• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 4,522 Views, 222 Comments

My Little Sharknado - Greenback

Twilight Sparkle and her friends must save Equestria from a deadly tornado filled with killer sharks

  • ...

Crisis in the Crystal Empire

Within the steel confines of Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬all was silent.‭ ‬No one spoke as the craft headed north,‭ ‬for all eyes gazed out the windows to the flooded continent below.‭ ‬While the mountains remained dry,‭ ‬only the occasional tree or half-fallen skyscraper showed that there was still land beneath the water.‭ ‬But as Canterlot Force One began to cross the Crystal Mountains and head north,‭ ‬the flooded terrain was replaced by the snowy peaks,‭ ‬and then those were lost as one of the storm fronts swallowed the plane,‭ ‬leaving only gray beyond the windows.

Twilight Sparkle walked through the plane,‭ ‬trying to give hope and cheer where it was needed.‭ ‬But she had nothing happy or cheerful within her heart,‭ ‬and eventually she gave up,‭ ‬tormented by the same fears that plagued everyone else:‭ ‬was the Crystal Empire still intact‭? ‬They had received no word from it since the storms began,‭ ‬and for all they knew,‭ ‬the sharknado had launched a ninja-style sneak attack and taken it out before going to the rest of Equestria.

Eventually,‭ ‬the gray clouds began to dissipate as Canterlot Force One finally cleared the storm,‭ ‬and passed over the last peaks of the Crystal Mountains.‭ ‬Before it lay the bright and colorful fields of the Crystal Empire,‭ ‬pristine and untouched by sharks. A few rays of sunshine peeked through the clouds, causing the crystal buildings to sparkle, and causing everyone on the plane to go ‭“‬Awww‭!”

Cruising down into the Crystal Airport,‭ ‬Canterlot Force One landed besides blimps and other aircraft bearing the various symbols of kingdoms throughout Equestria,‭ ‬something that gave Twilight hope:‭ ‬if the Crystal Empire was intact and untouched,‭ ‬then that mean that it had received Celestia's warning.

With the craft parked,‭ ‬Celestia told everyone to stay onboard in case they had to make a quick takeoff,‭ ‬with the only exceptions being Twilight,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬and Pinkie Pie‭ (‬who had to be coaxed off the roof‭)‬,‭ ‬benefiting their status as the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.‭ ‬It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to realize that she hadn't been called.

‏“Hey, Princess?” she asked as Celestia passed her seat. “What about me?”

“You must remain here,‏ ‎Rainbow Dash,‭” ‬Celestia said.‭ “‬Your wounds need to heal.‭”

“But I can't just sit here and do nothing‏!”

“You don't have to.‏” ‎Celestia indicated for Rainbow Dash to follow her,‭ ‬and the two entered the craft's command and control room.‭ ‬Filled with maps,‭ ‬radar,‭ ‬the most advanced communications equipment available,‭ ‬and automatic coffee and banana dispensers,‭ ‬it could allow Celestia to command and keep watch over all of Equestria,‭ ‬if needed.

‏“We need someone to watch the radar,” Celestia said, indicating a large readout. “Will you do it?”

Rainbow Dash immediately went to the console,‭ ‬eager to be useful,‭ ‬rather than just sit around and do nothing.

Taking a walkie-talkie,‭ ‬Celestia gave one to Rainbow Dash.‭ “‬If you see the sharknado coming,‭ ‬let us know right away.‭”

Rainbow Dash saluted the princess,‏ ‎then took a seat and turned her eyes to the readout.

With everything settled,‭ ‬Celestia and her entourage disembarked Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬swarmed by the Royal Guards who were ready to leap into action at the first sign of sharks.‭ ‬As Celestia led the group towards the palace,‭ ‬the local residents were shocked to see Equestria’s rulers walking their streets.‭ ‬Seeing the princesses in such a hurry worried them.‭ ‬But they had seen the other monarchs and rulers heading towards the Palace,‭ ‬and the appearance of the Royal Sisters was an assurance that everything possible was being done to save Equestria.‭ ‬And there was another reason to be confident:‭ ‬who would dare attack the Empire if the world's most powerful beings were guarding it‭?

When Celestia's group arrived at the crystal gates of the Crystal Palace,‭ ‬they found Princess Cadence and Shining Armor waiting for them.‭ ‬They were relieved to see that Celestia and the others had arrived safely,‭ ‬but Shining Armor gave the biggest grin upon seeing Twilight.‭

“Twiley‏!” ‎Running down the steps,‭ ‬Shining Armor embraced his sister as hard as he could.‭ “‬Thank Celestia you’re safe‭!”

Twilight returned the gesture,‭ ‬equally relieved.‭ ‬Knowing that her brother was safe and sound took a tremendous weight off her shoulders.‭ ‬But while Shining Armor was safe,‭ ‬Twilight was still worried about her parents.

‏“Shining Armor, where’s Mom and Dad? Are they safe?”

