• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 4,521 Views, 222 Comments

My Little Sharknado - Greenback

Twilight Sparkle and her friends must save Equestria from a deadly tornado filled with killer sharks

  • ...

Ponies in Space

Captain's Log, Stardate 56722.8. The Enterprise is currently en-route to the Ketaran system to investigate a recent burst of unexplained gamma waves, which suggests some unknown cosmic properties in this region. With the recent events in the Briar Patch system, and the end of the Dominion War, I'm looking forward to a calm, relaxing assignment.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard grinned as he adjusted his chair on the bridge of the USS Enterprise. Only a short time remained until the ship dropped straight into an entirely new system never before seen by the eyes of humanity. While there would probably be nothing out of the ordinary, the honor of investigating these new worlds, and possibly discovering new life, fell upon him and all those onboard the Enterprise.

He couldn't wait to get started.

“Data, report.”

Data studied readouts at his console. “We will be dropping out of warp in approximately thirty seconds, sir.”

“Excellent. Mr. Worf, have we received any new reports from Starfleet?”

Worf checked his console. “No, sir.”


“A nice, quiet day among the stars,” Riker said.

Picard chuckled. “With no interruptions, crises, or anything else that could possibly go wrong.”

Data tapped several buttons. “We are coming out of warp.” Before him, the streaks of stars upon the viewscreen came to a stop and were replaced by the image of a new galaxy. Unlike so many other galaxies the Enterprise had seen, however, the planets here were floating unusually close together, silhouetted among an enormous green cloud of interstellar dust.

Picard studied the image. “Fascinating...all these planets so close together, and yet the gravitational fields are weak enough that they haven't collided.” He grinned. “Mr. Worf, prepare several class two probes, one for each planet. Let's see if we can discover-”

The image of the planets vanished as streaks of light shot past the Enterprise once again.


As surprised as everyone else on the bridge, Data furiously tapped buttons on his console. “We have gone to warp speed, sir, but...wait...sir, we are going past warp speed ten.”


The room vibrated. Consoles sparked and sputtered.

“We are traveling faster than sensors can-”

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the shaking stopped. The streaks of passing stars faded, and the viewscreen once again showed the void of space, along with a system that Picard didn't recognize; the closest planet was completely covered in a violent storm, and there were no planets he knew of that had such weather.

“Data, report.”

“We appear to have been transported to an unknown destination, sir.”

“Find out where we are.” Picard tapped his combadge. “Geordi, what just happened?”

I don't know, Captain. Our engines suddenly went to maximum speed. We tried disabling them, but they shut off on their own.

“Very well. Keep me informed.” Picard looked to Worf, who was studying his console. “Worf?”

“No structural damage to the ship, sir. All systems are intact.”

Data's console beeped. “Sir, I have completed a scan of the area.”


Data hesitated. “None of the surrounding planets, systems, or stars match anything in our databases.”

Where a lesser captain would have gone bonkers at being lost in space, decades of training and experience allowed Picard to stay calm and focused. “Are you saying that we've traveled to a new system?”

“To be more precise, we've traveled to a new galaxy, Captain.”

Riker sighed. “So much for an uneventful day.”

Picard turned to Worf. “Mr. Worf, did anyone appear on the ship before the engines started?”

Worf checked. “Negative, Captain.”

“That rules out the Traveler,” Riker said.

Picard nodded. “Which leaves two possibilities: we were sucked into a subspace anomaly, or were transported here by something with intellect and power beyond what we can imagine, and for a purpose possibly beyond our comprehension.”

The bridge was filled with a flash of light, revealing an all-too familiar face at the turbolift door. “Exactly, Mon Capitaine!”

“Oh God-”

Q bounded onto the bridge. “Yes, it is I! Your most dear and trusted companion for your trips throughout the stars! Your guide to the galaxies! Your-”

Picard wasn't in the mood for jokes and riddles. “What is the meaning of this, Q?”

“Oh, you mean you don't like it when I send you to an unexplored part of the Universe?”

“I appreciate the opportunity to explore new systems, but I prefer to be notified in advance. Now, where are we?”

“Several hundred galaxies away from your own. But I'm afraid you won't be doing any exploring in these parts. You don't have the time. In fact, all of reality is running out of time.”

