarity shook her head.

“Oh Celestia not him. Behind him,” she explained. They looked past him and saw the pony in question as both. Their eyes widen in shock and their jaws dropped in disbelief as they saw him. It was a pure white unicorn with a blue bow tie and a blond mane perfectly groomed. Random and Neon looked back at each other and smiled cruelly.

“Hey Random, we should go over to him and ‘talk’ to him, shouldn’t we?” Neon asked with cruelty and murderous intention hidden in his voice. Random shared his gaze with just as a cruel smile as Neon.

“Yes Neon, we should go over and talk to him, let’s go,” Random hinted. He turned back towards Rarity, changing his smile to a kind heart one. “We will be right back after we talk to him,” he added as they walked over to him. They walked through the crowd towards Prince Blueblood. Once they got to him, they approached him with friendly and kind smiles on their faces.

“Umm, excuse me, what do you peasants want?” Blueblood asked with an annoyed tone in his voice. Neon smiled and spoke using their unique code.

‘Alright, follow my lead,’ he hinted off.

‘I’m on it!’ Random replied. Neon turned back to Blueblood, continuing their smiling act.

“Well, we were told to come get you for a special meeting,” he explained. Blueblood raised his eyebrow at them.

“Yea, uhh, Princess. . . Scarlet wishes to speak with you,” Random added, making up a name. Blueblood’s eyes widen with excitement.

“Wait, she is here, and wants to speak with me?!” he asked with a sudden spike of interest.

“Yes, she wishes to speak with you immediately in fact,” Neon answered.

“We are here to bring you to here since she is too shy to approach you directly, we can lead you to her now if you can,” Random offered. Blueblood looked down at them with anticipation and excitement.

“Well of course. Bring me to her now!” he demanded. They led him away from the party and into the bathrooms. Once in there, Random turned back and locked the door. Once Blueblood realized that something was wrong, he started to panic. “What is the meaning of this, where is Princess Scarlet?!” Blueblood asked, starting to get worried.

“Hang on, I need to use the bathroom!” Random called over as he ran into a stale.

“Don’t flush,” Neon called over as he grabbed Blueblood and slammed him into a wall. “Now, let’s try this kindly, you are gonna walk out with us and apologize to Rarity and mean it!” he threatened with rage burning in his eyes.

“You want me to apologize to the low life of a peasant?! How absurd, I meant what I said and this pathetic attempt of intimidation will not have me change my mind,” Blueblood said stubbornly. Neon’s mouth twisted and formed into a crooked smile.

“I was really hoping you would say something like that,” he replied. Random came out of the stale and waved his hoof in the air.

“Be careful in there, it smells like something died in there three months ago,” he said in a playful manner. Neon looked at the stale and then back at Blueblood and his smile got even larger.

“Random, grab his back legs, hold him tight!” Neon instructed. Random did just that as they walked on over to the stale, guiding Blueblood in head first. He started to panic as soon as he realized what they planned to do and struggled and tried his hardest to worm his way out.

“Wait, no, no! Let me go! What do you think we are doing?! I demand you to release me right this instant!” he ordered as he struggled to break their grip. They started to bring him into the stale and put him around ten to eleven inches away from the toilet seat. Blueblood started panicing in complete horror, yelling out loud.

“No, anything but that! That is completely revolting! I beg of you to release me, I’ll do anything!” he pleaded. Neon and Random pulled him out and dropped him.

“Anything?” Random asked harshly. Blueblood looked into the cruel stare coming from his eyes.

“Ok, I get it. I will apologize to her right now. You can follow me just to make sure, I swear it’s the truth!” Blueblood explained, shaking in fear from them. Neon smiled as he looked up at Random and then back to him.

“Ok, but first we are gonna make sure you won’t be such a jerk to anyone else,” he stated.

“How?” Blueblood asked, a sign of regret in his voice. Random and Neon smiled and snickered to each other as they looked down at the quivering Prince Blueblood and grabbed a hold of his legs again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rarity sat at a bench on the balcony outside of the main hall, looking up at the full moon. SHe heard the doors open and close behind her as a small group of hoof steps approaching her from behind. She looked back to see Prince Blueblood, Random, and Neon standing there. Random and Neon were smiling kindly towards her, but Blueblood’s mane and coat were dripping wet and he was shivering, though it was hard to tell whether it was from fear or being cold and strangly his blue bow tie was missing from his neck. “We had a nice long talk with Prince Blueblood here, and I think he has something to say to you now,” Random explained cheerfully. They stood there for a few moments in silence until Blueblood looked back at them.

“Go on, tell her about what we talked about,” Neon instructed him, flashing a cruel grin for just a moment for him to see. Blueblood looked back at Rarity, trying to stop his shaking.

“Umm, miss Rarity. My previous actions were uncalled for, and I highly regret ever muttering those words past my lips,” he said, actually sounding like he meant it. Random jabbed him in the side.

“Continue,” Random said softly. Blueblood gulped in reply as he took a deep breath.

“And I wish that you would forgive me for hurting your feelings, even if. . . I don’t deserve such an honor,” he finished, looking like he was about to cry.

“Ok, you’re good now,” Neon added. Blueblood bowed and quickly walked out back into the main hall. Rarity smiled at the two colts standing before her.

