• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 4,521 Views, 222 Comments

My Little Sharknado - Greenback

Twilight Sparkle and her friends must save Equestria from a deadly tornado filled with killer sharks

  • ...

The Rainbow of Love

All across Equestria, millions of ponies, animals, and magical creatures lay unconscious in forests, grasslands, swamps, deserts, volcanoes, and garbage dumps filled with broken glass. And like precious little flowers opening in the warmth of the first spring sun, they began to awaken.

At the magically rebuilt farm of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was the first of her clan to awaken. Confused and disoriented, she got to her hooves.

“Big Mac? Big Mac, you here?”

Big Mac pulled himself out from under a bush. “Eeeeeup...”

Applejack shook her head. “What in tarnation just happened?” The last thing she remembered was something involving sharks and everything being demolished. But that couldn't be... everything around her was intact and pristine. Wobbling, Applejack made her way to the top of the closest hill; there she gasped at the vista before her, for the Apple family homestead and fields of apple trees were now sparkling in the sunshine.

“Big Mac, look! The apples! I ain't ever seen 'em so bright and sparkly! Have you?!”


“Why, they must be delicious! I reckon they'll be the best apples we've ever grown! We'll be rich! Rich I tell ya!”

Granny Smith wobbled up the hill. “Applejack, did I bump my head? I could have sworn there were sharks around here.”

“No, Granny,” Applejack said with a laugh. “There ain't no such thing as sharks in these parts!”

All three shared a great and hearty laugh, not noticing as smiling fruit bats came down and devoured all the apples.


Throughout all of Equestria, everyone awoke from their shark-induced nightmares. Within the Everfree Forest, Zecora found herself lying at the foot of her now-restored cabin.

“Oh my, what a dream! But I am glad to see that the grass here is still green! And now that my house is once again as strong as a tank, it will not be repossessed by the bank!”

In Ponyville, all the families that had been sucked up or eaten found themselves back to normal once again. Lyra and Bonbon awoke inside Rarity's boutique, along with Berry Punch; after looking around in confusion and spotting her now-empty liquor bottle, she made a solemn vow right then and there never to touch another drop of the stuff as long as she lived.

On the coast, Manehattan glowed once again, with Iron Will and his commandos waking in the middle of a crowded street. Within the Crystal Empire, the crystal ponies were overjoyed to find that their crystal homes were restored, along with the Crystal Palace, the crystal libraries, crystal shops, crystal bakeries and crystal gardens with their crystal flowers and crystal birds who sang crystal songs. But it was not only the settlements on the ground that had been given a new lease on life. Cloudsdale was restored as well, with not a single piece of cloud out of place, and the beloved ball pit intact once again. And not far away, the Enterprise hovered in the beautiful sky, the hull now sparkling clean and intact, as if it had only just gotten off the assembly line.

Inside the bridge, Picard and the other bridge staff awoke from their rainbow-inflicted daze, surprised to see a clear sky with nary a shark in sight.

“Report,” Picard said.

Data (his legs now restored and intact) checked his readouts. “All systems functional,” he said. “Shields are at one hundred percent; hull integrity is the same. All damage has been repaired.” He looked to Picard, surprised. “It is as if we were never attacked.”


Troi took a moment to mentally scan the ship. “Everyone's fine, Captain. In fact, they're better than fine. They feel rejuvenated.” She grinned. “In fact, so do I.”

“Same here,” Riker said. Glances about the bridge revealed grins on everyone's faces. Their bodies had been rejuvenated by the rainbow waves, and no matter their age, everyone felt at the peak of health.

Checking to see if he had any hair on his head, Picard tapped his combadge. “Mr. Worf, where are you?”

Returning to the Enterprise, sir.

The viewscreen revealed a small convoy of ponies flying towards the Enterprise, with Worf riding upon Princess Celestia's back.

“Ah, very good. The landing bay will be ready for you.”

Thank you, Captain.

Another tap of the badge. “Princess Celestia?”

Captain Picard...it's good to hear your voice.

“And the same for you, your Highness. But I suppose the big question is if this nightmare is over.”

Outside the Enterprise, Celestia looked down on the land below, now restored to its prior glory, as if the Sharknado and Sharkicane had never existed at all.