Shining Armor nodded.‭ “‬After we got Celestia's warning,‭ ‬Cadence and I sent them to Cloudsdale.‭”

Twilight sighed,‭ ‬feeling another weight coming off her shoulders.‭ ‬No matter what was to happen,‭ ‬at least the sharks wouldn't get her parents.

As brother and sister exchanged another relieved hug,‭ ‬Princess Cadence went to Celestia and Luna.‭ ‬Unlike Shining Armor,‭ ‬she was anything but relieved‭; ‬after receiving Celestia's warning,‭ ‬she had been working around the clock to put up every protective spell she knew,‭ ‬keeping the guards alert,‭ ‬and working to take care of refugees who had fled the sharknado's wrath.‭ ‬Such work had left her exhausted.‭ ‬But worse still was hearing the stories from the refugees:‭ ‬tales of horror and despair,‭ ‬of seeing entire towns and cities be sucked into the sharknado like ants into a vacuum cleaner.‭ ‬If the sharknado unleashed its wrath upon the Empire,‭ ‬there would be little she could do to defend it.

‏“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” Cadence said. “An emergency meeting of the Crystal Council has been convened. Representatives from the various kingdoms are waiting upstairs for you.”

Celestia nodded,‭ ‬and headed into the palace.‭ ‬But halfway up the steps,‭ ‬she stopped.‭ “‬Cadence,‭ ‬a moment‭?”

Cadence nodded,‭ ‬indicating for the others to go on ahead.‭ ‬Shining Armor led them inside.‭

Once the two were alone,‭ ‬Celestia moved in close.‭ “‬Cadence,‭ ‬the sharknado is more dangerous than I feared,‭ ‬and moving faster than I expected.‭ ‬The Empire may be remote,‭ ‬but I fear it's only a matter of time before the sharknado arrives.‭ ‬I want you to begin evacuating the Empire.‭”

Celestia had worried that Cadence would protest such a drastic move,‭ ‬but was surprised to see her nodding in agreement.‭ “‬I had thought of that.‭ ‬Even with all the protective spells we have,‭ ‬I fear it won't be enough.‭ ‬But where would they go‭?”

“Send them to Cloudsdale.‏ ‎It's high enough that the sharknado can't reach it.‭”

Relieved that she now had a plan of action,‭ ‬Cadence nodded.‭ “‬I'll get on it once the meeting begins.‭”

With events now set in motion,‭ ‬the two headed into the palace.


Inside the Royal Palace,‭ ‬Shining Armor led Celestia's group through the glittering halls.‭ ‬Celestia and Cadence quickly caught up,‭ ‬and they took a crystal elevator to the upper halls.‭ ‬Once they reached the council chamber,‭ ‬the massive doors were swung open,‭ ‬revealing an opulent,‭ ‬sparkling room filled with towering windows,‭ ‬each giving a breathtaking view of the grassy fields surrounding the Empire.‭

As Cadence had said,‭ ‬the room was filled with delegates from all across the land,‭ ‬each sitting in crystal chairs around a crystal meeting table.‭ ‬Such a sight almost made Twilight squee in delight:‭ ‬she had read about how,‭ ‬in times of danger,‭ ‬every kingdom would unite to face the threat,‭ ‬and now here she was,‭ ‬present for one such meeting.‭ ‬She eagerly looked the delegates over.‭ ‬Some she was familiar with,‭ ‬like the Minotaurs and Griffons,‭ ‬while others were more obscure,‭ ‬like the Nagas and Dire-wolves.‭ ‬Some were merely ambassadors,‭ ‬while others were kings,‭ ‬presidents,‭ ‬and queens.‭ ‬Twilight didn't know them personally...save for one,‭ ‬whom she knew all too well.

‏“Queen Chrysalis?!”

The leader of the Changelings sat near the front of the table.‭ ‬She was equally surprised to see Twilight,‭ ‬but the shock gave way to a smirk.‭ “‬Well,‭ ‬if it isn't Celestia's star pupil,‭” ‬she said.‭ “‬My,‭ ‬my,‭ ‬Celestia,‭ ‬things must be truly desperate if your precious student and her little friends can't solve this crisis on their own.‭ ‬They must be losing their touch‭!”

A deep and terrible rage shot through Twilight,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬and Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬and they almost leapt at the Queen,‭ ‬memories of the assault on Canterlot still fresh in her mind.‭ ‬But Princess Celestia saw what Twilight was about to do,‭ ‬and held out a hoof to stop her.

‏“I understand your anger, Twilight, but for the moment, circumstances dictate that Queen Chrysalis is our ally.”

Twilight would have been happy to piledrive Chrysalis‭' ‬head through the table and turn her into a pile of Changeling mush,‭ ‬but she wasn't the type to disobey a command from Celestia herself.‭ ‬She took a deep breath and felt the rage seep away.‭ ‬So too,‭ ‬did her friends.