“What do you mean?”

Q strolled to the viewscreen, then walked through it so that he was on the Enterprise's hull. “I'm asking you to do a favor for me. Or, if you prefer, the chance to make good on an old debt.”

“I wasn't aware that we were in your debt.”

“You don't think I saved you from your first encounter with the Borg out of the goodness of my heart, did you?” Q pointed towards the storm-ravaged planet below them. “A couple of my friends down there are in trouble, and only your intellect and superior knowledge can save them.”

Picard eyed Q. “Surely it is not beyond the powers of someone like you to solve your own problems.”

Q strolled back through the viewscreen. “Perhaps...but what fun would there be in solving problems as soon as they pop up? Besides, you now have the opportunity to meet exciting new species!” He giggled. “And don't worry, there aren't any Borg here...just something far worse!” He glanced at Worf. “You might want to have your hailing frequencies open, Worf. Tootoloo!” And with another flash, Q was gone.

“As cryptic as ever,” Riker moaned.

Knowing that the first course of business was to collect as much information about their situation as possible, Picard went to work. “Data, launch a class three probe to the planet.” He then turned to Counselor Troi. “What did you sense? Is this another one of Q's games?”

“He was telling the truth, Captain.”

“About something more dangerous than the Borg?” Riker asked.

“Yes, but...there's something very wrong about this place.”

“Is it related to what he said about time running out for reality?”

Troi nodded, and her voice was very quiet. “Yes Captain. He was very serious.”

Worf's console beeped. “Captain, we are being hailed. It is an audio-only message. Very limited range.”

“Very well then, open a channel.”

Worf did so, and an elegant, regal voice came from the speakers. “This is Princess Celestia of Equestria, requesting immediate aid for a crisis that threatens our world. To whom am I speaking?

Impressed at Q's timing, Picard said, “This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. How may we be of assistance?”

Captain Picard, we have never met, but an acquaintance of mine has told me that you can help save us from disaster. If you can help us in any way, we would be very grateful.

“My ship has a conference room where we may discuss this matter further. Please send us your coordinates so we may beam you onboard.”

I'm sorry, beam?

Picard's heart sank. “One moment, please.” He motioned for Worf to mute the channel, which he did. “Data, the probe?”

Information scrolled across Data's console. “Early analysis suggests a class M planet with a pre-warp civilization. More specifically, it is pre-industrial. They likely have no comprehension of starships or technology on our level.”

Anger rose within Picard's heart. Q knew Federation protocols for first contact, and this violated several of them...but it was too late to back out now. All he could do now was try and minimize the shock of a new civilization learning that they were not the center of the universe.

“Your Highness, our vessel has...abilities that may seem strange or frightening to you. You might call them magical, but I assure you, they aren't.”

Magical? Captain, where is your ship?

Picard hesitated. How to explain a starship to a species that hadn't even entered their industrial era? “Your Highness, I am from a civilization that has very advanced technology. Because of that, we've been able to fly ships into space. We...are currently flying above your planet.”

Picard had expected a barrage of questions, or even stunned silence. The last thing he expected was for Princess Celestia to sound...intrigued.

Fascinating. How are we to get to your ship, Captain?

Wiping some sweat from his forehead, Picard gave a silent thanks to the universe. A least this species seemed open to new ideas and technologies. “We will be able to transport you here in an instant via one of our devices. If you are communicating by radio, please have your operator flash a signal on this channel. We will be able to lock onto your positions and bring you onboard.”

That won't be necessary, Captain. We shall transmit three signals. I trust your equipment will be able to distinguish them. Princess Celestia out.

The line went dead.

Picard thought for a moment. “Number One, Worf, Counselor, Data, you're with me. Let's go meet our guests.”

Worf tapped his badge. “Security teams to transporter room three. Low level security only.”

Picard made his way to the turbolift, holding back as the others entered, then going in after Troi. “Counselor,” Picard asked as the lift started down, “What can you tell me about this princess?”

Troi focused, trying to gather her thoughts. “She's not dangerous, if that's what you're wondering. But there's something about her I can't quite explain. She has a power almost as great as Q, but...”

“But what?” Riker asked.

“But there's something almost...magical about it.”

“Magical?” Picard said.

The lift came to a stop, and the group headed towards the transporter room.

