• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 4,522 Views, 222 Comments

My Little Sharknado - Greenback

Twilight Sparkle and her friends must save Equestria from a deadly tornado filled with killer sharks

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The Battle for the Universe: Part 2

Once upon a time, there was a magical land named Equestria. It was a wonderful place of peace, harmony, and friendship, friendships shared by all manner of ponies and magical animals who loved and cared for each other. Then, one day, sharks came and ate everyone before destroying the universe.

The End.

Or at least, that's how Equestria's story would conclude if Celestia didn't act fast. Thousands of sharks poured into Cloudsdale, swarming through buildings, streets, and barricades with frightening speed. No one would have blamed the city's defenders for running. But not a single pony deserted their post. Nor did the Minotaurs, the Nagas, the Griffons, Zebras, Turtle Doves, the Gila Monster, and the Breezie. Cloudsdale was the end of the line.

There was nowhere else to go.

They fought. They kicked, swung their spears, hurled their hammers, and threw muffins laced with rat-poison, and managed to hold their positions for a few seconds longer... but the sharks were just too great in number. Countless ponies were consumed and turned into sharks, turning their dreams of love and peace into dreams of hunger and rage. In only a few minutes everything was ruined and fell into despair... except for one pony who, in the midst of bucking sharks in the face, suddenly had a flash of inspiration on how to throw the most elegant Grand Galloping Gala ever. No mind before him had ever come even close to the magnificent idea that was born in the midst of war.

Then the pony was gobbled up, and Celestia was saved from having to endure another gala ever again.

Upon the top of City Hall, Celestia had a front-row seat to watch her little ponies be turned into sharks, and to see the last stands of her fellow rulers. The Zebra Monarch and her butler fell first, and then the turtle doves and Gila monster. The Breezie held on for a few moments longer, but her breezie bazooka held only so much ammunition, and she was finally swallowed whole.

The Griffon King dove headfirst into the waves of sharks and vanished from sight. The Minotaur Queen and her warriors lasted the longest, swinging their hammers with all their might until they were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. And unseen by all, the Naga Ambassador was still bouncing around in the ball pit, only to be unceremoniously gobbled up with a multitude of colored plastic balls.

Celestia hit her combadge. “Enterprise, come in!” But as before, there was only silence. And in the depths of her heart, Celestia feared that her new friends had been turned into sharks and now flew their ship to spread the shark message of death and destruction.

Sweet mother of me.

Fluttershy flew to the roof and collapsed, her skin and armor raked with scratches. “Your Highness! What do we do?!”

Below, the last of Cloudsdale's defenses were overrun. Celestia's speech, while having rekindled hopes in the hearts of the ponies, had ultimately done nothing to stop a numerically superior enemy. She considered giving another inspirational speech, but since there were only five ponies left in the entire city, it wouldn't do much good anyway.

“Shining Armor!” Celestia yelled, fighting to make herself heard over the shark's roars. “How long to the anomaly?!”

Having watched as his parents had been gobbled up, Shining Armor was fighting to not give in to despair.

“Shining Armor!”

Trying to hold back the tears, Shining Armor looked through his binoculars. “Three minutes!”

In an instant, options were weighed. Celestia realized that if there was to be any hope at all to saving Equestria, they had to get to the center of the storm, no matter the cost. Even if the Enterprise was destroyed and the nuke was gone, they had to try.

The roof shook beneath Celestia's hooves. The sharks, having eliminated all resistance, now attacked the city itself, munching on the marshmellow-flavored clouds that held the place together. The giant colosseum fell to pieces. The rainbow factory collapsed through the clouds after spewing out one final rainbow. Streets were ripped asunder, and houses tumbled into the Sharkicane below.

Celestia magically yanked everyone nearby to her. “Everyone, hold on!”

Cadence and the giant crab leapt to the roof as Celestia summoned one last shield to surround herself and Cloudsdale's last survivors. With a great leap, she took to the skies as Cloudsdale gave a final, ear-splitting explosion and fell apart, its remains plunging into the Sharkicane.

