• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,331 Views, 243 Comments

How We Met - Rated Ponystar

A story of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship from their first meeting to their end

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How We Planned

How We Met

By The Rated Ponystar

Chapter 11: How We Plan

Edited by: Fernin and Souldin

The chirping of robins awoke Fluttershy for another early morning. Yawning and smacking her lips, she opened her eyes but soon closed them again. The first rays of light from her window had nearly blinding her. Shifting to the other side of her bed, she reached out for another pillow. To her surprise, she felt something else—a warm, furry pelt. Somepony was in bed with her. Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw a familiar set of magenta pools staring back at her.

With a silent gasp, Fluttershy stood up. Rainbow Dash followed suit. The sunlight from the windows shimmered on Dash’s mane, lighting it up like the rainbow it resembled. A thousand questions went through Fluttershy’s head. Before she could ask any of them, Rainbow Dash slowly brushed away the strains of her pink mane covering Fluttershy’s face.

A gentle sigh escaped Fluttershy’s lips bringing a smirk to Dash’s muzzle. Fluttershy tried to duck underneath her covers, but they were torn off. She tried to run away, but found Dash’s hooves wrapped around her waist. The two of them stood still, Fluttershy trapped in Rainbow Dash’s embrace; she never felt so scared and yet so comfortable at the same time.
A hoof turned her cheek and made her face her captor. Their faces were so close Fluttershy could feel Dash’s hot breath. It smelled like the scent of summer combined with the smell of fresh flowers. It was so invigorating and overwhelming, Fluttershy ‘s wings started flapping.

Fluttershy shook her head and pushed Dash away. “W-why ar-re yo-you here?”

A moment of silence stood between them; not even the sound of the wind was heard. Fluttershy dared not move or even breathe. It was like facing a wild animal where the slightest of movement could cause a chain reaction.

Rainbow Dash took her left hoof and started to stroke Fluttershy’s side. Fluttershy tensed up, but soon relaxed. It was gentle, yet firm. Soft, but hard enough to ease the muscles. Dash’s other hoof soon joined in, rubbing Fluttershy’s other side. The two hooves slowly climbed her back towards the base of her wings: one of the most sensual spots for a pegasus.

A coo escaped Fluttershy’s lips as the hooves slowly rubbed in circles around her axillaries. The feeling made her body feel like putty. All thoughts of resistance faded. Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Dash’s waist and pressed her head against her warm muscled chest. If this was a dream, she didn’t want it to end. She wanted it to last forever.

To Fluttershy’s disappointment, the massage ended. She looked up and saw the prettiest face in the world looking down upon her. Dash lowered her head and closed her eyes, pressing her lips to Fluttershy’s. Fireworks went off in Fluttershy’s head. The kiss was sweeter than milk and honey. They fell back onto the bed, Dash on top. They continued to kiss, to the point where their lungs begged for oxygen. They separated, a line of saliva still connected to both their mouths.

“Rainbow Dash… I love you…” whispered Fluttershy. For a brief moment, Dash’s face showed no emotion and Fluttershy feared that she had ruined the moment. But it faded when Dash snuggled closer and kissed her again.

As Fluttershy continued to occupy Rainbow with her lips, she turned her eye towards her lover’s colorful mane. Fluttershy had adored it since she was a filly and longed to feel it wrapped around her hoof. Slowly, she raised her hoof and stroked the mane. It was as smooth as silk and warm as new spring grass. I must be dead. Only heaven can feel this good.

A slap against her flank made Fluttershy’s squeak. The split second her mouth was open, Rainbow’s tongue dived in. Helpless against Dash’s assault upon her, Fluttershy moaned and dug her hooves into the sheets of her bed. Every nook and cranny of her mouth was touched by the slick, muscular tongue. It made her feel dirty. It made her feel loved. It made her feel like a mare. The further Dash dived with her tongue, the more Fluttershy wanted. It rubbed against her own tongue and even her teeth, making her giggle at the ticklish flicks.