Taking her seat at the end of the table,‭ ‬Celestia indicated for Twilight and the others to take their own places.‭ ‬They did so,‭ ‬but each of them kept a close eye on Chrysalis,‭ ‬ready to attack if she so much as breathed the wrong way.

As Cadence left to begin the Empire's evacuation,‭ ‬Shining Armor closed the doors.‭ ‬From her seat,‭ ‬Celestia eyed the delegates before her.‭ ‬While present to address a common threat,‭ ‬no one seemed particularly comfortable.‭ ‬For outside the land of the ponies,‭ ‬friendship was not as strong and prevalent among the neighboring kingdoms.‭ ‬Alliances were sometimes thin,‭ ‬and old hates and grudges were not so easily forgotten.‭ ‬Many eyes were glancing at each other with suspicion and distrust.‭ ‬Celestia took a deep breath.‭ ‬If she was going to pull them all together,‭ ‬she'd have to proceed carefully.

‏“Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” she said. “Perhaps more than any other day in our history, Equestria faces the very real threat of destruction and ruin. If we are to survive and defeat the sharknado that now destroys our homes, we must put aside our differences and unite as one.”

The delegates nodded,‭ ‬none of them finding fault with her words...save one.

‏“Why did you not tell us of this sharknado sooner?” Queen Chrysalis asked. “Surely with the storms we have been experiencing, you knew it was coming! Or perhaps you wanted to keep it quiet and let it wipe out your enemies while you stayed at home in your comfy palace!”

Twilight braced herself for an attack,‭ ‬but Celestia indicated for her to hold her tongue.‭ “‬A sharknado is not formed by nature,‭” ‬she said.‭ “‬It is formed only by the most powerful magic.‭”

“Then you were the ones who formed it‏! ‎Who else could‭?!”

Celestia glared at the Queen.‭ “‬I would gain nothing by having my allies and my own subjects be eaten by sharks.‭”

“I agree‏!” ‎the Griffon king said.‭ “‬Princess Celestia is not the type to unleash a horde of killer sharks upon us,‭ ‬or any other species‭!”

“Hear, hear‭!” ‬the Minotaur Queen said.

But not all of the delegates agreed.‭ ‬Some remained silent,‭ ‬while a select few cast approving glances at Queen Chrysalis.

‏“Discovering how the sharknado came into existence is not the purpose of our meeting,” Celestia said. “What matters is how we are going to stop it.”

“And how do we do that‏?” ‎the Zebra monarch asked.

Celestia was silent for a moment.‭ “‬It will not be easy.‭ ‬Such powerful magic would ordinarily be defeated by the Elements of Harmony.‭ ‬But the sharknado...‭” ‬Celestia gulped,‭ “‬...the sharknado has devoured some of the Bearers.‭”

“Fear not‏!” ‎The Minotaur Queen shouted.‭ “‬We do not need the Elements of Harmony to defeat the sharknado‭! ‬We,‭ ‬the Minotaurs will defeat it with our great and righteous strength‭! ‬We will-‭”

The doors flew open as a guard ran in.‭ “‬Message for the Minotaur Queen,‭” ‬he said,‭ ‬dropping it before her.‭ ‬The Queen took the note,‭ ‬read it,‭ ‬and her face dropped,‭ ‬for it informed her that the Minotaur Empire had just been devoured by sharks.

‏“Uhhh...let me get back to you on that,” she said.

‏“This is all folly!” Queen Chrysalis said, slamming her hooves on the table. “Even if we were to ally ourselves with you, Celestia, how we will know that this is not some fool's errand?”

“While my sister and I were able to defeat sharknadoes in the ancient past,‏” ‎Celestia said,‭ “‬we...we...‭” ‬she drifted off,‭ ‬seemingly forgetting where she was.

‏“Your Highness?” Rarity asked. “Are you alright?”

Celestia didn't answer,‭ ‬seemingly lost in a nightmare from the past.


Blinking,‭ ‬Celestia shook her head.‭ “‬I apologize.‭ ‬As I was saying,‭ ‬Luna and I realized that,‭ ‬if we lost the Elements,‭ ‬we would be defenseless against the sharknado.‭ ‬Thus,‭ ‬we created a weapon to fight it.‭”

“Then where is this weapon‏?” ‎the Zebra monarch asked.‭ “‬Why have you not used it already‭?”

“Because we-‏”

“Because she desires for all of us to be eliminated‏!” ‎Chrysalis shouted.‭ “‬Do you not see‭? ‬She desires to eliminate all contenders to the throne by having them eaten by sharks‭!”

“That's a lie‏!” ‎The Naga ambassador shouted.

‏“It is not!!”

“Is too‏!”

“Is not‏!”

“Is too‏!”

“Is not‏!”

“Is too times infinity‏!”

Chrysalis roared and threw herself on the Ambassador,‭ ‬hooves flying.‭ ‬And in moments the council chamber was filled with chaos as the rulers of all the kingdoms got into the fray,‭ ‬smashing and punching each other as they came to the aid of their allies,‭ ‬and letting old grudges and hatreds take over.