“Yes, Captain. It's over.”

Upon the backs of Luna, Fluttershy, Cadence, and the giant crab, the mariachi singers cheered and played a happy song.


It didn't take long for Celestia to fly back to the now-restored Canterlot with her entourage. Delighted at seeing the Royal Palace intact once more, she wasted no time in sending out a work order to install numerous anti-shark defenses before sending out a proclamation to all corners of the continent to explain exactly what had happened, and, more importantly, to summon everyone to Canterlot so loved ones and family could be reunited. And it didn't take long for that to happen, and from the moment ponies poured into the city, the air was filled with happy cries as countless reunions took place.

One such reunion was at the entrance to the city, where Rarity waited for a train arriving from Ponyville, barely able to contain her anxiety. And as the doors swung open, she scanned everyone storming out onto the platforms, until she spotted the one face that was more precious to her than all the diamonds and gems within the earth.



Charging across the station, the two sisters embraced each other, the tears flowing.

“Oh Sweetie Belle, never leave me again!” Rarity sobbed.

“I won't, Rarity! I promise! And look! I finally got my cutie mark!” She showed her flank, revealing the little insignia of a pony being swallowed by a shark, a mark that she now shared with the other crusaders, signaling that their talent was being consumed by aquatic predators.

“Oh Sweetie Belle, it's beautiful!” But in truth, Rarity didn't care. All she wanted was to have her sister with her once again, and that wish had finally been fulfilled, the sight making the giant crab tear up once again.

Elsewhere in the city, Twilight was reunited with her parents, while Shining Armor and Cadence were returned to each other, and Celestia and Luna embraced Prince Blueblood once more (after returning their embraces, he ran off in search of shampoo). The Minotaur Queen, Griffon King, and all the other rulers who had stood with Celestia found their subjects alive and well.

All of Equestria was, at last, reunited.


As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, work began on the biggest party in Equestria's history. Celestia and Luna directed the the construction of a massive, outdoor stage at the base of the Canterlot mountains. Perhaps more than any other pony and creature present, the princesses could rest easy knowing that the sharks were no longer a threat. By all reports, the rainbows had covered every corner of Equestria, and the sharks had been completely neutralized. The Megaladon, a being of almost pure evil, had been so annihilated by the blast so that not even a skeleton remained.

There was still the question of the other remaining sharks, of which there were thousands, scattered throughout the world in both the sea and on land. But without the corrupting influence of Discord's magic, they were back to their friendly shark selves, and horrified at what they had done. Now eager to help make up for the destruction that had been wrought, they were working with Fluttershy to arrange a special musical performance later in the evening.

More pressing was the question of what to do with Queen Chrysalis and her cohorts who had tried to use the Sharknado and Sharkicane to their advantage in taking over the planet for their own nefarious ends. But being temporarily turned into sharks had given them all a new outlook on life, and made them realize just how foolish the plan had been. They were at Canterlot as well, and trying to avoid everyone's gaze, especially the Queen.

“So, dear Sister,” Luna asked. “What shall we do with them?”

Celestia eyed Chrysalis. “I don't know. Hopefully she has learned her lesson, along with the others.”

“That Sharknadoes are useless tools for enacting political change because they are as much a threat to the ones who use them as the ones they seek to overthrow?”


The Queen could only bear to look at Celestia for a few moments longer before turning away.

Celestia figured that it would be best to wait a day or two before deciding what to do about Chrysalis. But she had the feeling that in light of all that had happened, she just might see the error of her ways and learn the true magic of friendship.

The Enterprise flew high overhead. Leaving Luna to oversee construction work, Celestia headed into the palace. Swirls of light appeared as she entered the the throne room, fading out to reveal Captain Picard, Riker, Worf, Data, and the other senior officers of the Enterprise.

Celestia nodded. “Thank you all for coming.”

Picard returned the nod. “The pleasure is ours, your Highness.”

“I wanted to thank you all for everything you've done. Without your assistance, we would not be standing here, and the sharks would be devouring the universe.”

Picard and the others gave humble smiles. “It was the least we can do, your Highness.”

“Indeed it was!” With a flash of light, Discord appeared above them all. “You all performed so much better than I hoped you ever would!” He clapped. “Bravo, bravo!”