Inside the floating shield, Celestia tried to see how many she had saved: Princess Cadence flew beside her, as did Derpy Hooves and Fluttershy. Shining Armor stood on the shield's bottom, still trying not to cry. Besides him were Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and the giant crab.

They were all that was left of Equestria's inhabitants.

Having destroyed Cloudsdale, the sharks now shot towards the shield.

“Stay close!” Celestia yelled as she shot forward. The sharks, determined to stop their prey from escaping, focused themselves into a massive pillar and rammed the shield, forcing Celestia to rely on blunt force to get through the mass of black and grey bodies slamming into the shield and each other.

“Princess!” Rarity shouted. “The shield's breaking!”

Cracks appeared in the shield and spread outwards like tree roots. Even with Derpy slapping band-aids on them, the shield wouldn't hold up for much longer.

“Cadence, the orbs! Use one!”

Cadence grabbed one of Discord's golden orbs and threw it down. It burst open, and with a bright flash of light three figures appeared. But they weren't all-powerful warriors with magical weapons and the power of super-novas at their command: they were three humans wearing wide-brimmed straw hats and colorful blankets while playing Mariachi music.

“¡Hola!” One of them said. “¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! ¿Dónde está el baño? ”

“Yay!” Pinkie Pie said. “New friends!”

“¡España es un país maravelloso!”

With a heavy bash, the sharks sent the shield into a freefall, throwing all those inside off balance.

“¡Llame a la peluqueria!”

With a supreme effort of will, Celestia managed to regain control and shot upwards towards the anomaly. But the sharks were close behind. “Another orb!” she yelled. “Use another orb!”

Pushing her way past the Mariachi singers, Cadence grabbed an orb and threw it down. Another bright flash of light, and a tornado appeared, but one holding something just as sinister as sharks.

“Chainsaws!” Fluttershy yelled.

The Chainsawnado roared as hundreds of chainsaws revved to life, tearing out the back of the shield before falling into the sky. The sharks behind the group only just managed to break apart and avoid being ripped into bloody goo.

“What freakish mind could devise such a horrible thing?!” Rarity shrieked.

“¡Buenas noches y dulces sueños!”

While the Chainsawnado had momentarily taken care of the sharks pursing Celestia's group from behind, the sharks instantly regrouped and shot towards the back of the now-broken shield. The crab leapt to the hole and swung its claws while Discord's Mariachi singers swinging their guitars like giant clubs.

“We're almost there!” Celestia shouted, now shooting upwards to try and get over the edge of the anomaly. But they were now flying straight up into another waterfall of sharks, and it wouldn't be long before the shield shattered completely.

Bracing themselves against the shield walls, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence fired their magic into the shield. But it just wasn't enough. They had, perhaps thirty seconds at most before it imploded, and took them all with it. Everyone realized it...but only Princess Cadence knew what had to be done.

“Celestia,” she called out. “Don't give up. Never, ever give up.”


Cadence looked to Shining Armor and tenderly took placed her hoof beneath his chin. She smiled, sending all the love she had into him.


Closing her eyes, Cadence thrust her wings open, and fell out of the shield.

“Cadence!” Shining Armor screamed. “Nooooo!”

The crab thrust its pinchers out in a futile attempt to grab the Princess, but she was already beyond its grasp. Hundreds of sharks swarmed towards Cadence, who summoned the most powerful spell she had ever learned. Waiting only a single heartbeat, she unleashed it; a massive shockwave blew away from her, hurling thousands of sharks so far away that they vanished into the horizon, leaving the skies sparkling clean and shark-free.

But the spell had cost Cadence dearly. Exhausted, and with no strength left in her body, her eyes rolled back as she fell into the Sharkicane and vanished from sight.

Shining Armor screamed the scream of someone who was screaming.

The crab pulled out a tissue and dabbed it's tear-filled eye stalks.

The shield finally reached the lip of the anomaly and shot over the edge, revealing their destination at last. Below them all lay a massive, roiling mass of black clouds. But there was no celebration, no cheers or surge of hope. Celestia had seen Cadence's sacrifice, but couldn't take the time to grieve or even show tears. It wouldn't be long before the sharks came again, and she needed to get them all into the heart of the storm so that Cadence's sacrifice wouldn't have been in vain. She was going to make the most of the time they had been given...which was exactly five seconds, as hundreds of thousands of sharks shot up towards them.