Celestia sighed.‭ “‬Twilight‭?”

Twilight came over.‭ “‬Yes,‭ ‬Princess‭?”

“It's going to take some time for them to calm down-‏”

The Zebra monarch smashed a chair over Chrysalis‭' ‬back.

‏“-so I need you and your friends to head to the Crystal Library. You need to find a book; it's identical to the on you got in Canterlot, but with a red gem in the cover.”

Twilight blinked,‭ ‬wondering if she wasn't hearing Celestia correctly.‭ “‬Pardon me,‭ ‬your Highness,‭ ‬but what's the point of getting all these books‭?”

Celestia leaned to the side as the Boss of the Diamond Dogs shot past her and out the window.‭ “‬I'll tell you later,‭ ‬but it's vital that you find it.‭ ‬Don't let anyone stop you,‭ ‬and don't let anyone take it,‭ ‬understood‭?”

Celestia's tone was stronger than Twilight could ever recall,‭ ‬but there was a hint of fear in it as well.‭ ‬She nodded.

‏“I'll follow if I can, but Luna and I need to keep everyone from killing themselves. Despite our differences, we still need them to defeat the sharknado.” She gave Twilight her walkie-talkie. “Take this, in case Rainbow Dash spots something.”

Realizing that it was probably best to let Celestia and Luna focus on restoring order,‭ ‬Twilight took the walkie-talkie and left the chamber. ‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬and Spike following after her,‭ ‬leaving Celestia,‭ ‬Luna,‭ ‬and Shining Armor to try and stop the monarchs from beating each other senseless.


Twilight's mind swirled with questions as she headed towards the upper levels of the palace.‭ ‬Just what were these books Celestia kept sending her to get‭? ‬No doubt they were essential to defeating the Sharknado,‭ ‬but she didn't like being kept in the dark.‭ ‬They probably contained some powerful spells,‭ ‬or perhaps some other secret that could give them the advantage over their aquatic enemies,‭ ‬but it would be nice to know for sure.

The walkie talkie squawked as Rainbow Dash's voice came through.‭ “‬Princess Celestia‭?

Twilight took the walkie-talkie.‭ “‬She's not here Dash.‭ ‬What is it‭?”

That storm is moving over the Crystal Mountains.‭”

Twilight's heart skipped a beat.‭ “‬Is the sharknado in it‭?”

No,‭ ‬but there's...something in it.‭ ‬I can't tell what.‭ ‬It isn't going very fast,‭ ‬though.‭ ‬And it's smaller than the sharknado.‭

What was this‭? ‬Some new threat that no one had known about‭? ‬If so,‭ ‬Twilight needed to look into that.‭ ‬But just as the thought entered her mind,‭ ‬she shook her head.‭ ‬The book they were after was what mattered.‭ ‬Find that,‭ ‬and they could defeat the sharknado.‭ ‬Fail,‭ ‬and everyone might as well gulp down cyanide pills.

‏“Keep an eye on it, Dash. Let me know the moment something seems wrong.”

Will do.‭

Heading down a flight of stairs,‭ ‬Twilight led Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬and Spike to a pair of ornate crystal gates:‭ ‬the doorway to the palace library,‭ ‬a magical place known for containing countless priceless manuscripts regarding gems,‭ ‬crystals,‭ ‬and all manner of precious metals contained within the earth.‭ ‬Opening the doors,‭ ‬the four entered and found themselves surrounded by stacks crammed with hundreds of books each.‭ ‬The place wasn't as large as Canterlot's library,‭ ‬but there was still so many books that going through them all one-by-one would keep a pony busy for weeks.

‏“Everyone, look for that book!” Twilight said. “The sooner we find it, the better!” She didn't say it, but everyone realized she was referring to that new signal Rainbow Dash had discovered. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good, and they didn't want to wait around to see what it was.

Rarity,‭ ‬Spike,‭ ‬and Pinkie were quick to obey Twilight's command.‭ ‬The fate of Equestria lay somewhere in this room,‭ ‬and it was up to them to find it.‭ ‬For ten minutes they searched the library like a panther hunting a cute little bunny for dinner.‭ ‬The tension in the air was so thick,‭ ‬it felt as if it could be cut with a knife.‭ ‬If they couldn't find the book,‭ ‬all hope would be lost..

‏“I found it!” Pinkie shouted at last.

Twilight galloped over.‭ “‬You did‭?!”

“I did‏!” ‎Pinkie held up a thin book.‭ “‬I found the Crystal Empire Guide to Throwing Parties‭! ‬This'll come in really handy when I-‭”

“Pinkie‏!” ‎Twilight shouted.‭ “‬We don't have time for parties‭!”