“Yes, Captain. Magical. I know it's vague, but it's the best way I can describe it.”

Unsure what to make of that, Picard pushed the thought aside. He had to focus on the coming meeting with the Princess. If she was as powerful as Diana implied, then he had to tread cautiously; his dealings with powerful entities had taught Picard that it was always better to play it safe.

Reaching the transporter room, the group entered and found it manned with two technicians, both hard at work calibrating sensors and readouts. Four security officers lined the walls; Picard was glad to see that their phasers were holstered.

“I've got three signals, Captain,” the head technician said.

Straightening his uniform, Picard waited as the others had done the same. First contact with a new species was always a tense moment. First impressions could go terribly wrong just as easily as they could go right. But if he kept his calm and used the lessons learned from first contact with twenty six other species, he'd be fine.

“Very well. Energize.”

The consoles were activated, and the transporters hummed to life. The shimmering matter stream appeared, along with vague outlines of three lifeforms. Within seconds, the streams faded out, and the Princess and her entourage finally appeared.

Picard had seen all kinds of alien beings during his travels, but had learned that he could never give an accurate guess as to what they would look like. But none of the species he had ever encountered prepared him for the shock of seeing brightly colored ponies standing on the transporter bay. There were three of them, and while one was smaller, the other two were quite large and had shimmering manes that seemed almost ethereal.

For a moment, everyone inside transporter room one was silent, awestruck at seeing each other. Then at last, the white pony stepped off the pad. She looked at the humans before her, then headed to Picard and extended a hoof.

“I am Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

Picard took the hoof. “And I am Jean-Luc Picard of the United Federation of Planets. It is a pleasure to meet you, your Highness.”

Celestia smiled. “And it is a pleasure to meet you, Captain.”


Word spread fast throughout the Enterprise about the colored, talking ponies that had come aboard, and it wasn't long before the officers and crewmembers of the Enterprise were crowding the halls to catch a glimpse of their unexpected visitors. Picard led the group towards the observation lounge, and was much relieved to know that his guests were far more open-minded and excited than other royalty he had met before.

“What a fascinating vessel,” Celestia said, glancing at every panel and sneaking a glimpse at all the side passageways they passed. “Captain, when this crisis is over, would it be possible for us to tour your ship?”

“Oh yes, we'd be delighted,” Picard said.

The group passed a panel where several technicians were supposed to be repairing circuitry. Celestia watched as they glanced at her, then quickly went back to their duties in an attempt to appear busy. Having seen guests in her palace do the same as she passed, Celestia smiled.

“Captain, with your permission, I would also like to meet your crew...they seem very interested in us.”

She was perceptive, Picard realized. “Yes, they are. We've met many beings from many worlds, but none quite like you.”

“If we may ask,” Luna said. “Why are they so fascinated by our presence?”

“Because they find you irresistible,” Data explained. “Or rather, adorable.”

Twilight stopped. “Adorable?”

“Yes. Your physical dimensions, large eyes, and other features fits the human classification of what they deem cute, and-”


“Sorry sir. If you wish, your Highness-”

“Twilight. You can call me Twilight.”

“Very well, Twilight. If you wish, I can explain this to you later.” Data looked to Celestia and Luna. “I can also explain it to both of you, if you wish.”

The thought of being seen as adorable by the humanoids around them struck Celestia and Luna as most peculiar. Then again, these beings were an interesting species. If they all survived the sharkicane, perhaps both their kinds could learn much from each other about the magic of friendship.

Picard reached the Enterprise's observation lounge a few minutes later. It had been prepared for their arrival, and everyone quickly took their seats.

“Now, your Highness,” Picard said, “can you tell us exactly what is going on?”

Despite having only just met humanity, Celestia's gut told her that they'd find the idea of a sharknado to be preposterous. But with time running out, she couldn't beat about the bush.

“A few days ago, a magical being named Discord created what we call a sharknado...a magical tornado filled with sharks. It rampaged across our lands until it turned into a sharkicane, and now threatens to destroy our planet.”

The room was silent for a long moment.

“I'm sorry, but did I hear that right?” Riker asked. “A tornado filled with sharks?”


“Puzzling,” Data said. “Such a phenomenon does not exist in our databases.”