“Oh buck.”

“¡Mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas!”

“Princess!” Rarity called out. “What do we do?!”

Celestia didn't answer.


How had it come to this? What could love and friendship do against such raw hate and hunger?


Celestia shook her head. If this was to be their end, then so be it. If her fate was to be turned into an Alicorn shark, then so be it...but she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Celestia focused all her remaining magic, intending to send out one final blast, one the likes the world had only seen once before, all those years ago during the great Alicorn-shark war.

It was a blast her mother and father had given to save the lives of their daughters.

“All of you, go,” she said. “I will buy you time to reach the storm's center.”

“Princess, no!” Derpy shouted.

“You must make it. My shields cannot survive another assault like that. But I can get you inside the anomaly.”

Derpy grabbed Celestia. “Please your Majesty, don't!” Her tears flowed like rain, and the anguished sobs rose above even the roars of the sharks.

Celestia nuzzled her. “Go, Derpy. Be good.”

Derpy refused to let go, even when Rarity and Fluttershy grabbed hold and slowly, but firmly pulled her away. Even Pinkie was crying, unable to stop Celestia as her body now glowing with energy beyond what any living pony had ever seen.

The sharks closed in.

“Take me if you will,” Celestia whispered, “but I will never let you take my friends!”

Her body glowed with unstoppable power, and as hundreds of thousands of sharks closed in, Celestia yelled, her power and her voice overwhelming the sharks as she stared fate right in its cold, emotionless eyes...

...and then a blast hit the sharks, scattering them to the winds.


Laser blast after laser blast tore into the sharks, blasting them away. And from high above the USS Enterprise screamed down like an avenging angel, wrecked and smoking from countless holes and shreds in her hull, but still flying.

Celestia's combadge beeped. “Sorry to keep you waiting, your Highness.


Twilight's voice came through. “Princess, we've armed the nuke, and we're ready to go!

“But...how? I feared you all had been eaten!”

Turns out ghost sharks are vulnerable to an exploding warp core,” Geordi said.

And the power of wubs!” Vinyl Scratch said.

“Wait, ghost sharks?”

It's a long story,” Twilight said. “We'll tell you later.

A tiny form emerged from Enterprise and shot down to Celestia. It was Luna, now carrying two phaser rifles and ready for battle. “Come, Sister. Let us end this war!”

That was all Celestia needed to hear. Spinning, she targeted the anomaly’s surface and unleashed the most powerful magic blast she had ever fired. It tore straight through the surface, revealing an infinitely deep hole that lead into the Sharkicane's dark depths.

“Everyone, with me!” she shouted. “Let us end this once and for all!” She raised her hoof.


With the fury of an exploding sun, Celestia shot into the abyss, Luna flying beside her. Breaking free of the shield, Rarity and the others plunged after the Princesses. Behind, the Enterprise's engines roared as it shot into the tunnel, and the defenders of freedom headed into the lair of evil itself.

As sunlight faded, sharks hurled themselves from the walls of the tunnel to attack the ponies and the Enterprise. But Celestia and the others weren't going to be stopped now; Celestia fired her magic again and again while Luna dual-wielded her phaser rifles, spinning and rolling as she fired off a barrage of stunning blasts.

On the bridge of the Enterprise, Picard fought to remain in his chair as gales shook the Enterprise about. Having managed to crawl back to the bridge, Data manned the helm and fought to keep the ship from tearing itself apart while Riker and Troi fired laser blast after laser blast at the attacking sharks.

“Distance to the core!” Picard shouted.

“Fifty miles, sir!”

Grabbing hold of Shining Armor and Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy swooped down as fast as she could go, Shining Armor stunning shark after shark until his horn smoked. Behind them, Derpy and the Mariachi singers threw muffins at their attackers as Rarity leapt onto the back of the giant crab, firing her own blasts while the crustacian swiped at the surrounding beasts.