The others glared at him.

“What? Are you not happy? Equestria and the Universe are saved! The Federation got to meet a society even more tolerant and loving than themselves, and all of Equestria got to make a bunch of new friends! What's not to love?!”

“The fact that you almost destroyed our planet,” Celestia said.

“Well, yes, there is that... but that was an accident. Honest, it was.”

“I wouldn't be so sure of that,” Picard said.

“Oh Jean-Luc, will you never learn to trust me?” he sighed. “Oh well. I suppose it's time for me to be off to plan my next masterpiece... and I promise, on my honor, that it won't involve all manner of destruction and chaos. Tootoloo!”

With a flash of light, he was gone.

“My apologies that you have to live with him,” Picard said. “We only have to put up with him whenever he chooses to show up.”

“He will learn to control himself, in time,” Celestia said. “And unless he wants to risk the wrath of all Equestria, he'll lay low for a few decades. Now,” she turned to the wall, and a large curtain, “I called you all here because I want to present to you all all a token of our gratitude.” She signaled to two guards, who yanked the curtain away. “Behold, the window that will immortalize your heroic deeds for the rest of time!”

Behind the curtain was a stained-glass window depicting the Enterprise shooting lasers into the Sharknado, with Worf flying through the air and knocking sharks away with his bat'leth.

“Only the bravest, most courageous, and noble deeds are immortalized in the Royal Hall. You have all earned this highest of honors.”

The ranking staff of the Enterprise looked upon the portrait in awe, overwhelmed at such an honor... though Riker couldn't help but nudge Worf and giggle at the portrait of him attacking sharks in mid-flight. “Have Klingons ever battled sharks in mid-air?”

Worf stood tall and proud. “No sir, Commander. They have not.”

“In addition, you also get these commemorative t-shirts,” Celestia said, handing them out. Each read: “I survived the Sharkicane, and all I got was this commemorative t-shirt!”

“You will also receive a commemorative snowglobe, towel, a permanent fifty percent discount at the palace's gift shop, and a commemorative action figure set.” She handed one to Worf, which showed a plastic miniature version of himself battling the sharks, complete with a sound chip that said, “Rah! Die sharks, die!”

Riker giggled. Worf blushed.

Luna and Twilight trotted into the hall, both looking very pleased with themselves. Upon Twilight's back, Spike was even more pleased as he proudly carried out his phaser rifle, a token he got to keep in memory of helping Twilight to deliver the Friendship Nuke.

“Your Highness,” Twilight said. “The preparations are complete. We're ready to begin!”

“Excellent.” Then, to Picard, “We would be honored if you could all join us for the celebration, Captain.”

Picard bit his lip. “I would be honored to, your Highness, but I'm afraid the Enterprise has to return to Federation territory. Command will be rather anxious about having their flagship vanish on a routine mission.”

“Are you sure you cannot stay, if only for a little while longer?”

“It would be my pleasure, but my crew and I cannot delay. Perhaps, sometime, we can come back out so that our cultures may further learn more about each other, but-”

“Captain, if I may?” Riker said. “We've only been here a day. We're in a new world in a galaxy across the universe from ours. I'm sure we can spare a few days to learn more about Equestria's culture.”

“Indeed, sir,” Data said. “There is much I find fascinating about these ponies. With your permission, I would like to study their language and customs, and perhaps browse their libraries. Princess Twilight Sparkle has said I may explore her personal library if I wish.”

Picard considered the requests.

“And I do recall you promising to give us a tour of the Enterprise once this was all over,” Celestia said. “I would still like to meet your crewmembers and learn about your culture as well.”

Picard gave a sheepish smile. “Indeed, I did promise that. Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stay a few more days. Besides, we'll need Q's help to get back to our own galaxy.”

“My sister and I should be able to handle that,” Luna said.

“Well, in that case... I believe we can stay for the party.”

Pinkie Pie squealed as she leapt into the throne room and yanked out her party cannon. “Does that mean I can-”

Luna smiled. “Yes, Pinkie Pie. You may start the party.”

Squeeing, Pinkie fired her cannon, filling the hall with confetti and all manner of party twirlers.