“Forgive me your Highness,” Picard said, “but we've never heard of such a thing happening before, and it's...” He struggled to keep a straight face. “I mean no disrespect, but by our standards such a thing is...quite amusing, almost like something out of one of our bad movies.”

There was a bright flash of light, momentarily blinding everyone in the lounge as Discord popped in. “Jean-Luc, are you implying that my artistic talent is equal to that of a grade-z filmmaker?” He sniffed. “Oh, you're breaking my heart!”

Picard knew the voice all-too well, but the figure at the end of the table wasn't Q...it was some sort of dragon, with disjointed horns, differently shaped limbs, and a sneer that was every bit as awful as Q's.

Instantly the room was filled with panic as the humans leapt back. Worf was fastest, grabbing his phaser while simultaneously hitting his combadge. “Security to the observation lounge!”

Discord sighed. “Oh Worf, you never fail to amuse me, pointing a gun at anything new. Tell me, how did you ever get through kindergarten? Or did you fire your little toy phaser every time a new mathematical concept was brought up?”

Picard stared at Discord. That voice... it couldn't be. “Q?”

A flash of light, and Discord vanished, with Q taking his place. “Well, I'm glad to see at least one of you thinks before you shoot.”

Now it was Celestia's turn to be shocked. “Discord?!”

“Oh, I'm sorry your Highness. You see, you know me as Discord, but my best friend here-” He teleported behind Picard, rubbing his shiny noggin, “-knows me as Q!”

Luna shook her head. “But...how is that possible?!”

“You really don't think I spend all my time in Equestria, do you? Immortality is great and all, but you'll be driven mad if you don't keep yourself occupied. So I spend my time hopping around the universe, taking many forms and many names, but always in the name of fun and mischief!”

“Why am I not surprised?” Picard muttered.

Q shifted back into his Discord form. “You shouldn't be, Jean-Luc. Now, I've grown quite fond of Equestria, and I'm not eager to see it destroyed, which, by my calculations...” He looked at a dinner plate-sized watch. “...will happen in less than five hours.”

“What?!” Twilight shouted.

“Which is all the more reason for all of you to team up, join forces, and save the known universe!”

“Don't be absurd,” Picard said. “How could a hurricane filled with sharks destroy all of reality itself?”

The wall display beeped. Data went over and opened it, reading the contents. “Sir, the probe has completed its scan of the planet below.” He rapidly scrolled through the data, performing complex equations. “Intriguing...as illogical as it sounds, it appears Q is correct.” Data tapped several buttons, and an image of Equestria appeared on the screen. “The Sharkicane is filled with a strange energy that our scanners cannot identify, but it appears to be expanding at an exponential rate. If the computer's calculations are correct, this energy will eventually explode in a violent fashion, propelling the storm into space.”

The image showed the storm lifting off the planet and spreading outwards, with millions of tiny sharks chomping away.

“Well, that makes things easy,” Riker said. “We evacuate the remaining citizens and wait for the storm to disperse.”

“I'm afraid it's not that simple, Commander. The storm's energy will continue outwards, spreading the storm to any planet it touches.” Another tap, and the screen showed a planet. A small portion of the storm hit it, and began to grow. “It is not unlike a virus: it will consume everything it touches, growing until it eventually consumes all organic matter. With no resources left, it will explode, beginning the process all over again.”

The screen showed the galaxy, and the storm spreading from one planet to another, until all were consumed. And then the sharkicane spread to another galaxy, and then another, and another.

“It may take several million years, or possibly even billions, but this sharkicane will inevitably consume all life in the universe.”

The room was silent for several moments.

“This has to be a joke,” Picard said.

“I assure you, Captain, this is very real,” Discord said. “And if the universe is destroyed, no one will be there to laugh at the punchline. Good luck!” He vanished, but no one was bothered by his sudden departure. They had more important things to deal with.

“Captain, we must act!” Worf said. “I recommend launching all our photon torpedoes into the storm to destroy it!”

“Nay!” Luna said, slamming a hoof onto the table. “You cannot!”

“But the storm will-”

“We cannot destroy it,” Celestia said. “Doing so would kill all the ponies and other species who have been consumed by it.”

“I'm afraid I don't understand,” Picard said.

“The ponies and lifeforms who are eaten by the sharks are magically turned into sharks themselves. If you were to kill them all, you'd be killing our families and friends.”

“They turn into...sharks?” Worf asked.

Discord quickly reappeared. “It could be worse! They could have turned into salamanders!” Then he was gone once more.

Celestia looked at a portable pad on the table, trying to understand how it worked. Sensing her confusion, Troi leaned over. “What are you looking for, your Highness?”

“Can you show the moon?”

Troi tapped the buttons and an image of Equestria's moon appeared on the viewscreen.

“Thank you. Now, my sister and I battled a sharknado long ago, and created a weapon that can undo the effects. It's located on an asteroid orbiting our moon, but the spells we need to use it are incomplete.” She looked at Picard. “We need your help to activate it.”

“We can certainly try, but this...'magic' you talk about...my kind have no experience with it.”

“We will help you; together, we should hopefully be able to substitute enough magic and energy to complete the spells. Once the Friendship Nuke is activated, we must shoot it into the center of the storm, where it will detonate and turn everyone back to normal.”

“Friendship Nuke?” Worf said. “What manner of weapon is that?”

“I will explain it later. Mr. Data, can you locate the storm's center?”

“Of course, your Highness.” Operating the console at breakneck speed, Data brought up an image of the storm, with a certain area highlighted in red.

“Good...wait. Zoom in, please.”

Data did so, and a new feature popped up on the screen. It was a small, black blip a good distance away from the red circle, but was closing the gap with rapid speed. Celestia watched the dot for a long moment, then studied her readout again.

“Captain, I need to communicate with those on my plane.”

Picard nodded, and Worf quickly entered a series of instructions into the console. A beep signaled that a channel was open. A voice came through.

Princess Celestia? Is that you?!

“Shining Armor, listen carefully. I need you and Cadence to direct the plane to Cloudsdale. Gather any remaining ponies and survivors, and have them all prepare for a final assault on the sharkicane. When I have concluded my business with Captain Picard, I will join you. Is that understood?”

Yes, your Highness.

“Excellent.” Celestia moved to terminate the call, but had second thoughts. “Captain Picard, I have seen how advanced your vessel is. I assume your medical facilities are equally as advanced?”


“With your permission, I would like to bring some of our wounded onboard for treatment.”

“Can't you treat them with your magic?” Troi asked.

“We can, but the art of magical healing is a very exact process, with disastrous results if it is not performed correctly. Your technology may be of more help.”

“Very well,” Picard said. “I'll tell Doctor Crusher to expect their arrival.”

“Excellent.” Standing, Celestia went to the windows and gazed out to the planet below. Once green and blue, a jewel nestled amongst the cold void of space, it was now gray and ashen. It reminded her of a graveyard...and that her planet - and the universe itself - would soon become one if their plan didn't work.

“Captain, I understand that Discord...or Q, as you know him...has essentially forced you into this. Our fight is not your own. If you do not wish to participate, I understand completely.”

Picard stood and joined her at the windows. “One of Starfleet's most time honored traditions is that when any sentient being calls for help, they will be answered. We will not abandon you, or your little ponies, in your hour of need.”

While the stress of stopping the sharkicane had only grown during the meeting, knowing that she wouldn't have to stop it by herself let Celestia relax ever so slightly.

No matter what happened, she, and all other Equestrians, would no longer be alone in this fight.


Captain's log, supplemental. Due to Q's interference, the Enterprise has become involved in a rescue operation for the world of Equestria, located in a distant galaxy far from our own. We are currently en-route to acquire a device that could be the key to saving the planet, and possibly the universe as well.

Beverly Crusher had treated many beings during her time in Starfleet, but she had never been in a medical bay filled with adorable little ponies, nor had she ever healed a blue Pegasus with rainbow-colored hair...especially one who wasn't cooperating.

“Hold still, Rainbow Dash. This won't take a moment.”

Still unnerved by the unfamiliar sights and sounds of a modern starship, Rainbow Dash was equally freaked out by all the unfamiliar devices the human was preparing next to her bed, especially the one she held now. “What is that?!”

“This is an osteogenic stimulator.”

“A what?!”

“It'll help heal your bones. Now hold still.”

“Is it going to hurt?”

“Only if you keep moving.”