Great Whites and Tiger sharks leapt from the abyss' turbulent walls. The Sharkicane, sensing that it could actually be destroyed, was deploying its heaviest forces to try and stop Celestia's group. But the two Royal Sisters shot ahead and blasted the sharks together, then spun and did awesome kicks, knocking sharks out of commission without breaking a sweat. But the sharks kept coming, now accompanied by lightning bolts.

Onboard the Enterprise's primary photon torpedo bay, Twilight, Worf, and Spike were finalizing their preparations, slipping the Nuke into a heavily modified photon torpedo.

“Captain, this is Twilight! The Nuke is armed and ready, but we can't launch it until we see the storm's heart!”


Several great whites attacked the Enterprise just as it was struck by massive bolts of lightning. Explosions rocked the ship, causing more holes to appear in the already-damaged hull.

“Structural integrity at twenty percent!” Data called out.

“Can she take it, Geordi?!” Picard yelled.

“She'll take it, Captain, as long as I can compress the solid state driver so we can bypass the SQL panel and get to the PNG driver through the open-source SMS application to balance the tripolymer tablet with the sonic communicator!”

“Make it so! Data, how long to the core?!”

“Twenty miles, sir!”

“Captain!” Riker pointed ahead; hundreds of bloodthirsty whale sharks had slipped past the ponies ahead and were lunging in for the kill.

Leaping from Fluttershy's grasp, Pinkie Pie whipped out her party cannon and rode it like a surfboard, firing at the whale sharks again and again, knocking them senseless with confetti, party hats, twirlers, twizzlers, and noise makers.

“Pinkie to Enterprise! You're all clear!”

Atop the crab, Rarity peered ahead. “Your Highnesses! Look!”

Celestia and Luna peered ahead. At the end of the tunnel was a massive wall far larger and more turbulent than the one they had gone through, and guarded by several hundred thousand Great White sharks.

“Fall back to the Enterprise!” Celestia shouted.

“No!” Rarity yelled. “Everyone behind me!”

Grabbing hold of the crab's shell, Rarity held on as the crustacean shot forward and straight into the wall of serrated teeth. Pincers swung and stabbed as the giant crab fought the greatest battle of its life, forcing the sharks to focus on it instead of the Enterprise and the others. And in that it was successful, managing to defeat all the sharks and tossing their stunned bodies aside.

“Come, everyone!” Rarity shouted. “Let us-”

A lone shark shot forward and tackled the crab's belly; it was the crustacean's weak spot, and as teeth sank into flesh it suffered massive damage.

“No!” Rarity shouted, blasting the shark away. “Nooo!”

“¡Las águilas pueden volar, pero comadrejas no sumergirse en los motores a reacción!” a mariachi singer wailed.

The crab spasmed and rolled over, almost bouncing off the edge of the Enterprise. Luna managed to magically stop the crab as she took hold of the saucer, along with Celestia, the other ponies, and the Mariachi singers. Together they held on as the ship shot into the storm clouds, and they were all engulfed in darkness.

“Hold on!” Celestia yelled, her voice almost lost among the storm. For a long moment it seemed as if nobody would be able to do so; the wind was blisteringly cold, and pouring rain almost knocked everyone off.

And then they were through.

On the bridge, Picard stared out the viewscreen in shock. “Is that...”

Yes, Captain,” Celestia said. “The heart of the storm.

The Enterprise had emerged into the center of the Sharkicane, a surprisingly calm and quiet void, similar to the center of a hurricane. But floating in the center of the void was an all-too familiar sight to Celestia and the others...the Sharknado. Tethered to the storm with magical energy, it was the Sharkicane's heart, the force that was keeping everything together. If it was taken out, the universe would be saved.

“Mr. Worf, Twilight, ready to launch the nuke on my mark!” Picard said. “Fi-”

He never finished the command; the bridge shook violently, throwing everyone from their seats as the ship spun out of control.

“Data, report!”

The android yanked himself back into his console, eyes scanning the readouts. “Sir, we are under attack! It appears to be a gigantic shark!”

Outside the ship, the Megaladon smashed its enormous teeth into the Enterprise's hull, biting down with impossibly strong jaws. Steel and titanium crumpled beneath its might, and a huge chunk of the ship was ripped away and cast into the storm.