“But we're alive,‏ ‎right‭? ‬I mean,‭ ‬that's reason enough to celebrate,‭ ‬and if we're going to keep everyone's spirits up we have to hold a party because parties are the best way to-‭”

Twilight was seconds from strangling Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬only to be interrupted as Spike ran out from behind a shelf.‭ “‬I found it‭!” ‬The book he held was just as Celestia had described it:‭ ‬identical to the one from Canterlot,‭ ‬but with a red,‭ ‬oval-shaped jewel in the cover.

Forgetting about Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬Twilight grabbed the book,‭ ‬stuffing it into her saddlebags.‭ “‬Great work,‭ ‬Spike‭! ‬Now let's get out of here and meet up with the others‭!”

Leaving the library behind,‭ ‬Twilight and the others headed back down to the council chamber,‭ ‬their jubilation tempered by fear,‭ ‬for they expected to hear the sounds of combat,‭ ‬insults,‭ ‬and delegates performing wrestling moves on one another.‭ ‬But to their surprise,‭ ‬they heard only silence.‭ ‬Entering the chamber,‭ ‬they found it to be empty.‭ ‬Only Celestia,‭ ‬Luna,‭ ‬and Shining Armor were there,‭ ‬assisting janitors in cleaning up the broken table and chairs with their crystal brooms,‭ ‬crystal mops,‭ ‬and crystal soap.

‏“Twilight!” Celestia ran over. “Did you find the book?”

Twilight nodded,‭ ‬pulling it from her saddlebags.‭

Almost jumping for joy, Celestia grabbed Twilight in a giant embrace.‭ “‬Oh,‭ ‬thank goodness‭! ‬I'm so proud of you‭!”

Twilight blushed.‭ “‬Actually,‭ ‬Princess,‭ ‬it was Spike who found it.‭”

“Oh.‏” ‎Celestia put Twilight down,‭ ‬then grabbed Spike in‭ a ‬giant embrace.‭ “‬Oh Spike,‭ ‬I'm so proud of you‭!”

Like Twilight,‭ ‬Spike blushed,‭ ‬unaccustomed to such displays of affection,‭ ‬especially from the princess.

While proud at the affection Spike was receiving,‭ ‬Twilight was still surprised at the lack of dignitaries in the room.‭ ‬She turned to Luna.‭ “‬Princess,‭ ‬what happened‭? ‬Where is everyone‭?”

“They have gone,‏” ‎Luna said.‭ “‬While we were able to stop the fight,‭ ‬we were not able to get everyone to sit together and discuss a plan of action.‭ ‬Chrysalis-‭” ‬she spat at the name,‭ “‬refused to be even anywhere near Celestia.‭ ‬She accused her of organizing the fight,‭ ‬and I regret to say that many of the representatives agreed with her.‭”

“What‏? ‎You can't be serious‭!”

“Twilight,‏ ‎minds are easily swayed when they are angry,‭ ‬and are quick to cast aside logic and reason.‭ ‬The representatives here let their hate overcome the logic of uniting to defeat the sharknado,‭ ‬and have left.‭”

“To go where‏?!”

“Back to their own kingdoms to fight the sharknado,‏ ‎no doubt.‭ ‬But I fear that they will only encounter disaster.‭”

“But what about the Minotaurs‏? ‎The Zebras‭? ‬The Griffons‭?”

“They want to help us, but said that their own kingdoms need to be looked after, first."


“Cannot help us. At least, not yet."

The radio squawked.‭ “Twilight‭? ‬That storm just got a little closer,‭ ‬along with whatever's in it.‭

“What does she mean‏?” ‎Celestia asked,‭ ‬her body stiffening.

‏“There's something inside the storm,” Twilight said. “it's not the sharknado, but we don't know what it is.”

“If it's a new threat,‏ ‎we must speed up the evacuation‭!” ‬Celestia headed for the door.

‏“Uhhh, Princess?” Spike said. “You can put me down.”

“Oh.‏ ‎My apologies,‭ ‬Spike.‭” ‬Celestia put him down,‭ ‬and the group headed out.


Ever since they had all arrived in the Crystal Empire,‭ ‬Twilight had feared that panic would eventually grip the hearts of its citizens and drive them into a terrified frenzy,‭ ‬much like what had happened when King Sombra had returned.‭ ‬But as she and the others exited the Crystal Palace,‭ ‬she was surprised to see that things were under control.‭ ‬There were no riots,‭ ‬panicking,‭ ‬or religious ponies holding up signs declaring that the end was neigh.‭ ‬A surprise,‭ ‬considering the size of the storm coming over the mountains.‭ ‬But there was no panic in the calm,‭ ‬orderly groups heading towards the airport.

‏“It appears that Cadence has the evacuation under control,” Luna remarked. No sooner had she spoken than Cadence herself came over.

“We’ve evacuated about half the citizens.‏ ‎Another hour,‭ ‬and we should have the city completely evacuated.‭”

“Excellent work,‏ ‎Cadence,‭” ‬Celestia said.‭ “‬You’ve done better than I ever dreamed.‭”

Cadence beamed.‭ “‬And how did the meeting go‭?”