Rainbow Dash instantly went still, and remained so as Beverly moved the device over bandaged wings and limbs. Beside her, Twilight watched the procedure, having been unable to resist the idea of watching the medical procedures of a species completely different from her own.

“Amazing!” Twilight said. “I can't even imagine the type of technology needed to do this.”

“Well, it didn't come easy,” Beverly said. “It took hundreds of years to evolve past needles and scalpels.” She passed it over Dash's leg. “There. All done.”

Hesitant, Dash cautiously stretched her limbs. Her fears faded away as she discovered that not only was the pain gone, but everything felt back to normal, as if her run-in with the sharks had never happened. She was cured!

“Wow! It actually worked! Thanks, Doc!”

“You're welcome, but we're not done yet.” Beverly picked up another handheld device.

“What's that do?”

“It's a dermal regenerator. It will remove scars and bruising from your skin.”

Twilight's temporary combadge beeped, and Picard's voice came through. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, please report to the bridge.

Giddy at working with such advanced technology, Twilight tapped the badge. “On my way, Captain. And please, call me Twilight.”

Very well. I've sent Mr. Worf to guide you. He should be there momentarily. Picard out.

The doors slid open as Worf walked inside. “Your Highness, I've been asked to-”

“Guide us. Thank you, Mr. Worf. Please, lead the way.”

Leaving the other injured ponies in the care of Crusher and her staff, Twilight and Spike (who had beamed up with the wounded) followed Worf out of sickbay and down the ship's corridors, eventually taking a turbolift to the upper levels. The ride was quiet; Spike spent most of it glancing at Worf, only to quickly look away when Worf matched his gaze.

“Is something wrong?” Worf asked at last.

“No, no,” Spike said. “It's just that...well, you're not like the others.”

“I am a Klingon, a warrior-race who serve with honor throughout our galaxy.”

Spike whistled. “Wow. Are there any other Klingons on board?”


“How about other species?”

“There are a few.”

An idea came to Spike, one that made him giddy. “Are there any dragons?”

“Dragons? Dragons are mythological creatures from Human and Klingon mythology.”

Spike chuckled. “Well, I'm walking proof that we aren't.”

“You are a... dragon?”

“Yep,” Twilight said. “Well... a baby dragon, but a dragon nonetheless.”

Worf studied Spike for a moment, impressed. “Fascinating... never did I dream that I would ever encounter a creature such as yourself.”

Spike was still beaming when the turbolift came to a stop. The doors slid open and Worf guided them onto the Enterprise's bridge, which was now bustling with activity as crewmembers manned various consoles and terminals.

Twilight made the face of a delighted duck, almost squeeing with delight. Had she the time, she would have loved to study them all to see how they worked, or with Picard's permission, begin to tap into the knowledge and libraries the Enterprise had onboard; who knew what vast arrays of knowledge and information they had stored within? But that would have to wait for another time, as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood near the captain's chair, keeping their gaze focused on the rapidly-approaching moon.

“The asteroid we seek is of medium size and looks like a crescent moon,” Luna told Picard.

“Data, scan the asteroids. Find one that matches that description.”

Data went to work on his console. “Scanning... I believe I've found it, sir.”

The viewscreen lit up with the outlines of several asteroids circling the moon. One in particular matched Luna's description. Getting close to the viewscreen, Luna studied the asteroid.

“Is that what we're looking for?” Riker asked.

Luna nodded.

Picard turned to Geordi. “Geordi, ready a tractor beam-”

“That won't be necessary, Captain.” Luna vanished in a flash of light only to reappear outside the Enterprise, where she flew towards the asteroid.

“What the devil-”

“It's a magic spell,” Twilight explained. “A powerful one that lets Luna ravel in space without a suit.”

Picard leaned forward, intrigued at the thought. “Fascinating...”

Reaching the asteroid, Luna ducked inside the smallest cave. For several moments she remained hidden from view; all eyes were drawn to the screen, waiting for her to reappear. Time was ticking down before the universe itself would be in mortal peril, and every moment counted.

Luna finally emerged from the cave and flew back towards the Enterprise with a large object trailing her. It was a rectangular, about the size of a closet, and constructed from pure silver with words of an unknown language inscribed in the surface.