Minutes later, and the celebration of life was in full swing. Pinkie Pie fired her party cannon again and again as the musicians began to play, with Octavia, the Mariachi singers, and the sharks playing the lead, and Riker providing backup with his trombone. The air was filled with the happiest music ever heard in Equestria, along with the roars of singing sharks. After using the Enterprise's replicator to create the biggest, most elaborate electronic music equipment ever made, Vinyl Scratch joined in on the fun, going into an epic musical duel with the triangle shark (a duel that would eventually lead to romance, courtship, marriage, the birth of shark-pony babies, and the beginnings of the Seapony race).

As the music played, every inhabitant of Equestria joined in, dancing and spinning away on the dance floor. The Princesses joined in on the fun, as did Picard and his officers, as well as the crewmembers of the Enterprise, who beamed not only themselves down, but also several replicators to create all manner of intergalactic cuisine for Equestrians to sample. They also got to try the delicacies of Equestrian food as well; Worf, in particular, found Derpy's muffins to be most delightful, quickly munching his way through several in a row before requesting the recipe (which would quickly become the new food of choice on Qo'noS).

Above them all, Rainbow Dash rocketed through the evening sky, spreading a rainbow of love against the stars that shone down on everyone present, while the Enterprise fired off firework after firework. And thus, with their hearts united by the magic of friendship, all of Equestria, and the crew of the USS Enterprise, were never again threatened by sharks, and they all lived happily ever after.

That is, until several years later, when a volcano began to erupt homicidal lava-beavers.

Author's Note:

A giant shoutout to JDC for proofreading this story, and helping catch numerous errors and mistakes before each chapter was published! And we mustn't forget all those who offered suggestions on possible story ideas!

*BronyBlast9000 suggested the chainsawnado!

*Lord Destrustor suggested the peacenado!

*DarthSylar12 suggested Rainbow Dash karate chopping airborne sharks out of the sky!

*Blitzblazer97 suggesting the giant crab!

*randomdude678 suggested Vinyl Scratch and the Triangle Shark playing together during the concert, falling in love, and having magical pony-shark babies!

*Jmac suggested having part of it take place on a plane!

*Eagle suggested the ghost shark!

Overall, I'm really glad this story is done, because I've learned how HARD it is to write comedy. It's one thing to do an April Fool's chapter, but another thing entirely to do an entire novel-length story, and after writing "Sharknado," I now know that I'm not really cut out for it. I've also learned that I need a lot of practice in doing giant ensemble pieces, as it gets really hard to have everyone get their moment to shine and not feel left out. This was a lot harder than I expected it to be, but I did learn a lot that I can apply to future stories.

Thanks for reading everyone, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Comments ( 33 )

welp the madness is over. intersting madness but it feels like what would happen to equestria if discord took lsd.

and idiotically awesome as a sharknado is, i recently discovered the total opposite........... someone made a movie called Stonado............. it has a tornado composed of stones.

now tht owuld make a strange story. if someone made a story that explains what happens when a unicorn takes lsd.

Yay, I was mentioned!
Welp, that was fun to read.
I wasn't sure about the Star Trek stuff at first, but you actually made it work wonderfully. Good job on that, and the whole story in general. Ya done good, sir.

Triangle Shark is best shark.

And woohoo!! I'm mentioned in a story.

Now all they need to face the Sharktopus and I'll be content.:rainbowdetermined2:

This was by far the greatest piece of insanity of all time. I never expected a Sharknado/MLP fic to go in the many directions it did, but oh man was each one funnier than the next. I have not laughed that hard in forever. Thank you for this :pinkiehappy:

Wait, there's a stoneado? That's...okay, that's pretty dumb, but intriguing at the same time.

Indeed! And you're welcome!

I'm so glad to hear that! You're very welcome!

4384820 it is basically what a tornado actually IS. debris sucked into the the funnel. the reason why they are gray is bfrom the dirt it is ripping from the ground.
basicalyl this can happen if a tornado hits a quarry. and then like a few minutes later it is gone.

at least sharknado has cheesy lsd inspired madness to it. stonado is just......... bland.

4383716 think that is the point. i was laughing, mostly because my brain was metling i think. i will have to say it was a creative bundle of disconnected madness.