“It...did not go as well as I’d hoped.‏”

Sighing,‭ ‬Cadence rubbed her face.‭ “‬Then it was all for naught.‭”

Putting a hoof on Cadence’s shoulder,‭ ‬Celestia shook her head.‭ “‬No,‭ ‬Cadence.‭ ‬There is always hope.‭ ‬But for now,‭ ‬we need to focus on the evacuation.‭ ‬Is there anything we can do to help‭?”

“Actually,‏ ‎there is.‭ ‬These ponies need to see that things are going well.‭ ‬If you show them that you’re not worried,‭ ‬they won’t be worried.‭ ‬And if they’re not worried-‭"

“-then the evacuation goes off without a hitch‏!” ‎Shining Armor said.


“I believe we can do that,‏” ‎Celestia said.‭ “‬Twilight,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬Luna...let’s go reassure the public.‭”

Thus,‭ ‬Celestia,‭ ‬Twilight,‭ ‬Spike,‭ ‬Rarity,‭ ‬Pinkie Pie,‭ ‬Shining Armor,‭ ‬Cadence,‭ ‬and their Royal Guards began their show of confidence.‭ ‬In full view of the public,‭ ‬they went to the local shops and enjoyed a sampling of crystal berries,‭ ‬crystal vegetables,‭ ‬and massive scoops of banana and strawberry flavored crystal ice cream with crystal soda.‭ ‬They also visited the local hat store to pick up some crystal hats as souvenirs,‭ ‬along with some crystal T-shirts‭ (‬embroidered them with the words,‭ “‬I survived a sharknado,‭ ‬and all I got was this disappointing T-shirt‭”)‬.‭ ‬Then they went to one of the crystal parks and fed crystal seeds to the crystal birds while eating some crystal hot dogs on crystal buns with crystal ketchup and crystal mustard.

When half an hour had passed,‭ ‬and the group had gone through the city,‭ ‬Twilight looked towards the airport.‭ “‬Well,‭ ‬I think things are going well.‭ ‬Maybe a little...too well.‭"

Spike gulped.‭ “‬What do you mean‭?”

“I mean...I thought the sharknado would have been here by now.‏ ‎It seems to show up whenever we least except it,‭ ‬or want it.‭ ‬Like...‭” ‬Twilight trembled,‭ ‬a bead of sweat coming down her cheek.‭ “‬Like it’s...waiting for the right moment to emerge.‭”

The group went tense,‭ ‬all eyes looking to the Crystal Mountains.

Nothing happened.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬a moment later...nothing else happened.

‏“Eh, it’s probably just my mind playing tricks on me,” Twilight said.

At that moment,‭ ‬an enormous black cloud burst over the mountains and headed towards the border of the Empire.‭ ‬A terrible laugh of pure evil drifted through the air,‭ ‬and within the black mass,‭ ‬two eyes glowed the color of radioactive waste.

‏“My Crystal slaves...”

“No,‏” ‎Twilight gasped.‭ “‬No,‭ ‬it can't be‭!”

But it was.‭ ‬Around her,‭ ‬the remaining ponies of the Crystal Empire froze,‭ ‬many breaking into terrified screams.‭ ‬They knew that voice all too well,‭ ‬for it belonged to their former master.

‏“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted through the walkie. “That new signal! It just jumped out of the storm!

Nobody bothered to answer.‭ ‬They were too busy watching as King Sombra emerged from the smoke,‭ ‬his terrible visage eying the kingdom,‭ ‬and the numerous crystal gardens that jutted up throughout the countryside.


“But how‏?!” ‎Spike yelled.‭ “‬We defeated him‭! ‬He exploded,‭ ‬for crying out loud‭!”

Sombra shot towards the Empire,‭ ‬laughing all the while...only to come to a stop.‭ ‬From within the storm,‭ ‬a new shape emerged and shot towards the tyrant faster than he could follow.‭


The sharknado roared as it swept into Sombra's black cloud,‭ ‬the sharks chomping away.‭ ‬Sombra,‭ ‬not one to take killer sharks lightly,‭ ‬roared as he tried to summon his most deadly magic,‭ ‬hoping to force the sharks into facing their worst fears.‭ ‬But the act of taking physical form once again had cost him all of his strength‭; ‬he had nothing to bring against the sharknado.‭ ‬Terror gripped his black heart‭; ‬where he had once forced his slaves to constantly face their own worst fears,‭ ‬now he was facing his own...killer sharks.

‏“No....no!” he screamed. “Stop!”

The sharknado ignored him,‭ ‬and King Sombra,‭ ‬who had been terrified of sharks since childhood,‭ ‬couldn't stop screaming as the sharknado ate him.‭ ‬Thus,‭ ‬King Sombra,‭ ‬the most terrible tyrant Equestria had ever known,‭ ‬was defeated for all time not by ponies and the power of love,‭ ‬but by sharks.