The pleasure lasted only for a few minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. Fluttershy whimpered as Dash’s tongue retreated. She bit the bottom of her lip, begging more from the mare of her dreams. Rainbow Dash smiled and raised her hoof, only to slap Fluttershy hard against the cheek.

Fluttershy woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw her lips pressed to Angel’s muzzle. The offended rabbit was slapping at her, desperately trying to get free from the unexpectedly amorous mare’s grasp. Finally freeing himself, Angel wiped his lips and gagged, hurrying to the wastebasket to make retching sounds.

Fluttershy rubbed the back of her head, content to stay in bed until her gaze turned to her alarm clock. Rushing out of bed, she made her way towards her calendar and found today’s date circled in red with the words ‘Dash’s first play date’ and ‘confession’ written underneath. Fluttershy’s heart leaped for joy. She went to her desk and pulled out a pink notebook along with a quill and ink. Dipping the quill in the bottle, she opened her journal and began to write:

Dear Diary,

I dreamed of Rainbow Dash again. I found her in my bed. She leaned forward to kiss me and it felt like it always did. Perfect. Although, I suspect I was accidentally kissing someone else in reality…

She winced at the sound of Angel barfing into her wastebasket before continuing.

Today is Dash’s first pet play date with the rest of the girls and me. I can’t wait. I’m so excited I feel like I could do my own Sonic Rainboom! This is going to be the day. I’ve been practicing for weeks and I think this is the best time to tell Rainbow Dash how I feel about her.

I’m so scared, my tail is twitching and my back right hoof keeps thumping up and down. What if she doesn’t like me that way? What if she hates me? What if I mess up and say the wrong thing? Or what if Discord comes back and teams up with Nightmare Moon to create an army of evil to cover the land in darkness?!

Okay, chances are THAT won’t happen, but I'm so nervous. I’ve felt this way for her ever since the Gala and I’ve delayed for too long. I came really close last week when I helped Rainbow Dash find her pet, but Tank deserved her attention that day, not me.

I can’t wait any longer. I have to do this. I have my speech memorized and I just have to be brave. Only hope I can get Dash and I to be alone when I do this.

Wish me luck! Fluttershy.

Fluttershy put the diary away and turned toward a photo of Rainbow Dash smiling in the clouds. Taking it into her hooves, Fluttershy kissed it a few times before giving it a hug. Walking over to Angel, she petted his head. “You ready for our play date, Angel?”

Looking slightly less green than before, Angel shrugged and hopped towards the stairs. Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Okay! Let’s do this!”


Fluttershy kept her positive attitude throughout the entire play date. So far things had been going pretty well. Tank had been welcomed as a member of the gang by all the other pets, except for Opal who really didn’t get along with anyone. Rainbow Dash had quickly gotten into the spirit of the play date and seemed to be happy. Even Angel seemed over the whole morning kiss incident. All of them were having fun now that they had everypony involved, but now it was time for Fluttershy’s plan to go into action.

It was activity time and Fluttershy saw this as an opportunity to finally talk to Rainbow Dash alone, but there some problems. Specifically, Pinkie Pie problems.

“I’m telling you, Fluttershy. Gummy here just won’t learn how to bark, no matter how much I bribe him with sugar coated frosted brownies,” said Pinkie Pie, paying no attention to the pet biting her mane.

“Pinkie, alligators don’t know how to bark. They’re not dogs.” Fluttershy winced as Gummy proceeded chomped on Pinkie’s flank. Pinkie shook her rear and flung Gummy off.

“Well, duh he’s not a dog, silly willy. If Gummy was a dog, I would know,” said Pinkie. She gasped. “Unless he’s some super-secret changing animal that only looks like an alligator at times, but can then change his form to battle evil pet forces who want to enslave ponykind and rule the world!”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie, how much sugar did you eat before coming here?”

“My usual breakfast. A dozen cupcakes, three boxes of cookies, a case of sugar balls, seven pixie sticks, and a piece of cake,” replied Pinkie, jumping up and down with a bit of an extra spring in her leaps. “Now about teaching Gummy how to bark…”

As Pinkie babbled away, Fluttershy looked from the corner of her eye for the others. Rarity was playing a game of chess against Owloysius with Twilight, Opal, and Angel watching. From the look of disbelief on Rarity’s face and Twilight’s proud smile, the game seemed to be going in the owl’s favor. As for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the two were competing to see whose pet could perform the better trick. As Fluttershy continued to nod to Pinkie. She felt a little guilty for being rude, but kept her ears focused on the two competitors.

“Okay, Winona! Fetch it!” Applejack leaned back and threw a stick high into the air. Winona barked and jumped, catching the sick with a small flip for show. She rushed back to Applejack and wagged her tail as her mistress petted her affectionately. “Good girl.”

Applejack took the stick and tossed it over to Rainbow Dash. “So, ya think Tank can fetch just as good as Winona here?”

“Pffht, please. Tank can do better,” said Rainbow Dash. She turned to her flying tortoise and winked. When the stick was thrown into the air, higher than Applejack’s throw, Tank was after it in a flash. He caught it in record time and flew back down to a cheering duo.

“Shoowe! That there helicopter Twilight gave ya sure is handy,” praised Applejack.

“Thanks, but it’s really thanks to learning from the best!” said Rainbow Dash, giving Tank a hug.

A smile stretched across Fluttershy’s muzzle. It had only been a few days, but she could tell Tank and Rainbow Dash were going to have a great relationship. The former had finally found an owner after years of loneliness and the latter now had a pet she could love and be best friends with. And Fluttershy herself helped make that happen. Flutttershy’s daydreaming was interrupted by a few knocks on the head from Pinkie Pie. “Yooho! Anypony home?!”

Rubbing her head, Fluttershy spotted the picnic baskets they all brought and got an idea. “Say Pinkie, how about we have lunch?”

“Now? Seems a bit early, but okay!”

Pinkie hopped around shouting for lunchtime as everypony gathered around. Food was passed for both pets and pet owners while they engaged in small talk. Rarity glanced at Owloysius and shook her head. “I still don’t know how you managed to teach that bird how to play chess so well, Twilight.”

“What can I say? He’s a fast learner,” said Twilight, taking a bite out of her sandwich. She passed a piece to Owloysius, smiling at the owls hooted thanks

As Fluttershy passed Angel his carrots, she snuck a glance at Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Both were eating rutabaga and mushroom salads while laughing at Applejack’s tales of Winona and her puppy days. “No way, she actually used to pee on Big Macintosh’s bed?!”

Applejack slapped her knee and chuckled. “Yeah, use to drive mah big brother insane. Course he didn’t take kindly to it and used to smack her upside the head. Not harmfully mind ya, but enough for a scoldin’. Eventually, we managed to get her to start usin’ the grass like any normal dog. But Ah ain’t gonna forget those days.”

Although a part of her wanted to join in on the conversation, Fluttershy knew this was her best chance to confess. Okay, let’s go. Fluttershy put her vegetable soup down and made her way towards the pair. “Um, hey girls.”

“Sup, Fluttershy? Want a taste?” asked Rainbow Dash, handing out her salad.

“No thanks. Mushrooms and I don’t really work well together.” Fluttershy could feel her stomach getting queasy just thinking about it. “Dash, can I talk to you, in private?”


Fluttershy lead them towards some trees that were far enough for nopony to hear them. Sweat began to drip from her brow. Her heart was pounding so loud Fluttershy was surprised Dash wasn’t able to hear it herself. When they were far enough, they stopped. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, glanced left and right, and took a deep breath. After months of practicing and waiting, this was it.

“What’s up? Why are we here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Here goes… Fluttershy gulped. “I … I have something I need to tell you. It’s something I’ve wanted to ask for the longest of time and…”

“Hold that thought,” said Rainbow, holding up a hoof. “Mind if I go find a bathroom first? Talking about Winona and her bathroom training days with Applejack has kind of brought the urge to heed the call of nature.”