“I don’t know what you did to convince him, but thank you for doing that for me!” she exclaimed and hugged them both, kissing their cheeks. Random and Neon blushed at this as she walked back into the main hall.

“So, this was a fun night, what about you?” Random asked playfully. Neon leaned over the edge of the balcony, staring off into the night.

“Hell yea. Not as good as nights back home, but it will do,” he replied, smirking to himself.

“You’re getting good at grabbing things with your hooves,” Random added.

“Yea, it’s all how you flex your hoof, that’s all. Once you get that down, it is kinda easy,” Neon explained. They sat there for a moment when Random started laughing to himself. “What” Neon asked confused.

“He was a unicorn, why didn’t he use his magic to stop us or teleport or something?” Random asked. Neon was about to say something till he couldn’t think of anything to reply to that question. He thought for a moment and started laughing himself.

“That is a good question. Maybe he isn’t all that smart,” he teased as they both laughed away at the task they just completed.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Shining Armour walks into the bathroom to wash up. He glanced down and saw a few strands of blond hair. “What do we have here?” he asks himself as he walked over to the stale. When he walked in he saw that it looked like someone tossed a bucket of water all over and around the stale. “What happened in here? Did somepony have a pool party in here?!” he asked himself alarmed. He looked closer and saw a clump of blond hair and a blue bow tie in the toilet bowl. “Now where have I seen this bow tie before?” Shining Armour pondered out loud to himself.

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Found it!” Shiva exclaimed quietly. She was in the forbidden section of the Canterlot Castle Library. Powerful spell books and gruesome battles were recorded here. Shiva pulled out an old book covered in dust. She wiped it off and looked at the cover. It read ‘The Rise of Death’. Shiva smiled to herself as she cast a spell on the book, making it disappear out of sight. “Now that I have the book, I no longer need to be here. I feel bad about using Neon for this, but I am more than sure that he is enjoying himself either way. Now time to leave,” She started to make her way out when she happen to glance over at another book. When she rushed over to take a closer look, it read ‘The Neon Protector’.

“What in the world?!” Shiva asked herself in confusion. She grabbed that book and teleported it as well. “Ok, enough sightseeing. I need to back it before they realize that one of their guests have vanished,” she stated. She ran out quietly and rushed out, joining the party once again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Neon and Random made it back home in one piece, laughing and playfully pushing each other around as they walked through the door. Twilight was already there, reading a book. She glanced up and then gave them a cheerful smile. “So, did you two have fun?” she asked curiously. They stumbled around, undoing their attire as they headed for their door.

“Oh yea, we had a blast!” Neon replied, laughing as he stumbled around as he approached the basement door.

“Yea, we found the bar, and found out it was an open bar. So we took the liberty to accept the free drinks off their hands,” Random explained, falling onto his back laughing. Twilight watched this as she face hoofed herself.

“Dude, it’s ‘off their hooves’. We have hooves here silly,” Neon played around, opening the door. “You can be so stupid sometimes. Like as if you never notice anythiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggggggg-” he started to add on as he fell down the stairs. Twilight ran over and looked down concerned. “I’m ok,” Neon called out. Random walked past her and grabbed a hold of the railing.

“It’s fine, he’s tougher than that. See ya tomorrow,” Random assured kindly. Twilight shook her head as she walked back over to her studying. Random closed the door and walked down slowly. Random threw a blanket over Neon as he got under, having their backs pressed up against each other to keep warm.

“I love you man, you know that, right?” Neon asked raising his hoof out towards Random.

“You’re drunk Neon, but yea, I love you too man,” Random replied as he connected their hooves together, making a silent ‘clap’ by the sound. Random fell asleep first, but comfort did not meet him in his dreams.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Canterlot was set aflame as fires spread out over the gardens. Every pony was running around, screaming in terror as giant metal golems rose from the ground, decimating everyone in their paths. Changelings swooped down from the skies as they came down upon them, slashing down any pony that happened to be in their way. Random searched around as he witnessed all of them dying around him. He turned to watch the ground explode in a circular formation. A giant block of stone rose from the ground, covered in markings and chains glowing a faint blue. The chains broke and the boulder cracked in half before imploding, reassembling a pony surrounded by a dark mist. A pair of glowing red eyes met Random’s as they formed into cat eyes, staring him down from the mist. “What are you?” Random asked in a quiet, timid voice. The figure started chuckling.

“Look around you. I have taken over most of the world once before, I shall do it again, and not even your protector shall save you this time!” answered a booming voice echoing from the mist, The mist rushed over to Random, engulfing him with in the mist.

Random shot out from bed, panting heavily and sweating badly. He glanced around to find himself still in bed, at Twilight’s house, in her basement. “What the hell are with these dreams,” he whispered to himself, trying to control his shaking.

Author's Note:

I have been working on this chapter for over a week now, finally done! I hope you enjoy this chapter, not sure how long it is, but it must be a little longer than the rest of the chapters. Still, I think you guys should enjoy it, especially if you dislike Prince Blueblood :rainbowlaugh: (I enjoyed that) Now next chapter is gonna be a time lapse, just so everyone is warned of it. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to see you in the future chapters ahead. As always, have a good morning/day/evening. :twilightsmile: