• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 1,287 Views, 42 Comments

One's Past is Another's Future - Masked_Frenchman

Two humans living the life in their own world accidentally going into the world of Equestria and try to find a way back home.

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Chapter 12: A Way Home

(The music that I listened to here was 'Memories' by Within Temptation, 'More than Useless' by Relient K, 'Coming Home' by Diddy [or by Dirty Money, two names here for some reason or maybe it's the same person, I don't know] and lastly, 'Feel Like a Monster' by Skillet. I hope you enjoy this chapter :twilightsmile)

Chapter 12: A Way Home

A couple of years later, Neon and Random have started to get use to life in Equestria. For Neon it was harder but even though he misses his own world, he has learned to adapt to the new living style. Each got a job to get a little extra bits in their pockets. Random ended up working at Sugar Cube Corner while Neon started working at Sweet Apple Acres. Random finished a delivery for a pony across town, he landed in front of the door of his work. He stretched his wings with a smile on his face as he entered the building. Pinkie Pie looked up from the counter and waved over to him with a bright smile on her face. “Random, welcome back! How was the delivery?” she asked cheerfully. Random looked at his watch and then glanced over at his wings.

“With these bad boys, I made it here and back within 27 minutes!” he said with a proud smile on his face. Pinkie Pie jumped up, clapping her front hooves together excitedly.

“That is a Sugar Cube Corner record! Whoa wee, that is super fantabulas! We really have been improving since you showed up!” she announced as she bounced on over to him. Random turned to her with a cheerful but bashful smile.

“Oh, I don’t know about that. I mean you guys were doing pretty good before I got here,” he tried to explain humbly.

“Are you crazy?! We were doing good, sure, but now we have tripled in profit since you showed up. Now Mr. and Miss. Cakes Have been able to keep up with the bills and take care of the fillies easily with no worries, and it’s all thanks to you!” Pinkie Pie explained proudly. Random rubbed the back of his head with his hoof as he looked away, trying to hide his pride.

“Well, I guess they have been less worried since I got here, but thank you either way,” he replied bashfully.

“Can you work the counter? I have to pick up some baking supplies from the store, and the cookies should be done by now, can you take them and and put in the next batch?” Pinkie Pie asked politely. Random smiled at her in return.

“Of course, just give me a minute to change,” he explained politely back. He closed his eyes and focused. Magic swirled around him slowly while picking up speed. Light shined over his body as his wings slowly shrinked and entered his body. A horn grew from his forehead and the magic stopped swirling around him and the light faded. Random opened his eyes and was no longer a pegasus, but a unicorn.Pinkie Pie watched in amazement after his transformation.

“Wow, that is always so neat to watch!” she exclaimed happily. Random chuckled as he made his way to the back.

“Yea, I always thought it was useful,” he replied back, smiling with pride.

“By the way, how is Neon doing working at Sweet Apple Acres?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously. Random looked at her and chuckled to himself.

“Well, I guess he is doing better. He is no longer sore all the time, but I am not sure that he truly enjoys it over there,” he explained, hiding his laughter. Pinkie Pie looked at him confused.

“What do you mean?” the pink party pony asked plainly, tilting her head to the side.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“I said DOWN!” Neon shouted out as he kicked at an apple tree. With a third kick he brought all the apples down into the baskets he lined around it. With an annoyed smile, he wiped off his fore head of sweat and put the baskets in a cart and started pulling them over to the barn. Once he emptied the cart, he pulled it back out for another load. Once he got out, Applejack was standing outside of the barn, a smug smile on her face.

“How many does that make?” she asked. Neon looked at her with sweat running down the side of his face and over his body.

“Five. Five carts today so far,” Neon answered exhausted as he started to pull the cart past Applejack.

“Whoa there partner, you look like yer about to fall over quicker than a broken tree in a hail storm. Come inside, ah’m gonna get me some lemonade, come in with me,” she instructed. Neon didn’t stop as he headed out back to the fields.

“I’m just fine. I can keep going,” he replied, trying to sound tough. Applejack chuckled to herself as she snuck up behind the cart and grabbed it. The sudden stop of the cart made Neon tip over the strap and fell over, hitting his head onto the ground and dangling there upside down. Applejack let go of the cart and walked up to the front, tilting her head so that her and Neon were on the same eye level.

“Ah reckon ya should take a break,” she insisted. Neon looked away embarrassed , trying to get himself down. After a minute or so of failing at this action, he sighed in defeat and looked up at her.

“Fine, you win, can you help me down?” he asked embarrassingly, starting to blush. Applejack chuckled to herself as she undid the straps to Neon’s harness and he fell onto the ground. He slowly got up and dusted himself off, glaring back at her. “Thanks,” he replied as he looked away.

“Yer pretty funny. Makes workin a little more enjoyable with ya around. Come on sugar cube, let me treat ya,” Applejack offered, giving a playful jab to Neon’s shoulder. He looked back at her and couldn’t help but crack a smile.

“Alright,” Neon replied back as he followed her back to the house. Once inside, Neon took a seat at the table, sighing in relief once he was off his hooves. “Oh my! That feels so much better!” he exclaimed happily as he leaned back into the chair. Applejack pulled out a pitcher of lemonade and placed it on the table and grabbed two glasses, pouring some of the cold lemonade into the glasses. Neon eagerly grabbed the cups closest to him and started to chug it down.

“Slow down there partner. If you drink it too fast, you’ll cramp up,” Applejack warned. Neon licked his lips to get the little bit that touched his lips and looked up at her with a playful smile.

“I have never gotten a cramp in my life, and I am fairly sure that I never will. So don’t worry about me, partner,” he explained, throwing in a fake accent to the word ‘partner’ to tease Applejack. She looked at him with a smug look on her face and shook her head.

“Alrighty then. Just make sure you’re not crying to me when you can’t move,” she answered back coy. She poured him another cup and drank some of her refreshment for her self. Neon downed the cold liquid again but this time poured some more himself. Applejack stared at him for a moment before chuckling to herself. Neon caught onto this and raised an eyebrow at her in question.

“What?” he asked as he drank his lemonade, this time slower. Applejack finished her glass and started pouring another.

“Ah was just thinkin’. Ever since ya started workin’ on this farm, Ah’ve seen a little more life in yer step. Ah remember the first month you were working here. Dragged yer hooves here at the start of the day and crawled back by the end of it. We are able to get more done now and workin’ is actually kinda fun with you around,” Applejack explained cheerfully. She finished her cup and walked over to grabbed another cup from the cupboard, filling it up with lemonade. Neon looked at her, slightly blushing with a silly smile on his face.

“Wow, do you really think so?” he asked bashfully.

“Eeyup,” answered a voice behind Neon. He turned to see Big Macintosh walking in and taking the glass now filled with lemonade, leaning on the counter and drinking it slowly, enjoying the flavor while quenching his thirst.

“How’s the next field Big Mac? Ready for plantin’?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied, sipping his drink. Applejack looked over at Neon with a smile on her face. Neon’s ears laid back and his eyes narrowed.

“Why is it something tells me that I am not going to enjoy my next task?” he asked annoyed.

By the end of the day, Neon walked back home slowly, with a sack of bits equipped to his saddle. Neon groaned as he made his way to the front gate out of Sweet Apple Acres. His whole body ached from his hard days work. “Next time, I am NOT going to plant the seeds for three acres of plowed fields!” Neon declared to himself as he made his way to the gate. He looked up and saw Random and Twilight there waiting for him. He couldn’t help but smile. Normally Random was the only one waiting for him. “I wonder why Twilight is here as well?” Neon asked himself quietly. As he approached Twilight and Random, they turned to him smiling, waving over to him. Neon opened the gate and closed it behind him.

“So, how was work?” Random asked cheerfully. Neon chuckled as he slowly shook his head.

“Don’t ask, work was work. Over here, it’s pretty hard to enjoy work, but I guess it could have been worse. I see you decided to be a unicorn today,” he comment calmly.

“Yea, I needed to be for work today,” Random explained, smiling at himself.

“Well I know I’ve said the a few times already, but I am glad that you are helping Applejack out. She really appreciates,” Twilight commented.

“Well, that’s true. It’s still hard work. Even after over a year of working, I’m still not use to this crap,” Neon replied back. Random chuckled to himself.

“But at least you are getting stronger. I mean now a days you can do a lot of heavy lifting with those heavy guns you’re packing,” random pointed out playfully. Neon chuckled as he spread out his wings and lifting slightly off the ground, flexing his muscles.

“Yea, I guess with these bad boys I can- ow ow ow,” Neon started. His muscles started to cramp up and he had to land, grabbing a hold of his shoulders. “Crap, she was right!” Neon stated annoyed.

“Cramped muscles again?” Twilight asked concerned.

“Yea, I might have pushed myself again,” Neon explained, rubbing his sore muscles. Twilight giggled as she pointed towards town with her head.

“Come on, when we get home you can take a hot bath and I will see what I can do for your aches,” Twilight offered. Neon looked up at her and nodded with a kind smile. She has been helping him with his worn out muscles lately since he now goes to work every day. She uses her magic to give him massages so then he was fit to work the next day. He had no complaints, more money and he get’s some relief out of it by the end of the day. They started to make their way back home, which fortunately was close by from the gate, which Neon’s sore muscles were thankful for.

“So how much did you make this month?” Random asked curiously as they walked home.

“I made a hundred and eighty bits. I should have made two hundred but I screwed up a couple times, so it was taken out of my pay,” Neon explained Random looked back and smiled.

“Still, that’s pretty good. I made sixty this week. So we have saved up quite a bit of money, how much do we have now?” Random asked curiously. Neon thought for a moment as they continued walking.

“I am not sure. At least around a thousand or so by now,” Neon thought out loud. Random nodded in agreement.

“Yup, that sounds about right,” he agreed. When they got home, Neon went straight for the bathroom, preparing the bath. Random and Twilight sat down, just simply chatting away. Neon soaked in the bath, letting the clean water soak into his sore body.

“You know, sometimes, you just have to enjoy the little things in life,” Neon whispered to himself. He listened to Random and Twilight talking. He chuckled as he focused in on them.

“Are you sure? I mean, even if it really is there, could we really go back?” Random asked in a low voice. ‘Go back? What are they talking about?’ Neon thought to himself. He swished water around, making sure they thought he was absorbed in his bath time.

“Yes, you could. I have been in your world before and was able to return, so I know you guys could do the same,” Twilight explained. Neon stopped his breath, trying hard not to yell and scream. ‘Wait a second, they’re talking about going back home, through the portal thingy! Could we really go back?’ Neon thought to himself, starting to get excited. Neon slowed his breath and stopped any and all movement to listen carefully.

“So, we could really go home then?” random asked, unsure about it.

“Yes, you guys could go back. The portal opens every two and a half years for three. Thursday is the night it will be open. So that would be your chance to return,” Twilight explained. Neon tried to remember what day it was.

“Let’s see, I get paid on the last day of the month. Today is. . . . . Tuesday! Oh crap,” Neon whispered to himself. He jumped out of the bath and busted down the bathroom door, unable to contain his excitement. “ARE YOU SAYING WE CAN GO HOME?!” Neon yelled out loud in front of them. He was dripping wet from the bath and the bathroom door in pieces. Twilight and Random stared at him shocked and surprised from the sudden intrusion.

“Ummm, why did you break the door down?” Twilight asked confused.

“Never mind that, what was that about the portal opening?” Neon asked assertively.

“Well, the portal opens again in two days. The portal is in a city in Crystal Empire. Twilight was gonna tell you about that after your bath to give you time to relax but I guess you heard us,” Random explained, starting to calm down. Spike came down stairs, looking over at everyone annoyed.

“What’s going on? What was that noise?” he asked annoyed. Neon ignored him.

“So how long does it take to get there?” he asked with high interest.

“We will be leaving on a train tomorrow morning and we should get there by tomorrow night,” Twilight explained. SHe turned her attention to her faithful assistant. “Don’t worry Spike, Neon was just getting about the plans about tomorrow, go back to sleep,” she advised.

“Gladly,” Spike replied as he made his way back upstairs.

“We can really go home?” Neon asked in disbelief, a smile spreading on his face. Twilight looked back at him, smiling as she did.

“Yes Neon, it’s true. I should have told you earlier but I was making sure that we would be able to go,” Twilight explained. Neon smile grew twice as long, stretching from ear to ear. He leaped into the air and swooped down, picking Twilight up and hugging her as tightly as he could.

“THANK YOU!!” he screamed as he tightened his grip while holding her in the air. Twilight was shocked and surprised by the sudden sign of affection as he hugged her tightly, cutting off circulation.

“Neon. . . I can’t-” she tried to say. Neon put her down before she could finish as he leaned down and kissed her right on the lips, only lasting a second.

“Right now I love you!” he exclaimed as he swooped over and grabbed Random, sharing the same bone crushing embrace as with Twilight, who stood there where she was placed, shocked and taken back by the sudden kiss. “We get to go home buddy! We are finally going home!” Neon exclaimed excitedly as he twirled around the room, holding onto him tightly. Random soon found himself unable to breath like Twilight.

“Dude. . .air. . . I need it!” Random tried to explain. Neon could not hear him over his own excitement, dancing and flying around the room.

“We’re going home! After all these years, we are finally going home!” Neon continued to sing as he flew around the room.

“That’s great. . . really. . . But I need. . . to breath!” Random continued to plead with Neon, who was completely oblivious to Random’s lack of breathing. After a moment longer, he charged up his horn and shot Neon straight into the ceiling, breaking the grip at the last second and falling onto the floor. Once he landed, he took a deep breath. “There, now I can breath!” Random exclaimed as he stretched himself out, feeling his back crack as he did. Neon burst through the ceiling and tackled Random to the ground, smiling and laughing as he did.

“You know, normally I would be pissed about that, but I don’t care, I still love you brother!” he exclaimed. He danced around till he heard a loud snap from his back. With a small cry of pain, he fell back onto the floor. Twilight snapped out of the dazement and rushed to Neon’s side.

“Oh my Celestia, what happened?!” she cried out.

“He was hurt from the start. All of the flying around strained his back too much, and with me sending him through the ceiling, his body now has had enough,” Random explained calmly. “Idiot,” he added with a whisper.

“Still the best day of my life!” Neon exclaimed cheerfully as he tried to get up, just to feel a wave of pain wash over his body, sending him back to the ground. Twilight shook her head as she smiled at him, levitating him downstairs into the basement and to bed with Random following her. She laid him down and turned her gaze to Random.

“I need you to bring me some ice and wrap it up in a towel. I put some ice in recently so it might not be ready yet,” Twilight explained. Random nodded and went back upstairs. Twilight sighed and turned her attention back to Neon. “And you, I am going to need you to relax. You pulled your muscles and I have to try to ease the pain before it gets any worse,” she instructed. Neon did as he was told and relaxed every muscle in his body as Twilight went to work. Using her magic, she focused on all of his pressure points. Within moments, Neon was moaning quietly as Twilight went to work on him.

“I am so going to miss this,” Neon exclaimed as he slowly melted away in pleasure. Twilight giggled at his comment as she rubbed his back with her magic.

“I am sorry that I didn’t give you enough time to say goodbye to all of your friends. I should have told you much sooner,” said Twilight as she rubbed Neon down.

“It’s fine. I get to see my real friends now. Geez, I have a lot of school work to complete now, and I haven’t cleaned my room in two and a half years, that’s gonna be fun. I hope it’s still there,” Neon thought out loud, smiling as he did. “Vinyl, I’m coming home,” he added in a whisper. Twilight smiled down at him.

“You really love her. She never left your thought since you have been here,” she commented.

“Not for a single day. I put up with all of this just so I can see her again. She most likely found someone else, but as long as I can see her again, just once, I will be content with that,” Neon explained with a blissful look stuck on his face.

“Are you gonna miss it here?” Twilight asked curiously. Neon thought for a moment as Twilight continued her rub down.

“To be honest, a little bit. I mean I am so ready to get out of here, but I guess there is some fun things about this world, I have to admit. It wasn’t all that bad, but I do not belong here, I want to be back in my own bed,” Neon continued to think out loud. With the sudden burst of energy gone and the relaxing massage from Twilight, he ended up drifting to sleep. Twilight noticed this and stopped as Random brought down the ice.

“Sorry Random, but I guess I didn’t need it, he just fell asleep,” Twilight whispered. Random rolled his eyes and brought it back up, Twilight following close behind him.

“So, we leave tomorrow morning?” Random asked.

“Yup, I have to admit, you guys gave me so much chaos around here, but I am gonna miss you guys,” Twilight explained with a happy smile on her face. Random nodded his head as he yawned.

“I guess I should head to bed as well. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Random called back as he headed back downstairs. He went into bed and tossed the blanket over himself and Neon and huddled closer to him. “Tomorrow buddy, we are heading home,” Random whispered as he slowly drifted off into a deep slumber. Once morning arrived, they all got up and got on the train heading for the Crystal Empire. During the way there, they talked about what they were going to do, which was spend the night in the castle and then they would be able to leave at night the next day. Neon watched out the window in excitement as he waited to get to their destination and Spike happened to glance over at him from time to time. After a few more hours they arrived, but while they were leaving the train, they saw Death the Kid entering.

“Whoa, Kid? What are you doing here?” Random asked quickly. Kid looked at the group just as surprised but glanced over at Twilight and smiled.

“Hello friends, long time no see. I came here for a visit. This place is so beautiful,” Kid started, looking back out at the city. “Even though technology was not good at the time, every building here is built perfectly symmetrical. The city itself is perfectly symmetrical, it is such a beauty to see. Although my visit wasn’t fully out of pure enjoyment,” Kid explained, looking around cautiously. Neon and Random looked at him oddly.

“What is this other business that you had here?” Neon asked curiously.

“I felt something here. A strong sense of death magic, but once I arrived it disappeared. So I guess it is gone now. Either way, be careful for your stay here,” Kid advised.

“Oh, we are going home from here, so we won’t be long,” Random explained. Kid bowed his head and went on the train, right as the horn blew.

“If fate is kind, we shall meet again, my friends,” Kid called out as he headed inside. Neon chuckled with a confident smile.

“You mean if fate is cruel, come on Random, let’s go!” Neon called out excited. Random, Twilight, and Spike all followed him into the city. After a while, they walked around and enjoyed the scenery, grabbed some dinner, and finally got to the castle. While getting there, they heard an all too familiar voice.

“I must say, from my calculations, the symmetry is actually that from old forgotten magic. From my understanding from these readings, the stone was actually cut by a magical blade of some sorts,” the voice ranted on. When they turned the corner, they saw Edman Foureyes looking around a hallway that was part of a tour, looking at old paintings and pillars with some kind of techno glasses on his face, his metal wings tucked aside.

“Edman?” Neon called out surprised.The scientific pony turned to Neon with a friendly smile and walked up to them.

“Well hello there you two, it has been a couple years since we last met. It is nice to see you again,” he stated as he looked at Twilight. His glasses slowly disassembled and retracted to the back of his head.

“So what are you doing here?” Random asked with curiosity.

“I am here for a short break and to learn about the architecture and maybe learn a thing or two about this city’s history. This ‘King Sombra’ pony sounds fascinating, I wish he was around so I could study him,” Edman explained, thinking out loud.

“Trust me, you do not want to meet him,” Twilight assured. Edman chuckled as he smiled at her.

“Yes, you would know him, wouldn’t you? Still, my curiosity tends to cloud my better judgement from time to time. Still, I hope to see you ponies around. Sadly I must take my leave, so much of the city I must explore, so little time,” Edman explained as his horn started glowing and he teleported out. Random and NEon looked at each other and shook their heads, silently chuckling to themselves.

“Another friend of yours?” Twilight asked?

“Yea, I guess you could say that, anyway, let’s go to bed. Sleeping in this world for the last time,” Neon said cheerfully. Twilight led them up a flight of stairs to a set of bedrooms, each taking their own room. Neon laid in bed, smiling as he closed his eyes. “All smooth sailing from here,” Neon said excited, covering himself with the covers as he started to drift off into sleep.

“I’m gonna miss this world, but it was fun while it lasted,” Random said in his bed as he closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep.

“Things have been quite a mess for me since these two came into my lives, but it was still fun to have them while it lasted. Now they get to go home to where they belong,” Twilight whispered to herself as she looked over to her faithful servant, who was sleeping soundly. “Figures,” she added as she laid back down, trying to fall asleep herself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A black mist rushed through the halls of the underground dungeons of the castle. It stopped by a turn around a corner and formed into a hooded and cloaked pony. He glanced over to a pair of crystal ponies guarding an iron door. He chuckled as he walked around the corner and approached them. The two guards raised their spears at him. “Halt, you are not supposed to be down here!” The cloaked pony stopped in his tracks, smiling. He raised his hooves up in front of them.

“Please, I mean no harm, I am simply lost in this maze,” the cloaked pony stated, taking off his hood. His fur was dark purple and with no mane, his eyes were black and his teeth were sharp and had a faint purple mist swirling around him. The guards took a step closer, spears raised at him.

“What are you?” The other guard asked roughly. The dark pony laughed his he stared into their eyes, his own eyes flashed red for a moment.

“I am your master, now lower your weapons this instant!” He commanded. Their eyes formed a thin black circle around their eyes and snapped back, raising their spears back up.

“Sir, sorry sir!” They exclaimed synchronized.

“Good, now open this door!” the dark pony ordered. They quickly grabbed a hold of the double doors and opened them for him just as they were ordered to. The dark pony smiled as they pulled back and gave him a crisp salute as he entered. Once inside, he saw the object he was after. A horn was in a glass case, wrapped around in chains. The dark pony chuckled and with a quick flash from his horn, the chains disintegrated into nothing and melted a hole in the glass case.

“So, this is Sombra’s horn? For such a deadly former foe, he sure was lightly guarded and protected. This was a bit too easy, even for my skills,” the dark pony said to himself, chuckling. He placed the horn on the cold, stone floor and formed a circle of glowing runes around it. “I am Dark Admiral Haze Slash, former admiral for the great and powerful Death’s army, summon the great power of my former master’s energy to recreate the image of King Sombra. I willingly give away half my life force as payment for his image to be created before me,” the dark pony chanted. his mist swirled around the room and started leaving his body, entering the horn. After a moment, the dark mist formed into the red horn and swirled around it, the horn rising and a face started to mend together. A smile spread across Haze’s face as he watched the form of Sombra standing before him.

“Where am I?” Sombra asked, slightly confused and annoyed.

“We are in your old castle, King Sombra. We have work to do,” Haze instructed. Sombra looked at his hooves and around the room before returning his gaze back at Haze.

“So, why did you bring me back?” Sombra asked, narrowing his eyes at Haze, which he smiled back.

“I wish to try to retake the castle for you,” he explained.

“Why would you do that for me? What’s in it for you?” Sombra fired back quickly, starting to get defensive.

“There is a pony in the castle that needs to not be in this world, either he be in another world, or dead, I do not particularly care with one. I also need another captured, alive. Help me make this so, and I will do everything in my power to help you take your once proud kingdom back,” Haze offered. Sombra smiled down at him with cruelty sparking in his eyes.

“That’s it? Done! Tell me their names,” Sombra said with high confidence.

“Neon Rave is the one that needs to be gone, and Random Guy needs to be captured alive. Now I must warn you, I am not strong enough to fully resurrect you, so you have most of your power, but not all of it,” Haze explained. Sombra nodded as he looked past him to see the guards at stand by.

“We will need to destroy the tower. Twice I have been defeated by that blasted thing, I will not go down a third time because of it!” he declared. Haze chuckled to himself, giving Sombra a sinister smile.

“Be at ease, King Sombra, I have a plan that will surely take the castle by force!” Haze exclaimed as he laughed menacingly with Sombra.

“Tomorrow, we strike!” Sombra declared.

Author's Note:

Neon and Random have a ticket to go back to their home world, but it looks like other forces have different plans for them. With this unknown Dark Admiral out and Sombra back to power, what is to happen to the poor Crystal Empire, and worse, what is to happen to Neon and Random? Find out everything in the next chapter, Chapter 13: Change of Plans!