Twilight couldn't believe it.‭ ‬In less than a few minutes,‭ ‬Sombra had returned,‭ ‬only to be defeated equally as quickly.‭ ‬And not only that,‭ ‬but the sharknado...it had saved them.‭ ‬But it had not been out of the usual generosity and selflessness that characterized Equestria's sharks.‭ ‬The sharknado had only eaten Sombra because it was hungry.‭ ‬That hunger,‭ ‬unsatisfied,‭ ‬caused the sharknado to shoot towards the Crystal Palace.

‏“Everyone, run!” Celestia shouted. But her warning was unnecessary, for the crystal ponies, being the biggest wimps in all of Equestria, were already fleeing in all directions, panic gripping their hearts.

But not everyone fled.‭ ‬At the base of the palace,‭ ‬Princess Cadence ran to the Crystal Heart and spread her wings wide,‭ ‬projecting her voice to all corners of the Empire.‭ “‬The sharknado is here to destroy us all‭!” ‬she shouted.‭ “‬Use the light and love within you to ensure that it doesn't‭!”

The fleeing ponies realized that,‭ ‬with their love and light combined,‭ ‬they could defeat the sharknado once and for all.‭ ‬With hope rising through them,‭ ‬they knelt,‭ ‬offering that hope to the Crystal Heart.‭ ‬The streets beneath their hooves glowed,‭ ‬and a magical energy shot into the Heart,‭ ‬causing it to spin like a jet engine about to explode.‭ ‬It lit up like a thousand suns,‭ ‬and shot a wave of magical energy that radiated through the air,‭ ‬turning everyone and everything it touched into crystal ponies,‭ ‬before reaching the border and hitting the sharknado.

For a moment,‭ ‬the resulting light made it impossible to see.‭ ‬But eventually it faded,‭ ‬and revealed that instead of destroying the sharknado,‭ ‬as everyone had hoped,‭ ‬the magical wave had instead turned it into a crystal sharknado,‭ ‬the sharks glistening and sparkling like flawless diamonds as they swept into the Empire to eat everyone.

‏“Well, buck.” Cadence said.

‏“Cadence!” Princess Celestia ran past. “The Heart! Take the Heart!”

Knowing that her empire was lost,‭ ‬Cadence magically grabbed the Crystal Heart and ran after Celestia as the group ran for the airport.‭ ‬Behind them,‭ ‬the crystal sharknado continued towards the Empire.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬to everyone's surprise...it stopped.‭ ‬And not only that,‭ ‬but after a moment,‭ ‬it retreated back towards the Crystal Mountains.

‏“What's it doing?!” Spike cried out.

Nobody had an answer for him as the crystal sharknado reached the mountains,‭ ‬then disappeared into the swirling storm that was ever-so slowly creeping its way over the peaks.

Everyone within the Empire stopped,‭ ‬watching,‭ ‬wondering,‭ ‬hoping that they had somehow escaped certain death.‭ ‬Inside Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬Rainbow Dash had been wondering the same thing.‭ ‬The signature of the sharknado had vanished,‭ ‬as if it had simply dissipated.‭ ‬But she feared that their problems weren't going to be solved that easily.

She was right.

A new beep appeared on the radar,‭ ‬but far different than what she had seen before.‭ ‬Rainbow Dash tapped the screen,‭ ‬trying to clear it,‭ ‬but the image remained steady,‭ ‬and growing by the second.

The upper half of the screen showed a massive wall advancing towards them.

‏“What the hay?”


From within the storm,‭ ‬a new sound emerged,‭ ‬unlike anything that had come before it.‭ ‬It was louder and more terrible than King Sombra,‭ ‬and sounded nothing like the sharknado,‭ ‬giving the impression of a volcano,‭ ‬if a volcano had mated with a hurricane and had babies that were volcanoes as loud as hurricanes.

At the edge of the airport,‭ ‬the thousands of crystal ponies who had stopped to watch the retreating sharknado fidgeted,‭ ‬unsure of what to do.

‏“Princess,” Shining Armor asked Celestia. “What is that?”

Princess Celestia didn't answer.‭ ‬She had faced many threats during her tenure as princess,‭ ‬and heard many awful things,‭ ‬ranging from undead monsters to Blueblood's singing,‭ ‬but this was entirely new to her.

‏“Look!” Rarity cried, pointing towards the storm.

All eyes peered into the clouds.‭ ‬Lighting was flashing,‭ ‬briefly illuminating sharks inside the chaos.‭ ‬But unlike the sharknado,‭ ‬these beasts were spread throughout the storm,‭ ‬which was now growing as it advanced over the mountains,‭ ‬seemingly swallowing them as it went,‭ ‬growing larger by the second.

It was at that moment that Princess Celestia realized what was happening.‭ ‬And as she did,‭ ‬all color left her face.‭ ‬She took a step backwards,‭ ‬and then another.‭

“Princess‏?” ‎Twilight asked.

Princess Celestia was unaware of anyone or anything around her, for her world was now focused completely on the storm.