“Captain, hull integrity has been compromised!” Data shouted.

“Hang on Captain!” Geordi yelled. “I'm transducing the gluon gamma particle control center by re-overriding the neutrino axial intermediate tap to compensate the kemocite warp fusion with verterium cortenide photon capacitors!”

Every console on the bridge exploded.

“¡La mariposa no necesita alas para volar!” a mariachi singer called out.

Within the photon torpedo bay, Worf yanked himself to his feet. The Megaladon's attack had thrown the bay into chaos, and dozens of torpedoes were scattered about. Beside him, Twilight struggled to her hooves, helping Spike as she went.

“Captain, the photon torpedo bay has been damaged,” Twilight said into her combadge. “We can't launch the nuke!”

“Follow me!” Worf said. “We can use the Captain's yacht to launch the nuke manually!”

Grabbing the nuke with her magic, Twilight followed Worf out of the hallway, with Spike right behind her. But their run was interrupted as the Megaladon attacked again, ripping out another chunk of the Enterprise's hull. The three were thrown into the walls as the hallway before them was torn away, exposing them all to the abyss beyond.

Celestia saw it all happen. But it wasn't the first time she had seen the Megaladon destroying everything before it. The last time she had seen the beast, it had been devouring her parents, and now it would destroy the Enterprise, the nuke, and ensure that the Sharkicane would expand into space and destroy the universe.

Like hell it would.

Hurling herself from the Enterprise's hull, Celestia rammed the Megaladon so hard that both went flying. Like an ant attacking an elephant, Celestia blasted the creature again and again with her magic, shouting in wordless fury, sending it spinning heads over heels.

Within the damaged hallway, Twilight struggled to hold onto the nuke. Her wings had been fractured from smashing into the wall, and the pain made it difficult to focus.


Rainbow Dash ran from a side hallway. She was scruffy and beat-up from a few encounters with the ghost sharks, but was otherwise raring for a fight.

“Twilight, you okay?!”

An idea came to Twilight as she peered out of the gaping hole ahead of them. “Rainbow Dash, I need your help! We need to get the Friendship Nuke to the center of the storm, and I can't fly and hold it at the same time.”

Dash grinned. “Climb on!”

Worf tapped his combadge. “Enterprise, we're launching the nuke! Ready phasers for covering fire!”

No good, Worf!” Geordi said. “That thing damaged the phaser array. All our defenses are offline!

The hallway shook as enormous teeth ripped through the ceiling and floor. The Megaladon, having broken away from Celestia, was now once again going after the Nuke. It bit down hard, trying to tear the hall away and swallow the nuke whole.

Rainbow Dash spread her wings as Twilight leapt onto her back. “Hold on!”

Realizing that the nuke was defenseless without the Enterprise providing cover fire, Worf knew there was only one way to protect it on the way down. Reaching into his shirt, he yanked out his bat'leth.

“Today,” he shouted, “Is a good day to die!”

With a furious roar, Worf leapt from the Enterprise and plunged towards the Sharknado, which shot sharks towards him like bullets from a machine gun. Spinning, he kicked and bashed the things away, howling Klingon curses with each swing of the bat'leth.

“pa' might, sharks jImoDchu'mo' pum!”

Twilight magically grabbed hold of the Nuke as Rainbow Dash leapt towards the hole. Spike barely had time to grab onto Twilight's tail as the three shot into the storm, just managing to get out as another chunk of the Enterprise was ripped away. Howling in fury, the Megaladon shot down after them, snapping and biting all the way. Behind it, Celestia hammered away with her hooves; Luna and the others joined in the fight, struggling to hold the beast at bay as it closed the distance between it and the nuke.

“Princess!” Spike screamed. “The rifle!”

Luna tossed one of her phaser rifles to Spike. Acting like the gunner on a bomber of days long-past, he fired at the Megaladon with desperate speed, each blow hitting flesh. By pure luck he managed to fire a stray shot into the Megaladon's eye, making it thrash in pain.