“Oh, sure. Um… go ahead. I’ll just… wait here,” said Fluttershy, pawing the ground.

Dash flew off, leaving Fluttershy to bite her hooves nervously. She paced around a bit before stopping in front of a tree. Fluttershy took another deep breath and closed her eyes; imagining the tree trunk was Rainbow Dash. “I have something to tell you. It’s something I’ve wanted to ask for the longest of time and I’ve wanted to say this to you and you alone. Ever since I met you, I’ve always felt the two of us were closer than most. You’ve done so much for me and I’ve done so much for you, that I can’t think of another pony on this planet that I would want to ask this too. Please believe me that this comes from my heart.” Opening her eyes, Fluttershy smiled and said, “Will you go out on a date with me?”

“Sure! What are we doing?!” shouted Pinkie Pie from behind. Fluttershy gasped and turned around, face completely red. Pinkie Pie, eyes beaming, walked over and wrapped her arm around Flutttershy. “Why, Fluttershy. I didn’t know you were into me in such a way. Here I was going to tell you Angel and Opal were fighting and what do I come to find? You, confessing your deepest feelings for me! Awww.”

Pinkie Pie inched closer for a smooch on the cheek, but Fluttershy held her back. “Wait! Pinkie! I was trying to—Pinkie stop!”

While Fluttershy tried to hold back her misguided friend, she heard another set of hoofs galloping towards them. Rarity, scratched up and with a frazzled mane, emerged from the bushes. Angel and Opal were levitating behind her, trying to swipe at one another. “Pinkie, did you find Fluttershaaaawaaa?!” The telekinesis spell turned off and allowed the two pets to charge at one another.

“Hey, Rarity! Guess what! Me and Fluttershy are an item now!” cried out Pinkie, rubbing her cheek affectionately against Fluttershy’s.

Leaning back with her hoof pressed against her chest, Rarity gasped. “Wha-What?! When did this suddenly happen?”

“Only just ten seconds ago. I was just as surprised, but hey now I’ve got a special lovey dovey somepony!” shouted Pinkie.

With Pinkie’s attention occupied, Fluttershy managed to push out of her grasp. She stomped her hoof and shouted, “No! You got it all wrong! I was practicing for Rainbow Dash, not you.” Fluttershy panted as both her friends looked at her with wide eyes. It took her only a split second to realize what she said. She curled up and whimpered, wishing that she as someplace else other than here. Her eyes darted between her two emotionless friends, waiting for some sort of response.

“Ohhh, that makes a lot more sense,” said Pinkie,” I always figured you two had something going on.”

Rarity groaned, hooves pressed against her temples. “Now I’m confused. Who likes who now?”

Pinkie rubbed her chin. “Well I think Lyra likes Bon Bon. Ace is dating Colgate. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are obviously together. I think Cloud Chaser has the hots for Rain Drop. I’ve seen you, Rarity, staring at Big Macintosh when he’s not looking and-“

“I meant right this very second, Pinkie!” shouted Rarity, blushing. She raised her head with grace and huffed. “And I for one do not look at Macintosh’s backside when he’s not looking.”

“I never said it was his backside you were checking out,” said a grinning Pinkie.

Fluttershy felt a wave of relief overcome her. Her friends didn’t hate her nor did they seem disapproved of the idea. Then she remembered that Dash would be back soon. “Girls, please! I need to leave! Rainbow Dash—“

“What about me?”

Everypony looked up and saw Rainbow Dash hovering above them. “What’s going on? Why are Pinkie and Rarity here, I thought you wanted to talk to me alone?”

Rainbow’s suspicious glare made Fluttershy’s mind go into overdrive. She almost recited her speech right there on, but the mood was too much. An excuse. She needed an excuse. Stuttering and shifting her hooves back in forth, Fluttershy opened her mouth but no words came out. Rainbow Dash’s frown only grew as time went on. Fluttershy needed an idea that didn’t just involve her hiding her head in the dirt, and fast.