This story took some unexpected turns with so much referencing and cheesy moments that I had to laugh. Bravo on not only being entertaining but well done.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it so much!

The fact that this is featured on EQD astonishes me.

That.... was... AWESOME!:rainbowdetermined2:

Started out a bit ehhhhhh with just ponies getting gobbled left and right and just, feeling really.... odd. But once it kicked into gear and just so over the top hilarious... it became awesome. And you did an amazing job at the comedy. Yeah it was cheesy, full of references, and just... weird. But it all worked so well together. Bravo. Loved it.

:pinkiehappy: Thank you very much!

For better or worse, I chewed through the whole story in one go. I sacrificed much needed rest, but I don't care! :P

All I can say is that this is the biggest load of silliness, absurdity, and everything that is ridiculous. Marvelous job. Have a Pinkie! :pinkiehappy:

Yay! I'm glad it was worth the lost rest! And it's wonderful to add another Pinkie to my collection!

The viewscreen revealed a small convoy of ponies flying towards the Enterprise, with Worf riding upon Princess Celestia's back.

I wish there was fanart of that. :rainbowdetermined2:

Overall, this story had a very strong start. It was absurdly silly as a MLP/Sharknado story should be. Then though it seemed to get like weighed down by the gravity of situation getting worse and worse with the Sharknado becoming a Sharkicane and loosing the third book and what not. I didn't really get the Sharknado becoming a Sharkicane. :twilightoops: This story is called My Little Sharknado. I want to see a sharknado the whole way through! And then the crew of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation shows up. :twilightoops: I can't say I was overjoyed by that development, but at least it was surprising and completely unexpected. I still think this story warrants a "Human" tag for that reason. The whole Q/Discord thing is not unheard of. I will admit that the segments set on board the Enterprise did feel like an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Then again, their presence could be like how there are all those celebrity cameos in Sharknado 2: The Second One. Wil Wheaton gets eaten by a shark! If only Wesley Crusher could have gotten eaten by a ghost shark here.

Anyway, this could have been a lot better, but it was a good try. There's only one way a Sharknado story should end in my opinion.

Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:


Thank you for the review, MariusloannesP. The reason the sharknado didn't get featured all the way through the story was because I wanted to keep escalating the size and severity of the disaster, and I thought having the tornado grow bigger seemed a bit too easy, so I thought a hurricane would be a logical upgrade. I also wanted to avoid having the story be too short, hence the books and things getting worse.

With regards to the Star Trek crossover, I wanted it to be a complete surprise (aside from a few hints dropped by Q in earlier chapters), hence the lack of a "Human" tag. And as to your question about where I get these ideas... well, they kinda come out of nowhere, to be honest, mostly while I'm writing and thinking, "What sort of crazy thing can happen next."

Still, thank you again for your comments, especially that all the Star Trek bits felt like actual episodes (and the EMH doc is the same one from "First Contact;" the story takes place between "Insurrection" and "Nemesis)! And if you want to make your own technobable, I used these generators:


Ugh, Star Trek, how I loathe thee. The sheer insanity of this story must be rubbing off on me because you not only made it bearable but enjoyable. :pinkiecrazy:

*enters* Hey a story!
*looks at title* SWEET CELESTIA, NO!:trollestia:
*exits* You`ll never get me alive!!!

Hehe. And thank you for pointing out the error; it's been fixed.

Huzzah! We were mentioned by Entertainment Weekly!

What was your reaction when you noticed that your story was mentioned?

Actually, it was more like, "OHMYGOSHICANTBELIEVETHISISACTUALLYHAPPENING!" It's only an online article, but to be mentioned by Entertainment Weekly, and for a silly story like this, is just an incredible feeling.

homicidal lava-beavers man you need to an story about thar

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, and it's an honor to hear that this is better than the films. If, by any chance, Scyfi hires me to write a sharknado movie, I'll be sure to sneak a pony reference in there!

My Little Sharknado is a literary masterpiece. Underappreciated in it's time, it is a cautionary tale for the ages, the likes of which may never be seen again.

Thank you for all the kind words, Lofty. I'm still waiting for my Nobel Peace Prize, but at this point I don't think it's ever going to show up.

This story is made of memes, a true masterpiece of lols

Also many years and Sharknado sequels later...

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