But despite slowing the beast, Celestia realized that they couldn't stop it. No living creature could...not even herself. All they could do was hold it back, and it would fall to her to give Twilight the final few seconds she needed. Grabbing Discord's final orb, Celestia threw it at the Megaladon, praying that it was something – or someone- they could actually use.

The orb burst, and when the light cleared, yet another tornado roared to life. But instead of sharks or chainsaws, it was filled with flowers, fluffy bunny rabbits, rainbows and sunshine, for it was a Peacenado, the magical weapon of love. As if guided on its own, it swooped down and enveloped the Megaladon, love and joy sweeping over it.

“Twilight, go!” Celestia yelled.

Rainbow Dash shot ahead of the others, quickly catching up to Worf, who was still clearing the path into the Sharknado. They caught up just as they reached the edge, and once Dash karate-kicked several sharks away, the way was finally clear for them to dash through. She did, and emerged into the heart of the Sharknado: a chaotic vortex of swirling sharks surrounding a giant orb of magical energy that held everything together.

“Steady, Dash!” Twilight yelled, magically rearing the nuke back. One hit to the orb, and the nightmare would finally be over.

Beneath her, Dash did her best to stay still, even as she karate-chopped even more sharks out of their way.


The bottom of the Sharknado burst as the Megaladon shot through, tearing its way free of the Peacenado. Even a weapon of ultimate peace couldn't stop the single-minded hunger of nature's most terrifying predator, and it's monstrous ways of monstrosity. Opening its jaws wide, it shot towards Twilight's tiny group.

Dash screamed in terror, wings spread wide as she tried to stop. But Twilight couldn't stop, not even if she had to sacrifice her own life.

Keeping a tight hold on the Nuke, Twilight hurled herself off Rainbow Dash's back and plunged towards the orb, and the Megaladon, which roared and shot forward, ready to swallow her in one gulp.

The others burst through the Sharknado and screamed at seeing Twilight plunging towards certain doom. But even as terror gripped their hearts, Twilight streamlined herself and shot down even faster, glaring at the face of evil itself.

“Hey, big guy! You want to eat something?! THEN EAT THIS!”

Twilight hurled the nuke. It shot ahead of her, and into the Megaladon's gullet as it swallowed the orb.

And then it hit.

For a split second, time stopped. Good and evil were poised on the brink of destruction. Life itself held its breath. And for a single, heart-stopping moment, Twilight feared that the nuke was defective, worn out from ages of hiding.

Then it beeped.

And then there was light.

An incredible explosion of light erupted from the nuke as the Crystal Heart activated. And then an second, even bigger explosion burst forth, sending rays of happy colors into the Sharknado, the Enterprise, and the Sharkicane itself.

“Captain!” Data called. “Energy sensors have-”

He was cut off as the light shot through the bridge and through the turbolifts, halls, and rooms of the Enterprise and enveloped everyone within the storm, overwhelming the humans, the ponies, the mariachi singers, and the sharks as a wall of rainbow-colors shot forth.

“¡Sabía que debería haberme quedado en la cama esta mañana!” a mariachi singer yelled.

From the cold void of space, the storm enveloping Equestria was suddenly pierced by a missile of colors that quickly spread out into a wall. Grey gave way to every color of the rainbow as the wave shot across the planet, obliterating everything evil with the unstoppable power of love.

Throughout the storm, millions of sharks roared in fury as the rainbow hit them, instantly wiping away the effects of Discord's magic, and restoring millions of Ponies, Zebras, Griffons, Minotaurs, and countless other species.

But the wave didn't stop there. Even as it transformed angry sharks into friendly talking animals once again, it healed Equestria itself, the magic restoring ruined cities and landscapes to their original glory. Manehattan was instantly dried out and rebuilt, as were Canterlot, Cloudsdale, Ponyville, the Crystal Empire, and countless other settlements. The ugly water of tidal surges were sucked away, and the land burst into life once more: flowers opened up and sparkled as birds chirped and sang with all the power their little hearts could muster. And above them all, the last fragments of the storm were blown away by a strong wind, leaving nothing behind but blue skies and a warm sun.

The Sharknado and Sharkicane, the greatest threats to life since time had began...were no more.