A hoof pressed against her shoulder, snapping her awake. Turning around, she saw Rarity give her a wink before stepping forward. “Sorry, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the spa with me and Pinkie tomorrow. After all, that pelt of yours could use a good grooming or two.”

“Hey, nopony touches the pelt of coolness, much less to fancy it up!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “I appreciate the offer, but no thanks. Now if you excuse me, I’ve got lunch to finish.”

Once Rainbow Dash was gone, Fluttershy fell to her haunches and sighed in relief. Her friends walked over and patted her on the back, but she shook them off. “I was so close …”

Rarity rubbed the back of her head. “Darling, we're sorry. We didn’t know you intended to… well… confess.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry too. I really didn’t mean it,” said Pinkie, lowering her head.

Fluttershy felt her anger wane and nodded. It really wasn’t their fault, just bad timing. She gave them a smile and opened her arms, allowing them to hug her. All three of them held on for a while ‘till Rarity said, “So, you and Rainbow Dash, huh?”

“How long have you been crushing on her?” asked Pinkie.

Fluttershy thought long and hard, back to their days as fillies. “I’ve always considered that there was something special between us. A bond that ran deeper than any other I’ve ever had before. But ever since the Gala, I’ve started to realize just how much she means to me. She makes me smile whenever I think of her. I know I can always count on her. And there is no other pony I trust more than her. Not that I don’t trust you guys.” Pinkie and Rarity nodded and urged her to continue. “But the one thing I want more than anything is to see her happy. Cheering for her, helping her find a pet, even just hanging out whenever she wants too. I would do anything to see her smile.”

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye. “Sounds more like love then a simple crush to me, Fluttershy. Which is why we’re going to help you.”

“Yeah! We’re going to make you and Rainbow Dash the best couple in all of Ponyville! Then we’ll have a huge party to celebrate. Then you girls can get married and have foals together!” shouted Pinkie, rubbing her tummy.

“Pinkie, two mares can’t make a foal,” pointed out Rarity.

“Basic biological technicalities aside, we’ll find a way around them when the time comes,” said Pinkie. Rarity slapped her hoof against her forehead, but Pinkie ignored this.

“I don’t know,” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Darling, trust me. I’ve played the role of matchmaker before. When it comes to romance, nopony knows more than moi.” Rarity turned her attention to her cat and Angel. A smile lit her face. “Idea! Fluttershy, first I need you to calm our pets.”

Fluttershy nodded and turned towards Angel and Opal, the latter of which was caught in a cross arm bar.“Um, guys. Please stop fighting?” Her pleas were ignored. She asked a few more times nicely, but still got no results. Finally, she stomped her hoof. “Pay attention to me!” Both pets stopped and looked up to see the one thing every animal that knew Fluttershy feared.

The Stare.

With eyes as piercing as daggers, Fluttershy held her head over the two. Her pose straight and demanding, her voice echoed with authority. Angel and Opal held each other in fright as they did their best to look away, but the hypnotic glare was too powerful. Fluttershy leaned down and stared at them eye to eye. “Now, you two are going to stop fighting and behave yourselves. I’m under a lot of stress and I don’t want any more trouble. From either of you! Got it!”

The two pets looked at each other and quickly hugged, flashing a smile for added effect. Fluttershy smiled and nodded in approval. Angel and Opal were about to follow her when Rarity grabbed Opal, who hissed at her owner. “Sorry, Opal. Mama’s gonna need you for her big special plan to get her two friends together. You understand right?” Opal raised her claws, ready to strike, but a disapproving glance from Fluttershy brought her up short.

“Anyway, you just leave this to Auntie Pinkie and Rarity. We’ll set up the moment and you won’t have to worry about a single thing, so just be ready!” said Pinkie. She bounced away in the opposite direction as Rarity followed her carrying a reluctant Opal.

With no other alternative, Fluttershy made her way back to the picnic with Angel hopping alongside. Although she trusted her friends, she felt almost sick to her stomach. This isn’t going to end well…