Desperate,‭ ‬Twilight grabbed Celestia's collar and shook her.‭ “‬Princess‭! ‬What's wrong‭?!”

Celestia shook.‭ “‬That is no sharknado.‭”


Sweat poured down Celestia's face.‭ “‬Its grown‭! ‬It's...it's...‭”

“What‏?!” ‎Twilight screamed.‭ “‬What is it‭?!”

The wind howled,‭ ‬picking up speed,‭ ‬almost drowning out Celestia's terrified scream.

A sharkicane!

The sharknado was no more.‭ ‬Fueled by the storm surge that had submerged most of Equestria,‭ ‬and fueled by all the ponies it had inhaled,‭ ‬the sharknado had,‭ ‬by complete chance,‭ ‬hit the perfect conditions for it to grow and expand,‭ ‬absorbing itself into the largest of the three storm-fronts battering Equestria,‭ ‬combining to create the single most destructive force the land had ever seen.

Pinkie Pie looked up from her party book.‭ “‬Sorry,‭ ‬what'd I miss‭?”

With a tremendous burst of speed,‭ ‬the sharkicane shot into the Crystal Empire.‭ ‬Nothing could stand before it,‭ ‬and countless buildings were shredded into vapor by the uncountable thousands of shark teeth that performed their deadly work.‭ ‬What few ponies were left promptly vanished as they were sucked in,‭ ‬gone as if they had simply ceased to be.‭ ‬The Royal Palace,‭ ‬which had stood for thousands of years,‭ ‬was destroyed in mere seconds,‭ ‬collapsing as its base was annihilated,‭ ‬the tower and upper spires chewed into dust before it could even hit the ground.

The Empire's airport was instantly full of panicking ponies who struggled to flee from the storm now shooting towards them.‭ ‬Pilots took one look at the sharkicane and took off,‭ ‬not bothering to wait for survivors.‭ ‬Only one craft,‭ ‬Canterlot Force One,‭ ‬remained.‭ ‬Despite their fear,‭ ‬everyone on the plane,‭ ‬from the pilot and co-pilot,‭ ‬to the stewardess,‭ ‬and the pony who had to unclog the toilets and polish doorknobs,‭ ‬knew that they couldn't leave without the princesses.

Celestia,‭ ‬Luna,‭ ‬Twilight,‭ ‬Cadence,‭ ‬and everyone in their group were already running towards the jet as fast as they could go,‭ ‬magically grabbing ever pony in range and hurling them into the jet.‭ ‬They couldn't get everyone,‭ ‬but they saved as many as they could.‭ ‬And when they reached the jet and ran inside,‭ ‬Celestia was the final one to get onboard.

‏“Pilot!” she yelled as the door was slammed shut behind her. “Take off! NOW!”

With the engines roaring,‭ ‬Canterlot Force One shot onto the runway,‭ ‬gaining speed as the sharkicane gave chase.‭ ‬The pilots grabbed the accelerator handles and threw them as far forward as possible,‭ ‬trying to build up enough speed to take off as they reached a hundred miles an hour,‭ ‬then a hundred fifty.‭ ‬And still the sharkicane closed in,‭ ‬shredding the runway to pieces.

‏“NOW!” Celestia screamed. “TAKE OFF!”

Eager to comply,‭ ‬the pilots yanked back on the control sticks,‭ sending ‬Canterlot Force One into the sky,‭ ‬the engines howling as they were pushed to the breaking point and beyond.‭ ‬The interior was chaotic as every pony not strapped in was thrown towards the back of the plane.‭ ‬In the communications room,‭ ‬Rainbow Dash slammed into several display consoles,‭ ‬causing them to explode in a shower of sparks.‭ ‬In the upper passenger compartment,‭ ‬Vinyl Scratch,‭ ‬Octavia,‭ ‬and Derpy Hooves had to grab onto seats to keep from being hurled down the stairs to the lower levels.‭ ‬And in the salon,‭ ‬Prince Blueblood was thrown from the makeup chair as he tried to apply conditioner to his hair.

The sharkicane bore down on the jet,‭ ‬now pitifully tiny before the enormous wall of sharks behind it,‭ ‬the engines struggling to gain height and speed,‭ ‬even as the sharks got so close that the tail's paint was scraped off.

Celestia's screams,‭ ‬Luna's screams,‭ ‬and everyone else's screams of fear and terror matched the engines and the roar of the sharks...

...and with a final burst of emergency power,‏ ‎Canterlot Force One shot forward and pulled away from the sharkicane,‭ ‬rapidly shooting into the sky.‭ ‬It didn't stop until it finally cleared the clouds above,‭ ‬and the remains of the Crystal Empire vanished below.‭ ‬Only then did the plane finally slow down,‭ ‬black smoke belching from the overworked engines.

Inside,‭ ‬ponies collapsed to the floor,‭ ‬too exhausted to move,‭ ‬too worn out to talk,‭ ‬and too shocked to realize how close to they had come to being shark chow.