“Is that-”

Celestia nodded. “The Friendship Nuke.”

Luna and the Nuke vanished in a flash of light and appeared on the bridge moments later. Picard eyed the Nuke; he relished the thought of examining such a strange object, but this wasn't the time nor the place. “Your Highnesses, there's a laboratory on deck twelve were it can be examined.”

“Very well. Please lead the way.”

“Data, go with them. Worf? Assign a security detail to guard the Nuke, priority one.”

Worf nodded and left the bridge; Celestia and Luna followed him with the Nuke in tow, and Twilight, Spike, and Data bringing up the rear. It was difficult squeezing the weapon into the turbolift, but they managed to bring it to the deck twelve laboratory and strap it to a table as numerous security officers stationed themselves inside.

“Twilight,” Celestia said. “The Heart.”

Reaching into her saddlebags, Twilight removed the Crystal Heart out, which simmered and shone beneath the light panels in the ceiling.

“It is very beautiful,” Data observed as the Heart was lowered into the Nuke, which rippled like water and then went solid as the Heart vanished.

“Excellent," Celestia said. "Now, the books.”

Twilight took out the two books recovered from the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Celestia took the latter and opened it to a page covered with intricate, flowing words.

“From the depths of time, praise the sun and the moon, come now to life now and avert our doom. Bring the light to shine upon the land, and to rock out like an awesome band.”

The letters upon the nuke glowed.

Luna took the second book. "As night falls and our doom appears, spread some love and bring us good cheer. For as the sun rises and night descends, come to our aid and help save our friends!”

The letters grew even brighter; Data held out his tricorder and studied the readouts. “Interesting... I am detecting an energy output that is substantially different from ones we have previous encountered.” He tapped his badge. “Geordi, this is Data.”

Go ahead, Data.

“I need your assistance in science lab twelve, priority one.”

On my way.” He walked inside a few minutes later. “What is it, Data?”

“The Friendship Nuke is giving off energy I am not familiar with. While I cannot recognize it, I suspect your implants may be able to detect it.”

“Good thinking. Let me see...” Focusing on the nuke, Geordi watched it for several seconds. “You're right, Data. This is giving off a lot of energy. I'm not sure what type, though... I'll have to run some analysis to see if we can figure something out.”

“Please do so, and with great haste,” Luna said. “We cannot wait any longer than absolutely necessary.”

“Don't worry, your Highness. We'll get it done.”

As Geordi and Data brought several instruments towards the Nuke, Celestia tapped her badge. “Princess Celestia to Captain Picard.”

This is Picard.

“Captain, Luna and Twilight's magic will be able to aid your crew in activating the Nuke. I wish to return to Equestria to coordinate our defenses on the surface.”

Very well. I'll have Mr. Worf guide you to transporter room three.

“Princess, must you go?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, Twilight. You and Luna are needed here. I must help rally those in Cloudsdale; all the survivors must unite and prepare for the battle to come.”

Twilight still didn't want Celestia to go, but knew that it was the logical thing to do. “Well... okay. But please, be careful.”

Celestia put a hoof underneath Twilight's chin. “I will be. For you.” She gave Twilight a brief nuzzle, then turned to Worf. “Mr. Worf, I'm ready”

“This way, your Highness.”

Light filled the room as Q leaned against the door. “Oh Celestia, leaving so soon?”

Celestia eyed Q. “Yes. To fix the mess you've created.”

If Q was offended, he didn't show it. “Actually, I came to give you a few weapons that might tip the battle in your favor.” He pulled out four tiny orbs and twirled them between his fingers. “I've used the last of my power to create four presents that might give you an edge when you need it.” He dropped them onto Celestia's hoof. “But be careful: Each orb can only be used once.”

“What are these presents?”

“It's a surprise! I wouldn't want to spoil things this early for you. You'll just have to guess. But don't worry, each of them is potent in their own way." Stepping back, he sighed. “Well, I need to go rest and recharge. Draining all my near-infinite power takes a lot out of me, you know. Good luck!”

Another flash, and he was gone, allowing an intrigued Celestia (and a very annoyed Worf) to depart, leaving Twilight and Luna behind to work on the Nuke... and to save life, the universe, and existance itself from the threat of cosmic sharks.

The clock was ticking.